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On September 29 2011 16:46 Rebel_lion wrote: They should go steal some computers and internet so they can defend themselves from this mob. Even if they did, they are illiterate because 90% of their children quit school before the end of 4th grade and still wouldn't be able to defend their self.
Not sure how many people saw this, but the fans of the Russian football champion Zenit Peterburg showed their support after their victory in a game from the Champions league, by putting up a poster, which reads: "България за българите, а не за мръсотия!" which translated means "Bulgaria for the bulgarians, not for dirt." Here's a pic of the poster:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sAGdJ.jpg) Also if some of the people here can read russian here's a link for a russian news site which did a more objective and overall better coverage of the event than most of the local media here, because they are not on a payroll by the gypsy mafia bosses. http://www.rg.ru/2011/09/27/bolgariya-pogromy-site.html
On September 29 2011 15:12 zalz wrote:Circular logic is claiming that gypsies are commiting crimes because they aren't accepted into society. They dont want to get in society, they have their century old rules and still live by them.How can you get accepted in a society when you dont do something good for it, aka working and paying taxes like everybody else.They dont go to schools, many of them are 40years old and dont know how to write or read, but they have driving license and drive 40-100k euro cars.Gypsy culture has rejected mainstream society, it never intends to integrate. That would all be fine and dandy if they could actually support themselves, but they can't.Really?palace 1palace 2palace 3Then i guess these palaces just built themselves.All of them are built with money form begging, stealing and other criminal activities.They have these palaces and still take social security, cause they have no job->no income, and the IRS doesnt even bother to check where the money came form.So next time think before giving a coin to a gypsy, because you are helping them buy cars and houses you will never have in your life even if u work 24/7.So what is one to do who doesn't want to become a part of society but does want all the perks like food? Build your own industry to provide these things or steal. The more likely choice is obvious. True.Gypsies are never going to integrate because they don't want to integrate. They will keep stealing because they don't have much of an alternative when they are busy actively rejecting mainstream society. Very true!They dont give a crap about reintegration programs in society and schools.The solution isn't to be nice and invite them into society because their response will be "thanks but no thanks". True, the only way is to force them, you need to make them understand that this is the 21st century and not the middle ages. To classify them as a culture of thieves is actually far more accurate then to claim they are innocent since the majority engage in criminal activity. Or maybe go the dutch approach. We give them villa's to live in. For some strange reason they still keep being anti-social rejects despite living tax free in a house far bigger then mine whilst i had to actually work for it.
^ The above poster isn't simply quoting a comment but adding in his own writing in italics, in case anyone thinks of slamming him for only quoting a post.
That said, later than usual on the entry to controversial threads, zalz, but as you see much detail has already spent (including a bit from myself) on dispersing the myths of unanimous Bulgarian and Romanian racism and gypsies not being allowed to be a part of society that a few of my Internet hero countrymen and people to the north seem to be claiming here.
Overall, this thread comes down to people who experience this everyday and know what goes on, against people who probably have never heard of Romania or Bulgaria outside of some random mention who are claiming that there is nothing wrong with how Gypsies (as in, the overwhelming majority of their population, not a completely negligible number of gangsta thugs who completely contradict their American culture and social values, who on top of that, are part of American society, not their own) do things and all fault is placed on the Bulgarians, Romanians, French, etc., who are supposedly all terribly hateful people.
Is this trolling, or just unexplainable fanatical rejection of simple facts?
This thread hurts my head. First some definitions (personal ones, to avoid confusion): Roma = ethnicity, gypsy = someone practicing gypsy culture.
- The overwhelming majority of gypsies steals and begs. - They are offered help but they refuse it. - They are offered free schooling for their children but they refuse it. - Even if their children go to school they pull them out at young age to teach them how to beg and steal. - They are impossible to integrate as they don't even want to. - They live off welfare and stealing and have no plans to change that. - They exploit their children.
