On October 16 2008 22:12 Funnytoss wrote: I really don't like how McCain put "health of the mother" in air quotes when criticizing Obama's stance on abortion rights...
That's cause people try to use "mental anguish" or "stress" as an excuse to perform partial birth abortions. Health issues for sure, but life threatening is hard to sell.
On October 16 2008 16:24 The Storyteller wrote: Maybe I'm just cynical... I guess Obama actually does want to do some good. I'm very glad he's running, he really is a very intelligent and gifted organiser. Watching him run his campaign is like watching a bonjwa play Starcraft in his prime. Everything is just so effortless and smooth and well run.
It doesn't hurt that Obama LOOKS like a president as well (unless his skin colour is a problem). He's tall, handsome and radiates calm. I mean, this is extreme but look at that pic of Obama striding out from behind the table and McCain trying to act funny and pretending not to know which way to go. Not saying that that means Obama would make a good president, but man he looks like one.
And seriously, how can some "political analyst" think that McCain won the debate?
If you're talking about the panel on CNN, that's because they use a mix of republicans and democrats on one side and non-partisan reporters on the others. Last night they had about 3 republicans and 4 democrats at one table, and of course the republicans all say that McCain won and the democrats said Obama won.
On October 16 2008 11:57 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: I think it was a mistake for McCain to say that he is proud of the people that attend his and Palin's rallies. This is the same people who have been yelling to kill Obama and so forth.
I think he meant the people that weren't doing that stuff, like the former military personnel there, and such.
Then it was a non-sequitur. Who was talking about them?
Who was talking about half the shit they go on rants about?
On October 16 2008 11:57 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: I think it was a mistake for McCain to say that he is proud of the people that attend his and Palin's rallies. This is the same people who have been yelling to kill Obama and so forth.
I think he meant the people that weren't doing that stuff, like the former military personnel there, and such.
Does anyone know the site that the moderator mentioned where you can re-watch the debates?
I thought he said mydebate.com, but both mydomain.com and mydomain.org are parked domains, so I dont know
No he was trying to figure out which way to shake the moderators hand Obama just did it over the desk but McCain had to go around and he was trying to figure out which way, it's on YouTube.
Is this and the other tongue picture photoshopped? Looks like he's gonna throw up.
No he actually does it on the debate.. Honestly if America elects this guy (along with Palin) you will probably lose so much respect in the world.
Is that what "democracy" sums up to? Shouldn't there be at least(!) two normal and intelligent options? Obama should get elected not even based on his policies but based on him being the only sane, intelligent option. I can't believe that there is no one in the Republican side that can represent them in a way that makes sense but the current representatives are just a joke.. Intelligent Americans are being robbed out of the privilege to choose their president since both Palin and Mccain (who chose her) are obviously not an option.
Is this and the other tongue picture photoshopped? Looks like he's gonna throw up.
Honestly if America elects this guy (along with Palin) you will probably lose so much respect in the world.
I agree with that but I'm curious what are your thoughts on Israel's political choices? McCain is conservative in the US, extremely conservative in most of W. Europe, and probably liberal-moderate in Israel. o.o
On October 16 2008 14:17 Sadist wrote: How the fuck can CNN say john mccain "won" the debate?
I mean ive posted my rants on these "debates" before so I wont do that again.....
but winning? GTFO
I thought McCain won the debate in an indecisive fashion, but it doesn't matter since anything but a decisive win for McCain wouldn't be enough to stop Obama from beating him, if not routing him, in the electoral college (and likely the popular vote). Also Obama had a really bad start to this debate if it continued like the first 10 or 20 minutes went he might have lost a large chunk of his lead in the election, but something changed to give him momentum.
can you explain to me how you think he won or Obama was doing bad in the beginning?
I didnt see any of that and just want to see what other people (you and the pundits) saw because I must have missed it or something.
Not trying to be an asshole or anything, Im just trying to find out exactly what was said to make you think that etc.
Polls don't like McCain. He lost all three debates. All the polls suggest the election is over. He should end his campaign and stop with the vicious attack adds.
The headline on Drudge Report today is a new Gallup poll of likely voters showing McCain within 2 points, 49-47, which is within the poll's margin of error.
I gotta say it, I came to the point where i believe a close pool helps Obama, his base is way more energized, and he will win probably because theres just so many more going to vote, desperate that McCain doesnt win.
On October 17 2008 07:03 NovaTheFeared wrote: The headline on Drudge Report today is a new Gallup poll of likely voters showing McCain within 2 points, 49-47, which is within the poll's margin of error.
drudge is dipping further and further into the tank for mccain each day
gallup released 3 polls today, obama 49-43 among registered voters, obama 51-45 among likely voters (expanded), obama 49-47 among likely voters (traditional)
and of course drudge only picked up the tightest one.
here's the explanation of the two likely voter models:
Gallup is presenting two likely voter estimates to see how preferences might vary under different turnout scenarios. The "expanded" model determines likely voters based only on current voting intentions. This estimate would take into account higher turnout among groups of voters traditionally less likely to vote, such as young adults and minorities. That model has generally produced results that closely match the registered voter figures, but with a lower undecided percentage, and show Obama up by six percentage points today, 51% to 45%.
The "traditional" likely voter model, which Gallup has employed for past elections, factors in prior voting behavior as well as current voting intention. This has generally shown a closer contest, reflecting the fact that Republicans have typically been more likely to vote than Democrats in previous elections. Today's results show Obama with a two-point advantage over McCain using this likely voter model, 49% to 47%, this is within the poll's margin of error.
On October 17 2008 07:03 NovaTheFeared wrote: The headline on Drudge Report today is a new Gallup poll of likely voters showing McCain within 2 points, 49-47, which is within the poll's margin of error.
saw that too.
anyone have a video of that freaky picture? haven't had a chance to watch the debate yet, is that photo 100% real? lol