On March 05 2013 09:23 prplhz wrote: i was sitting on the metro and then for some reason me and my buddy was talking about star wars and i said something like "i can't make sense of all these sith guys there must be at least five of them" and then this older guy in front of us (must be like, 50 or something, probably saw the original trilogy in his youth) turned around in his seat and looked me straight in the eyes and said "there can only be one sith, a master and his apprentice" dunno about dumbest ever but it's pretty dumb and it's a weird thing to get upset about on the metro
he's not wrong... neither is he completely right.
On March 05 2013 10:48 WolfintheSheep wrote: "Whilst"
In proper context, using vocabulary that warrants it, it's perfectly acceptable. The majority of times that I've seen it, however, is as a substitute for "while" in common, everyday language. I don't know if people thinks it makes a sentence sound smarter, or they think it supposed to be used everywhere, but the end result is language like:
"I read the paper whilst I'm pissing." "I'll make a salad whilst you're barbecuing."
If you're going to use pretentious language, please do it properly.
'Whilst' is still used in British English, to the extent that those two sentences sound perfectly natural to me.
"Do you lift bro?" That phrase just pisses me off that I want to find that little runt and kick his ass! Chances are, I bet, that person doesn't even go to the gym as I do. :/
You're not funny.
Bonkers lol.
On March 05 2013 10:48 WolfintheSheep wrote: "Whilst"
In proper context, using vocabulary that warrants it, it's perfectly acceptable. The majority of times that I've seen it, however, is as a substitute for "while" in common, everyday language. I don't know if people thinks it makes a sentence sound smarter, or they think it supposed to be used everywhere, but the end result is language like:
"I read the paper whilst I'm pissing." "I'll make a salad whilst you're barbecuing."
If you're going to use pretentious language, please do it properly. Good lord..
everytime a girl says "it's ok" and "don't worry about it"...
yolo swag 420blazeit any time anyone posts hashtag phrases on facebook troll (WAAAAAY overused) annddd... + Show Spoiler +What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in guerilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Also political correctness gets on my nerves sometimes
On March 05 2013 04:28 Roe wrote:Show nested quote +On March 05 2013 04:25 kollin wrote: It annoys me when people say 'sure' when responding positively to things. Sounds so non-commital -.- I hate it when people say "true" when I tell them things they couldn't know about in advance. "I felt so badly about her dog dying" "true..." ... LOL they clearly aren't even trying.... -__- fail at pretending to listen.
On March 05 2013 10:18 Kaitlin wrote:Show nested quote +On March 05 2013 09:07 Silentness wrote: I like to troll people by saying GL HF... YOLO in SC2 games. It always gets an interesting response.
You only die once (YODO) was a good response once when they lost. ____
Funny ones: How would you like your eggs sir? "I'd like them well-done." He must of been high/drunk.
"What do I got to do to get your job?" It's my job bitch! Job security = I'm not telling you.
How about anytime someone uses "of" when it should be "have" ? For example, "He must of been high/drunk", when it's "He must HAVE been high/drunk".
Touche good sir.
If we want to play grammar nazi: I hate when people say your instead of you're. (Example" your stupid)
If you can't support me at my worst, you don't deserve my best
On March 05 2013 11:27 Silentness wrote:Show nested quote +On March 05 2013 10:18 Kaitlin wrote:On March 05 2013 09:07 Silentness wrote: I like to troll people by saying GL HF... YOLO in SC2 games. It always gets an interesting response.
You only die once (YODO) was a good response once when they lost. ____
Funny ones: How would you like your eggs sir? "I'd like them well-done." He must of been high/drunk.
"What do I got to do to get your job?" It's my job bitch! Job security = I'm not telling you.
How about anytime someone uses "of" when it should be "have" ? For example, "He must of been high/drunk", when it's "He must HAVE been high/drunk". Touche good sir. If we want to play grammar nazi: I hate when people say your instead of you're. (Example" your stupid)
I hate this trend that keeps popping up where people drop the "the" from "in the future". Instead they just say "in future". It sounds awful, and it's not even with a noun afterwards, it could just be "we're going to have more scrambled eggs in future".
"Like literally" is like literally the worst two words strung together in like literally the universe.
Too much + countable noun, it just jumps out at you in a conversation. Sure, you might be a nice person, but I can't help judging you for it.
eg: "too much books, too much Roaches"
On March 05 2013 09:25 IMABUNNEH wrote: "Could care less"
I don't know if you understand how the fuck language works. It's "Couldn't care less". If you could care less, you clearly care at least some amount because there is less that you could care.
Learn to english. Someone needs to listen to this. http://www.twitch.tv/liquidnony/b/322923677
+ Show Spoiler +I'm just trolling you btw, I don't really have any position on this phrase.
On March 05 2013 09:23 prplhz wrote: i was sitting on the metro and then for some reason me and my buddy was talking about star wars and i said something like "i can't make sense of all these sith guys there must be at least five of them" and then this older guy in front of us (must be like, 50 or something, probably saw the original trilogy in his youth) turned around in his seat and looked me straight in the eyes and said "there can only be one sith, a master and his apprentice" dunno about dumbest ever but it's pretty dumb and it's a weird thing to get upset about on the metro
Meh, you suck, you should had been able to stare back in his eyes and answer "That's not one, but two siths. That's why it's called the rule of the two." while your friend turns on duel of fates in the background and you keep your eyes on him.
Off the top of my head, probably "Not Really," or in internet speak "Not Rly."
"All is well, but the wife is sick" - David Wallace (The Office)
Well, what is it? is all well or is your wife sicK? xD
On March 05 2013 14:19 Xtal wrote: U mirin'? LOL u mirin bro? must be mirin.
I think the term shady is pretty fucking stupid and overused. If someone doesn't know everything about you and your whereabouts then you're shady. lol