On June 05 2016 07:00 Madars wrote: At the start of game when I have option to replace cards, if I press "Confirm" without replacing any cards, does opponent see that I did not replace any cards? or it's the same as if I haven't done anything?
You can see the opponent swapping out cards once both players are ready. If the opponent is paying attention, they'll notice nothing left your hand.
On June 05 2016 21:23 mandelised wrote: Just played a game where Yogg Sarron was played after i had stealth-ed my board. First two spells were target a minion spells and Yogg targeted itself and destroyed itself.
Question was this coincidence or did the stealth afect Yogg.
IIRC stealth only makes him untargetable to the enemy. You can still cast buffs on your own stealthed minions for example.
On June 05 2016 21:23 mandelised wrote: Just played a game where Yogg Sarron was played after i had stealth-ed my board. First two spells were target a minion spells and Yogg targeted itself and destroyed itself.
Question was this coincidence or did the stealth afect Yogg.
If Yogg kills it'self does that stop spells from casting? Can Yogg cast Lantern of Power, Mirror of Doom, Timepiece of Horror, Dream, Nightmare, Ysera Awakens?
On June 05 2016 21:23 mandelised wrote: Just played a game where Yogg Sarron was played after i had stealth-ed my board. First two spells were target a minion spells and Yogg targeted itself and destroyed itself.
Question was this coincidence or did the stealth afect Yogg.
If Yogg kills it'self does that stop spells from casting? Can Yogg cast Lantern of Power, Mirror of Doom, Timepiece of Horror, Dream, Nightmare, Ysera Awakens?
No, and no. Yogg can only cast collectable spells, ie cards that show up in your collection.
Yogg can target friendly stealthed minions but not enemy ones. When Yogg dies during its battlecry the battle cry still happens (twice, if Brann was on the field at the start and even if Brann dies during the first battle cry you get the second)
On June 06 2016 17:21 Orcasgt24 wrote: Yogg can target friendly stealthed minions but not enemy ones. When Yogg dies during its battlecry the battle cry still happens (twice, if Brann was on the field at the start and even if Brann dies during the first battle cry you get the second)
Are you sure Yogg cannot target enemy minions with stealth? I wasn't certain because Yogg chooses targets randomly, and other spells/battlecries that have random targets can hit enemy minions with stealth. For example, Deadly Shot and Stampeding Kodo can hit a minion with stealth.
On June 06 2016 17:56 Madars wrote: When a card with joust compares two minions and one is Thing from Below, does it always cost 6?
I believe so because of how jousting works with the giants. The card text making the card cheaper is only applicable when the card is in your hand, so until you draw it (and after you play it) Thing from Below costs 6 mana.
On June 06 2016 17:21 Orcasgt24 wrote: Yogg can target friendly stealthed minions but not enemy ones. When Yogg dies during its battlecry the battle cry still happens (twice, if Brann was on the field at the start and even if Brann dies during the first battle cry you get the second)
Are you sure Yogg cannot target enemy minions with stealth? I wasn't certain because Yogg chooses targets randomly, and other spells/battlecries that have random targets can hit enemy minions with stealth. For example, Deadly Shot and Stampeding Kodo can hit a minion with stealth.
On June 06 2016 17:56 Madars wrote: When a card with joust compares two minions and one is Thing from Below, does it always cost 6?
I believe so because of how jousting works with the giants. The card text making the card cheaper is only applicable when the card is in your hand, so until you draw it (and after you play it) Thing from Below costs 6 mana.
Haven't seen it yet personally but I would think so. Evolve counts it as 6 as well. The discount only applies when the card is in your hand as far as I know.
On June 06 2016 17:21 Orcasgt24 wrote: Yogg can target friendly stealthed minions but not enemy ones. When Yogg dies during its battlecry the battle cry still happens (twice, if Brann was on the field at the start and even if Brann dies during the first battle cry you get the second)
Are you sure Yogg cannot target enemy minions with stealth? I wasn't certain because Yogg chooses targets randomly, and other spells/battlecries that have random targets can hit enemy minions with stealth. For example, Deadly Shot and Stampeding Kodo can hit a minion with stealth.
There's a difference between choosing a random target and random effects (which is what Deadly Shot and Stampeding Kodo are). Think of Yogg as giving your little brother the iPad and stuff flies everywhere as long as normal tergeting rules apply.
