United States37500 Posts
On July 29 2011 15:41 TieN.nS) wrote:Player: Eyedrinker Champion: Brand Game Type: 5v5 Ranked Solo Queue (1600 Elo) Region: NA Description: Still same deal as above, but Brand is basically my main nowadays. Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?1znryqyi77vwnec
- Opening EW, I prefer WQ or even EQ. Stun is vital early on when you need CC to create distance between you and enemy solo. - Vs Akali, whens she Shrouds at near full HP, W closer to yourself. Think what an Akali is doing. When she doesn't feel threatened (not at low life), she Shrouds to get closer to you and get some harass in. You aimed your cone too far and missed. She was standing at the closest part of her Shroud near you - Manage your mana better. At levels 3-4, you're already near empty. This is mostly due to two missed combos. EW, she dodged your W. And another EQ, you missed her while she was stealth. You really need to make your spells count, otherwise be conservative. With two skill shot spells, Brand does immense damage but you can't afford to miss. - Great first blood. You didn't blow Flash which was good. Decent micro to walk up in between auto attack animation. +400 gold - Bad death. At least it was a trade. I would've been happier if she died first though. You didn't cast E, which meant no Stun, which meant no massive W damage. I'll chalk it up to panic that you missed your combo. - Bad second death. You misread Akali's action. Your own jungle wasn't there to support you and there's no reason why a full hp Akali would back off like that. What you should have done in that position (lane is pushed), run up top because Sion is pushing that lane and tell Amumu to hold at tower once Akali pushes lane back. Remember that this is still a 4v5. - Very good top gank. You should go up there every time WW has his ulti up. Any champion that gives you a stun for more than 2 seconds, you love long time. Easiest combo for you to pull off. Probably didn't need to ulti there. Just combo EW for damage and Q once WW ulti finished. Link your stun, don't overlap. - Don't wimp out when you catch someone in your jungle. It's ok to back up but you can't get out of Q range. I understand that the entire enemy team was MIA (Cait was bot though) but you had 3 people in your jungle with you. You weren't going to die to a single Jarman - Man up. Know when you can tower dive. You kill Cait in mid, land a decent Ulti for once. You have Amumu leading the charge and even Kayle and WW in front of you. Why are you backing up? Dive that Taric faster, harder so your team doesn't have to stand between two turrets taking hits.
TL;DR: - You play a good Brand, not great but you farm and team fight decently. Just work on landing your skill shots - Need better decision-making. You play passive in team fights when you should be going balls out, kill shit mode - Communicate more, this is solo q. Not asking you to call out shots for your team (you eventually should) but as of now, you say nothing contributing to your team. As Brand, call out easy kills. See a green dot on WW or Amumu, go 2 man gank asap. It's stupid silly how easy champions fall from levels 6-11 when you have an ally stun them so you can combo EW and link your own Q stun right after. Most of the time you don't even need to ulti or Ignite. Passive'd W is redonkulous. - Don't be so easy to ulti. I think that entire game, you fired off only two good ultis and at least one fight where you could've used ulti but it was on CD.
Regarding communicating more, I usually do (as is shown in the Orianna replay I posted), but it gets tiring telling people what to do at every point in the game when no one listens and I'm on a losing streak. As far as skill order goes, maybe I should have gotten Q at level 3 this game as I usually do, but getting it at level 2 seems way too defensive and Brand has no real damage without W. I probably should be more conservative with my mana, but I try to really dominate the lane early on to start denying; obviously, it doesn't work out as well if I miss my skillshots. I agree that the first death could have been avoided, and I definitely did try to E then Q but for some reason the E didn't go off. The second death was absolutely retarded as I was even baited away from the side that I warded, so definitely agree with everything you said there. I am definitely trigger happy with Brand ult, particularly before when I want to go buy; usually I rationalize it by thinking that a few lucky bounces will win a teamfight right then and there, but there is absolutely no reason for me to gamble with it when I can just wait for Amumu ult. Thanks for the feedback, I will work on my skillshot aim (duh) and be more proactive with ganks rather than just falling into afk farm mode as is my natural tendency.
United States37500 Posts
On July 29 2011 22:42 TieN.nS) wrote: Regarding communicating more, I usually do (as is shown in the Orianna replay I posted), but it gets tiring telling people what to do at every point in the game when no one listens and I'm on a losing streak. As far as skill order goes, maybe I should have gotten Q at level 3 this game as I usually do, but getting it at level 2 seems way too defensive and Brand has no real damage without W. I probably should be more conservative with my mana, but I try to really dominate the lane early on to start denying; obviously, it doesn't work out as well if I miss my skillshots. I agree that the first death could have been avoided, and I definitely did try to E then Q but for some reason the E didn't go off. The second death was absolutely retarded as I was even baited away from the side that I warded, so definitely agree with everything you said there. I am definitely trigger happy with Brand ult, particularly before when I want to go buy; usually I rationalize it by thinking that a few lucky bounces will win a teamfight right then and there, but there is absolutely no reason for me to gamble with it when I can just wait for Amumu ult. Thanks for the feedback, I will work on my skillshot aim (duh) and be more proactive with ganks rather than just falling into afk farm mode as is my natural tendency.
