On September 08 2011 08:55 HyperionDreamer wrote: I tend to not like using mantra stacks at ALL unless I have to, or unless I want to really push the lane. I have this aversion to pushing real hard from level 1, since you're painting a big target on your back, and I think that's eventually what's going to happen if you're using RE really often.
Level 1 Karma is super strong in lane. You're gimping yourself by not going balls out and trading from the start, you have literally nothing to lose at that level, AND you'll hit level 2 first, allowing you to keep up the pressure even harder.
On September 08 2011 08:55 HyperionDreamer wrote: I tend to not like using mantra stacks at ALL unless I have to, or unless I want to really push the lane. I have this aversion to pushing real hard from level 1, since you're painting a big target on your back, and I think that's eventually what's going to happen if you're using RE really often.
On September 08 2011 08:50 Juicyfruit wrote: I feel that if you wait until after RoA to build your deathcap, the game would have dragged on long enough that the other team does enough damage to make RoA's health bonus fairly moot.
If you have to build a ton of survivability (RoA and hourglass), your teamcomp isn't really ideal for Karma. Your bruiser is basically so strong that as long as you can deal with THEIR frontline via having the likes of Janna or Alistar and a good damage dealer a la kogmaw or vayne, you are basically set.
Like I said, you don't necessarily have to wait until after RoA, you can get the catalyst for the increased HP and mana pools in lane and then get your NLR -> Deathcap. I have a crazy attachment to lane sustain no matter what way you slice it though, which is why I prefer the Catalyst.
Karma pushes the lane safely from like 600 range. If you have 2 mantras, use RE on a creep near the enemy. No reason not to, unless you're sure you're gonna get ganked in the next 25 seconds. You don't NEED catalyst. If you really need mana regen and you can't just get blue buff, run mp5 runes or get a tear/philo and spend 400 less gold. Lane sustain for Karma is a 3 part thing 1) make enemy go b 2) push lane to enemy tower 3) go b this is accomplished by pressing RE REQ QRE Q REQ B
On September 08 2011 09:49 Requizen wrote: Note to self: laning Akali against a Galio. Not fun.
laning against galio with almost anything is not fun, he can either heal from your attacks if you are sustained dmg or make your brust deal only 1/4 dmg against his resistances. And if hes really low he tanks some minions to heal to full.
On September 08 2011 08:55 HyperionDreamer wrote: I tend to not like using mantra stacks at ALL unless I have to, or unless I want to really push the lane. I have this aversion to pushing real hard from level 1, since you're painting a big target on your back, and I think that's eventually what's going to happen if you're using RE really often.
On September 08 2011 08:50 Juicyfruit wrote: I feel that if you wait until after RoA to build your deathcap, the game would have dragged on long enough that the other team does enough damage to make RoA's health bonus fairly moot.
If you have to build a ton of survivability (RoA and hourglass), your teamcomp isn't really ideal for Karma. Your bruiser is basically so strong that as long as you can deal with THEIR frontline via having the likes of Janna or Alistar and a good damage dealer a la kogmaw or vayne, you are basically set.
Like I said, you don't necessarily have to wait until after RoA, you can get the catalyst for the increased HP and mana pools in lane and then get your NLR -> Deathcap. I have a crazy attachment to lane sustain no matter what way you slice it though, which is why I prefer the Catalyst.
Karma pushes the lane safely from like 600 range. If you have 2 mantras, use RE on a creep near the enemy. No reason not to, unless you're sure you're gonna get ganked in the next 25 seconds. You don't NEED catalyst. If you really need mana regen and you can't just get blue buff, run mp5 runes or get a tear/philo and spend 400 less gold. Lane sustain for Karma is a 3 part thing 1) make enemy go b 2) push lane to enemy tower 3) go b this is accomplished by pressing RE REQ QRE Q REQ B
Sure, I know that Karma pushes the lane like a boss. If that's the way that you want to play her, then more power to you. It's just really really sketchy with regards to getting ganked - you're painting a massive target on your back if you're pressuring the lane up to the opposing hero's tower. Also, you're making it sound like there's absolutely nothing that any opponent can do about your burst - there are plenty of laners that can and will put pressure back on you, and pressure you when they know your mantra stacks are down. Catalyst helps with that, as well as actual lane sustain in terms of HP and mana, instead of what you're described.
lol after those deathcap rush suggestions (karma) I tried: 3 dorans lucidity dc. holy shit this is strong. Just one time I got initiated on with arrow+tf and then i figured that I just need a banshees as a follow up and be fine.
GP with 50 kills, 9 deaths, built 3 iedges, 2 phantom dancers and one bloodthirster.
Other team all reported him:
"this guy is wayyyyy to op please fix this he got over 50 kills i think. " Verbal Abuse "50/9/6 I don't think so, he is so OP. He soloed two turrets with no minions. Please fix this Riot :3" Offensive Language "was calling us noobs the entire game and he is op and he can solo 2 turrets... please fix with riot" Verbal Abuse "Gangplank is op and can solo two turrets, fix this riot." Verbal Abuse Negative Attitude