On November 12 2012 05:39 misirlou wrote: Guys im going to play in a college tournament (first time 5 of us gona play together, just for fun but im quite tryhard player xD) as support and I was wondering what the best addition to my pool is. Currently i play Ali, blitz, janna, morgana, nunu, sona, soraka, taric. I have nidalee which i dont play a lot, and I recently bought leona and im on the process of learning her. Is zyra that good as a support and should i start saving up for and learn her? Any other crucial I am missing?
You can add lulu to your list and I wouldn't play nidalee and morgana as support.
y I play lulu when she's free but didnt bought her yet. idk why i put morgana on the list, was just looking at champ list, i dont play her in ranked as support either. lux also top tier or not worth it?
Zyra is absolutely top-tier, but only if you land her skillshots every time. Missing her e, for instance, will probably screw your lane.
Nunu and Taric are highly dependent on your AD and your cooperation with with said player.
Zyra and Fiddle impact lane and team fight immensely but they allow for little to no room for error. It's very hard to come back from behind with them.
On November 12 2012 07:04 Craton wrote: I unsuccessfully dusted off Nautilus for ranked the other day. It's depressing how ineffective he is right now.
Play the tree man. YOU DON'T SEE HIM COMING.
I lol'd.
Also Poor Naut. So easy to counterjungle, completely shut down by getting counterjungled.
On November 12 2012 07:04 Craton wrote: I unsuccessfully dusted off Nautilus for ranked the other day. It's depressing how ineffective he is right now.
Play the tree man. YOU DON'T SEE HIM COMING.
I lol'd.
Also Poor Naut. So easy to counterjungle, completely shut down by getting counterjungled.
I wish he was more viable, he's got one of my favorite skins(Alpha Legion Nautilus) and the best voice in the game -_-
On November 12 2012 05:39 misirlou wrote: Guys im going to play in a college tournament (first time 5 of us gona play together, just for fun but im quite tryhard player xD) as support and I was wondering what the best addition to my pool is. Currently i play Ali, blitz, janna, morgana, nunu, sona, soraka, taric. I have nidalee which i dont play a lot, and I recently bought leona and im on the process of learning her. Is zyra that good as a support and should i start saving up for and learn her? Any other crucial I am missing?
You can add lulu to your list and I wouldn't play nidalee and morgana as support.
y I play lulu when she's free but didnt bought her yet. idk why i put morgana on the list, was just looking at champ list, i dont play her in ranked as support either. lux also top tier or not worth it?
Zyra is absolutely top-tier, but only if you land her skillshots every time. Missing her e, for instance, will probably screw your lane.
Zyra is going to get absolutely smashed and nerfed into oblivion as a support and possibly as a mid laner as well. It won't be long.
On November 12 2012 05:39 misirlou wrote: Guys im going to play in a college tournament (first time 5 of us gona play together, just for fun but im quite tryhard player xD) as support and I was wondering what the best addition to my pool is. Currently i play Ali, blitz, janna, morgana, nunu, sona, soraka, taric. I have nidalee which i dont play a lot, and I recently bought leona and im on the process of learning her. Is zyra that good as a support and should i start saving up for and learn her? Any other crucial I am missing?
You can add lulu to your list and I wouldn't play nidalee and morgana as support.
y I play lulu when she's free but didnt bought her yet. idk why i put morgana on the list, was just looking at champ list, i dont play her in ranked as support either. lux also top tier or not worth it?
Zyra is absolutely top-tier, but only if you land her skillshots every time. Missing her e, for instance, will probably screw your lane.
Zyra is going to get absolutely smashed and nerfed into oblivion as a support and possibly as a mid laner as well. It won't be long.
I dont think E range nerf would hurt her mid too much while hitting hard her support. Also riot could nerf her base and buff her ratios
On November 12 2012 05:39 misirlou wrote: Guys im going to play in a college tournament (first time 5 of us gona play together, just for fun but im quite tryhard player xD) as support and I was wondering what the best addition to my pool is. Currently i play Ali, blitz, janna, morgana, nunu, sona, soraka, taric. I have nidalee which i dont play a lot, and I recently bought leona and im on the process of learning her. Is zyra that good as a support and should i start saving up for and learn her? Any other crucial I am missing?
You can add lulu to your list and I wouldn't play nidalee and morgana as support.
y I play lulu when she's free but didnt bought her yet. idk why i put morgana on the list, was just looking at champ list, i dont play her in ranked as support either. lux also top tier or not worth it?
Zyra is absolutely top-tier, but only if you land her skillshots every time. Missing her e, for instance, will probably screw your lane.
Zyra is going to get absolutely smashed and nerfed into oblivion as a support and possibly as a mid laner as well. It won't be long.
I dont think E range nerf would hurt her mid too much while hitting hard her support. Also riot could nerf her base and buff her ratios
I have never seen Riot nerfing the range of a skillshot before.
I have never seen Riot nerfing the range of a skillshot before.
They nerfed Urgot's E back when they beat him down with nerf bats in the alley, and I'm pretty sure that would qualify as a skill shot. It's the only one I can think of though.
I have never seen Riot nerfing the range of a skillshot before.
They nerfed Urgot's E back when they beat him down with nerf bats in the alley, and I'm pretty sure that would qualify as a skill shot. It's the only one I can think of though.
I have never seen Riot nerfing the range of a skillshot before.
They nerfed Urgot's E back when they beat him down with nerf bats in the alley, and I'm pretty sure that would qualify as a skill shot. It's the only one I can think of though.
I think they also reduced nidalee's spear range.
I can't find the Nidalee change on wiki. The Urgot change on his E is true though (and probably not needed).
the nidalee change was in the upcoming pathnotes, but they are fixing/changing skilshots as well so it turned out that it's actually not going to be a nerf but a slight buff apparently/ or it stays the same Im not sure.
I have never seen Riot nerfing the range of a skillshot before.
They nerfed Urgot's E back when they beat him down with nerf bats in the alley, and I'm pretty sure that would qualify as a skill shot. It's the only one I can think of though.
I think they also reduced nidalee's spear range.
You may be thinking of the adjustment Riot did to a few different skillshots because they changed the way the range was calculated. If so, there would have been no significant change overall.
On November 12 2012 05:39 misirlou wrote: Guys im going to play in a college tournament (first time 5 of us gona play together, just for fun but im quite tryhard player xD) as support and I was wondering what the best addition to my pool is. Currently i play Ali, blitz, janna, morgana, nunu, sona, soraka, taric. I have nidalee which i dont play a lot, and I recently bought leona and im on the process of learning her. Is zyra that good as a support and should i start saving up for and learn her? Any other crucial I am missing?
You can add lulu to your list and I wouldn't play nidalee and morgana as support.
y I play lulu when she's free but didnt bought her yet. idk why i put morgana on the list, was just looking at champ list, i dont play her in ranked as support either. lux also top tier or not worth it?
Zyra is absolutely top-tier, but only if you land her skillshots every time. Missing her e, for instance, will probably screw your lane.
Zyra is going to get absolutely smashed and nerfed into oblivion as a support and possibly as a mid laner as well. It won't be long.
I dont think E range nerf would hurt her mid too much while hitting hard her support. Also riot could nerf her base and buff her ratios
Likely nerfs: ▲Mana Costs of E, W. ▼Base Plant damage and scaling on levels. ▼R radius
None of which would be needed if other popular supports hadn't already had exactly the same nerfs of course.