On July 29 2012 07:29 Requizen wrote: Jayce not as good in the jungle as in lane, but playing Naut/Skarner and getting free wins every time isn't that entertaining :\
Who is most fun jungler?
Nunu! But that's just because he's the only one I feel comfortable counterjungling with if I'm not already ahead of the other jungler.
just play darius and keep all-inning your lane opponent. as far as i can tell that's how you play him even without tunnel vision so you're giving up nothing by inviting them to camp you right?
On July 29 2012 08:16 Eppa! wrote: The best way is to say fuck it and grind games. Game sense is mostly based on playtime and reflection.
Thanks for the response, although this isn't quite what I meant to ask. I didn't mean to ask for ways to overcome tunnel vision, but rather for ways to compensate for it (due to medical things). Please note that I'm not saying my unimpaired awareness is above-par by any means.
On July 29 2012 07:29 Requizen wrote: Jayce not as good in the jungle as in lane, but playing Naut/Skarner and getting free wins every time isn't that entertaining :\
Who is most fun jungler? fiora, wukong, xin are all fun. take exhaust tho on all those. sejuani is cool too. hecarim was entertaining for awhile but im kinda bored of him now.
if u have fiora try her. go wewq, rweq and as soon as u get wriggles go solo dragon. eve is also different, she's not great atm, ult cdr will really help in the next patch, but you can win some games with her too.
shyvana is fun also.
Baa?21242 Posts
On July 29 2012 08:12 TheHumanSensation wrote: Hey, I've recently had my wisdom teeth removed, and although I'm not on painkillers at the moment I have lost a lot of blood and am lightheaded in general. I've been playing league because the camera doesn't give me a headache, and I feel that I can play it competently at a low level despite being mentally impaired at the moment.
I think my biggest issue right now is some serious tunnel vision going on. I can do well in a solo lane, but keeping track of everything in order to jungle well is kind of an issue. Supporting in a duo lane is fine enough, although my warding is definately off, and I've yet to AD Carry while impaired.
Without starting a "[Style] - Impaired Playing" thread, I would like to ask for some ways (champions, playstyles, general strategies, etc) to compensate for awful tunnel vision without actually trying to overcome the issue itself. I don't feel that my reaction time, small-scale awareness, mechanics, or other abilities are impaired below normal levels. ELO level would be the 900-1000 range if it affects advice.
If you play starcraft, just carry over the habit of trying to glance at the minimap as much as possible. It's a good reminder seeing 9 other champions moving around that there's more to the game than your lane. Also helps you spot ganks/teamfights breaking out nearby/objectives spawning/etc.
Play ARAM/ADAM/Dominion instead of Summonr's Rift.
Alistar + Lulu initiation is SO BROKEN.
I just bought riven and im not sure what build to do for her. Any suggestions?
On July 29 2012 08:38 IMoperator wrote: I just bought riven and im not sure what build to do for her. Any suggestions?
Doran Blades -> BT (x2?) -> GA.
Bloodthrister+GA is core. Earlier, sort of depends on what you're facing/need to do, but you can't really go wrong with a handful of d-blades and maybe a brutalizer.
(If anyone cares about my FNM, I borrowed a G/W mid-range deck, crushed the homebrews and got crushed by the serious players.)
Also, throw in a a hexdrinker if you're up against an AP top lane.
Usually your full build on Riven should be something like this:
boots-dorans-BT-GA/Mercs-MoM-LW-Randuins. Building brutalizer early can work, hexdrinker is recommended for laning vs AP top. If there is no real AP threat just get another BT instead of Maw.
That guide says to get wriggles on Riven ._.
On July 29 2012 09:07 Dusty wrote:That guide says to get wriggles on Riven ._. Wriggles first used to be standard as anything, and it's still fine in lanes where you need the extra armor or really want early lifesteal.
On July 29 2012 09:09 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2012 09:07 Dusty wrote:That guide says to get wriggles on Riven ._. Wriggles first used to be standard as anything, and it's still fine in lanes where you need the extra armor or really want early lifesteal.
sorry, I seem to have said that sort of matter-of-factly without realizing it, I just feel like you don't need to buy Wriggles on Riven, paying 1600 for that little lifesteal + damage + armor + ward every 3 minutes. The passive is kind of a waste on her to be honest as well.
Just get 2 dorans instead then