On December 03 2019 08:38 Foxxan wrote:We dont have capitalism anywhere in the world today. What we have today is more in alignment with Cronyism.
Cronyism is the practice of partiality in awarding jobs and other advantages to friends or trusted colleagues, especially in politics and between politicians and supportive organizations.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CronyismCapitalism is freedom. The individual owning the means of production and the fruit of ones labor. Which would and is freetrading.
It goes by the selfownership principle. Meaning, the individual owns ones own body, energy, emotions, actions etc.
In context, I own my self, I do not own you. If you attack me you do wrong since you dont own me. If I attack you I do wrong since i dont own you. I can decide what to do with my own property, i dont have the right to decide what to do with other peoples property. All individuals are equal to the law(natural law)
Goes hand in hand with consent and volyntarism.
There is no third party involved here, today a third party is involved all the time (Government.. The elephant in the room).
If I go to a boss of a corporation, and i want him to hire me. I can come up with a good or bad deal deponding on the circumstances and so forth.
If i am forced to make a deal. Is this the corporations fault? Its not. Its not the corporation that makes life miserable for you, its the GOVERNMENT. Instead of blaming the corporation, blame the real deal, GOVERNMENT!
(short read with concrete pictures)
https://www.capitalism.org/This 8min video explains it better, good tempo with a lot of visuals about SELF-OWNERSHIP, the videos title is:
Philosophy of Liberty = Liberty in etymology; "free choice, freedom to do as one chooses,"
https://youtu.be/muHg86Mys7IThe self-ownership principle goes hand in hand with the homestead-principle.
To put it simple:
The homestead principle is the principle by which one gains ownership of an unowned natural resource by performing an act of original appropriation.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homestead_principleproperty justly belongs to the person who finds, occupies, and transforms it by his labor.
https://www.panarchy.org/rothbard/confiscation.htmlThink about it, i cant point my finger at unoccupied/unseen land and say "i now own this land" and then get money if someone steps on there..
I need to buy it first, right? With real cash, real paper money. Correct?
From whom??? Who to buy it from? If I do not have the right to point my finger to this land and claim ownership of it, then that means I cant buy the land from someone else since.. No one can claim ownership of it that way.
An example of homesteady principle:
If i see unoccopied land. I create my own house at one spot, and I plant tomatoes in a small yard. And i now use this house and this land of tomatoes. I now own this house and this land and these tomatoes. Its mine. I can do what i please with it unless i cause harm to other peoples property(including their bodies and their material property).
My energy is around this house, and these tomatoes. So even if i travel on a vacation for lets say 1month, the energy will still linger.. However, if i walk away from the house for lets say 3years, my energy will vanish from this place.. And i therefore no longer own it..
Can someone else now claim ownership of this house and this yard? Of course. But the individual needs to use it.. Same principle applies to us all.. We are all equal the law(natural law)
You can only own what you work/use etc.
So if i plant tomatoes 3miles long.. I will not own this land since i cant use this land.
If i plant tomatoes 3miles long, and only use 5meters of this plantation. I now own all tomatoes within this 5meters, the rest of the tomatoes become public, anyone can take it.
What we have just gone through are natural laws, all natural laws are objective.
Socialism, communism, democracy are all based in violence and coercion.
Manmade law;Based on dogmatic beliefs (constructs of the mind)
Complied with due to fear of punishment.
Differs in location due to whims of legislators (moral relativism)
Changes over time due to whims of legislators (moral relativism)
Natural law:Based upon Principles and Truth (inherent to Creation)
Harmonized with, due to Knowledge and Understanding.
Universal; applies anywhere in the universe regardless of location.
Eternal and immutable: exists and applies as long as the universe exists, and cannot be changed.
The self ownership principle, makes it our right, the individual right to damage one self if one so choose.
Meaning, using drugs, alcohol and other substances are all a natural right.
Government removes that right, and if you dont obey you get thrown into a cage(prison).
Government also tax "property" and claim ownership of land like it see fits.
It also steals money from the individuals each month(usually.. called taxes..)
What is theft?
the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it