More news about the casualties. Main Stream Media has not reported about this topic as of yet. Correct me if im wrong!
Rebels cleanse Tripoli`s Abu Slim area 26 AUGUST 2011
Overnight on Thursday 25 August, the rebels attacked the district of Abu Slim in Tripoli, hunting down loyal Gaddafi officials and their families.
France 24 TV correspondent Matthieu Mabin, reporting from Tripoli, provides a particularly chilling account:
"What happened had less to do with fighting than with stamping out the last pockets of Gaddafi faithfuls, or rather the handymen, technicians and low ranking officials employed by the state, most of whom were housed in blocks of flats concentrated in the Abu Slim neighborhood and who lacked the means to get away in order to evade the lethal sanctions of the rebels. What we are seeing today is certainly the saddest phase of the Libyan war, with columns of rebels who are assailing this area, these people, the families who esconced in these tenement buildings.
Our colleagues have just returned after an all-night coverage at the main Tripoli hospital, reporting the arrival of a large number of gunshot victims, including elderly people, women and even children. The CNT has remained completely silent about this. No call to surrender has been issued. We are undoubtedly entering the saddest phase of the conflict and it is likely that the CNT and the rebels will have to account for their abuses [...].
We have reached a degree of cleansing that appears to be totally out of control, mostly at the hands of the gang from Misrata, the martyr city of Libya, which has come all the way to Tripoli to carry out his revenge. "
(BBC Still talking about black Libyans as if they are mercenaries and completely ignoring the fact that they are being lynched by the rebels see previous post)
The United Nations has called on all sides in the Libyan conflict to prevent acts of revenge.
It follows reports both of killings by pro-Gaddafi forces and of attacks on African troops who fought on the government side.
African soldiers recruited by Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi have begun streaming home.
A ship carrying some 260 migrant worker evacuees has now arrived in Benghazi from the capital Tripoli.
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) says it is desperate to reach sub-Saharan migrant workers caught up in the fighting in Libya.
The head of the IOM in Benghazi, Martin Jerrett, said Africans were facing deep hostility in the capital, Tripoli.
He said most were in isolated houses and have no embassy representation. The IOM says there were over three million migrants working in Libya and there is little indication of how many will want to leave.
On August 27 2011 09:58 GeyzeR wrote: jello_biafra, mercenaries were already discussed,. for both sides. It was not known before the rebels killed one. It is unknown how many are there and what is their task.
I have heard rumors about ex soviet pilots of fighter jets, but they have become useless anyway.
"tyrant known as Gaddafi would still be in total control of Libya." means that you know nada about Libya and a victim of propaganda. Please spend 6 minutes of your life on this video. Libya, things you should know.
Also, Gaddafi has improved women rights a lot as for Muslim country.
The stories about tyrant and dictator Gaddafi are for the clueless westerners who never were interested in the country (including me). But there are a lot of information about life in Libya (texts before the revolution of course)
What a ridiculous propaganda video.
No mention of the way he eliminated dissent (mass surveillance, public/televised executions), his campaigns against the Berber people, assassinations around the world, his training camps for terrorists, mercenaries, warlords and dictators from all over the world, funding of terrorism worlwide, how all Libya's oil money either went to Gaddafi's regime/family or on weaponry, how that supposed "oil money straight to Libyan's bank accounts" was just a plan in the pipeline (heh) that was never implemented, his sexist and homophobic islamist laws, his attempts at islamifying neighbouring countries (starting groups such as the Islamic Legion and starting wars for no good reason), his ridiculous war against Egypt when they foiled one of his terrorist attacks, bringing guns to meetings with oil companies when attempting to impose his ridiculously high tax rates on them, being a close friend of Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe and Hugo Chavez.
On August 27 2011 09:15 ImFromPortugal wrote: [quote]
the difference is that the fight is still ongoing, and the Lybian are fighting against the invaders and Nato Special forces and mercs; they present the image as if Tripoli has already fallen and people are jubulating in the streets.
Well a lot of them are, there's REAL footage of people celebrating in Green Square and elsewhere...
And what on earth are you on about? " Lybian are fighting against the invaders and Nato Special forces and mercs"
The vast majority of the Libyan people are fighting against the small number of Gaddafi loyalists and his mercenaries with support from NATO, 95% at least of Tripoli is in rebel hands and people are celebrating all over the place. You must live on another planet.
