On February 20 2009 14:44 Sadist wrote: amazing that the woman lives with that kind of damage.
Pretty messed up.
I wonder how chimpanzees strength compares to other primates. It also brings up the question as to why we arent as strong as them(obviously with intelligence it probably wasnt necessary...but youd think it could still have occurred)
Some answers I find probable:
Complete dedication to bipedality played a huge role in this. Great Apes have more than 50 % of their muscles in their upper body, while we humans have all our strength in our legs. Also with the invention of basic weapons huge strength wasn´t needed anymore, precision in the use and creation of tools was preferable, too many muscles could even be counterproductive, who knows. A man who can handle a spear well can kill a chimpanzee despite all their strength.
"Eventually officers picked up a blood trail, which they followed back to the house. There they found Travis in his living quarters, a caged-in area with a bed and other furnishings of comfortable captivity. He was dead"
In an interview, Capt. Richard Conklin of the Stamford Police said that Travis, 14, was believed to have Lyme disease, a tick-borne bacterial infection that in rare cases has been linked to psychosis, severe anxiety and delusional behavior.
....so... does it seem that the news is biased towards the chimp having a psychological issue/disorder rather than natural animal instincts? I think animal rights has a hand in this news broadcast... they're shaking in their boots. i mean, really. "He was dead" seriously? i felt really bad at first, picturing the "innocent-natural-helpless-animal" in its "furnishings of comfortable captivity"... but it just doesn't seem right. I wanna hear more about the ladies face and how bad it was.
So some articles are saying that she has lost her eyes, jaw, and the majority of her face. And others are reporting that her hands have been ripped off.
On February 20 2009 23:27 Sadist wrote: honestly a 70 year old woman shouldnt have a 200lb chimp.
200lb chimp has got to be fucking enormous
I always used to think to myself "wow wtf a chimp? just fucking deck it in the face a couple good times, maybe put it in the headlock" but when you think about 200 lbs + having MUCH higher power of upper body, anyone would get messed up.
how fucking strong is a chimp anyway? fuck i dont think a 300 lbs NFL linemen could rip a person jaw off with there bare hands. I knew monkeys are stronger then humans but damn wtf that monkey bench like 700 lbs?
On February 21 2009 00:42 QuoC wrote: "Eventually officers picked up a blood trail, which they followed back to the house. There they found Travis in his living quarters, a caged-in area with a bed and other furnishings of comfortable captivity. He was dead"
In an interview, Capt. Richard Conklin of the Stamford Police said that Travis, 14, was believed to have Lyme disease, a tick-borne bacterial infection that in rare cases has been linked to psychosis, severe anxiety and delusional behavior.
....so... does it seem that the news is biased towards the chimp having a psychological issue/disorder rather than natural animal instincts? I think animal rights has a hand in this news broadcast... they're shaking in their boots. i mean, really. "He was dead" seriously? i felt really bad at first, picturing the "innocent-natural-helpless-animal" in its "furnishings of comfortable captivity"... but it just doesn't seem right. I wanna hear more about the ladies face and how bad it was.
PETA is lame as fuck.
I hate how theres this whole big deal about Michael Vick coming back to play football because people are scared of PETA. Yet someone could come back from sexual assault or manslaughter or something and it would pretty much be a non issue.
chimps are freaking vicious mofo's in the wild. They basically have gang wars where in battle they rip eachother's balls, face, and hands off....then they eat their dead enemies. I don't know why the hell people decided the baby ones were cute.
edit: bas rutten is the shit. "BAM YOU WILL NEVEERR DO THIIIS AGAAIIN!"
On February 21 2009 01:01 InToTheWannaB wrote: how fucking strong is a chimp anyway? fuck i dont think a 300 lbs NFL linemen could rip a person jaw off with there bare hands. I knew monkeys are stronger then humans but damn wtf that monkey bench like 700 lbs?
a chimp isn't a monkey i don't think? i believe they are classified under apes but i could be wrong. Monkeys are usually smaller and have tails.
anyway, humans are so weak compared to wild animals of similar size. just thought i'd throw that out there.
On February 20 2009 17:36 Jibba wrote: Given the almost psychopathic manner in which chimps try to mutilate and torture their victims, what does it say about human being's behavior? :/
On February 20 2009 17:36 Jibba wrote: Given the almost psychopathic manner in which chimps try to mutilate and torture their victims, what does it say about human being's behavior? :/
This is probably why chimpanzees are not mainstream pets.
It's also probably why zoos carry TRANQUILIZERS guys. Come on.
Lions can be quite amiable with their trainers, but does this mean its safe for your average person to own a pet lion? OBviously not. Chimpanzees are well known for their strength and aggression - this was an accident waiting to happen.
And she fed the chimpanzee tea with WHAT? It's very sad that this happened, but jesus christ what is wrong with people.
Edit: Actually not all zoos carry tranquilizers apparently. I remember an incident in which a guy was harassing a tiger at a zoo, throwing things at him and so forth. The tiger was understandably miffed and took care of the problem. Police had to shoot the tiger - what the hell? You deal with some of the most dangerous creatures on the planet on a regular basis and you don't have any tranq guns or anything?
"What happens when people decide they can't live with a chimpanzee pet any longer? There are chimpanzee sanctuaries. If you want to put a chimp in a sanctuary, I would think you would have to come with a lot of money—it's pretty much for lifelong maintenance. A chimp can live for about 50 years, and 10 is usually the age when people don't want them any more. So that's 40 years of care."