On October 24 2010 19:52 PanoRaMa wrote: Man, I don't get how people get paranoid. Been smoking regularly (though not daily) for a few years now, never even had the vaguest sensation of paranoia. I feel bad for y'all
you're lucky. i use to be like that but recently i just started getting really paranoid about everything its so weird. i'd just over think things until they just got to me. i had to quit because of it .
On October 24 2010 19:52 PanoRaMa wrote: Man, I don't get how people get paranoid. Been smoking regularly (though not daily) for a few years now, never even had the vaguest sensation of paranoia. I feel bad for y'all
you're lucky. i use to be like that but recently i just started getting really paranoid about everything its so weird. i'd just over think things until they just got it me. i had to quit because of it .
I thought I had to quit too. You just have to learn how to control it and not fear. Overcoming it won't happen instantly either. This is something that takes time to learn but then you can get over your paranoia and love weed again.
On October 25 2010 04:24 JadeFist wrote: When you smoke before you drink you are drunk in the world of high. When you drink before you smoke you are high in the world of drunk.
This makes perfect sense to me.. I prefer to drink ->> smoke
On October 24 2010 19:52 PanoRaMa wrote: Man, I don't get how people get paranoid. Been smoking regularly (though not daily) for a few years now, never even had the vaguest sensation of paranoia. I feel bad for y'all
you're lucky. i use to be like that but recently i just started getting really paranoid about everything its so weird. i'd just over think things until they just got it me. i had to quit because of it .
I thought I had to quit too. You just have to learn how to control it and not fear. Overcoming it won't happen instantly either. This is something that takes time to learn but then you can get over your paranoia and love weed again.
maybe i should try to distract myself more when i'm high haha. it's not that i fear anything it's that i just begin to think about all the shit i gotta get done with school and work. it overwhelms me. i miss the good ol' times of getting high and just sitting back but i can't seem to do that anymore.
On October 24 2010 19:52 PanoRaMa wrote: Man, I don't get how people get paranoid. Been smoking regularly (though not daily) for a few years now, never even had the vaguest sensation of paranoia. I feel bad for y'all
you're lucky. i use to be like that but recently i just started getting really paranoid about everything its so weird. i'd just over think things until they just got it me. i had to quit because of it .
I thought I had to quit too. You just have to learn how to control it and not fear. Overcoming it won't happen instantly either. This is something that takes time to learn but then you can get over your paranoia and love weed again.
maybe i should try to distract myself more when i'm high haha. it's not that i fear anything it's that i just begin to think about all the shit i gotta get done with school and work. it overwhelms me. i miss the good ol' times of getting high and just sitting back but i can't seem to do that anymore.
Redirect your mind. Listen to music it really helps. Get lost in the music. If bad feelings reemerge remind yourself that you are just high.
On October 25 2010 04:24 JadeFist wrote: When you smoke before you drink you are drunk in the world of high. When you drink before you smoke you are high in the world of drunk.
This makes perfect sense to me.. I prefer to drink ->> smoke
Weed then beer you're in the clear, beer then grass you're on your ass
Seems to work for me - everytime I get home paro, a solid doobie will put me into the most comfortable sleep ever
You think that's an excessive amount of weed? My uncle brags about it all the time, he's been smoking since he was 14 and he's 55 now. He probably has 2-3 million pounds of weed in his system, I don't even know how he's still alive.
So he's smoked 133 pounds of weed per day for 41 years?
I guess drug dealers are great at math.
note the word 'probably', which means I don't really know because HE told me but yea thanks for doing the math.
Maybe that's why he brags about it xD
You say 'probably' as if you think smoking 45,189 grams a day since the day he was born is actually possible. If HE told you that and you think its PROBABLY possible, you need to learn some mathematics.
I was watching him roll up 7 doobies and smoking them in front of me in less than an hour JUST FOR HIMSELF, and I quit weed for about 2 months now so watching this was extremely painful.