Also lol at the comments in that video, 'British Brainwashing Corporation', the funny thing is they're the brainwashed ones, damn plebeians.
you mean.. Nato + Special Forces + Alqaeda + Rebels
There's probably a small al qaeda element to it. Special forces are helping to track down Gaddafi, and with good reason too.
and the Lybian people are fighting against the invaders, and with good reason too.
PS: they arent only tracking Gaddafi but also leading the rebels.
What Libyan people are fighting against what invaders? Can you send me some of what you're smoking please? It must be top notch stuff.
What do you call Nato \Al Qaeda and Mercenaries from other countries, saviors?
Well if NATO hadn't got involved then many more people would have died and the megolamaniacal tyrant known as Gaddafi would still be in total control of Libya.
Only mercenaries I know of are the ones employed by Gaddafi, can you show me something that says the rebels employ them?
As for Al Qaeda, I doubt they're a significant element of the rebel group, and if they're helping to destroy Gaddafi's forces then what's so bad about that? You have to be seriously deluded if you think the vast majority of the rebels are going to let them take over the country and turn it into a terrorist state like it used to be under Gaddafi.
Pretty difficult to tell what the hell is happening in that video, not sure who those people are or what they're firing at but if they're seriously trying to hit NATO planes with that weaponry then good luck to them lol.
LIFG (another Islamist group which is very prominent in Libya, but I know Americans and Brits like referring to everyone as AQ, so why not bunch them all up) is heavy in the leadership and is the ideological backing of the rebels. Not a small element.
Libya is a terrorist state? LOL!!! Look at your own country . And last I checked, Libya has fought against terrorists for a few decades. Then there's what ImFromPortugal said. So yeah, either be reasonable, or take ludicrous nonsense and bigotry elsewhere.
Haha, accusing me of talking ludicrous nonsense, that's rich.
My country is a terrorist state, and I suppose the US is too? And 9/11 was a false flag operation, Iraq was all about oil, the moon landings were faked, there's an alien spacecraft at area 51, George Bush and the Queen are reptilians, Barrack Obama isn't American, the NWO is about to take over the planet, Europe is being taken over by muslims and Alex Jones is a sane, reasonable man. Am I right?
LOL! You just proved my point. Your crazy rant of putting words in my mouth just proves how ludicrous your comments are . Well played, chap XD. Oh I love how ultranationalism makes people so absurd .
More news about the casualties.
It wouldn't surprise me if that sort of thing has been happening the whole civil war. Somehow we're expected to believe that murderous thugs are better disciplined and behaved than soldiers in 18th century line battles? I have trouble believing that.
Rats are released from prison by members of the Al-Qaeda
"Another day in Buslime. Yesterday there was a massacre. The rebels attacked the mass over its entire Bouslim, killed people in hospital. A lot of deaths. So far, no water. They do this in order that we took to the streets, that they were able to shoot us like sheep. The majority of blacks in Tripoli has killed rebels. I'm not afraid of the fact that I'm black, I am proud of its colour. Rebels kill all blacks. Now we need to start a guerrilla war. Hunt for traitors, and hide. But it is nothing, we mudžahidy now. We still hope. We hope that Bani Walid and Sirt and Sabha and Tuareg (touareg?) will come and liberate Tripoli. Soon learn if I hope to remain alive. Many, many traitors in middle and higher class, they wanted only money, dogs, followers of NATO. I don't understand why the United States and NATO are in the group with Al-Qaeda, and why not fighting against them. Most of the rebels of Al-Qaeda. Yesterday in Buslime to freedom released 690 prison inmates, of whom 540 members of the Al-Qaida. Bravo Obomberu (Obama-Obomber)-geek. Bush was better. We are tired, and we cut off from supplies. We are all going to die here. We are surrounded by and ready to be martyred. Neither NATO nor the rebels will not get us. Why give up the rebels, if so it is understandable that they were going to kill us right away as journalists from CNN and BBC would recede. NATO plans to exterminate every resistance hotbed of cutting off water in Tripoli and izmoriv against hunger. If we quit-he would be shot by the rebels. Call to all who will read this message and save the women and children of those who oppose NATO. The rebels raped and killed them. We are not afraid to die, we-mudžahidy. But our children must survive. Please ALL, distribute it."
