On July 26 2011 12:56 ziggurat wrote: Why would anyone be upset by this? It's obviously just joking around.
How many people would see it as joking if a bunch of men were sitting around a table and joking about a man that had cut off his wife's boobs and clit because she wanted a divorce?
Doubles standards exist in this world, because we let them. Pointing out hypocrisy is a must.
This this this this this
Couldn't stand those women, just reeked of feminism and arrogance. This isn't something to laugh about, and if it had of been a woman in that situation I could tell that these women would be the ones rioting in the streets if somebody tried to make fun of it.
I can see why some people would find it funny that someones penis got cut off, even though i dont and even though it's very distasteful. However, if it had been a woman in this situation i agree that it would be a lot worse to talk about and makes jokes of.
Because this actually does happen to women a lot. This was just some freak who did this, it pretty much never happens, which is why it's acceptable to joke about it. Joking about the same regarding women is way worse in my opinion. I dont see why that is so weird.
Men and women shouldn't be treated 100% equally. After all, there is a difference. And in this case i dont see why men feel the need to complain. There is a difference between what you can and cant joke about, and while this is on the edge for sure, it would be worse if you joked about the same happening to a woman.
I dont see why anyone even cares about this except maybe the guy who it happened to. It was a joke, stop being pussies about it
On July 26 2011 22:19 nojok wrote: I find this story fun. How many posts on TL about thousand of women who get their clit cut for stupid religion reasons? Do you really think it's easier to be a woman in our world? No, it's WAAAAAAAAY harder! It's actually fun because it is surprising, humour is based on this. You should not hear to nurses in hospital, even if they take care really well of patients, the jokes are sometimes very hardcore during the break.
We can joke about everything but not with everybody.
Are you retarded? Like mentally handicapped, please do go on, your post was enlightening to say the very least.
On July 26 2011 12:56 ziggurat wrote: Why would anyone be upset by this? It's obviously just joking around.
How many people would see it as joking if a bunch of men were sitting around a table and joking about a man that had cut off his wife's boobs and clit because she wanted a divorce?
Doubles standards exist in this world, because we let them. Pointing out hypocrisy is a must.
This this this this this
Couldn't stand those women, just reeked of feminism and arrogance. This isn't something to laugh about, and if it had of been a woman in that situation I could tell that these women would be the ones rioting in the streets if somebody tried to make fun of it.
I can see why some people would find it funny that someones penis got cut off, even though i dont and even though it's very distasteful. However, if it had been a woman in this situation i agree that it would be a lot worse to talk about and makes jokes of.
Because this actually does happen to women a lot. This was just some freak who did this, it pretty much never happens, which is why it's acceptable to joke about it. Joking about the same regarding women is way worse in my opinion. I dont see why that is so weird.
Men and women shouldn't be treated 100% equally. After all, there is a difference. And in this case i dont see why men feel the need to complain. There is a difference between what you can and cant joke about, and while this is on the edge for sure, it would be worse if you joked about the same happening to a woman.
I dont see why anyone even cares about this except maybe the guy who it happened to. It was a joke, stop being pussies about it
Can you explain the rationale behind why it would be worse to joke about it, if the same happened to a woman? I mean if a husband cut off the clitoris of his wife for filing a divorce and then a bunch of guys would joke about it on tv, having one saying "I don't know the actual circumstance, but I think it's fabulous." I mean I get what would be wrong about it, but it escapes me why the same doesn't apply here?
On July 26 2011 22:19 nojok wrote: I find this story fun. How many posts on TL about thousand of women who get their clit cut for stupid religion reasons? Do you really think it's easier to be a woman in our world? No, it's WAAAAAAAAY harder! It's actually fun because it is surprising, humour is based on this. You should not hear to nurses in hospital, even if they take care really well of patients, the jokes are sometimes very hardcore during the break.
We can joke about everything but not with everybody.
Are you retarded? Like mentally handicapped, please do go on, your post was enlightening to say the very least.
What bullshit.
What exactly is your problem with her reasoning? Women are on average more suppressed if you take into account Africa and the Islamic world. And nurses do work in a high stress environment. In those environments it helps a lot to dispel tension by making jokes. I'm pretty sure surgeons also make all kinds of jokes when they are among themselves.
On July 26 2011 22:19 nojok wrote: I find this story fun. How many posts on TL about thousand of women who get their clit cut for stupid religion reasons? Do you really think it's easier to be a woman in our world? No, it's WAAAAAAAAY harder! It's actually fun because it is surprising, humour is based on this. You should not hear to nurses in hospital, even if they take care really well of patients, the jokes are sometimes very hardcore during the break.
We can joke about everything but not with everybody.
Are you retarded? Like mentally handicapped, please do go on, your post was enlightening to say the very least.
What bullshit.
What exactly is your problem with her reasoning? Women are on average more suppressed if you take into account Africa and the Islamic world. And nurses do work in a high stress environment. In those environments it helps a lot to dispel tension by making jokes. I'm pretty sure surgeons also make all kinds of jokes when they are among themselves.
CBS is not in Africa or an Islamic nation, it's US national television.
Yes, you cannot say certain (MANY) things on US TV.
If those were men they would be fired with an HOUR of saying that.
On July 26 2011 12:56 ziggurat wrote: Why would anyone be upset by this? It's obviously just joking around.
How many people would see it as joking if a bunch of men were sitting around a table and joking about a man that had cut off his wife's boobs and clit because she wanted a divorce?
Doubles standards exist in this world, because we let them. Pointing out hypocrisy is a must.
