Man sentenced to life for possession of child porn - Page 26
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United States516 Posts
On November 06 2011 17:12 Aterons_toss wrote: Someone who is shop lifting can be thought not to shop lift. Someone who is having sexual pleasure from watching children actually has something wrong with there brain, you should not by any means naturally be sexually excited by freaking pre pubescent humans and the fact that they actually download child porn to "satisfy" this fetish instead of just forgetting about it shows that there will/logic might not be strong enough to resist raping a child in the future. Locking him up is a horrible thing but until the actual reason for this is found so that this kind of ppl can get treatment for it and/or chemical castration is considered safe/legal in USA so that he can be let free without running a high risk of him doing anything locking him up is the only way. Raping a child fucks him up for life and is a burden for a whole family, the guy knew that what he does is illegal and that it would show the police ( if they got him ) that he is a pedophile and still downloaded that shit to "satisfy" himself, why wouldn't he do the same with a kids in 10 years "after all a 7 years old won't be able to describe to the police who i am and i can just move to another state and get a new haircut". I personally do not have kids nor plan to but if i did i would be pretty pissed if this kind of guys were getting free after 3-4 years of prison where there condition most likely got worse if anything due to prison "treatment". Ummm....really? If I watch the Saw movies because i like to watch people get all cut up occasionally and fantasize about doing it, does this mean that since i cant control my impulse to watch the movie that i should be jailed because i will obviously not resist my eventual urge to go kill people myself? I think you made a leap in logic there that doesn't really hold | ||
Australia978 Posts
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Sweden5587 Posts
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Canada312 Posts
On November 06 2011 21:26 4rChon wrote: Just chop his balls off and deny internet service for a few years. That should teach him. They should cut your fingers off for typing this. | ||
Canada2029 Posts
Honestly, take down the servers and networks that distribute the filth. Give their operators a life sentence. It's like persecuting the average north american for downloading a few hundred songs off the internet. Congratulations, you threw a man in jail for his entire life. Theres probably ten thousand other men who have downloaded those same images and ten thousand other men who are currently distributing them. Ridiculous. If you guys have read about the Anonymous takedown of a fileserver hosting child porn, then you may understand where i'm coming from. It's like persecuting a heroin addict for his addiction, and not even pursuing the fucks who bring the crap into the country on a daily basis and murder people as a result of overdose. Absolutely atrocious representation of the legal system. I'm actually offended and these peoples stupidity. | ||
Ireland119 Posts
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197 Posts
This punishment is WAY!!! too hard. I think if someone wants to have some child porn without harming anyone directly, some porn that ALREADY exists anyways - the worst thing that should happen to him is an obligation to show up at a psychologists' place every 2 weeks of his entire life or smth , but this... | ||
United States3637 Posts
On November 06 2011 21:39 gold_ wrote: Well put.They should cut your fingers off for typing this. | ||
United States152 Posts
The second article alludes to the notion that the man actively shared the images on the internet through a file sharing network. Certainly participating in the active redistribution of child pornography is helping to promote the smut more than just downloading it as an end user. It sounds like the law that this guy was prosecuted under needs revision and lacks the nuances that one would expect of a violation capable of sending a man to prison for life. The gross injustice in this case is that someone who actually commits child molestation or abuse could have received a lighter sentence. I expect this verdict to be overturned in appeals as it is a grave miscarriage of justice. The even scarier part is that the prosecutor states something to the effect of, "the child is a victim once in the creation of the pornography and then again every time someone views the pornography." This is an absurd notion suggesting that the victim of physical sexual abuse is somehow harmed by another person viewing the crime without their knowledge. This is like saying someone who was robbed on the street is harmed by someone viewing footage of the crime without their knowledge. I can't believe that someone would insinuate, or actually be of the opinion that someone who views child pornography deserves the same punishment as someone who secondarily distributes child pornography and also deserves the same punishment as those engaging in the production and primary distribution of child pornography. A person who views child pornography does not deserve punishment equal to a child molester, or even a drunk driver. | ||
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Netherlands7028 Posts
I will say the idea of being molested and then knowing footage of that is watched by a lot of men is really creepy to me. I do think it can prolong suffering for the victim. It must be quite disgusting and I can imagine that for a victim of this, that as long as there are videos out there they can never quite move on. But still, you can't really expect people to not follow up on a fetish. Instead of our society ignoring the problem and locking those people up, they should be getting more psychiatric help and alternate methods of fulfilling their fantasies that don't harm anyone, so that the demand for these pictures goes away. | ||
United Kingdom592 Posts
This is the kind of thing that should merit enforced some sort of reformation program and a close eye being kept. Maybe a low sentence but without actually harming anyone he was just following an impulse, an impulse which should be tackled. It reminds me of the hugely disproportionate fines for downloading a song, I think someone summed up lost income due to a first degree murder charge and in one case of a women getting charged hundreds of thousands of dollars for downloading a few songs it worked out she'd have been better off killing someone. It makes you question judges, most do a great job im sure but this kind of depersonalisation and proportionality should be the first port of call for any judge. | ||
Sweden931 Posts
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Australia7514 Posts
On November 06 2011 18:43 XeliN wrote: The trouble is this same logic would justify life sentencing for an individual who tax evades, steals, drink drives, speeds, gets caught dealing drugs, in some places prostitutes themselves, commits fraud, perjury, assault, vandalsim etc. What about this specific example means that it is acceptable to give an extreme life penalty to an individual, and treat them as a means to an end, on the basis that it would dissuade others, where in the different (and many unmentioned) examples above it would not? Or would you similarly defend life sentences for all of the above, on the same basis? People get punished to scare other offenders all the time. The only reason this is in the limelight is because it has to do with child porn. IMO this is more deserving of the punishment than others who have been punished just as heavily for lesser crimes. Don't pretend your sense of justice and law enforcement is more developed than the judges and cops themselves. It's easy to sit behind a screen and blab about all these "unjust" punishments but you're not the one getting molested and fucked by people 30 years older than you while the videos/pictures get spread among sick perverts like the guy on trial here. | ||
Jamaica135 Posts
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United States1808 Posts
A life sentence for possession is simply astounding. I don't see how it isn't cruel/unusual punishment. The fact that so many people support out of their disgust for the crime without giving rational thought to the implications is what's really frightening. | ||
Sweden490 Posts
Newsflash, they are not people, and therefore not worthy of justice. User was temp banned for this post. | ||
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United States356 Posts
The fact that so many people support out of their disgust for the crime without giving rational thought to the implications is what's really frightening. this the fact that soooo many people are just like "fuck him he deserves worse, the fucking pedo isn't even human" scares the shit out of me..... | ||
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