I am coming to conclusion that the plan is to make Libya an Islamist state. With the bases for terrorists and everything. I know how it sounds. I guess after some year the West will say "we did not know that Libya become that" Now many islamists from all over the world are there as "rebels" That's why so much cruelty from the rebels. Yes it a tough luck to be black in Libya now. I guess is there any black supporting the rebels?
Every empire needs an enemy. Radical Islam is the best candidate. But first it needs help to grow. If I said right after 9/11 that NATO will fight together with islamists, they would call me crazy. Now it is a reality. We are "lucky" to live in this period. The world is changing.
Follow the money On the banking front, WikiLeaks once again had already revealed [2] that the privatization of Libya's central bank was regarded as a golden "opportunity" for US banks. The shadow "rebel" bank facilitated by HSBC in all probability will take over - obviously not independent as the previous Libya Central Bank but aligned with the Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the central bankers' central bank.
So bye-bye to "subversive", unifying Gaddafi ideas such as dumping the US dollar and the euro so Arab and African nations would start dealing in a new single currency - the gold dinar. It's crucial to note that most African nations - and a lot of Arabs - backed up the idea. The only serious contrarians in the region were South Africa and the Arab League (influenced by the House of Saud). Obviously Washington and the European Union (EU) were furious - to the point of calling NATO to the rescue.
It's never enough to remember that in late 2002 Iraq under Saddam Hussein started accepting payment in euros instead of US dollars for its oil. Everybody knows what happened next. Don't mess with the petrodollar, or else ...
So the oil and the flow of money will be secure in the hands of the "winners". Now for the strategic design. The Pentagon's Africom - after its first successful African war - will be rewarded with its first African base, thus abandoning its headquarters in that lovely African bush, Stuttgart. And NATO will proceed in its sacred mission of turning the Mediterranean into a "NATO lake". Northern Africa is already in the bag; now for the eastern Mediterranean, to teach a lesson to those pesky Syrians. 1 2
I suggest to look at all conflict from the other point of view. No doubt the west and NATO is the strongest force in the world. No doubt it wants to protect itself and its interests. Gaddafi with his plans was a treat, and the the treat must be eliminated.
It was always like that, since the beginning of the times. It is natural. Now people think that protecting its interest with military force is not "nice", so a media campaign started to convince that Gaddafi is "bad" and must be punished.
Let's admit that what is going on in Libya is good for us, people from West. We need resources, we need cheep labor. We produce money and service, high tech stuff, the rest of the world - the rest what we need. We don't need a strong competitor, that will want something real instead of virtual money for his real resources and products.
Just let be honest with ourselves. Raping someone and thinking at the same time that it is for her pleasure a bit too much of cynicism.
On August 28 2011 06:36 Saji wrote: The only serious contrarians in the region were South Africa and the Arab League (influenced by the House of Saud).
On August 28 2011 06:36 Saji wrote: The only serious contrarians in the region were South Africa and the Arab League (influenced by the House of Saud).
The gold dinar wasn't RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. The arab world was not taking Ghadaffi seriously on the matter... And neither should you.
They should and hopefully Africa will awake and stop the interference of the west, time to kick all the western puppets of their chairs and start a revolution trough all Africa.
WASHINGTON – The rebels of Libya’s National Transitional Council are prepared to recognize Israel diplomatically, and Israeli businessmen already are arriving in Libya to establish future business activities with the “new government,” informed sources have told Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.
“This area may just become Israel’s new best friend in the Middle East,” the source said.
The development would represent a major shift in Libya’s foreign policy toward Israel and would provide the Jewish state with a sorely needed strategic friend among the Arab countries, since the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in January placed Israeli-Egyptian relations on hold.
This thread has been derailed lately. I used to check it, but nowadays it's just bunch of crap and fake news. Miss the days when (CC)StealthBlue was the only one posting.
On August 27 2011 14:51 Nightfall.589 wrote: Please show us a single video of the MILLION Ghadaffi supporters that apparently took to the streets.
I've seen youtube videos taken by a civilian, driving his car past loyalist APCs, jeeps, troops... Yet for some reason, nobody in that crowd of a million people had a cell phone.
Oh, right, your source is Prvada. Do they even have a correspondent in Libya? Does he have access to a camera? Or, perhaps, far more likely, they are just making shit up - as they have since the October revolution.
You want a video showing a million people loyal to Gadaffi?
Well that was easy.
Edit: too easy. Here's another million person rally. This time in Al Ajaylat, Libya.