This this this this this
Couldn't stand those women, just reeked of feminism and arrogance. This isn't something to laugh about, and if it had of been a woman in that situation I could tell that these women would be the ones rioting in the streets if somebody tried to make fun of it.
I can see why some people would find it funny that someones penis got cut off, even though i dont and even though it's very distasteful. However, if it had been a woman in this situation i agree that it would be a lot worse to talk about and makes jokes of.
Because this actually does happen to women a lot. This was just some freak who did this, it pretty much never happens, which is why it's acceptable to joke about it. Joking about the same regarding women is way worse in my opinion. I dont see why that is so weird.
Men and women shouldn't be treated 100% equally. After all, there is a difference. And in this case i dont see why men feel the need to complain. There is a difference between what you can and cant joke about, and while this is on the edge for sure, it would be worse if you joked about the same happening to a woman.
I dont see why anyone even cares about this except maybe the guy who it happened to. It was a joke, stop being pussies about it
Can you explain the rationale behind why it would be worse to joke about it, if the same happened to a woman? I mean if a husband cut off the clitoris of his wife for filing a divorce and then a bunch of guys would joke about it on tv, having one saying "I don't know the actual circumstance, but I think it's fabulous." I mean I get what would be wrong about it, but it escapes me why the same doesn't apply here?
Uh, no? Because it isnt rational. We're talking about feelings and jokes, not about a math problem.
Women are weaker than men, and they're usually the ones victims to these sort of crimes, along with rape and so on. And i feel that it would be way worse to joke about that.
Women and men dont need to have the exact same norms and standards. I'm not offended by this, but i could see why some women would be if they were talking about a woman. It's all about not offending people, and it has nothing to do with what is rational and what isnt.
On July 26 2011 21:56 Schwopzi wrote: Eh how are people upset by this? Some random people make jokes about dicks being cut off (and to be honest LOL at the thought of a penis spinning circles in a garbage disposer, totally should be used in some horror flick), big deal. Jokes are made about everything, from childrape to mass murder. Man up and let it be, if you're going to be whining about this what is it you're aiming for? Don't you hate those people trying to censor southpark/family guy/insertcontroversialshowcomedianwhateverhere?
Please show me an episode in which a talk show host jokes about 9/11 or the Oslo incident? And not a cartoon, show me a video of someone actually making fun of mass murder.
not sure whether i should complain or not lulz.. since sure there just having fun, and if they wern't in a group..like say if they were reading it in a newspaper, i doubt they'll laugh and actually have some decency. or not? i dont know them to well, i dont watch the show regularly =.=
it is pretty sad though, as from wat ive heard and read about the story the man did nothing wrong at all.. god i bet that hurt =/
yeah fun is always had by men when female circumcision is discussed jovially as it often is in daytime tv. this is just sickening, let's hope there aren't any copycougars
The whole act of doing that is terrifying. I cannot believe some people are that sadistic. I think a lot of men are scared of that happening to them at least a little. I sure am. I dont find it funny at all and I agree that if it were a man who commited a similar act to a woman, they wouldn't find it so funny. Fuck sharon osbourne.
On July 26 2011 21:56 Schwopzi wrote: Eh how are people upset by this? Some random people make jokes about dicks being cut off (and to be honest LOL at the thought of a penis spinning circles in a garbage disposer, totally should be used in some horror flick), big deal. Jokes are made about everything, from childrape to mass murder. Man up and let it be, if you're going to be whining about this what is it you're aiming for? Don't you hate those people trying to censor southpark/family guy/insertcontroversialshowcomedianwhateverhere?
Please show me an episode in which a talk show host jokes about 9/11 or the Oslo incident? And not a cartoon, show me a video of someone actually making fun of mass murder.
Ok, you got me. Lets try to not overreact to some jokes that are maybe immature (haha, they said penis...) and maybe not funny to every man that loves his dick and feels with the victim. Lets try not to take that unimportant stuff too serious.
On July 26 2011 14:39 ToxNub wrote: as if, lol. yeah i'm sure this guy was watching the view at the time and I'm sure those comments will require extensive therapy, because he religiously trusts all jokes as fact. give me a fucking break
nobody got hurt by this show. in fact, you're all exploiting this poor guy to ride your whiny little man-crusade about how life gave you a raw deal because you cant make rape jokes on national tv. boo-hoo, this is such an annoying situation you encounter regularly, every day on your national tv show.
Another news flash, for those who haven't noticed, is that the ratio of female rape to penis-dismemberment are about 1million to 1. Which is a real problem and which is not? A joke at the expense of one guy is one thing, a joke at the expense of 40% of the population is another. But fuck it, make a rape joke anyway. You've got your female counterparts ready, amirite? The two of you can get together and bitch each other to death for all I care.
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Hilarious, but also, extremely damaging to my faith in humanity.
I had to turn off the video, how the fuck do they think that is a justifiable response in any sense. It's just sick, do they need a picture to understand what she did to her husband? Feel sorry for him, but certainly understand why he was asking for a divorce...
On July 26 2011 21:56 Schwopzi wrote: Eh how are people upset by this? Some random people make jokes about dicks being cut off (and to be honest LOL at the thought of a penis spinning circles in a garbage disposer, totally should be used in some horror flick), big deal. Jokes are made about everything, from childrape to mass murder. Man up and let it be, if you're going to be whining about this what is it you're aiming for? Don't you hate those people trying to censor southpark/family guy/insertcontroversialshowcomedianwhateverhere?
Please show me an episode in which a talk show host jokes about 9/11 or the Oslo incident? And not a cartoon, show me a video of someone actually making fun of mass murder.