We are extremely close to shutting down this thread for the same reasons the PUA thread was shut down. While some of the time this thread contains actual discussion with people asking help and people giving nice advice, it often gets derailed by rubbish that should not be here. The moderation team will be trying to steer this thread in a different direction from now on.
Posts of the following nature are banned: 1) ANYTHING regarding PUA. If your post contains the words 'alpha' or 'beta' or anything of that sort please don't hit post. 2) Stupid brags. You can tell us about your nice success stories with someone, but posts such as 'lol 50 Tinder matches' are a no-no. 3) Any misogynistic bullshit, including discussion about rape culture. 4) One night stands and random sex. These are basically brags that invariably devolve into gender role discussions and misogynistic comments.
Last chance, guys. This thread is for dating advice and sharing dating stories. While gender roles, sociocultural norms, and our biological imperative to reproduce are all tangentially related, these subjects are not the main purpose of the thread. Please AVOID these discussions. If you want to discuss them at length, go to PMs or start a blog. If you disagree with someone's ideologies, state that you disagree with them and why they won't work from a dating standpoint and move on. We will not tolerate any lengthy derailments that aren't directly about dating. |
On January 14 2013 15:29 Jisall wrote:Show nested quote +On January 14 2013 15:24 rezoacken wrote: Well yes you can talk about anything if you have the right attitude to it but for someone that has trouble keeping a conversation, I'd avoid those. I've found having good conversational skills comes down to a lack of thought. The phrase "think before you speak" has no place in the dating world. For me a positive attitude, and never talking bad about anyone combined with my lack of censoring myself had led to some great conversations.
Yes. That's what I call being out of your head vs being in you head.
If you are a scientific like me, when you do an exam you put yourself deep IN your head where problems gets solved and what happens around you disappear while you look absent. When you're dating, you want to be in the opposite state, OUT of your head. This is close to the same state you are when you do sport; you're in the present outside of yourself.
On January 14 2013 15:32 rezoacken wrote:Show nested quote +On January 14 2013 15:29 Jisall wrote:On January 14 2013 15:24 rezoacken wrote: Well yes you can talk about anything if you have the right attitude to it but for someone that has trouble keeping a conversation, I'd avoid those. I've found having good conversational skills comes down to a lack of thought. The phrase "think before you speak" has no place in the dating world. For me a positive attitude, and never talking bad about anyone combined with my lack of censoring myself had led to some great conversations. Yes. That's what I call being out of your head vs being in you head. If you are a scientific like me, when you do an exam you put yourself deep IN your head where problems gets solved and what happens around you disappear while you look absent. When you're dating, you want to be in the opposite state, OUT of your head. This is close to the same state you are when you do sport; you're in the present outside of yourself.
Yeah I totally agree, compartmentalizing being inside your head vs. outside your head is important for work vs. dating.
girls are like banelings, they look so nice and cute at first when they roll into your life. But once they get to you, shit just blows up to hell.
hope you got your combat shield up so you survive the blast (even if barely)
On January 14 2013 05:34 Kerotan89 wrote: In my entire life I have 'dated' one girl. That was in last year of primary school and we didnt even really do anything, we only held hands and hugged, in the end it unofficially ended when she started hanging out with some other guy more than myself, and we went to separate high-schools before anything could be said.
From then on I have had nothing going for me.. I am 23 now, a shy guy, very low self-confidence and very unfit (Never exercise, no sports etc) Worst of all, I am very anti-social. Not that I want to be but I struggle having conversations with people and I am a boring guy with no hobbies but gaming (Even I am getting tired of this..)
I have very few friends and no social outlet to meet new ones, I stay at home all the time, never go drinking or all that lot. No chance in the world for me, even though I have begun to realize how lonely I am and dont have the confidence to change that.
Anyway thats my story.. posted to some random guys I dont even know. Fuck my life.
How can you ever hope to accept someone else if you can't accept yourself? Don't even think about getting into a relationship unless you develop some self acceptance/concept.