And how do we know that these videos weren't filmed 5 years ago? Has a single source, besides the Lybian government provided evidence that these actually happened, this year? That all these people are out there of their own free will? Does Pravda have their own photographs of them? No? Didn't think so.
All that they show is... A rally. And a voiceover. Oh, and a lot of military hardware that's sitting around, doing fuck all, instead of, you know, fighting rebels. Which is what it has been doing for the past four months. Something doesn't add up.
If they like him so much, why didn't all these people fight for him? How is it that a bunch of rebels with looted weapons manage to defeat both his army, and his supporters? Are his supporters by any chance also followers of Ghandi?
Think I can re-upload and re-name this video, and claim that yesterday there is a million person pro-communist rally in Russia? (Do I get bonus points if someone believes that these people are out there on their own free will?)
Critical thinking - something that quite a few people need to apply to the mountains of conspiracy theories. Before they post them.
Edit: fixed spelling error
To be quite honest, I don't think you spent much time analyzing just what you are asking me to do in order for us to have a conversation about Libya. For instance, I am confused about what you could possibly be asking me to do with your link to the Russian May Day Rally. Maybe its clear to you in your head just what you want me to do, but you should clarify this with someone because I have to assume a whole lot of baggage before I conceive or any remote possibilities as to what you want me to do with your link. And btw what does Pravda have to do so much about the million person rally which occurred 2 months ago? That was one source, and as I have said in an earlier post you no doubt read, that this stuff (these pro-Gadaffi rallies) are all over youtube. You simply haven't searched to see them. I expect no less that you are that much more inclined to know absolutely nothing about any remote possibility that America might be lying to war us again; like it happened in Iraq, like it has happened continuously throughout American history? Come on man, the big Iraq-War Lying scandal only happened less than ten years ago.
Lets do some critical thinking, for keeps now. I observe above that you make an argument that in effect says, If all of those people were at the rally, then why aren't there a million people in the streets fighting the rebels in Tripoli right now? Think about what it takes for someone to take up arms and kill someone. Now task that to a civilian who can be speculated by the present evidence that at least a million civilians support Gadaffi by showing up to a rally - the kind of person who attended the million person rally was a civilian because Libya's military just isn't big or a primary focus of government expenditure; unlike in the NATO countries. Okay, add to the fact of the rather large population of civilians who attended the million person rally, all of the reports that black citizens of Libya and foreign blacks are being massacred, tortured, beheaded, and all sorts of f*ed up at the hands of the rebels. What civilian will stay for this? When the rebels have won Tripoli, will they not only cleanse the blacks because of racial superiority, or will they also cleanse all the old supporters of the Libyan government? It seems to me a racial superiority-type person is probably not known very well for their good sense in keeping lines un-crossed - and we need good sense to distinguishing terms like 'black people' and 'Gadaffi supporters' from any reason of mind that wishes to massacre, torture, behead, or whatever based on race or political loyalty. The rebels are downright scary. The youtube vids and reports tell the story; the rebels rape, torture, behead merely based on skin color. I can handle a lot for a benevolent leader, if I believed the leader true, but I cannot imagine my family being tortured, raped, bloodied, murdered once the rebels win over Tripoli. I would leave if only for their sake. Libya was never racist like that before the civil war - Gadaffi has been an ardent supporter for black rights across the world. In fact, he was supporting Nelson Mandela and the black rights movement in South Africa at the same the US was SUPPORTING APARTHEID in South Africa. For some reason the rebels are racist and that just doesn't fit with me....If I were to insinuate it might be because they are hateful, racist, al qaeda terrorists; the report is in a West Point study cited in an earlier post above.
Also, you asked how it could be that a rebel army that loots weapons can destroy the Libyan governments army? Well, they do have NATO bombing support, and Military weapons shipments from France and the USA advantage for sure. Pick between two armies: an American tech supplied army and a Libyan we-didn't-focus-on-our-military-because-we-don't-care-to-spend-as-much-as-you-guys-do-making-war tech supplied army - I'd pick the American every time.
Arabs asks U.N. and world states to unfreeze Libyan assets (don't forget the Arab league are a bunch of dictators themselves)
Sat Aug 27
(Reuters) - The Arab League called on the United Nations and world states to unfreeze Libya's assets immediately now Muammar Gaddafi has been ousted from power.
Arab foreign ministers meeting at the Arab League in Cairo into the early hours of Sunday also called on the United Nations to give Libya's seat the world body to the National Transition Council, effectively recognizing the rebel body as the legitimate authority in Libya.
