Basicly i just want to write the line above, but then i get warned or banned again. According to that i have to write a proffessional statement, but honestly i dont care, im just suprised taht many people take this theme so damm serious. If you really want to legalize it, do something, do some political organisation or protest against it. This would help much more then posting half site comments on TL.
Should weed be legalized? - Page 13
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Germany501 Posts
Basicly i just want to write the line above, but then i get warned or banned again. According to that i have to write a proffessional statement, but honestly i dont care, im just suprised taht many people take this theme so damm serious. If you really want to legalize it, do something, do some political organisation or protest against it. This would help much more then posting half site comments on TL. | ||
Slovenia1308 Posts
An amazing medication and stunningly conductive to personal growth when used sparingly and with understanding. As such it will probably stay illegal since the big lobbies and capitalist/marketing machinery want nothing to do with critically thinking individuals distancing themselves from the materialistic dependency that keeps big money circling. Let's not even get started on the pharma industry, I mean, a proven cancer palliative everyone can afford? Better get that shit locked down fast! Also, their propaganda appears to be working 100%: On September 02 2012 19:12 syriuszonito wrote: Its a drug and causes brain damage when used regularly. No it should not be legalized. Yes and if you don't pray to Jesus you're going to hell ![]() | ||
Germany1972 Posts
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Poland332 Posts
On September 02 2012 19:50 r00ty wrote: Well thank god, alcohol makes you smarter... Think -> post and don't just repeat a random thing you caught in the news in the last week. I bet you know shit. I advise everyone who wants to inform himself to watch the "The Union" documentary linked in the OP. It wraps up everything nicely. In the end it's not about what's good for the people it's about money. Give this a thought: Politics (lobbyists/industry) don't even want to legalize thc-free hemp, which is 100% harmless. You could smoke a ton and it would only give you a cough. Tell me one good reason why!? It's an unbelievable resourceful plant and could solve so many problems. Problem is it MAYBE would revolutionize agriculture industry for good and nobody wants that. -Cotton is an unbelievable waste of resources (water/pesticides). -Palm oil is in everything and its production is the main reason for chopping down rain forest. -Bio fuel. Nuff said. -Hemp plants are good for soil in general. You would need less fertilizer. -This list can go on for ever and i talk about absolutely harmless thc-free hemp... A lot of industries would lose billions and their lobbyists and the anti hemp propaganda in the heads of people will prevent the legalization from happening. It's really sad. On a personal note: One my best friends is dieing slowly from multiple sklerosis since 12 years. The medication around is amongst the most expensive (2 in the top 5, 2 others for cancer and 1 for aids). For him the side effects are terrible and the stuff doesn't really help. There is only one thing that helps with the spasms and soothes him: Weed. The only legal thc medication in Germany costs around 500 euro for 20 pills and they don't even help because it's not about the thc it's about the combination of active components in the plant. If you're hardcore against medicinal marijuana, argue with him about it. He would punch you in the face if he still could.... Yeah dude think -> post The fact that alcohol is bad yet is legalized is not an argument to legalize drugs, its an argument to delegalize alcohol (not possible though, its been legal for too long and society would not let it happen). About the Union well I value medical articles higher than some minor video made by unknown weed supporters. If you provide me with trustworthy researches that says weed is harmless then I might agree with you. And I am sorry for your friend I do believe in this case it should be allowed just like they use morphine to relief from pain but thats again not an argument to legalize drugs for everyone. As for Kickboxer I provided a link to support my statement, waiting for you to do the same | ||
South Africa1186 Posts
On September 02 2012 19:32 syriuszonito wrote: I got no idea what bumping your head or trading lives for brain cells has to do with this discussion. Yes if you want to smoke weed its your choice. The point of drugs being illegal is that some ppl might choose not to because of it. Google drug war in Mexico. It has everything to do with it. If Mexico exported marijuana instead of smuggling it, a lot more innocent people would be alive today. My point is that if you really want to smoke a joint that's you own choice to damage your own brain, like its your choice not to whether its legal or not. | ||
Romania822 Posts
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Poland332 Posts
On September 02 2012 20:03 eu.exodus wrote: Google drug war in Mexico. It has everything to do with it. If Mexico exported marijuana instead of smuggling it, a lot more innocent people would be alive today. My point is that if you really want to smoke a joint that's you own choice to damage your own brain, like its your choice not to whether its legal or not. google tells me its a war between police and drug cartels. If thats what you mean then I cant agree that legalizing crime is a good way to save lives. Could you please stop with the "Its my life I should be able to do what I want with it" argument?. Ofc in a high intelligence society it could be like that but in a real world government has to protect ppl from doing stupid things because of not fully realizing the consequences (like getting addicted to drugs). I am not saying its great but in my opinion its necessary. | ||
