I'm pretty amazed at how some people (not all) can't even remotely put themselves in the victim's shoes or assess the situation clearly.
First off, people saying that they'd do it for a million dollars are beyond retarded. Sure, I'd do it too if I'm guaranteed to have the same results, as in I know I'm going out on the fifth day without dying. What if there's no guarantee that they'll find you on the fifth day? Sitting in a cell with nothing to think about but the fear of death would probably make anyone go crazy on the third day. It's not the same thing as knowing the results beforehand. Similarly, comparing this incident to intentional fasting is outrageous.
Second, people saying that the story seems iffy or he doesn't deserve the money are questioning something that doesn't matter at all. The fact that they forgot about him is inexcusable, the rest doesn't matter.
Third, if I was that victim and some guy on the internet told me I don't deserve a million dollars of taxpayer's money for this, I'd say fuck you. I'm certainly not ignorant about taxpayer dollars going to the wrong things, but fuck you.
On May 02 2012 14:13 goswser wrote: I don't think its right to give millions of dollars to some kid who was just arrested for drug possession and carrying illegal weapons. I mean sure it sucks that he got left in there for a week, but the administration who messed up should be punished - if he wins the lawsuit it will be taxpayer dollars going to a criminal.
Just fyi he was cleared and not charged.
or, the media lied to me.
On May 03 2012 04:17 AngryMag wrote:Show nested quote +On May 03 2012 03:44 ecstatica wrote:On May 03 2012 03:28 AngryMag wrote:On May 03 2012 02:32 ecstatica wrote:On May 02 2012 22:52 AngryMag wrote:On May 02 2012 22:45 ecstatica wrote: HAHAHAHA
So engineering student thought that meth was food? Maybe he ate his glasses for that same purpose as well?
It's horrible and all but how much of an idiot can someone be (if he was honest about it in his story)? Well it is really not meant in an insulting way, but you come across as an idiot here.. After some days without water, your brain does not work properly anymore, so labelling someone without a proper functioning brain who commits seemingly stupid desperation acts an idiot, is not the smartest move from you. Make sure you research everything you're about to post in the future, you don't seem to be one of the people that have it easy. People can perfectly survive without water for 7-10 days on average, that's of course if they are not dehydrating themselves by drinking own urine and eating meth off the floor. If you somehow think that 5 days with no food equals clinical insanity - please don't. I'd also like to find out when he took that meth specifically, it probably happened day 1 or 2 which makes all your arguments even sillier. If you don't think that people can go without food and water for 7 days - educate yourself. There's really not much to add here. Your ability to decide whether I'm an idiot or not is severely lacking since you're beyond ignorant. I am sorry, but no the average adult cannot survive without water for seven days. Life expectancy for the average adult without drinking water lies between 3 and 5 days depending on various circumstances (temperature, humidity, metabolism etc). In deserts you will (probably) not even make one day, people often died from dehydration within a few hours in deserts. And yes without water you start to suffer from symptoms which are also linked to clinical insanity for example hallucinations (among others). And no you do not dehydrate via drinking your own urin, the opposite is the case (in the first days without water, before you get "dry"). Don't be sorry for being ignorant, rather do something about it. Here's the first link off a simple google search. There's a table in it. You can guess the approximate temperature in a prison cell, shouldn't be 110F. http://www.survivaltopics.com/how-long-can-you-survive-without-water/http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_does_salt_water_dehydrate_you again no, some charts do not equate scientific proof. General rule of thumb is between 3 and 5 days, like it or not. This is according to Prof.Dr. Anton Luger, head of the department of endocrinology and metabolism at AKH Wien and every other doc will tell you the same. Some guys who made it over-the-top long do not equal the average guy. I rather trust science instead of random graphs without actual data to back them up
What's happening, is he believes because someone once did live 7 days that everyone lives 7 days... It is very similar to food, and/or anything else... It is completely related to your own metabolism and the enviorment, your body just doesn't "naturally" say. "I got this shit brah, I heard I survive 7 days"
So yeah, 3-5 days (5 being generous) is a good call.
The kid deserves millions. Actually, he probably deserves more than what some people get from successful lawsuits against cigarette and alcohol companies. I wouldn't be surprised to see him walking away with enough to support himself for life, a very nice house and car, myriad luxuries, and probably pay for his entire family's life too.
On May 03 2012 09:58 Release wrote: The kid deserves millions. Actually, he probably deserves more than what some people get from successful lawsuits against cigarette and alcohol companies. I wouldn't be surprised to see him walking away with enough to support himself for life, a very nice house and car, myriad luxuries, and probably pay for his entire family's life too.
You really don't know how small a few million dollars are do you?
He should get free food and water from the DEA for the rest of his life
And the police state further shows it's incompetence and/or corruption. yay, more fuel for other nations to attack/poke-fun of the USA. /sigh Hope the kid is alright. fucking sucks.
On May 02 2012 14:12 Noruxas wrote: Well seeing how its USA, he'll probably sue them and get a few million dollars OLOLOLOL
...and you wouldn't?
On May 03 2012 10:07 Kazeyonoma wrote: And the police state further shows it's incompetence and/or corruption. yay, more fuel for other nations to attack/poke-fun of the USA. /sigh Hope the kid is alright. fucking sucks.
Sounds like incompetence; corruption wouldn't have anything to do with some as unimportant (I don't mean this in a mean way) as him.
I don't understand how some people can be so callous toward this guy's experience, even if he was (hypothetically) completely involved in the activities going on in that domicile. He's a human being and no human being deserves such treatment. Quibbling over the usage of the word "forced?" Are you kidding me? How is being held at gunpoint and told to drink urine any different from being lock in a small room for days on end without knowing that you would be ever released or even noticed any different; both put the person in a situation where he has to choose to perform said action.
