Well i decided not to be with team curse any more because Liquid and i dont like eachother and cant move as a team without all members being on the same page. Team is not going anywhere if liquid is support. told him to practice more support like alistar and taric after MLG. IPL and IEM come and he still dont know the champs and the fact that every other team know that is pretty sad.
as in the people in curse
pobelter - great player, plays really good. he know his mistakes about not buying ward and being push all day. im sure he will fix all of that.
nyjacky- i feel like this guy is cool and also really good player. my fav on the team.
liquid - cant play nothing should it give his spot a long time ago so the team can actually be better.
mashme - he told me to join unr . and was the reason i join the team . good player even tho he dont play as much now.
tom SYDTKO - thinks he knows everything and is never wrong even tho he lose lanes 80% of the times. dont really care about the team lol.
doublelift - cool guy. cant play ad tbh. i feel like our weakness as a team is always bot lane. never had a good bot lane always suck suck. can play decent cait and vayne. if ur going to be main ad for a team i advice u to learn kog urgot corki. every torny we had to ban kog even if we first pick cuz u coudnt play it.
as for me i will keep playing competitive and try to get better.
the LoL drama recently has been worthy of a daytime meolodrama
on a lighter note
edit- oops sorry thought i pressed edit on the previous post instead of quote... my bad
Well i decided not to be with team curse any more because Liquid and i dont like eachother and cant move as a team without all members being on the same page. Team is not going anywhere if liquid is support. told him to practice more support like alistar and taric after MLG. IPL and IEM come and he still dont know the champs and the fact that every other team know that is pretty sad.
as in the people in curse
pobelter - great player, plays really good. he know his mistakes about not buying ward and being push all day. im sure he will fix all of that.
nyjacky- i feel like this guy is cool and also really good player. my fav on the team.
liquid - cant play nothing should it give his spot a long time ago so the team can actually be better.
mashme - he told me to join unr . and was the reason i join the team . good player even tho he dont play as much now.
tom SYDTKO - thinks he knows everything and is never wrong even tho he lose lanes 80% of the times. dont really care about the team lol.
doublelift - cool guy. cant play ad tbh. i feel like our weakness as a team is always bot lane. never had a good bot lane always suck suck. can play decent cait and vayne. if ur going to be main ad for a team i advice u to learn kog urgot corki. every torny we had to ban kog even if we first pick cuz u coudnt play it.
as for me i will keep playing competitive and try to get better.
the LoL drama recently has been worthy of a daytime meolodrama
Sounds like the typical perception of a solo qing person. Bot lane is why we fail. Leader is why we fail. Some are cool (this is only said to validate my criticism of bot and leader,) random person is cool (its got to add up right?) but Im not the problem so rather than building anything around me the perfect one or leading or trying bot I will just qqqqqqq my way to another carry spot.
Nothing against this guy, maybe he is totally right! Just reading the text its like the average post screen of a losing game. "I gots more K/D all you suck and even those that didnt suck didnt lead and those that didnt lead or suck your ok so friend me for ranked kk?"
On October 20 2011 11:46 spacemonkey4eve wrote: lapaka leaving Crs
Well i decided not to be with team curse any more because Liquid and i dont like eachother and cant move as a team without all members being on the same page. Team is not going anywhere if liquid is support. told him to practice more support like alistar and taric after MLG. IPL and IEM come and he still dont know the champs and the fact that every other team know that is pretty sad.
as in the people in curse
pobelter - great player, plays really good. he know his mistakes about not buying ward and being push all day. im sure he will fix all of that.
nyjacky- i feel like this guy is cool and also really good player. my fav on the team.
liquid - cant play nothing should it give his spot a long time ago so the team can actually be better.
mashme - he told me to join unr . and was the reason i join the team . good player even tho he dont play as much now.
tom SYDTKO - thinks he knows everything and is never wrong even tho he lose lanes 80% of the times. dont really care about the team lol.
doublelift - cool guy. cant play ad tbh. i feel like our weakness as a team is always bot lane. never had a good bot lane always suck suck. can play decent cait and vayne. if ur going to be main ad for a team i advice u to learn kog urgot corki. every torny we had to ban kog even if we first pick cuz u coudnt play it.
as for me i will keep playing competitive and try to get better.
the LoL drama recently has been worthy of a daytime meolodrama
Sounds like the typical perception of a solo qing person. Bot lane is why we fail. Leader is why we fail. Some are cool (this is only said to validate my criticism of bot and leader,) random person is cool (its got to add up right?) but Im not the problem so rather than building anything around me the perfect one or leading or trying bot I will just qqqqqqq my way to another carry spot.
