Im kind of sad we won't really have any good ap scaling heals in the game anymore.. I don't understand what's wrong with soraka right now... She had a horrible win percentage at DH. If they buff the heals base stats a lot and give her better CC, it will actually be a pretty big improvement, cause you don't farm on her so.. her AP scaling is useless in high level games.
Nidalee is pretty damn scary in a good players hands, great sustain, and great damage all that scales with ap..
Found this on reddit: http://www.own3d.tv/live/370/Shushei
read some comments, seems like it might not be Shushei, oh well.
Janna needs a new skin.
What is Moonbear and why do I suddenly want to have sex with it so badly
On June 25 2011 11:08 MoonBear wrote:Will be going on holiday for a while soon. So big mega-post of stuff from me. Can not guarantee accuracy of everything here. Some is hearsay, some is educated guessing. Enjoy~ How Replay/Obs Tech works+ Show Spoiler +I've already explained how currently the tech works for the game about servers only giving you restricted information. Will not explain again.
For Obs Mode, there is a 'Master' and a 'Slave' Server. Slave server handles all process you currently use such as giving restricted information to each team. So this is what will make the game run. The Master server collects all information for presenting it to the Observers. Delay is then generated to prevent people from cheating this way. Because the processes are separate, theoretically you still shouldn't be able to hack your game. The data collected can then be used to make a replay.
Replays will probably be available for download for a limited time before being removed (a few hrs? A day? Idk). With several million games of LoL played a day, it'd be too impractical to store them all. Even if replays were only 1MB each, that's still several terrabytes of data created a day.
I think base code for Replays/Obs is already in client which allows them to test the communication paths and optimise based on the data from everything on Live. Future Update Stuff (No ETA)+ Show Spoiler +- Ward jumping coming back
- Kayle new passive: MPen/APen that stacks upon each hit Rageblade style. Using W or R on ally will give them benefit from passive for short duration.
- Trynd Change: Resource bar to keep track of Bloodlust. Higher base values on early skill lvls, lower values on late skill lvls.
- Soraka Changes: No more/much lower AP scaling on heals. Longer CD and mana cost as well. Needs to feel more clutch. Might have higher base values. More reliable CC, no more infinite mana.
- Nidalee Changes: See above. Her heal is one of the biggest problems. Buff to Cougar Form to compensate though.
- Koggy Buff: Needs more power for super squishy AD with no escape.
- Shen: No idea, but is being looked at.
- Katarina: Less snowbally, more consistency. Don't know what though. But in consideration.
- Swain Ult going to have more oomph because of the changes to the heal mechanics based actual damage dealt instead of pre-mitigation damage. I think current idea is to increase base and/or scaling.
- Option to choose between Chinese or NA Art
- Season 2 maybe Aug/Sep/Oct-ish. If I'm right, I'll sound like a genius. If I'm wrong, I'll pretend I never wrote this.
- Matt Marcou still E-Sports Manager.
- Replay/Obs to come out a bit before/same time as Season 2. Biggest hurdle is upgrading and getting more servers to handle the increased stress, esp on EU.
- New servers in East Europe. Plans for Middle East expansion and Asia including servers.
- Above two points most likely to delay Season 2.
Unappreciated maybe OP Champions+ Show Spoiler +Not in any particular order. - Kennen: Walking ball of stuns and can potentially double stun most of a team in a big fight.
- CassiOPeia: Highest single target DPS. Needs a team that can help cut individual targets off the other team though (Ashe, Anivia, Blitz?)
- Blitzcrank: Tanky DPS with 3 forms of CC and a shield. Not quite Jarman, but Blitz is scarier in tower sieges cause of hook.
- Fiddle: 2 forms of CC and damage to back it up. Too reliant on blue to jungle though.
- Trundle: I think we can agree on this.
- Poppy: Should be able to wreck a dual AP comp. Things like Anivia should just instant explode.
- Brand: So much dps. Can spam spells a lot too.
- Oriana: AP Nuker with lots of utility in all her spells and her ult can really mess up the other team's positioning.
