League of Legends is a dynamic game in the sense that 10 individual Champions + Creeps are moving around the map at all times. You should be looking maximize the number AND importance of objectives you take compared to your enemy.
Goal: Destroy Enemy Nexus or Make Enemy Surrender
The following lists try to rank objectives in terms of relative importance during the game in order to facilitate good decision making to achieve the Goal.
Objectives Before 15 Minutes* (RELATIVE Highest to Lowest Priority):
1. Don't feed
2. Keep your Towers
3. Second Tower Kill
4. First Tower Kill/Dragon ( Trading first Tower Top for First Dragon is OK)
5. Creep Score (Creep Kills)
6. Getting Champion Kills
*Note: Nexus, Nexus Tower, Inhibitor Tower, and Inhibitor are highly unlikely during this time period and thus are not included.
THE 3 Possibilities after 15 Minutes: (Highly Recommended to Read)
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On April 10 2011 04:40 Two_DoWn wrote:
Imo there are 3 positions you can be in past 15 minutes
1: Are you ahead (huge ass farm/item advantage coming out of laning)? If yes, try to force as many fights as possible, so long as you arent fighting under towers or in unfavorable positions/ down men.
2: Are you even/ slightly ahead/ slightly behind? Avoid fighting and farm as much as you can. Try to pick off any overextended champions, and do not get picked off yourself. Only fight if you feel you have favorable position.
3: Are you losing? Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm. Only fight at towers/ dragon/ baron, or if you can ensure the enemy is down a man or 2. You MUST pick people off, so ward the map. If 2 people are bottom, or their jungle is bottom, try to steal a baron.
Imo there are 3 positions you can be in past 15 minutes
1: Are you ahead (huge ass farm/item advantage coming out of laning)? If yes, try to force as many fights as possible, so long as you arent fighting under towers or in unfavorable positions/ down men.
2: Are you even/ slightly ahead/ slightly behind? Avoid fighting and farm as much as you can. Try to pick off any overextended champions, and do not get picked off yourself. Only fight if you feel you have favorable position.
3: Are you losing? Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm. Only fight at towers/ dragon/ baron, or if you can ensure the enemy is down a man or 2. You MUST pick people off, so ward the map. If 2 people are bottom, or their jungle is bottom, try to steal a baron.
General Objectives After 15 Minutes* (RELATIVE Highest to Lowest Priority):
1. Nexus
2. Inhibitors/Baron
3. Nexus Tower
4. Inhibitor Tower
5. Second Tower
6. First Tower/Dragon/Overextended Champion
7. Champion Kills
8. Buffs
9. CS
Objectives During a Teamfight (Highest to Lowest Priority):
1. Come out ahead in kills / Keep your damage dealer alive / Kill enemy main source of damage
2. Don’t chase and leave your teammates / Don’t Focus Tank
3. Be ready to follow up and take objectives (listed above)
Example: Deciding what to do.
It is 30+ minutes into the game and kills/CS are relatively even. Your whole team is either in Top or Middle Lane. You see 3-5 enemy champions pushing most outer Bottom Tower.
You have 4 Options: Push Top Inhibitor or Push Middle Inhibitor or Take Baron or Defend Bottom
Defending bottom is unreasonable because you aren’t going to make it in time.
So you only have 3 real options.
If Top and Mid lane have all towers up then Baron would probably be your be your best bet (you could probably grab Top tower afterwards if you killed Baron fast enough)
If Top or Mid only has 2nd tower and/or just an inhibitor tower and creeps are pushing you have decide can you kill baron faster or grab and inhibitor and back in time.
If Top and/or Mid have an inhibitor exposed should just BD it and then back (and prepare for their Baron Attempt)