On August 28 2011 05:54 zer0das wrote: So how about that AoE bug making almost everything impossible to dodge? xD
Its not all AoE. There is a huge thread of Riot posts and player testing/screenshots. It's confirmed that range of only Cait traps and Teemo shrooms are broken. Unconfirmed for Nid traps but I'm pretty sure HSGG said they're fine.
On August 28 2011 05:54 zer0das wrote: So how about that AoE bug making almost everything impossible to dodge? xD
Its not all AoE. There is a huge thread of Riot posts and player testing/screenshots. It's confirmed that range of only Cait traps and Teemo shrooms are broken. Unconfirmed for Nid traps but I'm pretty sure HSGG said they're fine.
I doubt it. I got caught in Amumu's Ultimate way outside of its normal range. I wasn't even near the border of his bandages and I was still was affected. Also Kog'Maw's ultimate's AoE extends way beyond what it normally does.
Also there are videos like this:
Personal guess is they simply haven't had time to sort through a mess of this magnitude. Their main argument is that the hit area extends slightly outside of the displayed hit area by default, so working as intended. Which has always been true, but now if you're even further out you still get hit.
If anyone on EU East wants pax jax, I can trade it for some other code or something, can't guarantee it'll work(Ill give you the code and you can give something back or just take it don't really care lol just have it and don't play on eu east) since I used it on the old EU before the split but it did work on US.
On August 28 2011 06:25 JackDino wrote: If anyone on EU East wants pax jax, I can trade it for some other code or something, can't guarantee it'll work(Ill give you the code and you can give something back or just take it don't really care lol just have it and don't play on eu east) since I used it on the old EU before the split but it did work on US.
Darn. Doesn't work on EU West? Maybe I can try? :3
As for the AoE bug, it's being looked into. Giving it a look myself. If you guys have specifics on exactly which AoE mechanics might be bugged, please give a holler.
Yeah, Brand's pillar, Annie Tibbers, and probably her flamethrower are bugged too. No wonder they got me even though they were so bad. I'd need to check Kennen's thunderball triggering range before I say anything on that spell though.
On August 28 2011 06:25 JackDino wrote: If anyone on EU East wants pax jax, I can trade it for some other code or something, can't guarantee it'll work(Ill give you the code and you can give something back or just take it don't really care lol just have it and don't play on eu east) since I used it on the old EU before the split but it did work on US.
Darn. Doesn't work on EU West? Maybe I can try? :3
As for the AoE bug, it's being looked into. Giving it a look myself. If you guys have specifics on exactly which AoE mechanics might be bugged, please give a holler.
Already told a friend to try it on EU west, didn't work:p but might work on EU East, just not sure since I used it on the old EU before the split. Anyone on EU east, feel free to try 3XMDF7GV6LHAK3AU.
On August 28 2011 05:54 zer0das wrote: So how about that AoE bug making almost everything impossible to dodge? xD
Its not all AoE. There is a huge thread of Riot posts and player testing/screenshots. It's confirmed that range of only Cait traps and Teemo shrooms are broken. Unconfirmed for Nid traps but I'm pretty sure HSGG said they're fine.
I doubt it. I got caught in Amumu's Ultimate way outside of its normal range. I wasn't even near the border of his bandages and I was still was affected. Also Kog'Maw's ultimate's AoE extends way beyond what it normally does.
Personal guess is they simply haven't had time to sort through a mess of this magnitude. Their main argument is that the hit area extends slightly outside of the displayed hit area by default, so working as intended. Which has always been true, but now if you're even further out you still get hit.
I've seen this video, and I tried out some of the other champions people were complaining about (ie. Cass) and I noticed no difference. To me that looks like normal hitbox for Brand's W. You always get hit slightly outside the range of an ability, including Amumu's ult.
On August 28 2011 06:25 JackDino wrote: If anyone on EU East wants pax jax, I can trade it for some other code or something, can't guarantee it'll work(Ill give you the code and you can give something back or just take it don't really care lol just have it and don't play on eu east) since I used it on the old EU before the split but it did work on US.
Darn. Doesn't work on EU West? Maybe I can try? :3
As for the AoE bug, it's being looked into. Giving it a look myself. If you guys have specifics on exactly which AoE mechanics might be bugged, please give a holler.
From what I have seen so far. Cait Trap Swain W Morg Pool Kennen Ultra and I think Q too (but i may be wrong about that one) Cass (Q and W)
Have yet to see Brand and Orianna so can't comment on them.
I don't think that skillshots are affected, though (large pool for Morgana, but I missed Dark Bindings by a short enough margin to be sure). Also, confirmed for Swain W, and Cass. No wonder she trashed me the other day when I went and asked there what I could have done, even boots weren't enough to dodge her or Brand.
Would actually explain a lot. I was playing Morde yesterday and whilst his E always went a little over the edge i was making crazy hits and i was just sitting there "wow, this is crazy"
I chalked it up to luck like all my hits were just barely on the edge of it's real range (wich is slightly greater then the image range) but i think it makes sense that it was a bug. Some of those E hits were just crazy.
Also i met a Cassiopia on lane and she fucked me over hard and i kept wondering why i could hardly dodge a thing with my boots.