Good marketing is good? This also bothers me. I have 487 RP in my account right now, and it seems like whenever they put something on sale it's for like 510 RP, just to mock me. t.t
I will have 974 RP on my account after the free RP.
Good marketing is good? This also bothers me. I have 487 RP in my account right now, and it seems like whenever they put something on sale it's for like 510 RP, just to mock me. t.t
I will have 974 RP on my account after the free RP.
Free RP again? Wait what that sounds interesting :O
On June 24 2011 23:00 Iplaythings wrote: After listening with my über danish language skills i have through many investigations (read: streams) confirmed that Guardsman Bob's name is Bjørn. Which means Bear. suits his voice so well oO Not kidding.
So after checking Loco's profile, I noticed that there have been 2 games played on the 23rd and 1 today (24th) Has caller been playing on his acc.? o.o
Good marketing is good? This also bothers me. I have 487 RP in my account right now, and it seems like whenever they put something on sale it's for like 510 RP, just to mock me. t.t
I will have 974 RP on my account after the free RP.
If you sent Support a Ticket and maybe draw an MS Paint Bear, they will be willing to give you 1 RP to make it a perfect 975.
Good marketing is good? This also bothers me. I have 487 RP in my account right now, and it seems like whenever they put something on sale it's for like 510 RP, just to mock me. t.t
I will have 974 RP on my account after the free RP.
Srsly what kind of shit game is this? I saw the championships and it looked cool so I downloaded it. First I had to wait in a queue for 20 minutes than I enter and I get a disconnect. Well that can happen. I wait in the queue once more, get to the tutorial. And I get logged out again!
On June 25 2011 01:32 Stuv wrote: Srsly what kind of shit game is this? I saw the championships and it looked cool so I downloaded it. First I had to wait in a queue for 20 minutes than I enter and I get a disconnect. Well that can happen. I wait in the queue once more, get to the tutorial. And I get logged out again!
1) He is a very weak laner. His moves have relatively high mana costs and his passive really doesn't save him in lane because to sustain Q he has to be at low mana and can't cast other spells. He can't trade blows because his W is useless without E in lane, and casting W-E puts you down about 150-200 mana, which just makes you lose your lane even harder. Unlike Annie, Veigar has to level W and E to get the same utility that Annie gets out of her passive and W. This means he simply doesn't have the mana pool or the damage to lane effectively.
2) Long cooldowns. W, E, and R have cooldowns that are way too long. My main issue though is with his E. I understand it's an AoE stun, which can be potent, but unfortunately its cooldown is so long you only get one in a teamfight, and because his W is so dependent on his E you essentially have to wait for his E to come back up if you want to reliably hit someone with darkmatter.
3) Relatively high mana costs (W is 100 @ 1, E is 80, R is 150). I don't mind R having a high mana cost, but W and E are way too high at early levels imo. Although with his new passive (explained below) it might be best just to leave them how they are, or nerf them and reduce his mana gain on his new passive. To be brutally honest Veigar's laning is so bad even with a high amount of mana sustainability he would probably be perfectly fine (he has no abusive health regen like Vlad/Nid/Swain/etc.)
4) Early enemy merc treads. Veigar really has to go R > Q > W > E if he wants to have damage that is comparable to other casters in the game right now (think Annie, Swain, Brand, etc.). However, this means leaving E at lvl 1 for a long time. Merc treads eliminates his ability to reliably land darkmatter because people break out of his stun and simply walk out of his W.
Solving these 4 main issues will bring Veigar much closer to contention I think. Here is how Veigar should be fixed imo:
1) Change his passive. I absolutely HATE his passive now. It really feels like a sort of band-aid for his poor design. This is what I think a good passive for him would be: "Veigar receives 8% of a target's health in mana after killing them and 4% for a champion assist." This works in multiple ways to relieve some of his issues. First, it helps him lane much more effectively because it gives him a method to regenerate mana even when he is close to full mana, his passive now takes too long to kick in. Second, it gives him a little bit more lane control because it allows him to more easily spam dark matter on creeps knowing he'll get roughly 36 mana back for melee minions and 23 mana back for ranged creeps (at low levels). It does not necessarily relieve his weak laning, but I don't really think it's possible to do that unless you want to completely change Veigar around. I don't mind him having a weak low level laning phase as long as he can actually itemize defensively and keep his mana up (because right now you simply can't buy anything that isn't mana regen or flat mana at the start because if you go into lane without any health pots you're asking to get completely destroyed). This also allows people to use a more diverse rune page and mastery setup knowing that he won't be as dependent on mana during the laning phase. During teamfights this means that Veigar can get away without having to buy flat mana (this passive kind of acts like Veigar's old ultimate that gave him mana return). As long as he is getting kills/assists he is getting his mana pool replenished which means he essentially gets a temporary mana pool buff while fighting. This allows the player, again, to somewhat forgo getting flat mana. Right now I have noticed that if I rush DFG I have absolutely no sustainability. I use my ult and poof, no more mana pool, and I just kind of run around (to be fair his run animation is OP so it's ok).