He still smokes like a madman, he practically forges joints now(forge joint = he just rolls up whatever he picks, tosses out all the seeds, and just rolls up the leaves and stems and everything, an ugly looking joint with holes in it and extremely harsh) and he acts like a little kid.
I don't know, but the way my dad, my uncles, and my friends describe him, I think it's very possible he has smoked tons of weed.
Using your most conservative numbers, we discover the following: He has smoked 133 lbs of weed (at minimum) every day for the past 41 years of his life. That's approximately 60,327 grams of weed every day. If we go by a very vague metric of .5g/joint, that's 120,654 joints a day. That's 84 joints per minute.
For your uncle to have been telling the truth, he would've have to have smoked more than 1 joint every second for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year during the 41 years since he was 14.
he deals coke... so he literally sits at his house 24/7, smoking weed and doing coke, and selling it at that age as well. I say it is possible, the math might be a little off because he don't smoke .5g per joint, it's more like 1/1.5g per joint(a gram of dro is like 2 pinners, or one kinda thick joint), and then he use the roaches of old joints to make another joint, smokes blunts, rillos, pipes, etc.
More than likely he wasn't telling the truth(I said the word PROBABLY, if you're going to give me a math lesson learn to read first), but even lies have some truth behind it, even if it is about how much weed you've smoked. If you were to see my uncle, you'd understand why I believe he has smoked that much.
No big deal yo, some people can grasp the difference between a million, and a thousand, and ten, and some can't.
If that made sense.
Personally I stay high whenever I'm awake and I smoke about half a gram every 2 hours i'd figure. So even if you're up 24 hours a day you can't even smoke half an ounce to yourself.
The arguement that you smoke with other people means you might go through more weed, but it doesn't mean you actually smoke more too.
So even if the dude smokes constantly he's not gonna go through more than an ounce a day.
I cried for 7 hours because of the concept that I was sad because eventually I wouldn't be high anymore, but I was blissfully happy that I got to experience this before I died
That conundrum seemed so wonderful that I broke into tears.
You think that's an excessive amount of weed? My uncle brags about it all the time, he's been smoking since he was 14 and he's 55 now. He probably has 2-3 million pounds of weed in his system, I don't even know how he's still alive.
So he's smoked 133 pounds of weed per day for 41 years?
I guess drug dealers are great at math.
note the word 'probably', which means I don't really know because HE told me but yea thanks for doing the math.
Maybe that's why he brags about it xD
You say 'probably' as if you think smoking 45,189 grams a day since the day he was born is actually possible. If HE told you that and you think its PROBABLY possible, you need to learn some mathematics.
I was watching him roll up 7 doobies and smoking them in front of me in less than an hour JUST FOR HIMSELF, and I quit weed for about 2 months now so watching this was extremely painful.
He still smokes like a madman, he practically forges joints now(forge joint = he just rolls up whatever he picks, tosses out all the seeds, and just rolls up the leaves and stems and everything, an ugly looking joint with holes in it and extremely harsh) and he acts like a little kid.
I don't know, but the way my dad, my uncles, and my friends describe him, I think it's very possible he has smoked tons of weed.
Using your most conservative numbers, we discover the following: He has smoked 133 lbs of weed (at minimum) every day for the past 41 years of his life. That's approximately 60,327 grams of weed every day. If we go by a very vague metric of .5g/joint, that's 120,654 joints a day. That's 84 joints per minute.
For your uncle to have been telling the truth, he would've have to have smoked more than 1 joint every second for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year during the 41 years since he was 14.
he deals coke... so he literally sits at his house 24/7, smoking weed and doing coke, and selling it at that age as well. I say it is possible, the math might be a little off because he don't smoke .5g per joint, it's more like 1/1.5g per joint(a gram of dro is like 2 pinners, or one kinda thick joint), and then he use the roaches of old joints to make another joint, smokes blunts, rillos, pipes, etc.
