On April 02 2013 00:40 mr_tolkien wrote:Show nested quote +On April 01 2013 23:36 Numy wrote:On April 01 2013 20:36 mr_tolkien wrote:2 weeks ban on the 1st of April. But I think it's not a joke  You seem to have a new ban every month. Ever consider changing the way you behave ingame? Well now I have 2 smurfs. I behave exactly the same on every account, yet only one receives bans. The system is simply made so that once you get one ban on your account, it will get automatically banned every time it pops in the tribunal afterward. This is not directly tribunal-related, but more of a design choice from Riot.
I know this might sound like madness to you. Like some guy in NYC screaming about the end of the world and that sinners must repent, but....maybe you should just not behave that way? When you put your hand on a hot stove and get burned you don't go "hey maybe i should try my other hand, and my 2 feet, and ask my 2 friends to try too!"
Or you know, just do the same thing, get banned again, then go blame riot. That works too lolol.
On April 02 2013 00:53 Requizen wrote:My biggest issue with her is knowing when to use W in teamfights. I feel like either it gets broken or you go ham and run in to make it stick, and then you just die because you're made of paper. Best dueling skill though. Show nested quote +On April 02 2013 00:52 greggy wrote: i just feel that after all the nerfs grail got morello is much better. if you get blue reliably (or even not that reliably, you only have 3 spells anyway) I haven't found mana an issue Grail's big power on her is the ability to spam the shit out of Q and poke and deny any diver who has to walk to gap close (Udyr, Cho, Voli, Skarner). Q spam can and will win lane in my experience.
Yeah, I'm still iffy on when to use W too.
I been doing grail + cap and then figuring it out from there. I like 9/0/21 on her, like I do all utility mages. I've been running my Annie page (armor yellows) cuz with grail, Karma's mana issues aren't that bad.
A couple times I'll grab a DRing after I finish chalice just to get a little earlier boost I health/AP, but I'm still dicking around with builds.
On April 02 2013 00:59 BlackPaladin wrote:Show nested quote +On April 02 2013 00:40 mr_tolkien wrote:On April 01 2013 23:36 Numy wrote:On April 01 2013 20:36 mr_tolkien wrote:2 weeks ban on the 1st of April. But I think it's not a joke  You seem to have a new ban every month. Ever consider changing the way you behave ingame? Well now I have 2 smurfs. I behave exactly the same on every account, yet only one receives bans. The system is simply made so that once you get one ban on your account, it will get automatically banned every time it pops in the tribunal afterward. This is not directly tribunal-related, but more of a design choice from Riot. I know this might sound like madness to you. Like some guy in NYC screaming about the end of the world and that sinners must repent, but....maybe you should just not behave that way? When you put your hand on a hot stove and get burned you don't go "hey maybe i should try my other hand, and my 2 feet, and ask my 2 friends to try too!" Or you know, just do the same thing, get banned again, then go blame riot. That works too lolol. Well I did change and in my report I didn't flame neither troll a single game. I'm not a giant carebear, and I don't let myself insulted or bossed around, and that causes reports from said flamers and trolls. Which is to be expected in such a system.
I played more than 200 games on each other account I have, and didn't get a single warning on those, behaving exactly the same. Hell, I even have a ribbon on one of them.
I'm not whining at my ban. I just came to accept that this was how the system was designed and that at a given point in your LoL carrer you WILL get banned if you play around 10 games a day. This is just a variable you have to take into account, but I find it pretty stupid since the only effect it has on me is to never buy a skin ever again...
PS : I didn't want to start a tribunal talk and I'm sorry for that, I just wanted to point the irony that was being banned on April 1st !
its ok i got banned this time for aram, aram srs business you know
just gonna level my eu account and level a new na account, i tried pretty hard to not get banned this time but i cant help raging at trolls
On April 02 2013 00:34 obesechicken13 wrote:Show nested quote +On April 02 2013 00:00 cLutZ wrote:On April 01 2013 14:53 sob3k wrote:On April 01 2013 14:24 cLutZ wrote:On April 01 2013 13:45 sob3k wrote:On April 01 2013 13:36 Requizen wrote:On April 01 2013 13:33 sob3k wrote:On April 01 2013 13:15 Requizen wrote:On April 01 2013 13:09 Kupon3ss wrote:On April 01 2013 13:07 Requizen wrote: [quote] You don't see a difference between being annoying and, doing something against the rules, feeling assured in the fact that you'll not get banned because you're a "community figure"?