These are facts about gypsies according to people that actually live there and people that studied them (check the definition above before you go ranting about generalizations!). How is the gypsy culture not a thieving culture, a bad culture? Now you tell me how in god's name this is racism as I haven't seen any 'fact' yet about how Roma people are inherently evil.
The cultural hate cannot be compared to antisemitism as antisemitism is based on untrue facts (and it is racism). Cultural/lifestyle hate is completely fine as long as it is based on facts. Races do not have inherent bad traits. Cultures do. You cannot change your race. You can change your culture. Some cultures are just inferior to others and apparently the gypsy culture is such a culture.
As for the solution, I have no clue as I don't live there and I don't know how bad it really is or how corrupt the government really is. However, the solution has to be a solution that civilized humans beings can condone of course. No one here is suggesting we should exterminate all gypsies (if we ignore Cloud, obviously).
On September 29 2011 10:02 cellblock wrote:Show nested quote +On September 29 2011 09:50 Theovide wrote:On September 27 2011 21:02 FireEagle wrote:
What do you think about the violences in Bulgaria and the gypsy problem in Europe in general? I think this is the problem, the bolded part, that people think gypsies are a problem, there is no difference between people and people. But if a group grow up disliked/hated by the community for some reason, it is bound to be so that a bigger part of that group becomes criminals. This because they feel excluded by society and thus feels no need to respect the rules of society (as they don't feel like are they are considered a part of it). It's kind of a circular, which makes it hard to break. But personally I feel media is the only one who has the power to really break it, by stopping all kinds of negative news about the group as a group, and instead seeing it as individuals (ie someone got murdered by someone, not someone got murdered by a gypsy). Some might say that it should be up to the gypsies to break the circle, but that's ridicilous, as there is A LOT of gypsies trying to do just that, but there only needs to be a few "bad ones" to keep their bad name alive. lol. there is no difference between people...? Yes, there is a huge difference between gypsies and other citizens. they have been disliked by all nations they have moved to since hundreds of years ago, and that is because of their thief culture. you want the media to hide the facts, just like they do in Sweden? what a joke.
Wow, a Swede that isn't blinded by "multicultural" views?
Didn't see one like you in a loooooong time
this thread truly saddens me. it really predicts the future... in few years, when the civil war breaks out all the eastern euros will be like "we knew it"... while all the outsider will be still blinking their eye like "how could it happen?" you dont have no idea how much people being fed up both from the gypsys activities and both from others labeling them as racist everytime they trying to talk open about the issues... and no... not some right-wingers. not football hooligans... everyone. left-wing voters, elders, young, those who live in big citys, especially those who are in villages...etc
On September 29 2011 18:05 hgt1002 wrote: this thread truly saddens me. it really predicts the future... in few years, when the civil war breaks out all the eastern euros will be like "we knew it"... while all the outsider will be still blinking their eye like "how could it happen?" you dont have no idea how much people being fed up both from the gypsys activities and both from others labeling them as racist everytime they trying to talk open about the issues... and no... not some right-wingers. not football hooligans... everyone. left-wing voters, elders, young, those who live in big citys, especially those who are in villages...etc
That is exactly my view on this situation. I mean seriously, almost all of my friends and people i know don't like or let's say even hate roma (cikany). Does it mean they are all just making stuff up and they are racist?
We are already at a state when negotiating with those people has failed and it is time to take action. If the government doesn't do something fast, more and more people will start thinking according to Cloud's post and it will be just a matter of time before something terrible happens.
On September 29 2011 16:46 Rebel_lion wrote: They should go steal some computers and internet so they can defend themselves from this mob.
Edit- When i lived in Germany the locals would all say the same things about Turkish people for what its worth. Are they as bad as gypsies?
Its not even a comparison. At the end of the day turks are like everyone else. Sure there are problems with some turks, but its mostly kurds and rural turks from eastern turkey. But most of them still try to work and earn money. Gypsies on the other hand are hated by everyone. They are looked down upon by every immigrant I ever talked to, because they are the ones who have to live in their neigbourhood. There should be a law that gypsie parents are held responsible for their childrens actions, but it will never happen because it targets only one group and is "unfair".
