On July 31 2012 06:03 Requizen wrote:Starting a list of champs by country, correct me if wrong/missing: Demacia: + Show Spoiler +-Garen -J4 -Xin -Lux -Galio -Poppy(?) -Vayne -Fiora -Shy -Sona Noxus: + Show Spoiler +-Swain -Darius -Draven -Sion -Urgot -Cass -Talon -Vlad -Kat -LB (Riven defected) (Morde technically lives here, but Shadow Isles champ) Bilgewater: + Show Spoiler +-Fizz -GP -MF -Graves (Naut first surfaced here, dunno if that counts) Zaun: + Show Spoiler +-Viktor -Twitch -Blitz -WW -Singed -Mundo Freljord: + Show Spoiler +-Ashe -Trynd -Sej -Gragas -Anivia (as far as I can tell) -Nunu -Voli Piltover: + Show Spoiler +-Jayce -Ezreal -Corki(?) -Janna -Cait -Ori -Ziggs(?) -Heimer(?) -Zilean Ionia: + Show Spoiler +-Akali -Kennen -Shen -Irelia -Yi -Wukong (trained under Yi, so more or less) -Udyr -Varus -Karma -Lee Bandle City: + Show Spoiler +-Corki -Trist -Teemo -Rumble -Poppy(?) -Ziggs(?) -Heimer(?) -Veigar(?) Shadow Isles + Show Spoiler +-Morde -Hecarim -Yorick -Eve(?) Shurima + Show Spoiler +-Amumu -Nasus -Rammus -Malz -Xerath Ithica + Show Spoiler +Rest don't seem to have a solid point of allegiance.
70 or so champs that can go into a specific area (at least by my count) and that seems reasonable enough to me.
On July 31 2012 06:08 Leonite7 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2012 06:03 Requizen wrote:Starting a list of champs by country, correct me if wrong/missing: Demacia: + Show Spoiler +-Garen -J4 -Xin -Lux -Galio -Poppy(?) -Vayne -Fiora -Shy -Sona Noxus: + Show Spoiler +-Swain -Darius -Draven -Sion -Urgot -Cass -Talon -Vlad -Kat -LB (Riven defected) (Morde technically lives here, but Shadow Isles champ) Bilgewater: + Show Spoiler +-Fizz -GP -MF -Graves (Naut first surfaced here, dunno if that counts) Zaun: + Show Spoiler +-Viktor -Twitch -Blitz -WW -Singed -Mundo Freljord: + Show Spoiler +-Ashe -Trynd -Sej -Gragas -Anivia (as far as I can tell) -Nunu -Voli Piltover: + Show Spoiler +-Jayce -Ezreal -Corki(?) -Janna -Cait -Ori -Ziggs(?) -Heimer(?) -Zilean Ionia: + Show Spoiler +-Akali -Kennen -Shen -Irelia -Yi -Wukong (trained under Yi, so more or less) -Udyr -Varus -Karma -Lee Bandle City: + Show Spoiler +-Corki -Trist -Teemo -Rumble -Poppy(?) -Ziggs(?) -Heimer(?) -Veigar(?) Shadow Isles + Show Spoiler +-Morde -Hecarim -Yorick -Eve(?) Shurima + Show Spoiler +-Amumu -Nasus -Rammus -Malz -Xerath Ithica + Show Spoiler +Rest don't seem to have a solid point of allegiance. 70 or so champs that can go into a specific area (at least by my count) and that seems reasonable enough to me. There are at least a couple of repeats in there, keep in mind. Most Yordles are in other countries as well as Bandle City, for example.
