On July 31 2012 10:37 Ryuu314 wrote: Just a small thought, but tbh I think if there was an Olympics in League lore, I feel like Corki Heimer Rumble Ziggs would prefer to rep Bandel City since it's their native land. Especially Rumble since his lore is all about showing up the big people and proving to everyone Yordles are superior. I can't imagine him wanting to rep Piltover after yapping about how Yordles>Everything all day in SR while melting people's faces.
We talked about countries, and decided that it would be too crazy to have every country represented. If there's a big outcry for one country to be represented over others, we'll see about which one gets picked.
Bandle City's already on iGrok's list. And if we're doing it by affiliation it makes more sense to have them rep their home country. That said, I'm not 100% sure about Corki Heimer Ziggs. Heimer and Ziggs you can make the argument that they rep Yordle Academy in Piltover and Corki kinda just followed the Yordle scientists to Piltover. But Rumble for sure is trying to prove Yordle superiority and he's only in Piltover to show up Heimer. If anything, his lore specifically said he refused to go to Piltover.
So a couple other ideas: We were trying to come up with a skillshot event so maybe one of these two: Ezreal ult archery: You start at bottom right on SR, you must be standing in between the two bushes. Your goal is to hit a SINGLE opposing minion in top lane with your ult. Every other minions you hit you get docked points. You shit MUST travel through the two outer towers in mid lane. You get X amount of shots. OR Ashe Arrow Archery. Proving grounds so you start with gold/extra XP. First person to hit the opposing Ashe with an Arrow wins the match. (Would have to work out items. Would probably make sure each Ashe has same CDR) (or both?)
Here is another idea to build off of the Ashe Archery event: Target practice. 5v5 on SR through river. Each team has Rammus as the skeet, then Lux, Ashe, Draven, and Ezreal. The skeets are on bot/top lane and the shooters are in the middle. First team to knock out the other skeet wins.
On July 31 2012 15:57 DeltaBravo wrote: Here is another idea to build off of the Ashe Archery event: Target practice. 5v5 on SR through river. Each team has Rammus as the skeet, then Lux, Ashe, Draven, and Ezreal. The skeets are on bot/top lane and the shooters are in the middle. First team to knock out the other skeet wins.
Could take a while considering the cooldowns.
Another Idea: Swimming on Dominion.
2 players play Fizz without any items and apart from normal movement you may only use Q on Level 1 and E on Level 2 to move up to 3 laps around the map. It is allowed to use Q on the other Fizz. Every time a lap is completed a scorepoint is noted for the player, both players return to the starting point and the next lap starts on the next full minute. Once a player has 2 points, he wins the race. The other teammembers play Janna (only Q), Mundo (only Q), Olaf (only Q) and Anivia (only W) with the skill only set to level 2 and only with Boots of Mobility. Skills may only be used against another Fizz. Only the swimmers are allowed to walk on the racetrack, the players are required to stay on the sidelines or in the center area and may only cross the track when no Fizz is nearby. If a Fizz is killed, the other Fizz has to stop until the dead Fizz returned to the point of his death.
Now you can show how good you can dodge those Axes, Cleavers, Walls and Tornados.
alistar, leona and taric are all free agents. would be pretty OP if free agents were allowed. would result in lots of tarics esp. in a blind pick format
was reading all the lists of champions/locations, and didn't find Vayne anywhere. based on her lore it's pretty clear she's Demacian of at least birth, but perhaps she would be more accurate as a free agent?
Ok I think what we're going to do is have just the big 4 represented (Zaun, Demacia, Ionia, Noxus) because we are not going to have enough people interested to have anything like 8 teams. The leftover big countries (Piltover/Bandle City/Bilgewater/Shurima desert/Icathia/Freljord) assuming we don't have that many people will have their champions divided evenly and RANDOMLY!! amongst the other 4.
As for the rest of the 'free agents,' should we divide them too, leave them open to be picked by any team during an event or remove them from draft completely?
free agents banned from the pool unless the representative members of a nation write a short piece of lore explaining why said free agent is playing for their nation