(Reporting by Ayman Samir, writing by Sami Aboudi)
Troopers aggression is inevitable. What forces threaten to Tripoli? 26/08/2011 10:34 Paul Lytkin
What we see on television and the Internet about the events in Libya - is bad for performance delivered the most naive.
There are no "insurgents" in Tripoli, the Cavaliers do not have in the coming days will not be. But the raid units of special forces of the USA, France and Britain to Tripoli took place. Likely to fight with groups of special forces trapped in the city are continuing. Most likely, this local battles. One and a half to take the metropolis by a few hundred, maybe thousands of soldiers can not.
But what is happening in Tripoli and in plywood, "city" next to the Qatari capital of the fur coat - it's part of a plan. This is a very risky plan, cobbled together from the "crap and soap," because the Americans and their satellites out of time. It always happens, when planning for military operations in essence taken them civilians. Therefore, to cover the action on the assassination of Gaddafi and his closest associates is accompanied by a disinformation operation.
Most people can be convinced that Qaddafi was already dead, and his sons were captured, but what if the "prisoner" Saif al-Islam in the "occupied" area gives an interview, "outcast" and welcomes its supporters, while at the same time twist in the air coverage of the "Plywood City"?
Then there is only one way to get out of cow pancake - take Tripoli by storm in the present. And it's not so easy. Most of the participants of the Internet community agree on the fact that the forces are not equal, and Tripoli still fall. In general, the forces really are not equal, but how? That's where the fun begins. Is that great power of U.S. imperialism and its tools - NATO?
Most people on this topic, including military experts habitually believe that NATO is so strong that it makes no sense to discuss his options. This view is based on estimates of the U.S. Army and NATO forces since the first aggression against Iraq in 1991. But for twenty years a lot has happened.
The biggest secret of American and NATO officials is that the degradation process, and the system in all areas was not only on the ruins of the Soviet Union and the socialist camp but our "winners". Alliance's military machine and the collapse of the U.S. Army side did not pass. Their capabilities as compared to 1991 dropped significantly. Leave out the related topics and focus on the possibilities of power in the conduct of amphibious operations.
Currently, the U.S. Navy, France, Britain and Italy have in the battle of 36 amphibious ships. Of these, U.S. - 29 UK - 7, France - 2 Italy - 3.
The second echelon will be able to participate further 6 ships. The British aircraft carrier Argus training and 4 freight transport and amphibious training cruiser French helicopter carrier Jeanne d `Arc.
These ships can take on board the paratroopers, but their side properties. Opportunities for landing troops and equipment in these vehicles are limited. However, they must be taken into account when determining the number of troops.
Of the 29 American ships, amphibious eight - amphibious assault ship (UDC) type Wasp. The remaining 20 pennants - landing craft vessels, docks (DVKD). UDC are versatile amphibious ships. They are transported in a given area expeditionary battalion of marines: 1894 officers and men, 5 tanks M1A1, 25 armored personnel carriers, 8 - 155 mm towed howitzers, 68 trucks, 12 special vehicles, 50 light vehicles M.996 ("Hummer").
UDC provides the battalion landing their staff resources from the sea (3 LCAC amphibious hovercraft amphibious hulks or 12 or 40 LCM-type amphibious armored AAV-7A1) and air (12 helicopters CH-46 Sea Knight, four CH-53 Sea Stallion, UH-1N 4 Huey, four VTOL MV-22 Osprey), and provide air cover landing (VTOL-6 ground-attack AV-8B Harrier-II, four attack helicopters AH-1W Super Cobra). UDC has a back room to deploy aboard the hospital for 600 beds. As part of the U.S.
Navy is still UDC Peleliu type Tarawa. Its capabilities are roughly correspond to the potential types of ships Wasp. He takes on board and provides airlift support for standard and expeditionary Marine battalions numbering 1,900 people and 160 vehicles. Features DVKD much more modest. Five types of DVKD San-Antonio have desantovmestimost 699 people and has 2 types of hovercraft LCAC (or a lighter type of LCU, or 14 AAV-7A1), four CH-46 helicopters or two MV-22 VTOL aircraft.
