On February 14 2013 16:55 krndandaman wrote: this is random and im a noob but could something like double jungle be a somewhat viable strat? solo adc mid, ap carry solo bot, solo top bruiser. the two junglers split sides (wraiths/wolves spawn fast anyways) and fill in for the solo lanes when they back to not waste gold/exp. go for double ganks or counterjungling together.
Yeah in <level 30 games, it works wonders
I've done it in plat with my friend in season 2, we won more than we lost. It's hard to say how good it would be against serious people, though.
On February 14 2013 16:55 krndandaman wrote: this is random and im a noob but could something like double jungle be a somewhat viable strat? solo adc mid, ap carry solo bot, solo top bruiser. the two junglers split sides (wraiths/wolves spawn fast anyways) and fill in for the solo lanes when they back to not waste gold/exp. go for double ganks or counterjungling together.
Yeah in <level 30 games, it works wonders
Eh. Usually the solo laners just feed vs. the duo lanes. Plus jungling without full runes sucks.
I know this is going to sound a bit silly, but what are you meant to do if the other team has a Poppy? She just made it impossible to keep our AD alive, and the rest of their team just peeled for theirs, so after being a bit ahead we couldn't win team fights...
On February 14 2013 17:08 Tal wrote: I know this is going to sound a bit silly, but what are you meant to do if the other team has a Poppy? She just made it impossible to keep our AD alive, and the rest of their team just peeled for theirs, so after being a bit ahead we couldn't win team fights...
QSS removes the damage debuff and dramatically reduces Poppy's damage via MR. Coupled with a big health item and/or Exhaust it makes Poppy's job a hell of a lot harder.
On February 14 2013 17:08 Tal wrote: I know this is going to sound a bit silly, but what are you meant to do if the other team has a Poppy? She just made it impossible to keep our AD alive, and the rest of their team just peeled for theirs, so after being a bit ahead we couldn't win team fights...
If Poppy is picked before your top laner, you can pick darius/olaf to try and shut her down in lane. Lane bullies with true damage (which cuts through her passive) crush her in lane because she is so weak early. QSS cleanses off her debuff and makes it harder for her to completely roflstomp your carry, but a smart poppy will play around it. Like the other guy said too, exhaust crushes her. Also Ignite is basically mandatory lategame when you get her on the ropes because its true damage.
That being said she is still invulnerable and will still completely fuck your day up if you give her the slightest chance to. Poppy is literally the scariest 6 item bruiser in the game (imo) because her ult has next to no counterplay and she has max damage. If she gets qss (or heaven help mercurial) she is going to ignore all the xhausts you drop on her.
Id say kite out her ulti if you can and respect her damage. If she is diving you dont need to dive them, just wait till her ult is down and focus her.
On February 14 2013 15:22 I_Love_Bacon wrote: Maybe it has been discussed, but my involvement in this subforum has been rather minimal the last few weeks.... Why the sudden increase in Lux play? I'm never really impressed by her, regardless of who is using it (pro or otherwise). I can see the long range and relatively short cd on ult be impactful if you can influence jungle/lanes with it, but it is fairly rare from what I've seen.
It was briefly mentioned in last GD, but her ability to pretty much shove a lane out at a completely safe distance, is really strong. At 40% cdr, her ult is at below 30 second cooldown, allowing her to have complete lane control CONSTANTLY, without risk. Also, considering her ult is at like a ridiculous cd, she pretty much can get 2-3 ults in one teamfight, which eventually making it one of the strongest AP ults in the game.
Also, she offers a lot of team fight control with giant aoe, decent shield, and double bind, very good in botched teamfights/peels, also very strong in kiting. Also towards early lategame, if you land her ulti on a squishy you can pretty much force teams off of towers, and you can do this like every 25 seconds. Also considering how hard it is to stack AP like you could in S2 (due to DC nerf), it's hard for high AP ratio (but medium base damage) to match lux's high base damage + lower ap ratio. Pretty much in s3, CD based/high base damage AP champs are king.
I dont completely understand the idea of her ult-shoving being critical. In the early game/roaming midgame, dont you need your ult to roam with? I mean I like playing her but maybe I'm missing something....