Best and most awesome post today! ^_^
I totally agree with Orianna - I watched hotshot play her on stream today, against Chauster in mid nonetheless, and he carried so hard it was ridiculous. Her passive lets her last hit like mad in lane, and her ultimate's throw+cc is good for initiation under towers etc etc....
She's also a good anti-ranged DPS, because of her harass game.
Katarina has perhaps the worst ultimate in the game. You're either able to focus one person down and then deal monster damage from there, or you get off one combo, no one dies, and you sit there being a weak melee champ for 10s.
Solution? For sure something has to be done to the passive. Scrap it and increase gold reward? Awefully boring, increased move speed on kill would actually synergize well with her current hunter/cleanup style.
Perhaps a katarina remake the heavily favors shunpo (lower cd to 3, or 4 at level 5) so she can consistently spam it, but this is countered by a higher vulnerability?(teleports to melee range) Bouncing blade just seems impossible to fairly balance on a manaless champ (oh boy transfusion and flamespitter are so fun)
Either way, its pretty obvious that "resets on kill" is about as snowbally in design as it gets.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
but isnt that the enjoyment of playing katarina? i dont know why they have in their head all these anti fun things and have to make every single champ monotonous and stupid
got rid of gangplank deny made eve not exist basically etc etc
dont really like the bland direction the game is going.
A good change on the other hand is something like the recent fiddle buff, where they actually addressed problems with him in the current game and made him more usable and fun to play.
and who can forget the atrocity that is the leblanc hotfix, changing an interesting early game dominance type char into a pile of shit.
On June 25 2011 15:19 TL Blazeraid wrote: Katarina has perhaps the worst ultimate in the game. You're either able to focus one person down and then deal monster damage from there, or you get off one combo, no one dies, and you sit there being a weak melee champ for 10s.
Solution? For sure something has to be done to the passive. Scrap it and increase gold reward? Awefully boring, increased move speed on kill would actually synergize well with her current hunter/cleanup style.
Perhaps a katarina remake the heavily favors shunpo (lower cd to 3, or 4 at level 5) so she can consistently spam it, but this is countered by a higher vulnerability?(teleports to melee range) Bouncing blade just seems impossible to fairly balance on a manaless champ (oh boy transfusion and flamespitter are so fun)
Either way, its pretty obvious that "resets on kill" is about as snowbally in design as it gets. maybe you would have killed more people with your ult if you had had rylais instead of aegis:p but no complaints here!
This is warning,very importantt. Don't play Pokémon Mastr Trainer with Stefan!! He is such a cheating bastar, really he had me looking fro blue Haunters for like an hour wehn he is green. What knid of friend does that? I know nobody here would do that, much better friends here. PSSSSS: His BEedrill sucks!Q!!
User was warned for this post
On June 25 2011 15:19 TL Blazeraid wrote: Katarina has perhaps the worst ultimate in the game. You're either able to focus one person down and then deal monster damage from there, or you get off one combo, no one dies, and you sit there being a weak melee champ for 10s.
Play with something like a gallio and giggle all game long.
On June 25 2011 15:58 Hynda wrote: This is warning,very importantt. Don't play Pokémon Mastr Trainer with Stefan!! He is such a cheating bastar, really he had me looking fro blue Haunters for like an hour wehn he is green. What knid of friend does that? I know nobody here would do that, much better friends here. PSSSSS: His BEedrill sucks!Q!!
what the fuck did i just read
On June 25 2011 15:58 Hynda wrote: This is warning,very importantt. Don't play Pokémon Mastr Trainer with Stefan!! He is such a cheating bastar, really he had me looking fro blue Haunters for like an hour wehn he is green. What knid of friend does that? I know nobody here would do that, much better friends here. PSSSSS: His BEedrill sucks!Q!!
....trolled? Iunno.
On June 25 2011 15:27 Brees wrote: but isnt that the enjoyment of playing katarina? i dont know why they have in their head all these anti fun things and have to make every single champ monotonous and stupid
got rid of gangplank deny made eve not exist basically etc etc
dont really like the bland direction the game is going.
