My favourite podcast, Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, has just had their biggest show so far. Dan wrapped up his 6-part series on the Death Throes of the Roman Republic with a behemoth 5 and a half hour final episode covering the rise of Caesar to the reign of Augustus.
Hardcore History is just a great podcast (actually, it's more of an incredibly entertaining history show). Dan Carlin is an amateur historian who provides a fresh view of the interesting parts of history. He only releases these episodes once every three months or so, but he puts in a lot of effort into research, planning and recording. The production value is fantastic and I love learning history from such a gifted storyteller!
Check out the podcast at http://www.dancarlin.com/disp.php/hh
Woah thanks for sharing this! So glad I found this, I love history. Awesome!
Man, this is good! I like it!
well dont mind if i do. Sounds interesting, 5 1/2 hour episode is preety long, but hell il give it a shot.
On July 06 2011 14:15 rebuffering wrote: well dont mind if i do. Sounds interesting, 5 1/2 hour episode is preety long, but hell il give it a shot.
Usually the episodes are around 1-2 hours but Dan was stuck in a quagmire where he was 5 episodes into dealing with the Roman Republic and wanted to finish the series off so we could move onto something else. There's a bit of a disclaimer at the beginning of the episode about how this is probably the equivalent of 3 episodes stuck together =)
You can of course just click archives and listen to the series is its entirety if you wanted. I recommend it, it's fascinating stuff that you don't really learn in high school since it gets overshadowed by the Late Republic era. Episode 1 of the series covers the rise of the first "populare" reformer, Tiberius Gracchus and throughout the series shows how events built up the situation of the Late Republic which gave rise to the dictators and emperors.
There's also a great series on the Eastern Front of WW2 (Ghosts of the Ostfront) which actually made me cry at points.
The last podcast on death throes the republic was a bomb hahah. 5hours and half. I loved every minute of it. Been following Dan for a year now, this guy could make any subject interesting. His episode on the Steppe warriors and 'Assyrians are out of this world interesting.
Best history podcast by far.
On July 06 2011 14:20 Adaptation wrote: The last podcast on death throes the republic was a bomb hahah. 5hours and half. I loved every minute of it. Been following Dan for a year now, this guy could make any subject interesting. His episode on the Steppe warriors and 'Assyrians are out of this world interesting.
He just has that way of drawing you in, doesn't he? I hope he'll revisit the Steppes theme, preferably the Mongol Empire because they're my favourite =)
Aw yeah, Hardcore History is a great podcast - I think I stopped listening to it only because my iPod died :{.
I don't know what someone educated in history (bachelor's +) would think of it but I sure found it to be entertaining and enlightening.
Damn it, it's too quiet to listen to with my shitty speakers
Thanks very much, hadnt come across this but sounds great :O
i havent listened to dan carlin in years but i used to love him. in the middle of last decade, id sit in the dark and slowly level my fucking wow character while listening to carlin. it was the only thing that made it bearable.
looking back, i hate you, dan carlin.
On July 06 2011 15:00 chobopeon wrote: i havent listened to dan carlin in years but i used to love him. in the middle of last decade, id sit in the dark and slowly level my fucking wow character while listening to carlin. it was the only thing that made it bearable.
looking back, i hate you, dan carlin.
I totally did that with his earlier podcasts too! Looking back, it becomes apparent to me that even though I started listening to augment my WoW-playing, soon enough I was playing WoW purely as an excuse to listen to Hardcore History. =D
Thanks much, this is both informative and entertaining.
AWSOME! i will have to take a 8-9 hour drive next week and stuff like this is always the best to get through that
i've been looking for something like that for ages! Thanks!
edit: oh the older episodes are for sale. are they worth the money?
I love history but i generally hate podcasts...
But before i knew it 1 and a half hour had flown by. This is great.
On July 07 2011 18:32 thesideshow wrote: i've been looking for something like that for ages! Thanks!
edit: oh the older episodes are for sale. are they worth the money?
Well, the quality is about the same as the ones available for free. I don't really remember the content since they were recorded years ago but I do remember enjoying them immensely. I'd suggest probably listening to the more recent free ones before buying the older ones, simply to save you money.
hell freaking yes. I have been looking for another podcast to listen to. Will check this out. Should be amazing
It's really good. I recommend Punic Nightmares, Ghosts of the Osfront, Steppe Warriors and Death Throes of the Republic highly.
On July 07 2011 18:32 thesideshow wrote: i've been looking for something like that for ages! Thanks!
edit: oh the older episodes are for sale. are they worth the money?
Here's the three must have
1) Judgement at Nineveh - unbelievable. A huge part of history i was unaware of.
2)Steppe Stories - For ''wtf moments'', this is best.
3)Bubonic plagues - This has pretty epic moments when he reads excerpts from people living the plague.
Im not so sure about the rest, but the consensus is that those 3 are the best that you can buy(on the dan carlin forums)