But even the action of drinking urine is petty in the grand scheme of things. A governing body left this guy in a room to die. I don't care who you are or what you've done, but if the government puts you in a situation where you almost die of kidney failure or get so desperate as to try and kill yourself by eating the lens' of your glasses, you deserve some hefty compensation, even if its at taxpayers' expenses.
On May 03 2012 10:23 Oiseaux wrote: I don't understand how some people can be so callous toward this guy's experience, even if he was (hypothetically) completely involved in the activities going on in that domicile. He's a human being and no human being deserves such treatment. Quibbling over the usage of the word "forced?" Are you kidding me? How is being held at gunpoint and told to drink urine any different from being lock in a small room for days on end without knowing that you would be ever released or even noticed any different; both put the person in a situation where he has to choose to perform said action.
But even the action of drinking urine is petty in the grand scheme of things. A governing body left this guy in a room to die. I don't care who you are or what you've done, but if the government puts you in a situation where you almost die of kidney failure or get so desperate as to try and kill yourself by eating the lens' of your glasses, you deserve some hefty compensation, even if its at taxpayers' expenses.
they are either trolling or havent graduated from middle school yet. I couldnt imagine a grown person with half of a brain thinking he deserves anything that happened to him. I mean really you think he deserves it becuase he uses drugs? lmao how retarded can someone possibly be... embarrassing to be of the same species of some of you animals.
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People who have been wrongly convicted and imprisoned for DECADES have received less than a million in compensation. THEY deserve millions. This kid? Give him a couple hundred grand and be done with it.
On May 03 2012 11:23 scissorhands wrote: People who have been wrongly convicted and imprisoned for DECADES have received less than a million in compensation. THEY deserve millions. This kid? Give him a couple hundred grand and be done with it. you understand what death is right? he was literally dying of kidney failure
On May 02 2012 14:12 Zahir wrote: that would piss me off for sure.
on a relevant note, i think this kid is going to be suing the pants off the state fairly soon. 10 mil at least, is my guess. i would definitely be willing to drink my own urine for 5 days for that kind of return.
me too. thats for sure!!!
On May 03 2012 11:23 scissorhands wrote: People who have been wrongly convicted and imprisoned for DECADES have received less than a million in compensation. THEY deserve millions. This kid? Give him a couple hundred grand and be done with it.
Well its not so much that he was wrongly imprisoned. Even if a convicted murderer/rapist/drug dealer who was on his way to death row were treated this way, there would be a shitstorm due to cruel and unusual punishment. Sure this was a big mistake (negligence), but the result was one of the most extreme. Maybe you could make a better argument saying that people in the past have been treated worse with no compensation (medieval torture and what not).
Oh and to people who claim they are willing to drink their own urine for a couple mil clearly misunderstand what the true issue was. The problem is the anxiety and belief that you are going to die of dehydration in a tiny cell due to negligence. So really what you people are saying is that you're willing to die of starvation/dehydration for a couple of million, because I'm quite certain that was the worst part of being stuck in this cell, which would be 1000 times worse than having to drink your own urine.
On May 02 2012 14:13 goswser wrote: I don't think its right to give millions of dollars to some kid who was just arrested for drug possession and carrying illegal weapons. I mean sure it sucks that he got left in there for a week, but the administration who messed up should be punished - if he wins the lawsuit it will be taxpayer dollars going to a criminal.
Welcome to america. The land of fucked up government and fucked up authority. Welcome to america. Home of sue happy people who sue for anything and everything. Welcome to america.
People will sue for just about anything. And who the fuck cares if someone sues the DEA. Fuck the DEA and all their bullshit. I hope they loose and have to pay alot of money to this guy.
uhm he wasnt arrested for ANYTHING. He was detained and supposed to be released that day.
I would drink my own urine for at lot less money than he is going to get. However, this is still absolutely terrible
On May 02 2012 14:08 General Nuke Em wrote:
Sources say a worker at the DEA discovered the man by chance about five days later after hearing strange noises coming from the holding cells.
When authorities with the DEA discovered that the student was still in the cell, they immediately called emergency medical services.
In the cell, the detainee told authorities he found a white powdery substance, which he took, the statement said.
Later testing revealed the substance was methamphetamine.
Sources close to the student say he nearly died of kidney failure in Sharp hospital due to the dehydration he experienced. He was treated for several days and released.
He is not currently under arrest, authorities with the DEA said.
Ahaha, the timing of this line made me crack up. "You took methamphetamine while you were in there? You're under arrest! Again!"
But really, he'll probably be able to make some decent money in a lawsuit, so as long as he makes it out without any permanent damage in the end, not the worst deal for him. That would be a pretty shitty experience though, not knowing if everyone is ever going to remember or rescue you. That's like psychological torture.
On May 03 2012 10:00 NeMeSiS3 wrote:Show nested quote +On May 03 2012 09:58 Release wrote: The kid deserves millions. Actually, he probably deserves more than what some people get from successful lawsuits against cigarette and alcohol companies. I wouldn't be surprised to see him walking away with enough to support himself for life, a very nice house and car, myriad luxuries, and probably pay for his entire family's life too. You really don't know how small a few million dollars are do you?
I don't see what saying this is meant to prove. I can live extremely comfortably by myself at like $20,000 a year because I'm single; if you were to give me say, 2 million dollars. Given a similar lifestyle, I could live comfortably for 100 years.