A good change on the other hand is something like the recent fiddle buff, where they actually addressed problems with him in the current game and made him more usable and fun to play.
and who can forget the atrocity that is the leblanc hotfix, changing an interesting early game dominance type char into a pile of shit. +1. I really don't like the philosophy that all champions need to scale the same at all stages of the game.
On June 25 2011 16:34 randomKo_Orean wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2011 15:58 Hynda wrote: This is warning,very importantt. Don't play Pokémon Mastr Trainer with Stefan!! He is such a cheating bastar, really he had me looking fro blue Haunters for like an hour wehn he is green. What knid of friend does that? I know nobody here would do that, much better friends here. PSSSSS: His BEedrill sucks!Q!! My brain just exploded. Lonely person pretending to be drunk because he has trouble making friends.
On June 25 2011 16:50 JackDino wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2011 16:34 randomKo_Orean wrote:On June 25 2011 15:58 Hynda wrote: This is warning,very importantt. Don't play Pokémon Mastr Trainer with Stefan!! He is such a cheating bastar, really he had me looking fro blue Haunters for like an hour wehn he is green. What knid of friend does that? I know nobody here would do that, much better friends here. PSSSSS: His BEedrill sucks!Q!! My brain just exploded. Lonely person pretending to be drunk because he has trouble making friends. He even wrote the accent in Pokémon.
On June 25 2011 16:50 JackDino wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2011 16:34 randomKo_Orean wrote:On June 25 2011 15:58 Hynda wrote: This is warning,very importantt. Don't play Pokémon Mastr Trainer with Stefan!! He is such a cheating bastar, really he had me looking fro blue Haunters for like an hour wehn he is green. What knid of friend does that? I know nobody here would do that, much better friends here. PSSSSS: His BEedrill sucks!Q!! My brain just exploded. Lonely person pretending to be drunk because he has trouble making friends. omg i do that all the time
I've made a terrible, terrible mistake(that everyone is now quoting)
Meant to say she has the worst passive, that should make what I wrote a little clearer. I think kat's ult is perfectly fine for what it is.
@brees I'm suggesting we take highlander+25gold off katarina and change it into something more character unique
Valhalla18444 Posts
her passive is good do it properly, play like an assassin not AP irelia. build HTGB and deathcap and rylai and shit. if you are blowing her ultimate at times when you are not 100% sure a kill is guaranteed, you're doing it wrong. after you get a kill you have the option of using shunpo to jump to another almost-dead target and reset your cooldowns again, or blink on top of a teammate/enemy on the edge of the fray and run away
against team comps where they have a lot of chainable aoe cc and damage, or on team comps without an effective initiation + crowd control, kat is bad. but she CAN be really good!
On June 25 2011 17:55 TL Blazeraid wrote: I've made a terrible, terrible mistake(that everyone is now quoting)
Meant to say she has the worst passive, that should make what I wrote a little clearer. I think kat's ult is perfectly fine for what it is.
@brees I'm suggesting we take highlander+25gold off katarina and change it into something more character unique Her passive is one of the best in the game after the nerf to gold from kills ok.
On June 25 2011 14:51 HyperionDreamer wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2011 11:08 MoonBear wrote:Will be going on holiday for a while soon. So big mega-post of stuff from me. Can not guarantee accuracy of everything here. Some is hearsay, some is educated guessing. Enjoy~ How Replay/Obs Tech works+ Show Spoiler +I've already explained how currently the tech works for the game about servers only giving you restricted information. Will not explain again.
For Obs Mode, there is a 'Master' and a 'Slave' Server. Slave server handles all process you currently use such as giving restricted information to each team. So this is what will make the game run. The Master server collects all information for presenting it to the Observers. Delay is then generated to prevent people from cheating this way. Because the processes are separate, theoretically you still shouldn't be able to hack your game. The data collected can then be used to make a replay.
Replays will probably be available for download for a limited time before being removed (a few hrs? A day? Idk). With several million games of LoL played a day, it'd be too impractical to store them all. Even if replays were only 1MB each, that's still several terrabytes of data created a day.
