On June 26 2011 20:30 JackDino wrote: Played against an annie who everytime he died said something like "LOL YOU USED 2 ULTI LOL YOU USED 3 ULTI", thinking it's stupid to kill someone if you have to use a lowcd ulti.
clearly watched too much hotshot stream
Is Shikyo becoming a better poster :O
I remember when he used to talk about hotshot's stream like it was mana from heaven imoimoimo
Dna, why you no on at night to carry BP's mouseless overheating computer for his fwotd???
I was drinking scotch and playing kinect with my buddies.
On June 27 2011 00:54 Woony wrote: If you guys wanna see some real fuckign weird LoL stuff check out this (NSFW) http://g.e-hentai.org/s/f381ae108b/375973-1 You should read the whole thing it's actually fucking hilarious.
Dude, that's messed up. I clicked on it, read like half the first comic, and stared in shock for like 2 minutes. How do people find the time to do this?
On June 27 2011 00:54 Woony wrote: If you guys wanna see some real fuckign weird LoL stuff check out this (NSFW) http://g.e-hentai.org/s/f381ae108b/375973-1 You should read the whole thing it's actually fucking hilarious.
My question is how you found this if you weren't explicitly looking for it at some point.
On June 27 2011 00:54 Woony wrote: If you guys wanna see some real fuckign weird LoL stuff check out this (NSFW) http://g.e-hentai.org/s/f381ae108b/375973-1 You should read the whole thing it's actually fucking hilarious.
My question is how you found this if you weren't explicitly looking for it at some point.
My question is why haven't you looked explicitly for it at some point
Anyone here with a galaxy S2? How on earth do u turn off the vibration for receiving text/IM/msn messages? I've searched everywhere but I cant seem to turn it off? It keeps vibrating even if I go to the general settings and put it to "Never Vibrate".
On June 27 2011 00:54 Woony wrote: If you guys wanna see some real fuckign weird LoL stuff check out this (NSFW) http://g.e-hentai.org/s/f381ae108b/375973-1 You should read the whole thing it's actually fucking hilarious.
Dude, that's messed up. I clicked on it, read like half the first comic, and stared in shock for like 2 minutes. How do people find the time to do this?
The internet still has lots of surprises in store for you, young one.
On June 27 2011 00:54 Woony wrote: If you guys wanna see some real fuckign weird LoL stuff check out this (NSFW) http://g.e-hentai.org/s/f381ae108b/375973-1 You should read the whole thing it's actually fucking hilarious.
My question is how you found this if you weren't explicitly looking for it at some point.
I wouldn't be surprised to see something like this linked in any LoL-related forum, twitter etc. (and possibly moderated out soon after), with the only exception being TL, where I am slightly surprised that it's posted but I wouldn't expect the link to be removed...
On June 27 2011 00:54 Woony wrote: If you guys wanna see some real fuckign weird LoL stuff check out this (NSFW) http://g.e-hentai.org/s/f381ae108b/375973-1 You should read the whole thing it's actually fucking hilarious.
Dude, that's messed up. I clicked on it, read like half the first comic, and stared in shock for like 2 minutes. How do people find the time to do this?
On June 27 2011 04:18 ZaaaaaM wrote: Anyone here with a galaxy S2? How on earth do u turn off the vibration for receiving text/IM/msn messages? I've searched everywhere but I cant seem to turn it off? It keeps vibrating even if I go to the general settings and put it to "Never Vibrate".
Stop playing pantheon, too manly for GS2, can't stop vibrating.
On June 27 2011 00:54 Woony wrote: If you guys wanna see some real fuckign weird LoL stuff check out this (NSFW) http://g.e-hentai.org/s/f381ae108b/375973-1 You should read the whole thing it's actually fucking hilarious.
My question is how you found this if you weren't explicitly looking for it at some point.
Does Annie rape Akali in lane or something? Since I went 0-5 to her without being able to do anything, it's like any time I try to lasthit I eat a Q and she has the time to Q me even if I'm in my shroud and she outranges me. I couldn't jump onto her and burst her down since before I had my ulti all I could do is Q hit Q hit and I couldn't get her low enough to die to that(although usually she just stunned), and after 6 even if I waited until she had just lasthitted a minion with her stun before going in, she somehow still managed to QWER and stun me again, killing me.
I ended the game with a 12-7 legendary though so the game went okay in the end, but what should I try to do vs Annie with Akali?
Akali is a squishy assassin. Annie is a burst mage with a hefty stun.
Annie will probably destroy you until either 1) you get a giants belt or more likely 2) your rylais+negatron lets you live through burst and chase her.
Don't rely on annie blowing her stun to last hit minions (lol?) Good annies will keep stun up at all times and just auto attack for last hits.
Only person annie loses to in lane is a tanky dps with a strong offensive set, like irelia or jarman. Once she hits 6 she can bully any squishy out of lane, and any burst caster (kass, akali) just plays into her hand by coming close in order to burst her down.
On June 27 2011 06:00 Shikyo wrote: Does Annie rape Akali in lane or something? Since I went 0-5 to her without being able to do anything, it's like any time I try to lasthit I eat a Q and she has the time to Q me even if I'm in my shroud and she outranges me. I couldn't jump onto her and burst her down since before I had my ulti all I could do is Q hit Q hit and I couldn't get her low enough to die to that(although usually she just stunned), and after 6 even if I waited until she had just lasthitted a minion with her stun before going in, she somehow still managed to QWER and stun me again, killing me.
I ended the game with a 12-7 legendary though so the game went okay in the end, but what should I try to do vs Annie with Akali?
Try a different lane, no good Annie would ever let Akali get any farm.