On September 20 2011 16:46 Southlight wrote: A significant number of people that play LoL simply prefer the play in it over DotA/HoN style play. It is that simple.
I enjoy playing LoL much more than I do playing DotA/HoN (probably at least in part because I'm bad at the latter)--but competitive DotA/HoN are a much better spectator experience for me.
It's sort of like BW--I'm absolutely awful at it, and its way more stressful than playing other RTS games, but OSL/MSL/PL are definitely more exciting for me to watch than events in other games.
On September 20 2011 17:27 mr_tolkien wrote: You see Madred's Bloodrazor centric build on the won side, IE builds on the other. On the won side, the opposing lineup changes a LOT, tending to prove it can be «standard» on a Kog. If you build fast Madred's with Berserkers into Frozen M and Wit's ends it seems to be a very viable damage source and shouldn't be tossed apart that easily.
Spud got it right on his post a page or two back IMO.
Madred's is probably the best single-item autoattack DPS in the game--that much is very hard to argue against. It gives AD/AD-like stats along with attack speed, so you don't need 2 separate items to benefit from the multiplicative stat gains, and the effective AD value of 4% max HP is extremely high. Even vs. a 2k HP target, that's effectively 80 AD.
What Madred's loses out on is the multiplicative scaling benefits of other DPS items. IE's strength is not its single-item DPS, but that it is the only item in the game that gives +crit damage. On single-item DPS, IE can't expect to match Bloodrazor--but it CAN expect to win after 1) you've itemized for more attack speed, to cover ground that Bloodrazor is split evenly into already, 2) you've itemized for crit, which Bloodrazor gets reduced benefit from (because the proc can't crit), and IE gets EXTRA benefit from (because of the +crit damage), 3) you've gotten a penetration item, as the mixed damage from Bloodrazor makes itemizing late game against penetration stats awkward.
So for me the rule is Bloodrazor if you don't expect to buy another primary damage item, and IE if you do plan on getting several other primary damage items to go with it. Many of the games in question at IEM were in situations where Kog'maw simply could not afford to be so fragile (e.g. in CLG vs Millenium game, where CLG had Jax and Nocturne--against 2 mobile anti-carries, Kog cannot expect not to take some hits, so itemizing Bloodrazor + some survivability would allow for Kog to worry less about getting 1-shot and be able to dish out more damage).
On September 20 2011 16:46 Southlight wrote: A significant number of people that play LoL simply prefer the play in it over DotA/HoN style play. It is that simple.
I enjoy playing LoL much more than I do playing DotA/HoN (probably at least in part because I'm bad at the latter)--but competitive DotA/HoN are a much better spectator experience for me.
It's sort of like BW--I'm absolutely awful at it, and its way more stressful than playing other RTS games, but OSL/MSL/PL are definitely more exciting for me to watch than events in other games.
IMO, neither LoL nor DotA/HoN are great spectator games, especially compared to BW/SC2.
However, from a playing perspective, I just find LoL a far, far, far superior game to DotA. Closer champion power curves, more intuitive mechanics and more defined map objectives just make the game much more fun than DotA to me. Considering that DotA 2 is a blatant remake, not even a spiritual successor in the sense that SC2 was to BW, I don't really understand the hype for it. Is it the new graphics? Is it the nostalgia? If people love DotA that much, why don't they still play it? It is still available to play, and HoN, another direct remake, is f2p like LoL.
To me DotA 2 is all hype and offers nothing new. If LoL is a better game than DotA, then LoL will still be a better game than DotA 2, pending future changes.
The way I think of bloodrazor is that it's necessarily costed so as to avoid being broken on characters who achieve high attack speeds, like trist or kogmaw... which makes it overcosted on everyone else.
On September 20 2011 17:37 spinesheath wrote: Just got my 2nd pentakill ever. HELL YES. Only a normal game, sadly, but it was SO PRO, sniping one after another with Kog ulti.
Also thanks to Brand (who was it, Spikard?) for getting caught really stupidly and setting up the fight.
u can thank me and mummy aoe cheese for putting everyone at 0 health also if u want.
So I have been really getting into LoL lately and I am looking to get better. My mains are Akali, Morgana, and Janna (mostly for tornado lol's). I am working on learning ward spots and overall decision making but I feel like there is a tough gap to bridge considering all I can do is play pubs right now. Any suggestions for general improvement?
I don't know if there's a real shortcut, as a lot of things are pure experience. There're some general theories and such that're useful, but I don't think anyone's ever really written up a guide to the fundamentals. Otherwise watching some decent streams is a good help, but a lot of what goes on in relatively "higher level" play is not necessarily applicable, correct, etc.
On September 20 2011 18:04 Hoban wrote: So I have been really getting into LoL lately and I am looking to get better. My mains are Akali, Morgana, and Janna (mostly for tornado lol's). I am working on learning ward spots and overall decision making but I feel like there is a tough gap to bridge considering all I can do is play pubs right now. Any suggestions for general improvement?
There were some general improvement guides written in TL LoL section, try browsing threads, but remember to change the age of displayed topics from 14 days to more (at the very end of thread list). The biggest stuff that let me improve was: working towards perfect last hitting (still far from perfect in my case), learning not to chase, using the minimap correctly (still far from perfect in my case). Also don't fight the battles where the enemy has advantage in numbers and everytime someone is MIA assume that he is trying to gank you right now. And by MIA i don't mean your ally calling MIA, i mean you looking at the minimap/pressing tab and noticing it
On September 20 2011 17:47 Lorken wrote: Free Xin this week, is he as easy and OP as I think he is? I'd like to give him a try when the servers are back up.
Easy? Yes. OP? No lol.
Hes a fun jungler and has pretty good ganks, i don't know how good he is at solo laning but i guess it depends on who you are facing.
On September 20 2011 18:31 gtrsrs wrote: fakesteve just hooked me up with an indie band. how jelly y'all. PS SELLING FAKESTEVE SECRETS FOR 1000 RP EACH ASK ANYTHING GET AN ANSWER (hitn: the ansewrw is METAL) \
E> u TL.net support severitygaming.net. i know we're not TL..net but we're the closest thing TL has to a competeive team right now (nooffense TL B cause i lvoe you)
.net or .com ? :D
On September 20 2011 18:31 isM wrote: What are sites to look up peoples ladder rankings a la sc2ranks.