I think base code for Replays/Obs is already in client which allows them to test the communication paths and optimise based on the data from everything on Live. Future Update Stuff (No ETA)+ Show Spoiler +- Ward jumping coming back
- Kayle new passive: MPen/APen that stacks upon each hit Rageblade style. Using W or R on ally will give them benefit from passive for short duration.
- Trynd Change: Resource bar to keep track of Bloodlust. Higher base values on early skill lvls, lower values on late skill lvls.
- Soraka Changes: No more/much lower AP scaling on heals. Longer CD and mana cost as well. Needs to feel more clutch. Might have higher base values. More reliable CC, no more infinite mana.
- Nidalee Changes: See above. Her heal is one of the biggest problems. Buff to Cougar Form to compensate though.
- Koggy Buff: Needs more power for super squishy AD with no escape.
- Shen: No idea, but is being looked at.
- Katarina: Less snowbally, more consistency. Don't know what though. But in consideration.
- Swain Ult going to have more oomph because of the changes to the heal mechanics based actual damage dealt instead of pre-mitigation damage. I think current idea is to increase base and/or scaling.
- Option to choose between Chinese or NA Art
- Season 2 maybe Aug/Sep/Oct-ish. If I'm right, I'll sound like a genius. If I'm wrong, I'll pretend I never wrote this.
- Matt Marcou still E-Sports Manager.
- Replay/Obs to come out a bit before/same time as Season 2. Biggest hurdle is upgrading and getting more servers to handle the increased stress, esp on EU.
- New servers in East Europe. Plans for Middle East expansion and Asia including servers.
- Above two points most likely to delay Season 2.
Unappreciated maybe OP Champions+ Show Spoiler +Not in any particular order. - Kennen: Walking ball of stuns and can potentially double stun most of a team in a big fight.
- CassiOPeia: Highest single target DPS. Needs a team that can help cut individual targets off the other team though (Ashe, Anivia, Blitz?)
- Blitzcrank: Tanky DPS with 3 forms of CC and a shield. Not quite Jarman, but Blitz is scarier in tower sieges cause of hook.
- Fiddle: 2 forms of CC and damage to back it up. Too reliant on blue to jungle though.
- Trundle: I think we can agree on this.
- Poppy: Should be able to wreck a dual AP comp. Things like Anivia should just instant explode.
- Brand: So much dps. Can spam spells a lot too.
- Oriana: AP Nuker with lots of utility in all her spells and her ult can really mess up the other team's positioning.
Best and most awesome post today! ^_^ I totally agree with Orianna - I watched hotshot play her on stream today, against Chauster in mid nonetheless, and he carried so hard it was ridiculous. Her passive lets her last hit like mad in lane, and her ultimate's throw+cc is good for initiation under towers etc etc.... She's also a good anti-ranged DPS, because of her harass game.
Orianna's real strong, even though I've been terrored a lot lately the fact I have like 8 straight wins with her is the only thing keeping me afloat in ranked. I'm disappointed they didn't allow her at Dreamhack because Shushei stated he had her prepared and CLG would have used her for sure.
I can't decide if she's OP or not, but if she isn't the only possible reason is because her mana costs. Her skills are so strong.
On June 25 2011 18:18 Seiuchi wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2011 14:51 HyperionDreamer wrote:On June 25 2011 11:08 MoonBear wrote:Will be going on holiday for a while soon. So big mega-post of stuff from me. Can not guarantee accuracy of everything here. Some is hearsay, some is educated guessing. Enjoy~ How Replay/Obs Tech works+ Show Spoiler +I've already explained how currently the tech works for the game about servers only giving you restricted information. Will not explain again.
For Obs Mode, there is a 'Master' and a 'Slave' Server. Slave server handles all process you currently use such as giving restricted information to each team. So this is what will make the game run. The Master server collects all information for presenting it to the Observers. Delay is then generated to prevent people from cheating this way. Because the processes are separate, theoretically you still shouldn't be able to hack your game. The data collected can then be used to make a replay.
