On October 24 2014 15:01 Butterz wrote:Can sm1 plz clear a weird misconception i have  Is it possible for blizzard to play with my account and make someone do this that i always get bad packs alot and no epics or legendaries(very few). I have been very sad about the last 55 something packs i have opened and i have kept track of the good ones. I opened only 1 legendary in 55 smth or more packs . i have been counting since last 55 packs and this doesnot mean b4 it was a legendary. And last 13 packs only 1 epic. I am just feeling confused I was expecting atleast 2 epics in last 13 packs so far and in overall 55 i want atleast 2 legendaries to be close to averages of 1 epic / 5 pack and 1 legendary/20 packs .. but im at 1/3rd of that average for so long now :S Possible, of course. Likely, no. You're just unlucky and haven't opened enough to reach a convergence to the mean.
whats wrong with bnet? getting waiting time to get into the client, then the weird "no more seat wait for a min""" pops up at the start of hearthstone and finally hearthstone just crashes.
worked fine before today,then hearthstone crashed and this is happening since.
On October 28 2014 07:55 IcemanAsi wrote: Can you double windfury a minion and will it then attack more then twice?
Nope. Windfury (like other effects such as Divine Shield) does not stack.
I just got a new quest and I can't reroll it. how many hours does it take until I can? the last reroll + 24 hours?
If you attack with worgen then enrage it afterwards, can you attack again in the same turn?
On October 31 2014 16:44 ch1los wrote: If you attack with worgen then enrage it afterwards, can you attack again in the same turn? yes when he gets windfury it means he can attack twice in a turn, since he only attacked once that turn he can attack again. the same applies when you use your last charge of a Stormforged Axe and then equip Doomhammer
Is loatheb the new leeroy? He's in every deck atm, except maybe zoo.
On October 31 2014 21:14 nojok wrote: Is loatheb the new leeroy? He's in every deck atm, except maybe zoo.
Difference is that seeing a Loatheb can put you in a bad position, but still reactable to (playing creatures instead of spells for a round). Seeing a Leeroy means your opponent has finished his game of solitaire.
I believe Sludge Belcher is used in more decks than Loatheb btw.
They're both used in virtually every deck, with very few exceptions.
On October 31 2014 21:49 Conti wrote: They're both used in virtually every deck, with very few exceptions.
Of the top of my head, I can only think of zoo and priest decks that doesn't usually run Loatheb (Zoo doesn't run Sludge Belcher either thought). They are ridiculously good for pretty much any situation, yes.
On October 31 2014 22:44 Excludos wrote:Show nested quote +On October 31 2014 21:49 Conti wrote: They're both used in virtually every deck, with very few exceptions. Of the top of my head, I can only think of zoo and priest decks that doesn't usually run Loatheb (Zoo doesn't run Sludge Belcher either thought). They are ridiculously good for pretty much any situation, yes. Really makes me wonder if they should be nerfed. Blizzard has nerfed cards because "every deck uses them" before, and I don't see what's different about these cards.
In situations like these, is it better to save a card or put it anyways?
Say I have that 2 mana murloc that summons a 1/1 murloc. But if I play it at turn 2 it's gonna get pinged by the mage. Should I save the card instead?
Same for knife juggler, sometimes I feel like I should play it anyways, but it just dies and never gets to do the combo
On November 01 2014 19:58 DW-Unrec wrote: In situations like these, is it better to save a card or put it anyways?
Say I have that 2 mana murloc that summons a 1/1 murloc. But if I play it at turn 2 it's gonna get pinged by the mage. Should I save the card instead?
Same for knife juggler, sometimes I feel like I should play it anyways, but it just dies and never gets to do the combo
different from game to game. Sometimes placing a minion which triggers the use of a removal from your opponent can be a good thing (IE, now he doesn't have one for your next creature, and he's out of mana). But in the first case: No, I would wait with that murloc. Unless you are zoo, then go ahead. This is, btw, why we avoid drafting 1 health cards for arena at all cost. And if it wasn't arena..what are you doing with that murloc in a constructed deck?! Its shit!
On November 01 2014 19:58 DW-Unrec wrote: In situations like these, is it better to save a card or put it anyways?
Say I have that 2 mana murloc that summons a 1/1 murloc. But if I play it at turn 2 it's gonna get pinged by the mage. Should I save the card instead?
Same for knife juggler, sometimes I feel like I should play it anyways, but it just dies and never gets to do the combo Is it arena? It depends on the momentum you can gain when you force the opponent to use a removal or his ping. You have 2 ressources, mana and cards, hero powers are card efficient but not mana efficient, what's the best deal for you? If you can gain some momentum forcing him to use hero power, go for it.
@Nojok hit it right on the nail. To know how can you gain the most of >momentun< is possible the hardest skill to master on a card game.
An example of such a situation: - You have drafted an arena deck that curves at 4 mana, so you basically have a poor early game and a stable mid-range game (IF you are alive by turn 4, 5, 6 to get your deck going). You are fighting vs a Mage, Druid or Rogue and you got your Murloc Tidehunter on your starting hand. You play it not because it will get you dmg over time, not because it will trade vs another creature (at least not the 2/1), no you play it so your opponent may feel force to hero power it (hell it's free and you gain "half card" advantage by doing so: mainly what your opponent would be thinking). So they "waste" their turn 2/3 (by choosing to have card advantage over tempo) and you got what you wanted: to slow down your opponent first couple of turns so you could get to your ideal mana turn where your deck starts to shine.
I was refering to constructed, since knife juggler goes really well with snake trap, spiders and UtH, but it dies the turn I play it.
What happens if you shadowstep a faceless manipulator? do you get the manipulator back or do you get the card that it copied?
In priest vs priest if you opponent turns coin injured blade-master circle. Is it auto loss if you don't have your own?
On November 03 2014 14:02 tehh4ck3r wrote: What happens if you shadowstep a faceless manipulator? do you get the manipulator back or do you get the card that it copied?
You get the card it copied
On November 03 2014 18:07 randombum wrote: In priest vs priest if you opponent turns coin injured blade-master circle. Is it auto loss if you don't have your own?
Far from it. Opening in Priest vs Priest doesn't need to mean anything. Rarely, even with perfect openings, does one of the sides just flat out die. 90% of the games I play priest vs priest ends up going to the last few cards