On April 23 2012 18:31 Sapp wrote: No tortureing and no live eating so it's like salmon on christmas.
@SolHeiN ur a hypocrite.
You missed the fact that I stated that I find torture or animal cruelty for your own amusement disgusting. I have nothing against the consumption of meat products, and I eat meat every day.
Whatever happens in the food industry happens, and if a person goes to work in the food industry (whatever that may be) and thinks his job is fucking amazing because he gets to kill animals for a living, then I find that individual disgusting, not the collective "food industry" possey.
For amusement or the purpose of eating them shouldn't make a difference, so yes you are a hypocrite. You are doing the exact same thing as the people who say don't mind it happening to goldfish but for other animals it would be worse. Actually what you are doing is much worse because you are trying to claim the moral high ground when you actually have none.
I'm really against what he did. The fact it was alive is what bothers me. I understand why other people wouldn't agree with me though. People eat fish all the time. I just think that it's messed up (my opinion).
But I don't agree with the punishment. It's a little much for something like that.
I think what he did is cruel to the gold fish (drowning in acid example) and just retarded. Should he be punished? meh. How about a 500 dollar fine and a last warning?
Jail Sentence is too severe for this case. And I'm saying that as a vegetarian
On April 23 2012 20:16 Psychobabas wrote: Sue him!!! Sue him and put him to prison with the other criminals!!!!
Right after we solve world hunger and wars...
This. It's a matter of perspective. If the legal system and the public opinion considers killing a goldfish by biting (instead of killing it by letting it suffocate) important enough to waste time, resources and publicity then something is terribly wrong.
People die every day by desease, starvation and war in countries of the third world. People are starving every day in the cities of the "developed" world. People lose their jobs every day and their homes are confiscated by banks, because of the economical system imbalances. Animals live in absolutely horrifying and unhygienic conditions before being slaughtered. Earth is being overpopulated with the population's projection showing that the population will be inevitably drastically reduced either by a global disaster, famine or disease. etc.. etc... etc....
And people seriously care about an attention seeking hipster eating a fish? But that's just the easy way out. If you want to be an "activist" you go for the easy targets and sleep with your conscience clear. Pathetic.
(As for my personal opinion, the guy is kind of sick but everyone who watched the video has a part of the responsibility. Don't watch and he disappears into oblivion. He is the product of the millions who like to watch him, because of cruelty, curiosity or to flame him)
Love the people saying the fish drowned in acid, when it CLEARLY says in the article that he chewed it and theres even pictures of him chewing it thorougly before swallowing it. Read the article before talking, atleast.
I'm pretty sure having your head bitten off and then being eaten is a lot less painful then having a hook go through your cheek, suffocating, then being gutted. Or being shot in the forest and then having your throat slit and bleeding out. If this is illegal, so should recreational fishing and hunting.
I am physically disgusted and upset to my stomach that people are even considering punishing him in anyway whatsoever. Who the F are we to judge what he does with his .30c goldfish?
On April 23 2012 18:31 Sapp wrote: No tortureing and no Live eating so it'S like salmon on christmas.
@SolHeiN ur a hypocrite.
You missed the fact that I stated that I find torture or Animal cruelty for your own amusement disgusting. I have nothing against the consumption of meat products, and I eat meat every day.
Whatever happens in the food industry happens, and if a person goes to work in the food industry (whatever that may be) and thinks his job is fucking amazing because he gets to Kill animals for a living, then I find that individual disgusting, not the collective "food industry" possey.
For amusement or the purpose of eating them shouldn't make a difference, so yes you are a hypocrite. You are doing the exact same thing as the people WhO say don't mind it happening to Goldfish but for other animals it would be worse. Actually What you are doing is much worse because you are trying to claim the moral high ground when you Actually have none.
I don't agree if he is jailed or fined. He screwed up because he was killing an Animal(however small or big) for entertainment, Which I assume is a crime and RSPCA is trying to justify within the law that was the case. Its up to a judge to find (if any)the appropriate punishment.
But saying all this, the reason why you kill an animal does make a difference in my opinion. That is why you can Kill people in self-defense and not go the jail but you are not allowed to murder someone. The endproduct is the same but very different situations.
Double Moral to infinity. Systematical animal cruelity is normal on daily bases what the fuck is wrong with the people. Still this dude is crazy but the punishment is ridicolous.
On April 23 2012 19:50 REDBLUEGREEN wrote: I have the feeling most animal right acitivists probably live somewhere in a big city and have no clue what nature is and how it works. They need to just look at my cat play guantanamo with some mouse for one hour before finishing her off to see that their ideas of nature are in fact unnatural.
Let me paint you a picture:
To you it is totally acceptable for me to "play Guantanamo" with your cat, clawing, biting and pummeling it until it finally dies, of bloodless or physical trauma because I am a part of nature, and that's what nature does.
Have 2,500+ years of ethical thought achieved nothing?
I obviously have an emotional bond with my cat and not with some goldfish, that lives on the other side of the planet and which I never saw before.
On April 23 2012 19:50 REDBLUEGREEN wrote: I have the feeling most animal right acitivists probably live somewhere in a big city and have no clue what nature is and how it works. They need to just look at my cat play guantanamo with some mouse for one hour before finishing her off to see that their ideas of nature are in fact unnatural.
Let me paint you a picture:
To you it is totally acceptable for me to "play Guantanamo" with your cat, clawing, biting and pummeling it until it finally dies, of bloodless or physical trauma because I am a part of nature, and that's what nature does.
Have 2,500+ years of ethical thought achieved nothing?
I obviously have an emotional bond with my cat and not with some goldfish, that lives on the other side of the planet and which I never saw before.
I don't. Let nature take its course and let the feast begin!
The problem with this forum and internet forums in general is that there is no balance in the population, almost everyone is a young male, I'd wager sensitivity towards animal cruelty is more of a female trait.
This is why I hate all animal rights activists, making something so trivial into such a huge deal. If all the people/resources/funds these organizations have went to helping ya know MANKIND maybe the world would be a better place...maybe
It's a goddamn goldfish. Most Koreans and Japanese that enjoy sushi, that I know personally, have eaten half live fish at one time or another. Most have enjoyed it... Are they terrible cruel people? I swear, he could have eaten his own amputated arm and gotten less press...
Oh fuck, I've eaten alot of fish alive in my whole life. I bet the whole population of Korea and/or Japan would go to jail for their sashimi and stuff like that.
In all seriousness, people should find better things to do instead of bullshit like this. He may be a sick bastard to do something like this and post them on youtube, but 20k fine or jail time? No way in hell.