Replays will probably be available for download for a limited time before being removed (a few hrs? A day? Idk). With several million games of LoL played a day, it'd be too impractical to store them all. Even if replays were only 1MB each, that's still several terrabytes of data created a day.
I think base code for Replays/Obs is already in client which allows them to test the communication paths and optimise based on the data from everything on Live. Future Update Stuff (No ETA)+ Show Spoiler +- Ward jumping coming back
- Kayle new passive: MPen/APen that stacks upon each hit Rageblade style. Using W or R on ally will give them benefit from passive for short duration.
- Trynd Change: Resource bar to keep track of Bloodlust. Higher base values on early skill lvls, lower values on late skill lvls.
- Soraka Changes: No more/much lower AP scaling on heals. Longer CD and mana cost as well. Needs to feel more clutch. Might have higher base values. More reliable CC, no more infinite mana.
- Nidalee Changes: See above. Her heal is one of the biggest problems. Buff to Cougar Form to compensate though.
- Koggy Buff: Needs more power for super squishy AD with no escape.
- Shen: No idea, but is being looked at.
- Katarina: Less snowbally, more consistency. Don't know what though. But in consideration.
- Swain Ult going to have more oomph because of the changes to the heal mechanics based actual damage dealt instead of pre-mitigation damage. I think current idea is to increase base and/or scaling.
- Option to choose between Chinese or NA Art
- Season 2 maybe Aug/Sep/Oct-ish. If I'm right, I'll sound like a genius. If I'm wrong, I'll pretend I never wrote this.
- Matt Marcou still E-Sports Manager.
- Replay/Obs to come out a bit before/same time as Season 2. Biggest hurdle is upgrading and getting more servers to handle the increased stress, esp on EU.
- New servers in East Europe. Plans for Middle East expansion and Asia including servers.
- Above two points most likely to delay Season 2.
Unappreciated maybe OP Champions+ Show Spoiler +Not in any particular order. - Kennen: Walking ball of stuns and can potentially double stun most of a team in a big fight.
- CassiOPeia: Highest single target DPS. Needs a team that can help cut individual targets off the other team though (Ashe, Anivia, Blitz?)
- Blitzcrank: Tanky DPS with 3 forms of CC and a shield. Not quite Jarman, but Blitz is scarier in tower sieges cause of hook.
- Fiddle: 2 forms of CC and damage to back it up. Too reliant on blue to jungle though.
- Trundle: I think we can agree on this.
- Poppy: Should be able to wreck a dual AP comp. Things like Anivia should just instant explode.
- Brand: So much dps. Can spam spells a lot too.
- Oriana: AP Nuker with lots of utility in all her spells and her ult can really mess up the other team's positioning.
Best and most awesome post today! ^_^ I totally agree with Orianna - I watched hotshot play her on stream today, against Chauster in mid nonetheless, and he carried so hard it was ridiculous. Her passive lets her last hit like mad in lane, and her ultimate's throw+cc is good for initiation under towers etc etc.... She's also a good anti-ranged DPS, because of her harass game. Orianna's real strong, even though I've been terrored a lot lately the fact I have like 8 straight wins with her is the only thing keeping me afloat in ranked. I'm disappointed they didn't allow her at Dreamhack because Shushei stated he had her prepared and CLG would have used her for sure. I can't decide if she's OP or not, but if she isn't the only possible reason is because her mana costs. Her skills are so strong.
Personally I don't get why she's not FOTM and OMGOP yet.
-Huge utility (sup Jarvan) -Huge base damage -Can pick her battles like no other ap -Cant be run from/can escape most situations (sup Vayne)
Especially the combination of damage and AoE utility for both sides is huge. Also, the combination of a ranged AD + orianna can almost 2n5 entire teams due to infinite kiting. Her W is just huge.
tbh she's THE champ I keep kicking Annie/Malz/TF/Vlad out of lane on a consistent basis.. Maybe I suck with other APs, but I can't get that done with anyone else.