On December 29 2012 03:18 nojitosunrise wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2012 03:15 Zhiroo wrote: I really hope it's not EG. I'm not fan of CLG at all but I freaking dislike EG. It is either them or Azubu. I can't think of any other organizations that could afford them.
Hmm maybe Na'Vi will bring back their LoL team? 
But you're right, I can't think of another team other than those 2 that could take CLG EU in a bidding war.
DEMACIA6550 Posts
Is there any actual basis for the EG pick up rumor? I know that it leaked a while back on SoTL that Azubu was looking into acquiring them, but there was never any substantial to back that up. Either way, I don't think I would be displeased.
Also, Does anyone know if Aphro is moving into the CLG house? I kind of figured he wasn't, given that they explicitly stated that L1nk was and made no mention of it for Aphro.
On December 29 2012 03:21 WhiteDog wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2012 03:18 nojitosunrise wrote:On December 29 2012 03:15 Zhiroo wrote: I really hope it's not EG. I'm not fan of CLG at all but I freaking dislike EG. It is either them or Azubu. I can't think of any other organizations that could afford them. Teamliquid hahahaha I'm so funny.
Yes! Now that you have said it, I know it must be true! Liquid Rising! I can see it now: TL announces pick up of CLG.EU and picking up LoL officially at the same time! The holidays are the time for miracles..
I was really surprised at Aphro's quote and didn't know he came from WoW or mained healer (I don't watch his stream regularly). Anyways, I think Aphro will be tons better than Loco off the bat because he knows battle mechanics and trades fairly well. I would guess it means he's going to live in the mansion with the rest of the team (where's he live now?)
And Link as a sub isn't surprising, but him moving into the house sure is. Is Berkeley far from the mansion? Is it possible for him to do both? I'm quite excited for how they evolve as a team.
Anyone know how subs will work? Is it per tournament basis or can they switch between matches/series? I hope CLG use link more than just when someone on their team can't make it to a match.
On December 29 2012 03:11 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2012 03:02 Mensol wrote: I want to see Rekkles on CLG.EU Q.Q
He is superior to yellowpete in every aspect of the game. You're not giving Pete enough credit. Rekkles wouldn't look as good as he does if SoaZ and xPeke didn't control the game flow and make space for him as well as they do, and instead played like Wickd and Froggen. CLG.eu have late game oriented game style and yellowpete's mechanics are as not good as other adc players. Rekkles can put up with the best korean/chinese adc players in long games.
I'm pretty sure that Rekkles can surpass doublelift and weixiao on CLG.eu.
On December 29 2012 03:20 Parnage wrote: All of my esports dollars on it being EG that picks up CLG.EU. NO please.
What he means is that Rekkles gets farm because Soaz/Xpeke create space for him to farm where as Froggen/Wickd farm themselves and don't create space for Pete to farm. You can't have 3 "stars" that want all the farm in one team. Someone just has to go be the supporter
Wow that site is so dead. I wonder like crazy on whos picking up clg.eu. HSGG fireing his mom and the other guy he started the company with is pretty surprising as well.
Netherlands45349 Posts
On December 29 2012 02:31 Sermokala wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2012 02:22 TheYango wrote:On December 29 2012 02:18 Zhiroo wrote: I will never understand game bashing. Why can't everyone be like me, I love playing LoL, loved playing SC2, loved playing DotA2(would probably still play very often if my PC would give me more than 15-20fps). I love all games hue. I mean, in the LoL/DotA case, it has to do with some bad blood when Pendragon left DotA to work at Riot that sort of just poisoned the interaction between the two communities for years to come. It might seem petty, but it did make quite a few level-headed DotA players who otherwise wouldn't care about LoL hate the game. You have to realize that D-A at the time was quite literally the equivalent of TL for DotA (complete with well-known pros being regular posters, etc.), whereas the current PlayDotA forums can only be described as equivalent to B.Net GD. Not a change anyone would be happy with. Yeah I would say 70-80% of the hate that dota people put onto lol is probably from the way that pendragon basically deleted a Teamliquid sized community forum and ended the goodbye letter with an ad for lol. Most lol people don't have a reason to even know what dota is and I've talked to quite a few dota people who are really chill about it and appreciate what lol has done for esports (maybe a little snark about how lol is prepping the world for the dota 2 revolution). Most of the levelheaded Dota players do not hate LoL the game, more the way Riot (and Pendragon) handles(or handled) it. Although this does translate in hate of the game often.
The Rekkles hype is getting out of hand, xPeke and Soaz won those games, all Rekkles did was clean up and get a massive gold advantage every game
On December 29 2012 03:22 Ares[Effort] wrote: Big announcements!
TL picking up LoL?
On December 29 2012 03:39 Praetorial wrote:TL PICKING UP LoL?????