On January 14 2013 15:13 r.Evo wrote:In addition to the above I'd like to hop in here: Show nested quote +Avoid: -Unhappy subjects (war, someone she hates, someone that died) -Work and school (unless its gossip or a very thrilling subject). Things like "How was work yesterday ?" are to be avoided. -Banalities like how many dogs, sisters she has. Keep in mind that talking about both negative and positive topics is fine, mostly because we tend to remember things more vividly if they caused a variety of emotions (that's part of the reason why switching between lots of locations is just GREAT during early dates). Highly negative topics (e.g. "My mom died of cancer last year") build lots and lots of rapport and shouldn't be brushed off quickly just to create a lighter mood. Probably one of the strongest guidelines is that no matter the topic it should be about evoking and sharing emotions. That is also where stories come from along the lines of "content means shit, I can talk about zergling rushes and get her all wet" - if you can manage to convey a strong emotion along with your story (which usually involves enjoying your own stories) you're someone people are going to love hearing stories from. Depending on the vibe it can also be completely fine to ask the "horrible classic questions" if you pack them into an ironic package. After a few minutes of talking a "So... do you come here often?" with a smile will most likely make her laugh. Or super serious face, sitting up straight and being like "What are your other hobbies? I like swimming, doing sports and going out with my friends!" is completely fine. Being playful is key here. In general it's a good idea in the beginning to try and stick to statements instead of questions. e.g. "So, what are you studying.. no, wait, let me guess... you look like you're studying chemistry!" - it gives both parties more room to play around and create a good mood. /rant. What exactly is your problem btw? The girls are boring or you feel that you could make them any less boring with good conversational skills? If they're boring, just move on. =P
I guess it's just the conveying emotions that is the biggest problem for me. I can say things to keep the conversation going but like someone else said, I'm pretty much entirely in my head and just responding with what I think is right. My problem is that it's boring, but I feel it could be more entertaining if I had the conversation skills to steer the conversation to a more entertaining subject rather than something I honestly couldn't care less about. Honestly it's probably just the kind of thing that experience cures, but I wish I didn't have to suffer through it.
On January 15 2013 02:23 Najda wrote:Show nested quote +On January 14 2013 15:13 r.Evo wrote:In addition to the above I'd like to hop in here: Avoid: -Unhappy subjects (war, someone she hates, someone that died) -Work and school (unless its gossip or a very thrilling subject). Things like "How was work yesterday ?" are to be avoided. -Banalities like how many dogs, sisters she has. Keep in mind that talking about both negative and positive topics is fine, mostly because we tend to remember things more vividly if they caused a variety of emotions (that's part of the reason why switching between lots of locations is just GREAT during early dates). Highly negative topics (e.g. "My mom died of cancer last year") build lots and lots of rapport and shouldn't be brushed off quickly just to create a lighter mood. Probably one of the strongest guidelines is that no matter the topic it should be about evoking and sharing emotions. That is also where stories come from along the lines of "content means shit, I can talk about zergling rushes and get her all wet" - if you can manage to convey a strong emotion along with your story (which usually involves enjoying your own stories) you're someone people are going to love hearing stories from. Depending on the vibe it can also be completely fine to ask the "horrible classic questions" if you pack them into an ironic package. After a few minutes of talking a "So... do you come here often?" with a smile will most likely make her laugh. Or super serious face, sitting up straight and being like "What are your other hobbies? I like swimming, doing sports and going out with my friends!" is completely fine. Being playful is key here. In general it's a good idea in the beginning to try and stick to statements instead of questions. e.g. "So, what are you studying.. no, wait, let me guess... you look like you're studying chemistry!" - it gives both parties more room to play around and create a good mood. /rant. What exactly is your problem btw? The girls are boring or you feel that you could make them any less boring with good conversational skills? If they're boring, just move on. =P I guess it's just the conveying emotions that is the biggest problem for me. I can say things to keep the conversation going but like someone else said, I'm pretty much entirely in my head and just responding with what I think is right. My problem is that it's boring, but I feel it could be more entertaining if I had the conversation skills to steer the conversation to a more entertaining subject rather than something I honestly couldn't care less about. Honestly it's probably just the kind of thing that experience cures, but I wish I didn't have to suffer through it.
Train yourself in your everyday life then. It's not something restrained to dating, so next time you meet a new person male or female try to be genuinely interested in what they do and who they are (of course when its appropriate ).
As if you were on a date but without the sexual part.
anything that other than girls i am utterly fearless, eating chilles, verbally attacking hard kids, doing crazy shit in class, never get nervous standing in front of the class. BUT when it comes to this girl who i do the school play with (i know lame but i am into that kinda thing) i just sweat like mad, sometimes even shake fuck everything i say up its so crazy.