2) Give darkmatter a mini-stun before it lanes. The idea here is that as soon darkmatter is cast a small black hole type animation appears with the same size as darkmatter's AoE. If an enemy champion walks into it (or if W is cast right on them) before darkmatter falls they are mini-stunned for 0.2-0.4 seconds depending on its level. This does a couple things. First, it allows Veigar to more easily get his stun off and adds some difficulty to his play, meaning that if you cast W - E you need to re-apply the stun with E before they break out of the black hole stun. This should require some fast fingers and would be pretty fun imo. Second, it removes some (not all) of darkmatter's reliability on E. I want this move to be set up in a way such that you cannot hit an enemy with W if you simply place it on them (even if they don't have merc treads). However, if an enemy walks into W after it has been cast they should have a higher chance of getting hit (again mercs would help with this). So this means the possibility of reducing W's mini stun, or making it have a little bit longer fall time depending on how it plays out in game.
3) Reduce his cooldowns on W and E by 2 seconds and his ult by 10 seconds at all levels. His cooldowns are simply too long right now.
These 3 changes would do a ton to give Veigar a place on a competitive team or even in ranked games.
It might be best to just start out with a few of these changes and see where it takes Veigar, because all of these at once could possibly be overboard.
Agree on passive and mana costs, they are just ridiculous atm. The only other thing that I would suggest would be to find a way to bring the level 3 cd of his ultimate down to 20 seconds, so that you have a chance to do it twice in a long fight. Most other burst champions dont have to rely on such a long cd spell to do a ton of damage, yet viegar does.
On the veigar change: I think the passive % should be lower than you suggest. You don't really want half a q's mana cost refunded per last hit because that would break him allowing him to farm that much. That's a bit too strong on a champ like veigar who scales extremely well due to his q's passive. It would then be like nasus's q mana-wise except you have 3 abilities that scale per last hit, and your damage is ranged.
Gonna buy some RP over the weekend/next week. I know for sure I am getting an IP/XP boost and two skins (Northern Front Swain and Viscero Xin Zhao), what else should I spend RP on? I was thinking of buying Maokai with it, so i could continue to save IP for runes, but Idk still..
This is vaguely conspiracy theory-ish, but does anybody else feel like Phreak was going out of his way in the champion spotlight to make it sound like Yorick was really strong? Kept throwing out phrases like "crush <blah>'s health" and "tons of damage".
On June 25 2011 02:41 arnath wrote: This is vaguely conspiracy theory-ish, but does anybody else feel like Phreak was going out of his way in the champion spotlight to make it sound like Yorick was really strong? Kept throwing out phrases like "crush <blah>'s health" and "tons of damage".
He does that with every spotlight. It makes people think the character is good, so they buy it.
On June 25 2011 02:41 arnath wrote: This is vaguely conspiracy theory-ish, but does anybody else feel like Phreak was going out of his way in the champion spotlight to make it sound like Yorick was really strong? Kept throwing out phrases like "crush <blah>'s health" and "tons of damage".
That's the same as every spotlight, it's always a game against real noobs and he's always real fucking fed.
The only good thing from the spotlights is you get to see the abilities for the first time. Assess if they are fun/interesting from the video before you decide on buying the champion upon release.
I would never acknowledge the champions item build, runes, or even team fighting ability from the spotlights. Riot (or Phreak) screws it horribly to make every new champion look good.
You're a lot better off waiting 24 hours after the champions out and look up top tier players like HSGG or jiji and check their match histories. Some of those guys will grind out 10-20 games with new champions and find some "decent" build with them.
All in all, it's a lot better than watching Phreak win some staged fight against an alleged lvl 3 Garen? huk
On June 25 2011 02:38 57 Corvette wrote: Crap, the free RP is only for EU? Damn.
Gonna buy some RP over the weekend/next week. I know for sure I am getting an IP/XP boost and two skins (Northern Front Swain and Viscero Xin Zhao), what else should I spend RP on? I was thinking of buying Maokai with it, so i could continue to save IP for runes, but Idk still..
I'd gladly give you 5k rp if I wouldn't have to sit in 3hour queues, wouldn't lag, wouldn't crash, would have a nonlagging client(runes, shop etc).
amazing, I premade with my friends Kerp included and we're totally curshing opponents, have 3 inhibs down and nexus at 300 hp, cant lose right? wrong, my moronic team thinks we've won so they dont need to play properly, die 2v5 or 3v5 like 5 times in a row then they push our nexus