Germany1037 Posts
On September 02 2012 20:00 syriuszonito wrote: Yeah dude think -> post The fact that alcohol is bad yet is legalized is not an argument to legalize drugs, its an argument to delegalize alcohol (not possible though, its been legal for too long and society would not let it happen). About the Union well I value medical articles higher than some minor video made by unknown weed supporters. If you provide me with trustworthy researches that says weed is harmless then I might agree with you. And I am sorry for your friend I do believe in this case it should be allowed just like they use morphine to relief from pain but thats again not an argument to legalize drugs for everyone. Alcohol IS a drug and far more dangerous and more addictive than weed. The cultural backgroud argument is stupid. The medical articles from the last half of the 20th century are proven to be mostly bullshit and are basically just propaganda. You clearly haven't watched "The Union". A couple of highly respected academics out of psychology and medical science give their view (Harvard professors etc.). Also they talk a lot about the studies you value so highly. Just give it a shot. It won't brainwash you into a legalization supporter and trust me, it's decent, not some potheads talking bullshit. Of course it tries to be entertaining from time to time, but compared to the arguments of anti-legalization activists it actually makes sense and provides some really good data. It just asks questions and makes you think. That's all. Also ask yourself why thc-free hemp is also illegal. As i said there is no common sense behind it. | ||
Norway2474 Posts
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United States1187 Posts
On September 02 2012 19:23 syriuszonito wrote: ok I don't mean to attack you in particular (because we're probably all guilty of this), but I would assume that the inactivity involved with sitting in front of a computer for hours every day would be more harmful to our body than occasional weed consumption. People should recognize both sides.: Weed can be physically harmful if used too much during developmental stages of your life (pretty much everything below 21-25, I believe). But, when used sparsely by intelligent people, it's not terrible. The side effects of smoking can also be eliminated due to vaporizers and edibles. People can use it irresponsibly, and driving while under the influence of anything that impairs you in a bad idea. People can also use junk food irresponsibly, but no one has ever proposed banning unhealthy food. It's safer than pretty much every other common recreational drug. There are others, like shrooms and LSD, that basically can't kill people, but are less of a concern. Why wouldn't you want people using this as an alternative to tobacco and alcohol? Prohibition doesn't work. Period. It has costed hundreds of billions of dollars in the DEA, and I don't even want to know how much is used to imprison and detain all of these non-violent offenders. There is little-to-no practical purpose for any recreational drug. Regardless, people will always do it. So, why not oversee the process so that everything is safer and more controlled? The only way that it's a, "gateway drug," is the process of buying it from dealers, who make their living off of clients (especially those who are physically addicted to harder drugs). I know, I'm obviously biased, but I really cannot see enough of a reason to keep it illegal ![]() I know it has few benefits, but does it really have enough harmful effects to keep going through all this bullshit (especially since none of it is working)? | ||
Canada343 Posts
On September 02 2012 20:17 NeWeNiyaLord wrote: One of the main reasons it's not legalized. Is because this is something called a gateway drug. A drug that will lead you to worse ones. Weak people ruin for everyone ![]() That's pure propaganda again. | ||
Germany1037 Posts
On September 02 2012 20:15 syriuszonito wrote: google tells me its a war between police and drug cartels. If thats what you mean then I cant agree that legalizing crime is a good way to save lives. Could you please stop with the "Its my life I should be able to do what I want with it" argument?. Ofc in a high intelligence society it could be like that but in a real world government has to protect ppl from doing stupid things because of not fully realizing the consequences (like getting addicted to drugs). I am not saying its great but in my opinion its necessary. Why is a relatively harmless (comparison alcohol<->weed) plant which you can grow everywhere for no costs the reason for a drug war? Because it's illegal. The harsher the laws, the higher the risk, the more money to be made. Do you drink alcohol? In one post you say governments need to protect their people in the other you say alcohol is ok because it's rooted in our culture. Inform yourself, start making some sense or gtfo this thread. | ||
Australia1369 Posts