More than likely he wasn't telling the truth(I said the word PROBABLY, if you're going to give me a math lesson learn to read first), but even lies have some truth behind it, even if it is about how much weed you've smoked. If you were to see my uncle, you'd understand why I believe he has smoked that much.
Rofl, maybe it is the thc speaking, but you are a whack kid
even using your revised joint grammage we are still looking at 40k joints a day. are you insane?
You think that's an excessive amount of weed? My uncle brags about it all the time, he's been smoking since he was 14 and he's 55 now. He probably has 2-3 million pounds of weed in his system, I don't even know how he's still alive.
So he's smoked 133 pounds of weed per day for 41 years?
I guess drug dealers are great at math.
note the word 'probably', which means I don't really know because HE told me but yea thanks for doing the math.
Maybe that's why he brags about it xD
You say 'probably' as if you think smoking 45,189 grams a day since the day he was born is actually possible. If HE told you that and you think its PROBABLY possible, you need to learn some mathematics.
I was watching him roll up 7 doobies and smoking them in front of me in less than an hour JUST FOR HIMSELF, and I quit weed for about 2 months now so watching this was extremely painful.
He still smokes like a madman, he practically forges joints now(forge joint = he just rolls up whatever he picks, tosses out all the seeds, and just rolls up the leaves and stems and everything, an ugly looking joint with holes in it and extremely harsh) and he acts like a little kid.
I don't know, but the way my dad, my uncles, and my friends describe him, I think it's very possible he has smoked tons of weed.
Using your most conservative numbers, we discover the following: He has smoked 133 lbs of weed (at minimum) every day for the past 41 years of his life. That's approximately 60,327 grams of weed every day. If we go by a very vague metric of .5g/joint, that's 120,654 joints a day. That's 84 joints per minute.
For your uncle to have been telling the truth, he would've have to have smoked more than 1 joint every second for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year during the 41 years since he was 14.
he deals coke... so he literally sits at his house 24/7, smoking weed and doing coke, and selling it at that age as well. I say it is possible, the math might be a little off because he don't smoke .5g per joint, it's more like 1/1.5g per joint(a gram of dro is like 2 pinners, or one kinda thick joint), and then he use the roaches of old joints to make another joint, smokes blunts, rillos, pipes, etc.
More than likely he wasn't telling the truth(I said the word PROBABLY, if you're going to give me a math lesson learn to read first), but even lies have some truth behind it, even if it is about how much weed you've smoked. If you were to see my uncle, you'd understand why I believe he has smoked that much.
Rofl, maybe it is the thc speaking, but you are a whack kid
even using your revised joint grammage we are still looking at 40k joints a day. are you insane?
When I smoke I don't hallucinate but I use my imagination unintentionally. A piece of bark rolling by might look like a large cockroach-like bug squirming towards me.
I think paranoia on weed comes from an overactive imagination.
I got cheesed by possibly the most cheesey thing i've ever seen, atleast i think so, my toss opponent built literally nothing except voidrays, carriers and a mothership. When i rolled up to his base with my 100 food army, they died in literally seconds, i even had ghosts with me and had expected void rays so had a lot of rines..... didn't expect to have every toss air unit cloaked.
So i think this is just about the cheesiest thing ever so i start throwing down turrets and pumping marines, but he just rolls my base..... so in my stoned state, i thought..... this could get fun, i run my main OC away and land elsewhere, built like 20 turrets at my natural and tried to get an army together, he comes and finds my new main, rolls it again..... but i've got 3.5k minerals and an ebay...... so i litter the map with turrets and spread my scv's everywhere....... anywho..... about 30 minutes later he finally clears everything up, i think he went afk for quite a while, but he could have literally rolled everything in a couple secs....
he took another 2 bases, got DT's!!! HT's!!!! everything and spread the around the map..... eventually he finished me off........
I would add that i am not proud of what i did, but i stick by it..... he wanted to cheese for an easy win.... so i made him work for it.