On June 06 2016 17:21 Orcasgt24 wrote: Yogg can target friendly stealthed minions but not enemy ones. When Yogg dies during its battlecry the battle cry still happens (twice, if Brann was on the field at the start and even if Brann dies during the first battle cry you get the second)
Are you sure Yogg cannot target enemy minions with stealth? I wasn't certain because Yogg chooses targets randomly, and other spells/battlecries that have random targets can hit enemy minions with stealth. For example, Deadly Shot and Stampeding Kodo can hit a minion with stealth.
According to Ben Brode, Yogg-Saron casts the spells and while the target is chosen randomly, it must be a legal target for a spell that's cast from your side of the field. Enemy Stealthed Minions are not legal targets and thus won't get the buffs or damage or whatever craziness Yogg has in store.
If mage plays Spellbender and then Counterspell and opponent plays a spell that targets mage's minions, what will happen? What if secrets are playing in the other order, Counterspell and then Spellbender?
On June 08 2016 16:25 Madars wrote: Does Mind Control or Entomb on Auctioneer draw a card? Does Yogg-Saron battlecry draw cards with Auctioneer ?
Auctioneer draws cards when the spell is played but before its effect happens. So Mind Controling it will not draw a card. Entombing one just yanks it off the field. No draw.
Yogg does not draw cards with Auctioneer either. Mana Wyrm/Mana Addict/enemy troggs do not gain attack. Sorcerer's Apprentice doesn't give C'Thun +1/+1, but does grant spells casted by Yogg +1 Spell Damage. All minions with + spell damage boost the damage of Yogg's spells until the God Of Death either shows mercy and allows them to live or brutally casts Hunter's Mark then Forbidden Healing on them. Nothing says fuck you like using a healing spell to kill :p
On June 08 2016 16:25 Madars wrote: Does Mind Control or Entomb on Auctioneer draw a card? Does Yogg-Saron battlecry draw cards with Auctioneer ?
Auctioneer draws cards when the spell is played but before its effect happens. So Mind Controling it will not draw a card. Entombing one just yanks it off the field. No draw.
Yogg does not draw cards with Auctioneer either. Mana Wyrm/Mana Addict/enemy troggs do not gain attack. Sorcerer's Apprentice doesn't give C'Thun +1/+1, but does grant spells casted by Yogg +1 Spell Damage. All minions with + spell damage boost the damage of Yogg's spells until the God Of Death either shows mercy and allows them to live or brutally casts Hunter's Mark then Forbidden Healing on them. Nothing says fuck you like using a healing spell to kill :p
I guess you meant Cult Sorcerer instead of "Sorcerer's Apprentice" How does " Hunter's Mark then Forbidden Healing " kill? if Yogg-Saron casts Embrace the Shadow before that? and even then you have 0 mana after Yogg-Saron.
On June 08 2016 16:25 Madars wrote: Does Mind Control or Entomb on Auctioneer draw a card? Does Yogg-Saron battlecry draw cards with Auctioneer ?
Auctioneer draws cards when the spell is played but before its effect happens. So Mind Controling it will not draw a card. Entombing one just yanks it off the field. No draw.
Yogg does not draw cards with Auctioneer either. Mana Wyrm/Mana Addict/enemy troggs do not gain attack. Sorcerer's Apprentice doesn't give C'Thun +1/+1, but does grant spells casted by Yogg +1 Spell Damage. All minions with + spell damage boost the damage of Yogg's spells until the God Of Death either shows mercy and allows them to live or brutally casts Hunter's Mark then Forbidden Healing on them. Nothing says fuck you like using a healing spell to kill :p
I guess you meant Cult Sorcerer instead of "Sorcerer's Apprentice" How does " Hunter's Mark then Forbidden Healing " kill? if Yogg-Saron casts Embrace the Shadow before that? and even then you have 0 mana after Yogg-Saron.
Your right, I meant Cult.
Yogg-Saron costs ten mana so in most cases you will have zero left over after playing him. If you have a minion with spell damage on the field and zero mana, Forbidden Healing will deal damage equal to the total of + Spell Damage you have. You do not need Embrace the Shadows to deal damage with it. Strange interaction totally unique to that card.
On June 08 2016 16:25 Madars wrote: Does Mind Control or Entomb on Auctioneer draw a card? Does Yogg-Saron battlecry draw cards with Auctioneer ?