The idea that "people should be able to do whatever they want if it's only to their own body" works, until you realize that drugs that affect your behavior, affect the people around you as well. I'm not saying that smoking weeds hurts your friends and baby Jesus because addiction blah blah, I'm saying that you're dumb as fuck while high and that gets people, other than just you, hurt. That's from personal experience. As a close friend of weed smokers who want it legalized, and as someone who has smoked with them, I think I'm qualified to say that their arguments suck, and playing videogames with them sucks. | ||
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Poland332 Posts
On September 02 2012 20:21 r00ty wrote: Why is a relatively harmless (comparison alcohol<->weed) plant which you can grow everywhere for no costs the reason for a drug war? Because it's illegal. The harsher the laws, the higher the risk, the more money to be made. Do you drink alcohol? Correct me if I am wrong but arent those drug cartels in mexico also involved in smuggling hard drugs? You want em to be legal as well? This argument is really leading to nowhere , those guys are criminals I can understand defending weed but the mexican drug cartels :D? Yeah I drink alcohol e: I see you edited so Yes I say alcohol is bad for the society but its too rooted in it to ban it. If you really dont understand it then prolly weed causes even bigger brain dmg than I thought. | ||
Australia1369 Posts
On September 02 2012 20:25 wrote: I think it should be legal because it has some medical effects if you use it wisely. Look at weed smokers. Are they, in general, wise looking to you? | ||
Poland332 Posts
On September 02 2012 20:27 RockIronrod wrote: Look at weed smokers. Are they, in general, wise looking to you? While I agree with "I'm saying that you're dumb as fuck while high and that gets people, other than just you, hurt." dont go too far. I know both dumb and smart ppl taking weed (ofc occasionaly, coz the ones I know (knew would be more accurate) taking it regularly are pretty dumb yeah) | ||
Hungary5029 Posts
On September 02 2012 19:33 [DUF]MethodMan wrote: Stupidness kills. People kill. Guns don't. Drugs don't. Or do you also believe, fat people have a right to be upset about McDonalds? I don't, even if they lie about ingredients and the correlating health issues, sue them to the ground and take all their money, BUT it IS common sense, if you overdo anything, you will most likely pay for it. I live my life how I want, not how I'm told to. I don't need the great babysitter to tell me what I can do with my life. Weed is a substance I've been using for years now and at young age I certainly did have the same problems with it most people have. Getting lazy, sometimes getting crazy trips, sometimes paying the price for smoking way too much (deep depressions, I'm still recovering from). At the highest times, I've probably smoked some 60g a month, which is pretty crazy, but I strongly believe I would've never done that, if I had the choice to just go buy some weed at any time and under any circumstances I want, e.g. I go to a shop, present my ID and get exactly the product I pay for. Since the situation with weed in southern Germany was really bad then and got even worse nowadays, you couldn't just walk up to random people in the park and buy 2g or shit, and if you did that, you'd get ripped off, or were sent away with cheap shit my mom probably uses for cooking. So you have to rely on establishing a connection with criminal people, buying larger amounts than actually needed, because first off, that's how they do business and secondly, because you never know when there is the next time they can supply you with the good stuff. All you people spouting bullshit and spamming studies which don't even deserve the label "scientific", you haven't gone through the same things I did and many many especially young people on this planet are going through right now, just to smoke some weed and nothing else. You probably have smoked a little when you were really young or you never did at all lol, you don't understand how it feels to be the Average Joe, doing everything according to plan in your life, but if you want to smoke some and lay back, you have to basically become a criminal. Buying weed is a criminal offense in most countries who ban it. It's many times not even just handled as petty crime, but major offense (LOL USA), if you go over a certain amount, around more than 3-4g will get you at least a ride in the police car, if you live in southern Germany. Do you think that's fair? Do you think this helps society at all? It's just a waste of police resources. As I said, the situation here got way worse 1-2 years ago when we got a new home secretary. You can really feel the crackdown on the weed business, every dude who supplies in numbers larger than 100g a month gets the fuck lifted. Do we really need countless numbers of police doing a job, that doesn't improve the lives of anyone? It just requires one simple step to give Hells Angels etc., who are the main suppliers for drugs and everything else in Europe the finger: Legalize it. Their business would instantly collapse, nobody would buy their shit, even if they sold it at 10€/g when the legal stuff would cost 15-20€ like in Holland. Only young kids would do it, since they're not allowed to legally buy it and they shouldn't, but they could never fill the hole that the legalization left in the mafia structures of these biker gangs. In my early years at university, I was supplying weed with my roommate to mine and his friends only and I got 100g each month from people I didn't even wanna know, but they were the only ones who could supply my demands AND have me make as much profit off of it, so I didn't have to pay for it at all. I bought at 600€ and sold for roughly 1,200€, which is a pretty sweet deal, but the downside to it obviously was, after a