I can guarantee that if someone had a VoD of me playing with 4 other people and us queue bombing to win/leaving game to powerboost, I'd be banned so fast my game would just uninstall itself. But that's a standard that riot applies to almost all "important" figures. For example were the players with their accounts temp banned for selling leveling services barred from playing in LCS and do you have a similar grudge against everybody involved? Of course I do, it's dumb to have rules that you don't enforce. If you want that, you could just put a big disclaimer on the bottom of the ToS saying "unless you're a pro or have 10k+ subscribers on Youtube, in which case we'll ignore it/give you a slap on the wrist". The part that's really annoying me is that he's trying to hide behind the charity stuff like it nullifies breaking the rules. Next time I help an old lady across the street, I might as well just steal her purse, right? No, its majorly douchey and shouldn't be allowed, he is abusing the game because he is a popular figure. .........the idea is that he is doing that entire thing JUST to generate this kind of controversy and therefore fuel his charity effort. Thats the entire point. He turns toxic gossipy douchiness and commmunity pitchforking into charity money like a machine. I'm like 90% certain that he isn't cheating to gain more charity numbers, considering the amount of people that aren't going to donate just because of how he's acting. Maybe....maybe not Look at the guy, he has basically nothing that should make him famous, yet here he is...we all know him, and he's been around for a long time now, absolute ages with how fast the internet crushes up minor celebrity. He has to continuously work in order to maintain his level of exposure...it shouldn't even exist. In my view he is operating on basically the Hilton/Kardashian model of fame, except he seems to be using it mostly to generate charity money. If he doesn't do something really outstandingly cuntish every few months then we would forget about him in an instant. Do you even know who Jammno is? No I don't Jammno is the Diablo 2 Athene, before Athene, yet much more ridiculous than Athene. He has like a group of sycophant followers on the D2 Ladder forums and they had like an infinite number of CDkeys that they used to spam the forums (like completely flooded 6+ forums with spam) so much so that Blizzard had to change its forum codes. On April 01 2013 19:08 Zaphod Beeblebrox wrote:On April 01 2013 15:30 wei2coolman wrote: qtpie playing poppy. holy fuck i forgot that champion existed... man.. talk about a champ that needs a rework. What are you talking about? Poppy is crazy strong and well designed once you get past her problems in lane. Really all she needs is a way to sustain or waveclear and she will be one of the best champions in the game. Literally just place a heal/regen buff on W active and she will dominate most of the popular top laners, while still surviving against most others. Poppy just needs a mana cost update. Like Jayce is 240(40/lvl) and lvl 1 spells are 40/55/40 whereas Poppy is 185(30/lvl) and 55/70/60 mana at lvl 1. Well Jayce has 6 abilities that cost mana. It's not a fair comparison. He also needs all 6 to trade with.
Well then Darius is 200 (37) 40/30/45 so there is no favorable comparisons.
On April 02 2013 01:13 samthesaluki wrote: its ok i got banned this time for aram, aram srs business you know wat . ... . . wat
United States23745 Posts
lol Froggen didn't know Cass' E counts as AoE, dat pro player knowledge.
Granted it's not like Cass is played much, plus she doesn't have huge-ass range like TF/Lux/Anivia and doesn't OS the waves, so you wouldn't expect him to practice her. x)
Oh, and tribunal records are cleared if you don't end up into it again for long enough. Just stop using your main or behave better, and it'll go away.
On April 02 2013 01:43 onlywonderboy wrote: lol Froggen didn't know Cass' E counts as AoE, dat pro player knowledge.
the wiki says you get full vamp and only counts as AOE for slow....i've also heard this other places
United States23745 Posts
I think he was hoping to get the muramana proc, but it counts as AoE for that.
On April 02 2013 01:49 sob3k wrote:Show nested quote +On April 02 2013 01:43 onlywonderboy wrote: lol Froggen didn't know Cass' E counts as AoE, dat pro player knowledge. the wiki says you get full vamp and only counts as AOE for slow....i've also heard this other places Guinsoo said it was intentional. It counts as AOE for everything except Vamp.
On April 02 2013 01:47 Alaric wrote: Granted it's not like Cass is played much, plus she doesn't have huge-ass range like TF/Lux/Anivia and doesn't OS the waves, so you wouldn't expect him to practice her. x)
Oh, and tribunal records are cleared if you don't end up into it again for long enough. Just stop using your main or behave better, and it'll go away. I think you actually have to complete games to get tribunal decay, might be wrong on that though
I refreshed that page 3 times for the pictures T_T
They're speaking about enemy heroes. :o
On April 01 2013 23:22 Alaric wrote: Astro Teemo is... is... Wtf. @_@
Oh God. This is much more fun than it reasonably should.
ECA spam so good. I want to get the background music for that. Is it just someone already done on YT?
if any body wants the bunnies riven skin for cheap.. it's on sale now.... I hate riven so won't be buying it.. but lots of people like this
Has anyone gone on reddit yet? This year's april fools is crazy o.o
On April 02 2013 03:52 swim224 wrote: Has anyone gone on reddit yet? This year's april fools is crazy o.o The /r/pyonglegends theme is nice.
Reddit as a whole is breaking my mind. THE HATS.
Also team periwinkle.
On a more serious note: after trying and failing with Karma as a midlane, I tried her as a support.
Her harass is hilarious if you max Q. All the chunk. It's like playing pre-nerf Sona except with more safety.