She knows because iditically i told my asshole friends seeing if they would give me the balls to talk to her but it backfired and they ended up shouting at her, and doing weird shit at her (kinda went in my favor cos she thought i was the normal one). It ended in an apocalyptically awkward meeting where she shyly waved at me while my friends talked to her friends while we stood in an eery awkward silence eventually i plucked up the courage to get her friends to go away and i told her that i liked her and she didn't really give a response apart from 'see you later' which put into mid-fuck mode, i was convinced that she liked me [and at the auditions before that her and her friends came up to and started talking to me so and i made them laugh (WIN)]. we didn't really speak after that cos it was the last day of term and i spent everyday of the holidays constantly thinking about her.
for first time in forever i was looking forward to back to school cos rehearsals had now started and i would gte to speak top her without it being forced and awkward. but on the first day back me and my friends lent on one the fences at school, she sat down along the fence on a bench, my asshole friends noticed, and i was in the middle and had nowhere to go so they started pushing me closer towards her, her and her friends started to notice and my the time i was so close to her i nearly fainted one of her friends said, 'felicity, you are being watched' she stood up looked at me and said 'Chris i dont know you well enough, please can you and your friends just leave me alone please.' I thought could have been worse.
After what felt like an eternity of not being needed for rehearsal and telling my friends to leave her the fuck alone which they generally did mine and her scene came up. I had double french before hand, the most boring lesson of the week and i was bouncing off the fucking walls the person i sit next to still hates me to this day because of that lesson. i arrived at drama studio for rehearsal i got there early because i walked so quickly because i was so fucking nervous/excited and did another lap around that part of the school. i finally got into rehearsal said all my lines way to quick and made myself look bad and then ran away before man mode had even a chance.
So i left her alone for a bit, until one day my friends were bored and enlisted the help of two girls to 'get me laid' i just wanted to leave her alone and try to talk to her ordinary but i ended up being literally DRAGGED towards her on my knees all i could do was apologize for the embarrassment they had caused her and sheepishly smile. Then she said, 'i dont fancy you chris just please leave me alone.' I went numb. I could not hear anything i just walked back to where my friends were standing and keep my face from showing any emotion at all completely ignoring anything they said.
i left her completely alone, never talking to her directly. Until recently where a normal female friend of mine who is also friends with her said if i help her get in with one of my other normal friends she would help me get in with her. during that time she got a boyfriend but it was nothing and they broke up a couple of weeks ago. until today actually my mutuall friend said that she saw her giving me some shy glances and i got a 'dont screw this up' but i refused to pay any attention since what happened last time. I hope she likes me so bad or this will screw me up for life cos i REALLY like her, i want refrain from using love cos i think it should be mutual.
so my luck - could be worse i suppose. The thing is i cant see myself with anyone else, there might be girls who like me but i would shoot them down cos of this damn loyalty, i envy varys the eunuch.
^--- The reason why you're not getting this girl is because you're too obsessive about her. That's not attractive at all. Get your mind straight, have fun with other girls, have fun with your hobbies and your life in general. When you're going to feel like "I'm happy the way things are but having this chick as my girl would be kind of cool", you're good to go.
Before you're in that mindset there's not much you can do to make things go better with that specific girl.
This may sound like a weird question, but I've heard from friends with girlfriends whom they really like how much they love this person, some who say that they feel like they always want to be with that person. When is this supposed to happen? I've had plenty of girls whom I liked, but none I could say to that extent despite enjoying spending time with them. Is it supposed to happen during a relationship or is it really something you feel even before that?
On January 15 2013 12:32 Dark_Chill wrote: This may sound like a weird question, but I've heard from friends with girlfriends whom they really like how much they love this person, some who say that they feel like they always want to be with that person. When is this supposed to happen? I've had plenty of girls whom I liked, but none I could say to that extent despite enjoying spending time with them. Is it supposed to happen during a relationship or is it really something you feel even before that? Pretty much nothing like this is "supposed to happen". If you have the feeling that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, cool. If you feel like you can only say for sure that you're not gonna break off 2 weeks in advance, cool too. As long as both parties come to an understanding of what the relationship between them is actually about there is no problem with anything.
On January 15 2013 11:37 r.Evo wrote: ^--- The reason why you're not getting this girl is because you're too obsessive about her. That's not attractive at all. Get your mind straight, have fun with other girls, have fun with your hobbies and your life in general. When you're going to feel like "I'm happy the way things are but having this chick as my girl would be kind of cool", you're good to go.
