The Champions Feedback ThreadGeneral Warning: Do not caster bash in this thread. If there's something specific you don't like about OGN's casting, use the Feedback thread above for constructive criticism. Otherwise, don't comment about it. ~ Neo, 30.03.12, 20:25 KST |
On April 18 2012 22:05 Slayer91 wrote: Olaf destroying top even though alistar and shen are camping it. Olaf such a broken champ. Ikr? Real terror lane. No matter who wins, we all lose.
On April 18 2012 22:05 Slayer91 wrote: Olaf destroying top even though alistar and shen are camping it. Olaf such a broken champ. Yeah Olaf is way stronger than Olaf.
On April 18 2012 22:04 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: 20 to 50 cs bottom now. Alistar needs to go bot now before it becomes unrecoverable. Honestly, does it really matter though? Typical builds involve tank urgot, and even tank urgot is just gonna get popped by ulted olaf.
The only thing that really matters for him is his levels.
On April 18 2012 22:05 Slayer91 wrote: Olaf destroying top even though alistar and shen are camping it. Olaf such a broken champ.
Alistar took too much exp. Olaf is almost up half a level over Olaf. Trading with higher level E everytime he levels.
Roaming alistar completely threw away any advantage that Loco had from firstblood. He got zoned so hard and is way behind now.
Loco forced to doulbe DBlade, Hiro goes Bruta first on his Urgot.
loco got bullied because he let hiro land every corrosive charge early on taking way to much dmg ali should have been there earlier toplane is a fratparty and i think woong lost the beerpong game when he had to ult midlane is captain america vs red skull. No ending yet. loco and hotshot arguing about bot lane. No surprise
Philo v Wriggles openings on Olafs lol. Also a Cata v Tear first opening in mid.
United States37500 Posts
On April 18 2012 22:07 Vlanitak wrote: loco got bullied because he let hiro land every corrosive charge early on taking way to much dmg toplane is a fratparty and i think woong lost the beerpong game when he had to ult midlane is captain america vs red skull. No ending yet.
<3 Vlani
Oracles-Meowkai dies to Olaf+Urgot combo and that's Dragon and Oracle kill up for MiG.
Mokuza and dragon dies to brolaf and redskull
MIG catches maokai with oracles...not looking good for najin
Maokai no ganks in 12 minutes. 0/2/0
United States37500 Posts
rofl Olaf v Olaf battle
chunk chunk chunk chunk chunk
Lategame I give the advantage to MiG.
Shen > Maokai lategame since Maokai's CC is not going to catch and permaslow any squishy carry - MiG real tanky.
Gold should now be even for both Urgots after that dragon, if not slightly ahead for Loco. Still behind in exp though.
Doulbe Olaf ults top! Woong wins thanks to hp buffer from Kindlegem + HoG over just Kindlegem for Maknoon.
Korea (South)11232 Posts
fighting against olaf with half your hp missing is not a good idea