On October 24 2010 10:20 MrProphylactic wrote: uh ohh vaporizing huh ,,, you got some weight sitting around
edit : ( cyanescens grow in my backyard and all over around where i live , and the near the beach , and m,mushrooms season is starting , you guys are making me think maybe i should make some extra easy bucks , there are literally pounds of mushrooms all over the beach just over my fence , and there are zero imitators is this region for this variety . When i first moved here i went crazy eating these things all the time .. lmao that was an interesting first rain season for sure , what i remember of it anyway
( but this is the only variety i will pick wild ( well or liberty caps ) , becuase imitators freak me out to much ,
well if you're sure they're cyanescens then you will make bank selling them. Make sure to pick only a few at first and get them identified by the shroomery or something first just to be sure. Also I recommend you try a 1/2oz dry trip. It's amazing.
Yeah i am sure , cyanescens have one imitator in this region ; and they dont grow where I live , however i check for it anyway as the imitator is easy to tell apart , the stalks are different colors , and when you squeeze them they turn different colors ; I always check. I am quite experienced with hallucinogens , I rarely do them anymore however , as I have already long-since took them about as far as someone can .
P.s I dont know what kind of shrooms you are doing but a half ounce is overkill for Cyanescens m, you plateau after about 4-8 grams dried fresh weight , and that would be a huge trip for someone in-experienced . After you eat well more than 6-8 grams to be conservative ( could be as little as 3 grams for some , everyone's plateau is different ) the rest is just going to give you a horrid stomach-ache , The most common variety for commercial sale in the USA is cubensis if i had to make a guess . , and I am fairly certain the plateau on those is about the same ,
Me and 3 friends made an 8 hour drive to Rochester to see a kid we went to high school with. We killed the time by smoking 3 blunts and playing adventure wars 2 for the whole ride up. About 6 hours in, one of my friends gets pulled over for kind of driving like an asshole. Mind you this is about 10 minutes after blunt 3 finished and we hotboxed the car to keep it nice and warm. Needless to say, He was definitely able to tell what we'd been doing, and we weren't in any position to argue.
So he goes off on the driver for being high while driving and then takes him over to his car. We started to freak out now thanks to the fact that we're in NY, don't know the rules, and have a car with North Carolina plates (which, we had an explanation for but it still didn't fit well with 4 guys from MA.
So he then comes over to the car and starts checking licenses. He knows there's liquor in the trunk and he thinks we're all under the age because of our stupid MA licenses.
I hate that game that the cops play with you. When you know you're caught and you don't know the consequences. He was pressing the whole underage drinking thing hard until he found out we were all 21.
Long story short, my friend owed up to owning all the weed, despite the fact that was all of ours. We got a speeding ticket for going 85 in a 65, and had to dump out two grams-ish of weed on RT90. New York decriminalized weed about three months ago. Thanks to that, my weekend/roadtrip did not start with me bailing out a friend in the middle of fuck nowhere NY. It was the greatest weekend ever.
On October 26 2010 02:42 JadeFist wrote: When I smoke I don't hallucinate but I use my imagination unintentionally. A piece of bark rolling by might look like a large cockroach-like bug squirming towards me.
I think paranoia on weed comes from an overactive imagination.
It's just a natural effect of certain strains, especially ones that are sativa dominant. The indica or sativa influence in the genetics coupled with the time of harvest makes for huge differences in effects. If you harvest portions of the same exact plant that have trichomes which are mostly cloudy and mostly amber you can see almost completely opposite effects. Mostly cloudy could be energetic, racy and paranoid while mostly amber could be narcotic, sedative and comforting.
I like to get high then review my sc2 replays from my opponents screen with camera mode on so it follows every click he does. I watch them in real time and try to get inside my enemies mind as much as possible, even going so far as to emulate the mouse clicks.
Also fun to do on professional replays. You can pretend like you are fruitdealer or idra and 'play' the game as them. I've found it gives me a better feel and understanding of not just build orders and stuff but also their emotional state.
I've thought about streaming some commentary in this fashion, but I have absolutely no idea how to go about it.