And to give you background to understand this problem and this "hate" better imagine you're not living in USA, Sweden, Norway etc. Nope, you're living in Romania or Bulgaria where justice is crap, it's hard to live (we're quite poor), the police is pretty much useless, the corruption is blatant.
Back in the communist era of Romania (i don't know how it was in Bulgaria) the militia (the police from back then) was very harsh, we had a very high level of security (simply because the state couldn't afford to have any citizens revolt for anything) so even with their culture, so the gypsies were forced to work in factories and etc, school was compulsory so a decent number of gypsies had the chance to finish a school, and the level of criminality was very low, and even so most were getting caught which gave an example to anyone inclined for an "easier living".
On September 29 2011 18:45 Pika Chu wrote: And to give you background to understand this problem and this "hate" better imagine you're not living in USA, Sweden, Norway etc. Nope, you're living in Romania or Bulgaria where justice is crap, it's hard to live (we're quite poor), the police is pretty much useless, the corruption is blatant.
Back in the communist era of Romania (i don't know how it was in Bulgaria) the militia (the police from back then) was very harsh, we had a very high level of security (simply because the state couldn't afford to have any citizens revolt for anything) so even with their culture, so the gypsies were forced to work in factories and etc, school was compulsory so a decent number of gypsies had the chance to finish a school, and the level of criminality was very low, and even so most were getting caught which gave an example to anyone inclined for an "easier living". Yeah it was the same here.
On September 29 2011 17:22 JudicatorHammurabi wrote: ^ The above poster isn't simply quoting a comment but adding in his own writing in italics, in case anyone thinks of slamming him for only quoting a post.
That said, later than usual on the entry to controversial threads, zalz, but as you see much detail has already spent (including a bit from myself) on dispersing the myths of unanimous Bulgarian and Romanian racism and gypsies not being allowed to be a part of society that a few of my Internet hero countrymen and people to the north seem to be claiming here.
Overall, this thread comes down to people who experience this everyday and know what goes on, against people who probably have never heard of Romania or Bulgaria outside of some random mention who are claiming that there is nothing wrong with how Gypsies (as in, the overwhelming majority of their population, not a completely negligible number of gangsta thugs who completely contradict their American culture and social values, who on top of that, are part of American society, not their own) do things and all fault is placed on the Bulgarians, Romanians, French, etc., who are supposedly all terribly hateful people.
Is this trolling, or just unexplainable fanatical rejection of simple facts?
Exactly Very True
Read a lot of this thread and basically bunch of people who never had to live or deal with Gypsies for their whole life (Hypocrites basically) And they come here and try to tell people who have to deal with Gypsies their whole life and try and tell them how their wrong...
But if they don't experience it first-hand they don't understand the entirety of the social issue and are defending something they understand nothing about
I have a pretty efficient solution. Everyone who is like super tolerant and believes all cultures are equal and all that jazz, they can each adopt one gipsy family and show them some love.
That way you can put your foot where your mouth is and actually do some good.
Anyone who complains that roma people are a trouble is a simple narrow minded self-righteous prick .... I live in Romania so I'm closest to the "treath" , truth be told they sure are annoying at times but since white people have been racist for like ever they have allways been treated with and offensive attitude . It's basically the nomad race against the static culture that don't want anyone in their back yard ... If roma people were welcomed in europe long time ago without any sense of racism or anything ( I know if this were the case we were traveling in space ships and use teleportation to move fro country to another - Because people would rather focus on compassion rather than on hate and racism , and more people would have time to research stuff + I hope you all realise how much of the money and time of scientists goes into military research ) , they would be decent people even right now .
And even so there are really cool roma people aswell , they're not all stealers , etcetc . Pretty rare breed but I thing it's the same percentage of cool people that there is in any culture . Just that their scum is worse then most of cultures ... Directly ... By ideology white people are way more scum than roma people .
Sad thing they are not really that aggressive tho .... If they were like the bloods or the creeps it would've been more fun because no1 would have enough balls to bitch about them.