DVKD two types of Austin take on board 900 marines and six helicopters, CH-46. another ship of this type - Cleveland was the modernization and its ability to allow to take on 90 people of staff assault, 840 marines, helicopters 2 CH-46 helicopters 2 CH-53, 4 UH-1N helicopter or AH-1W and two assault-VTOL AV-8B. Eight DVKD type Whidby Island have desantovmestimost on 504, 4 LCAC hovercraft-type landing pontoon or 21 or 36 LCM-type APC amphibious AAV-7A1.
Four types of DVKD Hapers Ferry also have desantovmestimost 504 and take on board the same number of landing craft and technology. To provide an expeditionary battalion landing with a full set of equipment needed at least 4 DVKD. All amphibious ships, docks can not accept payment for more than five battalions. Thus, the size of the landing of American marines group of 29 325 people. in its composition will be 70 tanks, 112 - 155 mm towed howitzers, and 112 - 81.4-mm mortars. Its direct air support attack aircraft will carry 56-AV-8B VTOL aircraft and 40 helicopters EA-1W.
Capabilities of satellites the United States: Great Britain, France and France - are much smaller. Britain has the amphibious assault ship Ocean and 2 DVKD - Albion and Bulwark constitute a single group of British naval amphibious. Amphibious assault ship Ocean takes on board 480 (for a short time up to 830 people), and 40 light vehicles and 34 trailers. Amphibious landing craft ship are 4 infantry landing pontoon-Mk.5B (LCVP) and two hovercraft Howercraft.
Aviation group has 18 helicopters (12 Westland Commando NS.4, 6 Lynx AH-7) or 12 EH-101 Merlin (may take 12 CH.47 Chinook, 6 WAN-64D Westland Apache), a variant of the shock Ocean takes up to 15 VTOL Harrier.
DVKD type Albion have desantovmestimost: 256 (ili305) people (for a short time up to 650 people), up to 70 units of the wheel-track technique. Including up to 6 tanks Challenger 2 and 30 APCs. Their landing craft landing pontoon includes 4 Mk.10 (LCU), 4 infantry landing pontoon Mk.5B (LCVP) and 3 helicopters Sea King Mk 4. As part of the British amphibious group will be 2130 people, 12 Challenger tanks 2 and 60 APCs. Its direct air cover will provide six helicopter gunships. The basis of the French Navy amphibious assault helicopter carrier type 2 Mistral.
Their desantovmestimost 470 (peak 900), or 13 tanks and 70 vehicles. Landing craft landing pontoon from four STM or two hovercraft (OHR) LCAC. In addition, Mistral takes up to 150 people as a command ship and up to 69 wounded in a naval hospital.
Aviation group has 16 helicopters. Its standard of eight NH90 helicopters landing and eight attack helicopters Tigre.
Thus, in the French assault team will be 1800 people, 13 tanks and 70 wheeled and tracked vehicles. Its direct air cover will provide 16 combat helicopters. Italian Navy will be able to use three of its type DVKD San-Giorgio.
Their desantovmestimost 350 people, 30 or 36 amphibious tanks, armored AAV-7A1 and 3 helicopters Sea King. As part of the Italian battalion landing team will be 1,050 17 tanks, 24 amphibious armored AAV-7A1. for combat support battalion, a tank needs at least 100 cars, so the composition of the Task Force may enter only one tank company, and machines AAV-7A1 in the Italian marines only 24 pieces.
Thus, the composition of the amphibious force NATO to Libya, will consist of 33 305 men, 112 tanks, 112 towed guns.
Its direct air support attack aircraft will carry 56-AV-8B VTOL aircraft and 62 helicopters. Enough to quickly reach its goal - the capture of Tripoli and the overthrow Gaddafi. It should be noted that in combat units NATO armies, there are only 38% of the number of personnel - only 12 654 soldiers and officers.
Others are needed in the rear: to drive across the desert by car to and fro, banging on the keyboard triumphant and inform on each other heads, catch the wind in a net, slack, etc. etc. After four or five days can land the second echelon - those 6 ships of Great Britain and France. This is 2514 people, 56 British tanks and some 350 vehicles and special vehicles. But they are fundamentally on the grouping will not influence.
Hope the west and political leaders incompetent journalists that the Mediterranean is small, and through him "Fuhrer" fast forwarded it a mighty army, are groundless. In modern war, for fighting a soldier during the day must bring a ton of supplies.
The entire invasion fleet after the landing will be busy with shipping logistics for the landing group intervention. In the day 33 305 tonnes. During the month will need to ship from our warehouses, loaded on ships to transfer the sea again to unload at the ports of Libya, the load on the machine and bring the troops one million tons of cargo. Without them, the NATO troops will last no longer than three days. Therefore, transport pipeline will have to make immediately after landing. The whole operation will last a long time.
