On December 29 2012 05:17 Slusher wrote: I'm actually shocked this is the best offer Link got, I mean if he's going to postpone school you'd think he'd hold out to be a starter for someone (and lets be honest this is a "quarterback controversy" waiting to happen the first game jiji plays badly.)
So Link is Tim Tebow and Jiji is the Marc Sanchez of LoL? Also maybe as a sub he's still able to peruse his education in some manner. Not too surprising since he's already familiar with everyone on Prime since he was on CLG.Black.
On December 29 2012 05:20 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: I bodied marvel player AGE Fanatiq on his stream last night lol. he picjed vayne into taric, couldnt handle my ashe, qnd accused me of ghosting lol
Would you say you bopped him?
I was going to ask something along the lines of "Did his eye meet your beast?"
Best part of that is my boy Bee crushing him 15-5 at NEC a couple weeks later
i ran fanatiqs pool at CC2012 and he was hella polite and cordial though. one of the easiest players to wrangle to their wtation. worst offender was Ricky Ortiz in AE, dude would only use one stick that was bein shared by like 5 people
On December 29 2012 05:17 Slusher wrote: I'm actually shocked this is the best offer Link got, I mean if he's going to postpone school you'd think he'd hold out to be a starter for someone (and lets be honest this is a "quarterback controversy" waiting to happen the first game jiji plays badly.)
Well what NA team would he go to? Dig? Curse? TSM? None of those teams would bench their mid for link even though link is most likely better than any of them.
On December 29 2012 05:17 Slusher wrote: I'm actually shocked this is the best offer Link got, I mean if he's going to postpone school you'd think he'd hold out to be a starter for someone (and lets be honest this is a "quarterback controversy" waiting to happen the first game jiji plays badly.)
So Link is Tim Tebow and Jiji is the Marc Sanchez of LoL? Also maybe as a sub he's still able to peruse his education in some manner. Not too surprising since he's already familiar with everyone on Prime since he was on CLG.Black.
I duno if those are accurate, Link doesnt have any stupid position to assume.
On December 29 2012 05:17 Slusher wrote: I'm actually shocked this is the best offer Link got, I mean if he's going to postpone school you'd think he'd hold out to be a starter for someone (and lets be honest this is a "quarterback controversy" waiting to happen the first game jiji plays badly.)
So Link is Tim Tebow and Jiji is the Marc Sanchez of LoL? Also maybe as a sub he's still able to peruse his education in some manner. Not too surprising since he's already familiar with everyone on Prime since he was on CLG.Black.
I duno if those are accurate, Link doesnt have any stupid position to assume.
Also CLG doesnt wear green and white
I meant it in so much as the second Jiji screws up the fans are going to chant "put in Link." Who knows, maybe they'll get to be Azubu.Forrest or something.
Apparently Curse.EU have a new team that will be based in Dublin, Ireland, which they claim will be a "leading force in Season 3". If they have picked up CLG.EU then it seems I am going to be going to Dublin more often.
On December 29 2012 05:17 Slusher wrote: I'm actually shocked this is the best offer Link got, I mean if he's going to postpone school you'd think he'd hold out to be a starter for someone (and lets be honest this is a "quarterback controversy" waiting to happen the first game jiji plays badly.)
So Link is Tim Tebow and Jiji is the Marc Sanchez of LoL? Also maybe as a sub he's still able to peruse his education in some manner. Not too surprising since he's already familiar with everyone on Prime since he was on CLG.Black.
I duno if those are accurate, Link doesnt have any stupid position to assume.
Also CLG doesnt wear green and white
I don't know what you're playin at, but I don't see how any CLG fan wouldn't want to see LiNk playing alongside Dlift Aphro and Chauster, The analogy fits.
On December 28 2012 23:05 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: Own3D states that large partners (the CLG network would count as one) have 3.5+USD per 1000 ad impressions. A reasonable figure to apply for adblock would be a 60% cut in ad impressions as well as countries that don't have ads. That would probably be a reasonable baseline to start from. If you dig around though, you might find screen shots of various people (SC2 players included) who've accidentally opened their partner page which states their revenues from Own3D/Twitch.
Yea i have seen a screenshot from Ocelote when he had like 3/4k viewers and it was 10k a month. I believe that the oddone got now a 40~60k a month salary includes salary? Thx for such a good answer!
edit: But still sick what kind of money the top streamers are making from a game! :D
On December 29 2012 06:18 Leonite7 wrote: Apparently Curse.EU have a new team that will be based in Dublin, Ireland, which they claim will be a "leading force in Season 3". If they have picked up CLG.EU then it seems I am going to be going to Dublin more often.
I kind of doubt this rumor. The CLG.EG rumors has been around for a while now so it seems more likely. But I guess if neither EG or Azubu are really interested in a EU team I suppose Curse has the money to offer them a decent deal. Still doubtful though.
On December 29 2012 05:17 Slusher wrote: I'm actually shocked this is the best offer Link got, I mean if he's going to postpone school you'd think he'd hold out to be a starter for someone (and lets be honest this is a "quarterback controversy" waiting to happen the first game jiji plays badly.)
So Link is Tim Tebow and Jiji is the Marc Sanchez of LoL? Also maybe as a sub he's still able to peruse his education in some manner. Not too surprising since he's already familiar with everyone on Prime since he was on CLG.Black.
I duno if those are accurate, Link doesnt have any stupid position to assume.
Also CLG doesnt wear green and white
I don't know what you're playin at, but I don't see how any CLG fan wouldn't want to see LiNk playing alongside Dlift Aphro and Chauster, The analogy fits.
I think he specifically meant there is no equivalent to "Tebowing" lol