The point of getting Q at level 2 is to be defensive. For a champion with no escape skills, early access to a CC is good. What is the point of more damage early on if it's not guaranteed? EW is still too iffy to land early on.
It's fine to afk farm, especially as a solo AP with a great farming kit. But the problem is that you have to look at the other lanes. If Akali goes down bot (which you didn't call MIA btw) and scores a double kill, you can't just afk farm some more. You should try to go top and set the enemy team back a bit somehow. Best time to afk farm is when other lanes are pressured but they can afford to sit at tower for a while. In those situation, farm hard, push hard, and get some hits on the outer tower.
FWIW I think brand can hold off a point in Q until level 4. You really can't afford to miss Ws tho.
Has anybody had problems with replays since the new patch? All my old replays are borked.
Yes, it's a known problem with the latest version of lolreplay.
Player: Arnath Champion: Vayne Game Type: 5v5 Ranked Solo Queue (1780 Elo) Region: NA Description: Had a really dumb first death where I super fail attempted to dodge a Cait Q and then got flash/killed. After this, went 9-0-7 through the rest of the game. I feel like I had good positioning, was good about going around and assisting when lanes got attacked by 2+, farmed well. Ended up getting rocked late game by a pretty fed Nasus because our Kassadin did 0 damage so he had no reason to build anything but armor. Literally don't know what else I could have done to carry this game. Any tips?
Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14031450/arnath-vayne.lrf
United States37500 Posts
On July 30 2011 13:54 arnath wrote: Player: Arnath Champion: Vayne Game Type: 5v5 Ranked Solo Queue (1780 Elo) Region: NA Description: Had a really dumb first death where I super fail attempted to dodge a Cait Q and then got flash/killed. After this, went 9-0-7 through the rest of the game. I feel like I had good positioning, was good about going around and assisting when lanes got attacked by 2+, farmed well. Ended up getting rocked late game by a pretty fed Nasus because our Kassadin did 0 damage so he had no reason to build anything but armor. Literally don't know what else I could have done to carry this game. Any tips?
No link. zzz
Haha I'm totally awesome at this. Fixed now.
United States37500 Posts
On July 30 2011 13:54 arnath wrote:Player: Arnath Champion: Vayne Game Type: 5v5 Ranked Solo Queue (1780 Elo) Region: NA Description: Had a really dumb first death where I super fail attempted to dodge a Cait Q and then got flash/killed. After this, went 9-0-7 through the rest of the game. I feel like I had good positioning, was good about going around and assisting when lanes got attacked by 2+, farmed well. Ended up getting rocked late game by a pretty fed Nasus because our Kassadin did 0 damage so he had no reason to build anything but armor. Literally don't know what else I could have done to carry this game. Any tips? Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14031450/arnath-vayne.lrf
- Need to tell your Taric that Soraka is an easy kill at level 2. Especially if she's camping the brush like that. Taric Stun and Shatter, you follow up with Q Exhaust Auto E. That's easily 400 damage. - You need to watch tower hp when you farm. You had a good creep wave bot but you were last hitting too long. It was 3v4 at mid and they couldn't hold it vs Cait. Not to mention Kass gave FB to Ori. You needed to swing to mid sooner as to not lose mid tower so early. Shove bot in that case, but still get farm. Don't just auto for last hits. - 15 minutes in, you guys just got away from an amazing team fight where you dove in between middle's outer and inner tower. Healing (instead of Dragon) was the right call. You should have noticed at this point that Nasus never budged from top, real afk farm mode. This should have been your first warning of a late game Nas.
Alright I sped through the rest of the replay. You played a solid Vayne. You were simply outcomped (Taric useless champion after level 11, Kass not so great late game against two tanks either). Not to mention Taric played like an over all retard (definitely Team Heavy) and Irelia made a huge mistake in the miscall on coming back after bot (she should not have been bot in the first place but coming back made things even worse).
Only suggestions I really have is to flank more in situations like that. All the fights after 20 minutes were Nasus and Amumu running towards your team and your team getting kited. You definitely spent way too much time attacking/running away from Nasus (not that it was your fault but still). I would say you should've message Kass and told him that you and him would go for go after Cait, Soraka, Ori in that order, on your own. Rest of your team do whatever but you needed to kill those 3. Stay away from your team but don't get caught. Then Flank! Save Exhaust for Nasus and depend on Kass's Force Pulse for the slow.
Late game (if the teams were more even/comptent) you definitely needed more AS and/or a Bloodrazor. If that Nasus wanted to come after you, you needed to be able to melt him and Amumu fast. Silver Bolts > Nasus but you simply had no front line.
Player: Loco Champion: Cait Game Type: 5v5 Ranked (2k elo) Region:NA Description: Played an amazing game as caitlyn, if u wanna learn how to lane and teamfight properly this replay should be pretty educational
[url blocked]
think you uploaded the wrong one
is it me playing cait vs rainman teemo?
yea but its just a standard 30min loss, thought you were gonna come back but you never did.