couple of months, the Angels guy wanted to talk us into buying a whole kilo next time, and that's when we realized we had to stop. So we told him to not supply us anymore, since he was getting the impression of us being friends anyway and I didn't want a criminal of such capacity sitting in my home everyday. He and every single one of his clients got busted half a year later, the one to take the most made as much as 15,000€ a month, or more. All by sitting at home and answering the phone, the dream stupid people still give into, when they see scam sites on the internet, claming to make them 453587 bucks an hour by just sitting at their PC. He obviously went to prison, as such amounts aren't treated as joke, but of course mainly to get to the info about the supply chain. Now, how can you justify, basically scamming young people into making large amounts of money with practically no work involved, but they always will have to pay for it in the end, while the really big money is left untouched? The dude, who was just as regular as a guy can be, had to quit everything, studies gone, girlfriend gone (lol that bitch was just there for the money, at least now he knows), the pleasure of telling your parents and friends about getting jailed and moving back home because they took all his money. Do you really think, that's a smart way of a society handling a supposed problem? If you do, you are the very reason for it. I may have had the pleasure to get my kush for free for some time, but I'd happily trade a life long free weed card for the legalization of it and in consequence, me having to pay for it like everybody else. Even nowadays I have to buy my stuff from some guy who has a tear tattooed below his eye. You know what that means? I don't want to, but I have to literally deal with these kind of people. I almost forgot, in my eyes the reason for almost all the psychological side effects isn't the THC itself, but the fact you get branded as a criminal, not being able to enjoy the product you bought in a nice environment, but almost always within the 4 walls you live in. I know for certain, this is what started all my problems in the first place. If you exclude somebody from society and that's what happens when you blindly ban something without reason, even your parents you can't talk to, because they never admitted, or even never have smoked weed in their lives, all you have is your friends who are just as stupid as you and can't help you in any way, when you do that, people will always become the weary, "lazy" (I dont think it's an appropriate term), secluded, strange and not contributing to society type of people, politics and media are always taking as prime examples of consumers of illegal substances. But does scientific research ever go at it this way? No, it's always research, which always and ever will get funded out of political motivation, concentrating on only the actual and most times short term usage. Never have I heard about an extensive and credible study, which covers the whole story there is to weed, or would anybody be as stupid and deny the fact, not only the substance is altering your brains and body, but just as much the circumstances you have to live with as a consumer, which I think I have listed many of above. Fear is substituted for reason when it comes to drugs. Politics fear them, because they want people to basically be slaves and work without asking too many question and especially weed has always raised questions within people, because it doesn't get you in the state of a retarded fool, which alcohol does, and hey, if I were in power, I'd want as much retarded fools to govern, because that's so much easier. Business fears them, because it's hard to make large profit margins off of it and of course we have the conspirationists believing, hemp would become the cheap, simple and always available go-to solution for everything. Society fears them, because they are kept in the dark about a real life with consuming drugs, making them believe anything "scientists" and politicians say about the issue AND of course it is fucking illegal, so better not talk about it. Well spoken my friend! | ||
United States1187 Posts
On September 02 2012 20:27 RockIronrod wrote: Look at weed smokers. Are they, in general, wise looking to you? As with everything, remember this: Are all stoners you see lazy slobs, or do you just recognize all of those lazy slobs as stoners? If you don't recognize someone as a smoker when you just see them, they're doing their jobs right. If you can tell immediately, they're the crappy minority of users who stopped giving a shit a long time ago. | ||
Germany1037 Posts
On September 02 2012 20:27 syriuszonito wrote: Correct me if I am wrong but arent those drug cartels in mexico also involved in smuggling hard drugs? You want em to be legal as well? This argument is really leading to nowhere , those guys are criminals I can understand defending weed but the mexican drug cartels :D? Yeah I drink alcohol I don't defend them. They are terrible and destroying a whole country. With legalizing weed, you would strip them of well over 50% of their income (i'm guessing here, but it will be about right) and by that lessening their power vastly. That's the point. The money which is used to fight marijuana could be used to fight harder drugs. Another oldschool argument: When weed is so destructive, why does a country like the Netherlands still function so well? What were the negative sides of the legalization there? Are their metal hospitals full of addicts and psychopaths? Nope. Everything fine. | ||
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