Before you're in that mindset there's not much you can do to make things go better with that specific girl.
He should also talk/see other girls. Would diminish the fear of messing up with a single one. Also if the girl sees you confortable with other women, it's a big boost to attractiveness.
Edit: you said it, misread, sorry.
My recent story, any feedback appreciated: + Show Spoiler +I was in Korea about a week ago and I was hanging out with people I met at a guesthouse there. I met a lot of different people and we went out to eat and drink a lot, was really fun. One night tho there was this shy Japanese girl who was asked to join us, I think she was shy mostly because she couldn't speak proper english and never asked to join us. While we were eating (we were about 15 of us there), I was the one setting the mood. I am not very shy so I make people laugh, ask them questions, engage conversations and I also always try to involve everyone one in the conversations so they don't feel excluded. So yeah, I was trying to get the Japanese girl into speaking with us and all but she had a very hard time speaking and understanding english so, fortunately, we had some people who could speak both Japanese and English so they spent all the time translating my conversation with the Japanese girl. She seemed so thankful to me that I was willing to talk with her that when we went to a bar after eating, she sat just in front of me and was willing to continue talking. At that point I felt like I did a good thing of involving her in the "gang". So we continued talking with the people translating for us and then she told me she thought I was handsome, cute, very charming and appreciated the time speaking with me, I think she also appreciated the fact that I was also speaking with the rest of the group and making some people laugh and just setting a nice mood in general. But when she told me this, I was stunned, I didn't think she would have said that to me, I never felt that kind of thankfulness with girls from Quebec (where I come from) so I was pleasantly surprised. So then the "translator" said she thought it was so cute that she seemed to like me even tho we couldn't speak the same language properly. I started to feel very attracted to the Japanese girl.
The following days, we spent more time with the group going in bars, walking, eating, talking, etc. I was also hugging her more and more lol and she never refused it, I was surprised. One time in a bar I just continued talking with her, then she invited me to play darts with 2 other people, it was really fun. But what really made me fell in love with her was when she noticed I was getting really drunk and she stole my beer and asked the barman to bring me a glass of water and she brought it to me. The same night she also was considerate enough to have bought a cake for the birthday of someone in the group, she was the only one who remembered, I was impressed. I don't know, I just felt she was very considerate and very nice to people. I had an awesome time with her, I just loved to be with her, I totally fell in love, like seriously.
So then I told myself I should probably confess to her since she is going back to Japan very soon and I'm also going back to Quebec. The thing is that I REALLY thought she liked me because of everything she told me and she had done with me but the worst had to happen: When I told her I loved her, she told me that she only liked me as a friend now and nothing more... oh the pain...
I know some of you might say this would have been a long-distance relationship and it might be the reason... or that I rushed my confession too fast (we knew each other for like 4 or 5 days), but I really had no choice I think. The only time I am able to see her again is 8 months from then, so I really don't know if I made the right decision or if it's clearly over, I feel like it's not but I don't know how strong the friendzone is, so...
To be honest, I never really dated anyone (I'm 20 now) because I didn't feel like I liked anyone here in Quebec but this Japanese girl is just everything I want (that's how I feel tho) so now I really don't know how to feel about all this...
P.S: I'm a terrible writer, sorry.
On January 15 2013 13:52 Essbee wrote:My recent story, any feedback appreciated: + Show Spoiler +I was in Korea about a week ago and I was hanging out with people I met at a guesthouse there. I met a lot of different people and we went out to eat and drink a lot, was really fun. One night tho there was this shy Japanese girl who was asked to join us, I think she was shy mostly because she couldn't speak proper english and never asked to join us. While we were eating (we were about 15 of us there), I was the one setting the mood. I am not very shy so I make people laugh, ask them questions, engage conversations and I also always try to involve everyone one in the conversations so they don't feel excluded. So yeah, I was trying to get the Japanese girl into speaking with us and all but she had a very hard time speaking and understanding english so, fortunately, we had some people who could speak both Japanese and English so they spent all the time translating my conversation with the Japanese girl. She seemed so thankful to me that I was willing to talk with her that when we went to a bar after eating, she sat just in front of me and was willing to continue talking. At that point I felt like I did a good thing of involving her in the "gang". So we continued talking with the people translating for us and then she told me she thought I was handsome, cute, very charming and appreciated the time speaking with me, I think she also appreciated the fact that I was also speaking with the rest of the group and making some people laugh and just setting a nice mood in general. But when she told me this, I was stunned, I didn't think she would have said that to me, I never felt that kind of thankfulness with girls from Quebec (where I come from) so I was pleasantly surprised. So then the "translator" said she thought it was so cute that she seemed to like me even tho we couldn't speak the same language properly. I started to feel very attracted to the Japanese girl.
