On November 10 2010 09:34 gtrsrs wrote:
The best build for Xin seemed to be Randuins, Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Bloodrazor, Malady, Sword of the Divine. Xin's got a total of about 130 AD from this build but nearly 2.5 AS, and over 400 armor. Randuins and Xin's ult are activated at the beginning of the fight to give him survivability, as well as SotD. Q is immediately proc'd to get a fast pop-up, and W is pressed right after to refresh cooldowns. Q is activated as soon as it's off cooldown again and so is W.
Nasus found success with Infinity Edge, Bloodrazor, Triforce, Warmog, Frozen Heart, and Randuins. Banshee was deemed worthless as it could be popped with Xin's E immediately. Popping Nasus's ult will get a Triforce proc, followed by spirit fire and siphon for another proc, as well as wither to try to counteract xin's imba AS (wither absolutely destroys any other champ... Xin's AS even drops to about 0.4 at the last tick, which is disgusting). Both champs triple-potting gives Nasus the advantage, strangely enough. Nasus also won when Xin got Warmogs instead of SotD, and the champs literally broke even (as in, they both killed each other on the last hit) no less than 6 times in our tests with various builds. CDR and minimizing the opponents attack speeds are crucial. Lifesteal is huge on Nasus.
What about giving Xin LW instead of SotD? Sacrifice AS and some magic damage for 40%ArPen (Nasus has 270 Armor with the build you wrote).
LW gets Nasus Armor to 162.
Where the fuck is like, Twitch/Corki/Tristana because I'm 90% sure I would rape if I was allowed full farm on them vs your full-farm Nasus by just straight kiting from across the map with bloodrazors/IE/frozen mallet.
Xin actually needs CDR instead. His power comes from his supernuky ultimate and controling the fight with knockups and AoE slows. Attackspeed however only improves that marginally for it´s price.
5hitcombo, did you read it all? he allready stated that this was not tested with ranged carries since they would easily be able to kite kill a physical dps. He also said he would like to test the ranged carries aswell.
On November 10 2010 21:09 Unentschieden wrote: Xin actually needs CDR instead. His power comes from his supernuky ultimate and controling the fight with knockups and AoE slows. Attackspeed however only improves that marginally for it´s price.
But the dicussion is only about 1v1s, not groupfights, as useless as it may be! Plus, his CDR comes from his attackspeed.
Can't you just use cleanse headband if you are worried about wither in the 1v1?
Haha testing this was fun. I think allowing summoner spells would favor Nasus in almost every case. Both players exhaust each other, both cleanse, Nasus withers and we're back to square one. If they take banshee's or anything like that it doesn't help either since Randuin's will pop it.
And actually I forgot to mention we did test Master Yi. He just got so curbstomped that I forgot lol. Also Guitar, I'm realizing taking thirster/whisper over thirster/starks would have been better for Nasus vs Xin. Still a draw I'm sure, but stark's/spirit fire is only removing 60 armor when I could be taking Xin down to 120 total armor. I'm assuming Nasus would still have enough lifesteal without stark's. Maybe another thing to test next time we do this.
On November 10 2010 18:42 -Kato- wrote:Show nested quote +On November 10 2010 09:34 gtrsrs wrote:
The best build for Xin seemed to be Randuins, Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Bloodrazor, Malady, Sword of the Divine. Xin's got a total of about 130 AD from this build but nearly 2.5 AS, and over 400 armor. Randuins and Xin's ult are activated at the beginning of the fight to give him survivability, as well as SotD. Q is immediately proc'd to get a fast pop-up, and W is pressed right after to refresh cooldowns. Q is activated as soon as it's off cooldown again and so is W.