I think you forgot Renek for Shurima
On July 31 2012 06:10 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2012 06:08 Leonite7 wrote:On July 31 2012 06:03 Requizen wrote:Starting a list of champs by country, correct me if wrong/missing: Demacia: + Show Spoiler +-Garen -J4 -Xin -Lux -Galio -Poppy(?) -Vayne -Fiora -Shy -Sona Noxus: + Show Spoiler +-Swain -Darius -Draven -Sion -Urgot -Cass -Talon -Vlad -Kat -LB (Riven defected) (Morde technically lives here, but Shadow Isles champ) Bilgewater: + Show Spoiler +-Fizz -GP -MF -Graves (Naut first surfaced here, dunno if that counts) Zaun: + Show Spoiler +-Viktor -Twitch -Blitz -WW -Singed -Mundo Freljord: + Show Spoiler +-Ashe -Trynd -Sej -Gragas -Anivia (as far as I can tell) -Nunu -Voli Piltover: + Show Spoiler +-Jayce -Ezreal -Corki(?) -Janna -Cait -Ori -Ziggs(?) -Heimer(?) -Zilean Ionia: + Show Spoiler +-Akali -Kennen -Shen -Irelia -Yi -Wukong (trained under Yi, so more or less) -Udyr -Varus -Karma -Lee Bandle City: + Show Spoiler +-Corki -Trist -Teemo -Rumble -Poppy(?) -Ziggs(?) -Heimer(?) -Veigar(?) Shadow Isles + Show Spoiler +-Morde -Hecarim -Yorick -Eve(?) Shurima + Show Spoiler +-Amumu -Nasus -Rammus -Malz -Xerath Ithica + Show Spoiler +Rest don't seem to have a solid point of allegiance. 70 or so champs that can go into a specific area (at least by my count) and that seems reasonable enough to me. There are at least a couple of repeats in there, keep in mind. Most Yordles are in other countries as well as Bandle City, for example.
I made sure to only count those once, but considering I found myself saying 67 66 68, I don't believe accuracy is assured.
Some known Free Agents (unaffiliated for the most part):
+ Show Spoiler +-Twisted Fate -Skarner -Ahri (seems to be from Ionia, but just the area and not the city/state) -Renekton (showed up in Zaun, but not affiliated) -Brand -Fiddle -Alistar -Jax -Karthus (I think, don't really know his lore) -Kayle -Morgana -Malphite -Leona -Pantheon -Maokai -Nid -Riven (sort of) -Ryze -Shaco -Sivir (sort of) -Trundle
I also forgot Lulu in Bandle City, I think.
On July 31 2012 06:11 Bflomatiq wrote: I think you forgot Renek for Shurima Nope, him and Nasus are from another plane. Nasus is in Shurima because he lives there, Renekton just kind of wanders. He showed up in Zaun, but I don't think he has an affiliation.
I'm totally in for repping Bandle City.
Sorry for long post. Any place that had multiple champions, I've organized into groups. Regions with 5+ are at the top. Classed by Dominant area, and if no dominant area then birthplace.
Ionia Ahri Akali Irelia Karma Kennen Lee Sin Master Yi Shen Sona Soraka Udyr Varus
Freljord Anivia Ashe Nunu Sejuani Tryndamere Volibear
Great Barrier Alistar Gragas Nidalee Leona Pantheon
Noxus Cassiopeia Darius Draven Katarina LeBlanc Riven Sion Sivir Swain Talon Urgot Vladimir
Zaun Blitzcrank Dr. Mundo Fiddlesticks Janna Renekton Singed Twisted Fate Twitch Victor Warwick
Piltover Caitlyn Corki Ezreal Heimerdinger Jayce Oriana Rumble Ziggs
Demacia Fiora Galio Garen Jarvan IV Lux Shyvanna Vayne Xin Zhao
Shurima Desert/Icathia Amumu Kog'Maw Malzahar Nasus Rammus Xerath
Bandle City Lulu Poppy Teemo Tristana Veigar
Bilgewater Fizz Gangplank Graves Miss Fortune
Institute of War Jax Kayle Morgana Nautilus
Shadow Isles Evelyn Hecarim Mordekaiser Yorick
Lokfar Brand Olaf
Twisted Treeline Maokai Nocturne
Plague Jungles Wukong Zyra
Free Agent Annie (Voodoo Lands) Cho'Gath (The Void) Karthus (Howling Marsh) Kassadin (The Void) Malphite (Monolith) Ryze (?) Shaco Skarner (Odyn Valley) Taric (Valoran) Trundle (Ruhgosk) Zilean (Uristan)
Also, technically Leona/Panth/Diana from Mount Targon, but that's not really enough for a team, and not really known enough.
