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United States0 Posts
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688 Posts
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Magrathea7020 Posts
EDIT: Yes, it does. I should learn to read | ||
688 Posts
On October 13 2014 09:33 tehh4ck3r wrote: If you silence a frozen minion, does it remove the freeze? yes | ||
492 Posts
Can you help me choose a deck for legend? Any class is fine, but I'd say handlock, mage, hunter and rogue would be easier for me, since they're almost complete and I don't like the other classes. Here's what I have: + Show Spoiler + 1600 dust. Bloodmage Thalnos Alexztrasza Illidan Stormrage (could D.E.) Full mage set (no anthonydas) Full naxxramas Full miracle rogue (no edwin) Pretty much every common and rares relevant to the current meta. Significant epics: x1 Snaketrap, x1 Molten giant TL;DR: So, in the current ladder meta, what decks are viable for low Legend rank? My tournament decks Freeze mage and face miracle rogue are not suitable for ladder since they were built as specific counters. | ||
United Kingdom1339 Posts
Have blizz ever mentioned allowing arena style drafting outside of arena, for example.. when I play against my friend we have to sit and make a bunch of decks to play, usually not serious combo decks etc.. it just occured to me that in a 2 player friendly game it would be fun to challenge each other to a draft type game. I know blizzard have mentioned adding more gametypes eventually, but not sure if they've ever mentioned this. | ||
Norway7954 Posts
On October 14 2014 06:00 DW-Unrec wrote: How hard is it to get Legend rank? I'm not even talking about #1 legend, just the lowest of the lowest legend. Is it just above rank #1, then you can be ranked, say, 6k legend? Can you help me choose a deck for legend? Any class is fine, but I'd say handlock, mage, hunter and rogue would be easier for me, since they're almost complete and I don't like the other classes. Here's what I have: + Show Spoiler + 1600 dust. Bloodmage Thalnos Alexztrasza Illidan Stormrage (could D.E.) Full mage set (no anthonydas) Full naxxramas Full miracle rogue (no edwin) Pretty much every common and rares relevant to the current meta. Significant epics: x1 Snaketrap, x1 Molten giant TL;DR: So, in the current ladder meta, what decks are viable for low Legend rank? My tournament decks Freeze mage and face miracle rogue are not suitable for ladder since they were built as specific counters. Here's the problems with getting to Legend: 1. You need to have a good deck, which usually means expensive cards. 2. You need to know how to play the deck, which is a lot harder than it seems. There's a reason why some people reach #1 legend with miracle rogue while others can't hit rank 10 with the exact same deck 3. You need to spend a lot of time on the ladder. Even if you're good you're going to be struggling with those last five ranks due to no win-streak bonuses. If you win 55% of the time, you're still going to have to play hundreds of games to get through it. If you're a real good player, you can reach legend with any class, but the ones I've seen people use most on stream right now is: Control Priest, Hunter, Control Warrior, Spell-Miracle-Rogue, and a couple of shamans. Priest is probably the easiest one of these, while Hunter is by far the least expensive. If you can get Sylvanas, the rest of the control priest deck is also relatively cheap. | ||
Norway7954 Posts
On October 14 2014 07:39 Gingerninja wrote: No idea where to ask this, seems as good a place as any. Have blizz ever mentioned allowing arena style drafting outside of arena, for example.. when I play against my friend we have to sit and make a bunch of decks to play, usually not serious combo decks etc.. it just occured to me that in a 2 player friendly game it would be fun to challenge each other to a draft type game. I know blizzard have mentioned adding more gametypes eventually, but not sure if they've ever mentioned this. I'm not Blizzard, but I have been keeping my eyes up for this for a while, and the answer is: No. They're going to add more modes eventually, but they haven't said what or when. To me the thing that's missing the most in this game is the ability to set up your own tournaments, draft, constructed or otherwise. | ||
Came Norrection
Canada168 Posts
On October 14 2014 06:00 DW-Unrec wrote: Play zoo or agro hunter and just play and win as fast as possible. If you just want to get to legend and unless you are extremely good, getting as many games in as you can while playing easy decks is the best way. How hard is it to get Legend rank? I'm not even talking about #1 legend, just the lowest of the lowest legend. Is it just above rank #1, then you can be ranked, say, 6k legend? Can you help me choose a deck for legend? Any class is fine, but I'd say handlock, mage, hunter and rogue would be easier for me, since they're almost complete and I don't like the other classes. Here's what I have: + Show Spoiler + 1600 dust. Bloodmage Thalnos Alexztrasza Illidan Stormrage (could D.E.) Full mage set (no anthonydas) Full naxxramas Full miracle rogue (no edwin) Pretty much every common and rares relevant to the current meta. Significant epics: x1 Snaketrap, x1 Molten giant TL;DR: So, in the current ladder meta, what decks are viable for low Legend rank? My tournament decks Freeze mage and face miracle rogue are not suitable for ladder since they were built as specific counters. | ||