Nasus found success with Infinity Edge, Bloodrazor, Triforce, Warmog, Frozen Heart, and Randuins. Banshee was deemed worthless as it could be popped with Xin's E immediately. Popping Nasus's ult will get a Triforce proc, followed by spirit fire and siphon for another proc, as well as wither to try to counteract xin's imba AS (wither absolutely destroys any other champ... Xin's AS even drops to about 0.4 at the last tick, which is disgusting). Both champs triple-potting gives Nasus the advantage, strangely enough. Nasus also won when Xin got Warmogs instead of SotD, and the champs literally broke even (as in, they both killed each other on the last hit) no less than 6 times in our tests with various builds. CDR and minimizing the opponents attack speeds are crucial. Lifesteal is huge on Nasus. What about giving Xin LW instead of SotD? Sacrifice AS and some magic damage for 40%ArPen (Nasus has 270 Armor with the build you wrote). LW gets Nasus Armor to 162.
but in my build I had about 130 AD so I didn't really care about his armor. Sotd gives more AS so i went with that. Same with malady
On November 10 2010 14:51 DiracMonopole wrote: Doesnt end-game Trynd obliterate anyone?
Surprisingly, no. Not 1v1. Trynd is just the most relevant in lategame teamfights (sort of) because all 5 of them can't focus him down. These 1v1 fights will last much longer than six seconds, unlike a teamfight.
oh theorycrafting? Infinity AP Veigar Q -> ult -> DFGs you, I WINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! Even through Sivir Shield!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pirate > melee, as long as one of the items is a mallet (IE, PD, BT, atmas, mallet, BT/LW/SotD/warmog/thornmail)
I imagine a fully farmed kayle would also do pretty good damage
Excluding gay infinity damage crap on Veigar/Nasus/Sion, wouldn't something like IE, BT, BT, BT, PD, QSS, Ghost/Cleanse Yi just be able to out-damage and out-lifesteal anyone + avoid kiting using Highlander?
On November 11 2010 04:21 Mogwai wrote: Excluding gay infinity damage crap on Veigar/Nasus/Sion, wouldn't something like IE, BT, BT, BT, PD, QSS, Ghost/Cleanse Yi just be able to out-damage and out-lifesteal anyone + avoid kiting using Highlander? We tried that build if not something close vs Nasus. Yi's ult doesn't last long enough and once it's done Nasus uses Randuin's active and Yi has to use QSS or die (the active was lasting absurdly long with close to 400 armor on Nasus.) After that wither and it was over Nasus' burst from his siphon every 2 seconds is too much to lifesteal back fast enough.
On November 11 2010 04:21 Mogwai wrote: Excluding gay infinity damage crap on Veigar/Nasus/Sion, wouldn't something like IE, BT, BT, BT, PD, QSS, Ghost/Cleanse Yi just be able to out-damage and out-lifesteal anyone + avoid kiting using Highlander?
Yeah, see you think that but yi just gets demolished. Assuming EVERYONE has equal item builds, it comes down to skillsets. Xin's got imba pop-up every 2 seconds, Nasus has at least 2 withers and imba damage from SS, warwick has lifesteal + lifesteal + a stun + lifesteal, jax dodges like crazy and stuns, olaf has true damage, pirate's got a nuke and a cleanse, etc etc. Yi just really doesn't stand up to anyone at all. My Xin build with 400 armor takes 80% reduced damage, and i have 2.2 AS. I don't even need to do damage, its just the fact that i don't take any, as well as keeping yi popped, that lets me win
Couldnt yi just meditate through the wither?
how would Nasus avoid getting 100% rolled by LW + IE + BR + Mallet + QSS + Speed boots Kog?
These matches assume no kiting
what? that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. let's just make it no items too while we're at it so mundo can rape everyone's face off.
On November 11 2010 06:18 Mogwai wrote: what? that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. let's just make it no items too while we're at it so mundo can rape everyone's face off.
They are testing melee vs melee and ranged vs ranged because it's fairly obvious that most ranged champs will steamroll melee champs 1v1.
I think Mundo might be able to beat nasus in the super-ultra-mega-late-game because Wither will be really cut down by burning agony.
Something like Randuins + Warmogs + Atma's + IE + QSS + PD though that may not be the best set-up.
He will do excellent physical and magic damage (cleaver hits hard) and can regen like no tomorrow