To capture Tripoli will take at least two months, if not more. But after the fall of the capital to continue the fight by going into the phase of guerrilla warfare. If the group increase, the volume of delivered goods will be increased proportionally to the number of troops and equipment.
By Blitzkrieg on Iraq NATO was prepared over six months. No signs of serious preparation for full-scale invasion of the NATO troops for five months of the war in Libya was not observed. This is a serious problem in all respects, that can not hide.
The composition of the group intervention that NATO will be able to actually land in Libya, excludes the possibility of fast, a week or two of capture Tripoli. A potential increase in the short term strength and combat power unit does not have a group - destruction. Paratroopers picture does not change. U.S. can throw no more than three battalions with a minimum of heavy weapons, Britain, France and Italy will be able to put in the battalion of parachutists.
Against tanks with rocket launchers in the desert is not much navoyuesh. But most importantly, the paratroopers will also have to provide, and this traffic growth. Of course: NATO capabilities, especially after the matter back to connect America, much more than that Gaddafi and his supporters. So technically Tripoli sooner or later take, but the crux of the matter is not the final capture of Tripoli, even if the schedule had to take it no later than mid-September.
The main thing - it's the price issue. The most important thing - how many NATO troops die in Tripoli and its outskirts, for how long and how much it will cost. Eight years ago, in 2003, the time and money was secondary.
The main time for the U.S. and the UK was to hide the true extent of losses, first of all, human. But today the United States and NATO - are bankrupt. Money to conduct operations there. Everything is done on credit, under the promise of "quick wins" and a quick victory with little bloodshed. In addition to the "Plywood City" in the Qatari desert, the alliance there are other options to hide the truth about their losses.
At 9 UDC has 5400 beds. As part of the U.S. Navy hospital ship has 2 Mercy and Comfort which has 2000 beds. Thus, NATO may be placed on ships, 7400 wounded. Loss of life, the classical ratio of one to three would amount to about 2,500 deaths.
About these losses will be no mention of any official reports or in media reports. Journalists and TV reporters they just can not see. So you can hide from the public at the time of their losses, which the ordinary residents of the United States and Europe would have to pay for the adventure of their rulers.
However, when the average daily losses of 150 killed and 450 wounded operation should be completed within 15 days otherwise the flow of dead and maimed, for ordinary people suddenly flooded with the Libyan front does not just cause a storm of indignation, and the repeated efforts of the contrast before and after the "Rubicon". Its magnitude can cause a powerful social and political cataclysm that will sweep away at least from the political scene instigators of war. Given that the incompetence and adventurism of more and more spread among the political elite of leading Western countries can not exclude such a scenario.
And to end the operation quickly will not work ... We live in scary times - times of change. Not only the Libyan people, but we, the Russians waiting for the path of struggle and suffering, but do not despair
On August 28 2011 20:19 Saji wrote: Alternative News: Algeria may have started to act against the Rebels (NTC)
No Algeria will not fight against the rebels. They are there to protect the border area where many algerians live. There are berbers-rebels spreading violence in the area. But that's it, no more than that.
As you may know, blacks are being hunted and executed in Libya now... There are a lot if video and photo in internet. Pro rebels TV Libya Al Ahrar keeps saying that every black is a Gaddafi mercenary. What I cannot understand - why they are doing so? The African countries are not going to love the new Lybia after that...
It was basically easier to get rid of Gaddafi using the arab spring as an opportunity, than to cooperate with him to install a military presence in Africa. Political ties were healthy all up until the random NATO attacks and rebel invasion, there were never mentions of human rights etc. until war time.
"Richard Engel reporting live from Tripoli's Green Square" in front of the blue screen with video over (0:52) Common guys, at least make it look not so obvious
It is interesting and useful to learn history. Paraguay under dictatorship, 1844—1870.
The highest living standards on the continent. Did not let foreign interests and money to come in. Did not take loans. It was self-sufficient. Did not let the elite to take control over the country. People loved "dictators" Then a war has happened (1866—1870). Citizens fought to the very end for their country, including children and women. 90% of men were killed. That social dictatorship experiment was over. The dictator was blamed for everything, of course. Now Paraguay has democracy and is one of the poorest country on the continent.