On August 06 2011 16:30 zulu_nation8 wrote: yea but its just a standard 30min loss, thought you were gonna come back but you never did. i play near perfectly in teamfights and dominate my lane,it not really the result that matters but the gameplay
Player: z0r Champion: Singed Game Type: 5v5 Normal Region: NA Description: A really bad Caitlyn in the middle (gets hit by Nidalee's spear twice before minions reach mid... by standing still) results in a pretty unfavorable situation early on. I switch to mid so it doesn't collapse catastrophically, and then mid-game Signed starts causing havoc. Made a fair amount of mistakes, but lots of action mid-game. Also, our main damage dealer was Pantheon, and I think it does a good job of showcasing the impact of his buffs. Link: http://tdzk.agadak.net/zer0das/replay_09-08-11_22-19-57.lrf
Player: Shinee69 Champion: Orianna Game Type: 5v5 Ranked (1350~ ELO) Region: US Description: I smurf with orianna with around 200 to 600 ping all game long, carry hard anyway. I derped like two or three times, made up for it with ults and kiting action. This should show how easy it is to take advantage of bad positioning and should give a few good laughs. I had lots of fun! Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3881391/replay_16-08-11_00-26-20.lrf
On July 30 2011 13:54 arnath wrote:Player: Arnath Champion: Vayne Game Type: 5v5 Ranked Solo Queue (1780 Elo) Region: NA Description: Had a really dumb first death where I super fail attempted to dodge a Cait Q and then got flash/killed. After this, went 9-0-7 through the rest of the game. I feel like I had good positioning, was good about going around and assisting when lanes got attacked by 2+, farmed well. Ended up getting rocked late game by a pretty fed Nasus because our Kassadin did 0 damage so he had no reason to build anything but armor. Literally don't know what else I could have done to carry this game. Any tips? Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14031450/arnath-vayne.lrf
Kay, uh, I dunno how much you care, especially given that this is going to come from a support player. I understand there's a very different mentality at play between us (I can't carry worth shit). I'm also not gonna bother doing a recorded commentary because Neo's touched on a lot of shit, and I think in that game your problem was coordination and shit.
Lemme start by LMAOing at DTB playing Taric. What the fuck doesn't that guy only play bruisers?
Kay, and here's where a lot of our shit's gonna start differing, so ignore me if you want.
First of all your team had jackshit for wards. I understand you're going to be hesitant as a ranged AD player buying wards but I honestly feel weird whenever there aren't wards on the map, especially at crucial points (like a baron standoff). I know you might think "well it's Taric's job" but a lot of times Taric won't have the money to get it (esp when he's chugging Oracles to try to maintain map awareness), and his team really wasn't willing to invest in shit to help him. Is it really that hard to buy a stack of wards to keep warding the back of baron until people are really ready to commit to a 5v5 fight? Instead no one helped him out so he was forced to facecheck (cuz CV was down) or risk losing baron. Obviously he shouldn't have - Irelia should have - and that's where DTB was being DTB, lol, but I can understand where he was coming from with that because there was just so much psychological pressure coming from the fog of war and the speed at which the other team can clear Baron. Help him, ffs.
Irelia going bot and giving them the first baron was a nightmare, and is really her fault, but people could have been more proactive in making sure she stays in the area (no one said anything), and people also failed to make a quick snap judgement to keep her there to cut losses, instead wasting her (and the team's) time. Which is ironic because I felt like the Irelia was the most active in trying to win the game, she just made one critical error and it really turned the game around.
Part of the issue that your team faced by having so few wards and so little map control was that you essentially ceded initiating rights to the other team. Because you didn't know where they were, and because your team didn't have a proper initiator, your team essentially had 0 chance of off-positioning them, instead milling around until one of your team made a positioning mistake.
I know Neo was like "your team just got outpicked" but that's the sort of mindset that I call BS on. You can always make shit happen. Your team just refused to, evidently believing that all map control was based on Taric, and not playing to your team's actual strengths (splitting them up and causing positioning errors). Your team had SO MANY JUMPS, it was really depressing to see them not utilized, instead opting for a straight-up fight every time against an Amumu, with their team initiating to boot. Why not just drop a ward here or there, force their support to go kill the ward (which may come as a surprise to you in how difficult and terrifying and risky that is). Why not set up a few maps so a hero like Kassadin can quick push mid while they're doing a baron standoff and force them to run back and forth, deciding between pushing the lane back or letting tower take damage while they stand off baron?
Again, there's a fundamental difference in mindset here. For me it's a no-brainer to buy a wad of wards and just plop them all over, force their team to move from one place to another to clear wards (or drop some free damage on someone via an off-position initiate). For many people it's not.
Edit: Incidentally a few extra wards on their side for baron woulda helped you guys predict the quick baron bumrush and give your team some time, too. Especially because at that point your team was pretty far ahead.
Edit2: TL;DR Your team fucked the game up by being cheap 150 gold and then compounded the fucked up game by being cheap 75(x?) gold
Player: Eyedrinker Champion: Brand Game Type: 5v5 Ranked Solo Queue (1788 Elo) Region: NA Description: Snowster (ObamasLeftHand) and I figured out how CaseyNelson wins games. Amazing. Oh, also, funny moment where I drop every single cd on a LeBlanc image. h4h4