Auctioneer draws cards when the spell is played but before its effect happens. So Mind Controling it will not draw a card. Entombing one just yanks it off the field. No draw.
Yogg does not draw cards with Auctioneer either. Mana Wyrm/Mana Addict/enemy troggs do not gain attack. Sorcerer's Apprentice doesn't give C'Thun +1/+1, but does grant spells casted by Yogg +1 Spell Damage. All minions with + spell damage boost the damage of Yogg's spells until the God Of Death either shows mercy and allows them to live or brutally casts Hunter's Mark then Forbidden Healing on them. Nothing says fuck you like using a healing spell to kill :p
I guess you meant Cult Sorcerer instead of "Sorcerer's Apprentice" How does " Hunter's Mark then Forbidden Healing " kill? if Yogg-Saron casts Embrace the Shadow before that? and even then you have 0 mana after Yogg-Saron.
Your right, I meant Cult.
Yogg-Saron costs ten mana so in most cases you will have zero left over after playing him. If you have a minion with spell damage on the field and zero mana, Forbidden Healing will deal damage equal to the total of + Spell Damage you have. You do not need Embrace the Shadows to deal damage with it. Strange interaction totally unique to that card.
On June 08 2016 16:25 Madars wrote: Does Mind Control or Entomb on Auctioneer draw a card? Does Yogg-Saron battlecry draw cards with Auctioneer ?
Auctioneer draws cards when the spell is played but before its effect happens. So Mind Controling it will not draw a card. Entombing one just yanks it off the field. No draw.
Yogg does not draw cards with Auctioneer either. Mana Wyrm/Mana Addict/enemy troggs do not gain attack. Sorcerer's Apprentice doesn't give C'Thun +1/+1, but does grant spells casted by Yogg +1 Spell Damage. All minions with + spell damage boost the damage of Yogg's spells until the God Of Death either shows mercy and allows them to live or brutally casts Hunter's Mark then Forbidden Healing on them. Nothing says fuck you like using a healing spell to kill :p
I guess you meant Cult Sorcerer instead of "Sorcerer's Apprentice" How does " Hunter's Mark then Forbidden Healing " kill? if Yogg-Saron casts Embrace the Shadow before that? and even then you have 0 mana after Yogg-Saron.
Your right, I meant Cult.
Yogg-Saron costs ten mana so in most cases you will have zero left over after playing him. If you have a minion with spell damage on the field and zero mana, Forbidden Healing will deal damage equal to the total of + Spell Damage you have. You do not need Embrace the Shadows to deal damage with it. Strange interaction totally unique to that card.
On June 08 2016 16:25 Madars wrote: Does Mind Control or Entomb on Auctioneer draw a card? Does Yogg-Saron battlecry draw cards with Auctioneer ?
Auctioneer draws cards when the spell is played but before its effect happens. So Mind Controling it will not draw a card. Entombing one just yanks it off the field. No draw.
Yogg does not draw cards with Auctioneer either. Mana Wyrm/Mana Addict/enemy troggs do not gain attack. Sorcerer's Apprentice doesn't give C'Thun +1/+1, but does grant spells casted by Yogg +1 Spell Damage. All minions with + spell damage boost the damage of Yogg's spells until the God Of Death either shows mercy and allows them to live or brutally casts Hunter's Mark then Forbidden Healing on them. Nothing says fuck you like using a healing spell to kill :p
I guess you meant Cult Sorcerer instead of "Sorcerer's Apprentice" How does " Hunter's Mark then Forbidden Healing " kill? if Yogg-Saron casts Embrace the Shadow before that? and even then you have 0 mana after Yogg-Saron.
Your right, I meant Cult.
Yogg-Saron costs ten mana so in most cases you will have zero left over after playing him. If you have a minion with spell damage on the field and zero mana, Forbidden Healing will deal damage equal to the total of + Spell Damage you have. You do not need Embrace the Shadows to deal damage with it. Strange interaction totally unique to that card.
I only remember because someone was complaining about how the game was too casual friendly with the change. When I went looking there wasn't an actual patch/blog post about it, it's buried in the hotfixes thread.
On June 05 2016 21:23 mandelised wrote: Just played a game where Yogg Sarron was played after i had stealth-ed my board. First two spells were target a minion spells and Yogg targeted itself and destroyed itself.
Question was this coincidence or did the stealth afect Yogg.
I think that since you can target your own stealth minions, that Yogg can too.