The following days, we spent more time with the group going in bars, walking, eating, talking, etc. I was also hugging her more and more lol and she never refused it, I was surprised. One time in a bar I just continued talking with her, then she invited me to play darts with 2 other people, it was really fun. But what really made me fell in love with her was when she noticed I was getting really drunk and she stole my beer and asked the barman to bring me a glass of water and she brought it to me. The same night she also was considerate enough to have bought a cake for the birthday of someone in the group, she was the only one who remembered, I was impressed. I don't know, I just felt she was very considerate and very nice to people. I had an awesome time with her, I just loved to be with her, I totally fell in love, like seriously.
So then I told myself I should probably confess to her since she is going back to Japan very soon and I'm also going back to Quebec. The thing is that I REALLY thought she liked me because of everything she told me and she had done with me but the worst had to happen: When I told her I loved her, she told me that she only liked me as a friend now and nothing more... oh the pain...
I know some of you might say this would have been a long-distance relationship and it might be the reason... or that I rushed my confession too fast (we knew each other for like 4 or 5 days), but I really had no choice I think. The only time I am able to see her again is 8 months from then, so I really don't know if I made the right decision or if it's clearly over, I feel like it's not but I don't know how strong the friendzone is, so...
To be honest, I never really dated anyone (I'm 20 now) because I didn't feel like I liked anyone here in Quebec but this Japanese girl is just everything I want (that's how I feel tho) so now I really don't know how to feel about all this...
P.S: I'm a terrible writer, sorry.
First things first, you probably don't need a lot of actual dating advice. What I take from your post is that you're socially clever, talkative and seem to display lots of characteristics that are considered "basics" anyway. For you it's probably mostly about getting a better understanding of some dynamics.
Two big points:
I had an awesome time with her, I just loved to be with her, I totally fell in love, like seriously.
So then I told myself I should probably confess to her... That's (usually) not how relationships or affairs start. Think of it this way, by "confessing" your "love" to her in such a way you maneuver her into an incredibly awkward position. First all of a sudden she is the one who is responsible for anything that might happen between you two. Second it is highly likely that something along the lines of "This guy doesn't even know me, why the fuck is he talking about love?" pops up in her mind. That combination among some other minor things almost always force her to not react positively to such a confession, even if she actually could imagine something more going on.
When I told her I loved her, she told me that she only liked me as a friend now and nothing more ...while understandable from the whole "I never really dated anyone"-part the easiest way of getting "friendzoned" (quotation marks because "being friendzoned" isn't something bad for dating said girl by definition, it's just hard to properly work from there without some experience) is by trying to define your relationship with her with words instead of actions.
What's the difference between friends and lovers? Lovers pretty much do the same stuff friends do but they also interact more intimate and more sexual. That's where action comes in. Don't try to define some kind of relationship early on (the good old "So... what's exactly going on between us?"), just have a fun time with each other and escalate sexually. Hugging is a good start, stroking her hair, poking her in the sides, just anything physical is a good continuation. Ideally something like a kiss isn't a big stepping stone but just the obvious result of being all over each other anyway.
Don't worry, after you had your first few nights that you enjoyed together she will initiate the talk about "What exactly do we have here?", just let her discover that she wants more of you on her own. No need to pressure.
On January 15 2013 13:52 Essbee wrote:My recent story, any feedback appreciated: + Show Spoiler +I was in Korea about a week ago and I was hanging out with people I met at a guesthouse there. I met a lot of different people and we went out to eat and drink a lot, was really fun. One night tho there was this shy Japanese girl who was asked to join us, I think she was shy mostly because she couldn't speak proper english and never asked to join us. While we were eating (we were about 15 of us there), I was the one setting the mood. I am not very shy so I make people laugh, ask them questions, engage conversations and I also always try to involve everyone one in the conversations so they don't feel excluded. So yeah, I was trying to get the Japanese girl into speaking with us and all but she had a very hard time speaking and understanding english so, fortunately, we had some people who could speak both Japanese and English so they spent all the time translating my conversation with the Japanese girl. She seemed so thankful to me that I was willing to talk with her that when we went to a bar after eating, she sat just in front of me and was willing to continue talking. At that point I felt like I did a good thing of involving her in the "gang". So we continued talking with the people translating for us and then she told me she thought I was handsome, cute, very charming and appreciated the time speaking with me, I think she also appreciated the fact that I was also speaking with the rest of the group and making some people laugh and just setting a nice mood in general. But when she told me this, I was stunned, I didn't think she would have said that to me, I never felt that kind of thankfulness with girls from Quebec (where I come from) so I was pleasantly surprised. So then the "translator" said she thought it was so cute that she seemed to like me even tho we couldn't speak the same language properly. I started to feel very attracted to the Japanese girl.