Im pretty sure it will be EG The quote was like CLG couldnt compete with the offers the other team made, sounds like EG to me
United States47024 Posts
On December 29 2012 03:30 Mensol wrote: CLG.eu have late game oriented game style and yellowpete's mechanics are as not good as other adc players. Rekkles can put up with the best korean/chinese adc players in long games.
I'm pretty sure that Rekkles can surpass doublelift and weixiao on CLG.eu.
"Late-game oriented game style". The typical excuse for Froggen having zero midgame control/contribution and stealing farm from Wickd/Pete on inappropriate champs.
Having a team that controls the midgame tempo and being powerful lategame are not mutually exclusive. 4-protects-1 is VERY powerful lategame.
It would take an AD with a very specific mindset to be able to thrive on CLG.Eu. It's not so easy to say an AD could go from a team like fnatic where the team does a good job of playing around him to one like CLG.Eu where he gets totally ignored, and the other carries compete with him for farm.
If we're talking about a team that could actually gain a lot from a better AD, it's M5. Alex Ich is much more team-minded than Froggen and as a much better sense toward midgame control, but Genja is just nowhere near on the level of AD that he needs to be.
Honestly pretty sure the Aphromoo to support in CLG will not work out in the long term. He's a pretty mediocore support currently and his desire to 'make plays' really harms him at times. Plus, I dunno if he will be happy when his stream numbers decline as he is playing support in solo q all day. Not saying he'll go from 20k to Xpecial numbers (5k or so) but I cannot see him retaining the same numbers he currently has Furthermore, he actually has to put in the hours at supporting in solo q, and not be like loco and playing Irelia, etc...
For the second time in a row, CLG allowed Doublelift to pick his support, and again he chose someone he enjoys playing with over someone who he could rely on being his support for the next year+. Being doublelift's support doesn't require all that much, as he can essentially carry any remotely decent support (and even loco...), so why go after the guy that may or may not be happy with the role in 3 months? Like I know Nhat isn't a top 5 support in the world player but is there that much difference between him and Aphro? I dunno, seems like CLG picked the 'name' over the substance of the player.
I like the Link pickup though, he's a quality player.
On December 29 2012 03:14 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2012 02:47 kainzero wrote: pendragon does seem like an ass.
i don't see how it's the basis for dota players hating lol when lol players hate him too, lol. IIRC, he was the website designer or something for a very popular DOTA site. When he went to League he took it all down. People complained and he said he'd put it back up/give it to other people to put back up but he never did. Imagine if one day Nazgul took down TL to go work on a C&C game and told the BW community to sit on its thumb. Then again, this is all second hand / might be me remembering it as a different Rioter. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. i'm aware of that. (also he did put release the back up. 3 years later. lol.)
but iirc pendragon has said and done some questionable things in league as well... things like banning a player for 3 days for threatening to random in ranked. i dunno what else is there.
from the CLG announcement:
Today we announce the resignations of Helen “RealMomGG” Georgallidis as Chief Executive Officer
United States37500 Posts
On December 29 2012 03:43 Amethyst21 wrote: Honestly pretty sure the Aphromoo to support in CLG will not work out in the long term. He's a pretty mediocore support currently and his desire to 'make plays' really harms him at times. Plus, I dunno if he will be happy when his stream numbers decline as he is playing support in solo q all day. Not saying he'll go from 20k to Xpecial numbers (5k or so) but I cannot see him retaining the same numbers he currently has Furthermore, he actually has to put in the hours at supporting in solo q, and not be like loco and playing Irelia, etc...
For the second time in a row, CLG allowed Doublelift to pick his support, and again he chose someone he enjoys playing with over someone who he could rely on being his support for the next year+. Being doublelift's support doesn't require all that much, as he can essentially carry any remotely decent support (and even loco...), so why go after the guy that may or may not be happy with the role in 3 months? Like I know Nhat isn't a top 5 support in the world player but is there that much difference between him and Aphro? I dunno, seems like CLG picked the 'name' over the substance of the player.
I like the Link pickup though, he's a quality player. Aphro already plays plenty of support on stream and no one seems to mind. In fact, his viewers like him even more when he makes great support plays. I don't have any doubt he'll practice support in solo queue at least a lot more than Loco did (which was none). And as people say, bot lane is won by support. As for Nhat, CLG just doesn't think he can progress much from his current level of play and with Aphro, at least there's a chance he will given the opportunity. But who knows, only time will tell how that turns out.
Anyone friends with TreeEskimo? I need to ask him to postpone our CSL match to sunday.
On December 29 2012 03:47 Praetorial wrote:from the CLG announcement: Show nested quote + Today we announce the resignations of Helen “RealMomGG” Georgallidis as Chief Executive Officer
Thats the real mom of hotshotgg. Shes actually 100% legitimate for the role but it is pretty funny that he got his mom to help manage the team for a bit there.