On August 07 2011 23:23 Arkless wrote:Show nested quote +On August 07 2011 23:07 ohampatu wrote:On August 07 2011 22:31 Arkless wrote:On August 07 2011 22:20 ohampatu wrote:On August 07 2011 22:16 Arkless wrote: Use to be known as Zero, a homage to the Mega Man character. But since then I have been using Arkless which happens to be my last name and never ever seems to be taken in any game ;P what rank/league? Swear ive played you a few times or you name is indeed used more than once here. Top 8 Diamond, according to my sc2 gears we have played 2x Knew It  ...hopefully i didn't rage on you, is hould really start using sc2gears Hahaha nope, just glhf's in the chat logs. We are 1-1 BTW =P
Maybe we'll meet again to continue the BoX. Ive been slacking lately cuase of tethering and ping issues. 16 mb soon
My old ID when i was 11 was TuSecksY but I thought it was immature when I turned 12 (LOL), then my friend suggested me this username and I've been using it ever since. I'm 17 now.
I was happy trouble typing one day and kept hitting x instead of c. So my clever friend started calling me xorey to joke on my typo-tendencies. I liked it as an ID because it was something simple and subtle, but not just my name.
It is my favourite song. There is no special meaning behind it, it sounds good, and i can shorten it into MLS ( e.g. in bnet2.0 -_-" )
Iirc, Arkantos makes mention of a character Zephos in the opening scene of the Age of Mythology campaign. It was simple, and it had a 'z' and a 'ph,' so of course it had to be cool. I used it for for a name in offline games before realizing that it probably wouldn't be taken on websites so I began to use it as an online alias.
ID- TheChosenOne -Loved Matrix so there!
uni from the neopet and CHAN and that is what a unichan is
when I would play Ragnarok Online I constantly tried to figure out a good ID but I could never find one until when SC2 was about to be released while I was making a new character on Ragnarok Online so my cousin was looking on thesaurus and found the word Frequency I loved the word right away so that's my online alias now Also when I was making my name for SC2 I was debating between Optic or Frequency just a fun fact
My nick has been created 1998. I was about 20something then and very interested in illegal substances someone who is not me could take to experience hallucinations. I found LSD or any other commonly know substance too, well, direct into your face. So i chose Atropin
Back in these days it was common to shorten your clan tag like (Star) or [Star]. As my clan had been going under the name spiritualartists, short: (Star) I have been (Star)-Atropin. I always thought this is a nice sound so i am just using this nick for over 13 years now
My ID is Redfish. It's the common name of the Red Drum, my favorite fish to catch when I go every year near the Texas/Mexico border. Red Drum are known for being beautiful fish (big black spots on the tail) and a really tough fight - and they're delicious when you marinate them in green pepper sauce and pan-fry them.
Most people think it's a reference to Dr. Seuss - I only wish I had gotten in on the Day9 Nukefish fun, but I missed it .
i like Grandma's Boy and i like cheesing my opponents so the only name that was appropriate was MrCheezle
B = bad A = ass M = mother F = fucker
I decided on the username because Samuel Jackson's character in "Pulp Fiction" has a wallet with the letters BAMF spelled on them.
I know longer use EnOmy as my ID for anything but it's story is - EnOmy is the last five letters of my surname and can be pronounced "enemy." I mostly went for it because I really liked it as a part of my surname name. As of about 3 years ago (relatively recently in terms of my ID history) I dropped it as the spelling of my ID but more often than not still pronounce my name as if it was EnOmy. I used EnOmy for my account name here on TL because my actual ID get me swarmed.
Also ^_^ post 100!
Tarfire is a card in Magic: The Gathering, it's part of my best deck and has won me clutch games numerous times, Originally, I was going to use my FPS name ModArch (ModernArcher), but this seemed pretty good, and nobody ever takes it !! Lol
i made a smurf account in cnc3 tw called KAmaKAsa and then i kept playing it cuz i liked the name or smthin i guess and then it kinda sticked on to sc2
Vatican City State733 Posts
Camp Tesomas is the scout camp for my council, Samoset (Read Samoset backwards to see where they got the name). Some of my best memories as a youth were at that camp.
The Tesomas Grace puts my feelings about the place into simple yet beautiful prayer: Thank you Lord for this special place, Where we can make new friends and old ones embrace, A chance to share a dream, an experience too, Lord, for Tesomas we thank you.
rassy comes from "hallberg rassy" , a swedish company wich builds nice sailing yachts O-o
I was getting showed BroodWar and needed a nickname, My names anthoni so i was like yeah antattacker, then i realised that was gay as shit, so i was like XKiller not know that every 12 year old kid put a million Xes in Thier name. Then I used Cenocide which really doesn't mean anything just thought it was cool. Finally i got a name i really liked which was Zero(I forgot he was a BW player), I got that name by looking at a Coke zero can and was like yeah Zero. Then everyone has that name so i looked up a korean translation and it said Yung so i went with it.
I have had a couple of IDs, my very first one was Skull, shortly changed to GIN.
Was playing CS back in the good old days, and the skull was something you could spray on the wall. But it felt abit weird, so I looked at the names of the 4 CTs you could choose. GIGN. i removed the middle G and I became GIN ^^
Later I felt it was abit to short so I added Ginju.
I swapped from CS to WoW and there Ginju was allready taken on my server. so I added an x, Ginjux Then it swapped a whole lot, swapping realms mainly. until the day I found out about Starcraft, Kiwiandapple it is ^^ in SC Kiwi