Nothing against this guy, maybe he is totally right! Just reading the text its like the average post screen of a losing game. "I gots more K/D all you suck and even those that didnt suck didnt lead and those that didnt lead or suck your ok so friend me for ranked kk?"
amazing how you have such insight into how flawed his insight is
On October 20 2011 11:46 spacemonkey4eve wrote: lapaka leaving Crs
Well i decided not to be with team curse any more because Liquid and i dont like eachother and cant move as a team without all members being on the same page. Team is not going anywhere if liquid is support. told him to practice more support like alistar and taric after MLG. IPL and IEM come and he still dont know the champs and the fact that every other team know that is pretty sad.
as in the people in curse
pobelter - great player, plays really good. he know his mistakes about not buying ward and being push all day. im sure he will fix all of that.
nyjacky- i feel like this guy is cool and also really good player. my fav on the team.
liquid - cant play nothing should it give his spot a long time ago so the team can actually be better.
mashme - he told me to join unr . and was the reason i join the team . good player even tho he dont play as much now.
tom SYDTKO - thinks he knows everything and is never wrong even tho he lose lanes 80% of the times. dont really care about the team lol.
doublelift - cool guy. cant play ad tbh. i feel like our weakness as a team is always bot lane. never had a good bot lane always suck suck. can play decent cait and vayne. if ur going to be main ad for a team i advice u to learn kog urgot corki. every torny we had to ban kog even if we first pick cuz u coudnt play it.
as for me i will keep playing competitive and try to get better.
the LoL drama recently has been worthy of a daytime meolodrama
Sounds like the typical perception of a solo qing person. Bot lane is why we fail. Leader is why we fail. Some are cool (this is only said to validate my criticism of bot and leader,) random person is cool (its got to add up right?) but Im not the problem so rather than building anything around me the perfect one or leading or trying bot I will just qqqqqqq my way to another carry spot.
Nothing against this guy, maybe he is totally right! Just reading the text its like the average post screen of a losing game. "I gots more K/D all you suck and even those that didnt suck didnt lead and those that didnt lead or suck your ok so friend me for ranked kk?"
amazing how you have such insight into how flawed his insight is
I don't, my post basically said I cut and pasted every post game loss screen Ive read before. I even added a caveat that said with no sarcasm that maybe this guy is totally right but "just reading the text" doesn't provide anymore insight into his calls beyond massive tears.
I didn't judge the person and maybe its totally out of context what was posted. I was replying in response to the post with disclaimer and no personal attack. Not sure your drama?
1- Everyone on that team is a second tier player. Seriously. Id rather have someone else at every position. Paka is good, but a step below SV, TOO, Jatt. Pobelter is good, wins lanes, but seems to have issues transitioning out of lanes. The rest of the team is kinda meh as well. NyJackie is probably the most solid and consistent player on that team.
2- They have absolutely no direction in game. At this point, Id say CLG is a very similar to CRS in terms of sheer skill. Jiji has been weak of late, HS decent as long as he gets one of his 3, SV decent, Ele and Chau decent bot. But at this point, if you were putting to a superteam together, you arent going to put anyone from CLG on it. The reason CLG wins and CRS doesnt is because CLG knows what the hell they are doing. They know how to play out a game. CRS doesnt, and they have no leader to tell them HOW to do it properly.
Lapaka's view is pretty much exactly what mine was. Doublelift literally started playing AD after joining Crs and is often caught overextended or out of position. He farms fine. Pobelter and Nyjacky usually play very well. Sydtko is horrible. I don't think Lapaka himself is a particularly great jungler, though.
On October 20 2011 11:47 Two_DoWn wrote: I pretty much only watch saint and jiji.
So played an actual Jungle Graves game. It's viable. The clear is fairly quick. I think I went from blue to golems to a gank(got the first blood) by around 3:30-3:40
The only real problem with running him jungle is I am always a tad confused what to build at a certain point if I am already behind in damage. Sadly we didn't win but that was more the top and bot being a tad too heavy for me to do do much. I tried to gank the lanes but man people get real tryhard in normals trying to ward all over. Lol.
The good thing is I can pretty much gank any over extended lane with the tumble smoke screen/ q to the face. It's hilariously good if done right.
On October 20 2011 12:04 Two_DoWn wrote: Dr. T_D diagnosing CRS' problems-
1- Everyone on that team is a second tier player. Seriously. Id rather have someone else at every position. Paka is good, but a step below SV, TOO, Jatt. Pobelter is good, wins lanes, but seems to have issues transitioning out of lanes. The rest of the team is kinda meh as well. NyJackie is probably the most solid and consistent player on that team.
