Wait a second, are people comparing Skarner and Hecarim? Lemme get on this shit.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ZlQQy.png)
Hello, I'm Hecarim. All the little girls want me. Also, my Q has 0.6 AD ratio.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VVTox.jpg)
Hello, I'm Skarner, all the little girls fear me. Also, my Q has an 0.8 AD ratio.
"Oh but they have different roles, Scip". You won't be saying the same thing after you read this one, I promise you.
First of all, they are both
junglers, so let's compare their jungling shall we?
Skarner has a 1 higher damage than Hecarim than lvl1, that gap increases by 1.2 every level. On the other hand, Skarner has 0.045 less attack speed at lvl one, that gap increases by 0.4% every level. All these differences so small, let's call it
close enoughThe combo of Skarner's passive, Q and W vs. Hecarim's passive, Q and W:
Skarner's Q does 24 damage at lvl 1, Hecarim's 50. And Hecarim's Q has 2 second CD when he has 2 stacks, Skarner has about 2.5 if he gets 2 autoattacks off in between. What?
Don't pull your damn pants down yet though. Oh what is this thing about Skarner getting extra 25 damage after he uses the first one? Oh my god, Hec does only 66% with his Q on creeps. What is this? 49 against 35-or-so? Is it really that bad?
It's worse than that.Skarner's Q also costs less mana the first 3 levels, when it counts the most!
Ask me later if I care about that small CD difference, and Ill shove that 14ish damage difference in your face.
Skarner's and Hecarim's Ws are pretty similiar, which is unfortunate for our Horse because Skarner is so good.
Skarner's W is a shield: blocks 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 damage. Pretty alright, Pretty alright. To counter, Hecarim's W regens him for 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% of damage dealt to stuff around him. In jungle, thats creeps.
+ Show Spoiler +Who woulda fucking thought.
To match Skarner at lvl 1, he needs to deal 700 damage in 4 seconds. Without Smite, not going to happen right. The ratio gets better for him eventually. Guess what?
It doesnt matter how good your jungling eventually is.The damage paints a different picture though:
Hecarim is better than Skarner in this. Took several fucking paragraphs to get to point when that happens, let me remind you. Skarner 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 % attack speed bonus is nowhere near matching Hecarim's 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260. Mana cost of Skarner's W is also higher/same than Hecarim's until you get both to lvl 3. Oh god damn Scip, Skarner got rapped in this comparison!
WRONGSkarner's W gives him 15 - 23% movement speed, allowing him to move between camps faster! Not just that, Skarner's W has much shorter cooldown thanks to cooldown reduction from Skarner's passive.
I could give Hecarim a slight edge and be generous, because:
Hecarim's EScip, it's such a good skill, why would that be a reason why you would count it against Hecarim?
Well dear reader, let me educate you, Skarner has both movement speed buff to himself AND slow to enemy incorporated into his W and Q. Not so for Hecarim though! He needs to get E before 6 to have very scary ganks, which is going to take a level off of Hecarim's W or Q!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1h2LL.jpg)
Were I offer Hecarim to say that his jungling is even with Skarner, the terms would be so sweet I'd gag.
Now that we have compared their early jungling, that is oh so important to our hearts, we need to move to the other phase of the game. ! Them ultimate ganks !
I don't think I need to introduce you to either of those guys' ultimates, so I won't. Maybe you dont know the finer points about them:
Hecarim's ultimate is not instant, if you are in the path you can flash away and be fine. ESCAPED!
Skarner's ultimate is pretty fucking instant. If you try to flash you will get raped first and then instantly pulled back to Skarner. HA!
Skarner's ultimate has shorter cooldown at lvl 6, same at lvl 11 and longer at lvl 16.
But then Skarner's passive hits you in the face.
Skarner's ultimate has shorter cooldown always, making him much more scarier much more often. Hecarim's ultimate does so much damage though!
Except Skarner's does more at lvl 6, quiet you.
Thanks to Skarner's short W cooldown and long duration, and because of Hecarim's abyssmal E cooldown and poor duration, Skarner has more mobility on the map. The scorpion cavalry prevails!
To recapitulate, Hecarim really really really wants his teammate to have silence or stun to hit that sweet perfect ultimate.
Skarner doesn't give a shit.
But here comes the grand finale, that what Hecarim fans were all waiting for.
Go pony! I love you! Horse better than Scorpions! surely, this is where all Hecarim's farm pays off, right? I could answer long or short. Both of them involve one key word though.
NOPEBefore these famous pitchforks of you witchhunters get wet with my blood, let me explain myself.
Skarner and Hecarim are both tanky mofo's, who kinda dick around in fight. The easiest way to word this is to just say what Skarner does better.
Do damage: Skarner's passive reduces his CDs by 1 when attacking champions. That equals fuckton of Qs. Suddenly, it doesn't matter that Hecarim's Q scales a bit better with levels does it? It's a bit worse than that though.
While you are all arguing about how significant Hecarim's W damage is, you all forgot about that Skarner W. what is it going to be now, 45/50% attack speed buff? Pretty decent, Thats not all of it. It also gives a nice movement speed buff, oh so important if you wanna, oh I don't know,
chase someone important. That is very nice coupled with 40% AoE slow that is Skarner constantly dishing out.
Survive: Oh, Hecarim's W is so good in teamfights! Oh it heals for so much Hp OH OH OHHH-
SHUSH you! Unfortunately for you, the standard metagame is 3 ignites atm. It is pretty unfortunate that your W healing is reduced by that, isn't it Hecarim? Skarner's W stands completely unaffected, Im really sad for you My Little Pony. But it is not just that. As it would seem, movement speed is very useful in for surviving teamfights and as it happens Horsie gets none extra. Awww.
Peel: I don't honestly think anyone thought Hecarim is good at peeling at all. It is actually one thing he absolutely can't do. Well, Skarner is the
God of peeling. With 40% slow, possibly ultimate, decent enough damage to discourage bruisers, your carries are safe as they could ever be! (Except for Olaf, fuck that guy, fucking Vikings holy shit man)
Initiate ? The big question mark, who can initiate better?! It is so important!! Initiating is half of the teamfight!!
Well, yes. Hecarim can certainly do it more often; Skarner can't initiate late game teamfights without flash (he can initiate midgame teamfights without flash pretty ok though). With both flashes up, who can do better? Well, it kinda depends. If you have the capacity to blow even a bruiser in a split second, you would prefer Skarner. If you prefer enemy team scattered, possibly farther away from you because Hecarim ult is pretty shit, well then you might want Hecarim.
The thing is, at the end of the day, you don't want
either to be your main initiate.
I'll even be generous to Hecarim and say he can initiate a bit better.
But what does it matter? He got owned in basically all categories, except for the
how much you got owned category where Hecarim embarassed Skarner pretty hard.
The battle is all but over, Horse got impaled, stop beating him, he is dead.