Look a simple solution to solve to roma people ... Take all the profit money that is made from cancer treatments ( that in all cases destroy the human immune system + medical insurance doesn't cover it ) and give it towards the education of the "bad breed" amongst us . If you don't know about it .... It's the most profitable section of the medical system .
To all you white trash ( I'm not implying you are , but by probability theory some of you must be like that ) , I can tell the same classic thing . Enjoy you coffees , your cigarettes , your depressions , your white suites and the moments when you realize your life is useless.
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bone7 you sure you live in romania?What did you smoke today? I would rather give money to research making the sky pink, for genetically engineering catgirls and flying pigs and then give money for the "bad breed". Cool gypsies?Are you a "manelist"or "cocalar"? They are not agressive?Really?Really? I Mean REALLY? They arent when you stay in your house or cruise in a car and dont go outside after 10pm. I would rather enjoy coffe, cigarettes and a cold beer then give them money.And helping the "bad breed" sure makes our days so much fun and happy and we can go to sleep happy and dream of electric sheeps.
On September 29 2011 19:33 bOne7 wrote:
Sad thing they are not really that aggressive tho .... If they were like the bloods or the creeps it would've been more fun because no1 would have enough balls to bitch about them.
Look a simple solution to solve to roma people ... Take all the profit money that is made from cancer treatments ( that in all cases destroy the human immune system + medical insurance doesn't cover it ) and give it towards the education of the "bad breed" amongst us . If you don't know about it .... It's the most profitable section of the medical system .
that is some hardcore idiotism right there may i ask how old are u?
On September 29 2011 11:30 Probulous wrote:Show nested quote +On September 29 2011 10:02 cellblock wrote:On September 29 2011 09:50 Theovide wrote:On September 27 2011 21:02 FireEagle wrote:
What do you think about the violences in Bulgaria and the gypsy problem in Europe in general? I think this is the problem, the bolded part, that people think gypsies are a problem, there is no difference between people and people. But if a group grow up disliked/hated by the community for some reason, it is bound to be so that a bigger part of that group becomes criminals. This because they feel excluded by society and thus feels no need to respect the rules of society (as they don't feel like are they are considered a part of it). It's kind of a circular, which makes it hard to break. But personally I feel media is the only one who has the power to really break it, by stopping all kinds of negative news about the group as a group, and instead seeing it as individuals (ie someone got murdered by someone, not someone got murdered by a gypsy). Some might say that it should be up to the gypsies to break the circle, but that's ridicilous, as there is A LOT of gypsies trying to do just that, but there only needs to be a few "bad ones" to keep their bad name alive. lol. there is no difference between people...? Yes, there is a huge difference between gypsies and other citizens. they have been disliked by all nations they have moved to since hundreds of years ago, and that is because of their thief culture. you want the media to hide the facts, just like they do in Sweden? what a joke. I think what he is trying to say is that there is a reason for this behaviour. If you say that they behave badly because of their culture, what makes their culture promote this kind of behaviour. You either believe that this group of people are somehow biologically inferior or you believe that their circumstances bring about these actions. This is what he means when he says "there is no difference between people and people" Well, what is about their circumstances / culture that causes this behaviour? It is very easy to say "They behave that way because that is how they always behaved". It is much harder to say "They behave that way because they believe that by integrating that are losing their history and this is more important to them than conforming to society's expectations." An alternative explanation may be that it is simply easier for them to "leach" off of society than it is to integrate. Well that isn't a problem with gypsies it is a problem with governance. Find a reason and you can find a solution. Ultimately blaming a people as a whole is a nice excuse to ignore a real problem. You either believe there is a reason people behave like this, or you believe thay cannot be helped.
It's probably more socially accepted to steal in their culture. A gypsy who steal from non gypsies wont be deemed an outcast and rejected by his family. If this is true no further explanation is needed, it's just a rotten culture which does not fit in a modern society, for other purposes than leeching.
I'm sure they would steal less if their families rejected them for doing it, not that they are likely to do it since they all grew up in that environment.