Israel681 Posts
It's a zero mana cost draw a card which also gives you the versatility to keep the reduced cost for later turns. I guess you worry about drawing a card that costs less then 3? or maybe just the risk of getting a card you won't be able to play and thus burning 3 mana on turn played? Still, it's a zero mana draw a card, how can that not be good? | ||
United States2378 Posts
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United States1277 Posts
On October 15 2014 07:58 IcemanAsi wrote: I think it's terrible - I have to try really hard to think of an instance where it could benefit you. It's not zero mana. You can't play it on turn 1 or 2. If you have 1 or 2 crystals left you can't play it. There's a good chance you don't want to play the card it draws immediately. There's a chance you draw into thalnos, lightning bolt, rockbiter, earthshock, flametongue, etc. I don't see anything good about it.Just opened a Far Sight, and was about to dust it when I stopped and thought "Wait a second, isn't this the best draw card in the game?!" how come I don't see it anywhere? It's a zero mana cost draw a card which also gives you the versatility to keep the reduced cost for later turns. I guess you worry about drawing a card that costs less then 3? or maybe just the risk of getting a card you won't be able to play and thus burning 3 mana on turn played? Still, it's a zero mana draw a card, how can that not be good? | ||
Norway7954 Posts
On October 15 2014 07:58 IcemanAsi wrote: Just opened a Far Sight, and was about to dust it when I stopped and thought "Wait a second, isn't this the best draw card in the game?!" how come I don't see it anywhere? It's a zero mana cost draw a card which also gives you the versatility to keep the reduced cost for later turns. I guess you worry about drawing a card that costs less then 3? or maybe just the risk of getting a card you won't be able to play and thus burning 3 mana on turn played? Still, it's a zero mana draw a card, how can that not be good? It's bad. You get to spend 3 mana so you can draw a card you can pay 3 less for..Why not simply just have another card that you rather want to play instead of it? It makes your deck smaller which can be good in some cases, but as mentioned above you can end up drawing into a 2 drop and even lose a mana on it. | ||
525 Posts
On October 15 2014 08:52 randombum wrote: Warsong commander. Pay a creature, it gains charge. Run war song commander into enemy unit, warsong commander dies. Does my creature who had previously gotten charge lose charge? no it will not lose charge. It would before when it gave charge to all friendly minions, but now a days it is a buff. That also means that if your guy gets mind controlled it will have charge. | ||
United Kingdom3867 Posts
On October 15 2014 07:58 IcemanAsi wrote: Just opened a Far Sight, and was about to dust it when I stopped and thought "Wait a second, isn't this the best draw card in the game?!" how come I don't see it anywhere? It's a zero mana cost draw a card which also gives you the versatility to keep the reduced cost for later turns. I guess you worry about drawing a card that costs less then 3? or maybe just the risk of getting a card you won't be able to play and thus burning 3 mana on turn played? Still, it's a zero mana draw a card, how can that not be good? Its an expensive deck thinner with literally no side utility at all. Sure its probably the most efficient deck thinner in the game because the overall mana cost is 0 (pay 3 mana to remove 3 mana cost from a card) but its also a horribly expensive deck thinner with no extra value on the side. Compare with Flare which is 1 mana to draw with highly useful situational extra use. Or even Novice Engineer which is a 2 mana draw with a 1/1 creature up. Either of them are preferable to Far Sight. Note that Novice Engineer is very rarely played anymore now because even 2 mana is relatively inefficient for such a weak token plus a draw. | ||
Netherlands1300 Posts
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0 Posts
stuff that lets u put a card from hand on top of library followed by this might allow u to play lategame cards earlier. | ||
United Kingdom3867 Posts
On October 15 2014 19:43 Meavis wrote: Far Sight has the use of playing a super early lategame card such as a Ragnaros or Ysera, so it's not completely useless, though I don't see why anyone would use it. The RNG on that is too high for consistency though. Same reason you don't see Mindgames played too much and why Deathlord makes people uncomfortable. Its a bit different than having Webspinner (which effectively gives you an extra card) or Thoughsteal (which puts the cards in your hand giving you more control over them). Unless your deck is extremely top-heavy you're more likely to draw something like Bloodmage Thalnos as something like Ysera. | ||
492 Posts
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1974 Posts
On October 15 2014 21:53 DW-Unrec wrote: what if you run 60% of your deck as big drops, then add alarmobot to it? Then you'd have 4 ramp cards in a shaman deck There are worse ways to spend an afternoon. Might be fun even if it's not efficient. Sadly, I have no Alarm-o-Bots nor Far Sights. | ||
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