Russian Federation3631 Posts
As a comparative newbie (still in my first month!), this is one of the most important things I've learned:
Wards wards wards wards wards.
Buy them, almost always, if you have spare gold once your done buying. They will save your life, your teammate's lives, get you ganks, and sometimes win the game outright for you.
A recent example: warded dragon, even though we were behind (down ~5 kills and a tower). It managed to see the opposing team doing it. Managed to drop a nice bandage toss + Amumu ult combo which caught the opposing team by surprise, leading to a 4 kills for 1 loss trade which reversed the momentum of the game.
Don't be put off by the cost of the wards:
-If a ward lets you/your teammate farm freely, its paid itself multiple times over. -If a ward saves a teammate, its paid itself 4 times over -If a ward leads to a kill, its paid itself 4 times over
Not the mention the intangible advantages in positioning you get from having tons of map vision.
Also, never underestimate the potential for comebacks in this game. Remember, being down 20 kills doesn't decide the game--being the first to blow up the other guy's nexus is. People lose sight of this sometimes, focusing on the kill scoreboard over positioning.
The flip side of that is that playing sloppily could easily cost you what you might think was a won game.
As a somewhat new LoL player, I would like to ask why does nobody talk in Liquid Party? I thought it would be a good place to get some games and undoubtedly there would be at least a couple of people around my skill level since there are over a hundred people in the channel but nobody ever responds to me. The game's much, much better when you play with a group, even if you hardly know them
This isn't really an in-game question, but do most of the Brazilians that instalock carries and spam pings/"algum BR?" dissipate as you start playing ranked? I just started playing but those guys are so annoying lol (srry kinda stereotypical)
So I have decided to settle on Tristana until I get a grasp of the game. Which of those three builds would you recommend for a total nubby?
[URL=http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=7| This [/URL], maybe [URL=http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=2091] this [/URL] or the build advocated in [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CukG2OCOsk] that [/URL] guide?
With the little knowledge of the game I have, I assume the first would provide the greatest survivability, meaning it's the most forgiving. Is that correct and should I hence use it?
Noob Queston here: Why is it stupid to have two players in mid-lane and what makes the lanes different? Top and bot appear except for the jungle identical to me. e: How often are the servers down?
I just started playing lately too, and the main thing about the middle lane is that the minions come earlier. From the mid-game on the major fights seem to happen around the mid and the river. Because the minions come by faster, it is best for your strong AP carry to go into mid solo so they can level up quickly, and since the mid holds the most influence in how it is close to where all the big stuff usually happens, it's good to just have someone solo there. The reason why the top is usually taken by someone that can sustain while the bottom is taken by a duo is because for the majority of the game getting the dragon holds more significance than the baron because the baron is so goddamned hard to kill. So attempts on the dragon will occur early on and throughout the whole game. The bottom lane is closer to the dragon, so you have two people there to exert influence.
At least that's what I've picked up on. I might be really wrong. This game is deceptively difficult to play. I've never played DotA or HoN before, so I'm really new to this genre. Whenever I try to jungle I fail so hard. I can't really grasp the role. Is it a necessity that you be level 30 and have your masteries maxed out and have tier 3 runes in order to jungle properly?
Great thread, very helpful. I didn't know much why most people went mid as well. Is there a list out there somewhere with all the hot keys? Not ability keys like QWERDF, but keys that aren't really stated like A + Click and G to ping.
On August 25 2011 14:32 koreasilver wrote: I just started playing lately too, and the main thing about the middle lane is that the minions come earlier. From the mid-game on the major fights seem to happen around the mid and the river. Because the minions come by faster, it is best for your strong AP carry to go into mid solo so they can level up quickly, and since the mid holds the most influence in how it is close to where all the big stuff usually happens, it's good to just have someone solo there. The reason why the top is usually taken by someone that can sustain while the bottom is taken by a duo is because for the majority of the game getting the dragon holds more significance than the baron because the baron is so goddamned hard to kill. So attempts on the dragon will occur early on and throughout the whole game. The bottom lane is closer to the dragon, so you have two people there to exert influence.
At least that's what I've picked up on. I might be really wrong. This game is deceptively difficult to play. I've never played DotA or HoN before, so I'm really new to this genre. Whenever I try to jungle I fail so hard. I can't really grasp the role. Is it a necessity that you be level 30 and have your masteries maxed out and have tier 3 runes in order to jungle properly?
Runes make a huge difference in the jungle. My runes are really god awful for jungling (still working on them) and I have to jungle like perfectly but it is outrageously difficult so I don't even try it anymore. They may not seem like much but levels 1-4 are really dependent on those stats.
Yeah, it's a mess. I can kiiiiiiiiiiiinda do it with Warwick but I tried jungling with Nunu last night and it failed miserably. I couldn't even kill the blue golem even with a pull and smite + that huge nuking move. I'm just going to forget about jungling until I hit level 30. The concept of jungling really intrigues me though, and I'm looking forward to learning the role later on quite a bit.
Very helpful thread, I hardly ever buy wards but that example helped me understand when I should get one and how many.
On September 11 2011 03:17 Uproot wrote: Very helpful thread, I hardly ever buy wards but that example helped me understand when I should get one and how many. play teemo until you start getting a feeling for where you would put wards and shrooms. then apply that to every other champ you play. bam you just got way better at this game
On August 25 2011 03:03 schben wrote: Noob Queston here: Why is it stupid to have two players in mid-lane and what makes the lanes different? Top and bot appear except for the jungle identical to me. e: How often are the servers down?
It's a month old post, but this information does belong in the OP:
The difference between top and bottom lane comes from the fact that bottom lane is a lot closer to dragon, which is a major contention point until mid game because it gives a lot of global gold. It is just easier to pressure it with more people closer to it. Killed their mid, AD carry or jungler and are still pretty healthy? Attempt to kill dragon.
The reason why it is generally a bad idea to have two people in mid lane is because it is the safest lane in the game - the tower is much closer to the spot you are farming and that fact protects you from a lot of ganks.