Thanks for the advice guys - I didn't know QSS effected her ult, does cleanse work too? True damage cutting through her passive is good to know too.
What was frustrating is she didn't do that well in lane, losing her tower and being behind in CS (though she did trade a couple of kills, so had gold). But in fights she just caused us to collapse. I think it would be easier to shut her down in an arranged team, but in solo queue she's a nightmare...I'm glad she isn't played more.
On February 14 2013 16:55 krndandaman wrote: this is random and im a noob but could something like double jungle be a somewhat viable strat? solo adc mid, ap carry solo bot, solo top bruiser. the two junglers split sides (wraiths/wolves spawn fast anyways) and fill in for the solo lanes when they back to not waste gold/exp. go for double ganks or counterjungling together.
Yeah in <level 30 games, it works wonders
I've done it in plat with my friend in season 2, we won more than we lost. It's hard to say how good it would be against serious people, though.
A four man-push strat with heimer is evidently viable in competitive play, so I'm sure there are circumstances where you can pull off a two man roaming/jungling strat. So what you probably want to look for are having three strong solo laners, that can 1v1. Junglers with a high gank potential, because you will need successful ganks not to fall behind and ideally an enemy jungler that is prone to counterjungling.
On February 14 2013 15:22 I_Love_Bacon wrote: Maybe it has been discussed, but my involvement in this subforum has been rather minimal the last few weeks.... Why the sudden increase in Lux play? I'm never really impressed by her, regardless of who is using it (pro or otherwise). I can see the long range and relatively short cd on ult be impactful if you can influence jungle/lanes with it, but it is fairly rare from what I've seen.
It was briefly mentioned in last GD, but her ability to pretty much shove a lane out at a completely safe distance, is really strong. At 40% cdr, her ult is at below 30 second cooldown, allowing her to have complete lane control CONSTANTLY, without risk. Also, considering her ult is at like a ridiculous cd, she pretty much can get 2-3 ults in one teamfight, which eventually making it one of the strongest AP ults in the game.
Also, she offers a lot of team fight control with giant aoe, decent shield, and double bind, very good in botched teamfights/peels, also very strong in kiting. Also towards early lategame, if you land her ulti on a squishy you can pretty much force teams off of towers, and you can do this like every 25 seconds. Also considering how hard it is to stack AP like you could in S2 (due to DC nerf), it's hard for high AP ratio (but medium base damage) to match lux's high base damage + lower ap ratio. Pretty much in s3, CD based/high base damage AP champs are king.
I dont completely understand the idea of her ult-shoving being critical. In the early game/roaming midgame, dont you need your ult to roam with? I mean I like playing her but maybe I'm missing something....
The point is that in mid/late game, her ult has such a short cd, that it is impossible to shove lanes. She can basically stand in base and shove out every single lane. It creates tremendous pressure on the team facing her, because they have to deal with the fact, that the lanes are permanently pushing against them, so they need to react which means splitting up in most cases. She is kind of a split pusher in late game, but she doesn't have to expose herself to do so. She just ults... Ez can do the same but to a much smaller degree because his ult isn't on such a ridiculous short cd.
Mostly because I started playing AP Kog but I think that the rylai's + liandry's interaction with the latest patch will push him back into competitive play. Since tear is more accessible now, the massive mana costs don't hurt quite as much (personal experience anyways). He's still weaker than most standard AP's in straight up fights but 5-7% health damage depending on MR (if you grab sorcs+liandry's+masteries+runes, you'll deal more than 5% damage to people up to ~150 MR) and the pretty hefty base damage means that if you get hit, it's going to hurt. You'll be able to chunk down both tanks and squishies pretty readily in an extended siege.
Since literally everyone in this topic who mentioned Liandry's seems to be reading it incorrectly, I feel I should explain the changes:
First, the base damage is up 1% per half second, lasting until 3 seconds after the last spell damage dealt. It used to be 0.83% per half second, and it would last until 3 seconds after the last spell damage for single hits or 1.5 seconds for AoEs and DoTs.
Second, you no longer get this passive effect halved in duration if your spell is AoE or a DoT.
Third--and this is the part everyone's missing--the damage per tick of the passive effect is no longer doubled if the target is slowed, snared, suppressed, taunted, feared or stunned. You used to do 1.66% per half second while any of those CC effects were on the target.