The following days, we spent more time with the group going in bars, walking, eating, talking, etc. I was also hugging her more and more lol and she never refused it, I was surprised. One time in a bar I just continued talking with her, then she invited me to play darts with 2 other people, it was really fun. But what really made me fell in love with her was when she noticed I was getting really drunk and she stole my beer and asked the barman to bring me a glass of water and she brought it to me. The same night she also was considerate enough to have bought a cake for the birthday of someone in the group, she was the only one who remembered, I was impressed. I don't know, I just felt she was very considerate and very nice to people. I had an awesome time with her, I just loved to be with her, I totally fell in love, like seriously.
So then I told myself I should probably confess to her since she is going back to Japan very soon and I'm also going back to Quebec. The thing is that I REALLY thought she liked me because of everything she told me and she had done with me but the worst had to happen: When I told her I loved her, she told me that she only liked me as a friend now and nothing more... oh the pain...
I know some of you might say this would have been a long-distance relationship and it might be the reason... or that I rushed my confession too fast (we knew each other for like 4 or 5 days), but I really had no choice I think. The only time I am able to see her again is 8 months from then, so I really don't know if I made the right decision or if it's clearly over, I feel like it's not but I don't know how strong the friendzone is, so...
To be honest, I never really dated anyone (I'm 20 now) because I didn't feel like I liked anyone here in Quebec but this Japanese girl is just everything I want (that's how I feel tho) so now I really don't know how to feel about all this...
P.S: I'm a terrible writer, sorry.
Sorry to hear that man :/ but if you really had no choice but to tell her, I think you did what you needed to do. Imagine if you didn't tell her, wouldn't you have beat yourself up for not telling her? I rather tell a girl and have her reject me, than miss the chance to tell her altogether and then regret it for a long long period of time.
A lot of the times, girls just wanna enjoy their time in foreign countries because it's outside of their "reality". Once they have to return, they realize that they're gonna have to go back to reality and leave everything behind in this foreign, fantasy land. What happens in Korea stays in Korea kinda thing.
And the word "love" shouldn't be thrown around like that. Girls freak out about it. If you told her that you really liked her instead, it might've been better. Just think about this as a learning experience and don't get too hung up on it. Now you know not to make that mistake again.
I'm no expert by any means, but that's just my 2 cents
Yeah I see, that makes sense, thanks guys. ^^
Edit: My only concern right now is if I should apologize and ask to meet her again but in Japan this time, or just forget.
So in my opinion from the last couple posts, it seems like some of the people are mixing love with infatuation/attraction/whatever term that isn't love you can insert here. I didn't read Essbee's post, but other people's replies seem to indicate the same thing. I don't think you can imagine being with this girl for the rest of your life before you've actually dated for a good amount of time and gotten to truly know her. There's a reason that a lot of those "whirlwind courtships" or whatever you call it where people get married after a month fail a lot more than stable, multi year relationships. You might think you're in love, but from my personal experience, I think I'm much more in love with my girlfriend now (and starting to think about the future) than I was when I first told her. You can think you're in love when it really is just infatuation.
I'm in the process of getting friend zoned by my gf of nearly 4 years who I love so much and wanted to get married and have children with I likely have to break up with her simply because I know its just a matter of time before she meets a guy she is attracted to and cheats on me
So thats my last dating story
On January 15 2013 15:00 Meatex wrote: I'm in the process of getting friend zoned by my gf of nearly 4 years who I love so much and wanted to get married and have children with I likely have to break up with her simply because I know its just a matter of time before she meets a guy she is attracted to and cheats on me
So thats my last dating story
She's not friend zoning you, things have changed in those 4yrs and for w/e reason she's falling out of love and realizing she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life with you. Shit happens dude, I'm sorry felt that pain before too.