A quality(at least in my opinion) game. Looking for some feedback.
Player: Iunek Champion: soraka Game type: 5v5 custom game (weekly Polish esl cup) 1900-2450 elo range Region: EUNE Description: 1 hour intense game full of back and forth action, destroyed inhibitors, and world level throws. Link: http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/1410099/
Looking for some feedback/your opinion why the game had that result
Edit: Might have used an old recorder...
On August 25 2012 18:20 Shepherd_Ice wrote:Player: Shepherd Ice Champion: Vayne Game Type: 5v5 Ranked Solo queue (900 Elo Range) Region: USA Description: This is me attemption to play vayne. My team fed darius and ultimately led to our defeat. But i care more about what i did wrong. Link: http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/1700295/http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/1700295/
- Should take either heal or cleanse on Vayne - Max Q not W - Too much inefficient harass at lv1, made you miss cs. - Tell Taric to ward tribrush and not river brush - Fight at 8:50, bad flash led to no kill, awful dive after. - Stop talking - 15:20 fight, didn't kite, couldve killed both. - Then you keep talking like Darius being fed is the reason you died.
Gonna stop watching, game was carriable at all points, you instead started talking midway through and missed every opportunity to turn the game around. You also tunnel way too much in fights, learn to switch targets when you're getting hit for free. Overall, this is the kind of game you should be carrying 100% if you think you don't belong at your elo.
Max Q not W thats actually not correct you can max w first on vayne if you want to (dont have the time tow atch the replay atm)
then your laning will be a lot weaker
Baa?21242 Posts
vayne pretty much dropped off the face of the planet in a lot of tournaments, but is still played quite a bit on chinese/taiwan servers from what i've streams. they seem to favor a w max, fast attack speed build. wriggles (optional), pd, black cleaver seems like a popular choice.
also lane switching means if you can get vayne in a 2v1 you can get around her shitty laning.
then your laning will be a lot weaker That is actually not true esp with a nunu support your lane is stronger + after the "recent" nerf on vaynes Q I prefer maxing W aswell.
Player: Yiruru Champion: Brand Game Type: 5v5 Ranked (1600 team ELO, I'm 2900 elo) Region: NA
I was pissed from the game before when smash DC'd so my jungler couldn't get me any blue buffs. In this game I bait the other jungler to come multiple times but bly never counterganked for me or helped me. So after 3 deaths I decide to troll him by building 4 gp10s and staying mid all game long without buying any items. I watch my team lose multiple team fights and almost the game before they somehow catch the enemy jungler and get baron. With 11k in the bank I finally spend my gold and proceed to get a quadra kill in the last fight.
Link: http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/841218/download/
On September 25 2012 09:41 zulu_nation8 wrote:Player: YiruruChampion: Brand Game Type: 5v5 Ranked (1600 team ELO, I'm 2900 elo) Region: NA Description: I was pissed from the game before when smash DC'd so my jungler couldn't get me any blue buffs. In this game I bait the other jungler to come multiple times but bly never counterganked for me or helped me. So after 3 deaths I decide to troll him by building 4 gp10s and staying mid all game long without buying any items. I watch my team lose multiple team fights and almost the game before they somehow catch the enemy jungler and get baron. With 11k in the bank I finally spend my gold and proceed to get a quadra kill in the last fight. Link: http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/841218/download/ Wait a minute....
I made a ranked 5s team 2 weeks ago with random people on my friend list and an irl friend, and we were able to get 1842 on the ranked 5s ladder. This is a replay pack of every game from 1500 on. I played jungle, the champion pool varies until 1700+ where most of the games were amumu. Hope this is helpful, thanks to milo and ghandi for the suggestion.
On November 13 2012 16:40 zulu_nation8 wrote:I made a ranked 5s team 2 weeks ago with random people on my friend list and an irl friend, and we were able to get 1842 on the ranked 5s ladder. This is a replay pack of every game from 1500 on. I played jungle, the champion pool varies until 1700+ where most of the games were amumu. Hope this is helpful, thanks to milo and ghandi for the suggestion. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qvvv55fz64es7gw Did you also save the ones where you were win trading? Those are more interesting to watch.
On November 13 2012 16:40 zulu_nation8 wrote:I made a ranked 5s team 2 weeks ago with random people on my friend list and an irl friend, and we were able to get 1842 on the ranked 5s ladder. This is a replay pack of every game from 1500 on. I played jungle, the champion pool varies until 1700+ where most of the games were amumu. Hope this is helpful, thanks to milo and ghandi for the suggestion. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qvvv55fz64es7gw
no one suggested that....
Baa?21242 Posts
On November 13 2012 16:41 ChoBz wrote: "Did you also save the ones where you were win trading? those are more interesting to watch"
the people need to know the truth!!
On November 13 2012 16:43 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:Show nested quote +On November 13 2012 16:41 ChoBz wrote: "Did you also save the ones where you were win trading? those are more interesting to watch"
the people need to know the truth!! LOOOOL uh oh
none of the games in the pack were win traded...
On November 13 2012 16:45 zulu_nation8 wrote: none of the games in the pack were win traded... I know... just the ones after were.
On November 13 2012 16:41 ChoBz wrote:Show nested quote +On November 13 2012 16:40 zulu_nation8 wrote:I made a ranked 5s team 2 weeks ago with random people on my friend list and an irl friend, and we were able to get 1842 on the ranked 5s ladder. This is a replay pack of every game from 1500 on. I played jungle, the champion pool varies until 1700+ where most of the games were amumu. Hope this is helpful, thanks to milo and ghandi for the suggestion. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qvvv55fz64es7gw Did you also save the ones where you were win trading? Those are more interesting to watch.
We were one game away with 3 hours left and a team we beat 3-2 offered, majority ruled so I agreed. ChoBz I genuinely apologize if I offended your morals. This is a thread for posting League of Legends replays, I would appreciate it if you did not try to derail.
Edit: by majority rules I meant I could've technically disbanded the team to prevent them from doing it, but honestly I don't give a shit LOL.
On November 13 2012 16:49 zulu_nation8 wrote:Show nested quote +On November 13 2012 16:41 ChoBz wrote:On November 13 2012 16:40 zulu_nation8 wrote:I made a ranked 5s team 2 weeks ago with random people on my friend list and an irl friend, and we were able to get 1842 on the ranked 5s ladder. This is a replay pack of every game from 1500 on. I played jungle, the champion pool varies until 1700+ where most of the games were amumu. Hope this is helpful, thanks to milo and ghandi for the suggestion. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qvvv55fz64es7gw Did you also save the ones where you were win trading? Those are more interesting to watch. We were one game away with 3 hours left and a team we beat 3-2 offered, majority rules so I agreed. Sorry if TL B wasn't able to get it. We lost to you guys too you guys are really good. But more importantly I wanna focus on the non wintraded games to 1842. Edit: by majority rules I meant I could've technically disbanded the team to prevent them from doing it, but honestly I don't give a shit LOL. Aww you edited out the Lol for the TL B not making diamond. It's okay we got our solo diamonds yeahhh. Sorry for derailing thread. I'm sure the pack has some good jungler stuff in there.
Well now that you quoted it I can't take it back, wasn't gonna go the TL B route. Congratulations on solo queue diamond, if only i was good enough.