For Ionia, there are a number of champions that you missed: The Kinkou Ninjas(the monastery is in Ionia) -Akali -Kennen -Shen Birthplace -Singed
I'd also not group Riven and Sivir with Noxus, they defected.
I have akali kennen and shen in there.
I think Mt. Targon is on the Great Barrier, since its the tallest mountain
On July 31 2012 06:21 Requizen wrote: I'd also not group Riven and Sivir with Noxus, they defected. Talon didn't defect, he's looking for Du whatsisname
On July 31 2012 06:22 iGrok wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2012 06:21 Requizen wrote: I'd also not group Riven and Sivir with Noxus, they defected. Talon didn't defect, he's looking for Du whatsisname Right, but Riven and Sivir are pretty much non-associated.
On July 31 2012 06:23 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2012 06:22 iGrok wrote:On July 31 2012 06:21 Requizen wrote: I'd also not group Riven and Sivir with Noxus, they defected. Talon didn't defect, he's looking for Du whatsisname Right, but Riven and Sivir are pretty much non-associated. Again, organaized by affiliation and then birthplace
Im not sure if I'll be able to play (im on vacation) but sign me up for ionia please!
On July 31 2012 06:23 iGrok wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2012 06:23 Requizen wrote:On July 31 2012 06:22 iGrok wrote:On July 31 2012 06:21 Requizen wrote: I'd also not group Riven and Sivir with Noxus, they defected. Talon didn't defect, he's looking for Du whatsisname Right, but Riven and Sivir are pretty much non-associated. Again, organaized by affiliation and then birthplace Ah, fair enough if you're doing it like that.
K, yeah, throw me down for Zaun. Looks like I gotta buy twitch.
On July 31 2012 06:19 iGrok wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Sorry for long post. Any place that had multiple champions, I've organized into groups. Regions with 5+ are at the top. Classed by Dominant area, and if no dominant area then birthplace.
Ionia Ahri Akali Irelia Karma Kennen Lee Sin (?) Master Yi Shen Sona Soraka Udyr Varus
Freljord Anivia (Free Agent?) Ashe Nunu Sejuani Tryndamere Volibear
Great Barrier Alistar Gragas Nidalee Leona Pantheon
Noxus Cassiopeia Darius Draven Katarina LeBlanc Mordekaiser Riven Sion Sivir Swain Talon Urgot Vladimir
Zaun Blitzcrank Dr. Mundo Fiddlesticks Janna Renekton Singed Twisted Fate Twitch Victor Warwick
Piltover Caitlyn Corki Ezreal Heimerdinger Jayce Oriana Rumble Ziggs
Demacia Fiora Galio Garen Jarvan IV Lux Shyvanna Vayne Xin Zhao
Shurima Desert/Icathia Amumu Kog'Maw Malzahar Nasus Rammus Xerath
Bandle City Lulu Poppy Teemo Tristana Veigar
Bilgewater Fizz Gangplank Graves Miss Fortune
Institute of War Jax Kayle Morgana Nautilus
Shadow Isles Evelyn Hecarim Yorick
Lokfar Brand Olaf
Twisted Treeline Maokai Nocturne
Plague Jungles Wukong Zyra
Free Agent Annie (Voodoo Lands) Cho'Gath (The Void) Karthus (Howling Marsh) Malphite (Monolith) Ryze (?) Shaco Skarner (Odyn Valley) Taric (Valoran) Trundle (Ruhgosk) Zilean (Uristan)
I say put this in the OP so people know what champs what country can play (for people like me who go "wtf, who's from where") Also count me in for any county that needs someone to play for them ^_^
United States37500 Posts
Finalize city rosters first, then assemble teams.
Sounds like people are still iffy on where certain champions go, etc.
My list has 0 overlap... And it doesn't make sense for singed to play for ionia, for example.
Cho'Gath's lore just says there's some tie to icathia - I'd be happy to move him there though.
Combining Shurima and Icathia made sense to me, so I did that.
Morgana's lore says her true ties are to the League (over Noxus) so I put her there.