So overall Teemo shrooms do significantly less damage, because while they do apply the passive 3 more times now, the passive is now applied at the standard strength instead of the doubled one. Shrooms already applied the passive effect for the entire duration of the shroom plus 1.5 seconds after, which is way more than 3 ticks. Non-DoT single-target spells are unchanged (except for the base damage). Any spell that applied a CC effect was significantly nerfed. (Most notably Rumble's ult, Sejuani in general, and Teemo shrooms, which would get double damage Liandry's procs over and over as DoTs.) And the interaction between Rylai's and Liandry's is completely gone. (I'm surprised people are assuming it's there when Riot explicitly says that they made the change because Liandry's was forcing you to build a certain way.)
On February 14 2013 17:42 Tal wrote: Thanks for the advice guys - I didn't know QSS effected her ult, does cleanse work too? True damage cutting through her passive is good to know too.
What was frustrating is she didn't do that well in lane, losing her tower and being behind in CS (though she did trade a couple of kills, so had gold). But in fights she just caused us to collapse. I think it would be easier to shut her down in an arranged team, but in solo queue she's a nightmare...I'm glad she isn't played more.
Cleanse does not work because it only cleanses status effects (with the exception of suppression like malz and ww ult). QSS (and mercurial) removes all debuffs from your character, so anything that negatively affects you (trundle ult, etc). Poppy's ult is counted as a debuff and is removed. Yeah Like I said, a competent poppy is the scariest thing in this game. If she is ahead midgame you are hard pressed to stop her >.>
TBH thats why her early laning is so bad - because her lategame is so outrageously good (because her ult is ludicrous).
On February 14 2013 18:15 RoKetha wrote: Since literally everyone in this topic who mentioned Liandry's seems to be reading it incorrectly, I feel I should explain the changes:
First, the base damage is up 1% per half second, lasting until 3 seconds after the last spell damage dealt. It used to be 0.83% per half second, and it would last until 3 seconds after the last spell damage for single hits or 1.5 seconds for AoEs and DoTs.
Second, you no longer get this passive effect halved in duration if your spell is AoE or a DoT.
Third--and this is the part everyone's missing--the damage per tick of the passive effect is no longer doubled if the target is slowed, snared, suppressed, taunted, feared or stunned. You used to do 1.66% per half second while any of those CC effects were on the target.
So overall Teemo shrooms do significantly less damage, because while they do apply the passive 3 more times now, the passive is now applied at the standard strength instead of the doubled one. Shrooms already applied the passive effect for the entire duration of the shroom plus 1.5 seconds after, which is way more than 3 ticks. Non-DoT single-target spells are unchanged (except for the base damage). Any spell that applied a CC effect was significantly nerfed. (Most notably Rumble's ult and Teemo shrooms, which would get double damage Liandry's procs over and over as DoTs.) And the interaction between Rylai's and Liandry's is completely gone. (I'm surprised people are assuming it's there when Riot explicitly says that they made the change because Liandry's was forcing you to build a certain way.)
How does this change then interact with Malzahar? Ive been starting to look into him more recently (mainly because of his interaction with Liandries). Also, how sure are you with that 3rd change?
Also, just to make this clear, if this is the case, are these changes to it an increase to its damage in dot cases in general?
On February 14 2013 18:13 Lmui wrote: Mostly because I started playing AP Kog but I think that the rylai's + liandry's interaction with the latest patch will push him back into competitive play. Since tear is more accessible now, the massive mana costs don't hurt quite as much (personal experience anyways). He's still weaker than most standard AP's in straight up fights but 5-7% health damage depending on MR (if you grab sorcs+liandry's+masteries+runes, you'll deal more than 5% damage to people up to ~150 MR) and the pretty hefty base damage means that if you get hit, it's going to hurt. You'll be able to chunk down both tanks and squishies pretty readily in an extended siege.
I think the real question is if he is competition for AP Nidalee in a poke comp now - Nid forces people out of fights faster (but deals with gapclosing, high health bruisers worse). Itll be interesting to watch. But for sure AP Kog got a buff this patch. Id play him (because hes fucking fun) but he is next to impossible to play in solo Q and I dont have people to play with.