2- They have absolutely no direction in game. At this point, Id say CLG is a very similar to CRS in terms of sheer skill. Jiji has been weak of late, HS decent as long as he gets one of his 3, SV decent, Ele and Chau decent bot. But at this point, if you were putting to a superteam together, you arent going to put anyone from CLG on it. The reason CLG wins and CRS doesnt is because CLG knows what the hell they are doing. They know how to play out a game. CRS doesnt, and they have no leader to tell them HOW to do it properly.
Sounds like a perception I could get behind with a few niggling wiggle words.
Honestly didn't mean to offend I just read the post and said it looked like a typical soloq post match whine. Doesn't mean it was wrong but it doesn't enlighten like this one does.
On October 20 2011 11:46 spacemonkey4eve wrote: lapaka leaving Crs
Well i decided not to be with team curse any more because Liquid and i dont like eachother and cant move as a team without all members being on the same page. Team is not going anywhere if liquid is support. told him to practice more support like alistar and taric after MLG. IPL and IEM come and he still dont know the champs and the fact that every other team know that is pretty sad.
as in the people in curse
pobelter - great player, plays really good. he know his mistakes about not buying ward and being push all day. im sure he will fix all of that.
nyjacky- i feel like this guy is cool and also really good player. my fav on the team.
liquid - cant play nothing should it give his spot a long time ago so the team can actually be better.
mashme - he told me to join unr . and was the reason i join the team . good player even tho he dont play as much now.
tom SYDTKO - thinks he knows everything and is never wrong even tho he lose lanes 80% of the times. dont really care about the team lol.
doublelift - cool guy. cant play ad tbh. i feel like our weakness as a team is always bot lane. never had a good bot lane always suck suck. can play decent cait and vayne. if ur going to be main ad for a team i advice u to learn kog urgot corki. every torny we had to ban kog even if we first pick cuz u coudnt play it.
as for me i will keep playing competitive and try to get better.
the LoL drama recently has been worthy of a daytime meolodrama
Sounds like the typical perception of a solo qing person. Bot lane is why we fail. Leader is why we fail. Some are cool (this is only said to validate my criticism of bot and leader,) random person is cool (its got to add up right?) but Im not the problem so rather than building anything around me the perfect one or leading or trying bot I will just qqqqqqq my way to another carry spot.
Nothing against this guy, maybe he is totally right! Just reading the text its like the average post screen of a losing game. "I gots more K/D all you suck and even those that didnt suck didnt lead and those that didnt lead or suck your ok so friend me for ranked kk?"
Doublelift isn't good on AD. This is a pretty well known fact but I personally cut him some slack cause he's new in that role. I'm sure Lapaka realizes he's new in that role but it's still kind of a problem. And, btw, Lapaka is right. Curse's weakest link has always been bot lane because of how good their mid/top lane is and how good Lapaka is. Recently paka has had some rough spots but he's a really solid jungler, just under saint/jatt imo. Pobelter/Nyjacky are both pretty superb, especially Pobelter.
I don't know enough about Liquid to know how good he is on support. SYDTKO can be a real dick though and a lot of the high level players dislike him.
edit: And I also agree that Curse's huge problem has been transitioning out of lane phase. Pobelter/Nyjacky do really well in lane but often times it doesn't matter because either bottom is behind or they just have really shitty team fights. I dunno if the people on their team just don't know how to team fight or if it's a leadership issue.
On October 20 2011 11:18 Craton wrote: So I was curious about stream interest and made some polls. There were a lot more NA streamers so I limited it to most popular people on the starting lineups of pro teams. (Sorry Loci). For EU I included all the big names I could think of that actively stream. I was going to make it a single vote overall, but since I guarantee half of you will fail vote in both polls, I might as well make it so you pick for each region.
On October 20 2011 12:16 HPoirot wrote: Crumbzz looks to be the new fifth if his tag if anything to go by. Curse collecting Poppy players. Edit: So close.
Can I have a link to the best/better stream?
New to this particular crew (as was made clear by my attempt [failed] to show impartiality above)
On October 20 2011 12:16 HPoirot wrote: Crumbzz looks to be the new fifth if his tag if anything to go by. Curse collecting Poppy players. Edit: So close.
Can I have a link to the best/better stream?
New to this particular crew (as was made clear by my attempt [failed] to show impartiality above)
Just watch any TSM member streaming. Think TRM/Chaox/Regi are all streaming so you can pretty much check out every viewpoint.