Player: JayDizzie Champion: Master Yi Game Type: 5v5 Ranked (1400 ELO) Region: EU West Description: Jungling as Yi, was a 45min game but they always were in the lead cos mid/bot both fed them some kills at the start. Got an early oracles cos of all the wards stopping me ganking Link:
On August 29 2011 16:27 57 Corvette wrote: Player: Hiicantpk Champion: Xin Zhao Game Type: 5v5 Ranked Solo Queue (<1200 ELO) Reigon: NA Description: Jungle Xin, showing how powerful level 2 ganks are if you gank a lane with a stunner. I proceed to noob it up, but we get a 20 min baron and they surrender. I'd love feedback (hopefully some that will help me improve so i can get myself out of 1100ELO)
[url blocked]
But I messed up the volume so it's kinda fubar.
Umm, bear in mind that I don't play nor like XZ, so this is coming from an outside perspective, but I had major issues with your jungling route, incl. the fact that you blow Smite on minigols instead of blue wraith. I'm fairly certain you're supposed to be able to clear minigols without Smite. Little stuff like the fact that the level 2 gank only worked because Swain was a horrible player aside (and little quips) you can figure. My main issue with your jungling and your play in general was that you were horribly inefficient. You cleared really slowly, smited mostly-dead creep for no reason, didn't seem to have set paths thought out, and often ran across the map to try to get to fights that you only made it to because the other team was really bad and dumb. You had a potentially crippling brainfart by going into their blue and not backing off (you attacked the little creep) which essentially fed them two free kills, incl your solo top. Your team also got away with the fact their whole team was just really bad, like Morg having shit CS and Swain just having 2 second reaction time and firing max-range W for no reason.
My suggestion would really be to watch XZ routes, practice them in custom games or whatnot to maximize efficiency. Don't expect Level 2 ganks to get you any gold - usually the kill is cherry on top, the real effect is to fuck up someone's lane and tilt what otherwise could be an even or inferior lane. That means you need to maximize your route so that even when you take that early detour you don't fall behind.
Edit: If you really want to carry, which I assume you do, always think about money. Money and exp. Kills are always a trade-off because the time and effort you spent getting TO the location is usually not worth the money you gain, unless your jungle is empty, at which point you have "nothing else to do" and so you gank. Generally when you would go gank with a full jungle though you run the risk of having a net negative, and so you fall behind.
Your goal as jungler is to always be higher level than duo lanes, but you were actually lower level. That speaks to how far behind you were personally, and even in such a one-sided game your actual item count was dreadful. Money money money.
LoL ambient sounds were louder than your voice. >_> n1 ootuh.
I haven't watched the entire clip yet but I'll have to interject and say that I smite golems too if I'm doing the non-Blue route (especially if you level 2 gank as Xin). I understand using smite on big Wraith means you clear the camp faster but it's really a nonissue if you EQ into the big wraith. With Knock up and Q AS buff, Wraith isn't going to leech enough to make you waste time at that camp.
Edit: yeah, I can't hear anything you say. Open Volume Mixer that shit and mute LoL if you're going to commentate in the future. You get an A- for effort.
Hmm, if you can do blue wraith without smite then that's fine, he just clearly walked past it though so I figured he didn't do it because he can't do it without smite... which is brutal to me.
On September 11 2011 07:40 Southlight wrote: Yeah I know :p That's why I said fubar.
Hmm, if you can do blue wraith without smite then that's fine, he just clearly walked past it though so I figured he didn't do it because he can't do it without smite... which is brutal to me.
I don't know why, but I still follow an old XZ guide I found on solomid or something that had the jungle route listed as minigolems (smite one), wraiths, wolves, b for boots, minigolems (smite one), wraiths, wolves, blue (smite), minigolems, red (smite), wraiths wolves. Usually it would get me level 6 for a gank, but I had seen a bunch of TLers in the XZ thread talking about his awesome lvl 2 ganks.
I meant that you went minigol -> gank -> wolf. You also would smite 1/3rd hp main wolf instead of just finishing it and walking over to clear Wraith before backing, and such. The route just seemed so unrefined and such :/
Oh. Yeahh.. That was just a stupid move on my part. I wasn't used to lvl 2 ganking at that time, so I wasn't sure if I could clear wraiths without W. Turns out Xin is capable of doing just that as long as smite is up. I don't know why I smited the wolf though.
Mmhmm. Anyways from more of a game perspective most of it just boils down to you skipping money/exp in favor of jumping to combat... which you really shouldn't be doing :> If you don't want a fight to break out tell them, or tell them you're not gonna be coming to a fight unless you're really close. But when you're at wolf and they start fighting at enemy blue you really shouldn't be running cross-map to join the fight, especially at that juncture of the game when heroes still explode really quickly.
Player: crazysk8er Champion: Nocturne Game Type: 5v5 Ranked, 1350 ELO (1520 S1) Region: NA Description: Ganked top consistently and we got all the dragons early, but we still lost. It felt like we could've/should've won though, hoping someone can give me some tips and pointers about what I could've done better. Link: [url blocked]
I know this is somewhat of a bump, but this game frustrated me a little bit and I'm honestly looking for some good insight and pointers to improve
Player: Hiicantpk Champion: Galio Game Type: 5v5 Custom (Tournament Game) Region: US Description: Laning top against singed, great teamwork. Link: [url blocked]
I just have a question for you and plz help me, I love to play SC2 team games and want to look at replays for some new strats but I can't find a good place for 2v2 replays (don't even have to be pro replays) I just want a lot of them. Maybe a site with replays which you can then enter 2v2 in the search? (cuz most sites dont let you do this)
I'm from Our larger site, GameReplays, is a replay hosting site other games like SC2, and our LoL replay system works now since the LOL Replay version 0.7 (no association with us) now allows replays to be parsed again. This is a great alternative to seedy upload sites, and only requires a quick registration to upload your replays. I think our replay system is superior to any other service out there, and by that I mean LOL Replay's built in browser thing. Read our announcement about this.
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In short, sign up and upload your reps on LoLReplays, and share them here!
For the sake of trying to keep this thread alive..
Player: Hiicantpk Champion: Gragas Game Type: 5v5 Ranked Solo queue (1250ish ELO) Region: NA Description: Example game of laning against Cassio with Gragas, although the Cass player was kinda bad. Link:
Player: Shepherd Ice Champion: Vayne Game Type: 5v5 Ranked Solo queue (900 Elo Range) Region: USA Description: This is me attemption to play vayne. My team fed darius and ultimately led to our defeat. But i care more about what i did wrong. Link: