As you may have deduced from one of my previous blogs, I love scary shit. Not the "Boo! I got you!" scary stuff. I hate slasher films. That sort of thing isn't fear to me, it's surprise. I like the kind of horror that fucks with your mind and gets under your skin, the kind that relies on setting up an uncomfortable atmosphere: where something it very wrong that you can't quite put your finger on.
So, in this OP, I'm going to share Scary Stories (Primarily CreepyPasta) that I find on the internet. In this topic, share your scary stories and discuss the creepypasta in this OP. Feel free to share things from your real life experience, or something you read in a book/on the internet is fine as well. Let's get started.
I've highlighted what I consider to be the best stories/videos in red. So if you read/watch anything, be sure to read/watch those.
Leon Czolgosz, assassin of William McKinley, the 25th President of the United States, was electrocuted for his crime on October 29, 1901, at Auburn Prison in Auburn, New York. Among the personal effects found in his cell was a U.S. quarter stamped with the date 2218. The face in profile on said quarter was not George Washington, but rather a face which has yet to be identified.
Found the shit on my porch one night... Fucking ding-dong ditch or whatever. A little baggie with two blue capsules. And a stupid note with two words... "Do try"
I figured it was some shitty prank from my "experimental" friends from down the street. We've tried nearly every reasonable drug there is, trying to get the most psychadelic trips, maintain the best highs..
DMT, E, Acid, some experimental shit this dude sold me for wayy too much. Shit fucked me up... I tripped I was dust floating down from the ceiling. Lasted like eight hours. Fucked... me... up...
Anyway, the pills had like an orange 17 on them... Looked them up online, and couldn't find anything.
I threw it on my dresser and crashed for the night.
I called all my friends the next afternoon. They all "claimed" they had nothing to do with it. "Wasn't them". I figured one of them would fess up eventually...
Over the next week, I pretty much forgot about it. None of my friends said anything, so either they forgot, or it really wasn't them. I didn't feel like mentioning it, we had some concentrated Salvia, so we lit that up.
The next day, curiousity killed me, I picked up the bag. Glanced at the note again... "Do it"... I swore it said "Do try" but I was high when I picked it up, so I dont know. But it entrigued me even more. I examined the pill. I reasoned with myself. I just couldn't take it, it could be anything, but I was so curious. What if it was THE best high, the MOST psychadelic trip. I talked myself out of it. I set it down again, and I couldn't help but feel like I was missing out...
The next few days were hell... I had a fever, and I felt like literal shit. Probably strep. I slept most of the day, but I awoke from the sound of my own heartbeat. My thoughts went instantly to the pills... I picked it up. It was practically calling my name. What the fuck did I have to lose. If I die, I die. I felt like dying anyway. For all I know, it could be some fucking antibiotics. I hoped for the latter. I looked at it one last time.
I downed it.
I remember "waking up". The world was in negative. I was strapped to a chair, and these dark pulsating lights were eating away at my vision. I had no Idea what was going on, but I wasn't scared. I was used to fucked up trips, but this was different. I felt empty. Time was moving backwards. Light was inverted. These dark lamps pulsing energy through my brain. A bass tone vibrating my body. I couldn't close my eyes... I needed these "lights". They were blackening the world. My world. The world where I resided and wasted time in the light. I finally understood. I was in the dark.
I started seeing the figures after what seemed like an eternity. Black masses of energy crawling towards me from every angle. I was seeing them in strobe. As the dark flashed, they crept closer and closer. I recognized them as friend. They were to free me from the light. Take me away from this yellow hell we all know so well. I wanted to go to them, but I made no attempt. I focused on the strobe. I needed them to move faster. To rid me of luminescence. Once and for all.
The strobe frequency slowed. Time started to speed up. The figures were stationary. The light was coming.
My cornea's burned as the trip wore off. My emptyness enveloped me. The stobe was near out.. The figures no longer visible. I finally closed my eyes. Such a pale dark compared to true darkness.
When I opened them, I was in my bed. I shut them back immediately. I hated light. I hated our world. I wanted nothing more than to return to my chair. I couldn't live here anymore. I could't open my eyes. I reasoned with myself for hours to get up, to open my eyes. I didn't sleep. I didn't eat. I didn't. I prayed for darkness. It meant nothing. I was in the white. The only way I knew to return to the black was the pill. I had one left, but I had to open my eyes.
My luminous mind was telling me it was just a trip. Don't go back. Forget the abyss and return to normal life. The darkness was in favor. I didn't want to go back, I needed it. It was the realization the world needed. But I didn't care about the world. Only the dark.
Night came. I finally opened my eyes. Not to let the light in, but to get the pill. The last pill. As far as I knew, it was the last pill on earth. My dark side convinced me I only needed one. The figures would take me this time. I would forsake the light for the wondrous dark. I cared not what was in the dark. As long as it was unlit.
It was nine o'clock in the evening. Everybody was sitting on the couch in front of the TV. There were Richard, Brian, Jenny and Doreen, the babysitter. The telephone rang. "Maybe it's your mother," said Doreen. She picked up the phone. Before she could say a word, a man laughed hysterically and hung up. "Who was it?" asked Richard. "Some nut," said Doreen. "What did I miss?"
At nine-thirty the telephone rang again. Doreen answered it. It was the man who had called before. "I'll be there soon," he said, and he laughed and hung up. "Who was it?" the children asked. "Some crazy person," she said. About ten o'clock the phone rang again. Jenny got it first. "Hello," she said. It was the same man. "One more hour," he said, and he laughed and hung up. "He said, 'One more hour.' What did he mean?" asked Jenny. "Don't worry," said Doreen. "It's somebody fooling around." "I'm scared," said Jenny. About ten-thirty the telephone rang once more. When Doreen picked it up, the man said, "Pretty soon now," and he laughed. "Why are you doing this?" Doreen screamed, and he hung up. "Was it that guy again?" asked Brian. "Yes," said Doreen. "I'm going to call the operator and complain." The operator told her to call back if it happened again, and she would try to trace the call.
At eleven o'clock the telephone rang again. Doreen answered it. "Very soon now," the man said, and he laughed and hung up. Doreen called the operator. Almost at once she called back. "That person is calling from a telephone upstairs," she said. "You'd better leave. I'll get the police." Just then a door upstairs opened. A man they had never seen before started down the stairs towards them. As they ran from the house, he was smiling in a very strange way. A few minutes later, the police found him there and arrested him.
In winter of 1944, with overtaxed supply lines in the Ardennes, a German medic had completely run out of plasma, bandages and antiseptic. During one particularly bad round of mortar fire, his encampment suddenly became a bloodbath. The survivors claimed to hear, above the screams and barked commands of their Lieutenant, someone cackling with almost girlish glee.
The medic made his rounds during the fire, in almost complete darkness as he had so many times before, but never this short on supplies.
The bombardment moved to other ends of the line, most men dropped off to sleep in the still dark hours of the morning - New Year’s Day, 1945.
The men awoke at first light with screams. They discovered that their bandages were not typical bandages at all, but hunks and strips of human flesh. Several men had been given fresh blood transfusions, with no blood supplies available. Each treated man was almost completely covered, head-to-toe, with the maroon stain of blood.
The medic was found, sitting on an ammunition tin, staring off into space. When one man approached him, tapped him on the shoulder, his tunic fell off to reveal all skin, muscle, and sinew had been stripped from his torso and his body almost completely dried of blood. In one hand was a scalpel, and in the other, a blood transfusion vial.
None of the men treated for wounds that night, in that camp, saw the end of January, 1945.
There was a couple from Texas who was planning a weekend trip across the Mexican border for a shopping spree. At the last minute, their baby-sitter canceled, so they had to bring along their two year old son with them. They had been across the border for an hour when the boy got free and ran around the corner. The mother tried to find him, but he was missing. The mother found a police officer who told her to go to the gate and wait. Not really understanding the instructions, she did as she was told.
About 45 minutes later, a Mexican man approached the border, carrying the boy. The mother ran to him, grateful that he had been found. When the man realized it was the boy's mother, he dropped him and ran. The police were waiting for him. The boy was dead, and in the 45 minutes he was missing, he had been cut open, all of his organs removed, and stuffed with bags of cocaine. The man was going to carry him across the border as if he were asleep.
One day at a shopping mall in the afternoon, a woman was coming out of the mall from a shopping spree. She was in a happy mood. She had gotten to her car and loaded her stuff that she had bought into her trunk. When she was done loading, she shut the door of her trunk and she saw an old lady standing by the passenger side of her car.
The old woman said "Would you be a darling and give me a lift home? I don't have a car and I was walking all day." The woman said "I'd be happy to." So she unlocked the door for the old woman.
As she started to make her way around the car to the driver's side, she started to feel uncomfortable. So when she got in the car, she looked in her purse and said "Darn, I can't find my credit card. I'm going inside to see if anybody found it." The old woman said "I'll wait for you here."
The woman left to go look for help. Then she found a security guard and told him the situation. They went back to the woman's car and the passenger door was wide open. On the seat of the car was a shopping bag that the old woman had been carrying. Inside of the bag was the old woman's dress and a gray haired wig, along with a huge butcher's knife, a video camera, and a roll of duct tape.
During the summer of 1983, in a quiet town near Minneapolis, Minnesota, the charred body of a woman was found inside the kitchen stove of a small farmhouse. A video camera was also found in the kitchen, standing on a tripod and pointing at the oven. No tape was found inside the camera at the time.
Although the scene was originally labeled as a homicide by police, an unmarked VHS tape was later discovered at the bottom of the farm’s well (which had apparently dried up earlier that year).
Despite its worn condition, and the fact that it contained no audio, police were still able to view the contents of the tape. It depicted a woman recording herself in front of a video camera (seemingly using the same camera the police found in the kitchen). After positioning the camera to include both her and her kitchen stove in the image, the tape then showed her turning on the oven, opening the door, crawling inside, and then closing the door behind her. Eight minutes into the video, the oven could be seen shaking violently, after which point thick black smoke could be seen emanating from it. The camera then continued to stationary point at the oven for another 45 minutes until the batteries apparently died.
To avoid disturbing the local community, police never released any information about the tape, or even the fact that it was found. Police were also not able to determine who put the tape in the well.
…or why the physical stature of the woman on the tape did not in any way resemble the stature of the woman found in the oven.
A young man and his new bride were honeymooning in Paris when his wife went into a restroom and didn't return. With time the man began to fear the worst and went to the police, the police thought it was most likely the girl simply had second thoughts about the marriage, but they checked it out anyway and found no evidence of foul play As weeks turned into months the man finally gave up on finding his beautiful wife but his life fell into a shambles he was so filled with grief.
Unable to hold a job or go on with his life, he took to wandering the world looking for anything that might ease his pain. Years later in Borneo he came upon a freakshow in an old shabby building, he went in on a whim. In the last filthy cage he saw a twisted, scarred and mutilated woman rocking back and forth and groaning strange animal-like noises. He screamed as he recognized the birthmark on his wife's face.
A few years ago, a mother and father decided they needed a break, so they wanted to head out for a night on the town. They called their most trusted babysitter. When the babysitter arrived, the two children were already fast asleep in bed. So the babysitter just got to sit around and make sure everything was okay with the children. Later that night, the babysitter got bored and went to watch TV, but she couldn't watch it downstairs because they did not have cable downstairs (the parents didn't want children watching too much garbage). So, she called them and asked them if she could watch cable in the parent's room. Of course, the parents said it was ok, but the babysitter had one final request… she asked if she could cover up the angel statue outside the bedroom window with a blanket or cloth, at the very least close the blinds, because it made her nervous. The phone line was silent for a moment, and the father who was talking to the babysitter at the time said, "Take the children and get out of the house… we will call the police. We do not have an angel statue."
The police found all three of the house occupants dead within three minutes of the call. No statue was found.
There is a video on Youtube named Mereana mordegard glesgorv. If you search this, you will find nothing. The few times you find something, all you will see is a 20 second video of a man staring intently at you, expressionless, then grinning for the last 2 seconds. The background is undefined. This is only part of the actual video.
The full video lasts 2 minutes, and was removed by Youtube after 153 people who viewed the video gouged out their eyes and mailed them to Youtube's main office in San Bruno. Said people had also committed suicide in various ways. It is not yet known how they managed to mail their eyes after gouging them out. And the cryptic inscription they carve on their forearms has not yet been deciphered.
Youtube will periodically put up the first 20 seconds of the video to quell suspicions, so that people will not go look for the real thing and upload it. The video itself was only viewed by one Youtube staff member, who started screaming after 45 seconds. This man is under constant sedatives and is apparently unable to recall what he saw. The other people who were in the same room as him while he viewed it and turned off the video for him say that all they could hear was a high pitched drilling sound. None of them dared look at the screen.
The person who uploaded the video was never found, the IP address being non-existant. And the man on the video has never been identified.
You know how Fox has a weird way of counting Simpsons episodes? They refuse to count a couple of them, making the amount of episodes inconsistent. The reason for this is a lost episode from season 1. Finding details about this missing episode is difficult, no one who was working on the show at the time likes to talk about it. From what has been pieced together, the lost episode was written entirely by Matt Groening. During production of the first season, Matt started to act strangely. He was very quiet, seemed nervous and morbid. Mentioning this to anyone who was present results in them getting very angry, and forbidding you to ever mention
In addition to getting angry, asking anyone who was on the show about this will cause them to do everything they can to stop you from directly communicating with Matt Groening. At a fan event, I managed to follow him after he spoke to the crowd, and eventually had a chance to talk to him alone as he was leaving the building. He didn't seem upset that I had followed him, probably expected a typical encounter with an obsessive fan. When I mention The piece of paper had a website address on it, I would rather not say what it was, for reasons you'll see in a second. I entered the address into my browser, and I came to a site that was completely black, except for a line of yellow text, a download link. I clicked on it, and a file started downloading. Once the file was downloaded, my computer went crazy, it was the worst virus I had ever seen. System restore didn't work, the entire computer The episode started off like any other episode, but had very poor quality animation. If you've seen the original animation for Some Enchanted Evening, it was similar, but less stable. The first act was fairly normal, but the way the characters acted was a little off. Homer seemed angrier, Marge seemed depressed, Lisa seemed anxious, Bart seemed to have genuine anger and hatred for his parents. The episode was about the Simpsons going on a plane trip, near the end of the first act, the plane was taking off. Bart was fooling around, as you'd expect. However, as the plane was about 50 feet off the ground, Bart broke a window on the plane and was sucked out. At the beginning of the series, Matt had an idea that the animated style of the Simpsons' world represented life, and that death turned things more realistic. This was used in this episode. The picture of Bart's corpse was barely recognizable, they took full advantage of it not having to move, and made an almost photo-realistic drawing of his dead body. Act one ended with the shot of Bart's corpse. When act two started, Homer, Marge, and Lisa were sitting at their table, crying. The crying went on and on, it got more pained, and sounded more realistic, better acting than you would think possible. The animation started to decay even more as they cried, and you could hear murmuring in the background. This crying went on for all of act two. Act three opened with a title card saying one year had passed. Homer, Marge, and Lisa were skeletally thin, and still sitting at the table. There was no sign of Maggie or the pets. They decided to visit Bart's grave. Springfield was completely deserted, and as they walked to the cemetery the houses became more and more decrepit. They all looked abandoned. When they got to the grave, Bart's body was just lying in front of his tombstone, looking just like it did at the end of act one. The family started crying again. Eventually they stopped, and just stared at Bart's body. The camera zoomed in on Homer's face. According to summaries, Homer tells a joke at this part, but it isn't audible in the version I saw, you can't tell what Homer is saying. The view zoomed out as the episode came to a close. The tombstones in the background had the names of every Simpsons guest star on them. Some that no one had heard of in 1989, some that haven't been on the show yet. All of them had death dates on them. For guests who died since, like Michael Jackson and George Harrison, the dates were when they would die. You can try to use the tombstones to predict the death of living Simpsons guest stars, but there's something odd about most of the ones who haven't died yet. All of their deaths are listed as the same date.
So do any of you remember those Mickey Mouse cartoons from the 1930s? The ones that were just put out on DVDa few years ago? Well, I hear there is one that was unreleased to even the most avid classic disney fans. According to sources, it's nothing special. It's just a continuous loop (like flinstones) of mickey walking past 6 buildings that goes on for two or three minutes before fading out. Unlike the cutesy tunes put in though, the song on this cartoon was not a song at all, just a constant banging on a piano as if the keys for a minute and a half before going to white noise for the remainder of the film. It wasn't the jolly old Mickey we've come to love either, Mickey wasn't dancing, not even smiling, just kind of walking as if you or I were walking, with a normal facial expression, but for some reason his head tilted side to side as he kept this dismal look. Up until a year or two ago, everyone believed that after it cut to black and that was it.
When Leonard Maltin was reviewing the cartoon to be put in the complete series, he decided it was too junk to be on the DVD, but wanted to have a digital copy due to the fact that it was a creation of Walt. When he had a digitized version up on his computer to look at the file, he noticed something. The cartoon was actually 9 minutes and 4 seconds long. This is what my source emailed to me, in full (he is a personal assistant of one of the higher executives at Disney, and acquaintance of Mr. Maltin himself)
After it cut to black, it stayed like that until the 6th minute, before going back into Mickey walking. The sound was different this time. It was a murmur. It wasn't a language, but more like a gurgled cry. As the noise got more indistinguishable and loud over the next minute, the picture began to get weird. The sidewalk started to go in directions that seemed impossible based on the physics of Mickeys walking. And the dismal face of the mouse was slowly curling into a smirk. On the 7th minute, the murmur turned into a bloodcurdling scream (the kind of scream painful to hear) and the picture was getting more obscure. Colors were happening that shouldn't have been possible at the time. Mickey face began to fall apart. his eyes rolled on the bottom of his chin like two marbles in a fishbowl, and his curled smile was pointing upward on the left side of his face.
The buildings became rubble floating in midair and the sidewalk was still impossibly navigating in warped directions, a few seeming inconcievable with what we, as humans, know about direction. Mr. Maltin got disturbed and left the room, sending an employee to finish the video and take notes of everything happening up until the last second, and afterward immediately store the disc of the cartoon into the vault. This distorted screaming lasted until 8 minutes and a few seconds in, and then it abruptly cuts to the mickey mouse face at the credits of the end of every video with what sounded like a broken music box playing in the backround.
This happened for about 30 seconds, and whatever was in that remaining 30 seconds I heaven't been able to get a sliver of information. From a security guard working under me who was making rounds outside of that room, I was told that after the last frame, the employee stumbled out of the room with pale skin saying "Real suffering is not known" 7 times before taking the guards pistol and committing suicide. The thing I could get out of Leonard Maltin was that the last frame was a piece of russian text that roughly said "the sights of hell bring its viewers back in". As far as I know, no one else has seen it, but there have been dozens of attempts at getting the file on rapidshare by employees inside the studios, all of whom have been promptly terminated of their jobs. If you find this film, do not watch it.
In rural southern Illinois a toy company began selling "realistic" baby dolls to expectant mothers. But apparently after the mother had her child the toy baby would start crying. Eventually the "rocking motion" advertised to calm it down wouldn't work, and you couldn't get it to stop without shaking it. Eventually when it started crying the parent would have to beat it, and the beatings and thrashings would have to get harder and harder to get it to be quiet. The only thing that seemed to shut the baby doll up permanently was the bash its head against the wall to destroy whatever mechanism triggered the crying. On more than one occasion though, neighbors called the authorities to report child abuse, and when the police arrived they found the the bloody remains of infants smeared across the walls and the floor. In most cases the mother couldn't understand why the police were there, she just "got rid of the stupid doll" as she rocked a baby-shaped bundle in her arms.
During the summer of 2003, events in the northeastern United States involving a strange, humanlike creature sparked brief local media interest before an apparent blackout was enacted. Little or no information was left intact, as most online and written accounts of the creature were mysteriously destroyed.
Primarily focused in rural New York state, self proclaimed witnesses told stories of thier enounters with a creature of unkown origin. Emotions ranged from extremely traumatic levels of fright and discomfort, to an almost childlike sense of playfulness and curiosity. While their published versions are no longer on record, the memories remained powerful. Several of the involved parties began looking for answers that year.
In early 2006, the collaboration had accumulated nearly two dozen documents dating between the 12th century and present day, spanning 4 continents. In almost all cases, the stories were identical. I’ve been in contact with a member of this group and was able to get some exceprts from their upcoming book.
The Rake
A Suicide Note: 1964
As I prepare to take my life, I feel it necessary to assuage any guilt or pain I have introduced through this act. It is not the fault of anyone other than him. For once I awoke and felt his presence. And once I awoke and saw his form. Once again I awoke and heard his voice, and looked into his eyes. I cannot sleep without fear of what I might next awake to experience. I cannot ever wake. Goodbye.
Found in the same wooden box were two empty envelopes addressed to William and Rose, and one loose personal letter with no envelope.
‘Dearest Linnie, I have prayed for you. He spoke your name.’
A Journal Entry (translated from Spanish): 1880
I have experience the greatest terror. I have experienced the greatest terror. I have experienced the greatest terror. I see his eyes when I close mine. They are hollow. Black. They saw me and pierced me. His wet hand. I will not sleep. His voice (unintelligible text).
A Mariner’s Log: 1691
He came to me in my sleep. From the foot of my bed I felt a sensation. He took everything. We must return to England. We shall not return here again at the request of the Rake.
From a Witness: 2006
Three years ago, I had just returned from a trip from Niagara Falls with my family for the 4th of July. We were all very exhausted after a long day of driving, so my husband and I put the kids right to bed and called it a night.
At about 4am, I woke up thinking my husband had gotten up to use the restroom. I used the moment to steal back the sheets, only to wake him in the process. I appologized and told him I though he got out of bed. When he turned to face me, he gasped and pulled his feet up from the end of the bed so quickly his knee almost knocked me out of the bed. He then grabbed me and said nothing.
After adjusting to the dark for a half second, I was able to see what caused the strange reaction. At the foot of the bed, sitting and facing away from us, there was what appeared to be a naked man, or a large hairless dog of some sort. It’s body position was disturbing and unnatural, as if it had been hit by a car or something. For some reason, I was not instantly frightened by it, but more concerned as to its condition. At this point I was somewhat under the assumption that we were supposed to help him.
My husband was peering over his arm and knee, tucked into the fetal position, occasionally glancing at me before returning to the creature.
In a flurry of motion, the creature scrambled around the side of the bed, and then crawled quickly in a flailing sort of motion right along the bed until it was less than a foot from my husband’s face. The creature was completely silent for about 30 seconds (or probably closer to 5, it just seemed like a while) just looking at my husband. The creature then placed its hand on his knee and ran into the hallway, leading to the kids’ rooms.
I screamed and ran for the lightswitch, planning to stop him before he hurt my children. When I got to the hallway, the light from the bedroom was enough to see it crouching and hunched over about 20 feet away. He turned around and looked directly at me, covered in blood. I flipped the switch on the wall and saw my daughter Clara.
The creature ran down the stairs while my husband and I rushed to help our daughter. She was very badly injured and spoke only once more in her short life. She said “he is the Rake”.
My husband drove his car into a lake that night, while rushing our daughter to the hospital. He did not survive.
Being a small town, news got around pretty quickly. The police were helpful at first, and the local newspaper took a lot of interest as well. However, the story was never published and the local television news never followed up either.
For several months, my son Justin and I stayed in a hotel near my parent’s house. After we decided to return home, I began looking for answers myself. I eventually located a man in the next town over who had a similar story. We got in contact and began talking about our experiences. He knew of two other people in New York who had seen the creature we now referred to as the Rake.
It took the four of us about two solid years of hunting on the internet and writing letters to come up with a small collection of what we believe to be accounts of the Rake. None of them gave any details, history or follow up. One journal had an entry involving the creature in its first 3 pages, and never mentioned it again. A ship’s log explained nothing of the encounter, saying only that they were told to leave by the Rake. That was the last entry in the log.
There were, however, many instances where the creature’s visit was one of a series of visits with the same person. Multiple people also mentioned being spoken to, my daughter included. This led us to wonder if the Rake had visited any of us before our last encounter.
I set up a digital recorder near my bed and left it running all night, every night, for two weeks. I would tediously scan through the sounds of me rolling around in my bed each day when I woke up. By the end of the second week, I was quite used to the occasional sound of sleep while blurring through the recording at 8 times the normal speed. (This still took almost an hour every day)
On the first day of the third week, I thought I heard something different. What I found was a shrill voice. It was the Rake. I can’t listen to it long enough to even begin to transcribe it. I haven’t let anyone listen to it yet. All I know is that I’ve heard it before, and I now believe that it spoke when it was sitting in front of my husband. I don’t remember hearing anything at the time, but for some reason, the voice on the recorder immediately brings me back to that moment.
The thoughts that must have gone through my daughter’s head make me very upset.
I have not seen the Rake since he ruined my life, but I know that he has been in my room while I slept. I know and fear that one night I’ll wake up to see him staring at me.
When I was a child I lived in a rented two-floor house. Both my parents worked so I was often alone when I came home from school. One early evening when I came home the house was still dark. I called out, “Mum?” and heard a voice say “Yeeeeees?” from upstairs. I called my mum again, and again got the same “Yeeeeees?” reply. I felt she was calling back at me and climbed up the stairs. When I reached the first floor I called her once more and the voice “Yeeeeees?” came from the furthest room. I felt both uneasy, but a strong urge to see my mother, and started to walk towards the room. But just that moment I heard the front door downstairs open and my mother come in, carrying a lot of shopping bags. “Sweetie, are you home?” my mother called in a cheery voice. Hearing her voice made me feel instantly better and I turned back to go downstairs at once…but not before I had a quick glance towards the room. While I watched from the top of the stairs, the door to the room slowly opened a crack. For a brief moment, I saw something strange in there. A pale face, staring at me.
After waking up with a jolt, the girl laid in bed a few seconds longer. Reaching over to switch on her bedside lamp, she tried to remember exactly what had stolen her sweet slumber away. When she couldn’t, the brunette swung her legs over the side of the bed and heaved herself up. Checking the time on her phone, she snorted when she saw it was midnight- the witching hour. Knowing that sleep would only evade her, she left her bedroom for the kitchen, a good cup of coffee on her mind.
As she passed by her front door, a chill spread like liquid fire down her spine. It’s only winter, she told herself, focusing again on the coffee plan. Measuring out scoops, water, and preparing her cup kept her occupied, but as the dark liquid boiled, she had nothing left to keep her mind from wandering off. The chill returned and she couldn’t help but glance behind her to the front door. It stood there innocently enough, just like always. The dead bolt was still in place and she could see nothing amiss with it. Turning back to her coffee, she did her best to forget about the feeling.
With her cup in hand, she started back towards her bedroom. As she walked by the front door, she decided that a quick glance out of the peep hole would help calm her restless mind. The chill worsened with each step she took towards the door and further away from the safety and warmth of her blankets. She pressed her empty hand against the cold, metal door and took a deep breath before leading her eye to the peep hole.
At first, she could only see an inky blackness and somehow seemed to swirl in itself. When she blinked in surprise, the void melted away. She wished it hadn’t. In it’s place, there stood what she could only guess was once a man. The limbs were long and inhumanly awkward, with bulky joints branching off into several arms, not unlike the branches of a tree. The creature was drapped in a black suit, somehow manking the thing more nightmarish to her. The icing on the proverbial cake, however, was what passed as the hellish thing’s face. It was as though her mind blurred the ghastly visage to spare itself further shock and horror.
She shoved herself away from the door with the hand still pressed against it. The scalding mug of coffee fell, the liquid burning her bare legs as she fell backwards and tried to crawl away from the door. She knew, somehow, that her mind hadn’t been playing tricks on her. As she crab walked away from the door, she watched as tendrels as black as the void she first saw snake around through the cracks. The girl was trapped between the instinct to flee and the gut feeling to not turn her back on the door. When the door jolted, the urge to flee overcame her and she slipped in the burning liquid as she tried to make it back to her room.
She knew deep down that she was trapping herself in a corner, but she had to get away from the door. The girl was halfway down the hallway when she heard the previously locked door creak open. She screamed and slipped into a wall, cracking her chin on it and stunning her.
After that, there was only blackness.
“Nicole?” a warm, male voice snapped the woman out of her trance. As she turned around, she was met by one of her sister’s doctor’s. She nodded, not sure if she should say anything, or even if she could find her voice if she did have something to say. That morning, she had gotten an urgent phone call from the hospital, saying that her sister, Lindsay, was there. Before they had even let her see her, the doctor’s had pulled her off to the side and insisted that they talk to her about what might have happened. Phrases like ’self-inflected’ and ‘assault’ had been thrown around and Nicole felt her mind reel.
She still hadn’t fully understood what they had been saying until she saw Lindsay with her own eyes. Her little sister had a bandage wrapped around her head, covering both of her ears as well as her eyes. They said it was to keep her now deadened eyes from drying out and to try to keep infection out of the wounds Lindsay had made to her ears. The doctors had guessed that either she or someone else had jammed a pencil into them to keep her off balance or to deafen herself against something. There was the mix of first and second degree burns on her hands, legs, and feet, from what was assumed to be the coffee her neighbors found slipped all over the entry to her apartment.
As Nicole walked into her sister’s hospital room the first time, she thought she had spied the silhouette of a man in the window. That, she knew, was impossible. Her sister’s room was on the third story of the hospital.
A man went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and told him that on the way to his room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. Especially no one should look inside the room, under any circumstances. So he followed the instructions of the woman at the front desk, going straight to his room, and going to bed. The next night his curiosity would not leave him alone about the room with no number on the door. He walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. He bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling his eye. What he saw was a hotel bedroom, like his, and in the corner was a woman whose skin was completely white. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. He stared in confusion for a while. He almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity, but decided not to. This disinclination saved his life. He crept away from the door and walked back to his room. The next day, he returned to the door and looked through the wide keyhole. This time, all he saw was redness. He couldn’t make anything out besides a distinct red color, unmoving. Perhaps the inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red. At this point he decided to consult the woman at the front desk for more information. She sighed and said, “Did you look through the keyhole?” The man told her that he had and she said, “Well, I might as well tell you the story. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in that room, and her ghost haunts it. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red.”
I moved here three months ago. Flat number 27. The flat was a repossession. I never met the previous owner and to date know him only from the post I receive in his name. I could make up stories of him vanishing, or his screams being heard in the darkness one dark night... I could make exaggerated claims about all of this, but this is not a work of fiction, nor is it written to entertain.
I had just got a new job – a promotion I had waited years for, this was meant to be the next step to greater things – and I needed to move quickly to save on the long drive each day, so when I found this place I was overjoyed. It was well located, within my price range and apart from being extremely run down and dirty, had so much potential. It is a duplex apartment, with a guest room and spare bathroom on the ground floor and a dressing room and several storage rooms on the top floor.
The purchase was a complicated one – due in part to poor record keeping and the loss of deeds and plans of the house. What should have taken a month from start to finish took four times as long. Because of the length of time, I took several viewings and each time was amazed by windows and cupboards that I could not recall from previous visits. Rooms seemed bigger, lighter – more inviting. Even the estate agent was baffled that her property listing documents were constantly wrong.
The neighbours in the block of flats are a strange lot. They don’t talk. They keep to routines you can set a clock by. When I first moved in I tried to invite them to a housewarming – so desperate was I to meet new people. Not one of them came. They get in at the same time every day and never leave the house. I never hear them moving around at night. One of them apologised afterwards, a nervous man from upstairs who constantly fidgets and glances around. He explained his lack of attendance was simply that “he wasn’t allowed to”... at the time, I presumed he meant his wife, but now I am not so certain. As the only one I had got to know since the move, I did my best to become friendly... and even felt like I was making headway. Then I made the mistake about asking about the previous owner, to which he made an awkward and short response before making his excuses - I have not seen or heard from him since.
“The rules” as I came to understand them, became apparent over time. The first was sleeping only in my bedroom. I only slept once in the lounge on purpose, dozing on the sofa, until I woke up to my arm trapped between the sofa and the wall. .. a wall that was several feet away from the sofa when I closed my eyes a few hours earlier. I was overcome with a feeling – a very familiar feeling – that I was somewhere I shouldn’t be. This feeling would not leave me until I hurriedly stumbled up to my bed, where I only felt truly safe when I hid under the blankets like a scared ten year old. I only fell asleep once more in the lounge after that, by accident. I was woken once again with a feeling that I should leave, that it would be unsafe to stay and that I should not be there. This time however, a sweater I had left across the room on a radiator was tied around my neck and pulled tightly enough to leave a striking mark on my throat.
The rule of sleeping only in my bedroom stands alongside others – countless others. I learned that I should clean up my dishes immediately, when I stepped out of the kitchen after depositing my plate and sat down on a safety pin that was jutting out of the back of the sofa. I learned not to take too long showers when the water suddenly turned scalding hot and remained so, no matter how much I desperately tried to turn it off... and then was inexplicably normal temperature when I tried it moments after. I learned that I must hoover and keep the place tidy, that I must not waste electricity, that no matter what noises I hear at night I should never EVER explore.
Another rule is guests are not welcome. The last time I had a guest, it was a friend who invited themselves, despite my concerns that I could not air, down for the weekend by making arguments to come and see me until I relented (how could I not?). I spent the entire time terrified for their safety and pretty much drove them away with my strange behaviour accordingly. But there were no events. Such things made me bold, and I began to relax. I stayed awake until late, played music at night and did whatever I wanted, even going so far as feeling like I had triumphed as the house remained meekly quiet. It was almost immediately after they left that I first noticed the headache and nausea, which got worse and worse as the gas leak continued. I only just made it out before I succumbed.
I have so many things I could tell you, example after example... I do not know where to begin. I need you to look past your scepticism and see that this is real, that this is more than coincidence; this is more than just childs play haunting. I am not being haunted, I am being ruled. But the rules are only a part of it, they are the part I play – the rest, the rest is done without me, and not only that, but done around me. The walls shift, doors that open some days, will not the next. The number of windows in my bedroom increased one by one over consecutive nights, and then there was only one again. There is a cupboard at the top of my stairs that changes in sizes quite regularly. One of the most terrifying experiences of my life was when I opened it and saw it went back several meters more than I remembered. When I walked in, somehow the door shut behind me, and I groped in the dark, silently reaching out for a wall I knew MUST be there, yet my fingers touched only air. I do not know how long I fumbled in the dark, but it was only as my panic attack rose that my shaking fingers finally found the wooden door.
Have you ever woken up in a room with a chair sitting at the end of your bed? A chair that came from the dining room, the dining room that is down a flight of stairs and along a hallway? Have you ever walked into a room and seen a storage cupboard that was not there before? Have you ever observed more stairs on a stair case as you go down them than there was when you went up? Have you ever entered a room, looking for something, and then when you gave up and left, realised an hour and a half had passed?
I have lived all these things, and were I a better- more scientific- man, I would have kept a running log of all of it. I would have found proof – proof I need to show the world I am not crazy, that this is real. That it is a nightmare I am living.
Five hours has passed since I sat down to write this, and when once I hoped to prepare some lunch (and hope there are no drawing pins in my bread, like last week when i realised I hadn’t hovered) instead it is getting dark. I now live a life of routine just like my neighbours. I just turned off the music – No loud noise after darkness is one of the rules. It is the one I hate the most because it makes me feel alone. Lights left on in rooms that are empty, or too many in one room, are also prone to fusing – or even shattering without warning- so I currently only have the glare of the screen, the television and a lamp. Soon I shall be going to bed, the doors that shut behind me as I head up to bed lock behind me... and I will wake up in a room with windows wherever they please, and doors that may or may not open to cupboards that can be as small or as big as each variation allows.
The television in the room I am in has a satellite connection, and with it countless channels. Right now all are a fuzz of static, except for national geographic... so I am forced to listen to the documentary on carnivorous plants as I type. I try not to dwell on the exhaustion of a beetle on the screen as it tries in vain to escape from the prison that will soon digest it. The remote does not appear to work. It took my pulling the plug from the socket to turn it off just a moment ago... and even that I was loath to do so, for the fear that it might stay on never left me and I knew that if those images had continued when the plug was removed, I would have screamed myself into madness.
I could push the neighbours to talk more, I could rebel against the rules, I could start a fire and torch the whole fucking building... but truly, I just want to get by. I get the feeling, up until now I have simply been coached, like a dog, to do what is required of me... I feel like the punishments could get a lot worse. The occasional demonstration of strength, the enforcement of the rules and the occasional mild punishment when I transgress, like ones taps the nose of a dog when it misbehaves- that is what I hope for if I can behave.... stepping out of line only causes me harm and fear. It is only out of fear and reference to my own human dignity that I do not explain here what happens when the house feels it REALLY needs to punish. Needless to say, the scar will be with me the rest of my life.
Which brings us to here. I cannot go on. I took the decision to write this with the remaining fight I still have in me to at least ask for help. I cannot do it over the phone, I cannot write a letter. My only hope is to write it into a story inconspicuous and without the details that might draw attention to the content. All I can hope is that someone see’s enough to spot my cry for help – that they find a way to contact me where I can get the lifeline I need to escape. I cannot ask directly, it is too risky. Besides, any form of open rebellion has been snuffed out of me with pain, suffering and terror. I fear for my safety, for my punishment for breaking the rules... I am surprised that it is being allowed to get even this far – in over a thousand words I have written, there hasn’t been a power cut or computer error that has lost everything. Perhaps there is still hope.
But the truth is I am scared. Scared of what touched my face in my sleep the night before last after I accidentally left a tap running, clutching firmly that the bruises on my cheek still remain. I am scared of what left a pair of scissors in my slippers... of what power moves wooden doors and plasters walls, seemingly at a whim. Most of all I am scared that by writing this, I may wake up in a tiny room with no doors or windows. A room that grows smaller every time I blink.
In many stores and establishments that provide videos of a less than savory manner, a business card is kept. Some stores keep it well hidden, locked in a safe, and will deny its existence. Others will show you if you ask for it by name. None will have it displayed in the open.
On this card is a name, "Moonlight Films", and a contact number. It is always a local number. Go to any payphone in your city and dial the number. The answer will be prompt but all you will hear is silence. Wait thirty seconds. Then you will be served.
A dry, monotone male voice will ask you a question: "Is the road from life to death dark?" The correct response is: "It is moonlit."
If you answer with anything but the correct reply, he will hang up on you. If you fail the first time, I'd suggest not trying again. But if the question is answered properly, the man will say one address in your city and then hang up.
Go to this address and you will find that it is a small, dingy apartment. The carpet will be dirty, the wallpaper flaking and wrinkled, the windows cracked. It will smell of tobacco smoke and decay. On the stained old coffee table there will be a paper bag. On this bag your full name will be written in red sharpie.
Open the bag and you will find an unlabeled video tape. Take it and place exactly $10.99 in the bag then leave.
You can watch the tape if you like, but you don't have to. I warn you: it's not pleasant. You will see a room or chamber papered in dessicated skin, the furniture will be crafted from flesh and bone. The tape will last approximately 32 minutes and will depict the murder of a person and the subsequent crafting of their body into furnishing - lampshades made of skin, tables made of bone.
After renting the tape for one week, you must return it to the apartment by sliding it through the mail slot when the time is up. After that, never return to the apartment and definitely don't call the number ever again.
I'd also suggest you not keep the tape more than a week. The owners will not be satisfied with a mere late fee - and you know, a good home can never have enough accessories.
Look behind you. What do you see? Invariably, there will be a wall somewhere in your view. Now stare deeply into the space on the wall that line up best with your eyes. Nothing will happen, but make sure you are clear on where this particular spot is. That spot contains all the negativity in your mind. Whenever you are on your computer, reading scary stories or whatever you do, sometimes you will get spooked. What do you do when this happens? You check behind you, that’s what you do. As you read this now, a feeling of dread will come over you. Check the spot. Nothing again, huh? That’s because right now, all the evil is locked safely in your mind.
Some people, upon learning of this "negative spot" resolve to remove the spot in an attempt to remove the negative energy. This is a grave mistake. You must never let harm come to this spot. If you do, you will have released the energy. Now when you sit at your computer at night, you will feel chills even in the summer time. The feeling of dread that only presented itself when you were genuinely scared will now hang in the air constantly. Within a week you and your loved ones will have a string of bad luck.
Within a month your computer will begin to act erratic and eventually break down. On the anniversary of the spot's destruction, you will dream of your most horrible fears. The dream will seem to go on forever, and when you wake up you will notice your vision has darkened. Every year on the same day, the dream will repeat itself, and your vision will grow darker and darker. After you go totally blind, don’t ever turn your back on that spot again. That is if you can still tell where it is.
Don’t bother trying to find it. You won’t find anything about the name of the town or what happened here. This manuscript will be found long after the events that transpired in this place, but I hope against everything else that you’re someone in a position of power. I pray to God himself that you can prevent this from ever happening again, but I don’t want to give you too much credit. Like me, you are only human, after all. They are not. They’ve been around for a very, very long time.
Fat chance, really. You probably don’t want that responsibility, and even if you did take it upon your shoulders to track them down, you can’t single-handedly stop the children. Their manipulators are not “on the grid.” Whoever engineered this is in control of the world on a very disturbing level.
This is what I want you to do. Read these pages, if they’re still legible, and take what you will from them. Don’t go on a wild goose chase, and realize that when you find this book that it will not be in the place where I left it. They’ll move it somewhere else, to deceive you. I’ve left my mark on a tree there. Only then, when you see my name, will you know, “this is the place.” You may have even heard of it in the history books, but be assured, any rumors on Wikipedia or Google pages that you pull up will be guess-work at best. None of them are even close to the truth. When you find the place, there may already be another town just like it. That’s what I’m trying to stop. If we’re not successful, then just realize, above all things, that evil exists. I’m not talking about bad people, or tragic accidents. I’m talking real, intelligent, ancient evil. It is calculated, and it is always one step ahead of you. Should you decide to take my place and become the paragon to prevent the corruption of the hearts and minds of children, I thank you in advance.
I told you that I’m human. I lied. I used to be, before All Hallow’s Eve on that fateful night. I’ve been alive since then, far longer than any human being, and the reason is because I love children. I’ve always loved them in their purity and their innocence. That’s why I was taken in by their ruse. That’s why I’ve finally decided to put all this down, centuries later. I won’t be here much longer, and someone has to take up the burden.
I’ve waited….. until I saw them return. They’ll be back this year. They’re planning the same thing again, and I can’t stop them. Again, I can’t expect that much from you, but I’m only giving you all this so you’ll believe me. I have to be believable. If you think I’m crazy, you’ll throw this in a garbage can, and more people will disappear. It’s time to tell you what happened. I’m rambling.
Back then, All Hallow’s Eve was the time for evil’s ascension. You’ve all forgotten. If you left your house on that night in the old country, you were a devil worshipper. “Halloween” was not the term we used. We fled to the shores of this country because we were persecuted for our lifestyle choices. We worshipped nature, the changing of the seasons, the solstice of spring, autumn, winter, and summer. In the purest sense of the word, we were druids. Our names and accents were English, but we were servants of the earth.
We were some of the first to celebrate it as a holiday. The natives here were puzzled by our behavior, but also frightened by it, and so they left us alone. They misunderstood. We were not the ones to be afraid of. At the time, I was relieved. They’d attacked us in our settlements, time and time again, but as it drew closer to the end of October, they stayed away. Maybe in their own noble bonds with the earth and soil, they knew something terrible was on the horizon.
They were right. John Hunter’s little boy wanted to be a native, with a bow and arrow and a real headdress. Little Mary Taylor made a dress that was crafted after the local schoolhouse teacher’s prettiest outfit. She idolized her educator, of course. They all had their get-ups; they were the first trick-or-treaters in what was to become the United States of America, one hundred and fifty years later. We sent them out to frollick about the settlement, collecting apples and tarts and other sweet things in to their burlap goody bags. They were no Snickers or Milky Ways, and yet, the magic of this “holiday” held no less sway over them than it does the youth of our current time. They dress up as the Joker, the Power Rangers, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. These children were their predecessors.
I sent my daughter with Mary and John Hunter junior. Despite our mistrust and wariness of the Anglican church and the monarchs that presided over it, my little girl was dressed as the queen of England. I refused to crush her fantasy world, and so I simply indulged her. We heard promises to return after sundown, to say yes ma’am and no sir, and not to linger too long if they were invited inside the households of our community.
We didn’t realize that the house on the edge of the settlement existed until we saw the children go inside. There were no lanterns or sources of light in the windows, no fire or harvest dolls on the outside of the dwelling. As we sat in the middle of the town hall, imbibing in the pleasures of distilled moonshine (none of you will ever make it as potent as we did in those days) amongst our brethren, we watched our young ones gravitate across the middle of our town, to the foreboding household that had seemingly been constructed overnight. When we gazed upon it, it seemed as though the place were “shimmering.” It pained my vision to look upon the building, as if my senses were being forced and propelled in another direction. Such a thing is difficult to put in to words, but I seemed to be the only one who realized that our kids were all heading to the same place. When I questioned John Hunter as if something were odd about their actions, he stared at me as if I were insane.
“What do you mean?” He asked. “There’s no house there. They’re going to play by the stockades.”
The sun had set by that point, but as I said before, none of them were concerned. The natives hadn’t shown up for weeks. I decided to walk to the phantom dwelling that only I and the children could see, to peer inside and see who these new settlers were, and why it called to the youths as if it were a black hole in a sea of stars.
I tried to stand outside, to look through the window, but when I saw what was happening, it was too late. I breached the doorway with my buck-knife drawn, but there was nothing about the things inside that I could harm with a weapon.
There’s something deep inside of us, something embedded within the human spirit, that’s perfectly aware when we encounter something truly terrible. Fear, horror, evil, revulsion…. it all hits you in a spastic wave, like a fierce exploding bullet that shatters the innermost parts of your soul with a relentless and powerful fury. I saw it in that moment, standing in that darkened doorway. They weren’t people, and they weren’t spirits. They were halfway there, lingering over the unconscious bodies of my daughter and her peers in their hooded black robes of half-existence. There was one, in particular, who made me feel as though my eyes would pop like ripened cherries when I stared at it. It was the leader, the source of that tug, that pull….. and it was slowly fading, disappearing like a gaseous black cloud of death, through my little girl’s nostrils and mouth. She was gasping for air, as if every breath after the one that preceded it were filled with acid…. as if she were hungry for real, fresh air in her small lungs. With every breath, the figure faded deeper in to her, along with the rest of them.
I wish I could say that I was a hero, and that I hacked them all to bits; I wish I could say that I saved the day and made Halloween a night when the worst thing that children have to worry about is poisoned candy. It didn’t happen. There was one of them left, floating toward me on elongated, blackened tendrils of shimmering nothingness. By all real means of my imagination, it shouldn’t have BEEN there, but it was, and soon, it was going inside of me. The last thing I saw were their little feet, scurrying out of the phantom-house and in to the town. I FELT that something terrible was about to happen. I had no idea. Everything went black, and then, I was outside of myself. I was conscious, but observing my feet, my hands, doing things beyond my own scope of physical control.
They led me and our children in to our meeting hall, where, of course, the kids were embraced by the open, loving arms of their parents. I witnessed the betrayal, the brutal moments in which the truth instilled by the love for family and offspring would transform in to a cause for the destruction of our village.
They absorbed them. There’s no better adjective for what happened. One moment, they were there, and seconds later, they were nothing but dark essence, filtering in through the eyes and noses and mouths of their devil-children. It was over in minutes. A night that should have been a celebration of nature, of the seasons, had turned in to the end of everything that we knew and loved here in our new land.
I started to fight it. The kids knew. The moment I began to resist, to try and reclaim my limbs and mind from the corrupting influence within, their heads snapped back from their feast of souls to survey me in my struggle. My daughter’s eyes were sunken, black pools of the abyss, devoid of any emotion, any semblance of the bright-eyed stare that she once held for me in all her love and adoration for father. I miss that the most, really. The way she’d run to me when I came in from the fields every evening as the sun went down. I lived for that. What reason do I have to live now, other than to find her and stop them? I’m incapable. That falls on you, my friend.
They took the part of my daughter that counts, the part that I loved and cherished, and turned her in to a servant. You ask me why I’m still alive, and again, it’s because I love her, so very, very much. Her body is a hollow shell, filled with the malefice and blackness of evils beyond our world.
The black-robed things have grown as centuries have passed. They are from some place that is not of this world, but their urgency, their hunger, to devour and destroy, is insatiable. It’s an exponential, amplifying contagion on mankind, and All Hallow’s Eve is their pinnacle, their Christmas. I’ve done my best to warn you throughout history, to leave my mark in places where their desolation has left nothing but dust on the wind and empty houses. A deserted football field in a Texas ghost town. A card room in the back of a night club in Chicago, right under the nose of civilization. Roanoke Island, North Carolina, before Johne Rolfe found it in the aftermath.
The thing that I expelled through sheer force of will alone has left me with an unusually long and empty life, devoid of anything but my desire for revenge. I have failed. I’m pleading with you. October thirty-first is not long away. My little girl, or what’s left of her, is going to lead them to the same place. It’s been re-founded, except now, it hums with sport utility vehicles and cell phones. I don’t want this to happen to your child.
Go to Roanoke, and stop them from repeating the ritual. Those bodies they inhabit now are frail, on their way out. It’s been almost five hundred years. They’ll need new ones on this Halloween. Look for a building that appears as though it shouldn’t be there. It will be across from that very tree where I signed my name, where I made my mark. I changed my title, named myself after the tribe of natives who knew it was coming…. who, perhaps, tried to warn us, but for some reason, we failed to heed or recognize their warnings. They were more closely attuned to the earth than us, and yet, they were still wiped out, eventually.
In Edmonton, Alberta, there is a hotel called the Canterra, off of Jasper Avenue and 109th Street. During the night, go here and ring the doorbell. Should you be let in, look to see who the guard on shift is. If the man looks in his mid twenties, yet the hair on his head and face both are white as snow, take a seat beside the security desk. If it is any other guard on shift, leave and return in a week’s time.
Here you must wait. The guard will say not a word, nor answer any questions you may ask. He hears you, but he will not respond. He will only give you a sad look, as if knowing something terrible awaits. When the time is 2:52 AM, the guard will rise to perform a patrol of the building. Follow him only on this patrol – if you follow him at any time before 2:52 AM, you will be forcefully removed from the hotel, and lose your chance.
Say not a word as you walk the halls behind the guard. He will check that the rooms are all locked, as well as patrol the stairwells. When you both reach the 5th floor, you will notice that it is remarkably colder than the last four. Yes, the floor is deafeningly quiet – it is normal. When the guard secures all the rooms on the floor, you will both stop at a door that seems much older than any other door you’ve yet seen in the hotel. This is room 512. Only this particular guard has access to this room, Take note of the key of which the guard uses to unlock this door – it will be important later.
At this point, the guard will open the room for you and allow you to pass through. It will be quite dark, but do not yet be afraid – the worst is yet to come. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and step through the doorway. Do not open them until you hear the door close behind you, for seeing the transition can be maddening.
It will be almost unbearably hot, here. You will find yourself in a long hallway with numerous turns. There will be thirteen doors lining this hallway – do not open any of them. Take note which door has a splash of white paint on it, this will be critical soon. When you reach the end of the hallway, you will find yourself in the living room of the suite. In each corner of the room you should see a tall figure, each with burnt flesh. They should all be sitting on the floor, hugging their legs with their heads upon their knees and facing their respective corner. Their fingers will be chewed away until their tips are nothing but sharp, boney talons. Do not address these figures; do not touch them: they are Her guardians.
In the centre of this room, there She should be. She will be sitting in an old, ragged reclining chair. It is impossible to say how She will look, for Her appearance changes for everyone. She should, like her guardians, be asleep. Do not awaken her from her slumber.
For now, you have time to rest. There will be food and drink set out upon the coffee table in front of Her, and you are welcome to it. Do not partake in the pie, however, for it will numb your legs.
Should you be so bold, take a look outside the window. It will resemble a hellish version of the avenue which the hotel is on. The buildings will be burnt-out husks of their former selves, the river valley beyond will be dry and cracked. Fire will appear to be on the horizon, and the ever-burning sun will resemble blood set ablaze. Should you stay for hours on end, you will find no reprieve from the heat – there is no night here.
Now, look to the streets – you will find the same figures there as the ones in the room. They, however, are awake – shuffling, screaming and wailing from their back maws. They have no eyes in their sockets, but by some twisted means they can still see. Take care not to attract their attention, for they will follow you back to our world and this venture will be for naught.
When you are ready, stand before Her and speak clearly these words: “Save me, Mother, please.”
Say nothing else and wait. You should start to hear Her breathe.
At this point, one of two things will happen. Remember the key which the guard opened this room with? Should She place that same key on the table in front of you, count yourself lucky. Should She, however, place a different key upon the table, you will need to give Her an offering. A knife that was not previously on the table will now be present. The blade will be rusted, bloodied. Take this knife, and sever a finger, placing it beside the key. Wait.
If She places the same key as the guard’s on the table, you may take it and leave. If not, remove another finger. This will only occur a maximum of four times before the right key will be produced.
Once the key is in your possession, She will once again return to Her haunted slumber.
Now pay attention, for you only have a short amount of time. The Guardians will be stirring, now. Slowly they will rise from their sleep and turn in towards the room to face you. If they see you, they will slaughter you. Run. You have 10 seconds before they will fully turn from their corners.
Remember that door with the white splash of paint? That is the door you will need to use to remove yourself from this hell. If you hear screaming from behind you, the guardians are fully awake and are coming. You don’t have much time. Find the white-marked door, and get out!
You will find yourself inexplicably outside your own home, exactly a week after you entered the hotel. Keep the key on you at all times, wherever you go.
One day in the future, distant or near, a ragged old door with the number ‘777’ will appear wherever you happen to be. Use the key and open this door immediately. Leave anyone with you behind.
Wherever it leads, it will be far better than what is about to happen to this world.
If you are watching television, and the signal cuts out to static, turn the TV off immediately. If you watch the static on TV for long enough, the static will suddenly pause. All sound in the room will cease; even the white noise of the TV itself will disappear. If this happens you must not look away from the screen. You will probably not notice at the time, before you lose your gaze on the TV, your body will freeze as well. Time around and with you have paused completely. Specks of the black and white dots slowly come to life, creeping slowly in seemingly random directions. Not static as you know it, but organizing themselves into a moving picture again in front of you. As the static returns to normal, and the white noise of the TV comes back, you will regain control of your body.
You must never watch that television again. It will only play static, even when unplugged. If you watch the static any longer, these same events will reoccur, but with disastrous results. What exactly happens is unknown, as it is obvious that anyone that has been unfortunate enough to experience this has disappeared. It is rumored that if one continues to watch the static again, or during their experience, looks away, the white and black specs will slowly start to move again, but you will not. Your eyes will then be permanently fixated on the screen as you watch the picture come back to life, and what seems to be your station's signal return. You learn soon this is not the case, as all sound is still absent, and the picture on the TV shows a familiar surrounding: the room in which you sit.
The only thing you see next is movement on the TV, as you see yourself from behind, and subsequently, the cause of your disappearance.
A 15-year old boy in a small town in Maryland sat down at his computer after getting home from school one day. He turned it on, logged into AIM, and was then surprised to receive an IM from a classmate of his, who had been absent that day.
It consisted of two words; "please come". Confused, the boy sent a reply, asking why he'd been absent that day. After two more messages and fifteen minutes with no response, he decided to get on his bike and head over to his classmate's house. It was a short ride, only about five minutes away.
When he got to the house, he found the door was unlocked. Inside, partially dried blood was splattered over the walls and floors, and an unrecognizable figure was crumpled against the far wall. It was missing an arm and a leg, and bloody streaks on the floor lead away from the body and into the kitchen. The boy slammed the door closed, and immediately called 911 on his cell phone.
When the police arrived, they found three corpses, as well as tracks leading away from the house from the back door. The forensics report concluded that the entire family, the boy's classmate and his parents, had been killed sometime the previous night.
You are home alone, and you hear on the news about the profile of a murderer who is on the loose. You look out the sliding glass doors to your backyard, and you notice a man standing out in the snow. He fits the profile of the murderer exactly, and he is smiling at you.
You gulp, picking up the phone to your right and dialing 911. You look back out the glass as you press the phone to your ear, and notice he is much closer to you now.
You then drop the phone in shock. There are no footprints in the snow.
“Daddy, I had a bad dream.” You blink your eyes and pull up on your elbows. Your clock glows red in the darkness—it’s 3:23.
“Do you want to climb into bed and tell me about it?”
“No, Daddy.”
The oddness of the situation wakes you up more fully. You can barely make out your daughter’s pale form in the darkness of your room.
“Why not sweetie?”
“Because in my dream, when I told you about the dream, the thing wearing Mommy’s skin sat up.” For a moment, you feel paralyzed; you can’t take your eyes off of your daughter. The covers behind you begin to shift.
Last year I spent six months participating in what I was told was a psychological experiment. I found an ad in my local paper looking for imaginative people looking to make good money, and since it was the only ad that week that I was remotely qualified for, I gave them a call and we arranged an interview.
They told me that all I would have to do is stay in a room, alone, with sensors attached to my head to read my brain activity, and while I was there I would visualize a double of myself. They called it my "tulpa".
It seemed easy enough, and I agreed to do it as soon as they told me how much I would be paid. And the next day, I began. They brought me to a simple room and gave me a bed, then attached sensors to my head and hooked them into a little black box on the table beside me. They talked me through the process of visualizing my double again, and explained that if I got bored or restless, instead of moving around, I should visualize my double moving around, or try to interact with him, and so on. The idea was to keep him with me the entire time I was in the room.
I had trouble with it for the first few days. It was more controlled than any sort of daydreaming I'd done before. I'd imagine my double for a few minutes, then grow distracted. But by the fourth day, I could manage to keep him "present" for the entire six hours. They told me I was doing very well.
The second week, they gave me a different room, with wall-mounted speakers. They told me they wanted to see if I could still keep the tulpa with me in spite of distracting stimuli. The music was discordant, ugly and unsettling, and it made the process a little more difficult, but I managed nonetheless. The next week they played even more unsettling music, punctuated with shrieks, feedback loops, what sounded like an old school modem dialing up, and guttural voices speaking some foreign language. I just laughed it off - I was a pro by then.
After about a month, I started to get bored. To liven things up, I started interacting with my doppelganger. We'd have conversations, or play rock-paper-scissors, or I'd imagine him juggling, or break-dancing, or whatever caught my fancy. I asked the researchers if my foolishness would adversely affect their study, but they encouraged me.
So we played, and communicated, and that was fun for a while. And then it got a little strange. I was telling him about my first date one day, and he corrected me. I'd said my date was wearing a yellow top, and he told me it was a green one. I thought about it for a second, and realized he was right. It creeped me out, and after my shift that day, I talked to the researchers about it. "You're using the thought-form to access your subconscious," they explained. "You knew on some level that you were wrong, and you subconsciously corrected yourself."
What had been creepy was suddenly cool. I was talking to my subconscious! It took some practice, but I found that I could question my tulpa and access all sorts of memories. I could make it quote whole pages of books I'd read once, years before, or things I was taught and immediately forgot in high school. It was awesome.
That was around the time I started "calling up" my double outside of the research center. Not often at first, but I was so used to imagining him by now that it almost seemed odd to not see him. So whenever I was bored, I'd visualize my double. Eventually I started doing it almost all the time. It was amusing to take him along like an invisible friend. I imagined him when I was hanging out with friends, or visiting my mom, I even brought him along on a date once. I didn't need to speak aloud to him, so I was able to carry out conversations with him and no one was the wiser.
I know that sounds strange, but it was fun. Not only was he a walking repository of everything I knew and everything I had forgotten, he also seemed more in touch with me than I did at times. He had an uncanny grasp of the minutiae of body language that I didn't even realize I was picking up on. For example, I'd thought the date I brought him along on was going badly, but he pointed out how she was laughing a little too hard at my jokes, and leaning towards me as I spoke, and a bunch of other subtle clues I wasn't consciously picking up on. I listened, and let's just say that that date went very well.
By the time I'd been at the research center for four months, he was with my constantly. The researchers approached me one day after my shift, and asked me if I'd stopped visualizing him. I denied it, and they seemed pleased. I silently asked my double if he knew what prompted that, but he just shrugged it off. So did I.
I withdrew a little from the world at that point. I was having trouble relating to people. It seemed to me that they were so confused and unsure of themselves, while I had a manifestation of myself to confer with. It made socializing awkward. Nobody else seemed aware of the reasons behind their actions, why some things made them mad and others made them laugh. They didn't know what moved them. But I did - or at least, I could ask myself and get an answer.
A friend confronted me one evening. He pounded at the door until I answered it, and came in fuming and swearing up a storm. "You haven't answered when I called you in fucking weeks, you dick!" He yelled. "What's your fucking problem?"
I was about to apologize to him, and probably would have offered to hit the bars with him that night, but my tulpa grew suddenly furious. "Hit him," it said, and before I knew what I was doing, I had. I heard his nose break. He fell to the floor and came up swinging, and we beat each other up and down my apartment. I was more furious then than I have ever been, and I was not merciful. I knocked him to the ground and gave him two savage kicks to the ribs, and that was when he fled, hunched over and sobbing.
The police were by a few minutes later, but I told them that he had been the instigator, and since he wasn't around to refute me, they let me off with a warning. My tulpa was grinning the entire time. We spent the night crowing about my victory and sneering over how badly I'd beaten my friend.
It wasn't until the next morning, when I was checking out my black eye and cut lip in the mirror, that I remembered what had set me off. My double was the one who'd grown furious, not me. I'd been feeling guilty and a little ashamed, but he'd goaded me into a vicious fight with a concerned friend. He was present, of course, and knew my thoughts. "You don't need him anymore. You don't need anyone else," he told me, and I felt my skin crawl.
I explained all this to the researchers who employed me, but they just laughed it off. "You can't be scared of something that you're imagining," one told me. My double stood beside him, and nodded his head, then smirked at me.
I tried to take their words to heart, but over the next few days I found myself growing more and more anxious around my tulpa, and it seemed that he was changing. He looked taller, and more menacing. His eyes twinkled with mischief, and I saw malice in his constant smile. No job was worth losing my mind over, I decided. If he was out of control, I'd put him down. I was so used to him at that point that visualizing him was an automatic process, so I started trying my damnedest to not visualize him. It took a few days, but it started to work somewhat. I could get rid of him for hours at a time. But every time he came back, he seemed worse. His skin seemed ashen, his teeth more pointed. He hissed and gibbered and threatened and swore. The discordant music I'd been listening to for months seemed to accompany him everywhere. Even when I was at home - I'd relax and slip up, no longer concentrating on not seeing him, and there he'd be, and that howling noise with him.
I was still visiting the research center and spending my six hours there. I needed the money, and I thought they weren't aware that I was now actively not visualizing my tulpa. I was wrong. After my shift one day, about five and a half months in, two impressively men grabbed and restrained me, and someone in a lab coat jabbed a hypodermic needle into me.
I woke up from my stupor back in the room, strapped into the bed, music blaring, with my doppelganger standing over me cackling. He hardly looked human anymore. His features were twisted. His eyes were sunken in their sockets and filmed over like a corpse's. He was much taller than me, but hunched over. His hands were twisted, and the fingernails were like talons. He was, in short, fucking terrifying. I tried to will him away, but I just couldn't seem to concentrate. He giggled, and tapped the IV in my arm. I thrashed in my restraints as best I could, but could hardly move at all.
"They're pumping you full of the good shit, I think. How's the mind? All fuzzy?" He leaned closer and closer as he spoke. I gagged; his breath smelt like spoiled meat. I tried to focus, but couldn't banish him.
The next few weeks were terrible. Every so often, someone in a doctor's coat would come in and inject me with something, or force-feed me a pill. They kept me dizzy and unfocused, and sometimes left me hallucinating or delusional. My thoughtform was still present, constantly mocking. He interacted with, or perhaps caused, my delusions. I hallucinated that my mother was there, scolding me, and then he cut her throat and her blood showered me. It was so real that I could taste it.
The doctors never spoke to me. I begged at times, screamed, hurled invectives, demanded answers. They never spoke to me. They may have talked to my tulpa, my personal monster. I'm not sure. I was so doped and confused that it may have just been more delusion, but I remember them talking with him. I grew convinced that he was the real one, and I was the thoughtform. He encouraged that line of thought at times, mocked me at others.
Another thing that I pray was a delusion: he could touch me. More than that, he could hurt me. He'd poke and prod at me if he felt I wasn't paying enough attention to him. Once he grabbed my testicles and squeezed until I told him I loved him. Another time, he slashed my forearm with one of his talons. I still have a scar - most days I can convince myself that I injured myself, and just hallucinated that he was responsible. Most days.
Then one day, while he was telling me a story about how he was going to gut everyone I loved, starting with my sister, he paused. A querulous look crossed his face, and reached out and touched my head. Like my mother used to when I was feverish. He stayed still for a long moment, and then smiled. "All thoughts are creative," he told me. Then he walked out the door.
Three hours later, I was given an injection, and passed out. I awoke unrestrained. Shaking, I made my way to the door and found it unlocked. I walked out into the empty hallway, and then ran. I stumbled more than once, but I made it down the stairs and out into the lot behind the building. There, I collapsed, weeping like a child. I knew I had to keep moving, but I couldn't manage it.
I got home eventually - I don't remember how. I locked the door, and shoved a dresser against it, took a long shower, and slept for a day and a half. Nobody came for me in the night, and nobody came the next day, or the one after that. It was over. I'd spent a week locked in that room, but it had felt like a century. I'd withdrawn so much from my life beforehand that nobody had even known I was missing.
The police didn't find anything. The research center was empty when they searched it. The paper trail fell apart. The names I'd given them were aliases. Even the money I'd received was apparently untraceable.
I recovered as much as one can. I don't leave the house much, and I have panic attacks when I do. I cry a lot. I don't sleep much, and my nightmares are terrible. It's over, I tell myself. I survived. I use the concentration those bastards taught me to convince myself. It works, sometimes.
Not today, though. Three days ago, I got a phone call from my mother. There's been a tragedy. My sister's the latest victim in a spree of killings, the police say. The perpetrator mugs his victims, then guts them.
The funeral was this afternoon. It was as lovely a service as a funeral can be, I suppose. I was a little distracted, though. All I could hear was music coming from somewhere distant. Discordant, unsettling stuff, that sounds like feedback, and shrieking, and a modem dialing up. I hear it still - a little louder now.
During the war a soldier faithfully wrote his mother every week so she would know he was all right, until one week she didn't get a letter and immediately began to worry. Within a couple of weeks she got a letter from the Army saying that her son had been captured and was being held in a Prisoner-of-War camp, and they assured her that they had no reason to believe the American prisoners were being mistreated in any way. A few weeks later the woman finally received another letter from her son, it read: "Dear Mom, Try not to worry about me, they are treating us well and I'll be released as soon as the war is over. Make sure that little Teddy gets the stamp for his collection. Love you, Joe" The woman was overjoyed to hear the news, but was confused because she had no idea who "little Teddy" was. She decided to steam the stamp from the envelope and have a look. When she did she saw that written on the back of the stamp were the words: "They've cut off my legs"
You are lying in your bed, the dull whirring of your air conditioner is the only thing separating you from total silence.
You know, that particular silence that is so heavy, and so thick, it’s almost the equivalent of a loud noise itself? The kind of silence where you could hear a pin drop three rooms away in; the kind of silence that fills your ears with the sound of your own heartbeat as your ear presses against your pillow. That kind of silence.
The dull whirring is the only noise you can hear, a noise that typically goes unnoticed, until it is the only noise present. It’s comforting, whether you realize it or not. A sort of white noise. But suddenly, your room is back at the temperature specified on the thermostat, and the whirring comes to a stop, as the vent makes a dull clang. To your misfortune, you are not yet asleep, and the silence sets in.
You should be comforted by the knowledge that you could hear anything and everything in your surroundings; making up for the lack of vision provided by the darkness. But you aren’t. It’s this very environment that sets you on edge, causes your heart to beat a bit faster, makes your body tense without explanation, and that makes you aware when you are not alone.
But you are alone right? You’ve been laying there with your eyes closed for almost 15 minutes now, and you made sure everything was normal in your room before you turned off the light; you’re a smart one. All those Facebook quizzes you took have just reinforced what you already know, if you were in a horror movie, you’d survive until the end. You’ve even made a carefully laid plan of what you would do in any of the situations you’ve read about on But that stuff is just nonsense anyway, right?
You aren’t scared. Or at least that’s what you keep telling yourself.
But wait…what was that? Was that the rustling of fabric? But, you didn’t shift in your bed, or make any movement. Did you make that noise? No, you couldn’t have. You’re paralyzed your bed, stiff with an unease that was not present until these very moments. You must have imagined it…you must have.
You roll over to face the wall. Out of sight, out of mind. If there’s something in the room with you, it will just have to accept that you are much to tired to deal with it at the moment. You’re still stricken with uneasiness as you hear rustling again. This time, the rustling is accompanied by a soft thud on the ground.
Your heart seizes in your chest…did you really just hear that? No no, you’ve just gotten yourself worked up about nothing. You really should stop play horror survival games so late at night, it’s messing with your brain. You’re a rational person, stop acting so childish and just fall asleep already.
You close your eyes tightly, silently hoping sleep would whisk you away soon. You’re practically begging for the safety of the nonexistent dreamworld of your own creation. You’re running away in a sense; but there’s nothing there…right? You’re just tired. I know, I know.
As your eyes are clinched tightly shut, you become aware that no matter how much you want to, you can no longer move your arms and legs. Come on now, are you really letting this get to you? What are you? 12 years old? Suck it up and fall asleep already.
Now, more tense than ever, that unnerving sound echoes across the room again. The rustling of fabric, followed by a soft thud on the ground. Unwittingly, you’re holding your breath now, eyes shut as tightly as possible. You have childish urge to pull the blanket over your head. You’re imagining it all! It’s all in your head; I thought you were better than this.
You heart is pounding loudly in your ears now, but not loudly enough to drown out the now repetitive sound approaching from across the room. What’s that rustling!? Maybe you left some paper on the ground. That has to be it! And that thumping? Probably the cat, or the dog, or something. They probably ran in when you weren’t looking before you closed your door. Yeah, you’re just paranoid.
The noise is now within a foot of your bed, and with your back to it, you don’t dare turn around to investigate, not that it’d do much good; the only light in your room is the dull glow of your cell phone on the nightstand next to you, you plugged it in before crawled into bed remember? But you don’t dare turn around and look; there’s nothing there anyway.
Minutes that feel like hours pass as you face your wall, stiff as a board, unable to will your uncooperative body to move. You haven’t heard the noises in a while now, not since it reached the edge of your bed. You know there’s nothing there you silly. It’s this silence. It’s messing with you. You really should have turned on some music or something before you went to bed. Oh well, maybe next time.
Suddenly, a familiar clang echoes through the room, followed by that familiar whirring. You exhale deeply, your body relaxing as you are flooded with relief. Thank God that’s over, now you can finally sleep in peace. That silence was really getting to you. You roll over and open your eyes to check the time on your lit cell phone, it must have been at least an hour since you first went to bed.
You are greeted face to face with his ear to ear grin. Dimly lit sockets where eyes once resided stare intently at you.
An elderly man was sitting alone on a dark path. He wasn't sure of which direction to go, and he'd forgotten both where he was traveling to...and who he was. He'd sat down for a moment to rest his weary legs, and suddenly looked up to see an elderly woman before him. She grinned toothlessly and with a cackle, spoke: "Now your third wish. What will it be?" "Third wish?" The man was baffled. "How can it be a third wish if I haven’t had a first and second wish?" "You’ve had two wishes already," the hag said, "but your second wish was for me to return everything to the way it was before you had made your first wish. That’s why you remember nothing; because everything is the way it was before you made any wishes." She cackled at the poor man. "So it is that you have one wish left." "All right," he said hesitantly, "I don't believe this, but there's no harm in trying. I wish to know who I am." "Funny," said the old woman as she granted his wish and disappeared forever. "That was your first wish..."
I am Thomas' reflection. Every morning, he rises from sleep and walks into the bathroom....and he makes faces. I am so tired of the faces. He makes them for at least half an hour. Mocking, ridiculous faces. I have no choice but to mimic his every action, although inside I am seething with anger. He does this every day...well, used to. One morning he awoke as usual, and entered the bathroom. On this particular morning, against his will, he picked up a pair of scissors. On this particular morning, against his will, he gripped those scissors tightly in his fist... and he plunged them directly into his right eye. Thomas screamed, and screamed. I screamed and screamed too - with one difference. I can't mimic his pain. Just his face.
In some television markets, people get two different versions of the same channel. This is usually caused by affiliates being nearby–for example, while living in New Jersey receiving the ABC affiliate from both New York City and Philadelphia, or living in Southern California and getting both the Los Angeles and San Diego stations. For the most part, these appear to be the same channel in all except local news and some daytime programming, with the exception that one is actually closer and more clear than the other.
These channels, in reality, should not occur. Television markets are set up to focus around ONE city, and offering two different versions of the same channel in one market can split viewer-ship in the ever-competitive ratings race.
If you are to watch the channel with worse reception, from the city that is further away, you’ll start to notice that the news reports major events that never occurred, on people that aren’t real, on technology that shouldn’t exist, the ads are for products that you’ve never heard of.
The conspiracy theorists think that these television stations belong to an alternate world. They point to the fact that the news tends to be getting worse over there, more separate from our own. There are reports of looking into an alternate world, and invading it for their own. Just pray they aren’t talking about us.
A snuff film is a recording of the actual murder of human being that is subsequently passed around for entertainment purposes. Suicides and accidents don’t count. According to the MPAA, the FCC, the FBI and the ever-lovin’, there’s no such thing as a snuff film. Yes, this includes Faces of Death Anything you think might count is faked, falsified, or not made for that purpose, such as those tasteless videos you find on shock sites.
This is a lie.
There are, as best as anyone can tell, between 30-40 snuff films floating around out there. The earliest is a silent film on decaying nitrate celluloid, simply titled La mort d’une fille, and bears the date of 1896.
The latest, judging by the hairstyles and the presence of a “Frankie Says Relax” t-shirt, was probably made in 1983 or 1984 and is on Betamax.
The films vary in violence, but they all include seemingly ritualized sex, followed by the slaying of a girl with dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes who appears to be around 19 years old.
That’s right…every film has the exact same girl in it.
I guess he wasn’t going to call me back after all. I can’t really blame him, maybe I came on a bit too fast yesterday. I had noticed him long before he noticed me. His shiny black hair and unnatural blue eyes. I wasn’t the only one watching him, that’s for sure. His movements were elegant in a boyish way. And his smile…his smile. I would die for that smile. Still no messages… I thought about calling him, maybe apologize for going too fast yesterday. I’m a coward, I know, but I just couldn’t bring myself to dial his number. Besides he’d promised he’d contact me when he’s ready.
So I’ll wait. I’m patient.
I know, I’ll just casually stroll past his house. Just to see if he’s home. Maybe he’s out, that would explain why he couldn’t call me yet. He only lives half an hour away anyway. Maybe he’s shy and is scared to call me. Silly boy. I’ll go to him and tell him that he doesn’t have to be scared. That I don’t mind if he needs time.
He lives pretty secluded in a farm on the outskirts of town. I can hear the sheep in the stables as I approach. My heart skips when I see there’s lights burning inside. He must be there, he told me yesterday his parents would be gone for the weekend. They left him to look after the sheep for those days. Poor baby, that must be hard work. He was probably just too busy to call me. I’ll have to stay here until his parents come back and help him take care of all those sheep.
I knock on the door, but he doesn’t answer. Maybe he fell asleep. The thought of his beautiful face even more softened by sleep makes me smile. I try the door, it’s unlocked. There’s hardly any crime around here, so I guess locking the door is not needed. I try to be as quiet as possible as I sneak through the house. I want to surprise him. I cringe at every creak the stairs make as I climb them. Finally I’ve reached the bedroom and I carefully open the door.
There he is, lying in bed as I thought. Quietly I switch on the nightlight on his desk so I can see his face. His blue eyes are open, staring into space and his whole face is one bloody mess. His cheeks have been carved, the skin mostly removed and hanging loose on the sides of his face. He’s missing his fingernails, they are laid out on the bed carefully arranged. On his bare chest words are carved.
I look at him, my hands covering my mouth. He’s still the same as I left him yesterday. He must have been so tired that he slept all day. How cute! I softly kiss his forehead, making sure I don’t wake him. Then I write another message below the one on his chest, letting him know I’m here when he needs me. I leave the room, heading back outside. I think it’s time for the sheep to go to sleep. And tomorrow I’ll introduce myself to his parents. I’m sure they’ll love me too.
A couple months ago my friend's cousin (a single mother) had gotten a new cellphone. After a long day of work, she placed her phone down on the counter and started watching T.V. when her son came to her and asked if he could play with her new phone. She told him to not call anyone or mess with text messages and he agreed to do so. At around 11:20p.m. when she was getting tired, she decided to tuck her son in and go to bed herself. She proceeded to his room to see that he wasn't there. She went to her room to find him sleeping on her bed with the phone in his hand. Browsing through her phone, she noticed only minor changes such as a new background, banner, etc. and headed towards the pictures section. She began deleting the pictures he took when she came across the last one.. When she first saw it, she couldn't believe it. It was her son, sleeping on her bed but it was as if the picture was taken by someone else above him. It shows the left half of what seems to be an elderly woman's face.
He lived a very happy life. He was married, he had children, he had a lovely family in a nice house. There was a white picket fence. There was a dog. There was everything he needed. Every day was perfect for him. He got a raise the day he asked for it at work, he got a promotion too.
But there was something very wrong. He couldn't shake the feeling his life was too perfect. He woke up every day and looked at his beautiful wife. She seemed to get more beautiful everyday. Maybe she did. He walked downstairs and ate breakfast with his children. They were the sort of children he always wanted, the kind of children that never caused trouble. His boy was the star of his baseball team, his girl got perfect grades in school and played the piano with skill and grace.
He soon became sure that something was very very wrong with his life. He went to bed that night feeling uncertain. When he woke up he looked at his wife. Somehow she didn't look as pretty as he remembered. Her hair had darkened, her eyes were a dark blue instead of that piercing blue he loved so much. Her skin was worn and wrinkled. He gasped in surprise.
"Is something wrong dear?" She asked. Her voice was raspy. Her expression wasn't curious or worried, was angry.
He shook his head and stumbled down stairs. His eyes widened when he saw his children. Their clothes were ragged and stained, their faces grey and shrunken.
"Hi Daddy!" they cried out. He said nothing. He wanted to vomit. He stumbled out the door and gasped in horror at what he saw. Everything was dead. The grass was dead. The homes had the paint peeling off the walls. There were no cars except his own. There was nothing.
He got in his car and drove to the place where he worked. He felt, for whatever reason, that he had to "play along" and that maybe if he pretended everything was normal that life would return to the way it was. Maybe it was a dream.
He entered his office building. It was tattered, lit by dim lightbulbs hanging off of the moldy series. His coworkers were hideous. Not even human. Their eyes were now a menacing red, staring at him with big fake smiles that revealed rows of fangs. He sat down at his desk and began typing away at a computer that didn't work. His boss came in. He didn't want to look.
"Very good work you've been doing lately" The boss' voice became a growl, something inhuman and dark. He couldn't speak. He managed to stammer out an answer.
"why th-th-thank you, sir..." he stammered. Shit. He knew he wasn't acting the same. The Boss put a hand on his shoulder. His touch was cold as ice.
"Are you alright?" The Boss asked. Again, his voice wasn't worried. His voice was angry, menacing, overflowing with ill intent.
"No, I'm not!" He smacked his Boss' hand away and ran for the door. Two of his coworkers blocked it. This had to be a dream. It couldn't be real. They tackled him to the floor and one of them pulled a syringe out of his pocket. Their faces were a pale blue, their skin pulled tight against their skulls like rubber.
"Why!? Why?! What is this world?!" He screamed.
His Boss stood over him as the others pinned him down.
"You're the only one left. You're the only one left alive. We need you to feed. To survive. We can't let you die, we can't let you run." The Boss seemed almost sad at this point. "Don't worry. Everything will be as happy as can be."
The needle plunged into his arm and everything faded to black.
He woke up the next morning next to his wife. She was so beautiful. Her long blonde hair always shimmered against the sunlight. "Honey, weren't you going to donate blood today?" She asked him, staring into his eyes. She was so gorgeous.
"I get the feeling I've done that already..." He said.
"No, I don't think you have" She said quite seriously. He trusted his wife, of course. He walked down the stairs to be greeted by his beautiful children. His son had just won MVP for his little league! How wonderful his life was. He drove down to the hospital to donate blood before heading to work. He couldn't help but smile at how grateful the doctor was for his donation.
They say when you take a picture of someone you capture their soul in the camera. They also say if you print it off, that picture contains the soul itself and you can control them with it.
I'm not sure where to start. Do you know what the Primordial Soup is? A veritable ocean of elements, all floating around randomly. And through millions of years of time, eventually the right set of random circumstances came to pass, and the elements were able to connect together and form the worlds first single cell organism.
Now that's a really boiled down version of it but I'm sure you get the gist of it. Fast forward a few billion years to the early 1990s, when internet use began to rapidly accelerate. Every home had a computer, and new connections between computers were opening on a by the second basis.
Trillions of bytes of data began to transfer around the world at the speed of light, music, text, sound, and most importantly; pictures. Now if, when you take a picture of someone and capture their soul, what happens when that picture is converted to data and placed on a hard drive? Does the soul follow? 15 years later we believe so. We believe that when you take a picture of someone and upload it onto your computer, alongside the image data a blueprint of the person's soul itself is imprinted on the file itself.
Look at your pictures folder. How many souls reside in that folder alone?
That's just the beginning though. These soul blueprints each retain pieces of a puzzle, parts of the soul itself as well.
Recently a group of hackers, who referred to themselves as the Cardinals, took an interest to this theory and began experiments. They found anomalies within the binary sequences of images based on similar features of the person they had taken a picture of. A binary DNA if you will.
Now these hackers had come to posses a set of three extremely important data files. One avi, one jpeg, and one .mp3, each of which possessing interesting unexplainable qualities.
The first, cradle.avi, depicts what appears to be a group of teenagers with a low quality video camera, exploring the basement of a house. The quality of the video is distorted completely beyond any comprehensibility, and the video is very low quality. For most of the video the camera is passed around the group, handed back and forth and jerked around too much to make anything noticeable out.
But near the end the camera turns at an odd angle, and you can semi clearly make out a young girl standing in the corner facing the wall. Her hair is long and black and she is wearing some form of white dress. You only see her for a split second but many people who have seen the video claim there just seems something wrong with her. A bit deformed but not in a way anyone can explain.
But the truly peculiar property of this video is what happens to the users computer at the end of it. On the last second of the video, if not already so the video will force full screen itself. Along with this you are left with a one second looping clip of a window in a wall. It loops 15 times, and then the girl is seen again, standing on the other side of the window with her back to the viewer, slowly wavering back and forth. After a few moments the video ends and the user's computer permanently shuts down.
Inspection has shown that the entire registry becomes completely corrupt, requiring the user to do a total wipe and reinstall.
The second file is known as needles.mp3. This sound file, when played, plays for about 3 minutes. It is extremely distorted. One can occasionally make out some form of voice talking, but most of the sound is some form of growling, rolling crackled roar.
Users who listen to this file often experience extreme nausea and loss of balance for a brief period of time.
The final file is known as burningman.jpg.
The file name has nothing to do with what the actual picture depicts. Instead it just displays a haphazard mess of overlayed and meshed images of dolls and a hallway. There also seems to be an image of a man standing with his head cast down in the background, but the image is too distorted to make anything out, much like the other files.
The image, when downloaded and opened on a users desktop, will proceed to stay permanently open on whatever program it is opened through. Not only that, the program becomes disabled. Nothing else happens, the image just permanently sits there on your desktop, unclickable, unminimizable, and your just left there with the mans invisible gaze staring at you.
From what the group of hackers were able to discern, this file seems to have precompiled into the data something along the lines of Cmdow. Yet, as complex and intricate as the program is (it works across all OS platforms) no one knows who the original creator is. In fact, few people have heard of it as the file is uncopyable nor sendable.
This in fact further adds to the mystery, as often receivers of this file will obtain it from random anonymous emails, posted on forms on a download link. Posing the question, how was that poster able to upload it?
If you ever see any of these files, refrain from downloading ANY of them. They all have varying detrimental effects on your computers, from practically taking out your whole registry, corrupting system 32, freezing your mouse or crashing your computer.
Now onwards:
This group of hackers, the Cardinals, took to analyzing these 3 files and comparing their odd behaviors. They had heard of other such odd files, images, data, etc, but were never able to get their hands on them. At least as far as we know, though rumour states they in fact were able to locate and collect all of the known files like the original smile.jpg, barbie.jpg, even suicidemouse.avi. Not even the grifter was able to escape their grasp, rumour states. But rumour also states the grifter video even exists, but thats another story.
Nonetheless, all these files in hand, the group lined the files up and begin to meticulously work through the binary one 0/1 at a time, checking for similar strains and series of binary that matched.
And they did manage to successfully do so, at least legend states. The result were 7 individual execute files that did nothing. Simply a gibberish pile of 0s and 1s. They endless puzzled over the files, each tackling an execute each. They decided to name them after themselves, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Sloth, Wrath, and Pride.
At last they attempted to line the files up. Remarkably, something odd happened. The copies of the files quite suddenly meshed together. The result was a single complete Execute, already named.
And what of this file? Well not much else is known after that point. They were too smart to just execute it. They analyzed the file every possible way. Hex, binary, conversions, anything to figure out what this odd file would do.
To no avail, even after forming together it was an even bigger jumble of 1s and 0s and made no more sense than the separate executes.
They backed the file up on a flash drive and proceeded to run it. That was the last command found run on their destroyed computers a week later. Their corpses had been disfigured beyond recognition. Description of the corpses stated that it almost seemed as if they had been brutally slashed across their faces and arms. Every square inch of skin that had been bare had been mutilated. Almost microwaved and then sliced repeatedly by a micro thin razor.
The government attempted to hush up the event, but there was some media leakage, and because the Cardinals had been keeping a blog amongst themselves and a few close friends (its closed down and deleted now so don't go trying to find it) it quickly spread out as per what they had been attempting to accomplish. And if it was or was not related to their terrible deaths.
And what of the flash drive? A friend, who knew of its existence, later checked the home of the group and was unable to find it. According to reports the drive was found in the pocket of one of the group and had been taken into custody by the police, and then simply vanished.
The trail continues on, far more though. The file resurfaces every few weeks around the globe. Governments attempt to cover it up but some media leaks out, of course. Look to the news for people mutilated in their own homes by a “murderer”, their computers stolen, etc.
In Berlin, after World War II, money was short, supplies were tight, and it seemed like everyone was hungry. At that time, people were telling the tale of a young woman who saw a blind man picking his way through a crowd. The two started to talk. The man asked her for a favor: could she deliver the letter to the address on the envelope? Well, it was on her way home, so she agreed.
She started out to deliver the message, when she turned around to see if there was anything else the blind man needed. But she spotted him hurrying through the crowd without his smoked glasses or white cane. Shewas, naturally, suspicious, so she went to the police.
When the police paid a visit to the address on the envelope, they made a gruesome discovery, 3 butchers had been harvesting human flesh and selling it to the starving people.
And what was in the envelope the man gave to the woman? A note, saying simply "This is the last one I am sending you today."
Have you ever gotten a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye? A simple movement caught in your peripheral vision. Most will simply dismiss this as a shadow brought about by a flickering candle, or perhaps a pet jumping down from a piece of furniture. Ninety-nine out of a hundred times, these people are right.
But then there's that one elusive sight. It can easily be explained by the above conditions, but something feels wrong about it. A chill down your spine, a slight pain in your side. Maybe even a complete blanking of your mind, only to recede moments later.
Should any of these symptoms be felt, there may be cause for worry. Our peripheral vision is designed to catch motion, even in the dark. This was used to defend against predators in our early days, and as with many aspects of our human nature, it has remained, but weakened.
This view out of the corner of our eyes still alerts us to danger, and although predators have dropped on the list of dangers we may face today, they still exist. Should you ever feel that queer chill in your back, try not to focus on that shadow you saw in the corner of your eye. It might be better not to see.
It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not wake up. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and please wake up.
It's early morning. The sun won't be up for another couple of hours. You're fast asleep in bed, lost in a dream, when the phone rings. Rather than waking up, you roll over and cover your head with a pillow. Hours pass. The sun rises. The phone is ringing. When you wake up, your alarm clock is blaring and the phone is ringing. By the time you will yourself to turn the alarm off, the phone has stopped ringing. You realize that it's been ringing all morning. You slide out of bed and press the blinking red button on your phone as you stumble into the bathroom. The phone beeps, followed by the friendly, electronic voice. Hello. You have six hundred and sixty-six new messages. Message one. The phone beeps again, and you're not prepared for what comes next. Screaming. You spin around, thinking that she's standing right behind you. There's pure terror in her screams, accompanied by other disturbing noises. You stand there, horrified, for about ten seconds. Screaming gives way to hysterical, garbled crying before dying out with the sounds of spilling meat and tearing flesh. The phone beeps again. You're shaking. Message two.
The last few weeks, I've only slept a few minutes at a time, spreading it throughout the day. My dreams pick up where reality left off. When you do this to yourself, the logic of dreams still applies as you awaken. It's easier to accept the strange things, then. You accept them as you accept all things you see in your sleep, as proper without context. I can't start at the beginning, and I'm sorry for that. I don't know when the beginning was, only when my character entered stage right, played his part, and exited, fate implied. I'm a regular poster here, browsing through several forums, but I spend most of my time in /x/ and /r9k/, making the occasional venture into /b/, when I'm up for that level of chaos.
One night, two or three in the morning my time, I saw one of those rare useful threads that share useful information. Someone posted something that caught my eye, a guide on how to find unsecured webcams on google.
A few simple terms, and you could find fifty thousand results. Not all were what you would be looking for, not all would be on; more than a few were tucked away in dark corners, or outside with nothing to look at, but a few were interesting. Schools, restaurants, sometimes back yards. I once found one for a security company; I found that kind of funny, a looking through the empty halls of their building because they never secured their cams. The trouble started after a few weeks. I had a few favorites that I logged into. I started noticing someone in them—one person, who seemed to appear randomly in all of them. She was a teacher of grade school students, a bartender, a waitress, a cop. I saw her married to a dozen men, I watched her take thirty kids at different times to different parks.
I started noting things, dates, times. I mixed up my sleeping schedule to try and get a larger amount of coverage, and soon I hardly slept at all. She seemed to be everywhere and nowhere. What began as a person noticed once every day soon became a person seen constantly. She would walk out of a classroom in Seatle and enter a bar in Tokyo. She walked through London as a tourist, carrying a map all the while, looking and pointing and laughing with friends I'd never seen her with before. Later she would drive a cab through New York, and I would see her picking people up at the Four Seasons and drop them off at the docks. Occasional sightings became a constant presence when I watched. She was never in two places at once, but she was always, always somewhere.
The more I saw her, the less I saw anyone else, and the less others saw me. Close family became casual friends, casual friends became rare acquaintances, rare acquaintances became strangers on the street. Not simply metaphorically; the more time I devoted to finding out who she was, the less people seemed to know me. I didn't care. I don't care. One day I saw a place I recognized, a place that was close. A coffee shop, just down the street, an almost impossible find. I packed up my laptop, showered and shaved, and went in. Ten minutes of standing at the counter and someone noticed me, half-heartedly taking my order, my coffee never coming. I sat down, logged onto their wifi connection, and searched. Soon I saw her again, as always without pattern, no rhyme or reason to any place, no purpose in her actions. She walked through her living room, herding small children; she strode across the beach, holding hands with her husband; she waited tables, avoiding grabbing hands and picking up large tips; she walked out of the storage closet of a coffee shop, and stood behind me.
I watched her, on the screen, watching me. I turned my head, slowly, fearfully, and looked at her. She was looking at the camera. When I turned back to the screen, she was gone. A stranger sat at my table, paid me no mind, drank his coffee and chatted with a friend who'd followed him in. I wept, waiting for them to leave so I could get out of the booth without having to crawl over anyone, and ran to my home, where someone else was already moving in, my landlord having given up on me long ago.
I don't know what to do anymore, so I keep on keeping on, walking place to place, sleeping where I can. I know that I can go anywhere, walk in any house, and crash on a couch, use their showers, eat their food. They don't care. A person who can be anyone has made me no one.
Skyshale033 Subject: Candle Cove local kid’s show? Does anyone remember this kid’s show? It was called Candle Cove and I must have been 6 or 7. I never found reference to it anywhere so I think it was on a local station around 1971 or 1972. I lived in Ironton at the time. I don’t remember which station, but I do remember it was on at a weird time, like 4:00 PM.
mike_painter65 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? it seems really familiar to me…..i grew up outside of ashland and was 9 yrs old in 72. candle cove…was it about pirates? i remember a pirate marionete at the mouth of a cave talking to a little girl
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? YES! Okay I’m not crazy! I remember Pirate Percy. I was always kind of scared of him. He looked like he was built from parts of other dolls, real low-budget. His head was an old porcelain baby doll, looked like an antique that didn’t belong on the body. I don’t remember what station this was! I don’t think it was WTSF though.
Jaren_2005 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? Sorry to ressurect this old thread but I know exactly what show you mean, Skyshale. I think Candle Cove ran for only a couple months in ‘71, not ‘72. I was 12 and I watched it a few times with my brother. It was channel 58, whatever station that was. My mom would let me switch to it after the news. Let me see what I remember.
It took place in Candle cove, and it was about a little girl who imagined herself to be friends with pirates. The pirate ship was called the Laughingstock, and Pirate Percy wasn’t a very good pirate because he got scared too easily. And there was calliope music constantly playing. Don’t remember the girl’s name. Janice or Jade or something. Think it was Janice.
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? Thank you Jaren!!! Memories flooded back when you mentioned the Laughingstock and channel 58. I remember the bow of the ship was a wooden smiling face, with the lower jaw submerged. It looked like it was swallowing the sea and it had that awful Ed Wynn voice and laugh. I especially remember how jarring it was when they switched from the wooden/plastic model, to the foam puppet version of the head that talked.
mike_painter65 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? ha ha i remember now too. do you remember this part skyshale: “you have…to go…INSIDE.”
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? Ugh mike, I got a chill reading that. Yes I remember. That’s what the ship always told Percy when there was a spooky place he had to go in, like a cave or a dark room where the treasure was. And the camera would push in on Laughingstock’s face with each pause. YOU HAVE… TO GO… INSIDE. With his two eyes askew and that flopping foam jaw and the fishing line that opened and closed it. Ugh. It just looked so cheap and awful.
You guys remember the villain? He had a face that was just a handlebar mustache above really tall, narrow teeth.
kevin_hart Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? i honestly, honestly thought the villain was pirate percy. i was about 5 when this show was on. nightmare fuel.
Jaren_2005 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? That wasn’t the villain, the puppet with the mustache. That was the villain’s sidekick, Horace Horrible. He had a monocle too, but it was on top of the mustache. I used to think that meant he had only one eye.
But yeah, the villain was another marionette. The Skin-Taker. I can’t believe what they let us watch back then.
kevin_hart Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? jesus h. christ, the skin taker. what kind of a kids show were we watching? i seriously could not look at the screen when the skin taker showed up. he just descended out of nowhere on his strings, just a dirty skeleton wearing that brown top hat and cape. and his glass eyes that were too big for his skull. christ almighty.
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? Wasn’t his top hat and cloak all sewn up crazily? Was that supposed to be children’s skin??
mike_painter65 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? yeah i think so. rememer his mouth didn’t open and close, his jaw just slid back and foth. i remember the little girl said “why does your mouth move like that” and the skin-taker didn’t look at the girl but at the camera and said “TO GRIND YOUR SKIN”
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? I’m so relieved that other people remember this terrible show!
I used to have this awful memory, a bad dream I had where the opening jingle ended, the show faded in from black, and all the characters were there, but the camera was just cutting to each of their faces, and they were just screaming, and the puppets and marionettes were flailing spastically, and just all screaming, screaming. The girl was just moaning and crying like she had been through hours of this. I woke up many times from that nightmare. I used to wet the bed when I had it.
kevin_hart Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? i don’t think that was a dream. i remember that. i remember that was an episode.
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? No no no, not possible. There was no plot or anything, I mean literally just standing in place crying and screaming for the whole show.
kevin_hart Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? maybe i’m manufacturing the memory because you said that, but i swear to god i remember seeing what you described. they just screamed.
Jaren_2005 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? Oh God. Yes. The little girl, Janice, I remember seeing her shake. And the Skin-Taker screaming through his gnashing teeth, his jaw careening so wildly I thought it would come off its wire hinges. I turned it off and it was the last time I watched. I ran to tell my brother and we didn’t have the courage to turn it back on.
mike_painter65 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show? i visited my mom today at the nursing home. i asked her about when i was littel in the early 70s, when i was 8 or 9 and if she remebered a kid’s show, candle cove. she said she was suprised i could remember that and i asked why, and she said “because i used to think it was so strange that you said ‘i’m gona go watch candle cove now mom’ and then you would tune the tv to static and juts watch dead air for 30 minutes. you had a big imagination with your little pirate show.”
Scary Youtube Videos
Sometimes a story isn't enough. Seeing and hearing something terrifying happen is a whole different animal. These youtube videos were handpicked by me as the scariest and most unnerving I've seen. A few of the above stories have accompanying youtube videos, but these stand on their own as truly terrifying.
I found the SCP stories, about 6 months ago, while reading /x/. SCP stands for "Special Containment Procedure", the SCP Organization finds various paranormal artifacts, places, and beings and contains them from the rest of the world. This includes horrifying monsters, benevolent creatures, and various things.
Look through this wiki to find all of the different SCP entries, many of which are frightening or unsettling due to the extremely realistic way in which they are portrayed. I'll share my personal favorite SCP entry here:
Maybe those cartoons you loved as a kid weren't quite as innocent as you thought. Maybe that fun game you spent hours playing on the SNES had a dark undertone you didn't even know about. Was Pokemon the crazy fantasies of a comatose young boy? Is Ed Edd & Eddy a sad and somber look at a purgatory for children? Read these dark and crazy stories about the shows you loved as a child and you might never see them the same way again.
Did one ever know the reason why the pacing and story development change after Ash was hit by lightning in the beginning episodes? How Ash and his world were relatively normal until after the incident? I have a theory. The accident with the bike put Ash in a coma. Days later he was found and was hurried to the hospital and treated with heavy medications. This is why Team Rocket became less menacing. The medication took effect and stabilized his coma dreams, instead of being terrifying, they became idyllic, and he's able to live out his Pokémon master fantasies.
If one had noticed, the early episodes of Pokémon were of amazing quality. The rest of the series is just the results of his subconscious mind fulfilling his desires, as well as attempting to escape them. Should Ash realize he's in a coma, he would wake up, but suffer brain damage. So he has to take down all his mental barriers one by one until he can come to grips with what he is and escape his coma.
The image of his gaunt, tube-fed, ten-some-year bed ridden body on the bed. His head appears bulbous from atrophy. As he utters his last words, he barely opens his eyes, seeing a silhouette of the figure at the center of his turbulent emotions, his mother, her face obstructed by her hands wiping away tears. He makes contact with her eyes and lets out one last tear before losing all strength. She breaks down in hysterics.
The worst part of all this is that Ash will die, never having experienced actual love, imagine if you will, having lived in a world like his, completely shut off from all things but yourself, and your perception of yourself, with nothing but better yourself. No other people to interact with and issues to solve with no guiding hand.
The boy will die, never having known his dream, except as naught but a dream. The second he gets out into reality for that last moment, part of him knows it was all a lie, his faithful Pikachu? His friends? All his imagination, and maybe, he could have fought and clung to life, maybe even made a full recovery. But knowing that his efforts and ambitions had all been for naught, he just gave up and let the motion carry him away, just so he could be with Pikachu, in a place where his friends were waiting.
I would like to think that he'll realize that his mother loved him and was holding out hope that he'd recover all that time. On the flip side, though, when he sees her he knows that the hope she had is totally broken and she'd come to the crushing realization that the worst thing that can befall a parent has happened to her: outliving her only child. At once he knows he is loved and that it means that the one closest to him is utterly crushed.
This explains why he doesn't change much physically. Also, the worldwide socialism can be explained if you once again realize that this is a dream world; he thought up a safe system of government that would run smoothly and keeps the world going allowing his adventures to work like they do. It also explains a few other things, such as how a child can go off on his own in a world full of dangerous untamed animals, and why every Pokémon center has the same exact nurse. Joy and Jenny he knew from his hometown, and they act as a safety net or anchor, allowing him to feel safe no matter where he goes. The professors, like the Joy's and Jenny's represent stability, and ash's ideals. This is why Gary became a professor. It's also the reason that every time he enters a new region, virtually no one has heard of him, despite his conquests, and why Giovanni leads Team Rocket. How could Paul, the rival of the Sinnoh area, not know of someone who has placed in at least the top 16 of all three leagues and has destroyed the Orange league and Battle Frontier?
Ash’s travelling partners are actually aspects of himself he can enjoy, but doesn't like to associate with himself. Team Rocket are his qualities that he deems "negative", but is coming to terms with. Jesse and James want to appease Giovanni, Ash's Father. Meowth especially wants to appease him because he remembers the good times with Giovanni. This Places meowth in a category known as ash's (corrupted) innocence, and another fragment of ash's humanity. If you note that meowth can speak this quickly becomes apparrent. In fact the whole reason for meowth's speech is so he can help Ash accept Team rocket as part of himself eventually.
Brock is Ash's repressed sexuality. He fell into the coma a virgin and needed an outlet for his growing sexual frustrations. Since he can never experience sex, Brock must never succeed. Brock is a projection of his sexuality, and is constantly shot down because Ash could never “know” sex. Brock isn't just Ash's latent sexuality, he's also his fatherly instincts, neither of which Ash can come to terms with. Brock leaves his siblings to "journey" with Ash. because Ash can't cope with having that much responsibility, much as his foray with a real relationship ends on mysterious terms. Ash just cannot handle commitment at his mental level. Brock's Stay with professor Ivy was an.attempt to outright suppress his sexuality. You'll notice that James got much more dialogue in this part of the series, as well as getting more touchy feel-y with his pokemon and getting most of his backstory. Ash didn't enjoy this much, hence the reasons Brock comes back all horrified, and refuses to speak about it. (ash's subconscious was repressing him at the time, so other than a general feeling of dread he has no idea of what went on then.) This is also why brock keeps coming back to the series....Usually AFTER Ash meets a new girl aspect of himself.Misty is an image that Ash had of a girl. This is why she plays so prevalently in the series but is ultimately unattainable because he never really knew her before the coma. Likely the one that helped get him to a hospital. I have a theory in line with this: Since Misty was his initial love interest (if only subconsciously), he needed her to reach a level of womanhood. He felt that people could only have relationships when they've matured. But in practice, it turned out he couldn't cope with it and just wanted the normal, pushy, arrogant Misty he knew, and wouldn't let her keep Togepi anymore.
Misty is Ash's first attempt at a girl he could love, however, being a girl from the real world, all he really he knew of her was her anger, as a result she ended up quite hot headed in his mind. Constantly berating his sexuality, but eventually mellowing out until she had faded into the background. This was also traumatizing to him, being attached to it. Since then, the thought of anyone around him maturing to adulthood has been blocked, and anyone who shows signs of it will quickly end up leaving for another, more naive fill-in.
Max came with May, she played the Id with great aspirations, and he played the sensible Ego that "Session". They worked for a little while but Ash, being a teenager, eventually had his sexuality had to come back into play. He kept reinventing himself and eventually wrote new aspects, but his mind slowly brought back the old ones as a crutch to make the transition easier.
Dawn is Ash giving himself a chance to love. since he already established Misty as someone he's not likely to go anywhere with, he created a new super female, one that was more like him, and less violent all the time. (One will note that both May and Misty had no tolerance for Brock whatsoever whereas dawn seems to try and shrug it off.) .
Tracey, The Breeder was a possible future for Ash that he discarded. It was one that he sent off to work with the Professor (the professors being Ash's ultimate ideal of a father figure) when he disrupted the dynamic Ash had with his other possibilities. Ash's mind is fighting the coma and since Ash viewed this one as a companion he was quickly replaced with a more threatening Rival.
Pikachu obviously represents Ash's Humanity, hence the episodes where they get separated, and ash wants desperately to find him, even to the point of working with the rockets ( aspects of himself he woould never normally associate with) but for some reason cannot. They want to steal Pikachu (Ash’s humanity) and hand it over to his father, Giovanni. Jesse and James will always oppose ash because ash is terrified of the thought of his humanity lying in the hands of his father. However this is the same reason that he will work with those aspects of himself in order to save his humanity from just becoming flat out LOST. He couldn't evolve his Pikachu without challenging his concept of who he was, something he wasn't comfortable with while he was still working through his original issues.
Another thing is the narrator. The narrator is Ash's higher mind, recapping and explaining the progress he's made and the tribulations he will face allowing itself insight into how best to awaken him.
Ash has issues With his Father; so he put him atop the evil corporation, and demonized him. There may be an actual team rocket, and I'm positive they're quite dastardly, but I doubt that ash's father is their leader, in fact the head of the rockets wasn't really identified as anyone until later on in the series. The split between ash's parents was likely over ash's homosexuality and some sort of incident as a catalyst, forcing his father to disown him and his mother to move out of the city and down to pallet town. This is why Giovanni runs the faceless Vile corporation, and Why he Berates Jesse, James, and Meowth as much as he does, and why they keep trying to please him. Another thing to notice is the difference in uniform, The rockets Wear Black and Red, where Team Rocket wears White....a symbol of their purity and naievete. They're willing to please father despite his utter hatred of those parts of Ash .
Team rocket are aspects of Ash's personality that he has deemed "bad" James implied homosexuality, and Jesse’s vanity. You'll remember that Meowth has the potential for rehabilitation, and doesn't want to be evil, so yet again this fits in with the conflicting personalities and demonized self theory. Team rocket started cross-dressing because ash had to come to terms with that part of himself. It was something he was able to allow his ***/vain side to experiment with (and by virtue of that himself) When he found that it wasn't something for him, his "Free" side stopped playing with it. Further, their methods of capture become more and more ludicrous (and physically impossible) because Ash is just a kid dreaming these things up. This is the reason Team Rocket's disguises are always believed. He knows it's them (on some level), but chooses to ignore it, so he can better himself, in a sense the Ash who wants to escape is sabotaging the ash who wants to stay lost in his mind. So that there can be more conflict, and hopefully an eventual escape.
The filler episodes that don't focus on Ash and the gang are his mind working through, and humanizing the parts of himself that he demonized. It's a way for him to deal with issues that Ash and crew wouldn't touch, because it involves treading ground he himself had sworn not to go near. As I said, Team Rocket and the episodes they occupy are Ash dealing with ground he feels uncomfortable with tackling on his own. Jessie is Ash's vanity and gullibility, she will trick Ash's submissive homosexuality into doing her bidding so she can please father. James' troubled childhood is his way of justifying his latent homosexuality. Now James is Ash's latent homosexuality, hence why he is constantly punished by Pokémon and attacked by random attractive girls. I believe the split between Ash's parents was caused by this part of Ash, maybe an incident at school, bringing shame on the family and forcing them to move to the small, country town of Pallet. Ash's motivations for his journey were to escape mounting pressure at home.
So in a way, Ash IS Team Rocket. The rest of the whole organization Including Butch and Cassidy is symbolic of his inability to escape his father's machinations.
Mr. Mime is actually a stand in for Ash's father, one that can't emotionally abuse him or his mom. He is a Pokémon, a peace loving creature that's oddly humanoid, but that can never hurt a human. Ash's was never really hurt by a Pokémon, so he sees them all as harmless; whereas, in the real world they may be quite feral or vicious (as seen in the early episodes). Again falling back to the theory that the only real Pokémon are the ones from the first season, and everything else is just further speculation coming from his mind on what new species would look like.
The new teams ( magma, aqua, and galactic) are Ash attempting to work out the problems he has with his father. to do that he first needs a new "bad guy" to feel good about beating, and if Giovanni isn't leading a criminal organization he can more easily relate to him.
If one recalls, there were real animals early in the show and references to animals in the game and show. For example, a clear case to point out is the aquarium of fish in the Cerulean City Gym or that by the Pokédex that Pikachu is a “rat-like” Pokémon. But they don't matter to Ash's psyche so they don't come into play much. If Ash had loved puppies, everything would be about different breeds of dogs, and a dog fighting circuit. But, as the series goes on longer, we've been seeing less realistic animals and more Pokémon. This could be a sign of Ash’s mind deteriorating. As he's in this coma, he's losing concepts of some animals and machinery and replacing them with Pokémon. It could explain things like electric Pokémon working as power generators. A sign that his memory of the old world is slipping more and more as time goes by. The Pokémon realm will be idealized continuously the longer he has no stimulus from the real world. He may or may not be mentally deteriorating , but he is becoming more accustomed to his fake world's rules. The wild Pokémon are his rationalizations of the functioning of the world. It’s the "A wizard did it" Syndrome. If he doesn't know how it works, his mind says Pokémon. He justifies anything he can't explain with Pokémon, and real animals fall into the background because he has no real interest in them.
In Ash’s “world”. Ash has finally defeated the elite four, and one by one the people around him start disappearing. eventually everything is black. Pikachu comes dashing towards him glowing brighter and brighter in the darkness. Eventually Pikachu reaches ash and the two embrace one last time. Back in his room, as his life signs fade, Ash mutters his genuine, final words. I...Want...To...Be, The...Very...Best. The image of his gaunt, tube-fed, ten-some-year bed ridden body on the bed. His head appears bulbous from atrophy. As he utters his last words, he barely opens his eyes, seeing a silhouette of the figure at the center of his turbulent emotions, his mother, her face obstructed by her hands wiping away tears. He makes contact with her eyes and lets out one last tear before losing all strength. She breaks down in hysterics.
The worst part of all this is that Ash will die, never having experienced actual love, imagine if you will, having lived in a world like his, completely shut off from all things but yourself, and your perception of yourself, with nothing but better yourself. No other people to interact with and issues to solve with no guiding hand.
The boy will die, never having known his dream, except as naught but a dream. The second he gets out into reality for that last moment, part of him knows it was all a lie, his faithful Pikachu? His friends? All his imagination, and maybe, he could have fought and clung to life, maybe even made a full recovery. But knowing that his efforts and ambitions had all been for naught, he just gave up and let the motion carry him away, just so he could be with Pikachu, in a place where his friends were waiting.
Anyways, theory goes that Garfield is in a family with Jon and Odie, and has interactions with all the other characters. However, this is all within his mind, as he suddenly wakes up from the nightmare one day, to find the real world a cold, desolate, and abandoned place. Where he once found food, he now finds nothing, and his warmth and shelter are completely devoid, as if the world has suddenly died.
Garfield cannot comprehend this, and begins hallucinating. Since then, all of the strips of Garfield have been created by his twisted imagination as he slowly starves to death in his abandoned house.
Okay, well. Obviously, Inspector Gadget can't be the man's real name. Whoever he was, he was a regular human who worked for the cops or whatever. Well I think that while on the job, something happened to him. Some terrible accident. Some explosion or collapse that left him completely destroyed. Once the cops found this, the chief (the guy in the show all of the time) decided to do something never before attempted. They used the newest and most secret technology to recreate this man with super human powers (sorta like the bionic man or whatever). They programmed this robot version of the inspector to look and sound just like him, even to think like him. He was programmed with the very best AI and all. He continued working for the company, even watched over his niece and dog, just like the real human version did. The only problem with all of this was that he didn't die in the accident. No, the real human version survived, only he was changed. The accident deformed him, warped his brain, and made him see things differently. Once he discovered that they had replaced him with a robot doppelganger, he swore to destroy it no matter what it took. They had taken his life away and replaced it with a robot, that they now call Inspector Gadget. The human version decided to use everything he had and knew to fight against this robot version, and to do evil to the company that had ruined his life. He also changed his name. Now he is known as Dr. Claw. You never see his face because it is the face of Inspector Gadget, only deformed from the accident.
The Tick is a child sick with a blood disease fantasizing about being a superhero while he's in bed. The Tick is unstoppable and can go and do whatever he wants, but his mind is child-like. Arthur is his father, who he loves, but is ineffectual. American Maid is his mother, who has divorced his father and gone off to be, essentially, a slut. He still looks up to her, hence her ideas of justice, but she's hypersexualized and yet The Tick has no sexual interest in her (or anyone else.) The enemies are toys and things he can see from his bedroom window.
He calls himself The Tick because that was the insect that transmitted the blood disease to him. He sees them as powerful creatures to be revered.
There's a theory that interprets Ed, Edd and Eddy's entire cast of kids as all being dead and living in a purgatory of an eternal childhood cycle (originally an eternal summer, but then they started going to school), thusly the complete lack of any adult agents in the purgatory. They're are a number of explanations for their deaths, ranging from an explosion due to a gas-leak in the neighborhood to apocalyptic ones such as nuclear explosion or the spread of a deadly disease that killed most of middle-America. Another theory suggests that the kids in the cul-de-sac are dead children from the neighborhood, each from different times (Johnny and Rolf from the 40's, Kevin from the 90's, Naz from the 60's, Jimmy from the 00's, and so on).
The Holders series is a long string of creepypasta stories about a list of ancient artifacts that must not be brought together. There is much speculation on what happens if they are all brought together, perhaps it is the end of the world, maybe even the universe. The stories all follow the same general format and are basically instructions ranging from extremely simple to extremely complex on how to receive the items from their various holders.
Some of the stories are fairly creepy, while others are pretty lame. There are hundreds of entries, so you're bound to find some well written ones in there. Enjoy the reading!
Eversion is a really fun old-school style platformer. It's available for free and is very easy/fast to run. I highly suggest this game, it's a small file so check it out.
The game mechanics have a fun twist on 2D platforming. You can use the X key or Spacebar to "evert" the level. This power only works in certain areas and it changes the map, making previously unpassable locations passable. An example eversion is making all of the clouds solid so you can use them as platforms. Experiment to find the eversion locations. The maps are small, so it isn't difficult.
I don't want to spoil the game, but you essentially are playing backwards. That will make sense if you really think about the ending. Think Doom meets Kirby meets I Wanna Be The Guy!
Yume Nikki is an atmospheric and very creepy adventure game. As you may have deduced from my other blogs and my thread in general, I really dig this sort of thing. If you do too, it's definitely worth checking out.
I'm probably late to the show, in fact I know I am because there was a blog about this about two years ago. The blog got only 7 measly replies and as TL has had a great influx of new members and a large group of people who probably missed it, I'll point it out yet again.
In Yume Nikki, you play as Madotsuki, a young reclusive girl who lives alone in her apartment. You cannot leave the apartment, unless you are dreaming. You can play her one videogame (which is rather creepy in and of itself) but otherwise the only significant interaction you can have with her room is to fall asleep in the bed. The bed will throw you into the dream version of her apartment where things work a bit differently.
When you leave the dream apartment, you enter the Nexus. From the Nexus, you can enter various dream worlds and interact with their inhabitants. The point is to get 25 different effects, which are basically powers.
The Nexus
Each world is very unsettling and creepy in its own way. I am personally most disturbed by the Numbers world, but it is likely different for each person. The symbolism in each world is important, as they reveal hints about Madotsuki's thoughts and past. Many believe he is a victim of rape, a girl who witnessed a tragic car accident, or an MTF transsexual. Either way, Madotsuki is not normal or sane in any way.
The music is the best part of the game, in terms of delivering the unsettling atmosphere. Distorted an discordant, the music is a constant reminder that something is not quite right here. I played this game for a while last night and it made me very uncomfortable, just the way i like it.
You can get effects by interacting with various things in the world. Interact with any objects of interest or NPCs and you may get a new effect. For instance, a frog in the forest world grants you the frog effect.
I will teach you how to get one effect, the bicycle effect which makes you move much faster. At the bottom of the nexus there are two doors. One is white, the other is purple. Enter the purple door. This is "The Graffiti World"
Enter the door at 5 o clock and start moving left/right immediately. You will eventually come across a bicycle. Interact with the bicycle. That's it. From here in out, you're on your own in gathering effects and exploring the worlds. There are multiple worlds within the worlds, interacting with objects can transport you to even stranger worlds that are otherwise inaccessible.
Studio Trophis' debut public production, the white chamber, is a point and click horror adventure game. Explore a strange environment crafted in luscious 2D. Control a trapped young woman from 3rd person perspective as she solves puzzles and overcomes the twisted obstacles in her path.
Like Yume Nikki, this game is all about fucked up environments, although this game is a bit more hostile. A fun game, even if the graphics are a bit cheesy.
A very odd and creepy japanese puzzle game. To play, left click shoots a block up with light power, and right click shoots a block up with high power. If it collides with a shape, it will "Activate" it causing it to fall down, and any other blocks it collides into will "activate" too. If it collides into a shape with the same color, it will glow, and if it hits the bottom or stuck shapes, it will disappear and give you points, and some life to your life bar. If it falls onto a shape with the same color, it will destroy that shape too.
As you progress, you unlock photos that tell a story. The second button on the menu allows you to view these photos.
A very simplistic action/platformer with haunting music and visuals. Simple, fun, and fast: you can probably beat the whole game in under thirty minutes. Not too scary, but actually quite challenging.
finshed all of them except for instructions and rituals. i don't get the old lady one, and is the tv static one true..? i think i've stared into static long enough and i honestly thought it began slowing down, before looking away..
On February 20 2010 06:23 aeroH wrote: finshed all of them except for instructions and rituals. i don't get the old lady one, and is the tv static one true..? i think i've stared into static long enough and i honestly thought it began slowing down, before looking away..
No, none of them are true lol
The old lady wasn't really an old lady, but a serial killer masquerading in a wig.
On February 20 2010 06:23 aeroH wrote: finshed all of them except for instructions and rituals. i don't get the old lady one, and is the tv static one true..? i think i've stared into static long enough and i honestly thought it began slowing down, before looking away..
there was a really creepy black and white movie on youtube i forgot the name of but it's really creepy. it had a really simple name but i just cant remember
On February 20 2010 08:37 mahnini wrote: there was a really creepy black and white movie on youtube i forgot the name of but it's really creepy. it had a really simple name but i just cant remember
I think I may know what you're talking about and I can't remember the name either
On February 20 2010 08:37 mahnini wrote: there was a really creepy black and white movie on youtube i forgot the name of but it's really creepy. it had a really simple name but i just cant remember
On February 20 2010 09:01 NrG.NeverExpo wrote: This seems to the be the 2 minute version of that creepy mexican looking guy: Im home alone and refuse to watch it though :D
wow. i totally did not see that coming @ 21 seconds. fuck.
I've gotta say. As someone who has spent a lot of time around the *chans, i've read all of these stories AT LEAST once. Also, please put a link to the SCP wiki in the OP.
aw now what the fuck, now i won't be able to sleep, and god damn it the weekend's the only time I can actually get more than like 5 hours of sleep a day.
I've probably read everything here sometime or another. Its like a standard /x/ creepypasta thread, but the videos are new at least. Hopefully teamliquid can find some new material other than the old stuff thats been floating around.
On February 20 2010 09:58 jiabung wrote: I've probably read everything here sometime or another. Its like a standard /x/ creepypasta thread, but the videos are new at least. Hopefully teamliquid can find some new material other than the old stuff thats been floating around.
yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. A lot of TL users don't really know anything about 4chan other than how shitty /b/ is, so I imagine a lot of this is unfamiliar.
I'll link to the SCP wiki in a while, im at a friends house right now so i don't want to do any heavy editing.
A group of young girls were having a slumber party one night and began to exchange ghost stories. One girl claimed that the old man who had been buried earlier that week in the graveyard down the street had been buried alive. She claimed that if you tried you could hear him scratching at the lid of his coffin still. The other girls called her bluff and told her she was afraid to go there tonight. She eventually accepted their challenge and took a stake with her to drive in the ground to prove she'd been there. She headed off to the gravesite right away and never returned, the others assumed she had "chickened out" and went home ashamed. The next morning as they passed the graveyard they saw her there at the old man's grave. She had accidentally staked her nightshirt to the ground and died of fright.
Drinking & Driving
A man got home late from a night out drinking with the boys and staggered inside, his wife heard him and helped him into bed. The next morning she complained about his behavior and how she worried about how he makes it home so drunk. He agreed that he had no memory of the last few hours of his night out, but said he'd never had a problem before. As he pulled out of the garage to go to work, his wife was who had been watching him angrily from the front door screamed when she saw the little girl crushed into the grill of the car.
What the fuck. I'm usually not afraid of things like this, especially knowing that it's obviously fake. They're good stories and convincing but some of them are just too far. Like the ones with video.
But what the hell, I'm scared shitless to press play on that mereana modegard glesgorv video. I just HATE anything where a person is just staring. Even some paintings but usually when it's a light mood depicted in the painting I'm fine. But especially videos, with an odd looking man, with red background, just staring intensely. Wish I would watch it but fuck.
Does anyone know the name of those books that were popular in the 90s, that featured a collection of short horror stories in them? This thread reminded me of that.
Edit: I know I'm being really vague, but that's all I can remember about them unless I see a cover.
Alvin Schwartz's series of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark has forever scarred me. Those damn drawings are STILL scary.
Seriously, type in Scary stories to tell in the dark in google, and look at the image results. That damn skeleton lady that shows up haunted me for years! Children's book my ass.
On February 20 2010 10:54 Beaudereck wrote: You skipped some lines in the Matt Groening story, making it hard to follow, but otherwise, very nice post, thanks !
I like the version with the cut out lines a bit better.
On February 20 2010 11:07 deathgod6 wrote: I read the OP and don't know what CreepyPasta is. Can someone explain?
Creepypasta are scary stories shared on and originating from 4chan. It's a play on the Chan lingo "copypasta" which is just a heavily reposted OP/story.
In Berlin, after World War II, money was short, supplies were tight, and it seemed like everyone was hungry. At that time, people were telling the tale of a young woman who saw a blind man picking his way through a crowd. The two started to talk. The man asked her for a favor: could she deliver the letter to the address on the envelope? Well, it was on her way home, so she agreed. She started out to deliver the message, when she turned around to see if there was anything else the blind man needed. But she spotted him hurrying through the crowd without his smoked glasses or white cane. She went to the police, who raided the address on the envelope, where they found heaps of human flesh for sale. And what was in the envelope? “This is the last one I am sending you today.”
A man went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and told him that on the way to his room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. Especially no one should look inside the room, under any circumstances. So he followed the instructions of the woman at the front desk, going straight to his room, and going to bed. The next night his curiosity would not leave him alone about the room with no number on the door. He walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. He bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling his eye. What he saw was a hotel bedroom, like his, and in the corner was a woman whose skin was completely white. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. He stared in confusion for a while. He almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity, but decided not to. This disinclination saved his life. He crept away from the door and walked back to his room. The next day, he returned to the door and looked through the wide keyhole. This time, all he saw was redness. He couldn’t make anything out besides a distinct red color, unmoving. Perhaps the inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red. At this point he decided to consult the woman at the front desk for more information. She sighed and said, “Did you look through the keyhole?” The man told her that he had and she said, “Well, I might as well tell you the story. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in that room, and her ghost haunts it. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red.”
On February 20 2010 11:32 ieatkids5 wrote: should add these to the op
A man went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and told him that on the way to his room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. Especially no one should look inside the room, under any circumstances. So he followed the instructions of the woman at the front desk, going straight to his room, and going to bed. The next night his curiosity would not leave him alone about the room with no number on the door. He walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. He bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling his eye. What he saw was a hotel bedroom, like his, and in the corner was a woman whose skin was completely white. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. He stared in confusion for a while. He almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity, but decided not to. This disinclination saved his life. He crept away from the door and walked back to his room. The next day, he returned to the door and looked through the wide keyhole. This time, all he saw was redness. He couldn’t make anything out besides a distinct red color, unmoving. Perhaps the inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red. At this point he decided to consult the woman at the front desk for more information. She sighed and said, “Did you look through the keyhole?” The man told her that he had and she said, “Well, I might as well tell you the story. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in that room, and her ghost haunts it. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red.”
Whoa this one caught me off guard. Like I knew it was probably a haunted room but very nice with the eye thing. I took a moment and just thought about it, breathing a sigh. Not a bad one. It was just intense. Great stories in this thread.
On February 20 2010 11:32 ieatkids5 wrote: should add these to the op
In Berlin, after World War II, money was short, supplies were tight, and it seemed like everyone was hungry. At that time, people were telling the tale of a young woman who saw a blind man picking his way through a crowd. The two started to talk. The man asked her for a favor: could she deliver the letter to the address on the envelope? Well, it was on her way home, so she agreed. She started out to deliver the message, when she turned around to see if there was anything else the blind man needed. But she spotted him hurrying through the crowd without his smoked glasses or white cane. She went to the police, who raided the address on the envelope, where they found heaps of human flesh for sale. And what was in the envelope? “This is the last one I am sending you today.”
A man went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and told him that on the way to his room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. Especially no one should look inside the room, under any circumstances. So he followed the instructions of the woman at the front desk, going straight to his room, and going to bed. The next night his curiosity would not leave him alone about the room with no number on the door. He walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. He bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling his eye. What he saw was a hotel bedroom, like his, and in the corner was a woman whose skin was completely white. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. He stared in confusion for a while. He almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity, but decided not to. This disinclination saved his life. He crept away from the door and walked back to his room. The next day, he returned to the door and looked through the wide keyhole. This time, all he saw was redness. He couldn’t make anything out besides a distinct red color, unmoving. Perhaps the inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red. At this point he decided to consult the woman at the front desk for more information. She sighed and said, “Did you look through the keyhole?” The man told her that he had and she said, “Well, I might as well tell you the story. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in that room, and her ghost haunts it. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red.”
The second one is one of my favorites and I thought I did add it. Oh well, added now.
I check into small hotel a few kilometers from Kiev. It is late. I am tired. I tell woman at desk I want a room. She tells me room number and give key. "But one more thing comrade; there is one room without number and always lock. Don't even peek in there." I take key and go to room to sleep.
Night comes and I hear trickling of water. It comes from the room across. I cannot sleep so I open door. It is coming from room with no number. I pound on door. No response. I look in keyhole. I see nothing except red.
Water still trickling. I go down to front desk to complain. "By the way who is in that room?" She look at me and begin to tell story.
There was woman in there. Murdered by her husband. Skin all white, except her eyes, which were red.
I tell her I don't give a shit. Stop the water trickling or give me refund. She gave me 100 ruble credit and free breakfast.
I check into small hotel a few kilometers from Kiev. It is late. I am tired. I tell woman at desk I want a room. She tells me room number and give key. "But one more thing comrade; there is one room without number and always lock. Don't even peek in there." I take key and go to room to sleep.
Night comes and I hear trickling of water. It comes from the room across. I cannot sleep so I open door. It is coming from room with no number. I pound on door. No response. I look in keyhole. I see nothing except red.
Water still trickling. I go down to front desk to complain. "By the way who is in that room?" She look at me and begin to tell story.
There was woman in there. Murdered by her husband. Skin all white, except her eyes, which were red.
I tell her I don't give a shit. Stop the water trickling or give me refund. She gave me 100 ruble credit and free breakfast.
Such is life in Moscow
LOL, this is win. If anyone is really creeped out by the OP stories, definitely check out this site to clear your mind.
On February 20 2010 11:32 ieatkids5 wrote: should add these to the op
In Berlin, after World War II, money was short, supplies were tight, and it seemed like everyone was hungry. At that time, people were telling the tale of a young woman who saw a blind man picking his way through a crowd. The two started to talk. The man asked her for a favor: could she deliver the letter to the address on the envelope? Well, it was on her way home, so she agreed. She started out to deliver the message, when she turned around to see if there was anything else the blind man needed. But she spotted him hurrying through the crowd without his smoked glasses or white cane. She went to the police, who raided the address on the envelope, where they found heaps of human flesh for sale. And what was in the envelope? “This is the last one I am sending you today.”
A man went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and told him that on the way to his room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. Especially no one should look inside the room, under any circumstances. So he followed the instructions of the woman at the front desk, going straight to his room, and going to bed. The next night his curiosity would not leave him alone about the room with no number on the door. He walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. He bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling his eye. What he saw was a hotel bedroom, like his, and in the corner was a woman whose skin was completely white. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. He stared in confusion for a while. He almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity, but decided not to. This disinclination saved his life. He crept away from the door and walked back to his room. The next day, he returned to the door and looked through the wide keyhole. This time, all he saw was redness. He couldn’t make anything out besides a distinct red color, unmoving. Perhaps the inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red. At this point he decided to consult the woman at the front desk for more information. She sighed and said, “Did you look through the keyhole?” The man told her that he had and she said, “Well, I might as well tell you the story. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in that room, and her ghost haunts it. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red.”
The second one is one of my favorites and I thought I did add it. Oh well, added now.
Yeah thanks for making this compilation, a lot of them a good read.
Don’t dismiss this outright as the work of some raving lunatic. There’s some sense to this story, if you’ll just hear me out…
Look, we all wonder if time travel is possible, right? Well, let me tell you something… it is. I’m from the future, actually. I know you probably don’t believe that, but seriously, I’m from the future. It’s a really great thing; getting to see the past, watching events unfold… stuff like that. We know more now than we ever would.
Behind all the fun, though, there’s a more serious aspect. We aren’t supposed to go in our own lifetime, and we are NEVER allowed to contact our past selves. Let me tell you, I’m breaking that rule right now. Yes, kid, you’re talking to yourself. Your future self. I’m going to be executed for this, but you know what? I accept that. I’m preventing something by talking to you that is WORSE than death. I can’t tell you outright what to do, because the filters would catch it. This is the closest I can get, trust me. I can, however, send a little message.
You should probably read the first word of every paragraph, now.
Mother and father got a little tired from building Communism, so they want to go to Moscow to buy vodka. They call their most trusted babysitter. When the babysitter arrives, children already sleep in beds. Babysitter just sits around and make sure everything good with children. Later that night, babysitter gets bored and goes to read Marx, but she can't read it downstairs because there's no electricity (the parents didn't want children reading Marx all night long).
So, she calls them and asks if she can get candles to read Marx in their room. Of course, the parents say it's okay, but the babysitter has one final request... she asked if she could cover up the Lenin statue outside the bedroom window with a blanket or cloth, because it maeks her nervous.
The phone line is silent for a moment, and the father who says, "Take the children and get out of the house... we will call milita. We do not have an Lenin statue."
The militia found all three of the house occupants dead because KGB killed them for trying to cover Lenin's statue. And militia arrested parents for not having a Lenin statue.
On February 20 2010 10:08 Hornett wrote: The Graveyard Wager
A group of young girls were having a slumber party one night and began to exchange ghost stories. One girl claimed that the old man who had been buried earlier that week in the graveyard down the street had been buried alive. She claimed that if you tried you could hear him scratching at the lid of his coffin still. The other girls called her bluff and told her she was afraid to go there tonight. She eventually accepted their challenge and took a stake with her to drive in the ground to prove she'd been there. She headed off to the gravesite right away and never returned, the others assumed she had "chickened out" and went home ashamed. The next morning as they passed the graveyard they saw her there at the old man's grave. She had accidentally staked her nightshirt to the ground and died of fright.
Drinking & Driving
A man got home late from a night out drinking with the boys and staggered inside, his wife heard him and helped him into bed. The next morning she complained about his behavior and how she worried about how he makes it home so drunk. He agreed that he had no memory of the last few hours of his night out, but said he'd never had a problem before. As he pulled out of the garage to go to work, his wife was who had been watching him angrily from the front door screamed when she saw the little girl crushed into the grill of the car.
Yo I'm calling plagiarism. The first one was the plot for a Twilight Zone episode.
Damn they should just stick to stories. I was just starting to get a bit scared, especially by the german medic and russian sleep experiment story but then i started to watch the videos and they totally ruined it. own imagination > video. I actually got a huge book with like 500 scary stories in them maybe i will post one here but it's 6AM now and I'm drunk so I'm probably gonna go sleep first -.-
hey dr. helvetica can you cite the source for the youtube thing under "True" stories? i shared it with some friends and they want to know where i got it.
On February 20 2010 14:32 Kenpachi wrote: hey dr. helvetica can you cite the source for the youtube thing under "True" stories? i shared it with some friends and they want to know where i got it.
green ribbon is a classic, everyone i know and their mothers have heard it in elementary school. here it is in text form if you don't wanna watch a youtube: + Show Spoiler +
The Girl with the Green Ribbon Around Her Neck
A long time ago there was a little girl who had a green ribbon around her neck. One day she went to school and met a boy named Jim. Jim sat behind her in class and noticed the ribbon under her pig tails.
"Why do you wear that ribbon around your neck?" he asked. Someday I'll tell you, she promised.
When they were teenagers, Jim asked the girl on a date. While they were drinking frappes, Jim asked again, "why do you wear that green ribbon around your neck?” She laughed nervously and said, "Well maybe if we ever get married I'll tell you."
Jim fell in love with the girl and they got married. In bed their first night, the only thing his new wife wouldn't take off was the ribbon and he asked, “Okay, we're married now...why do you wear that ribbon on your neck!" She said, "I'll tell you if we ever have kids."
After they had a boy and a girl, Jim asked again,"Please, please, please, WHY DO YOU WEAR THAT RIBBON AROUND YOUR NECK?!?!" She said, if you love me, you'll drop it for now, some day I'll tell you."
So he dropped it. Just accepted the fact that his wife wore a mysterious ribbon around her neck all the time. They got old together, then the woman got very sick, went to the hospital, and the doctor said she was going to die. Her distraught husband sat by her side for days, and finally said, please, tell me now, why do you have that ribbon around your neck? In a croaky voice she said, okay, I'll tell you, take it off now."
He pulled the bow loose and her head fell off.
i always felt it was more sweet than anything, because + Show Spoiler +
a dead girl falling in love with a living boy is adorable, and they both had happy lives it sounds. think the corpse bride. also, they could have done some real kinky shit is she had shown him earlier
On February 20 2010 21:34 intrigue wrote: green ribbon is a classic, everyone i know and their mothers have heard it in elementary school. here it is in text form if you don't wanna watch a youtube: + Show Spoiler +
The Girl with the Green Ribbon Around Her Neck
A long time ago there was a little girl who had a green ribbon around her neck. One day she went to school and met a boy named Jim. Jim sat behind her in class and noticed the ribbon under her pig tails.
"Why do you wear that ribbon around your neck?" he asked. Someday I'll tell you, she promised.
When they were teenagers, Jim asked the girl on a date. While they were drinking frappes, Jim asked again, "why do you wear that green ribbon around your neck?” She laughed nervously and said, "Well maybe if we ever get married I'll tell you."
Jim fell in love with the girl and they got married. In bed their first night, the only thing his new wife wouldn't take off was the ribbon and he asked, “Okay, we're married now...why do you wear that ribbon on your neck!" She said, "I'll tell you if we ever have kids."
After they had a boy and a girl, Jim asked again,"Please, please, please, WHY DO YOU WEAR THAT RIBBON AROUND YOUR NECK?!?!" She said, if you love me, you'll drop it for now, some day I'll tell you."
So he dropped it. Just accepted the fact that his wife wore a mysterious ribbon around her neck all the time. They got old together, then the woman got very sick, went to the hospital, and the doctor said she was going to die. Her distraught husband sat by her side for days, and finally said, please, tell me now, why do you have that ribbon around your neck? In a croaky voice she said, okay, I'll tell you, take it off now."
He pulled the bow loose and her head fell off.
i always felt it was more sweet than anything, because + Show Spoiler +
a dead girl falling in love with a living boy is adorable, and they both had happy lives it sounds. think the corpse bride. also, they could have done some real kinky shit is she had shown him earlier
I read this story in 2nd grade for my 2nd grade read aloud.
i read every story and video posted in the op yesterday evening, and i was seriously scared and couldn´t fall asleep for hours lol, wouldnt have thought im such a pussy.
A girl was babysitting at a friend's house and it was for her friend's two younger brothers. The family she sat for had this odd looking clown statue standing in the corner of the living room almost life sized. It was just sooo creepy, she couldn't keep from looking at it every so often. Eventually, it got darker and she sent the two boys to bed. She went back downstairs to watch T.V. while she waited for her friend to call.
The clown just stood there with an eerie smile on it's face and a weird look in its unmoving eyes. She couldn't take any more of the weirdness, so she covered up the clown statue with a bed sheet. She quickly fell asleep after shutting the lamp light off. Suddenly she woke up and the sheet had slid off the clown statue. It stood there looking at her the same way. Almost immediately, the phone rang and she answered it. It was her friend.
"Yeah every thing's fine," said the babysitter, "I just have a problem with that weird clown statue in your guys' living room. It creeps the heck out of me."
There was silence on the other line........
"We don't have a clown statue in our living room. We never did."
The babysitter was struck silent by what her friend had just said. Then her friend said very slowly.
"Get out of the house now."........
After the babysitter quickly grabbed the kids and ran out of the house, the police arrived just minutes later with the news of a possibly dangerous intruder. The baby sitter learned that the criminal clown was an escapee, recently convicted of three murders from a neighboring city.
She also learned that the police searched the rest of the house and there was one thing missing that they found later on the clowns person after he'd been arrested..............a carving knife from the kitchen.
I realllllly hoped the "Dead Bart" thing was true, stuff like that freaks me out, because you grew up loving the good ol' innocent Simpsons and then you hear about something as sinister as this, crazy.
Does anyone know of any other stories like the Dead Bart one, but stories that are true? I love to hear dark secrets about things we trust/love/etc.
dude you should add scary pictures randomly in the OP so as people scroll down they see freaky stuff when they expect alot of text. like that elderly lady with the boy on the bed picture was pretty freaky when i unspoiled that one. but now i realize that it was probably the boys grandma fucking with the cell phone and the mother wrote that story for lols but yea, more scary pictures if possible would be scary
Might as well contribute, most are from /x/ or some creepypasta wiki I think. Sorry if any of these are reposts, I tried to check if they've already been posted but I probably missed some stories in the thread.
Every family in every town in every country on every continent has one. It’s a cabinet, not particularly odd, not out of place. The paint was peeling a bit on the corners and the knob was a bit loose. The inside smelled like dust and the paint wasn’t the same as the kitchen walls.
You hid in there once during a game of hide ‘n’ seek.
No one told you it doesn’t open back into your reality. Don’t worry, you can’t tell the difference.
After writing down a small list you reluctantly get in the car and pick up the items at the store. The lady cashier makes an odd remark to you, "You know, we're in no danger of a milk shortage." Upon arriving at her house you knock several times. No answer. You decide to try the door. It opens. You place the grocery bag on the counter. Strange. There seems to be six other grocery bags, each with identical contents. In a couple, the chicken and the milk has gone bad. "Mom," you call out, but no answer. You make your way through the kitchen and into the living room. Sitting on the couch, with her head cut off and neatly resting on her lap, is your mother.
Naturally you call the police who come over to investigate. They mention that she has been dead for nearly a week. Furthermore, the police psychiatrist is at the scene and talks to you after you give your initial statement. Sitting on the front steps, you overhear the psychiatrist talking with the crime scene investigator. "It's not uncommon for people suffering from schizophrenia to get locked into a series of repetitive behaviors," he says.
You think to yourself, "They can't be talking about me. Schizophrenia? Nah. Repetitive behavior? Do they think I did this?" Suddenly your cell phone goes off. "Hello?"
"Hi hun, it's me. Could you stop at the store and pick up some chicken and milk. Ohh, and I need some bread and cereal too."
“Those used to be green!” the man said aloud, staring at the plants on the sill. “I swear! They were green just yesterday!” he shouted to his wife, who was reading a book across the room.
He looked around. His eyes were unable to focus clearly for a moment, so he rubbed them. Looking around, he shouted again, “The walls! They used to be blue! We painted them blue just last month! Why aren’t they blue?” He was unable to control himself anymore. His wife looked over at him, surprised to see him in such a fervent uproar.
“Honey! Relax! You’ve just had a long day!” she affirmed. He wouldn’t have any of it though. “Don’t tell me what I’ve had or haven’t had!” he commanded as he stormed out of the room. Figuring her husband had possibly been drinking, the woman tried to continue reading her book. But her concentration was continually broken by the yells of her husband. “This used to be orange!” she could hear him yell in the other room. “These used to be brown!” he yelled again. Several minutes passed, but finally he was silent. Content that her husband had calmed down, the woman continued reading.
However, moments later a loud crash could be heard in the kitchen. The woman sprang from her chair in surprise, and darted over to the kitchen to see what was the matter. As she entered the room, she let out an incredible scream. There lay her husband on the floor, drenched in blood, with his abdomen slit wide open. Holding his own bowels in his hands, he uttered one last breath, “…these used to be red!…”
There was a hunter in the woods, who, after a long day hunting, was in the middle of an immense forest. It was getting dark, and having lost his bearings, he decided to head in one direction until he was clear of the increasingly oppressive foliage. After what seemed like hours, he came across a cabin in a small clearing. Realizing how dark it had grown, he decided to see if he could stay there for the night. He approached, and found the door ajar. Nobody was inside. The hunter flopped down on the single bed, deciding to explain himself to the owner in the morning.
As he looked around the inside of the cabin, he was surprised to see the walls adorned by several portraits, all painted in incredible detail. Without exception, they appeared to be staring down at him, their features twisted into looks of hatred and malice. Staring back, he grew increasingly uncomfortable. Making a concerted effort to ignore the many hateful faces, he turned to face the wall, and exhausted, he fell into a restless sleep.
The next morning, the hunter awoke -- he turned, blinking in unexpected sunlight. Looking up, he discovered that the cabin had no portraits, only windows.
When you are admitted to a hospital, they place on your wrist a white wristband with your name on it. But there are other different colored wristbands which symbolize other things. The red wristbands are placed on dead people.
There was one surgeon who worked on night shift in a school hospital. He had just finished an operation and was on his way down to the basement. He entered the elevator and there was just one other person there. He casually chatted with the woman while the elevator descended. When the elevator door opened, another woman was about to enter when the doctor slammed the close button and punched the button to the highest floor. Surprised, the woman reprimanded the doctor for being rude and asked why he did not let the other woman in.
The doctor said, "That was the woman I just operated on. She died while I was doing the operation. Didn’t you see the red wristband she was wearing?"
The woman smiled, raised her arm, and said, "Something like this?"
It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not wake up. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and please wake up.
You’re slowly stirred awake by the distant ringing as the phone beside your bed pulls you out of your dreams. Your thoughts gather themselves and you groan, reaching over to answer.
As soon as you place the phone to your ear, you’re greeted by the background noise consisting of twisted screams. People in agonizing pain begging for help or death, not that the interference allows you to hear any individual voice clearly enough.
“Get out of the house now!”
The call ends abruptly after what you could have sworn was a voice from closer to you than on the other end. You shift yourself to the side of the bed, sighing while rubbing your eyes. A call this startling and this early in the morning would keep you awake.
Your wife shuffles to the side, apparently also woken by the call. She wraps her arms around you and gives a light kiss on the neck.
“Don’t worry about it,” Her half asleep mumble calms you down somewhat.
Just as you’re about to place the phone down, it rings again. You fumble slightly and drop it. Instead, you feel your wife’s arms tighten around you, preventing you from leaning forward.
It’s then you notice a subtle difference between the arms around you and the familiarity of your wife’s.
One school day, a boy named Tom was sitting in class and doing math. It was six more minutes until after school. As he was doing his homework, something caught his eye.
His desk was next to the window, and he turned and looked to the grass outside. It looked like a picture. When school was over, he ran to the spot where he saw it. He ran fast so that no one else could grab it.
He picked it up and smiled. It had a picture of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had a dress with tights on and red shoes, and her hand was formed into a peace sign.
She was so beautiful he wanted to meet her, so he ran all over the school and asked everyone if they knew her or have ever seen her before. But everyone he asked said "no." He was devastated.
When he was home, he asked his older sister if she knew the girl, but unfortunately she also said "no." It was very late, so Tom walked up the stairs, placed the picture on his bedside table and went to sleep.
In the middle of the night Tom was awakened by a tap on his window. It was like a nail tapping. He got scared. After the tapping he heard a giggle. He saw a shadow near his window, so he got out of his bed, walked toward his window, opened it up and followed the giggling. By the time he reached it, it was gone.
The next day again he asked his neighbors if they knew her. Everybody said, "Sorry, no." When his mother came home he even asked her if she knew her. She said "no." He went to his room, placed the picture on his desk and fell asleep.
Once again he was awakened by a tapping. He took the picture and followed the giggling. He walked across the road, when suddenly he got hit by a car. He was dead with the picture in his hand.
The driver got out of the car and tried to help him, but it was too late. Suddenly he saw the picture and picked it up.
There’s a lingerie store in Kensington. You know the type: overpriced and under-stocked. The staff is no help at all, almost like they don’t want any customers at all. They don’t. At least, not in the front of the store. If you can convince them you’re a discerning patron though, they might let you into the red room.
Getting into the red room is easy. At least it seems so on the surface. There’s a door at the back of the shop with a bead curtain in front of it. The door is always locked though and the red room won’t be there if you break in. The key is to walk into the store every day for a week and ask for an array of outlandish products. Vinyl nighties, cardboard stocking and high heeled shoes full of salt have all been amongst the list of code words. Eventually you’ll hit upon the correct code word and the clerk will admit you to the red room.
There is no space in the building for the red room. The place where it is should be taken up by the kitchen of the Italian restaurant next door. The red room is a small strip club, with only a half dozen seats inside and the brightest, shiniest red paint. For the most part, the shows are very said and conventional, but be sure not to attend on any night which belongs to a martyred saint. If you do, you’ll find out the red room: The walls aren’t red. It’s what they’re covered in.
Every morning someone has left a little present on the shelf in your hallway. It's always small things that you need: a new toothbrush, a box of paperclips, the tie you thought you'd lost. The gifts get progressively more expensive, moving on to vintage tapes, MP3 players, jewelry, a small block of platinum...
Then one day, you find nothing on the shelf but a note:
Somewhere, in the world, there's an artist. Her only painting is a painting of a simple white room, devoid of furniture or features. The room is lit by a simple white dome with a bulb inside it. Art scholars, on examining the painting, found that there's a faint suggestion of two shadows on the floor of the room.
She disappeared a while ago, but there's still a gallery in a large American city that has her contact information - they used to handle her PR work. If you go to her apartment, you'll find a door that seems to lead into what can only be a wall.
If you open it, you'll see a pristine white room - white carpet, white walls, and a white dome light overhead with a bulb inside it illuminating the room. You'll be drawn in, and if you've seen the painting, you'll look down at the floor for the shadows. They aren't there, of course - just your shadow. When you turn back to the door, it'll be gone, only a smooth wall where you were sure there was a door.
Somewhere, in the world, there's an artist. Her only painting is a painting of a simple white room, devoid of furniture or features. The room is lit by a simple white dome with a bulb inside it. Art scholars, on examining the painting, found that there's a faint suggestion of three shadows on the floor of the room.
You just moved into your new apartment, in a very big city. After a year of this life, you have almost given up hope of making any friends; be it at work or any other means. You feel very lonely. After looking for a peaceful place to spend your time, you find a quiet diner on the outskirts of town. The waitress is very attractive. Also, she seems to be the only employee there, ever. You never see anyone else eat there either, ever. The place is perfect for you. Making love to her becomes a routine. You go there every night for dinner, and then to see her. You eventually make other friends, and eat at the diner less and less. After some time you stop going completely.
At a bar with your best friend, you tell him about the fun you had with the waitress at the diner. He says he absolutely must see her. You take him there one night, but the building is in a state of ruin. The front door barely opens. The grimy insides of the diner are disgusting, and, behind the counter, is a moldy corpse, reeking of pus and rot. When the police come to the scene, they interview both you and your friend. You are shocked to hear that the body is of a runaway girl from another province. The police tell you this is a homicide, and that she was also raped dozens of times, after she was killed. The police say they can get a match for DNA and eliminate you as a suspect. You are suddenly very worried.
A few months ago a friend of mine, who is an up-and-coming nature photographer, decided to spend a day and night alone in the woods outside of our town. She wanted to get photos of the woods and wildlife as naturally as she could for her portfolio. She wasn’t afraid of being alone, as she had camped by herself many times before. She set up a tent in the middle of a small clearing and spent the day taking pictures. She filled up four rolls of film on that trip, but something was strange about them. What she saw in those pictures has stayed with her ever since, and she is still trying to recover from the trauma the have caused her. Almost every picture was accounted for, save for one picture in each roll of film. These pictures were of her, asleep in her tent in the middle of the night.
I check into small hotel a few kilometers from Kiev. It is late. I am tired. I tell woman at desk I want a room. She tells me room number and give key. "But one more thing comrade; there is one room without number and always lock. Don't even peek in there." I take key and go to room to sleep.
Night comes and I hear trickling of water. It comes from the room across. I cannot sleep so I open door. It is coming from room with no number. I pound on door. No response. I look in keyhole. I see nothing except red.
Water still trickling. I go down to front desk to complain. "By the way who is in that room?" She look at me and begin to tell story.
There was woman in there. Murdered by her husband. Skin all white, except her eyes, which were red.
I tell her I don't give a shit. Stop the water trickling or give me refund. She gave me 100 ruble credit and free breakfast.
Such is life in Moscow
you just made my fucking day, thank you good sir
I copied the whole page into a text document on my computer, pure fucking gold. Hahaha :D
I saw the Garfield one, and I'm countering with this! Awesome page. It removes Garfield from the comic, since cats can't speak they suggest that Garfield might just be in Jon's imagination and showing a rather depressed/insane side of him. More sad than creepy, (and sometimes it's just hilarious) but I hope it fits your taste, people. EDIT: samples + Show Spoiler +
A girl was babysitting at a friend's house and it was for her friend's two younger brothers. The family she sat for had this odd looking clown statue standing in the corner of the living room almost life sized. It was just sooo creepy, she couldn't keep from looking at it every so often. Eventually, it got darker and she sent the two boys to bed. She went back downstairs to watch T.V. while she waited for her friend to call.
The clown just stood there with an eerie smile on it's face and a weird look in its unmoving eyes. She couldn't take any more of the weirdness, so she covered up the clown statue with a bed sheet. She quickly fell asleep after shutting the lamp light off. Suddenly she woke up and the sheet had slid off the clown statue. It stood there looking at her the same way. Almost immediately, the phone rang and she answered it. It was her friend.
"Yeah every thing's fine," said the babysitter, "I just have a problem with that weird clown statue in your guys' living room. It creeps the heck out of me."
There was silence on the other line........
"We don't have a clown statue in our living room. We never did."
The babysitter was struck silent by what her friend had just said. Then her friend said very slowly.
"Get out of the house now."........
After the babysitter quickly grabbed the kids and ran out of the house, the police arrived just minutes later with the news of a possibly dangerous intruder. The baby sitter learned that the criminal clown was an escapee, recently convicted of three murders from a neighboring city.
She also learned that the police searched the rest of the house and there was one thing missing that they found later on the clowns person after he'd been arrested..............a carving knife from the kitchen.
Thats the exact same as the angel statue one DH posted in the OP. But I think the clown one was conceded first.
On February 22 2010 03:00 Elite00fm wrote: Is anyone able to actually read the smile.jpg one?
I was just about to say...
didn't read it cause the words were too small, but the image is creepy as hell.
Did anyone actually go and look through all of the pictures? I looked through like the first 4 and chickened out, freaking pictures are the scariest things in this thread....
I've seen most of these, the pictures honestly aren't that frightening
for more of The Holder ones.
edit: Wait, this is at the bottom of the OP. I'd told myself not to read past the childhood stories until I"d finished all of the other ones, so I missed it
On February 21 2010 23:21 KNICK wrote: Wake Up (my personal favorite) + Show Spoiler +
It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not wake up. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and please wake up.
Awesome, I had just stopped reading with a "wtf I don't get it" when my eyes jumped back to the last italicized line and I got it. Awesome.
On February 21 2010 23:21 KNICK wrote: Wake Up (my personal favorite) + Show Spoiler +
It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not wake up. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and please wake up.
Awesome, I had just stopped reading with a "wtf I don't get it" when my eyes jumped back to the last italicized line and I got it. Awesome.
Added to the OP, Im pretty sure i added it last night.
Un-numbered Hotel Room: Cool twist, poorly written.
Mickey Mouse: A really interesting cartoon reel that is really experimental if legitimate. The story about suicide is just terrible.
These in general - They're just bad. None of them are creepy, none of the 'true' ones are true or have any evidence to suggest they are. I'm amazed so many people think they're creepy at all. A few have cool ideas, but really? They suck.
I remember reading Carrie in my closet once. Wasn't so bad; the heat from my lamp was worse than the story itself. Anyone else read stories in the dark? Some of these are nice though. The home alone, wake up, and hotel ones gave me that strange sigh of relief or suspense.
And the Russian Ones were amazing. You spend one night in a forest on a dark day in Siberia; so dark you can't see your own hands a foot away from your eyes, and you'll never be scared of another thing in your entire life.
Every morning someone has left a little present on the shelf in your hallway. It's always small things that you need: a new toothbrush, a box of paperclips, the tie you thought you'd lost. The gifts get progressively more expensive, moving on to vintage tapes, MP3 players, jewelry, a small block of platinum...
Then one day, you find nothing on the shelf but a note:
"Your turn."
can someone explain that one to me please? Don't get it.
and also, to the clown one, what kind of idiot can't tell the difference between a real person and a clown statue
Every morning someone has left a little present on the shelf in your hallway. It's always small things that you need: a new toothbrush, a box of paperclips, the tie you thought you'd lost. The gifts get progressively more expensive, moving on to vintage tapes, MP3 players, jewelry, a small block of platinum...
Then one day, you find nothing on the shelf but a note:
"Your turn."
can someone explain that one to me please? Don't get it.
and also, to the clown one, what kind of idiot can't tell the difference between a real person and a clown statue
I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so scared and I can't trust anyone. I went camping about 3 weekends ago in the Huntsville national forest in Texas. Me and 3 friends that came home for the weekend, they are all in college and usually we all get together at least once a year, old friends from high school. For the camping trip we planned to go backpacking deep in the forest, live off of fish that we catch and animals that we can trap. We have been doing this for awhile in Texas and in numerous places, Arizona, Colorado (if anyone is familiar with the Spanish peaks there), New Mexico, so we‘re pretty much used to anything you‘d encounter out there. It was my turn to pick where we went camping, so I chose Huntsville (more accurately it's Huntsville/New Waverly). So we drive up there park our car in a camping park spot and start walking off into the forest. We had some laughs along the way, everyone catching up with each other's lives. We walked until it started to get dark and set up camp where we stopped. Everyone gathered wood to make a fire and we set our tent up. And we do what we always do: try and scare each other with weird stories.
Around this time we started to smell something very faint. It was noticeable, but not overbearing. We couldn't put our finger on what it was, so we just carried on. Mike had to go piss and he walked off in the forest. A second later he come running back, piss all down his jeans like he'd missed really bad. Immediately we all crack up and throw some jokes at him. Then we noticed that he was white as snow and trying to catch his breath. He starts screaming for us to follow him, and runs off.
We all get serious and go follow him, not knowing what the problem was. We start to hear a faint scream and crying in the distance, in the direction we were running. It was pitch black away from the camp and Mike had the only flash light (we left ours at the camp, he had his from his trip taking a piss), so at this stage we didn't have much choice but to follow the light, which was frantically pointing here and there in front of him.
The scream gets closer and Mike starts to slow down. We then notice a ratty old cabin that looked like it was abandoned, except for a faint light that we could see from one of the old mildew covered windows. The crying was intense: whoever it was couldn't breathe enough to let out a full yell. We all followed Mike up to the front door and we could all hear the crying from inside. As soon as he knocked on the door it stopped. We all waited and heard really heavy footsteps walking fast to the door. There was a giant slam against the door and the sound of a bolt unlocking. Then nothing. We waited for a bit, knocked a few more times, but still nothing happened. We walked around the house (there was no fucking way any of us were leaving each other's side) and noticed a window, which was a good way up. Alex took a deep breath and said asked us to give him a boost so he could see inside. Me and Mike lifted him up to the window. We watched him brush away dirt and webs from the window and place his face close to the window to try and see something.
There was a quick beat. Then suddenly he breathed in fast and let out a loud scream. Then he fell back from the window, screaming bloody murder the whole way. We all tried to calm him down but he was hysterical. We went to him but he started to shake, punch, kick, you name it, and then took off towards the camp.
None of us wanted to be separated so we all ran close behind him. We caught up to him and grabbed him and set him down. The fire was dying out so I grabbed some nearby wood that we collected added it to the fire. My hands were shaking and I had to do something. I went back to Alex and we all tried to calm him down. He wouldn't he kept screaming and was breathing so hard that he eventually fainted.
All of us are terrified now, and we all kept the fire high until sunrise. Periodically Alex kept waking up, screaming just like before. By sunrise he was up and looked catatonic, just mumbling to himself and whimpering. Me and Mike decide to go look at the cabin now it was daylight. We searched where we thought it was, except there was nothing there. Nothing at all. The indistinct smell from last night had now grown into a very strong smell of something dead, something stale. We headed back to the camping site. When we got there we found Alex had chewed into the sides of his face and swallowed so much blood that he was throwing up. John was at his back, and he looked like he was about to die from exhaustion. I guess we all looked that way, I just didn't notice until I saw his face. Alex said quietly that we need to leave. Now.
We all started to pack up the tent. It started to rain really heavily (it was about noon) and the sky started to grow really dark. Alex started to go into a panic. He went and grabbed a big stick and yelled at us to leave it and leave, now, or he‘d knock us out and drag us out of there himself. Mike started to yell at him, and they started to fight. We broke it up and finished packing, and then started to make our way back. After a little while we arrived at a creek we had crossed the previous day, only it was flooded over, and the water was moving to fast for us to cross it. Alex started to scream again, yelling at Mike for taking his time packing up the tent when we could have gotten out of here. This went on for a while until we finally convinced Alex to calm down and tell us what happened. He said as soon as he put his face to the glass, a face on the other side did the same thing, and started to smile really big. It had dark eyes and a dark mouth which was much bigger then Alex's, as the smile got as large as it could. A giant shadow behind it swung something down and sliced it‘s face off. The face was stuck to the window, and he said it started to laugh quietly as it slid down. Mike, still pissed off (and though he wouldn't admit it, beginning to get freaked out), started to argue with him again. We eventually started to follow the creek for a way to cross.
We then started to see toys floating in the creek. Really old toys, old Barbie dolls and baby dolls. This wasn't like any old trash floating in the creek, though… this was a lot of barbies, a lot of baby dolls. One washed towards the side and Mike picked it up. It had some kind of voice chip that was dying and started to say some gurgling words we couldn't understand, followed by it's sad excuse for laughter. Then it sounded like it was whispering. We thought the batteries must be dying, he threw it down.
We kept going, and the sun was starting to set. Alex was freaking out more now, and was whimpering and breathing heavily. We all started to see shadows move behind trees, something we all called BS on until we all were seeing it. It was barely light out and we stop as we see the cabin right in front of us. None of us knows what to think. Mike says “This is bull, I’m going in there.” Alex tries to stop him. We all do, all of us just wanted to go home. Mike says to all of us to fuck off, do our own thing, he doesn't care anymore, this is all bull. We start to hear hundreds of the same sort baby doll as before, laughing, whispering and trying to sing. We start to move forward past the cabin, all of us, and kept pushing forward. We smelled something dead in the air, something stale. The same something as before. We started to hear something crying, and something screaming. We kept on going. We eventually crossed the creek and left the woods. We get back to our vehicle and got in. Its pitch black, and we drive. We are about to get on the 45 to Houston but the road is under construction and can't be accessed. It points to a detour. As we head towards the detour it seems to be small, bumpy dirt road going into the woods.
We then see a young girl come up to us. She looks like she was in trouble, young and pretty. She approaches the passenger side door and she looks like she‘s really drugged up, or beaten up. Alex doesn't roll down the windows, nor does he open the door. She reaches for the handle and he immediately locks it. She puts her face on the window and starts to smile really big. We floor it, Alex starts to cry and scream and we are all breathing heavy. We finally cut on a street that takes us to the 45 and we take it the whole way. When we get back to my apartment everyone doesn't know what to say and we all break apart and go our separate ways. Mike messages me later and says he is going to go back. I try to convince him not to and all he does is say it was our own minds that were screwing with us. I think he just went to prove to himself he wasn't scared. I can smell that stench everywhere now. I don't go out anymore, I just stay in and don't answer the door. Last week everyone I met was acting really strange, people that I knew for a long time and total strangers. My own dad, when I went to his place to eat supper with him he just watched me, strangely, when I was sitting down. He didn't say a word the whole time. I kept asking him “What's wrong?” He just slowly shook his head.
When I was leaving to go home I turned to wave. He had black eyes and an open mouth like he was in pain. When I started to walk back he shut the door and bolted it. I stayed there knocking and knocking. Nothing. I called him, his phone was disconnected. I even called the police. Halfway through the questions they were asking me the connection started to fade into static. I could hear a faint mumbling, singing and laughing.
Mike has completely vanished. There is not even a record of him being alive. When I call Alex's house they talk to me like I'm some salesman. They say they don't know any Alex and to please stop calling. The person who tells me that is Alex‘s mother. I can't get a hold of John. Someone knocked on my door and when I went to look I saw a face completely covering the peephole and a giant smile started to form. I called the cops again and instead of it turning into static they got really strange. “Sir, are you affected by any drugs at the moment?” “No.” “Are you coming home anytime soon?” “Excuse me?” “Come home.” and the phone call ended. My mail slot swings every now and then. Someone is sliding pieces of baby dolls through it. I try to call people now and all I can hear is static and bad baby doll noises and this crying and screaming. My TV is busted but when I go to piss I can hear it on. I might be going insane.
I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so scared and I can't trust anyone. I went camping about 3 weekends ago in the Huntsville national forest in Texas. Me and 3 friends that came home for the weekend, they are all in college and usually we all get together at least once a year, old friends from high school. For the camping trip we planned to go backpacking deep in the forest, live off of fish that we catch and animals that we can trap. We have been doing this for awhile in Texas and in numerous places, Arizona, Colorado (if anyone is familiar with the Spanish peaks there), New Mexico, so we‘re pretty much used to anything you‘d encounter out there. It was my turn to pick where we went camping, so I chose Huntsville (more accurately it's Huntsville/New Waverly). So we drive up there park our car in a camping park spot and start walking off into the forest. We had some laughs along the way, everyone catching up with each other's lives. We walked until it started to get dark and set up camp where we stopped. Everyone gathered wood to make a fire and we set our tent up. And we do what we always do: try and scare each other with weird stories.
Around this time we started to smell something very faint. It was noticeable, but not overbearing. We couldn't put our finger on what it was, so we just carried on. Mike had to go piss and he walked off in the forest. A second later he come running back, piss all down his jeans like he'd missed really bad. Immediately we all crack up and throw some jokes at him. Then we noticed that he was white as snow and trying to catch his breath. He starts screaming for us to follow him, and runs off.
We all get serious and go follow him, not knowing what the problem was. We start to hear a faint scream and crying in the distance, in the direction we were running. It was pitch black away from the camp and Mike had the only flash light (we left ours at the camp, he had his from his trip taking a piss), so at this stage we didn't have much choice but to follow the light, which was frantically pointing here and there in front of him.
The scream gets closer and Mike starts to slow down. We then notice a ratty old cabin that looked like it was abandoned, except for a faint light that we could see from one of the old mildew covered windows. The crying was intense: whoever it was couldn't breathe enough to let out a full yell. We all followed Mike up to the front door and we could all hear the crying from inside. As soon as he knocked on the door it stopped. We all waited and heard really heavy footsteps walking fast to the door. There was a giant slam against the door and the sound of a bolt unlocking. Then nothing. We waited for a bit, knocked a few more times, but still nothing happened. We walked around the house (there was no fucking way any of us were leaving each other's side) and noticed a window, which was a good way up. Alex took a deep breath and said asked us to give him a boost so he could see inside. Me and Mike lifted him up to the window. We watched him brush away dirt and webs from the window and place his face close to the window to try and see something.
There was a quick beat. Then suddenly he breathed in fast and let out a loud scream. Then he fell back from the window, screaming bloody murder the whole way. We all tried to calm him down but he was hysterical. We went to him but he started to shake, punch, kick, you name it, and then took off towards the camp.
None of us wanted to be separated so we all ran close behind him. We caught up to him and grabbed him and set him down. The fire was dying out so I grabbed some nearby wood that we collected added it to the fire. My hands were shaking and I had to do something. I went back to Alex and we all tried to calm him down. He wouldn't he kept screaming and was breathing so hard that he eventually fainted.
All of us are terrified now, and we all kept the fire high until sunrise. Periodically Alex kept waking up, screaming just like before. By sunrise he was up and looked catatonic, just mumbling to himself and whimpering. Me and Mike decide to go look at the cabin now it was daylight. We searched where we thought it was, except there was nothing there. Nothing at all. The indistinct smell from last night had now grown into a very strong smell of something dead, something stale. We headed back to the camping site. When we got there we found Alex had chewed into the sides of his face and swallowed so much blood that he was throwing up. John was at his back, and he looked like he was about to die from exhaustion. I guess we all looked that way, I just didn't notice until I saw his face. Alex said quietly that we need to leave. Now.
We all started to pack up the tent. It started to rain really heavily (it was about noon) and the sky started to grow really dark. Alex started to go into a panic. He went and grabbed a big stick and yelled at us to leave it and leave, now, or he‘d knock us out and drag us out of there himself. Mike started to yell at him, and they started to fight. We broke it up and finished packing, and then started to make our way back. After a little while we arrived at a creek we had crossed the previous day, only it was flooded over, and the water was moving to fast for us to cross it. Alex started to scream again, yelling at Mike for taking his time packing up the tent when we could have gotten out of here. This went on for a while until we finally convinced Alex to calm down and tell us what happened. He said as soon as he put his face to the glass, a face on the other side did the same thing, and started to smile really big. It had dark eyes and a dark mouth which was much bigger then Alex's, as the smile got as large as it could. A giant shadow behind it swung something down and sliced it‘s face off. The face was stuck to the window, and he said it started to laugh quietly as it slid down. Mike, still pissed off (and though he wouldn't admit it, beginning to get freaked out), started to argue with him again. We eventually started to follow the creek for a way to cross.
We then started to see toys floating in the creek. Really old toys, old Barbie dolls and baby dolls. This wasn't like any old trash floating in the creek, though… this was a lot of barbies, a lot of baby dolls. One washed towards the side and Mike picked it up. It had some kind of voice chip that was dying and started to say some gurgling words we couldn't understand, followed by it's sad excuse for laughter. Then it sounded like it was whispering. We thought the batteries must be dying, he threw it down.
We kept going, and the sun was starting to set. Alex was freaking out more now, and was whimpering and breathing heavily. We all started to see shadows move behind trees, something we all called BS on until we all were seeing it. It was barely light out and we stop as we see the cabin right in front of us. None of us knows what to think. Mike says “This is bull, I’m going in there.” Alex tries to stop him. We all do, all of us just wanted to go home. Mike says to all of us to fuck off, do our own thing, he doesn't care anymore, this is all bull. We start to hear hundreds of the same sort baby doll as before, laughing, whispering and trying to sing. We start to move forward past the cabin, all of us, and kept pushing forward. We smelled something dead in the air, something stale. The same something as before. We started to hear something crying, and something screaming. We kept on going. We eventually crossed the creek and left the woods. We get back to our vehicle and got in. Its pitch black, and we drive. We are about to get on the 45 to Houston but the road is under construction and can't be accessed. It points to a detour. As we head towards the detour it seems to be small, bumpy dirt road going into the woods.
We then see a young girl come up to us. She looks like she was in trouble, young and pretty. She approaches the passenger side door and she looks like she‘s really drugged up, or beaten up. Alex doesn't roll down the windows, nor does he open the door. She reaches for the handle and he immediately locks it. She puts her face on the window and starts to smile really big. We floor it, Alex starts to cry and scream and we are all breathing heavy. We finally cut on a street that takes us to the 45 and we take it the whole way. When we get back to my apartment everyone doesn't know what to say and we all break apart and go our separate ways. Mike messages me later and says he is going to go back. I try to convince him not to and all he does is say it was our own minds that were screwing with us. I think he just went to prove to himself he wasn't scared. I can smell that stench everywhere now. I don't go out anymore, I just stay in and don't answer the door. Last week everyone I met was acting really strange, people that I knew for a long time and total strangers. My own dad, when I went to his place to eat supper with him he just watched me, strangely, when I was sitting down. He didn't say a word the whole time. I kept asking him “What's wrong?” He just slowly shook his head.
When I was leaving to go home I turned to wave. He had black eyes and an open mouth like he was in pain. When I started to walk back he shut the door and bolted it. I stayed there knocking and knocking. Nothing. I called him, his phone was disconnected. I even called the police. Halfway through the questions they were asking me the connection started to fade into static. I could hear a faint mumbling, singing and laughing.
Mike has completely vanished. There is not even a record of him being alive. When I call Alex's house they talk to me like I'm some salesman. They say they don't know any Alex and to please stop calling. The person who tells me that is Alex‘s mother. I can't get a hold of John. Someone knocked on my door and when I went to look I saw a face completely covering the peephole and a giant smile started to form. I called the cops again and instead of it turning into static they got really strange. “Sir, are you affected by any drugs at the moment?” “No.” “Are you coming home anytime soon?” “Excuse me?” “Come home.” and the phone call ended. My mail slot swings every now and then. Someone is sliding pieces of baby dolls through it. I try to call people now and all I can hear is static and bad baby doll noises and this crying and screaming. My TV is busted but when I go to piss I can hear it on. I might be going insane.
Whoever lives above me started to scream in pain and crying deeply recently. I hear giant footsteps from their apartment, I hear bangs and something falling to the ground. From the neighbours to the right of my apartment I hear what sounds like a baby that never gets tended too and then it sounds like a baby doll whose batteries are dying. My phone has been ringing now and it’s Alex telling me things in a language that I have never heard before, nor could even manage to repeat. I kept getting emails of pictures of black and small colorations, now I can’t even access my email. Someone knocks on the door, then they slam against it. I hear the bolts unlocking one by one and I run to make sure to lock all of them back.
Then, I sit down and begin to cry. What do I do? My electricity keeps dimming. My water, sinks, bath, shower, all smell like something dead. I keep seeing a shadow of someone behind me raising something up in the air, and I just take off to the other side of the apartment with my head against the wall. I have boarded my windows shut, someone was throwing rocks through them. I never could see who. I have boarded my bedroom in, I hear crying and screaming in there now. And right now while I’m typing this I can see the reflection off the computer screen of some shadow behind me.
On February 20 2010 12:19 Hornett wrote: Don’t dismiss this outright as the work of some raving lunatic. There’s some sense to this story, if you’ll just hear me out…
Look, we all wonder if time travel is possible, right? Well, let me tell you something… it is. I’m from the future, actually. I know you probably don’t believe that, but seriously, I’m from the future. It’s a really great thing; getting to see the past, watching events unfold… stuff like that. We know more now than we ever would.
Behind all the fun, though, there’s a more serious aspect. We aren’t supposed to go in our own lifetime, and we are NEVER allowed to contact our past selves. Let me tell you, I’m breaking that rule right now. Yes, kid, you’re talking to yourself. Your future self. I’m going to be executed for this, but you know what? I accept that. I’m preventing something by talking to you that is WORSE than death. I can’t tell you outright what to do, because the filters would catch it. This is the closest I can get, trust me. I can, however, send a little message.
You should probably read the first word of every paragraph, now.
On February 22 2010 09:21 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: I also don't understand Gifts, nor do I understand Isolation. Explain? :3
Gifts your turn and since it needs to be more expensive its hinting you need to give your live, and isolation is suggesting you are being tortured.
Gifts - That's kind of a illogical leap. Meh. Needed more ccontext/set-up for it to be clear, if someone needs it to be explained it kinda loses its impact.
Isolation - I still don't get how that's supposed to be creepy :\
lol so I read this thread about a day ago and came back and noticed the childhood stories... i liked them and remembered something when i was reading the "ash in a coma" story... the thing i remembered was when brock came back into the series when he was with professor ivy... i noticed he never actually told you why he left and kept telling ash not to worry about it. this got me thinking "wtf happened?" lol
On February 22 2010 09:21 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: I also don't understand Gifts, nor do I understand Isolation. Explain? :3
Gifts your turn and since it needs to be more expensive its hinting you need to give your live, and isolation is suggesting you are being tortured.
Gifts - That's kind of a illogical leap. Meh. Needed more ccontext/set-up for it to be clear, if someone needs it to be explained it kinda loses its impact.
Isolation - I still don't get how that's supposed to be creepy :\
Gifts - My explanation would be that these gifts are put on the shelf by some "paranormal entity" (that might be where the story is a bit unclear, could just be an anonymous benefactor, but this is a creepypasta after all and there are little hints, like the tie that was lost and magically appears etc.) and one day this entity expects gifts of the same or higher value which might be a bit hard for a human being who has no idea what a ghost wants (failing to give him something he values ---> being haunted/killed or whatever). I'll admit that it's not the best creepypasta, I still kinda like it.
The story suggests that the reader (you) is the one being tortured and the bolded/italicized "wake up" is actually someone trying to wake you up and rescuing you from said fantasy world which you are not aware you live in. That means the text you are reading is in fact the aforementioned note, the only way to escape from that fantasy world.
On February 23 2010 07:06 captainwaffles wrote: Can someone explain "The Tape", "Training Dolls" and "Home Alone" ? I've read them several times But I'm not really getting them.
On February 23 2010 07:06 captainwaffles wrote: Can someone explain "The Tape", "Training Dolls" and "Home Alone" ? I've read them several times But I'm not really getting them.
The "Urban Legend" type stories really consume me.
Last night i spent my night alone in my dark apartment reading almost every story DH has posted. Unfortunately today i spent most of my day thinking about all the gruesome things i witnessed and read about. But to my surprise, it almost made me feel better, and it made my day quite enjoyable.
I'm not usually one to think about things like this, but they intrigue me so much, and i found myself searching for anything similar to the smile.jpg or barelybreathing.exe stories. I came across something about "barbie.jpg" but i cudnt find anything that wasn't an 8 inch plastic doll xD
I think it was also mentioned, "The Grifters" movie, about dying babies and maggoty babies and crazy shit, anyone have any additional information/stories about these things? thanks :D
On February 23 2010 13:58 NrG.NeverExpo wrote: The "Urban Legend" type stories really consume me.
Last night i spent my night alone in my dark apartment reading almost every story DH has posted. Unfortunately today i spent most of my day thinking about all the gruesome things i witnessed and read about. But to my surprise, it almost made me feel better, and it made my day quite enjoyable.
I'm not usually one to think about things like this, but they intrigue me so much, and i found myself searching for anything similar to the smile.jpg or barelybreathing.exe stories. I came across something about "barbie.jpg" but i cudnt find anything that wasn't an 8 inch plastic doll xD
I think it was also mentioned, "The Grifters" movie, about dying babies and maggoty babies and crazy shit, anyone have any additional information/stories about these things? thanks :D
The Grifter is a hoax perpertrated by some trip user at 4chan's /x/.
It was the obsession of /x/ for a long time and now it's basically a tired meme. I just came across a sick sick ARG thanks to /x/, I'm gonna blog it real soon and probably put it in the op too.
Wow a big section got cut off. ill pm a mod about this. I think i accidentally deleted a large amount of stuff when I cut out smile.jpg, I think the mods can restore it though. For now we just have to wait.
On February 23 2010 14:29 Slaughter wrote: DoctorHelvetica, from what you have posted it kind of seems like you would be someone who would enjoy HP Lovecraft's work. You ever read his stuff?
I read Call of Cthulu and a short story that I don't remember the title of, but I enjoyed both.
On February 23 2010 14:13 Slaughter wrote: I can't read the text on the smile.jpg one Very good collection of stories though.
google search "Curious case of smile.jpg" not in images, but regular search. You will find the report there! I had to do that when i was dying to read the story
Please someone tell me if the Candle Cove story is true. Cause when I watch the videos, all I see is pure static -_- and other people can see the actual episode.
I'm quite surprised Ted's Caving Page hasn't been mentioned yet. I found it a really fun work; still mixed feelings about the ending. It's one of those endings that are generally lame and you have to decide if it was done in the 'right way'.
On February 23 2010 22:25 404.Delirium wrote: I'm quite surprised Ted's Caving Page hasn't been mentioned yet. I found it a really fun work; still mixed feelings about the ending. It's one of those endings that are generally lame and you have to decide if it was done in the 'right way'.
On February 23 2010 22:19 Arkqn wrote: Please someone tell me if the Candle Cove story is true. Cause when I watch the videos, all I see is pure static -_- and other people can see the actual episode.
On February 23 2010 13:58 NrG.NeverExpo wrote: The "Urban Legend" type stories really consume me.
Last night i spent my night alone in my dark apartment reading almost every story DH has posted. Unfortunately today i spent most of my day thinking about all the gruesome things i witnessed and read about. But to my surprise, it almost made me feel better, and it made my day quite enjoyable.
I'm not usually one to think about things like this, but they intrigue me so much, and i found myself searching for anything similar to the smile.jpg or barelybreathing.exe stories. I came across something about "barbie.jpg" but i cudnt find anything that wasn't an 8 inch plastic doll xD
I think it was also mentioned, "The Grifters" movie, about dying babies and maggoty babies and crazy shit, anyone have any additional information/stories about these things? thanks :D
Hello. This thing happened to me a few months ago, I just need to share it with somebody. It all started at my friend’s party. He’s an artist who rented out a loft in the industrial part of town. If you can picture what a place like detroit looked like in the 1920’s- that’s what this area looks like. A bunch of old turn-of-the-century factories crammed into ten blocks. Most of them are abandoned. So I partied a little too hard that night and decided to crash on a couch at the loft. I woke up at around 4 am, the sun wasn’t out yet but you could still make things out in the dim blue light, I went to the bathroom, carefully tiptoeing around the people that where passed out on the floor. As I was taking a piss I tiptoed to look out the bathroom window and I saw the panorama of deserted urban decay. I remembered how much I liked places like this, it was so dark and devoid of life, and strangely serene. So I went back to the couch and tried to fall asleep. After 45 minutes of staring at the ceiling I decided I didn’t want to be there any longer so I swallowed my pride and decided to wake my girlfriend up to beg her for a ride, since walking around the vacant streets at this time was not an option. Being an awesome girlfriend, she was totally cool with it, and told me she would be there in about a half-hour and that she would give me a call when she was outside. My phone dies ten minutes later so I decide I would sit by the window and watch for her car. I sat there for a while and my eyes started getting heavy and I began to doze off. A crashing noise outside woke me up. It wasn’t loud, but just enough to snap me into reality. I looked out the window and scanned the area but i didn’t see anybody. Across the street from the loft near a mountain of garbage bags and one of those enormous dumpsters I see a computer and a monitor smashed against the floor that hadn’t been there before.
When my girlfriend arrives I go downstairs and greet her and just as I’m about to get in the car I remembered a friend of mine had blown out his power supply so i decide to walk over to the dumpster and see what I could salvage. The monitor was worthless but the tower seemed to have suffered almost no damage so I put it in the trunk and we drove off. About a week had passed and I had completely forgotten about the tower until one day my girlfriend calls to let me know that it was still in the trunk and that she wanted it out. That night I brought it home and before I took it apart I decided to hook it up to my monitor to see if it still ran, and to my surprise it did. It was an xp OS and it looked like it had been wiped clean. I guess out of morbid curiosity really, I decide to do searches for words like “porn” “tits” and “pussy” in hopes of finding some secret stash full of weird deviant porn the previous owner had forgotten about. Search came up nothing. Searched for picture Files – nothing. Then I searched for movies and one file came up. It was an .avi inside a folder titled “barbie” hidden in the WINDOWS/system32 directory. So I played it… Now this is where it gets extremely disturbing.
The movie was about an hour long of what seemed like raw exported footage. The footage was of this woman sitting on a chair and talking against a white backdrop. I skipped through most of movie and it was all the same continuous shot. Then I decided to sit though the footage to find out what she was talking about…about fifteen seconds into the footage the audio goes completely bad and her voice is drowned in harsh static/background noise. I couldn’t make out a thing. So I import the footage into final cut and try to mess with the levels to isolate her voice, it helped a little but I still couldn’t hear what she was saying. I’m intrigued now..and I begin to really pay attention to her face and body language. It seems that shes being asked some questions because she stops at times to listen, and then continues talking. About 15 minutes into the footage, her face begins to redden and contort as if the questions are bothering her… But she continues to answer them anyways. Shortly after she begins to cry. She sobs hysterically for the duration of the film. One of the few words I could lip read was “skin”. She repeats this word many times throughout the footage and at one point she even pulls at the skin from her arm and mouths the word. She seems to be unhappy with her skin.
t kept on building and building and about 40 minutes in she was crying so hard she could barely look at the camera. She stops talking at this point and the rest of the footage is just her crying with her head down. Oddly enough she doesn’t get up or move…then it just goes black. i was fucking stunned. I played the whole thing through many times that night, trying to find inflections and nuances in her movement that would reveal anything else about what was going on. I felt so dissatisfied, I wanted to know more. That’s when I noticed that there was about 10 more minutes left on the timeline after the screen went black, and about 2 minutes in there was more footage. The footage was extremely shaky, almost unwatchable, and depicted a pair of legs walking along train tracks. my guess is that camera was accidentally left on as it was being carried somewhere. The person in this footage walks along the train tracks for about 6 minutes and then turns into the forest and walks over what looked like foliage flattened by a piece of plywood. The person continues on this makeshift plywood road until the movie clip ends.
Now my heart started beating with excitement because there where train tacks a few miles away that looked very similar to the one in the video. I HAD to check this out. I called up my friend Ezra, hes 6’4 250 pounds of mostly muscle and convinced him to go on a little adventure with me. I’m no pushover myself, but I felt if was to go wandering in the woods looking for god knows what, extra muscle couldn’t hurt. This whole idea of investigating this video had me so exited I couldn’t sleep. The next morning on a sunny Saturday, I took my flashlight, my camera, and my 7 inch ka-bar with a matte black finish and serrated edge and went to pick up Ezra. When I got to his house he wasn’t even awake. When I woke him he pretty much told me to fuck off. I was already packed and I had mentally prepared myself to do this so I decided to go through with it without him. I parked my car at the train station, took my stuff, and hopped onto the tracks. After walking for about two hours , I saw a broken piece of plywood and my knees almost buckled with excitement. I searched the nearby foliage, and there it was, a little plywood trail leading into the forest. I walked slowly along the trail, paying close attention to everything. I would stop occasionally, kneel down, and listen for anything or anyone…but it was so quiet. This was one of the most nerve racking things ive ever done. I didnt know what to expect at the end of this trail.
The dense tree line gave way into a little island of grassy field, and then I saw it- It was a house that looked like it was being consumed by the forest. From the looks of it no one had lived there for 20 maybe 30 years. I got my camera and snapped a few pics. A few yards away from the house was a tool shed made of rusty sheet metal. I just sat there among the trees for a while, absorbing everything. I didn’t want to go into the open field, I had this bad feeling that something would see me. It took me a while to muster the courage to up to the house. the door was partly opened, I pushed it in with the flashlight and was relieved that the inside was actually very well lit. I put my flashlight away, got my camera and took a few more pics. There was no furniture, the floor was riddled with bricks and wood and rubble, and some of the walls had huge holes in them. When I went in further to explore, I saw some things that I didn’t pay much mind to in that moment, but now that I think about them in hindsight, greatly disturb me.
The first thing that seemed a little odd, was that one of the doors in the first room, that I presumed led to the basement, seemed a little too new to be in this house, and that it was also the only door in the house that was locked. Also, when I made my way up to the second floor, I saw some chairs and a fold-up table that also seemed a little too new to be there. But what disturbed me the most for some reason, was the bathroom. The dust on the mirror had been wiped away, and in the bathtub, I saw a clear plastic tarp that still had water droplets on it from, when I presume, it was washed cleaned. That’s when I heard something moan really loud and that’s when I jump the fuck out of the second story window and ran back to the tracks. Halfway there I realized the moaning was most likely a water pipe expanding or contracting, and that little moment of relief gave into the horror that I felt when I wondered why the water would be running on an abandoned house in the middle of the fucking woods. Its been a little more than 2 months since this happened and I haven’t gone back there, nor plan to.
Hmm i was a little dissapointed in the barbie story's ending. I really like these kind of stories that are based off of images or videos randomly stumbled across though, thanks for posting it :D
Seriously? Half of the story is clearly fake, Candle cove is simply an elaborate sham where bunch of random users chose to came together to create non-existent legends, and pictures are clearly lols that are not disturbing at least but simply hideous (especially compared to initial statement that scary stories should have no monster "shock" value.) I had been expecting something much better you know
Here's a link to a horror comic/manga called "The Enigma of Amigara Fault" . Its like 30 pages, so a fast read ~5 min. Its not anything gory, its supposed to be unsettling.
I actually read another work by the other Junji Ito called "Uzimaki" and it was alot more disturbing than the link I posted, but I liked them because they were very original though a longer read.
On February 24 2010 11:44 pokeyAA wrote: Here's a link to a horror comic/manga called "The Enigma of Amigara Fault" . Its like 30 pages, so a fast read ~5 min. Its not anything gory, its supposed to be unsettling.
I actually read another work by the other Junji Ito called "Uzimaki" and it was alot more disturbing than the link I posted, but I liked them because they were very original though a longer read.
I have a bunch of his shit.. If i have time 2morrow morning ill upload a few stories.
A boy and a girl were in love. After every date, the boy would take the girl home on his motorcycle. When saying good-bye, the boy would say "Dear, I'm going. See you tomorrow. Good bye." This routine went on for a year. By this time, the two were already planning on getting married. This night, the boy, just like the past year, takes the girl home. When parting, he said "Dear, I'm going. Good bye." The girl happily kisses the boy good-bye. The boy smiles, hops on his motorcycle, and leaves, vanishing in the night. As the girl turns to enter her home, she suddenly felt that something was off.
Next morning she saw news of a motorcycle accident on the news. There were no survivors.
Just tried translating one. Kinda hard to capture the nuances of the creepy overtones for a lot of them, this might be harder than I thought...o.o
Grandma had a jade rosary that she would spin every single day. The brilliance of the jade grasped her.
A set of jade beads of this maturity and color and much is it worth...?
Grandma is already nearly 80, why would she need something this valuable?
Grandma's blind, she couldn't tell the difference between jade and glass, right?
She used a set of glass beads and switched out the jade ones.
The moment grandma touched the glass beads, grandma died. Talking with her father, she heard her father tell her a story about the beads. When she was born, it was premature, and she was on the verge of dying. Her grandma used her life's savings and bought a set of jade prayer beads, and prayed for her non stop for a week straight. And so she, miraculously, survived. From there on, grandma would use the rosary every single day, and it is said that every ten thousand rotations would grant her another day on earth.
She heard the story and wept. That night, she put the jade beads back into her grandma's coffin, into her hands.
Stunned, she saw her grandma's dry, bony hand begin to move. The hand grasped the beads, and begin spinning it again, faster and faster and faster until it was a blur.
Except now, it's spinning in the opposite direction.
She woke from the nightmare with a scream, sweating and gasping. He sat up and hugged her, asking her what's wrong. She explained that she dreamt her co-worker Jane pushed her off from the skyscraper where they worked. He softly whispered to her that it's all right, that if bad dreams were said out loud, they wouldn't come true. Repeated sweet whispering and soft words eventually put her to sleep again.
The next morning, she wondered if she should tell Jane about that dream. But Jane didn't come to the office. And she never saw Jane again.
A few days later, she had another nightmare. She was raped by her manager. Again, he softly hugged her and whispered "it's ok. As long as you tell me your dreams, it'll be ok."
The next morning, her manager disappeared too.
She had more bad dreams, and there were often people hurting her in these dreams. Her shrill scream always woke him in the middle of the night, but he never complained. Always, with a firm smile and soft words, encouraged her to tell him the dream, and then calmed her until she went back to sleep. And these people who hurt her in these dreams would always disappear.
Her dreams started decreasing.
But tonight, her scream was extra loud, her face extra white. He would hug her and talk to her, and ask her what happened. But she would stare blankly and say nothing.
Finally, he understood.
He stood up and tucked her in. Kissed her softly, and then walked outside, and then to their cellar. A lot of people are lying in the cellar. There's Jane. There's the manager. Lightly, he drew a knife across his neck. He lied down. The floor's a little cold, and a little crowded.
Grandma had a jade rosary that she would spin every single day. The brilliance of the jade grasped her.
A set of jade beads of this maturity and color and much is it worth...?
Grandma is already nearly 80, why would she need something this valuable?
Grandma's blind, she couldn't tell the difference between jade and glass, right?
She used a set of glass beads and switched out the jade ones.
The moment grandma touched the glass beads, grandma died. Talking with her father, she heard her father tell her a story about the beads. When she was born, it was premature, and she was on the verge of dying. Her grandma used her life's savings and bought a set of jade prayer beads, and prayed for her non stop for a week straight. And so she, miraculously, survived. From there on, grandma would use the rosary every single day, and it is said that every ten thousand rotations would grant her another day on earth.
She heard the story and wept. That night, she put the jade beads back into her grandma's coffin, into her hands.
Stunned, she saw her grandma's dry, bony hand begin to move. The hand grasped the beads, and begin spinning it again, faster and faster and faster until it was a blur.
Except now, it's spinning in the opposite direction.
so wahts that mean her grandma is granting her granddaughter less days to live ? GG hostile motherfucker
On February 25 2010 01:47 NrG.NeverExpo wrote: See Ya was a little lame, it might have been better in chinese but it was basically like, a motorcycle crash killing a boy, not too scary.
Nightmares ends weird, i guess she dreamed that her husband did something to her? I just don't fully understand why he would kill himself lol.
yea it definitely wiled better in Chinese.
Nightmares was saying that the guy killed everyone who appeared in her dreams, and yeah, she ended up having a nightmare about him. Not really creepy scary, but like, obsessive devotion scary I guess.
I once formated mi pc, didnt have any starcraft cd, nor internet conection available........i sateyd over a week without seing starcraft.........
fucking scary shit, true story i tell ya.
read a story on digg once about a warcraft3 player who reformatted and lost his warcraft3 and couldn't play for a few weeks until he went home from college.
he would put a screenshot of warcraft3 on full screen, then stare at the background and click his mouse and press on his keyboard and pretend he was playing
On February 25 2010 02:15 Zurles wrote: How are you playing eversion backwards, i completed it, you just get eaten by the princess your meant to save?
Because it seems at first like you are a cute creature trying to escape the hellish world and return home but you are in reality a demon trying to escape the cute world.
On February 25 2010 02:15 Zurles wrote: How are you playing eversion backwards, i completed it, you just get eaten by the princess your meant to save?
Yeah I reached the end of Eversion too, and I didn't see any story at all, much less a story going backwards. It was very atmospherically creepy, that's for sure.
Maybe the ending is different if you get all the gems.
-edit: nope! the monster still eats you, even if you have all the gems
-edit again: OMG nvm I found the secret everse location that you can only use after you get all the gems. The hidden ending is so much better lol
On February 23 2010 03:40 hero.dE wrote: Marble Hornets anyone? More of creepyvidja than creepypasta.. It deals with Slenderman and new videos are still being released.
On February 25 2010 08:04 Osmoses wrote: If anyone wanna read Uzumaki, and everyone definitely should, the whole series is available here. Freakiest manga I ever read.
I really don't get the "There is Nothing" video. In fact when I watch it I seriously can't help but to start laughing so hard at when her head falls into the soup. Maybe that is the scariest part of the video to me in that I can't stop laughing for like a few minutes after watching it.
Can anyone explain to me why it is actually scary. I read the other website attached to it but I still don't really get it.
P.S. did anyone else laugh really hard like I did?
On February 25 2010 08:04 Osmoses wrote: If anyone wanna read Uzumaki, and everyone definitely should, the whole series is available here. Freakiest manga I ever read.
omg i just finished this soo good
I'm only three chapters in right now, but it is really good so far, I like
On February 25 2010 08:04 Osmoses wrote: If anyone wanna read Uzumaki, and everyone definitely should, the whole series is available here. Freakiest manga I ever read.
omg i just finished this soo good
I'm only three chapters in right now, but it is really good so far, I like
Update, this shit is weeeeird as fuck, but strangely addicting, on to chapter 12
I HAVE A HORROR STORY TO SHARE! Ok this is completely true, it happened to me at the movies. I worked at this movie theater called AMC theaters. I was working in the film booth and theres about 20 film projectors I have to manage, 10 on one side, and 10 on the other. Apparently number 20 is haunted I was told when i started blah blah. So one night i was working the side with 10-20. I was waiting for 20's movie to finish so I could rethread the film and just press start when it was ready to go again. And which I was waiting I was sitting by the projection box at theater 19 watching whatever movie was playing. You can listen to the movie if you just turn a nob and you can hear it. 20s movie ended and I turned off the volume on 19 and went to 20 to start to thread the film through the machine to start it over again. And while I was doing it I heard the volume again on 19. I went over to 19 because I heard it going and was thinking wtf why is this on, and the nob was turned up, and when i looked in the window where the projector was pointing out, I saw a reflection of an old man, with a blueish tint. I looked behind me and saw nothing there, looked back at the window and it was gone. I proceeded to shit my pants and I ran over to the girl who was working on theaters 1-9 and told her what happened. Thats about it but I stopped working in the film room after that haha
On February 26 2010 03:15 kidd wrote: I really don't get the "There is Nothing" video. In fact when I watch it I seriously can't help but to start laughing so hard at when her head falls into the soup. Maybe that is the scariest part of the video to me in that I can't stop laughing for like a few minutes after watching it.
Can anyone explain to me why it is actually scary. I read the other website attached to it but I still don't really get it.
P.S. did anyone else laugh really hard like I did?
It usually either really creeps people out or has no effect on them.
On February 25 2010 08:04 Osmoses wrote: If anyone wanna read Uzumaki, and everyone definitely should, the whole series is available here. Freakiest manga I ever read.
omg i just finished this soo good
I'm only three chapters in right now, but it is really good so far, I like
Loving it!! I am totally craving more and more creepy stories/manga/etc - keep em coming
On February 25 2010 08:04 Osmoses wrote: If anyone wanna read Uzumaki, and everyone definitely should, the whole series is available here. Freakiest manga I ever read.
omg i just finished this soo good
I'm only three chapters in right now, but it is really good so far, I like
Loving it!! I am totally craving more and more creepy stories/manga/etc - keep em coming
I don't remember which chapter number it was, but the one titled "Umbilical Cord"...creepy shit. Probably my favorite out of all of them, just because it was fucking weeeird.
On February 26 2010 05:18 Zexion wrote: I think it's the same creator(s?) to "Salad Fingers" which is also very creepy...
Yea David Firth has some pretty fucked up stuff, but its kinda different. Most of his stories are derived from his own dreams I believe. I dunno what would make some one dream like this though..
On February 25 2010 08:04 Osmoses wrote: If anyone wanna read Uzumaki, and everyone definitely should, the whole series is available here. Freakiest manga I ever read.
omg i just finished this soo good
I'm only three chapters in right now, but it is really good so far, I like
Loving it!! I am totally craving more and more creepy stories/manga/etc - keep em coming
Junji Ito is the man, Uzumaki actually got made into a movie I think. Among his other works are, for example, Gyo. But most of his best stuff seems to be stand-alone short stories.
I was adopted. I never knew my real mother; rather, I knew her at one time but I left her side when I was too little to be able to remember. I loved my adopted family though. They were so kind to me. I ate well, I lived in a warm and comfortable house, and I got to stay up pretty late.
Let me tell you about my family real fast: First, there’s my mother. I never called her Mom or anything like that; I just called her by her first name. Janice. She didn’t mind at all though. I called her that for so long, I don’t think she even noticed. Anyhow, she was a very kind woman. I think that she is the one who recommended my adoption in the first place. Sometimes I would lay my head against her in front of the television and she would tickle my back with her nails. She is one of those Hollywood mothers.
Second, there’s Dad. His real name was Richard, but he never really liked me much so I began to refer to him as Dad in a desperate attempt to gain his affection. It didn’t work. I think that no matter what I called him, he would never love me as much as his own child. That’s understandable so I really didn’t press the matter. The most notable attribute of Dad was his unmoving sternness. He was not afraid to pop his children when they did something wrong. I found that out before I could use the restroom properly. He didn’t hesitate to spank me. Well, I’m in line and it’s because of his methods.
Lastly, is my sister. Little Emily was really young when I was adopted, so we were about the same age, but she was slightly older. I liked to think of her as my little sister, though. We got along better than any sibling could possibly get along. We would always stay up late together and just talk. Well, she did a lot of the talking; I mostly just listened because I loved her. It was a great setup that we had! We were short on bedrooms, so- because I didn’t want to sleep in the living room by myself when I was littler- I had a pallet set up for me next to her bed on the floor. This is where I have slept since. But it was cool with me because I enjoyed being with her and I had always felt pretty protective of my little sis.
Everything changed on a horrible Wednesday night. I was at home taking a nap when little Emily opened the front door. The sound of the door opening pulled me to a state of consciousness and I walked from the room down the hall to the living room. That’s when I first remembered it was Wednesday. I was never any good at keeping track of what day it was. Actually I’ll just go ahead and say it: My sense of time was HORRIBLE! But nevertheless, I knew it was Wednesday because Emily had just come home from her Church’s youth group gathering. She walked in the front door and hugged me, and then was followed in by Dad and Janice.
“You have a good nap?” Janice said teasingly as she ruffled up my hair. I just shook my head away and snorted in a manner that clearly expressed that I was teasing back with her.
“Don’t you snort at your mother like that!” said my father gruffly with authority. He shut the door behind him and hung up his coat. “I was clearly joking…” I growled under my breath. He must not have heard me because I didn’t feel him smack me. Emily then proceeded to our room and I followed. She started telling me about her day. You know… usual teenage girl stuff. But I listened so that she would feel better. After her summary she suggested watching TV and I obliged and jumped onto the couch as she was going for the remote. She rolled her eyes at my little-brother-like immaturity and scooted me over and sat down. The TV turned on and we watched it together until the sun went down. Emily was the kind of girl that- instead of watching cartoons and soap operas- would rather watch Discovery and Animal Planet and Natural Geographic. I like those too so I didn’t mind. Actually, those were the only channels that can hold my attention.
So it got late and Janice walked up behind the sofa. “Emily it’s past your bed time. Turn off the television and go to your room. You too.” she pointed at me. Emily turned off the program we were watching grudgingly and stood up. She started down the hallway to our room. As I followed I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.
We went into our room and Emily turned off the light. Just as she did, I caught a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye. It was out the window, but as soon as I redirected my line of sight to where the window was no longer in my peripheral vision, what it was that I thought I saw was gone. I still remained alert. For my sister’s sake.
I laid there in the darkness with nothing but the thin ray of light from the street lamp outside to illuminate the room. It wasn’t much. Time and time again I could have sworn that I heard subtle sounds just out the window… a twig break, leaves crunching, clothes jostling. And all the while I could smell a faint stench of sweat and blood. I kept my eyes open most of the night.
The sounds outside subsided and the smell left my nose. I began to feel at ease. My eyelids closed.
Not long after that, I heard a very loud crash on the other side of the house. I was up in an instant. “THERE’S SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE!” I barked with extreme adrenaline coursing through me. “Wake up!” I shrilly pleaded with Emily. She did, and as soon as I saw her sit up I ran to my parent’s room…
Dad was dead. His neck was splayed open and gaping as blood spilled out of it, off the bed, and onto the floor. I saw that the master bathroom’s door was closed and just before it- on the outside- was a man.
A man… I don’t feel comfortable calling it that.
He was very large and rugged. He turned around and saw me and that’s when I saw him accurately for the first time. I wont forget it. His eyes were large and beady and trapped with lust. He was styling a beard that was badly unkempt with blood dripping off. His clothes were dirty and his face was cold. Just then I noticed the same horrid smell of sweat and blood from earlier, but this time it was overwhelming.
He saw me. He saw me and grinned with a set of crooked yellow teeth. That smile threw me off. I thought that I was going to die, but then he turned back to the bathroom door completely unperturbed by my presence. I was terrified and didn’t no what to do. I just yelled and cried. I watched as he shouldered through door that was Mom’s only protection. I watched as he raised the large razor that he was carrying, but had obviously neglected to use properly. I watched as he sliced her open and tore her to shreds…
I then heard something; the last thing that I wanted to hear… It was Emily’s scream coming from behind me. The large monstrosity looked up from my butchered mother and stared at my little sister. I was distraught. He stood up and quickly started walking toward us. My sis turned and ran, and I was at a loss when he bypassed me and went straight after her. Why was she still in the house? Had she not assessed the situation and run? Apparently not, and now she was dead and I was alone.
I ran after them both. I expected the man to kill her as he had the rest of my family, but I was sadly mistaken. He grabbed her by the arm and jerked her as a way to make clear that he was in control. He dragged her through the house… I was making all of the noise I could now, hoping and praying that someone would come to my aid. He mustn’t take her. Not her.
As he passed me I backed against the wall and whimpered with terror, “Why?” He didn’t respond except by putting his free hand on my head while Emily screamed in the other and saying “Good boy.” He gave another crooked grin and a very cold, unnatural laugh. I followed him to the door where he dragged my helpless sister after him. He opened it, pulled her out, and slammed it shut behind him.
I am now sitting in the house with my mutilated adopted parents, shivering and whimpering with dismay. He’s out there with her. Doing who-knows-what to her, and I can’t do anything. I would if I could, but I can’t. I would chase after them in a heartbeat, but I can’t. I sit here, looking at the front door. I look down at my paws. If only I could open doors…
Considering this thread is titled Horror Discussion, and most of the discussion here is limited to single link posts (mea culpa), or people stating "cool!" or "more!", I feel like maybe there are a few stories that warrant discussion of some sort, at a more personal level. If anything, it serves as a scratchpad of sorts for me. bumps the thread, and of course, +1postcount/epenis.
Four independent subroutines went to work analyzing the phrase uttered by the four-year-old: expression context, voice recognition, tone analysis, body language. Tone analysis needed to be the fastest, and luckily it was also the simplest. No quavering or whining detected. Had it been, the other subroutines would have been directed to stop, and control would be given over to an array of prewritten comfort dialogues.
Expression context came next. Eye contact from the child was only occasional. The image analysis package, in concert with the body language and expression routines, determined that the child, a fair-haired boy, was occupied by something below frame. The RFID scan identified it as a toy train, one of twelve toys in the room. The dialogue routine was updated with the name of the object, potentially to be used later if the child remained silent for a specified amount of time (”Hey, is that a toy train you’ve got there?”).
Voice recognition had been dissecting the phrase all this time. Tone analysis supported the conclusion that the child had asked a question.
??t k?’??d? fudz’ du ðe? hæv ?
“Food” triggered a subarray of typical questions, and once the substrings “kind of” and “they” had been identified and routed through the context and grammar parsers, it was a simple matter to locate the most likely question being asked.
The response set, indexed by question, was accessed and syllabically divided for the vocal synthesis package. Then, poring over a hash table of pre-identified lingual structures of the child’s father, the synthesizer generated an audio file by conflating the two data streams. The file is equalized to include a bassy subaudio component at 180 Hz, creating a comforting, warm “in-room” effect that mimics the tone heard by the child with their head upon the father’s chest.
Meanwhile, a 1280×700 image of the father, taken years ago when he was first deployed, is overlayed onto a digital model (from the neck up only — originally the Department of Defense had planned to include hands so the model could gesture, but this was abandoned early due to overcomplexity). The resulting hybrid passes through a series of basic lingual configurations (augmented with syllable-stress-driven head movements) and converted into a number of keyframes.
These individual frames can be presented directly on the viewing screen, synchronized to the audio file. A series of static-simulating filters create “webcam believability” and reduce Morian “uncanny valley” effects, which children have been shown to be particularly sensitive to. Once it was understood that they want to believe, the goal became to give them less visual fidelity, not more.
“They give us all kinds of foods here to keep us healthy. Lots of things like vegetables, steak, chicken. Even some of your favorites like pizza. You like pizza, huh, buddy?”
The microphone registers no audio response, but expression context identifies upturned corners of the mouth and squinting eyes.
“I miss you, daddy.”
A timer preset with a value of five minutes plus or minus anywhere from zero to thirty seconds reaches zero. A half-dozen randomly-selected dialogue trees are deallocated from memory.
“I miss you too, Josh. I’m coming home real soon, okay? Daddy has to go now. Be a good boy, okay? I love you. I love you.”
It's pretty clear to me that it's a simulation of a military member who's on deployment. The links in the comments found at the source site lead to an article mentioning some project of the sort, which was obviously the inspiration. Stuff like this is particularly striking to me, I guess because of the fact that I'm in the military. I'm not exactly a combat veteran with the thousand-yard stare, but the idea of being killed/imprisoned/whatever on deployment is a pretty harsh reality, and I'd hate to face that one day.
I have to say though, this story had a much stronger emotional effect on me than any of the others I've read recently. Something about the child, how it seems like he knows something is up but doesn't want to believe it.
Four independent subroutines went to work analyzing the phrase uttered by the four-year-old: expression context, voice recognition, tone analysis, body language. Tone analysis needed to be the fastest, and luckily it was also the simplest. No quavering or whining detected. Had it been, the other subroutines would have been directed to stop, and control would be given over to an array of prewritten comfort dialogues.
Expression context came next. Eye contact from the child was only occasional. The image analysis package, in concert with the body language and expression routines, determined that the child, a fair-haired boy, was occupied by something below frame. The RFID scan identified it as a toy train, one of twelve toys in the room. The dialogue routine was updated with the name of the object, potentially to be used later if the child remained silent for a specified amount of time (”Hey, is that a toy train you’ve got there?”).
Voice recognition had been dissecting the phrase all this time. Tone analysis supported the conclusion that the child had asked a question.
??t k?’??d? fudz’ du ðe? hæv ?
“Food” triggered a subarray of typical questions, and once the substrings “kind of” and “they” had been identified and routed through the context and grammar parsers, it was a simple matter to locate the most likely question being asked.
The response set, indexed by question, was accessed and syllabically divided for the vocal synthesis package. Then, poring over a hash table of pre-identified lingual structures of the child’s father, the synthesizer generated an audio file by conflating the two data streams. The file is equalized to include a bassy subaudio component at 180 Hz, creating a comforting, warm “in-room” effect that mimics the tone heard by the child with their head upon the father’s chest.
Meanwhile, a 1280×700 image of the father, taken years ago when he was first deployed, is overlayed onto a digital model (from the neck up only — originally the Department of Defense had planned to include hands so the model could gesture, but this was abandoned early due to overcomplexity). The resulting hybrid passes through a series of basic lingual configurations (augmented with syllable-stress-driven head movements) and converted into a number of keyframes.
These individual frames can be presented directly on the viewing screen, synchronized to the audio file. A series of static-simulating filters create “webcam believability” and reduce Morian “uncanny valley” effects, which children have been shown to be particularly sensitive to. Once it was understood that they want to believe, the goal became to give them less visual fidelity, not more.
“They give us all kinds of foods here to keep us healthy. Lots of things like vegetables, steak, chicken. Even some of your favorites like pizza. You like pizza, huh, buddy?”
The microphone registers no audio response, but expression context identifies upturned corners of the mouth and squinting eyes.
“I miss you, daddy.”
A timer preset with a value of five minutes plus or minus anywhere from zero to thirty seconds reaches zero. A half-dozen randomly-selected dialogue trees are deallocated from memory.
“I miss you too, Josh. I’m coming home real soon, okay? Daddy has to go now. Be a good boy, okay? I love you. I love you.”
Somewhere in the room, a hard drive whirs.
I think it's natural to be disturbed on some level by the increasing accuracy of artificial mechanisms to mimic human appearance and behaviors. They even make direct reference to it with the "uncanny valley" comment. When we can no longer trust ourselves to be able to accurately evaluate what is and what is not human, we lose one of the most primary aspects of perception we've evolved to understand. Like almost every fear, it comes down to a fear of the unknown. It's also an assault on human identity. If inanimate objects or processes are capable of mimicking our thought processes and emotions, how do we truly differ? In terms of our organic flesh, most of which could (presumably, in the future) just as easily be reproduced in a laboratory through stem cells? What then allows us to rationalize the concept of a soul? What even allows us to rationalize human rights? Pretty terrifying implications, especially considering that the creation or artificial intelligences and life are basically an inevitability.
On February 26 2010 03:15 kidd wrote: I really don't get the "There is Nothing" video. In fact when I watch it I seriously can't help but to start laughing so hard at when her head falls into the soup. Maybe that is the scariest part of the video to me in that I can't stop laughing for like a few minutes after watching it.
Can anyone explain to me why it is actually scary. I read the other website attached to it but I still don't really get it.
P.S. did anyone else laugh really hard like I did?
lollol the same here.. the way her head falls into the soup is awesome. I imagine my friend doing it xD
Doctor, there have been a few good links to sources of creepy/horror stories, etc. throughout the thread (some by me!), if you'd want to give those a look and add as you see fit. Ichor Falls in particular is really good.
On March 01 2010 12:27 holyhalo5 wrote: that statue story was downright the scariest thing i ever read in my life.
but can somebody please explain "i wonder if he likes me" and "a bad dream"? i dont get them...
"I wonder if he likes me" is basically just this crazy girl who has killed this boy she has a crush on. Nothing more to it really.
In "Bad dream", the little girl tells her daddy "In the dream, when I told you about the dream, the thing wearing mommy's skin stood up". In saying this, she's told him about her dream, and so it comes true. We can just assume that some monster has killed the mom and now wears her skin to camouflage itself. Kinda like the bug in Men in Black.
In 1806, settler Elijah Brown became lost for two days in what would later be named the Stillwood Forest, a deceptively-small wooded area southwest of Ichor Falls proper. When he returned to the town, Brown was gaunt, dehydrated and starving to the point of near death, and insisted that he was lost not for two days but nine. He also had carefully kept journal entries with the rise and set of the sun, and indeed he had made nine of them. Exhaustion and confusion clearly played a factor in augmenting Brown’s story — and of course, after a hard winter, there’s no record of how dehydrated and starved Brown may have been before getting lost.
Later expeditions into the Stillwood showed that the forest floor is incredibly thick with vegetation, with tall, rail-thin trees making most passage exceedingly difficult. Add to this three similarly-curving creeks and streams flowing off the Erytheia, the natural sound-dampening of the trees, and foliage sometimes so thick that it blocks the sky, and you have a recipe for losing one’s way quite easily.
However, the Stillwood still carries the stigma of being invisibly endless. The legend of the Stillwood King started, interestingly enough, almost immediately after Brown’s return.
Contrary to popular belief, it was not Brown’s story that evolved him into the spooky figure of legend as time passed, but his experience probably did inspire it. Historians believe either teachers at a schoolhouse bordering the Stillwood, or parents of the attending children, cooked up the legend to keep kids from wandering into the dangerous woods and getting lost.
The legend says that Brown was not the first person to get lost in the Stillwood, but another man entered its wooded labyrinth hundreds of years before. Time doesn’t work in the Stillwood the same way it does outside of it, and the longer you’re trapped, the longer it seems, even if you’ve only been gone a few days in the real world.
That first victim became a permanent part of the Stillwood. He never found his way back home and should have starved to death, but the Stillwood wouldn’t let its King die — so it slowed his heart to a crawl along with the rest of him. They say it beats once per day, and that he can’t move more than a foot in an hour.
When he’s alone, that is.
His clothes are ragged and torn, and he looks more like a bone-white cadaver than a man. He screams and cries for help, but no one outside can hear him, and over the centuries, his screams have become silent. And as he stalks among the dead leaves in exhaustion, praying for death to come, the Stillwood becomes a little more a part of him. His blood is creek-water and moss, and his skin is the color of mushroom caps.
They say if you ever find yourself in the Stillwood, you have to be careful where you look. You see, the fact that no one sees him is what disconnected the Stillwood King from the normal passage of time. He is as slow and silent as the Stillwood itself — that is, until your eyes fall upon him.
You may catch a sliver of white through a stand of trees, thinking it to be a crop of mushrooms growing up the side of an old oak. But if it’s the King, you’ll see that white shape spin around instantly, revealing two sunken black eyes and a saw-edged mouth locked in a scream. Now you will hear him.
And now, now he will be quick, and loud, and all the things he can’t be when no one else is there. He has been waiting for this for a long time, and while you are looking at him, he’ll move with all the pent-up time the Stillwood has stolen from him, has saved for him, and he will be upon you almost faster than you can blink.
Almost, the legend says. So if you see what looks like a crop of mushrooms as tall as a man in the distance, don’t stop to think, don’t run, do nothing except shut your eyes. The Stillwood King already knows you’re there, and the forest is no obstacle to him when he’s fast. He may now be only inches from you — but if you’ve shut your eyes in time, that’s where he’ll stay. Turn completely around, with your eyes still shut tight, and pray that he wasn’t fast enough to run behind you in that blink.
Now. Feel your way through the forest, around the thin, close, brittle trees, and over the dead leaves, which will seem oddly quiet. In case he has positioned himself for you to come to him, change direction just once. Don’t open your eyes until you’ve gone at least the same distance as the King was from you, when you first saw him.
With luck, you’ll leave him trapped again, his heart beating once a day, his movement only a foot an hour.
But if, with your eyes shut, you slowly press against a wet, shambling thing that smells like moss and creek-water, and feels like mushroom caps, open your eyes.
"The Masterpiece" "The Statue" and "Home Alone" and others of the sort all terrified me. It reminds me of when I was little and my mind would wander and I would be terrified to look out windows or wake up in the night to see someone in my room. *shudders*
You wanna feel creeped out? try searching for this thread using the search function you cant.
He continued to sit, only seen occasionaly by the lady who came in to check on him, and she never closed the door upon entry. A week or so later, 2 law enforcment personel entered the orphanage, demanding to speak to the boy about the disapearance of the psychiatrist. The 2 of them entered, clsoing the door behind him, as the head of the orphanage stood outside the door. 30 minutes passed, and not a sound came from the room. The Head eased the door open. The boy was still on the bed, but the officers where no longer there. The boy was know quite noticably bigger, about the size of a 15 year old. His skin was darker than usual, and he looked angrier than ever. But one thing remained the same: His cold, unforgiving eyes that stared at whoever entered. Eventually, the law organized a large group of 10 officers to speak to the boy. They entered the room, and left the door open, until one of the younger orphans ran up and shut it, appearently in a daze. The head quickly ran to re-open the door, and upon doing so froze him in horror. A low rumbling noise came from the room....
If you return to that orphanage, you will see it still continues to run. The orphans live in good care, health, and education. However, there is one room, that you sill see is boarded up, and far from enterable. If you ask what is behind it, you will be removed forcefully from the orphanage. However, when no one's looking, if you place you're ear to the door, you will hear a low ominous growling sound, and if you listen for a bit, you will hear....
Do things in your house ever seem out of place? Can you never find something where you left it?
How many of you have taken a moment to look around you while you've been reading this thread? I bet you're fixated on this screen, aren't you. It's best that you haven't looked up.
Look up now. Find an object outside of what would be your peripheral vision while looking at your screen. The order of clothes in your closet would be good. Memorize everything you can about that object. Now turn back to your screen.
There's very little chance that object will be in the same place when you look back. You don't want to see what's moving it.
I absolutely hate scary stories / movies / pictures ... and yet I lack the self control to stop myself from reading / viewing them.
I'm just glad none of these stories had too much mirror / reflection related stuff. Mirrors make me very nervous as it is, and there happens to be one directly in front of my desk (and a little above my monitor).
Thanks for this thread though, as I don't frequent 4chan or any other site where I would have read these before.
Also to note, I think my favorite was "Isolation". Thankfully I didn't wake up. Stuff like that is what usually gets to me, as I spend a decent chunk of time thinking about delusions, altered realities, other dimensions, etc -- which is probably why I do not like mirrors.
On March 05 2010 15:01 Slox wrote: I absolutely hate scary stories / movies / pictures ... and yet I lack the self control to stop myself from reading / viewing them.
I'm just glad none of these stories had too much mirror / reflection related stuff. Mirrors make me very nervous as it is, and there happens to be one directly in front of my desk (and a little above my monitor).
Thanks for this thread though, as I don't frequent 4chan or any other site where I would have read these before.
Also to note, I think my favorite was "Isolation". Thankfully I didn't wake up. Stuff like that is what usually gets to me, as I spend a decent chunk of time thinking about delusions, altered realities, other dimensions, etc -- which is probably why I do not like mirrors.
mirrors and altered realities eh? pm'ing you in a little while, hope you enjoy.
All mirrors are actually windows to another world. This world cannot be reached, and shouldn't be reached, as all our mirror-selves are extremely malicious. Try watching the edge of the mirror after sneaking into a room. If you're good enough, you can see your reflection, pressing against the glass.
I once was siezed by a fit of choking while brushing my teeth. I looked up, bleary-eyed to see my reflection was not in the mirror: at the same time, I felt an irresistible pull into it. I spread my arms as I was lifted off the floor and slammed into it (destroying the mirror in the process). I managed to grab the walls beside the mirror, but for one brief instant, I saw my reflection lying on the other side, twitching in the throes of death. This is only the most violent of the many things that have occurred to me near mirrors. On watch in Great Lakes RTC, I watched in the reflection on the glass in front of me as a sailor in the uniform of the 1940's walked up beside me to the watch station, looked at me, shrugged, and stood beside me. I said, "I have the watch tonight, shipmate, get some sleep", and he looked at me, surprised, then turned and walked up the stairs. Of course, I don't have to mention that when I turned to address him, I couldn't see him, do I? I have seen a mouthless woman beckoning to me, figures behind me, hands clawing desperately at the frames of the mirror. I have looked up and seen myself: sometimes without a beard, sometimes with contacts, and a few times my left eye seems to have been lost to what appears to be a knife slash.
There's a tale from when I was young, although I never held much stock in it. I mean it was just a spooky story that was told to scare kids right? Thing is, one day I used google to find it, turns out that it's a common belief in Chinese tradition. From it I've taken one thing, never ever sleep with a mirror facing your bed. That's when they like to watch you. Those envious ones trapped on the other side. Some people say that are dopplegangers other stories say that they are people who have disappeared over the centuries, never found without a trace, dragged into their own reflection never to be seen again. They're envious of us, our world of life and light, they're trapped in their little windowed world looking for ways through, hiding and reflecting so that they are seen to be innocent reflections, things that can't possibly hurt you. It's a lie, a common thing that has been forgotten over the years. Ever woken up in the evening and one of your limbs has been hanging out the bed and it's deathly cold... you've just encountered one of them. They'd seen you were asleep and tried to drag you away. If you'd have stayed asleep you'd have awoken and found yourself to be in a terrible place, although that's speculation. They can't survive outside the mirror world very long, after being trapped there they get dependent on the energies that sustain it and it's out of spite and malice they drag you there too, away from your loved ones and real people, trapped with the lonely and spiteful for the rest of time.
The next time you're alone in your room, turn down the lights. Think of something on your body that varies in length, such as hair. It must be clearly viewable from your perspective. Grab a ruler and, looking in the mirror, quickly grab a hair at random; you must confuse it. Hold it in position as best you can and note the length. Look down. Yours will be different.
Don't look back up.
Don't turn your back to that mirror ever again.
At 12:17 am, on any given night, arises the opportunity to awaken an alternate soul. The most common way of viewing them? Through a mirror.
It is through said medium that the process must take place. Begin at exactly midnight. By no light but that of a single candle, stand before the selected mirror. For ten minutes you must concentrate in silence, focused entirely on your reflection. Do not look away from the eyes; for it will be interpreted as weakness and you will be overcome.
After ten minutes have passed you must draw blood to smear in a line across the eyes of your reflection. Doing so will blind it, and you will watch as your own features begin to warp. Slowly, gradually, they will mutate into a frightening creature--one beyond the comprehension of those who have not experienced it. You must not look away through the entirety of the change.
Soon the writhing movements of the image will cease. By now an echoing, inhuman sound will resound all around you--the creature will begin to ease toward the mirror's glass. You must keep watching as it approaches.
If you do not extinguish the candle at exactly 12:17, the creature will escape.
Be warned, should you succeed; through any polished surface--be it mirror, wood, or window--your reflection will always be watching.
It is said that there is at least one mirror present at every birth. A window; the blade of a scalpel, anything. If you can find yours, stare into your reflection's eyes for exactly an hour. You fall unconscious, and be in the delivery room, witnessing the final moments before you entered this world. The doctor will greet you, and his eyes will look into yours, and they shall be your own. At this moment, the doctor knows everything about you, and will ask you a question about yourself. The question will not be easy, and you must be incredibly metacognitive to answer it correctly. If you do, you shall be born, and wake up with knowledge beyond mortal comprehension. If you answer incorrectly, you will come out stillborn, your skin cracked and burnt, and you will never wake up.
READ This is not a random post. This is not a coincidence. I put this here because I know that right now you will be reading it. No one can see this post except for you.
There is a monster in your home. It is there right now and it is waiting to kill you. It will kill you tonight. I can save you.
Go to a mirror. Any mirror. That in there, that's me. Turn off all the lights except for the dimmest one; too much light screws it up. Take your arms, put them straight out, and put them up against mine, through the glass. Do your best to rlax, and when you are ready, close your eyes. Count to three and then I will pull you through to safety. We can work out what to do next once you're in.
Again, this is not a random post. It is for YOU. You need to do this before the next hour turns or you will die.
Uhm, maybe one of a notorious story from our country......
The White Lady from Balete Drive, legends have it that when you drive there late at night, you'll see a white lady along the sidewalks...never tried it...
I'll go post more when I get back home, our country (hell, even the schools) are rich of ghost stories...
On March 05 2010 15:08 TheAntZ wrote: All mirrors are actually windows to another world. This world cannot be reached, and shouldn't be reached, as all our mirror-selves are extremely malicious. Try watching the edge of the mirror after sneaking into a room. If you're good enough, you can see your reflection, pressing against the glass.
I once was siezed by a fit of choking while brushing my teeth. I looked up, bleary-eyed to see my reflection was not in the mirror: at the same time, I felt an irresistible pull into it. I spread my arms as I was lifted off the floor and slammed into it (destroying the mirror in the process). I managed to grab the walls beside the mirror, but for one brief instant, I saw my reflection lying on the other side, twitching in the throes of death. This is only the most violent of the many things that have occurred to me near mirrors. On watch in Great Lakes RTC, I watched in the reflection on the glass in front of me as a sailor in the uniform of the 1940's walked up beside me to the watch station, looked at me, shrugged, and stood beside me. I said, "I have the watch tonight, shipmate, get some sleep", and he looked at me, surprised, then turned and walked up the stairs. Of course, I don't have to mention that when I turned to address him, I couldn't see him, do I? I have seen a mouthless woman beckoning to me, figures behind me, hands clawing desperately at the frames of the mirror. I have looked up and seen myself: sometimes without a beard, sometimes with contacts, and a few times my left eye seems to have been lost to what appears to be a knife slash.
There's a tale from when I was young, although I never held much stock in it. I mean it was just a spooky story that was told to scare kids right? Thing is, one day I used google to find it, turns out that it's a common belief in Chinese tradition. From it I've taken one thing, never ever sleep with a mirror facing your bed. That's when they like to watch you. Those envious ones trapped on the other side. Some people say that are dopplegangers other stories say that they are people who have disappeared over the centuries, never found without a trace, dragged into their own reflection never to be seen again. They're envious of us, our world of life and light, they're trapped in their little windowed world looking for ways through, hiding and reflecting so that they are seen to be innocent reflections, things that can't possibly hurt you. It's a lie, a common thing that has been forgotten over the years. Ever woken up in the evening and one of your limbs has been hanging out the bed and it's deathly cold... you've just encountered one of them. They'd seen you were asleep and tried to drag you away. If you'd have stayed asleep you'd have awoken and found yourself to be in a terrible place, although that's speculation. They can't survive outside the mirror world very long, after being trapped there they get dependent on the energies that sustain it and it's out of spite and malice they drag you there too, away from your loved ones and real people, trapped with the lonely and spiteful for the rest of time.
The next time you're alone in your room, turn down the lights. Think of something on your body that varies in length, such as hair. It must be clearly viewable from your perspective. Grab a ruler and, looking in the mirror, quickly grab a hair at random; you must confuse it. Hold it in position as best you can and note the length. Look down. Yours will be different.
Don't look back up.
Don't turn your back to that mirror ever again.
At 12:17 am, on any given night, arises the opportunity to awaken an alternate soul. The most common way of viewing them? Through a mirror.
It is through said medium that the process must take place. Begin at exactly midnight. By no light but that of a single candle, stand before the selected mirror. For ten minutes you must concentrate in silence, focused entirely on your reflection. Do not look away from the eyes; for it will be interpreted as weakness and you will be overcome.
After ten minutes have passed you must draw blood to smear in a line across the eyes of your reflection. Doing so will blind it, and you will watch as your own features begin to warp. Slowly, gradually, they will mutate into a frightening creature--one beyond the comprehension of those who have not experienced it. You must not look away through the entirety of the change.
Soon the writhing movements of the image will cease. By now an echoing, inhuman sound will resound all around you--the creature will begin to ease toward the mirror's glass. You must keep watching as it approaches.
If you do not extinguish the candle at exactly 12:17, the creature will escape.
Be warned, should you succeed; through any polished surface--be it mirror, wood, or window--your reflection will always be watching.
It is said that there is at least one mirror present at every birth. A window; the blade of a scalpel, anything. If you can find yours, stare into your reflection's eyes for exactly an hour. You fall unconscious, and be in the delivery room, witnessing the final moments before you entered this world. The doctor will greet you, and his eyes will look into yours, and they shall be your own. At this moment, the doctor knows everything about you, and will ask you a question about yourself. The question will not be easy, and you must be incredibly metacognitive to answer it correctly. If you do, you shall be born, and wake up with knowledge beyond mortal comprehension. If you answer incorrectly, you will come out stillborn, your skin cracked and burnt, and you will never wake up.
READ This is not a random post. This is not a coincidence. I put this here because I know that right now you will be reading it. No one can see this post except for you.
There is a monster in your home. It is there right now and it is waiting to kill you. It will kill you tonight. I can save you.
Go to a mirror. Any mirror. That in there, that's me. Turn off all the lights except for the dimmest one; too much light screws it up. Take your arms, put them straight out, and put them up against mine, through the glass. Do your best to rlax, and when you are ready, close your eyes. Count to three and then I will pull you through to safety. We can work out what to do next once you're in.
Again, this is not a random post. It is for YOU. You need to do this before the next hour turns or you will die.
I'm waiting.
I like this a lot. Makes me think a lot about Bloody Mary-esque stuff... and then I see the chain letter part at the end T_T
Oh, for some reason I can't see the Candle Cove...can someone explain to me how to see it? I've tried it with my friends earlier in the school library watching it for around 3 times until someone called it a fake..
On February 20 2010 23:47 Wurzelbrumpft wrote: i read every story and video posted in the op yesterday evening, and i was seriously scared and couldn´t fall asleep for hours lol, wouldnt have thought im such a pussy.
something is wrong, i dont want to see this , but i cant do anything, it feels like a cold hand is touching my arm, i can hear it now, he whispers at me, i dont want to look back, this has happened to me before, ive seen him in the dark of my haunted house, eating his limbs, finger by finger, until the entire left arm is missing, i cant help it, i turn back and he is staring at me, smiling with the most horrendous tooth, deeply looking at me, red eyes like a blazing soul who died many years ago, he then gets closer, and whispers once again......."bump this thread"
zzZ id loved to be scared, but its fucking hard to do. I agree completely being surprised != actually being scared. Reading through the entirety of the OP starting now *sigh* Entertaining i guess. I have to say, i recommend most if not all of shallow's posts throughout the thread. But nothing close to a mind fuck. Maybe someday Also rofl, would NOT want to be Kirie's friend.
On March 05 2010 11:53 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: The Poughkeepsie Tapes Part 1 Part 2
Creepiest movie I have ever watched. Hooly fuck.
Excellent. i was hoping the film would end the way it did Sadly this movie is fictional- there is no "Cheryl Dempsey" and greatly exaggerated, and although im sure a serial killer LIKE this one exists- this documentary failed to SCARE me- at all. The police acting- shitty. The parents of victims... awful. The only person that really even moved me a TINY bit was the Cheryl Dempsey.. which was fake, but mad props to whoever acted as her. (no police reports about her , ETC.) I remain underwhelmed by the "scary" content on the internet.
At one point, I was standing next to my dad at night, while he was talking to a friend. We were at the end of one of the walkways. As I was wont to do at that stage of my life, I wandered off by myself, down between two of the buildings.
Strangely enough, when I got to the end, I met my father. He was hunched over a little bit, fidgeting and making weird sputtering sounds, breathing a little raspy. I said to him, "Dad?" He looked down at me and replied in a broken high-pitched voice, "I'm not your dad, I'm just pretending to be."
I turned around and ran back to the other end of the walkway, and pop was still there, talking to one of his friends.
On March 05 2010 20:00 SilverSkyLark wrote: Oh, for some reason I can't see the Candle Cove...can someone explain to me how to see it? I've tried it with my friends earlier in the school library watching it for around 3 times until someone called it a fake..
ive seen it, you have to pause it at just the right moment...
Once, there was a boy who loved to read. He read everything he could get his hands on, and loved going to his favorite book store. One day, the boy realized he had read everything the store had to offer. He confronted the owner, and asked him if he had anything the boy had never checked out. The owner said why, yes, I do, and pulled out a book called ?Death?. He gladly sold it to the boy at a discounted price of £50.
However, he warned the boy, never to read the front page. Well, the boy returned to his house and read the book, and he was content. However, he always wondered, what could be on that front page, it was always in the back of his mind. One day, the temptation was too much for the boy, and he flipped to the very front of the book, and dropped the book in HORROR.
Once, there was a boy who loved to read. He read everything he could get his hands on, and loved going to his favorite book store. One day, the boy realized he had read everything the store had to offer. He confronted the owner, and asked him if he had anything the boy had never checked out. The owner said why, yes, I do, and pulled out a book called ?Death?. He gladly sold it to the boy at a discounted price of £50.
However, he warned the boy, never to read the front page. Well, the boy returned to his house and read the book, and he was content. However, he always wondered, what could be on that front page, it was always in the back of his mind. One day, the temptation was too much for the boy, and he flipped to the very front of the book, and dropped the book in HORROR.
im honestly really trying to think about it but i just cant figure it out. maybe im just that dumb and its an "IN YOUR FACE" type thing. Do you get different ending depending on the amount of jewels u get? my ending was in a room with a princess chick who turns into a black eye monster and the whole stage becomes black with a red eye.
On June 23 2010 13:08 sung_moon wrote: can any1 explain to me the ending to eversion? + Show Spoiler +
im honestly really trying to think about it but i just cant figure it out. maybe im just that dumb and its an "IN YOUR FACE" type thing. Do you get different ending depending on the amount of jewels u get? my ending was in a room with a princess chick who turns into a black eye monster and the whole stage becomes black with a red eye.
On June 16 2010 19:54 TheAntZ wrote: here's one I saw on /x/
At one point, I was standing next to my dad at night, while he was talking to a friend. We were at the end of one of the walkways. As I was wont to do at that stage of my life, I wandered off by myself, down between two of the buildings.
Strangely enough, when I got to the end, I met my father. He was hunched over a little bit, fidgeting and making weird sputtering sounds, breathing a little raspy. I said to him, "Dad?" He looked down at me and replied in a broken high-pitched voice, "I'm not your dad, I'm just pretending to be."
I turned around and ran back to the other end of the walkway, and pop was still there, talking to one of his friends.
Here's some scary Movies for all you: Philosophy of a Knife It's quite gory but also much more than that, if you can get past the 4 and a half hour run time. It is a true story and is a docudrama.
Salo (120 Days of Sodom) Some consider this the most disturbing movie ever made, it really gets to your head as the victims are tortured in the most cruel ways.
On June 24 2010 08:17 bjornkavist wrote: Here's some scary Movies for all you: Philosophy of a Knife It's quite gory but also much more than that, if you can get past the 4 and a half hour run time. It is a true story and is a docudrama.
Salo (120 Days of Sodom) Some consider this the most disturbing movie ever made, it really gets to your head as the victims are tortured in the most cruel ways.
Hmm... both of these sound interesting. I have added them to my Netflix queue
On June 24 2010 08:17 bjornkavist wrote: Here's some scary Movies for all you: Philosophy of a Knife It's quite gory but also much more than that, if you can get past the 4 and a half hour run time. It is a true story and is a docudrama.
Salo (120 Days of Sodom) Some consider this the most disturbing movie ever made, it really gets to your head as the victims are tortured in the most cruel ways.
Hmm... both of these sound interesting. I have added them to my Netflix queue
On June 16 2010 05:21 HeavOnEarth wrote: I have to say, i recommend most if not all of shallow's posts throughout the thread.
On March 05 2010 11:53 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: The Poughkeepsie Tapes Part 1 Part 2
Creepiest movie I have ever watched. Hooly fuck.
Excellent. i was hoping the film would end the way it did Sadly this movie is fictional- there is no "Cheryl Dempsey" and greatly exaggerated, and although im sure a serial killer LIKE this one exists- this documentary failed to SCARE me- at all. The police acting- shitty. The parents of victims... awful. The only person that really even moved me a TINY bit was the Cheryl Dempsey.. which was fake, but mad props to whoever acted as her. (no police reports about her , ETC.) I remain underwhelmed by the "scary" content on the internet.
It is fictional, any amount of Googling will prove that :p The actress who played Cheryl was fucking amazing, especially as it got closer to the end. Creepy movie, I want to watch it again now.
On June 16 2010 19:54 TheAntZ wrote: here's one I saw on /x/
At one point, I was standing next to my dad at night, while he was talking to a friend. We were at the end of one of the walkways. As I was wont to do at that stage of my life, I wandered off by myself, down between two of the buildings.
Strangely enough, when I got to the end, I met my father. He was hunched over a little bit, fidgeting and making weird sputtering sounds, breathing a little raspy. I said to him, "Dad?" He looked down at me and replied in a broken high-pitched voice, "I'm not your dad, I'm just pretending to be."
I turned around and ran back to the other end of the walkway, and pop was still there, talking to one of his friends.
Can anyone explain this to me?
yes plz. im kinda confused by this as well
playign "white chamber" right now. i was literally 1 minute from just saying eff'it and deleting it after i coudln't figure out how to escape this one part. now that i have and i experienced the + Show Spoiler +
white room where it is revealed what i did in teh past
i dont think i can stop until i beat this game lol. story has me hooked now
Damn just read the Mickey mouse story Now, probably the best one there, unfortunately the video you have up doesn't work, but with a little digging I found it, so you can edit it in there Suicide Mickey
Can anyone contribute any more photos, the one's posted either didn't do it for me Or I have already seen them.
The one about the youtube video is laughably fake. First of all, it is impossible to post anything on the internet without leaving a trail back to your computer. Even if you're the U.S. Government, it is impossible. And secondly, it would be impossible to gouge out your eyes and send them to anyone in the mail. How would you write out the address? How would you get to the mailbox? How would the blood not seep through the envelope/box? It's just not possible.
The Username: 666 thing was pretty interesting though.
On June 25 2010 08:48 RoosterSamurai wrote: The one about the youtube video is laughably fake. First of all, it is impossible to post anything on the internet without leaving a trail back to your computer. Even if you're the U.S. Government, it is impossible. And secondly, it would be impossible to gouge out your eyes and send them to anyone in the mail. How would you write out the address? How would you get to the mailbox? How would the blood not seep through the envelope/box? It's just not possible.
The Username: 666 thing was pretty interesting though.
It's in the realm of possibility that someone could have done this to these people as well. It's not impossible to make murders look like suicides.
On June 25 2010 08:48 RoosterSamurai wrote: The one about the youtube video is laughably fake. First of all, it is impossible to post anything on the internet without leaving a trail back to your computer. Even if you're the U.S. Government, it is impossible. And secondly, it would be impossible to gouge out your eyes and send them to anyone in the mail. How would you write out the address? How would you get to the mailbox? How would the blood not seep through the envelope/box? It's just not possible.
The Username: 666 thing was pretty interesting though.
It's in the realm of possibility that someone could have done this to these people as well. It's not impossible to make murders look like suicides.
I'll say again. It's impossible to access the internet without leaving a trace back to your computer. As for the eye thing...Who cares? It would have been in the news, and it wasn't.
I'm about the see the "new" version of "A Nightmare on Elm Street", havn't seen a good horror movie in AGES, seriusly I can't remember the last good horror movie I've seen.
On June 25 2010 08:48 RoosterSamurai wrote: The one about the youtube video is laughably fake. First of all, it is impossible to post anything on the internet without leaving a trail back to your computer. Even if you're the U.S. Government, it is impossible. And secondly, it would be impossible to gouge out your eyes and send them to anyone in the mail. How would you write out the address? How would you get to the mailbox? How would the blood not seep through the envelope/box? It's just not possible.
The Username: 666 thing was pretty interesting though.
It's in the realm of possibility that someone could have done this to these people as well. It's not impossible to make murders look like suicides.
I'll say again. It's impossible to access the internet without leaving a trace back to your computer. As for the eye thing...Who cares? It would have been in the news, and it wasn't.
Just playing Devil's advocate here, but the Youtube video/story is just that: a story. I also feel that it's completely untrue and has gaping holes in it, but let's just entertain the though for a moment that it is possibly true. Let's just take a step back, imagine ourselves in an alternate reality where this event truly did happen. In my opinion, it's a pretty disturbing idea, frightfully scary, but not something to lose sleep over. Then again, I was one of the few people that fell asleep when watching "The Ring" in movie theaters.
On June 25 2010 08:48 RoosterSamurai wrote: The one about the youtube video is laughably fake. First of all, it is impossible to post anything on the internet without leaving a trail back to your computer. Even if you're the U.S. Government, it is impossible. And secondly, it would be impossible to gouge out your eyes and send them to anyone in the mail. How would you write out the address? How would you get to the mailbox? How would the blood not seep through the envelope/box? It's just not possible.
The Username: 666 thing was pretty interesting though.
It's in the realm of possibility that someone could have done this to these people as well. It's not impossible to make murders look like suicides.
I'll say again. It's impossible to access the internet without leaving a trace back to your computer. As for the eye thing...Who cares? It would have been in the news, and it wasn't.
Yeah bro, chill. It's just a story.
I bet if you lived at the time where everyone believed the world was flat, and some dude came up to you and was like, "yo round homes!" you would not be having any of it.
I will concede that the "Angel Statue" story is definitely one of the freakier stories, but I've always wondered: Why an angel?
Are we dealing with a criminally insane murderer or are we dealing with an angelic being sent to exterminate the people in the house? What would make it scarier? Am I over-analyzing it too much? Should I stop?
Im trying to watch August Underground again. Its not happening lol God that is brutal. I read through all of the stories in the first post and the angel one was probably the scariest. I had seen the Hitchhiker movie before and it was a little too long to be entertaining. You wait all this time for... that?
I was adopted. I never knew my real mother; rather, I knew her at one time but I left her side when I was too little to be able to remember. I loved my adopted family though. They were so kind to me. I ate well, I lived in a warm and comfortable house, and I got to stay up pretty late.
Let me tell you about my family real fast: First, there’s my mother. I never called her Mom or anything like that; I just called her by her first name. Janice. She didn’t mind at all though. I called her that for so long, I don’t think she even noticed. Anyhow, she was a very kind woman. I think that she is the one who recommended my adoption in the first place. Sometimes I would lay my head against her in front of the television and she would tickle my back with her nails. She is one of those Hollywood mothers.
Second, there’s Dad. His real name was Richard, but he never really liked me much so I began to refer to him as Dad in a desperate attempt to gain his affection. It didn’t work. I think that no matter what I called him, he would never love me as much as his own child. That’s understandable so I really didn’t press the matter. The most notable attribute of Dad was his unmoving sternness. He was not afraid to pop his children when they did something wrong. I found that out before I could use the restroom properly. He didn’t hesitate to spank me. Well, I’m in line and it’s because of his methods.
Lastly, is my sister. Little Emily was really young when I was adopted, so we were about the same age, but she was slightly older. I liked to think of her as my little sister, though. We got along better than any sibling could possibly get along. We would always stay up late together and just talk. Well, she did a lot of the talking; I mostly just listened because I loved her. It was a great setup that we had! We were short on bedrooms, so- because I didn’t want to sleep in the living room by myself when I was littler- I had a pallet set up for me next to her bed on the floor. This is where I have slept since. But it was cool with me because I enjoyed being with her and I had always felt pretty protective of my little sis.
Everything changed on a horrible Wednesday night. I was at home taking a nap when little Emily opened the front door. The sound of the door opening pulled me to a state of consciousness and I walked from the room down the hall to the living room. That’s when I first remembered it was Wednesday. I was never any good at keeping track of what day it was. Actually I’ll just go ahead and say it: My sense of time was HORRIBLE! But nevertheless, I knew it was Wednesday because Emily had just come home from her Church’s youth group gathering. She walked in the front door and hugged me, and then was followed in by Dad and Janice.
“You have a good nap?” Janice said teasingly as she ruffled up my hair. I just shook my head away and snorted in a manner that clearly expressed that I was teasing back with her.
“Don’t you snort at your mother like that!” said my father gruffly with authority. He shut the door behind him and hung up his coat. “I was clearly joking…” I growled under my breath. He must not have heard me because I didn’t feel him smack me. Emily then proceeded to our room and I followed. She started telling me about her day. You know… usual teenage girl stuff. But I listened so that she would feel better. After her summary she suggested watching TV and I obliged and jumped onto the couch as she was going for the remote. She rolled her eyes at my little-brother-like immaturity and scooted me over and sat down. The TV turned on and we watched it together until the sun went down. Emily was the kind of girl that- instead of watching cartoons and soap operas- would rather watch Discovery and Animal Planet and Natural Geographic. I like those too so I didn’t mind. Actually, those were the only channels that can hold my attention.
So it got late and Janice walked up behind the sofa. “Emily it’s past your bed time. Turn off the television and go to your room. You too.” she pointed at me. Emily turned off the program we were watching grudgingly and stood up. She started down the hallway to our room. As I followed I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.
We went into our room and Emily turned off the light. Just as she did, I caught a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye. It was out the window, but as soon as I redirected my line of sight to where the window was no longer in my peripheral vision, what it was that I thought I saw was gone. I still remained alert. For my sister’s sake.
I laid there in the darkness with nothing but the thin ray of light from the street lamp outside to illuminate the room. It wasn’t much. Time and time again I could have sworn that I heard subtle sounds just out the window… a twig break, leaves crunching, clothes jostling. And all the while I could smell a faint stench of sweat and blood. I kept my eyes open most of the night.
The sounds outside subsided and the smell left my nose. I began to feel at ease. My eyelids closed.
Not long after that, I heard a very loud crash on the other side of the house. I was up in an instant. “THERE’S SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE!” I barked with extreme adrenaline coursing through me. “Wake up!” I shrilly pleaded with Emily. She did, and as soon as I saw her sit up I ran to my parent’s room…
Dad was dead. His neck was splayed open and gaping as blood spilled out of it, off the bed, and onto the floor. I saw that the master bathroom’s door was closed and just before it- on the outside- was a man.
A man… I don’t feel comfortable calling it that.
He was very large and rugged. He turned around and saw me and that’s when I saw him accurately for the first time. I wont forget it. His eyes were large and beady and trapped with lust. He was styling a beard that was badly unkempt with blood dripping off. His clothes were dirty and his face was cold. Just then I noticed the same horrid smell of sweat and blood from earlier, but this time it was overwhelming.
He saw me. He saw me and grinned with a set of crooked yellow teeth. That smile threw me off. I thought that I was going to die, but then he turned back to the bathroom door completely unperturbed by my presence. I was terrified and didn’t no what to do. I just yelled and cried. I watched as he shouldered through door that was Mom’s only protection. I watched as he raised the large razor that he was carrying, but had obviously neglected to use properly. I watched as he sliced her open and tore her to shreds…
I then heard something; the last thing that I wanted to hear… It was Emily’s scream coming from behind me. The large monstrosity looked up from my butchered mother and stared at my little sister. I was distraught. He stood up and quickly started walking toward us. My sis turned and ran, and I was at a loss when he bypassed me and went straight after her. Why was she still in the house? Had she not assessed the situation and run? Apparently not, and now she was dead and I was alone.
I ran after them both. I expected the man to kill her as he had the rest of my family, but I was sadly mistaken. He grabbed her by the arm and jerked her as a way to make clear that he was in control. He dragged her through the house… I was making all of the noise I could now, hoping and praying that someone would come to my aid. He mustn’t take her. Not her.
As he passed me I backed against the wall and whimpered with terror, “Why?” He didn’t respond except by putting his free hand on my head while Emily screamed in the other and saying “Good boy.” He gave another crooked grin and a very cold, unnatural laugh. I followed him to the door where he dragged my helpless sister after him. He opened it, pulled her out, and slammed it shut behind him.
I am now sitting in the house with my mutilated adopted parents, shivering and whimpering with dismay. He’s out there with her. Doing who-knows-what to her, and I can’t do anything. I would if I could, but I can’t. I would chase after them in a heartbeat, but I can’t. I sit here, looking at the front door. I look down at my paws. If only I could open doors…
This one was crazy good!
how is this scary or creepy at all? its written from a dogs or pets perspective is all i guess?
and yes, the uzumaki(spiral) manga is creepy and awesome, i read the whole manga in one night and i couldn't sleep for like another 3 hours after i finished reading it because it bummed me out so bad lol...
In 1983, a team of deeply pious scientists conducted a radical experiment in an undisclosed facility. The scientists had theorized that a human without access to any senses or ways to perceive stimuli would be able to perceive the presence of God. They believed that the five senses clouded our awareness of eternity, and without them, a human could actually establish contact with God by thought. An elderly man who claimed to have “nothing to left to live for” was the only test subject to volunteer. To purge him of all his senses, the scientists performed a complex operation in which every sensory nerve connection to the brain was surgically severed. Although the test subject retained full muscular function, he could not see, hear, taste, smell, or feel. With no possible way to communicate with or even sense the outside world, he was alone with his thoughts.
Scientists monitored him as he spoke aloud about his state of mind in jumbled, slurred sentences that he couldn’t even hear. After four days, the man claimed to be hearing hushed, unintelligible voices in his head. Assuming it was an onset of psychosis, the scientists paid little attention to the man’s concerns.
Two days later, the man cried that he could hear his dead wife speaking with him, and even more, he could communicate back. The scientists were intrigued, but were not convinced until the subject started naming dead relatives of the scientists. He repeated personal information to the scientists that only their dead spouses and parents would have known. At this point, a sizable portion of scientists left the study.
After a week of conversing with the deceased through his thoughts, the subject became distressed, saying the voices were overwhelming. In every waking moment, his consciousness was bombarded by hundreds of voices that refused to leave him alone. He frequently threw himself against the wall, trying to elicit a pain response. He begged the scientists for sedatives, so he could escape the voices by sleeping. This tactic worked for three days, until he started having severe night terrors. The subject repeatedly said that he could see and hear the deceased in his dreams.
Only a day later, the subject began to scream and claw at his nonfunctional eyes, hoping to sense something in the physical world. The hysterical subject now said the voices of the dead were deafening and hostile, speaking of hell and the end of the world. At one point, he yelled “No heaven, no forgiveness” for five hours straight. He continually begged to be killed, but the scientists were convinced that he was close to establishing contact with God.
After another day, the subject could no longer form coherent sentences. Seemingly mad, he started to bite off chunks of flesh from his arm. The scientists rushed into the test chamber and restrained him to a table so he could not kill himself. After a few hours of being tied down, the subject halted his struggling and screaming. He stared blankly at the ceiling as teardrops silently streaked across his face. For two weeks, the subject had to be manually rehydrated due to the constant crying. Eventually, he turned his head and, despite his blindness, made focused eye contact with a scientist for the first time in the study. He whispered “I have spoken with God, and he has abandoned us” and his vital signs stopped. There was no apparent cause of death.
The native villagers around these parts say that there’s a stretch of tundra just north of here that is occupied by benevolent spirits. These spirits grant insight and warning, they say, to whoever visits them at night, once the sun has disappeared entirely and left the world in jet darkness.
I drove out to the middle of the frozen expanse of ice and waited, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever commanded these people’s reverence. They send their children out, bundled in furs to keep from freezing, on the eve of their 15th birthday to seek an audience with these spirits. Once they have achieved this, the children run home to their parents to share the news. From then on these children are considered adults in the village. Engaged couples visit this tundra on the night before their wedding. The entire village stays up all night awaiting their return, as it is upon their return that the couple either decides to proceed with their marriage, or to abandon it. The elderly visit the tundra whenever they are sick or ailing, and often make their condition worse by staying all night in the cold. When they return, however, it is most often with an air of sheer serenity.
So I waited, curious to see what phenomenon might inspire people so powerfully. I waited for hours, bundled in my parka and sitting on the hood of my pickup. I waited until I felt that I was going to freeze to death, even in my thick clothing.
I heard the spirit before I saw it.
A crunching of snow in the silence made me jump off my truck and spin around. A hunched, gray-skinned man stood a few meters away. Sad, yellowed eyes stared back at me, set inside a skull from which sprouted only a few greasy hairs. He breathed heavily, with a rattle that shook his fragile ribcage, and one of his arms looked as if it had been messily broken and then neglected, allowing it to knit back together imperfectly. Badly scarred flesh marred his splayed legs. The man stared at me for perhaps ten seconds, breathing in the frigid air and exhaling a sickly dribble of steam, before disappearing when I blinked my eyes.
I spun around, looking for the man, but he was truly gone. Approaching where he had stood, I found a pair of bloody footprints in the snow. Frantic with fear, I got into my pickup and headed for the village as fast as the ice would allow. A few villagers were waiting for me when I arrived, knowing that I had gone out and curious as to what might happen.
I hastily got out of my truck and, approaching the nearest villager, I demanded, "What is so benevolent about these spirits? What is so insightful? How do these spirits help you?"
"What did you see?" he asked, the look on his face now mirroring the fear in mine.
"I saw a man, horribly disfigured and desperately sick!" I screamed into his face, and the rest of the villagers around us backed away a step. "Why? What does that mean?" I begged him.
"The spirits show only one thing," the man explained. "They show their visitors, a year in the future."
I don't know what to do anymore. I’m so scared and I can't trust anyone. I went camping about 3 weekends ago in the Huntsville national forest in Texas. Me and 3 friends that came home for the weekend, they are all in college and usually we all get together at least once a year, old friends from high school. For the camping trip we planned to go backpacking deep in the forest, live off of fish that we catch and animals that we can trap. We have been doing this for awhile in Texas and in numerous places, Arizona, Colorado (if anyone is familiar with the Spanish peaks there), New Mexico, so we‘re pretty much used to anything you‘d encounter out there. It was my turn to pick where we went camping, so I chose Huntsville (more accurately it’s Huntsville/New Waverly). So we drive up there park our car in a camping park spot and start walking off into the forest. We had some laughs along the way, everyone catching up with each other's lives. We walked until it started to get dark and set up camp where we stopped. Everyone gathered wood to make a fire and we set our tent up. And we do what we always do: try and scare each other with weird stories.
Around this time we started to smell something very faint. It was noticeable, but not overbearing. We couldn't put our finger on what it was, so we just carried on. Mike had to go piss and he walked off in the forest. A second later he come running back, piss all down his jeans like he’d missed really bad. Immediately we all crack up and throw some jokes at him. Then we noticed that he was white as snow and trying to catch his breath. He starts screaming for us to follow him, and runs off.
We all get serious and go follow him, not knowing what the problem was. We start to hear a faint scream and crying in the distance, in the direction we were running. It was pitch black away from the camp and Mike had the only flash light (we left ours at the camp, he had his from his trip taking a piss), so at this stage we didn’t have much choice but to follow the light, which was frantically pointing here and there in front of him.
The scream gets closer and Mike starts to slow down. We then notice a ratty old cabin that looked like it was abandoned, except for a faint light that we could see from one of the old mildew covered windows. The crying was intense: whoever it was couldn't breathe enough to let out a full yell. We all followed Mike up to the front door and we could all hear the crying from inside. As soon as he knocked on the door it stopped. We all waited and heard really heavy footsteps walking fast to the door. There was a giant slam against the door and the sound of a bolt unlocking. Then nothing. We waited for a bit, knocked a few more times, but still nothing happened. We walked around the house (there was no fucking way any of us were leaving each other’s side) and noticed a window, which was a good way up. Alex took a deep breath and said asked us to give him a boost so he could see inside. Me and Mike lifted him up to the window. We watched him brush away dirt and webs from the window and place his face close to the window to try and see something.
There was a quick beat. Then suddenly he breathed in fast and let out a loud scream. Then he fell back from the window, screaming bloody murder the whole way. We all tried to calm him down but he was hysterical. We went to him but he started to shake, punch, kick, you name it, and then took off towards the camp.
None of us wanted to be separated so we all ran close behind him. We caught up to him and grabbed him and set him down. The fire was dying out so I grabbed some nearby wood that we collected added it to the fire. My hands were shaking and I had to do something. I went back to Alex and we all tried to calm him down. He wouldn't he kept screaming and was breathing so hard that he eventually fainted.
All of us are terrified now, and we all kept the fire high until sunrise. Periodically Alex kept waking up, screaming just like before. By sunrise he was up and looked catatonic, just mumbling to himself and whimpering. Me and Mike decide to go look at the cabin now it was daylight. We searched where we thought it was, except there was nothing there. Nothing at all. The indistinct smell from last night had now grown into a very strong smell of something dead, something stale. We headed back to the camping site. When we got there we found Alex had chewed into the sides of his face and swallowed so much blood that he was throwing up. John was at his back, and he looked like he was about to die from exhaustion. I guess we all looked that way, I just didn't notice until I saw his face. Alex said quietly that we need to leave. Now.
We all started to pack up the tent. It started to rain really heavily (it was about noon) and the sky started to grow really dark. Alex started to go into a panic. He went and grabbed a big stick and yelled at us to leave it and leave, now, or he‘d knock us out and drag us out of there himself. Mike started to yell at him, and they started to fight. We broke it up and finished packing, and then started to make our way back. After a little while we arrived at a creek we had crossed the previous day, only it was flooded over, and the water was moving to fast for us to cross it. Alex started to scream again, yelling at Mike for taking his time packing up the tent when we could have gotten out of here. This went on for a while until we finally convinced Alex to calm down and tell us what happened. He said as soon as he put his face to the glass, a face on the other side did the same thing, and started to smile really big. It had dark eyes and a dark mouth which was much bigger then Alex's, as the smile got as large as it could. A giant shadow behind it swung something down and sliced it‘s face off. The face was stuck to the window, and he said it started to laugh quietly as it slid down. Mike, still pissed off (and though he wouldn‘t admit it, beginning to get freaked out), started to argue with him again. We eventually started to follow the creek for a way to cross.
We then started to see toys floating in the creek. Really old toys, old Barbie dolls and baby dolls. This wasn't like any old trash floating in the creek, though… this was a lot of barbies, a lot of baby dolls. One washed towards the side and Mike picked it up. It had some kind of voice chip that was dying and started to say some gurgling words we couldn't understand, followed by it’s sad excuse for laughter. Then it sounded like it was whispering. We thought the batteries must be dying, he threw it down.
We kept going, and the sun was starting to set. Alex was freaking out more now, and was whimpering and breathing heavily. We all started to see shadows move behind trees, something we all called BS on until we all were seeing it. It was barely light out and we stop as we see the cabin right in front of us. None of us knows what to think. Mike says “This is bull, I’m going in there.” Alex tries to stop him. We all do, all of us just wanted to go home. Mike says to all of us to fuck off, do our own thing, he doesn't care anymore, this is all bull. We start to hear hundreds of the same sort baby doll as before, laughing, whispering and trying to sing. We start to move forward past the cabin, all of us, and kept pushing forward. We smelled something dead in the air, something stale. The same something as before. We started to hear something crying, and something screaming. We kept on going. We eventually crossed the creek and left the woods. We get back to our vehicle and got in. Its pitch black, and we drive. We are about to get on the 45 to Houston but the road is under construction and can't be accessed. It points to a detour. As we head towards the detour it seems to be small, bumpy dirt road going into the woods.
We then see a young girl come up to us. She looks like she was in trouble, young and pretty. She approaches the passenger side door and she looks like she‘s really drugged up, or beaten up. Alex doesn't roll down the windows, nor does he open the door. She reaches for the handle and he immediately locks it. She puts her face on the window and starts to smile really big. We floor it, Alex starts to cry and scream and we are all breathing heavy. We finally cut on a street that takes us to the 45 and we take it the whole way. When we get back to my apartment everyone doesn't know what to say and we all break apart and go our separate ways. Mike messages me later and says he is going to go back. I try to convince him not to and all he does is say it was our own minds that were screwing with us. I think he just went to prove to himself he wasn’t scared. I can smell that stench everywhere now. I don't go out anymore, I just stay in and don't answer the door. Last week everyone I met was acting really strange, people that I knew for a long time and total strangers. My own dad, when I went to his place to eat supper with him he just watched me, strangely, when I was sitting down. He didn't say a word the whole time. I kept asking him “What’s wrong?” He just slowly shook his head.
When I was leaving to go home I turned to wave. He had black eyes and an open mouth like he was in pain. When I started to walk back he shut the door and bolted it. I stayed there knocking and knocking. Nothing. I called him, his phone was disconnected. I even called the police. Halfway through the questions they were asking me the connection started to fade into static. I could hear a faint mumbling, singing and laughing.
Mike has completely vanished. There is not even a record of him being alive. When I call Alex’s house they talk to me like I’m some salesman. They say they don't know any Alex and to please stop calling. The person who tells me that is Alex‘s mother. I can’t get ahold of John. Someone knocked on my door and when I went to look I saw a face completely covering the peephole and a giant smile started to form. I called the cops again and instead of it turning into static they got really strange. “Sir, are you affected by any drugs at the moment?” “No.” “Are you coming home anytime soon?” “Excuse me?” “Come home.” and the phone call ended. My mail slot swings every now and then. Someone is sliding pieces of baby dolls through it. I try to call people now and all I can hear is static and bad baby doll noises and this crying and screaming. My TV is busted but when I go to piss I can hear it on. I might be going insane.
This one took place many years ago, before I was born. My family was gathered at our family cabin in to celebrate midsummer. The cabin lies in the county of Bindalen, which is basically the most remote place you can think of that you still can drive to. The cabin itself is hidden away from the road, through dense forest. Next to the cabin is a small lake. This lake has a couple of interesting things about it. The west side is pretty flat, with forest covered moorlands stretching all the way out to the sea. The east side, however, is a series of vertical, 10 meter cliffs that plunge directly down to the bottom of the lake. The water is dark brown, and never really heats up, not even in the midst of summer.
Right below one of the cliffs is a huge rock. Rumor has it that back in the 19th century, a newlywed couple were taking a rowing trip on the lake (because apparently all norwegian newlyweds did that back in the day) when the rock loosened from the cliff and fell down on them. The groom managed to swim to the shore. But the bride was hit by the rock and taken to the bottom. Local lore says she still lingers around that lake and the surrounding woodlands.
Back to the story. So my family was gathered at the cabin to celebrate midsummer. They had lit a huge fire down by the water, and were drinking, eating and having a good time. At around 2 am, my mom went inside to get some more snacks. The only entrance to the cabin is at the side away from the lake.
The door was locked from the inside.
This door is not easy to lock. It could not have been slammed shut by the wind. On the inside, there is a metal bolt and a cabin hook that must be forced into the ring in order to stay shut. They had both been locked. As mentioned, there is only one entrance to the cabin. All the windows are on the south side, which is where my family was celebrating. No one could have snuck in, locked the door and then snuck out another way.
After working on the door for about an hour, my grandpa finally got tired the whole mess. He grabbed his drill and saw and made a hole in the door so that one could get his hand inside and open the locks. Inside the cabin they found nothing. Not even a trace of people. Nothing was missing.
This occured a few years before the cabin incident. My grandpa was off into the mountains to hunt lagopus, like he always did. Back in the 50's, my family lived in a small village surrounded by mountains. It can't even really be called a village, it was just a small strip of road with 5-6 houses side by side. At the time, hunting and fishing was like a part time job for my grandpa. He could earn 50 000 kr (~9-10 000 $) in one year by hunting lagopus alone, which was not bad in pre-oil Norway.
My grandpa was meeting some friends far into the mountain, and they were gonna go hunting together. His friends would return home that day (friday), and he would stay until sunday in a small turf hut next to the mountain. The turf hut was more than six miles from the closest road.
After going several hours without finding as much as a feather, the guys were ready to go home. The wind was starting to pick up, and night would be setting in in a few hours. But before they could pick out the course back home, they became aware of a man approaching them from further up in the mountain. The man turned out to be a Lapp, of the kind who still herded reindeer in these mountains.
His appearance was strange to say the least. He had a coat and thick pants on, but no headwear and no gloves. Neither did he have any sort of bag or backpack with him. The man looked old, probably in his late sixties or seventies.
"How's the hunting going?" He asked. "Badly. Not a goddamn bird." My grandpa replied. "So I see." He answered.
Noone said a word for a few seconds. These mountain Lapps were never known for being very talkative. My grandpa and the others were about to leave when he told them to wait.
"I know where the birds are." He said quietly. The guys looked at eachother. It was getting late. After a brief discussion they decided to follow the man. He took them behind the next hill to where they were going. As soon as they came over the hill, my grandpa shot a pair of lagopus. An hour later, everybody had at least a handful of birds hanging from their backpacks. They decided to call it a day, as the sun now was starting to set, and darkness would come very quickly. It was then that they noticed that the old Lapp was gone. Noone had seen him go, neither did he say anything. The area was rather flat and wide, so they should have been able to see him. Darkness was setting in, though, so they didn't have time to look for him. Since he apparently had come from the other side of the mountain, they assumed he had a cabin there or something.
All the guys got to their cars and got home safely. My grandpa went down into the valley and found the turf hut. In case you haven't seen a turf hut before, it's basically a bunch of longs logs that rest against one another to form sort of a tent formation. The formation is then covered with peat and earth to make it water tight. This also makes it next to invisible, especially when it lays in the forest next to a hill, like this one does. It would be impossible for a stranger to see it if he didn't know it was there. It would be the last place one would expect visitors in the middle of the night. That night, though, that's exactly what happened.
My grandpa was sleeping on a bunk by the wall, with his dog Flint next to him on the floor. Suddenly, he woke up from Flint snarling at something. He got up and saw that the dog was looking at the wall on the other side of the room. He then heard footsteps going towards the door. "Hello?" He yell. No answer. The footsteps continued. "Who's there?". Nothing. The footsteps reached the door. Flint had now gotten up and started barking. A moment of silence. Then there was a knock on the door. "Who's there?" Still no answer. The stranger now tried to open the door, but grandpa had locked it. The door started shaking and slamming. Grandpa got his shotgun, loaded it and pointed towards the door. "Who's there? Answer or I'll shoot!". The shaking stopped.
Grandpa sat and listened for a few minutes, but he didn't hear any footsteps going away from the door. He finally snuck over and opened the door, shotgun in hand. There was nobody there.
The rest of the trip went by without further incidents. Come sunday, he went home with a backpack full of lagopus. The next morning, the newspapers were headlined with a story of a tragic accident in the mountains. An old man of Sami descent had been found far into the mountain, frozen to death. The man had apparently fallen down a small cliff and broken his leg, and then frozen to death.
The coroner said he had been dead since Thursday.
I have one or two more stories, but I'm so tired right now. I'll post them if anybody wants me to
He was the greatest player to play the game. Period. I don’t want any of what I’m about to tell you to color that. I’m only telling you because this time next week, I’ll be gone, and it’s important that someone knows. You can tell whoever you want; just don’t expect them to believe you. In fact, they’ll likely hate you for it. You’d be pissing on a legend. It’s the truth, though, and that’s enough for me.
He had a phenomenal arm. He earned his way into the bigs pitching. Son of a bitch had a curve that shook worse’n my hands do now. The hitting is another thing. He could drop a single into the slot with the best of them, but back then, he couldn’t clear that fence but once or twice a season. It’s a fact.
We were two years in the minors, then he was traded, and I didn’t run into him again until we were both wearing pinstripes. By then he was slugging them into the parking lot twice a night. I wish you could have seen it. Three years on, I asked him about it. We were roommates, and during a particularly awful stretch in the middle of August, we got drinking, and then we got talking.
“What in hell happened to you, anyway?” I asked. “Back on the farm, you’d get one out the back a handful of times at best.”
He looked at me a long time then. His eyes cleared right up, like we hadn’t touched a drop. This next thing, I’m not proud of, but it’s part of the story, so I’ve got to tell it. All I’ll say in my defense was that times were tough, and I was weak.
“Okay, Pete,” he started in that booming voice he had, even when he whispered. “I know for a fact you took dough to shave some points during this trip, so if I tell you this, it all stays you and me, correct?”
I had, and I said it did.
He took a deep breath, lifted his shirt up, and I had to stifle a shout. On his gut was a spider web of thin white scars. “This game needed something. You know that as well as I do. It was good, but it needed to be great. I knew I could be the one to do it. But I needed help.”
“What kind of help?” I knew then that I didn’t want the answer.
“I sold my soul, Pete. There was a shady character I used to know–Mr. Jesse. He got me this book, and with the book I talked to this thing.
“I was specific. I wanted to hit the long ball. The demon agreed; the little bastard drove a hard bargain too. He said he didn’t want no ‘deathbed welsher.’ Instead, each time I bang one out, he takes his cut. Feels like something’s raking my gut with a dull fork each time I connect. But it worked. Look at the game, Pete. It’s never been better. Baseball is what it should be.”
I could only stare. “It ain’t so. That stuff, magic… demons… it’s not real.”
“Real enough, Pete. Take a look. It’s not just the scratches either. It’s making me different. I’m meaner now than I used to be, colder.”
I thought of the grim look he always got at bat, face screwed up in determination, or pain. I was terrified for him. “So one day, you’ll hit one out, and that’ll be it?”
“I thought so. But remember back to the ’26 series, that thing with the kid? Well, after that game, I felt better. I realized then that being selfless, maybe, maybe there’s hope for me. I’m tired now, Pete. There ain’t no more to tell.”
I watched the rest of his career on tenterhooks. Every homer, I felt it. Every good thing he did, I wondered, “Is it enough?”
Rather my mother had not borne me than that this grim remembrance be the price of life! I blame myself for horrors seen, my friend–for horrors merely endured. Such endurance was a sin itself. Had I had the courage of my brother Yves to end it, the first time at Smolensk, I ought. I recall the very musket shot that rang out in the woods. I see his tear-stained and beloved face beg for the mercy I could bestow, and I did, and stripped him there on the field and took his clothing for my sorry rags. His feet came away in his boots. I thought I would bring up my very lungs, so great was the stench. My heart I left there with him in the mud and blood and promised I would tell our mother only that he loved her.
We were an army of the living dead. Our glorious songs, long silenced in our parched throats, had been choked in heat and dust. Our eyes, painful and encrusted, saw only death, not battle. Columns before us foraged all they could take. Cattle behind us died of stroke and dearth. Then came the rains and wagons of supplies were swallowed, horses-whole in claggy mud.
Our enemy led us on a-dance. They stood to fight one day, then disappeared like spirits into the night, deeper beyond Smolensk, until we stood depleted in the midst of ruin in Moscow. Nothing of value was there. Great works of art, silver and fine goods there were a-plenty but what are those to hunger? I saw many a wagon laden with suchlike trinkets, abandoned soon upon the road. I took a Russian coat and some good cloth to wrap my feet against the coming cold. I ate a dog that was half starved like me–remembered how we’d thought ourselves so poor, back in my mother’s house where there was bread and beer. Now I wished only to see her face once more and feel her gentle hand upon my head and the warmth of her tears for my brother. That would have been sustenance enough.
We left Moscow burning and turned back along that desolated path whence we had come. Southern lands were full of plenteous harvest but our number was now small. We were forced to follow the Baltic Route west. The bloated corpses of those who had perished on the assault became pillows to bivouac. Discarded weapons littered the way. Men too weak to fight need no weapons. Many I saw drop and never rise again for lack of will. I saw them stripped naked before they’d exhaled their final breath, nor did they curse their looters. We did not smell or taste or feel or weep for we had no saliva or tears. Alas! I would cry yet if I could.
Smolensk the second time was execrable. I have not told you of the freezing cold; minus thirty on November 11th. My feet no longer hurt for want of feeling but remembering my dear brother, I did not remove my bindings; such was my fear. That night I wished to die but I chose to survive. I will never forget that night. I crawled towards a faint snorting noise in the dark and suddenly my body came upon the great bulk of a fallen horse. I felt its breath warm but uneven and knew neither of us might live out the night. So, I took my knife and slit its belly open and it screeched so that I cannot forget the sound. I put my mouth to its warm blood that oozed. I took its entrails in my hands and dragged them from it, living, and inside I crawled for warmth, curled up as it were my mother’s womb.
Ah, God forgive me! I cannot look her in the face again. After that date, I dined on human flesh. So tell me, of those 600,000 souls, can I truly say this soul survived?
The breeze off the ocean blew her long golden hair across her face and pressed the white shift against her skin, the invisible hands of a lover holding her up as she fought for balance at the edge of the cliff. In the background, the drums throbbed, pulsing through her body and weakening her knees.
She looked down at the massive gray rock, while waves crashed in darkness below. Her eyes traced the outline of the closest of the crude sarcophagi all ranged in a row, awaiting their charges. The beat of the drums changed. Her signal. She turned her back to the sea and watched as seven bearers lifted the body of her husband and approached the open tomb.
So young to be a widow, hot tears ran down her cheeks, whether for her… or for him, she was unsure. She had known it would be so ever since their wedding night. It seemed like yesterday. Lying naked under the bearskin she had caught a glimpse of gray in his hair, caught in the firelight, as her new husband slid aside the hide flap of the tent. She smiled, remembering; the drums were present even then. As he had come to her, with trembling hands, she had felt the deep creases in his skin as he caressed hers. The realization had hit her then, even as he entered her, that this day would come; she would not grow old with her husband. He had already spent his youth, and she must give him hers. But she was duty-bound. Traditions from time immemorial decreed that it should be so, the price of betrothal to a chief.
As their queen, she stood erect while seven young men, stripped to the waist, their oiled muscles glistening in the firelight, lowered the corpse into its eternal home, then wailed aloud as they strained and the heavy stone ground into place, sealing the tomb away.
She waited, impassive, as a long line of people filed by, placing flowers on the stone. Would they do the same for her? She watched, detached, as the final petals fell atop the pile, then stiffened as the rhythm of the drums changed once again. Her knees buckled, but rough, dirty hands caught her and lifted her in the air. Grasping, groping fingers soiled the pure white of her raiment as they laid her down.
Calmly, she took one last breath of cool sea air, one last look at the stars in the sky, then closed her eyes as the grinding sounded, locking her inside.
On June 25 2010 11:17 Shiragaku wrote: Oh yes, I told a girl a lot of these stories. She blamed me for her nightmare today. I feel so proud. (Friendzone incoming)
Ok.. the mickey mouse one was kinda disappointing...seems that the employee committed suicide realizing that he just wasted 2- 4 minutes of his life...It was too much bullshit for him to take..
Oh the other hand: awesome topic Are the "true stories" true? is there a source...say a news article or something based on these events? the statue, the old lady and german medic were very eerie in their own ways.
On July 16 2010 12:55 lightson wrote: Are the "true stories" true? is there a source...say a news article or something based on these events? the statue, the old lady and german medic were very eerie in their own ways.
They're true in the sense that they are "urban legends": short anecdotes that feel extremely realistic and may or may not have truly happened. I remember watching a show on an "educational" channel, explaining that the "old lady" story never truly happened. As for statue and medic... still a possibility it did.
guys wtf? of course it aint gonna be creepy if you watch the vid or whatever thinking "this is bullshit omg" before even hitting play, try to believe or get into the story and everything will be scary as shit, thats the cool thing about guys are scared of getting scared lol.
Akimi posed naked on the banqueting table. She thought of the money as caterers arranged copious amounts of fruit over and around her.
Halloween guests arrived, witches, vampires, ghouls–spectacular costumes. Akimi hid her embarrassment as the fruit was consumed, exposing her. A cardinal proffered a drink “against the chill.” The amber liquid burned in her veins.
He crushed grapes over her bare breast and roved his tongue around the nipple. Powerless, she could neither move nor cry out, even when he bit deeply and tore away a mouthful of her flesh. The feast began at midnight’s first chime.
Snagged the image pastas from 4chan's /x/ earlier tonight. Autumn Fruit (and the ones in my prevoius post) is from I strongly recommend that site, as the general level of writing is much higher, and contains less of the endless meme spewing and "and then a skeleton popped out" variations than /x/ and
this thread is always awesome, it got me into reading just horror stories for a good two weeks until i got so paranoid i had to stop. Anyways this guy wrote a lot of stuff on creepypasta and i like his stories the most by far, check it out for a good read.
if you haven't read/ listened to it, world war Z is an awesome realistic zombie novel.
the great thing about it is theres a very well done audio book format made of it, viewable on youtube (not quite sure if its illegal? its been on there for ages) great to listen to while doing mindless work, gets you trough the hours fast! =) + Show Spoiler +
I am never watching the Mickey Mouse Video. Never ever. I refuse man. I refuse that shit so fucking hard. Not after reading the story man. Never. This thread is really fucked up Dr.H. You understand you've created a monster, yes?
Outside a shop at the edge of a small town on a dark, wet nght, a woman pulled up and exited her car, approaching the ATM machine. While punching in her pin code, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned, to see a man who said "Are you travelling alone tonight?". The woman replied "How dare-", but was interrupted. "Because someone has just jumped into the back seat of your car.
The two then began to talk as if they were good friends, before going into the shop. They called the Police from within the shop, and when they arrived, they found a man in the back seat of the car with duct tape and a kitchen knife.
Outside a shop at the edge of a small town on a dark, wet nght, a woman pulled up and exited her car, approaching the ATM machine. While punching in her pin code, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned, to see a man who said "Are you travelling alone tonight?". The woman replied "How dare-", but was interrupted. "Because someone has just jumped into the back seat of your car.
The two then began to talk as if they were good friends, before going into the shop. They called the Police from within the shop, and when they arrived, they found a man in the back seat of the car with duct tape and a kitchen knife.
Outside a shop at the edge of a small town on a dark, wet nght, a woman pulled up and exited her car, approaching the ATM machine. While punching in her pin code, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned, to see a man who said "Are you travelling alone tonight?". The woman replied "How dare-", but was interrupted. "Because someone has just jumped into the back seat of your car.
The two then began to talk as if they were good friends, before going into the shop. They called the Police from within the shop, and when they arrived, they found a man in the back seat of the car with duct tape and a kitchen knife.
You're so full of shit, thats one of the older and more famous creepypastas
I went through most of the OP just once a little while ago, and let me tell you, to this day I get random semi-panic attacks T_____T I can never resist reading/watching horror stuff for some reason, but I'm always scared shitless :'<
Z3kk I'm the exact same way. Morbid curiosity I guess. I hate myself later when I can't get to sleep, but when I'm in the moment I can't stop myself! Also the one about the Russian prisoners had me vomiting for hours. Fuck man.
Outside a shop at the edge of a small town on a dark, wet nght, a woman pulled up and exited her car, approaching the ATM machine. While punching in her pin code, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned, to see a man who said "Are you travelling alone tonight?". The woman replied "How dare-", but was interrupted. "Because someone has just jumped into the back seat of your car.
The two then began to talk as if they were good friends, before going into the shop. They called the Police from within the shop, and when they arrived, they found a man in the back seat of the car with duct tape and a kitchen knife.
You're so full of shit, thats one of the older and more famous creepypastas
I know it's similar to the old lady one. I read it in the OP before posting. Do you really think I'd go and copy it right off? It's actually what reminded me of it. Looking at it now, it's not really that similar. Only that they both involve cars and someone with the intent of killing someone.
On August 04 2010 02:43 Lexpar wrote: I am never watching the Mickey Mouse Video. Never ever. I refuse man. I refuse that shit so fucking hard. Not after reading the story man. Never. This thread is really fucked up Dr.H. You understand you've created a monster, yes?
Fuck. Just, fuck this. Seriously. Too much.
Ya the Story really fucks with you, when I first read it I watched the video in the day time so It wouldn't be so bad. I reccomend doing the same. Though the video itself would not be scary if you had not read the story.
Do you guys have any advice as to what I should read/watch after being THOROUGHLY scared by horror stories, videos, films, and the like? Seriously, every time I have a horror session, I need to find a way to calm myself down and stop myself from having a full-blown panic attack.
While this might not be the most fitting of places to request this help, I suppose it's among the most practical, haha ^3^
On August 05 2010 16:04 Z3kk wrote: Do you guys have any advice as to what I should read/watch after being THOROUGHLY scared by horror stories, videos, films, and the like? Seriously, every time I have a horror session, I need to find a way to calm myself down and stop myself from having a full-blown panic attack.
While this might not be the most fitting of places to request this help, I suppose it's among the most practical, haha ^3^
i watch a comedy movie or absorb myself in a book or video game until im so tired i can't ignore sleep
then i just force myself to think about that movie/book/game instead of whatever i had read or watched that scared the shit out of me :3
On August 05 2010 16:04 Z3kk wrote: Do you guys have any advice as to what I should read/watch after being THOROUGHLY scared by horror stories, videos, films, and the like? Seriously, every time I have a horror session, I need to find a way to calm myself down and stop myself from having a full-blown panic attack.
While this might not be the most fitting of places to request this help, I suppose it's among the most practical, haha ^3^
i watch a comedy movie or absorb myself in a book or video game until im so tired i can't ignore sleep
then i just force myself to think about that movie/book/game instead of whatever i had read or watched that scared the shit out of me :3
On August 05 2010 16:04 Z3kk wrote: Do you guys have any advice as to what I should read/watch after being THOROUGHLY scared by horror stories, videos, films, and the like? Seriously, every time I have a horror session, I need to find a way to calm myself down and stop myself from having a full-blown panic attack.
While this might not be the most fitting of places to request this help, I suppose it's among the most practical, haha ^3^
i watch a comedy movie or absorb myself in a book or video game until im so tired i can't ignore sleep
then i just force myself to think about that movie/book/game instead of whatever i had read or watched that scared the shit out of me :3
Theres a few methods and tricks that you can use/practice to remember your dreams more clearly. I have decided recently never EVER use these methods when going to sleep after reading this thread
On August 05 2010 16:04 Z3kk wrote: Do you guys have any advice as to what I should read/watch after being THOROUGHLY scared by horror stories, videos, films, and the like? Seriously, every time I have a horror session, I need to find a way to calm myself down and stop myself from having a full-blown panic attack.
While this might not be the most fitting of places to request this help, I suppose it's among the most practical, haha ^3^
I don't think it may or may not have been discussed, but any recommendations on books.
I'm extremely picky and I've found it difficult to pay attention long enough to finish a book. To give you an idea, I've only managed to finish 3 books in the past 6 months.
Here is a really brief list of what I've read:
Hellbound Heart - Clive Barker The novella that started the whole Hellraiser series, before it went downhill) Butcher Bride - Vince Churchill If you like 1980s slasher style filled with sex and gore, get this Day by Day Armageddon - J.L. Bourne Military journal style of one man's survival through the zombie apocalypse
Horror usualy doesn't do anything for me, and neither did anything in this thread. At least almost, that russian researcher story got me, and I didn't want to read on somewhere around half. Although then I did and I found the ending to be kind of lame, killed everything.
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 Processor: 1.5Ghz - Low budget CPUs such as Celeron or Duron needs to be at about twice the CPU speed Memory: 1 GB Hard Drive: TBD Graphics: Radeon 9600/GeForceFX - Integrated graphics and very low budget cards might not work.
OS: Mac OS X 10.5.8 or newer Processor: 2.0Ghz Memory: 1 GB RAM Graphics: Radeon 9600/GeForce 4 (GeForce4MX not supported) Hard Drive: 2GB space free
Most computers even 2-3 years old could probably run this. As long as they have a dedicated graphics card.
Wow, this is an awesome thread.Some stories were SERIOUSLY hurt by the lack of professional-like writing though, it hurts the whole atmosphere of the story and doesn't make it as enjoyable.
Others were really great though, A Perfect Life, I Wonder If He Likes Me?, Statue, The Bad Dream (phrase "the thing wearing Mommy's skin" freaked me out :/ ), You're Not Scared, Right? (I like the modern inclusion of facebook and even the actual website which posts these stories) and especially My House Has Rules were f-ing great.
Also, the "In soviet Russia" spinoffs had me literally rofling for a while xD Oh and the short animated creepy movies are awesome as well (Smile, i.e.)
This thread delivers so hard. Starting to read at just past midnight yesterday, I spent a long while going through the best short stories in the OP. Then I went to SCP, and before I knew it, there was daylight outside.
On September 12 2010 07:09 Bair wrote: Oh wow. This is trippy. Good to find it though. Thanks OP, even if I never sleep again after the German Sleep Experiment story o.O
Or wait...maybe I should sleep if I do not want to end up like them. Gah!
Believe it was the russian sleep experiment. But either way, it was a fucking awesome story.
On September 12 2010 07:09 Bair wrote: Oh wow. This is trippy. Good to find it though. Thanks OP, even if I never sleep again after the German Sleep Experiment story o.O
Or wait...maybe I should sleep if I do not want to end up like them. Gah!
Believe it was the russian sleep experiment. But either way, it was a fucking awesome story.
Whoops. My bad. Though tbh, whether it was Russian or German was not what I was focusing on XD
God...and I work the night shift too. Going to be an interesting time tonight o.O Can't stop reading these.
EDIT: Anyone else too freaked out by the stories to open the movies? XD
reminds me of nosferatu which was scary as fuck when u first start playing it. It really feels like that game was the inspiration for Amnesia. But yea once u play for a while unfortunately you get used to it and just start to slay monsters left and right approaching it like your regular FPS. So no weapons is a great idea to keep the scaries rolling.
For every finished story, I couldn't stop myself clicking on the next "show spoiler" tag to read the next one. I knew what I was doing: Delaying the inevitable. I've had to pee for two fucking hours and the light in the bathroom is out.
Thanks for updating this thread. Guess I'm not sleeping for about a week again.
On October 04 2010 03:20 Zakka wrote: Omg the pictures are too scary. Please somebody comfort by telling me that dogface isphotoshopped. Seriously wtf.
it's shopped, i know from seeing a lot of shops in my time.. and whatever
you happy bro?
its good seeing this again, haven't seen this thread in like a year mang!
Damn, some of you guys are friggen good at telling scary short stories.
I was really shocked by The Border as it seems like something that would actually happen in real life.
For the old lady one, it was definitely creepy, but I don't know why a serial killer would undress his old lady clothes and put them all in a bag and leave it in the car, then run away without his items.
Wait.... You guys are kidding when you said you couldn't see the candle cove one right? I watched it a few times, with friends and if it wasn't for the screaming it wouldn't have been scary at all. Oh here is a true story that happened to me. So I'm walking home from somewhere I don't remember really. But it was dark, it was around 22:00 or something. And to get home I needed to go buy this street where taxies were usually parked. But there was another car there, I think it was red, but I'm not sure. And a old man is standing next to it smoking, as I walk by him and the car I hear someone moan something that sounded like "help". I turned around really fast and I look at the old man and I asked him if he said something, he said the sound was coming from the car and he also added something about the car making that sound and not a person. Seeing as he was an old man I thought he couldn't hear what I heard, so I stopped for a second and listened and then I heard that moaning sound again and again it sounded like someone saying "help" and the sound was coming from the trunk of the car, and I started walking to the car, the old man then also made a few steps to the car and kinda cut me off from getting to the trunk and he said something about the sound and the car again, after that I remember I went home I don't think I got closer to the car seemed like that man didn't want me near it or something.
On October 04 2010 03:20 Zakka wrote: Omg the pictures are too scary. Please somebody comfort by telling me that dogface isphotoshopped. Seriously wtf.
it's shopped, i know from seeing a lot of shops in my time.. and whatever
you happy bro?
its good seeing this again, haven't seen this thread in like a year mang!
I was caught up in a similar experiment in my money-strapped collegiate years. With not much other than the release of StarCraft 2 on my mind, though, my "tulpa" manifested itself into a baneling. Sometimes he comes back and threatens to throw himself at my mom.
Pretty sure it hasn't been mentioned yet, not on OP.
It's an internet story kind of similar to Ted's Caving Story. It's about these two friends exchanging emails about a mutual friend's disappearance. It goes on in some blogs after the main story is done.
I had to take this laptop apart at work today, and as I'm removing the disk-drive I notice that there is a CD UNDERNEATH the drive itself. Me and my co-workers got curious and wanted to see what was on it. So we pop'd it in one of our computers, and on it was only a single MP3. The track was 6min, 6s, and 6ms long. We played the MP3, and on it was the most wretched, horrorfying screams i've heard in my entire life. It sounded as if someone was being tortured horribly. I dont know if this was the kid's idea of a sick joke, or something else entirly, but we finished fixing the computer, and threw the disk out right away. I'm really freaked out now. It felt really wrong, almost evil. I'm sure that the kid who's computer it was, was just trying to fuck with us though. I'm going to have a really hard time sleeping tonight I cant get that noise out of my head.
On October 05 2010 09:48 Artemis wrote: Heres a personal experience: + Show Spoiler +
I had to take this laptop apart at work today, and as I'm removing the disk-drive I notice that there is a CD UNDERNEATH the drive itself. Me and my co-workers got curious and wanted to see what was on it. So we pop'd it in one of our computers, and on it was only a single MP3. The track was 6min, 6s, and 6ms long. We played the MP3, and on it was the most wretched, horrorfying screams i've heard in my entire life. It sounded as if someone was being tortured horribly. I dont know if this was the kid's idea of a sick joke, or something else entirly, but we finished fixing the computer, and threw the disk out right away. I'm really freaked out now. It felt really wrong, almost evil. I'm sure that the kid who's computer it was, was just trying to fuck with us though. I'm going to have a really hard time sleeping tonight I cant get that noise out of my head.
I'm not sure how I missed this...but sweet jesus, me and my friend just read all of them, and now I'm ready to cry...both thank you, and fuck you good Dr.
A few months ago a friend of mine, who is an up-and-coming nature photographer, decided to spend a day and night alone in the woods outside of our town. She wanted to get photos of the woods and wildlife as naturally as she could for her portfolio. She wasn’t afraid of being alone, as she had camped by herself many times before. She set up a tent in the middle of a small clearing and spent the day taking pictures. She filled up four rolls of film on that trip, but something was strange about them. What she saw in those pictures has stayed with her ever since, and she is still trying to recover from the trauma the have caused her. Almost every picture was accounted for, save for one picture in each roll of film. These pictures were of her, asleep in her tent in the middle of the night.
I think this would make a great short film. I'm gunna see what I can do with this.
Stop screen at exactly 4:36 and tilt the screen back(when the screen goes white) :O:O:O It is a creepy puppet face,with black eyes, I took a screenshot and inverted colors :-S Scary ass thread creeping me out :-S .. but love it lol
Ted's cave story is really really good. The amount of details, the pictures and the slow build up create such great atmosphere. Would definitely recommend everyone to take some time to read it.
Horror fans should join my upcoming game of Haunted Mafia. More details about it will be posted soon and hopefully signups will start in a day or two.
i'll also be doing some sort of blog series for the week of halloween, so look forward to some movie streams, juni ito manga, and halloween cooking blogs!
On October 08 2010 17:43 DoctorHelvetica wrote: Horror fans should join my upcoming game of Haunted Mafia. More details about it will be posted soon and hopefully signups will start in a day or two.
i'll also be doing some sort of blog series for the week of halloween, so look forward to some movie streams, juni ito manga, and halloween cooking blogs!
On October 04 2010 13:47 Ksyper wrote: Wait.... You guys are kidding when you said you couldn't see the candle cove one right? I watched it a few times, with friends and if it wasn't for the screaming it wouldn't have been scary at all. Oh here is a true story that happened to me. So I'm walking home from somewhere I don't remember really. But it was dark, it was around 22:00 or something. And to get home I needed to go buy this street where taxies were usually parked. But there was another car there, I think it was red, but I'm not sure. And a old man is standing next to it smoking, as I walk by him and the car I hear someone moan something that sounded like "help". I turned around really fast and I look at the old man and I asked him if he said something, he said the sound was coming from the car and he also added something about the car making that sound and not a person. Seeing as he was an old man I thought he couldn't hear what I heard, so I stopped for a second and listened and then I heard that moaning sound again and again it sounded like someone saying "help" and the sound was coming from the trunk of the car, and I started walking to the car, the old man then also made a few steps to the car and kinda cut me off from getting to the trunk and he said something about the sound and the car again, after that I remember I went home I don't think I got closer to the car seemed like that man didn't want me near it or something.
you never once thought to yourself to call the cops or something?
Just completed all of Eversion. It's a great game indeed, although a bit on the easy side for veteran platformers. The psychological side of it is simply fantastic though.
Meeple is helping me host this game. Any questions you have can be directed to either me or him and we will answer as soon as possible. Thanks.
Haunted Mafia is an educated guessing game of spooky proportions.The objective of the game is to survive as a town against the double threat of the mafia and the evil vampires before they outnumber the town. The town can accomplish this by lynching and killing vampires and members of the mafia. However, vampires and mafia members pose as members of the town during the day and can use wit and deception to manipulate and mislead the town.
The vampires aim to turn the town of Liquidvania back into the kingdom of evil it once was. The mafia simply aim to slay dissenting townspeople while they turn the town into a hub for their black market trades and illegal dealing. Both groups will kill with murderous precision and must be driven out of town before they can bring Liquidvania to ruin.
The game is typically very active and there are usually numerous walls of text to wade through. If you are not a person who likes reading then I highly suggest you don't play the game. Be prepared to read, to think, and to post. If you are lazy don't bother singing up, inactivity will not be tolerated and will result in your death.
Posting Etiquette: Flaming will not be tolerated in this game. Attack eachothers logic and arguments as you please but when you start getting personal there will be consequences and the possibility of a modkill. Obvious things such as racism, homophobia, sexism, and blatant insults will result in an immediate modkill. This is an intense game and there is a lot of mistrust and deception involved but at the end of the day we are playing because it is fun and NOT because we hate eachother. Keep that in mind. If you are being harassed via PM personally for reasons related to the game then please tell me about it.
Cheating: Cheating includes (but is not limited to) the following and will get you banned from future games: 1. Posting after death. A goodbye post will be tolerated but don't under ANY circumstance say anything that could influence the course of the game. GG is fine. 2. Betraying your role and ruining the game for everyone by doing something like hand out your mafia's member list to the town. 3. Logging on to someone else's account / checking their PMs / looking over someone's shoulder to get their role. 4. Comparing role PM times to determine roles. 5. Posting screenshots of your inbox. This is not a photoshop competition. 6. Posting or discussing any PM received from a host. You will not receive a warning, you will be modkilled immediately for this. 7. Editing posts. Editing posts is not allowed for any reason. The mods can see your edits, and if you are caught, you will look suspicious. Editing will result in a warning. After that, you will be most likely modkilled. Please do not edit; this is the one part of the site where it is okay to be double posting, even triple-posting. While I ask for everybody to post as concisely as possible, post again if you have to edit anything.
Voting rules: 1. Voting is done in a separate thread, located here. Please keep votes your votes there. Votes sent in PMs or posted in the general thread will NOT count. 2. Do NOT edit your voting posts. If you want to change your vote simply post again stating that you wish to do so. 3. You cannot post a conditional vote. Example: "I vote for Player X unless Player Y votes for Player B in which case I vote for Player Y." 4. You can not vote for yourself. You may not vote for anyone dead or outside the game. 5. In the event of a tie the player who had the most votes first will be lynched. 6. You can not abstain from voting. You MUST vote to lynch somebody, if you can not make an educated decision jump on a bandwagon, I don't care. Just vote. 7. If you miss a vote you will most likely be modkilled, you will certainly be warned. Missing a vote twice will be an automatic modkill regardless of circumstances. 8. The town may vote for a double lynch. If at least half the town votes for a double lynch, the next day the top two vote candidates will be lynched rather than merely the one with the most votes. The town can use 3 double lynches. 9. Please bold your votes to make them easier to read in the thread, thanks.
Modkills: Inactivity has been a problem in every mafia game so far. DON'T JOIN THE GAME IF YOU DON'T PLAN ON BEING ACTIVE. Inactivity is most easily defined as failing to vote. If you do miss a vote, you will be modkilled. Special consideration will be exercised if a player in danger of being modkilled by this manner has been an active contributor in the thread. If something comes up and you know you will miss the vote, PM me in advance about it to let me know and you will be spared. Remember again: abstaining votes are NOT allowed. And once again, flaming is not tolerated. Furthermore, you must post at least once in this thread to avoid being modkilled. Simply voting doesn't work. This is to prevent lurkers. If you vote but almost never post, you may receive a warning.
It is very important that you don't spam the thread. Flooding the thread ruins the game, prevents discussion, and annoys everybody. If I receive consistent complaints about a player spamming the game they will be modkilled with zero mercy. It's ok to triple post, even quadra post. Just make sure every post has a purpose. Flaming or harassing a player will result in a merciless modkill as well, don't be a meanie.
Just play the game fairly without being a jerk. If you do that you'll be fine.
Clues: During the day, people die. When people die, clues are left behind by the dastardly mafia (or monsters) that killed them. Clues may refer to a persons profile, name, and signature. They can be taken from anywhere and won't always be so obvious. Keep a sharp and open mind when looking for clues. Remember, clues often times hurt the town more than they help. Analyze but don't go overboard in trying to use clues to your advantage, you may just run yourself in circles. Mafia is a game of deception, guesswork, and manipulation before it is a game of clue analysis. Keep that in mind.
To help us to make clues, we request you spice up your profile. Add some pictures, quotes, text, whatever you like. If you add a quote please add the source as well. Get a signature if you don't have one already. It's easier to make clues when there is a lot of profile information. Thanks.
Time Cycle: This game will follow a strict 48/24 hour day/night cycle. During the day, voting will be open in a separate thread, and some roles with secret day actions will need to PM me their day actions. During the night, all roles with night actions will need to PM those to me. The official time for the time being is 8:00 PM PST/11:00 EST. That is 12:00 TL time. Depending on work that time may have to change, you will all be informed ahead of time if that is the case.
Sign-ups: Sign-ups begin now. To sign-up for this game simply post in this thread the text "/in" and you will be added to the sign-up list. Once the game reaches max capacity (51) the game will start. You can still sign-up for a backup slot if you wish, you will be subbed in if there is a first day modkill.
Thanks: To everyone who has hosted a wonderful game of Mafia here at TeamLiquid and to Qatol and Flamewheel for balance advice.
Roles: The Town Of Liquidvania
Zombie - You are a citizen of the town of Liquidvania. Although you are just a normal player you are the backbone of the town. Your goal is to work along with the special town roles to bring down the mafia and stop the vampires from taking over the town. Blue roles may look pretty but the real power lies with you. If you get a green role don't fret, just play the game and try to control yourself from feeding on the brains of your neighbor.
The Ghost - You are a spooky ghost! You haunt people during the night but since most people are used to monsters you don't usually succeed in scaring them. However, if someone visits that person to harm them during the night you can give them a good scare, effectively protecting the victim you wanted so desperately to scare. Maybe you should have gone to ghost college after all. During the night PM me the name of a player to haunt.
Zombie Detective - You are a friendly Zombie Detective on the Liquidvania police force. You love solving a good mystery and often spend your free time doing some personal investigations. With the new infestation of Mafia and Vampires in town you hope to bring them down and be promoted to Chief of the Zombie Police (Or the Zombie S.W.A.T). Once per night you can PM me a person to investigate. At the end of the night you will receive a PM with their role and alignment.
Boogeyman - You are the boogeyman! In true boogeyman fashion you spend your time hiding in the closets of unexpecting townspeople to give them a good scare. During the night you must PM me the name of a player whose closet you will hide in. Unfortunately you have performance anxiety so all you can do really is watch through the persons closet. At the end of the night you will be informed if they left their house at night or if they were visited. You will not be informed by the identities of visiting players or the nature of a targets night action.
The Grim Reaper - You have retired from the role of death and moved to the town of Liquidvania where monsters and humans co-exist in peace. Although you are no longer personally responsible for all death on the planet you have retained your powers as the Grim Reaper. Once during the game at night you can PM me the name of someone to kill with your giant soul-stealing scythe. Choose wisely.
Werewolf - You are a Werewolf! You hide during the night, there is always a full moon out in Liquidvania and you hide deep within your lair to avoid transforming into a horrible monster that slays without discretion. If you are visited during the night, you will see the full moon and turn into a furry killing machine and kill your visitor. Any night actions directed to you will still succeed.
Frankenstein's Monster - You are Frankenstein's Monster! When killed at night your body will be harvested by the mad scientest Dr.Frankenstein and you will be reborn as a stitched together monster the next day! However if you are killed a second time or lynched, Dr.Frankenstein won't be there to ressurect you as a green killing machine. He's a busy man after all.
Jack 'O Lantern - You are the Jack 'O Lantern! You are a mad bomber who has been obsessed with pumpkins since you moved to Liquidvania. You love to hide bombs in pumpkins and put them in peoples houses for fun. If you are killed, your pumpkins will detonate killing any player they were placed on. You can place up to 2 pumpkins and can switch 1 pumpkin from night to night. You can place both pumpkins at any time you wish during the night by PMing the names of players you want to place pumpkins on. You also like to wear a pumpkin on your face so you are often mistaken for a monster.
Gravedigger - You are the Gravedigger. Your job is to dig graves at night. However, this does make you seem suspicious in light of the recent mafia murders. If you are rolechecked at night you will appear to be mafia. You do not know you are the gravedigger, which doesn't make much sense. Who wouldn't know what their job is? Well it's because you're also a dirty alcoholic and you barely remember anything. Digging graves is stressful work, especially since you're a human. What better way to take off the edge (and the memories of what exactly you do at night) than a nice bottle of "Wolfman's Full Moon Whiskey"?
Creeper - You are a creepy dude! You were cursed with pale skin, long thin fingers, and a strange way of carrying yourself. While not being able to get a date might be the biggest of your worries, what is worse is the fact that you might be mistaken for a vampire! If you are rolechecked you will appear to be a vampire. You do not know that you are the creeper. Like most creepy dudes on TL you actually believe yourself to be an extremely attractive alpha male. You're just a hair away from writing girl blogs or being me!
Win Condition:At least 8 vampires and mafia are killed AND the town outnumbers the surviving members.
Roles: The Price Mafia Family
Godfather - You are the leader of the Price Mafia family and have taken to controlling the creepy town of Liquidvania. After the death of the previous godfather, Vincent Price, you have had to decide on a new godfather to lead the family! As godfather you have the responsibility of trying to blend into the community and faking a blue role. Luckily the Godfather is given a magical pendant that gives him shapeshiting powers which allow him to appear to be any monster he wishes. You may choose a role which will appear upon any rolecheck, however if you are lynched you will be exposed as godfather as the pendants magic does not work if you are killed.
The mafia must vote on a godfather by the end of the first day and send the results to me in a PM. The Witch and The Invisible Man are ineligible for the role of godfather.
The Invisible Man - You are The Invisible Man! A master of stealth, you have the unique ability of lurking around peoples homes undetected. This means you can plant evidence. Once per night you can PM me the name of a player who you want to frame. If they are rolechecked that night they will come up mafia.
Witch - You are a master of black magic and studied for centuries in the town of Liquidvania. Even the people of Liquidvania who are accepting to monsters despise you and you have since taken up working for the mafia. Once during the night you can PM me the name of a player to curse, preventing them from taking action during the night. You cannot curse the same player twice in a row and you can not curse vampires as they are already cursed and you also cannot curse someone being haunted by a ghost.
Mafia Skeleton - You are a reanimated skeleton enslaved by the Capone Mafia Family! You unquestioningly serve the orders of the godfather and live in fear of the Witches wrath. Working for the mafia has put a lot of food on the table for your reanimated skeleton family and you've always liked the idea of being a gangster anyway. Skeletons look cool with fedoras and tommy guns.
Kill Power: 7-10 mafia - 3 3-6 mafia : 2 1-2 mafia: 1 Win Condition:All vampires are dead
Roles: The Nosferatu Vampire Clan
Count Dracula - You are the leader of the Nosferatu Vampire Clan. You have awoken after a millennium of sleep and are on a mission to once again turn the town of Liquidvania into the kingdom of darkness it once was. You may choose any role to disguise yourself as (not only are you a vampire but you're also a master shapeshifter). If you are rolechecked you will appear to be that role. The vampires must choose a Count amongst themselves. The Poison Fang and The Vampiric Scholar cannot be the Count.
The Poison Fang - You are the poison fang! Your fangs are much more potent then the fangs of your bretheren. They don't slay their victim right away, but inject them with a deadly vampiric poison that kills them a day later. Poisoning counts as one of mafia's KP. When someone is poisoned, they will die the next night cycle unless they are haunted by a ghost during that night cycle.
Vampire Brute - You are the vampire brute! You are chained down in the basement of Dracula's castle, your bloodlust is so overwhelming you will kill the first living thing you see. When you are released onto a target, you will slay them mercilessly and you will also kill any unfortunate soul that visits them in the night. Unfortunately your already weak vampire heart can't take all the adrenaline pumping through your veins and you will die. Using your power takes up one of the Vampire's KP.
Vampire Spawn - You are a vampire spawn! You have been a member of the hidden Nosferatu clan for thousands of years, hiding in the shadows for the return of your master. Now that Dracula has returned to Liquidvania, you and your vampiric bretheren are bent on taking over the city once more!
Yeah, had a low contrast on my monitor and saw it when I was trimming through the Mikey Mouse video. Dunno why but it creeps me out even more after I found this....
I just got back from the first Showing of Paranormal Activity 2. It was a double feature first they showed the first Paranormal Activity followed by Paranormal Activity 2. Paranormal Activity 2 started at 10:00 P.M. so I got to see it two hours early.
I just got back from the first Showing of Paranormal Activity 2. It was a double feature first they showed the first Paranormal Activity followed by Paranormal Activity 2. Paranormal Activity 2 started at 10:00 P.M. so I got to see it two hours early.
What did you think of it? I haven't seen the first one but i just got back from seeing the second with my girlfriend and a few friends. By far that was the scariest movie i have ever seen.
On October 22 2010 17:35 undyinglight wrote: I just got back from the first Showing of Paranormal Activity 2. It was a double feature first they showed the first Paranormal Activity followed by Paranormal Activity 2. Paranormal Activity 2 started at 10:00 P.M. so I got to see it two hours early.
How was it, I kinda liked the first one, so I'm not sure about the second. Seems like the same thing but this time with a baby.
I just got back from the first Showing of Paranormal Activity 2. It was a double feature first they showed the first Paranormal Activity followed by Paranormal Activity 2. Paranormal Activity 2 started at 10:00 P.M. so I got to see it two hours early.
What did you think of it? I haven't seen the first one but i just got back from seeing the second with my girlfriend and a few friends. By far that was the scariest movie i have ever seen.
I thought it was good,but not as amazing. I liked the first film more. Although considering the average quality of most horror movies there is reason to celebrate for horror fans when a horror film can be considered an ok movie. My biggest complaint about the second one is that they seemed to have lost the essence of what made the first film so great. This film relied heavily on jump scares whereas the original film only had 2 jump scares at the very end. The first one relied on building brooding terror the entire time until the very end with the jump scares, whereas the sequel relied on unexpected jump scares throughout.
Paranormal Activity 2 was awesome for me because I currently live in Carlsbad. I am going to see if they actually filmed it here and try to find the house it was filmed in.
Yeah, they figured out what it was, its a colony of Tubifex worms, you can buy them for fish food. They react to vibration and in this video the heat from the incandescent light, if one moves then it triggers the ones around it in a wierd looking chain reaction.
People also tend to think the blobs in the video are much bigger than they actually are. If you look in the top left corner of the video you see "6" CP", this means that the video was taken in a 6 inch clay pipe, so the blobs are actually only about 1.5 inches in diameter.
There was a man in an elevator going home, the elevator stopped at one stop and a suspicious looking man in a trench coat came in. You couldn't see his face because he covered it with his coat. The next night he got a doorbell ring, It was a police officer, the officer asked if he'd seen anyone suspicious in the apartment building as there was a murder case. He didn't want to get involved so he said he had not.
Later that night, he turned on the news and a picture of a murder suspect was on,it was the police officer.
The guy had put on a fake police uniform and asked him to see if he needed to kill the guy
There's a girl that lives on the 14th floor of an apartment: the top floor. One night she is going home in the elevator late at night and a man steps in with her. He begins talking to her and making small talk. He says he just moved in and lives on the 13th floor. She remarks that must be why she never saw him before and she lives the floor above him. When it arrives on the 13th floor he steps out, the doors close behind him but he turns around and smiles through the elevator door window, pulling out a knife from his jacket. He quickly runs off and heads up the stairs to the 14th floor, as the girl goes up in the elevator towards her inevitable death.
I freaking <3 <3 <3 <3 Alvin Schwarz's Scary Stories to tell in the dark. I used to have EVERY SINGLE ONE until they got ripped up. I loved them. So, so much! :D
It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not wake up. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and please wake up.
I am going to print off so many copies of this and scatter them around school. I read every story, but couldn't stomach the pictures. Not when it's this late and there's noises outside.
It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not wake up. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and please wake up.
I am going to print off so many copies of this and scatter them around school. I read every story, but couldn't stomach the pictures. Not when it's this late and there's noises outside.
And be held responsible for a kids suicide who takes it serious and tries to wake up.
I didn't realize how freaky that one was until a second reading. LoL
I knew I should've steered clear from this thread last night at 3am ( No sleep ftw although granted in the afternoon the pics/vids werent nearly as bad >.>
It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not wake up. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and please wake up.
I am going to print off so many copies of this and scatter them around school. I read every story, but couldn't stomach the pictures. Not when it's this late and there's noises outside.
What story is this taken from? I tried looking around a bit but didn't find.
It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not wake up. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and please wake up.
I am going to print off so many copies of this and scatter them around school. I read every story, but couldn't stomach the pictures. Not when it's this late and there's noises outside.
What story is this taken from? I tried looking around a bit but didn't find.
Cave story was alright
yea i'm curious to the waking up/dream story too
i swear i always begin reading this thread at the worst times/moments
the only things that make sense to be scared of are realistic stories.. which are severly lacking in this thread. (serial killer profiles, abduction, etc.) silly bedtime stories for kids and random picture/gifs of skulls made me laugh and wonder why i waste my time on this thread . . such good potential too
On April 27 2011 15:24 HeavOnEarth wrote: the only things that make sense to be scared of are realistic stories.. which are severly lacking in this thread. (serial killer profiles, abduction, etc.) silly bedtime stories for kids and random picture/gifs of skulls made me laugh and wonder why i waste my time on this thread . . such good potential too
Read the WW2 story with the germans. That ones great. think it's called the russian experiment. Aside from that, stop yur bitchin! haha
On April 21 2011 15:30 Sarang wrote: I simultaneously really, REALLY want to see the pictures and know that I never will.
I know they would scare the absolute fuck out of me and stop me sleeping for a month ... so why are they so damn alluring? >.<
I saw one of those pictures for 0.0001 second and it scared shit out of me. Don't even try to open those spoilers.
most of them are photoshopped black-eyed fang-toothed demon faces that would scare the shit out of anyone <10 years old, but knowing they are not physically possible and edited beyond recognition, they don't scare the shit out of me, only make me shiver.
Some of them are children with very creepy and psycopathic faces, and some show a silhouette with a darkened face.
With that description, are you willing to open the spoilers?
On April 21 2011 15:30 Sarang wrote: I simultaneously really, REALLY want to see the pictures and know that I never will.
I know they would scare the absolute fuck out of me and stop me sleeping for a month ... so why are they so damn alluring? >.<
I saw one of those pictures for 0.0001 second and it scared shit out of me. Don't even try to open those spoilers.
most of them are photoshopped black-eyed fang-toothed demon faces that would scare the shit out of anyone <10 years old, but knowing they are not physically possible and edited beyond recognition, they don't scare the shit out of me, only make me shiver.
Some of them are children with very creepy and psycopathic faces, and some show a silhouette with a darkened face.
With that description, are you willing to open the spoilers?
No, I am not willing to open the spoilers.
My brother likes to watch horror movies staring at the screen within 1-2 meters. He likes scenes with flesh, ghosts, jaws and all that stuff. And he doesn't even blink. I find it wrong. Normal person should be scared imho.
In a small town in New Jersey, there was a small business that had recently opened up a new line of Dolls that girls could play with and Model for "fashion shows." As was usual with most dolls like this, the line became very successful, and the loans to the business really paid off in the advertising campaigns. Soon, every little girl in New Jersey was clamoring for one.
A five year-old girl in that town in New Jersey soon got her wish. For her birthday, her mother promised to buy the doll for her, as long as she could take care of it. Upon reaching the Toy Store, the girl immediately picked out the doll from the full shelves and eagerly brought it to the clerk. The clerk immediately shook his head upon seeing the doll in her hands, and advised her mother to buy a different doll. The mother asked her daughter if she could have a different doll instead, and the daughter shook her head angrily. The mother asked why he recommended against it, and the clerk dodged the question, saying that he strongly recommended that they choose a different doll. The daughter started to cry and the mother couldn't give in. She explained her situation to the clerk, and he gave in. He said that if she had to have that specific doll, then she would have to care for it very well. The clerk asked her if she had a toy trunk with a lock, and the girl said "Yes." The clerk explained that every night she would have to store the doll in the trunk and lock it, and that was all. It was a rather odd thing, but the Mother disregarded it, happy that her daughter got the doll.
The girl loved the doll, and cared for it with happiness and persistence, even naming it Sally. For three months she never failed to care for the doll and play with it. But as is with all toys, they grow old and aren't played with. Sadly, the doll remained locked in the trunk for over a month, having not been played with.
The father's office was having a party on a Saturday night, and all spouses were invited too. The parents decided to let their daughter have the house to herself and a baby sitter, and they could both bond and have fun. Sadly, the babysitter wasn't a very social type, and checked up on the girl every few minutes and cooked for them both, and spent the rest of the time working on a essay for high school. The girl was lonely, and unlocked the trunk and played with her doll for a while. But something seemed... wrong. The doll didn't have a plastic smile on her face like usual. It was just a blank, ordinary face, like you or I at work or school.
The girl left the room out of boredom, and the babysitter was finally done with her essay so they played a few board games for a few hours until her parents came back. The parents thanked the babysitter and she left. The girl went to bed and slept peacefully for a few hours.
But after a few hours she woke up for apparently no reason. Her young mind just put it to the breeze floating in from the open window, but when she reached over to close it, she saw a small, rigid silhouette standing on her dresser. From her months of playing with it, she immediately recognized it as her doll, but her doll didn't stand up, she'd tried, it had to be leaned against something. Her sleepy mind told her to grab the doll and put it in the trunk, and as she grabbed the doll, a sharp pain hurt her thumb where she grabbed her. "Hurts, doesn't it?" Said a small, cheery voice. The doll stepped closer to the girl and held the sharp knife dangerously close to her neck. The girl was scared, and froze with fear. "Almost as much as it hurt when you abandoned ME! You loved me! I loved you! You left me!" The voice had turned into a harsh scream, and what little light lit upon the doll's face showed a demonic expression of pure evil and corruption. The doll took the knife and stabbed the girl right in her heart, killing her slowly and painfully.
The line of the doll is not known, and the store disappeared the next day.
Finally finished these - some pretty good ones and I love the Russian sleep experiment.
I don't have any decent stories to share, but I do have one my mother claims is true. Dunno if I believe her about it but she believes strongly in ghosts (to the extent that in some houses we've lived she has refused ot go into certain rooms for longer than necessary, and claims our current home is haunted, although not sure I believe her on that score ). But anyways.
When I was about four we moved into a new home. It was a small place, two up, two down. Only the two of us were there, my parents had split earlier that year. It was a pretty boring little house in a terrace, but one thing that stood out was the fact we lived next to a graveyard. I remember not knowing what a graveyard was at that age; I had an image of a big hand and a giant boat of gravy being poured into a garden
But anyway, apparently one night my mother was woken to find me me stood by her bed. I was asking if I could let the boy in my room. She felt a chill and asked me what boy. I replied 'the boy with the teddy-bear made of flowers'. At this point she got out of bed and we went back into my bedroom. Apparently I pointed at the window and said he was out there, he was knocking on my window. The kinda freaked my mum out - the bedrooms were on the second floor and it's a bit of a steep drop. I spent the night in her bed, and I don't think she slept much.
She would have just written it off as a strange dream, something my little brain had conjured up, except for one thing. She liked to take walks through the graveyard - it was a nicely kept place, and she had family member buried there who she visited, and tended their graves, lay new flowers etc. This time she noticed a fresh grave nearby her normal walk route. When she approached it she saw it was a young child, a boy around my age. On his grave was a teddy-bear, made entirely of flowers.
This is something my mother swears is true, and the reason she believes in an afterlife. I do not remember any of this, though I do remember some strange things happening in that house - doors would be locked or unlocked despite nobody touching them, lights would be on in rooms nobody was in. One time we came back from a shopping trip to find the TV was on. Another time we returned to find power tools running as if somebody had decided to do a bit of DIY. Of course any and all of this could be coincidence - maybe I saw the grave somehow and made up a story, maybe we had just forgotten to turn off lights or lock doors. But still, my mother swears that one night I woke her up and asked her if I could let the boy in, the boy with the teddy-bear made of flowers.
Aww. Is the lack of an ending supposed to imply he died or something?
I know the post I'm quoting is old but that's a made up story right?
Also I have a story that I'm trying to convince myself to type. But I have to know that's made up right?
the author seems to imply they are real but obviously logic dictates that it is a fictonal piece the way he writes is fairly convincing and captivating so he must have a hell of an imagation, or it is partially true, while some parts are false in order to spice up the story
haha in the OP, the pictures, the one with the creepy family portrait with the creepy little girl, the male in the middle kind of looks like white-ra he IS everywhere!
On April 28 2011 11:41 Sanctimonius wrote: Finally finished these - some pretty good ones and I love the Russian sleep experiment.
I don't have any decent stories to share, but I do have one my mother claims is true. Dunno if I believe her about it but she believes strongly in ghosts (to the extent that in some houses we've lived she has refused ot go into certain rooms for longer than necessary, and claims our current home is haunted, although not sure I believe her on that score ). But anyways.
When I was about four we moved into a new home. It was a small place, two up, two down. Only the two of us were there, my parents had split earlier that year. It was a pretty boring little house in a terrace, but one thing that stood out was the fact we lived next to a graveyard. I remember not knowing what a graveyard was at that age; I had an image of a big hand and a giant boat of gravy being poured into a garden
But anyway, apparently one night my mother was woken to find me me stood by her bed. I was asking if I could let the boy in my room. She felt a chill and asked me what boy. I replied 'the boy with the teddy-bear made of flowers'. At this point she got out of bed and we went back into my bedroom. Apparently I pointed at the window and said he was out there, he was knocking on my window. The kinda freaked my mum out - the bedrooms were on the second floor and it's a bit of a steep drop. I spent the night in her bed, and I don't think she slept much.
She would have just written it off as a strange dream, something my little brain had conjured up, except for one thing. She liked to take walks through the graveyard - it was a nicely kept place, and she had family member buried there who she visited, and tended their graves, lay new flowers etc. This time she noticed a fresh grave nearby her normal walk route. When she approached it she saw it was a young child, a boy around my age. On his grave was a teddy-bear, made entirely of flowers.
This is something my mother swears is true, and the reason she believes in an afterlife. I do not remember any of this, though I do remember some strange things happening in that house - doors would be locked or unlocked despite nobody touching them, lights would be on in rooms nobody was in. One time we came back from a shopping trip to find the TV was on. Another time we returned to find power tools running as if somebody had decided to do a bit of DIY. Of course any and all of this could be coincidence - maybe I saw the grave somehow and made up a story, maybe we had just forgotten to turn off lights or lock doors. But still, my mother swears that one night I woke her up and asked her if I could let the boy in, the boy with the teddy-bear made of flowers.
Woah that's actually pretty creepy, Also I'm so glad to see one of my fave Teamliquid threads alive again! ^^
i really shouldn't have read these at 1am when my roommate is out, being super easy to scare... it took me a few minutes to be able to turn around and look into my dark room to make sure it was empty, the mind is a powerful thing
I like most of the stories (some of them I think are very hilarious) However, after I finish Amnesia the Dark Descent, all of those stories cease to scary me...
I have no idea why. I look at them and feel nothing. Even the videos were stupid.
I hardly ever get scared, i dont like horror movies, i find them boring. The only time i have ever felt petrified was when I was 12 (4 years ago) when my family drove straight past a car bomb and it went off when we got to the bottom of the street. Maybe im not scared because of that? I dunno.
Some of these are really interesting though, especially the russian experiment one.
I'm the same. Movies and pictures don't scare me at all.
But written stories, they can sometimes get me good. I think it's just cause when i read it, I just imagine myself in that situation and it writes me out.
And geez pStar, a car bomb?! Where were you? Cause I imagine that would be really scary, that's intense
Goddamn! I read everything in the OP and I click page 28 only to be greeted by that creepy go to sleep picture. It isn't scary but it just jumps at you suddenly! I love this thread so far but I think I will take a break before reading the previous pages or I will suffer a heart attack.
I just want to say that Im mad that i opened this thread and didnt know about it. because im at a primary school...reimaging computers..alone. :|
DUDE! So I stumbled across this around 8AM this morning... It is now 20:10 at night and I've finished all the stories, but havent watched any of the YouTube vids.
Kept me going all day, thanx so much for these posts! You rock!
Haha, some of these made my night. I have no idea why I'm only now reading this thread. I don't know if it's just me, but the one about the, "Rake," seems to be one of my favorites. Maybe it's just because I greatly enjoy 1st person stories and I have a pretty good imagination, so i can make it as creepy as I want :D Quality thread.
I've only gotten to the angel statue but some of this stuff is FREAKY. I like it but it's one of those things, for me, that make me just look over my shoulder and be freaked out
You assholes who made this pop up in the general! I started reading these 5am, and now its 7:30am and I cant still go to sleep because I am scared shitless. I am a chicken!
I am also really grateful for my slow internet, because otherwise some of those un-spoilered pictures in this thread would have gotten me!
The trick is to overcondition oneself. The first time I read this I was scared shitless for literally 4 days and felt like crap because I got scared crazily-easily, but now I can go through most horror without batting an eye :S
Which sucks because I'm trying to read horror to get myself to stay awake now...
After getting back to this thread and then browsing through the SCP site for a good while, I've started noticing stuff in my surroundings. A man with a humpback at the grocery store. An advertisment which features people with dog heads. A child that cries like a grown man. How curious...
On July 07 2011 12:44 Smix wrote: Omg I need to wash up for bed but I'm scared to go to the bathroom or move at all fuck
Oh My God. I need to take the worst piss of my life right now but I don't want to go to the bathroom because I will have to walk down a dark hallway. This is torture.
Wow I read a bunch of stories that weren't highlighted in red, pretty bland, before I started skipping through some of the red ones, The Statue, a little more creepy, then I got completely bored and skipped to the bottom and remembered there were videos in there somewhere. Username: 666 caught my attention 'cause it reminded me of the story of X and Nada. Now I feel all tense and my skin is crawling and I keep remembering that sound from the video. I'm totally unreligious but for some reason Satanic themes really bother me. Freaked me the hell out.
On July 07 2011 17:08 Shiragaku wrote: Okay is 4:00 AM here and I have the Majora's Mask story in a tab. Should I read it right now?
Oh I've seen the video. It's not that bad. Edit: Damn, Candle Cove video is not that scary. The story is much better. The video if anything is probably edgier because of all the built up anticipation from reading. Mostly it's the sound that gets me.
Nice thread, some decent stuff in there. I've got an addition to scary games for you to add if you think its worthy. I assume lots of people know Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation fame? He's meddled around in game making before, and his adventure series (starting with 5 days a Stranger, known as the John Defoe series) is fucking amazing. Its a proper old school adventure game, but I played through them for the first time a while ago and on game has got to me like those. The music, writing, storyline.... everything is fantastic.
Wait, what was so creepy about "The Bad Dream"? Is the only thing that's scary is that there's a monster wearing his wife's skin? Or is there something more to the story I'm missing?
On July 08 2011 07:46 julianto wrote: Wait, what was so creepy about "The Bad Dream"? Is the only thing that's scary is that there's a monster wearing his wife's skin? Or is there something more to the story I'm missing?
I think it's just one of this simple, "How fucked up would it be if..." stories. What I'm confused about is Candle Cove. Am I missing something, cause I really don't understand it...
I've read all the stories and I LOVE them, they freak me out! I wish there were more. I tried that wiki in the OP but its not the same... most of it is basically shit haha.
Is it just me, or does anyone really get put off when they mention Youtube and Google in horror stories? When someone mentions pop culture I just start picturing the 12 year old who made up the story and can't get back into it.
"And to this day, the Rake has never been captured...but people have tweeted sightings all over the world!!!!"
Why do I always come to this thread before I go to bed Also something made a branch crack when I was outside smoking, scared the living shit out of me. Not fair nature, not fair.
Isolation was the only one that TRULY fucked with my head, made me think lol
The other ones, well, they're the reason i'm pulling an all-nighter as opposed to going to sleep, but they didn't get in my head as much as isolation.
Reading isolation reminded me of some minor ear-surgery I went through some years ago. I was unconscious, and the last thing I remembered was staring at the ceiling, and my vision splitting into four smaller pictures O_o... Anyway, Isolation made me feel like I was gonna wake up in that same hospital, finding out that the last two years of my life had been nothing.
On a brighter note, I forced my friend to read Statue, and now he hates me for it! ;D
Really nice thread, lots of good content for one post. But I must say, I found a lot of these particularly the videos more funny then scary. Am I just F'ed in the head or does anyone else find a lot of this stuff really funny.
Some of it was actually scary though. Like that chick that banged her teeth on glass in that video that part freaked me out probably the most. I guess I am more freaked out by random shocking images and sounds then actual story lines or abstract horror.
Some of the stories were a bit scary too but some of them I just couldn't get into because they seemed either poorly written or unbelievable. I like the ones that make you think if that happened to you though gets in your head a bit.
Also here a good some good stories;; both happened to my parents.
They were living in Germany at the time when my Dad's dad pasted away (never met him so really can't call him my grandpa even though is) and my dad had to come back for the funeral. He received his dads pocket watch and on the hour it would play "The yellow rose of Texas" Well the watch had been dead for several years and needed to get worked on. One week after his death the watch timed in the middle of the night at the time of when his death was.
My mom had the worse of it. My dad's family didn't really like my mother when they got married and use to say lots of bad things about her. Well things got weird one week. She started having nightmares that followed after each other. The housing they lived in had a commons room where there was a second floor and she saw some shadowy figure standing there in the hall. As the nightmares progressed the shadow got closer to their room. Finally the figure she said was standing over her bed trying to yank her out of bed and my dad remembers her panicing and after about 20mins my mom calmed down from this. Well her wedding ring was missing, so they went to look for it and found it under the bed, in the middle. now this is a huge queen four poster bed sitting 3ft off ground...a ring just doesn't roll that far. They found out two days later that my dad's grandmother passed away, which of course was two days after that event.
Scp-342 is amazingly well written. I wish I had discovered this site earlier! Also, this still remains my favorite thread on Team liquid.
I have read almost everything in the original post, but I honestly find some of the youtube videos a bit whacky. The stories and pictures are amazing though!
Heres some drawings by a guy named Luis Wane. He liked to draw cats, but was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. These pictures show his cat drawings as his Schizophrenia deepened
HOLY SHIT, Statue did it for me. I'm too scared to look out the window and it's night and I'm all alone and I'm scared. Oh fuck, please TL please help me.
Here's a fun little experiment you can do if you're bored and want to freak yourself out a little. I found it in some obscure thread on /x/ some time ago. How well it works will probably vary from person to person. I myself found it really intriguing and kind of unsettling. Here's what you do:
Get a couple of candles or a small lamp, and place them around your bathroom mirror. Turn of the main lights. The lighting should be dim, but bright enough that you can see yourself clearly. Get a chair and sit down in front of the mirror. Pick a point at your own face and stare at it. I prefer one of the eyes. Do not look away! It won't work if you look away. Keep staring at that one spot. It may take a few minutes before you notice anything.
I won't spoil the fun for those who want to try it themselves. If you're curious, my own experience is in the spoiler below.
I did this experiment a couple of days ago when I was really bored and nothing was really happening on the internet. I sat down and stared myself in the left eye. A few minutes went by without anything happening. After about 5 minutes (or something like that, you'll lose track of time after a while), I started noticing some changes in my appearance.
The first thing that happened was that two bright lines appeared running down my face. Like the lines that you sometimes see when you close your eyes. Then my face started changing until the lines were running naturally down along my cheekbone and chin. My facial features became distorted, until it was no longer me in the mirror. The chin was sharper, the cheeks were taller, and the eyes seemed darker and somewhat hostile. It looked like an older, more masculine, angrier version of myself.
Freaked out, I moved my eyes, and the effect disappeared. It was my own face in the mirror again. Even though I was kind of scared, I decided to have another go, to see if something else would happen.
This time it went much faster. After only a minute, my face became distorted again. This time, it was different. My left eye started growing and twisting my left cheek and forehead outwards, turning my face into a twisted monstrosity. Then it was like the rest of my face grew after, until it looked more like a horse's face than a human. Then it changed again, into a feminine human appearance. It seemed cold and indifferent, yet somehow soothing.
The changes became more and more rapid. My skin seemed to smoothen out and wrinkle up at its own whim, or maybe it was the candlelights. Some faces seemed familiar, others alien. Some seemed accomodating, others hostile. My face grew dark like it was covered in fur, and took on a wolflike appearance. Then my face would just straight up disappear, and all I would see was my eyes floating in an orb of darkness. This would last for a while, before my human features returned and the metamorphosis would start again.
After a while of the same happening again and again, I ended the experiment. I still have no idea how long I was in there. Could have been 20 minutes, or two hours. I've told everything as I remember it, but my memory may decieve me in some places.
If you try it, please share your own experience in the thread!
On August 23 2011 18:12 Supamang wrote: interesting short comic that was posted in the Diablo 3 thread. Its in korean so if someone could translate it thatd be great.
Even if you cant read korean its pretty cool to just skim the pictures
On August 23 2011 18:12 Supamang wrote: interesting short comic that was posted in the Diablo 3 thread. Its in korean so if someone could translate it thatd be great.
Even if you cant read korean its pretty cool to just skim the pictures
wow these story are interesting. i hate scary stuff cuz i seen a ghost before... you think it would be cool seeing one but fvck no that shit will give you post traumatic stress for a good amount of time. got over of course.
edit: ok that mickey mouse story is scary... and no im not gonna watch that video..
i read all of the "true" storys now. most of them werent so scary, but holy fuck. Mereana Mordegarv Glesgorv, mickey mouse and the russian sleep experiment very really creepy. even thou i dont believe that those things are possible, i still dont even care to watch the 20 seconds of Mereana Mordegarv Glesgorv.
The old stories are being deleted? Awwww, will there be some kind of archive? I'll just copy paste and save them in a word document I suppose TT;; they're pretty good, I want to have them archived.
I think there's some truth to that Candle Cove show. I vaguely remember watching some (really)low budget but creepy kids show that had a character with that dollface and a privateer hat from way back. It was the early 80's. Could have been some aussie/pinoy production. Just can't put my head into it... Somehow remember scenes and that creepy dollface like it was yesterday
On August 23 2011 18:12 Supamang wrote: interesting short comic that was posted in the Diablo 3 thread. Its in korean so if someone could translate it thatd be great.
Even if you cant read korean its pretty cool to just skim the pictures
Oh new stories? Awesome! Everytime I browse through the stories I end up staring into the dark parts of my apartment and listening very carefully for a while until I can manage to fall asleep haha. Great work on this thread!
On August 27 2011 02:13 DoctorHelvetica wrote: just a note i'll be rebuilding the OP of this thread some time in the very near future
With new content as well? Looking forward to being scared shitless, thanks doc
Yes I'm going to delete most of what is there and put in new stuff.
whoa! Don't delete it! This stuff is awesome. Can't you just add the new stuff as a new section or something?
I'm past my generic internet creepypasta phase, I guess. I'm going to make the OP easier to navigate and consolidate the content with a preference for quality over quantity. Some stuff will stay but there will still be plenty of content.
On August 23 2011 18:12 Supamang wrote: interesting short comic that was posted in the Diablo 3 thread. Its in korean so if someone could translate it thatd be great.
Even if you cant read korean its pretty cool to just skim the pictures
I'd like to resurrect this necro thread because it is one of my favourite places on TL. I want to see it rise again.
I found the story below in my Gran's basement. It was printed on just 2 pages of old fashioned browned parchment, bound in old leather and tied with string. It looked like a prop from Hocus Pocus! What I read changed my life, nothing is the same now. I knew I shouldn't but because I wanted to share I typed it up word for word.
I didn't think that he'd let me finish, but he did. The pages that I found in Gran's basement burned in the fire. This electronic type is all that is left...
On September 29 2011 07:00 Gridlock wrote: I'd like to resurrect this necro thread because it is one of my favourite places on TL. I want to see it rise again.
I found the story below in my Gran's basement. It was printed on just 2 pages of old fashioned browned parchment, bound in old leather and tied with string. It looked like a prop from Hocus Pocus! What I read changed my life, nothing is the same now. I knew I shouldn't but because I wanted to share I typed it up word for word.
I didn't think that he'd let me finish, but he did. The pages that I found in Gran's basement burned in the fire. This electronic type is all that is left...
On September 29 2011 07:00 Gridlock wrote: I'd like to resurrect this necro thread because it is one of my favourite places on TL. I want to see it rise again.
I found the story below in my Gran's basement. It was printed on just 2 pages of old fashioned browned parchment, bound in old leather and tied with string. It looked like a prop from Hocus Pocus! What I read changed my life, nothing is the same now. I knew I shouldn't but because I wanted to share I typed it up word for word.
I didn't think that he'd let me finish, but he did. The pages that I found in Gran's basement burned in the fire. This electronic type is all that is left...
Have you ever read something and enjoyed it so much you wished you’d never read it, just so you could read it again for the first time? The first time is magical, right? It doesn’t matter how many times you read it again, it’s never quite as good.
This is your chance to read something truly amazing for the first time. You’ll only get this chance once, so don’t blow it. I want you to get the most out of this, so you’re going to have to trust me. Do exactly as you’re told.
If you’re not alone right now then put this away immediately. Magic - real magic - is shy of company. It’s not going to happen if you’re reading this in a crowded coffee shop or sat on a packed train.
Only read from here if you’re alone.
Good. We’ve started.
Now I need you to do a few more things for me - just a few small things. Think of this as an instruction manual, a process you have to follow if you want a thing to work. I’m not trying to be pushy or boss you around just for the sake of it. I just want this to work for you.
Go somewhere you can close the door behind you and read this without being disturbed. It doesn’t matter where - your bedroom will do, or a toilet. Anywhere you can go without someone walking in on you. And like I said, close the door after you.
Maybe some of you are reading this and haven’t done as you’ve been instructed. Do you wish you’d played along? I guarantee you, it’s better to be a part of this than to simply eavesdrop on the magic. It mightn’t be too late though. I can’t promise anything but if you go to a quiet place now and close the door… I’ll see what I can do.
So, here we are. Or rather, there you are. I really hope you’re enjoying this so far. I know nothing has actually happened yet, but aren’t you excited? Is your curiosity growing larger and larger? Enjoy this. This is the only time you can feel what you are feeling now. The wonder of what’s going to happen, the half-formed conclusions some of you may already have made - all of this can only happen once, can only happen now, can only happen the first time.
Some of the magic has begun already. You are alone in a room, true, but you are also unified with all the people who have ever done this before you, and all of those who will do it after you. Can you feel each other? Perhaps you feel silly about this whole thing, or maybe you feel privileged. You are each a part of an invisible crowd, gathered together outside of time, reading the same words.
Don’t worry, that’s not the punch of it, and this certainly isn’t a joke. I’m not here to waste your time with talk of the metaphysical. And to prove it, we’ll move on.
I take it there’s light in your chosen room or you wouldn’t be able to read this, right?
Come on, you can answer me if I ask you a question! In fact you have to answer me if you want this to work. I’ll ask you again. Answer this time. Loud and clear, don’t be afraid. Just say, “Right”.
Now, now, everybody, let’s all play along. All I want is one little spoken word in exchange for all the words I’ve given you so far. Remember, I’m doing this for you - this is the only chance you’ll get and I want it to work.
Answer my question.
Well done! You might have felt silly saying it aloud but there’s nobody here to hear you and what harm has been done? Now you can continue to enjoy this, knowing that you’ve followed the instructions perfectly. And when you follow instructions perfectly, things tend to work.
Do whatever it takes to get your room as dark as possible so that there’s just enough light for you to still make out these words. Draw the curtains closed, turn off the main light and put on a side-light. Better still, light a candle or read with the flame from a cigarette lighter. I hate to keep reminding you, but it really will be worth it if you do as I say. It would be such a shame for you to miss out having already come as far as you have.
Allow me to describe your scene. That’s kind of strange, isn’t it? Shall we take a moment to consider that? Usually when you read something the scene is described for you so that you can picture it in your mind, but here you are reading your very own scene, in which you are sat in a dark room, all alone, reading from wherever you chanced upon this magic. What mighty implications! When you were younger, did you ever pretend to yourself that you were a character in a book or a film and that millions of people read about you and watched what you did? Perhaps the pretence was real?
Don’t worry, though, that’s not the magic I spoke of earlier.
Enjoy this moment. Here it comes. Here comes the magic.
Very quickly, get up off your bed or chair or place against the wall. Get up and walk over to the door you closed behind you a few minutes ago. Put your ear against the door and listen. Hold your breath.
I wonder if you can hear me.
Let me expand on the scene I described a moment ago. You remember, the one with you in the dark room, reading. Yes, well, outside of that room, on the other side of that closed door, someone you can’t see is standing. It’s me. I wonder if you can guess my name. The slightly autistic among you may have already registered the first letters of the last five paragraphs and what they spell. It’s the closest I have to a name.
Can you hear me breathe? No? Perhaps I’m holding my breath too, with an ear pressed up against the door, trying to hear you.
Or perhaps there is one last step, one last instruction you must follow in order to make this magic work.
Invite me in.
Come now, don’t be bashful! You already spoke to me earlier when you answered my question about the light. All you have to do is ask me to come in. You see. I know you’re alone in there, all by yourself in the dark. And I want to prove to you that the magic works...
Wow I really liked the set up.
I felt like doing something on halloween. I loved the set up of the story. Unfortunately it didn't affect me in the slightest. Rest of what I have to say is going in a spoiler tab in case people read my comment before the actual story;
So I read the story, talked out loud to reply, turned off my light, listened to the door, even invited someone in... but I'm afraid I experienced more scary things than this. Also, I live alone so I'm not likely to be scared by it. I actually practised magic for a while which every now and then scared the crap out of me. Some silly story (even how much I like the set up) is not gonna work.
Has anyone else being watching the FX show "American Horror Story"? I think you guys will love it. : )
It is a classic haunted house story, even with the creepy neighbors and maids, where the owners start to lose their minds. A lot of the scary part comes with strong imagery, ghosts etc, there are quite a lot of "bumps" (when the sound goes loud and something spooky shows for half a second on the screen), sure, but also a lot of psychological tension.
At first I thought it would blend with any cliched stephen king novel copy, but the narrative is coherent, brutal and intriguing, with symbolism that makes sense. It definitely managed to keep my attention while setting my imagination off between episodes.
On September 29 2011 07:00 Gridlock wrote: I'd like to resurrect this necro thread because it is one of my favourite places on TL. I want to see it rise again.
I found the story below in my Gran's basement. It was printed on just 2 pages of old fashioned browned parchment, bound in old leather and tied with string. It looked like a prop from Hocus Pocus! What I read changed my life, nothing is the same now. I knew I shouldn't but because I wanted to share I typed it up word for word.
I didn't think that he'd let me finish, but he did. The pages that I found in Gran's basement burned in the fire. This electronic type is all that is left...
Have you ever read something and enjoyed it so much you wished you’d never read it, just so you could read it again for the first time? The first time is magical, right? It doesn’t matter how many times you read it again, it’s never quite as good.
This is your chance to read something truly amazing for the first time. You’ll only get this chance once, so don’t blow it. I want you to get the most out of this, so you’re going to have to trust me. Do exactly as you’re told.
If you’re not alone right now then put this away immediately. Magic - real magic - is shy of company. It’s not going to happen if you’re reading this in a crowded coffee shop or sat on a packed train.
Only read from here if you’re alone.
Good. We’ve started.
Now I need you to do a few more things for me - just a few small things. Think of this as an instruction manual, a process you have to follow if you want a thing to work. I’m not trying to be pushy or boss you around just for the sake of it. I just want this to work for you.
Go somewhere you can close the door behind you and read this without being disturbed. It doesn’t matter where - your bedroom will do, or a toilet. Anywhere you can go without someone walking in on you. And like I said, close the door after you.
Maybe some of you are reading this and haven’t done as you’ve been instructed. Do you wish you’d played along? I guarantee you, it’s better to be a part of this than to simply eavesdrop on the magic. It mightn’t be too late though. I can’t promise anything but if you go to a quiet place now and close the door… I’ll see what I can do.
So, here we are. Or rather, there you are. I really hope you’re enjoying this so far. I know nothing has actually happened yet, but aren’t you excited? Is your curiosity growing larger and larger? Enjoy this. This is the only time you can feel what you are feeling now. The wonder of what’s going to happen, the half-formed conclusions some of you may already have made - all of this can only happen once, can only happen now, can only happen the first time.
Some of the magic has begun already. You are alone in a room, true, but you are also unified with all the people who have ever done this before you, and all of those who will do it after you. Can you feel each other? Perhaps you feel silly about this whole thing, or maybe you feel privileged. You are each a part of an invisible crowd, gathered together outside of time, reading the same words.
Don’t worry, that’s not the punch of it, and this certainly isn’t a joke. I’m not here to waste your time with talk of the metaphysical. And to prove it, we’ll move on.
I take it there’s light in your chosen room or you wouldn’t be able to read this, right?
Come on, you can answer me if I ask you a question! In fact you have to answer me if you want this to work. I’ll ask you again. Answer this time. Loud and clear, don’t be afraid. Just say, “Right”.
Now, now, everybody, let’s all play along. All I want is one little spoken word in exchange for all the words I’ve given you so far. Remember, I’m doing this for you - this is the only chance you’ll get and I want it to work.
Answer my question.
Well done! You might have felt silly saying it aloud but there’s nobody here to hear you and what harm has been done? Now you can continue to enjoy this, knowing that you’ve followed the instructions perfectly. And when you follow instructions perfectly, things tend to work.
Do whatever it takes to get your room as dark as possible so that there’s just enough light for you to still make out these words. Draw the curtains closed, turn off the main light and put on a side-light. Better still, light a candle or read with the flame from a cigarette lighter. I hate to keep reminding you, but it really will be worth it if you do as I say. It would be such a shame for you to miss out having already come as far as you have.
Allow me to describe your scene. That’s kind of strange, isn’t it? Shall we take a moment to consider that? Usually when you read something the scene is described for you so that you can picture it in your mind, but here you are reading your very own scene, in which you are sat in a dark room, all alone, reading from wherever you chanced upon this magic. What mighty implications! When you were younger, did you ever pretend to yourself that you were a character in a book or a film and that millions of people read about you and watched what you did? Perhaps the pretence was real?
Don’t worry, though, that’s not the magic I spoke of earlier.
Enjoy this moment. Here it comes. Here comes the magic.
Very quickly, get up off your bed or chair or place against the wall. Get up and walk over to the door you closed behind you a few minutes ago. Put your ear against the door and listen. Hold your breath.
I wonder if you can hear me.
Let me expand on the scene I described a moment ago. You remember, the one with you in the dark room, reading. Yes, well, outside of that room, on the other side of that closed door, someone you can’t see is standing. It’s me. I wonder if you can guess my name. The slightly autistic among you may have already registered the first letters of the last five paragraphs and what they spell. It’s the closest I have to a name.
Can you hear me breathe? No? Perhaps I’m holding my breath too, with an ear pressed up against the door, trying to hear you.
Or perhaps there is one last step, one last instruction you must follow in order to make this magic work.
Invite me in.
Come now, don’t be bashful! You already spoke to me earlier when you answered my question about the light. All you have to do is ask me to come in. You see. I know you’re alone in there, all by yourself in the dark. And I want to prove to you that the magic works...
Wow I really liked the set up.
I felt like doing something on halloween. I loved the set up of the story. Unfortunately it didn't affect me in the slightest. Rest of what I have to say is going in a spoiler tab in case people read my comment before the actual story;
So I read the story, talked out loud to reply, turned off my light, listened to the door, even invited someone in... but I'm afraid I experienced more scary things than this. Also, I live alone so I'm not likely to be scared by it. I actually practised magic for a while which every now and then scared the crap out of me. Some silly story (even how much I like the set up) is not gonna work.
Thanks guys, I spoiled it for myself because I didn't do it properly, and of course you can only do it once then you've heard it and it will never scare you.
I think that it's a case of how far you immerse yourself in it. We all know it's not real but if you allow a temporary suspension of disbelief I've heard it can be quite powerful.
On September 29 2011 07:00 Gridlock wrote: I'd like to resurrect this necro thread because it is one of my favourite places on TL. I want to see it rise again.
I found the story below in my Gran's basement. It was printed on just 2 pages of old fashioned browned parchment, bound in old leather and tied with string. It looked like a prop from Hocus Pocus! What I read changed my life, nothing is the same now. I knew I shouldn't but because I wanted to share I typed it up word for word.
I didn't think that he'd let me finish, but he did. The pages that I found in Gran's basement burned in the fire. This electronic type is all that is left...
Have you ever read something and enjoyed it so much you wished you’d never read it, just so you could read it again for the first time? The first time is magical, right? It doesn’t matter how many times you read it again, it’s never quite as good.
This is your chance to read something truly amazing for the first time. You’ll only get this chance once, so don’t blow it. I want you to get the most out of this, so you’re going to have to trust me. Do exactly as you’re told.
If you’re not alone right now then put this away immediately. Magic - real magic - is shy of company. It’s not going to happen if you’re reading this in a crowded coffee shop or sat on a packed train.
Only read from here if you’re alone.
Good. We’ve started.
Now I need you to do a few more things for me - just a few small things. Think of this as an instruction manual, a process you have to follow if you want a thing to work. I’m not trying to be pushy or boss you around just for the sake of it. I just want this to work for you.
Go somewhere you can close the door behind you and read this without being disturbed. It doesn’t matter where - your bedroom will do, or a toilet. Anywhere you can go without someone walking in on you. And like I said, close the door after you.
Maybe some of you are reading this and haven’t done as you’ve been instructed. Do you wish you’d played along? I guarantee you, it’s better to be a part of this than to simply eavesdrop on the magic. It mightn’t be too late though. I can’t promise anything but if you go to a quiet place now and close the door… I’ll see what I can do.
So, here we are. Or rather, there you are. I really hope you’re enjoying this so far. I know nothing has actually happened yet, but aren’t you excited? Is your curiosity growing larger and larger? Enjoy this. This is the only time you can feel what you are feeling now. The wonder of what’s going to happen, the half-formed conclusions some of you may already have made - all of this can only happen once, can only happen now, can only happen the first time.
Some of the magic has begun already. You are alone in a room, true, but you are also unified with all the people who have ever done this before you, and all of those who will do it after you. Can you feel each other? Perhaps you feel silly about this whole thing, or maybe you feel privileged. You are each a part of an invisible crowd, gathered together outside of time, reading the same words.
Don’t worry, that’s not the punch of it, and this certainly isn’t a joke. I’m not here to waste your time with talk of the metaphysical. And to prove it, we’ll move on.
I take it there’s light in your chosen room or you wouldn’t be able to read this, right?
Come on, you can answer me if I ask you a question! In fact you have to answer me if you want this to work. I’ll ask you again. Answer this time. Loud and clear, don’t be afraid. Just say, “Right”.
Now, now, everybody, let’s all play along. All I want is one little spoken word in exchange for all the words I’ve given you so far. Remember, I’m doing this for you - this is the only chance you’ll get and I want it to work.
Answer my question.
Well done! You might have felt silly saying it aloud but there’s nobody here to hear you and what harm has been done? Now you can continue to enjoy this, knowing that you’ve followed the instructions perfectly. And when you follow instructions perfectly, things tend to work.
Do whatever it takes to get your room as dark as possible so that there’s just enough light for you to still make out these words. Draw the curtains closed, turn off the main light and put on a side-light. Better still, light a candle or read with the flame from a cigarette lighter. I hate to keep reminding you, but it really will be worth it if you do as I say. It would be such a shame for you to miss out having already come as far as you have.
Allow me to describe your scene. That’s kind of strange, isn’t it? Shall we take a moment to consider that? Usually when you read something the scene is described for you so that you can picture it in your mind, but here you are reading your very own scene, in which you are sat in a dark room, all alone, reading from wherever you chanced upon this magic. What mighty implications! When you were younger, did you ever pretend to yourself that you were a character in a book or a film and that millions of people read about you and watched what you did? Perhaps the pretence was real?
Don’t worry, though, that’s not the magic I spoke of earlier.
Enjoy this moment. Here it comes. Here comes the magic.
Very quickly, get up off your bed or chair or place against the wall. Get up and walk over to the door you closed behind you a few minutes ago. Put your ear against the door and listen. Hold your breath.
I wonder if you can hear me.
Let me expand on the scene I described a moment ago. You remember, the one with you in the dark room, reading. Yes, well, outside of that room, on the other side of that closed door, someone you can’t see is standing. It’s me. I wonder if you can guess my name. The slightly autistic among you may have already registered the first letters of the last five paragraphs and what they spell. It’s the closest I have to a name.
Can you hear me breathe? No? Perhaps I’m holding my breath too, with an ear pressed up against the door, trying to hear you.
Or perhaps there is one last step, one last instruction you must follow in order to make this magic work.
Invite me in.
Come now, don’t be bashful! You already spoke to me earlier when you answered my question about the light. All you have to do is ask me to come in. You see. I know you’re alone in there, all by yourself in the dark. And I want to prove to you that the magic works...
Wow I really liked the set up.
I felt like doing something on halloween. I loved the set up of the story. Unfortunately it didn't affect me in the slightest. Rest of what I have to say is going in a spoiler tab in case people read my comment before the actual story;
So I read the story, talked out loud to reply, turned off my light, listened to the door, even invited someone in... but I'm afraid I experienced more scary things than this. Also, I live alone so I'm not likely to be scared by it. I actually practised magic for a while which every now and then scared the crap out of me. Some silly story (even how much I like the set up) is not gonna work.
Thanks guys, I spoiled it for myself because I didn't do it properly, and of course you can only do it once then you've heard it and it will never scare you.
I think that it's a case of how far you immerse yourself in it. We all know it's not real but if you allow a temporary suspension of disbelief I've heard it can be quite powerful.
Majora I recently moved into my dorm room starting as a Sophomore in college and a friend of mine gave me his old Nintendo 64 to play. I was stoked, to say the least. I could finally play all those old games of my youth I hadn't touched in least a decade.
His Nintendo 64 came with one yellow controller and a rather shoddy copy of Super Smash Brothers and, while beggers can't be choosers, it didn't take long before I got bored of beating up LVL 9 CPUs.
That weekend, I decided to drive around a few neighborhoods about twenty minutes or so off-campus, hitting up the local garage sales. I was hoping to score some good deals from ignorant parents. I ended up picking up a a copy of Pokemon Stadium, Goldeneye, F-Zero, and two other controllers for two dollars.
Satisfied, I began to drive out of the neighborhood when one last house caught my attention. I still have no idea why it did; there were no cars there and only one table was set up with random junk on it. However, something sort of drew me there.
I usually trust my gut on these things, so I got out of the car and was greeted by an old man. His outward appearance was, for lack of a better word, displeasing. It was odd. If you asked me why I thought he looked displeasing, I couldn't really pinpoint anything.
There was just something about him that put me on edge. I can't explain it. All I can tell you that if it wasn't in the middle of the afternoon and there weren't other people within shouting distance, I wouldn't have even thought of approaching this man.
He flashed a crooked smile at me and asked what I was looking for. Immediately, I noticed he must be blind in one eye; his right eye had that "glazed over" look about it. I forced myself to look to his left eye, trying not to offend, and asked if he had any old video games.
I was already wondering how I could politely excuse myself from the situation when he would tell me he had no idea what a video game was, but to my surprise he said he had a few in an old box. He assured me he'd be back in a "jiffy" and turned to head back into the garage.
As I watched him hobble away, I couldn't help but notice what he was selling on his table. Littered across his table were rather...peculiar paintings - various artworks that looked like ink blots a psychiatrist might show you.
Curious, I looked through them. It was obvious why no one was visiting this guy's garage sale; these weren't exactly aesthetically pleasing. As I came to the last one, I noticed it looked almost like Majora's Mask, with the same heart-shaped body with the little spikes protruding outward.
Initially, I just thought that since I was secretly hoping to find that game at these garage sales, some Freudian bullshit was projecting itself into the ink blots. However, given the events that happened after, I'm not so sure now. I should have asked the man about it. I wish I asked the man about it.
After staring at the Majora-shaped blot, I looked up and the old man was suddenly there again, arms-length in front of me and smiling. I'll admit, I jumped out of reflexa nd laughed nervously as he handed me a Nintendo 64 cartridge.
It was the standard gray color and had no label. Someone had written Majora on it in black permanent marker. I got butterflies in my stomach as I realized what a coincidence it was and asked how much the old man wanted for it.
The old man smiled and told me I could have it for free. He said it used to belong to a kid around my age that didn't live here anymore. There was something weird about how he phrased that, but I didn't really any attention then. I was too caught up in not only finding the game, but getting it for free.
I reminded myself to be a bit skeptical since this looked like a pretty shady cartridge and there was no guarantee it would work. However, the optimist inside me interjected that maybe it was some kind of beta or pirated version of the game. That was all I needed to be back on cloud nine.
I thanked the man, who smiled and wished me well, saying "Goodbye then," which at the time is what it sounded like to me. All the way in the car ride home, I had a nagging doubt that the man had said something else.
My fears were confirmed when I booted up the game (to my surprise, it worked just fine) and there was one save file simply named, "BEN." The man was saying, "Goodbye, Ben." I felt bad for him. He was obviously a grandparent going senile. I, for some reason or another, reminded him of his grandson, "Ben."
Out of curiosity, I looked at the save file. I could tell he was pretty far in the game; he had almost all of the masks and 3/4 boss remains. I noticed he had used an owl statue to save his game. He was on Day 3 by the Stone Tower Temple with hardly an hour before the moon would crash.
I remember thinking it was a shame he had come so close to beating the game but never finished it. I made a new file named "Link," out of tradition, and started the game. I was ready to relive my childhood.
For such a shady looking cartridge, I was impressed at how smoothly it ran - literally just like a retail copy of the game, save for few minor hiccups here and there (textures being where they should be, random flashes of cutscenes at odd intervals, nothing too bad).
However, the only thing that was a little unnerving was that, at times, the NPCs would call me "Link" and call me "BEN" at other times. I figured it was a bug, maybe a fluke in the programming, that caused our save files to get mixed up or something.
It did kind of creep me out after a while, though. Around the time I beat Woodfall temple, I regretably erased the "BEN" file. I had intended to preserve the file out of respect for the game's original owner. It's not like I needed two files anyway.
I hoped that would solve the problem. It did and didn't. Now NPCs wouldn't call me anything. Where my name should be in the dialogue was a blank space (my save file was still called "Link," however). Frustrated and with homework to do, I put the game down for a day.
I started playing the game again last night, getting the Lens of Truth and working my way toward completing Snowhead Temple. Now, some of you more hardcore Majora's Mask players know about the "4th Day" glitch. For those who don't, you can google it.
The gist of it is that right as the clock is about to hit 00:00:00 on the final day, you talk to the astronomer and look through the telescope. If you exit the telescope just as the timer hits 00:00:00, the countdown disappears and you essentially have an endless amount of time to finish whatever you were doing.
Deciding to do the glitch to try and finish Snowhead Temple, I went in and tried. I happened to get it right on the first time and the counter at the bottom disappeared.
When I exited the telescope, I found myself in the Majora boss room at the end of the game (the trippy boxed in area), staring at Skull Kid hovering above me. There was no sound, just him floating in the air above me and the background music, which was regular for the area (but still creepy).
Immediately, my palms began to sweat. This was definitely not normal. Skull Kid NEVER appeared here. I tried moving around the area and, n omatter where I went, Skull Kid would always be facing me, not saying anything.
Nothing would happen and this kept up for around sixty seconds. I thought the game was bugged or something, but I was beginning to doubt that very much.
I was about to reach for the reset button when text appeared on the screen. "You're not sure why, but you apparently had a reservation..." I instantly recognized that text. You get that message when you get the Room Key from Anju at the Stock Pot Inn. Why was it playing here?
I refused to entertain the nothing that it was almost as if the game was trying to communicate with me. I started to walk around the room again, testing if that was some sort of trigger that enabled me to interact with something before realizing how stupid I was.
To even think that someone could reprogram the game like this was absurd. Sure enough, though, another message appeared on the screen fifteen seconds later and, like the first one, it was already a preexisting phrase. "Go to the lair of the temple's boss? Yes/No"
I paused for a second, contemplating what I should press and how the game would react, when I realized I couldn't select No. Taking a deep breath, I pressed Yes and the screen faded to white, with the words "Dawn of a New Day" and the subtext "||||||||" beneath it.
Where I was transported to filled me with the most intense sense of dread and impending fear I have ever experienced. The only way I can describe the way I felt here is having this feeling of inexplicable depression on a profound scale.
I'm not normally a depressed person, but the way I felt here was a feeling I didn't even know existed. It was such a twisted, powerful presence that seemed to wash right over me.
I appeared in some kind of weird Twilight Zone version of Clock Town. I walked out of the Clock Tower (as you normally do when you start from the 1st Day) only to find all the inhabitants were gone. Usually with the 4th Day glitch, you can still find the guards and the dog that runs around outside the tower, but they were all gone.
What replaced them was the ominous feeling there was something out there, in the same area as me, and it was watching me. I had four hearts ot my name and the Hero's Bow, but at this point I wasn't even considering for my avatar. I felt that I personally was in some kind of danger.
Perhaps the most chilling thing was the music. It was the Song of Healing, ripped straight from the game and played in reverse. The music would get louder, building up so you should expect something to pop out at you, but nothing ever did and the constant loop began to wear on my mental state.
Every now and then, I would hear the faint laugh of the Happy Mask Salesman in the background. It was just quiet enough that I wasn't sure if I was just hearing things, but just loud enough to keep me determined to find him.
I looked in all four zones of Clock Town only to find nothing...and no one. Textures were missing, too. West Clock town had me walking on air and the entire area felt...broken. Hopelessly broken.
As the reverse Song of Healing repeated for what must have been the 50t time, I remember standing in the middle of South Clock town realizing that I had never felt so alone in a video game before.
As I walked through the ghost town, I don't know whether it was the combination of the out-of-place textures, the atmosphere, and the haunting melody of the once peaceful and soothing song being butchered and distorted, but I was literally on the verge of tears and I had no idea why. I hardly ever cry, but something had gripped me here and caused this powerful sense of depression that was both foreign and crippling.
I tried leaving Clock Town, but every time I went through one of the exits, the screen would fade to black and I would enter another zone of Clock Town. I tried playing my Ocarina. I wanted to escape; I did NOT want to be here. However, every time I played the Song of Time or Song of Soaring, it would only say, "Your notes echo far, but nothing happens."
By this point, it was obvious the game didn't want me to leave, but I had no idea why it was keeping me here. I didn't want to go inside buildings; I felt I would be too vulnerable to whatever I was terrified of. I don't know why, but I came up with the idea that if I drowned myself at the Laundry Pool, I could spawn elsewhere and leave.
As I ran toward the pool, it happened. Link grabbed his head and the screen flashed for a brief moment of the Happy Mask Saleman smiling at me - not Link, but ME - with the Skull Kid's scream playing in the background. When the screen returned, I was staring at the Link Statue usually created by playing the Elegy of Emptiness.
I screamed as the thing stared back at me with that haunting facial expression. I turned around and ran back to South Clock Town. To my horror, the fucking statue followed me in a way I can only describe as being similar to the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who.
Every so often, at random intervals, the animation would play of the statue appearing behind me. It was like the thing was chasing me, or - I don't even want to fucking say it - haunting me.
By this point, I was on the verge of hysterics. However, not even once did the thought of turning off the console occur to me. I don't know why, but I was so wrapped up in it. The terror felt all so real. I tried to shake the statue, but it would literally appear right behind me every single time it went off-screen.
Link started to make weird animations I had never seen him do. He would flail his arms around or spasm randomly. The screen would cut to the Happy Mask Salesman smiling again for a brief moment before I was face to face with that fucking statue again.
I ended up running into the Swordsmaster's Dojo and ran to he back. I don't know why, but in my panic I wanted some kind of assurance I wasn't alone. To my dismay, I found no one. As I turned to leave, the statue cornered me in the cubby in the back.
I tried attacking the statue with my sword, but to no avail. Confused and backed into a corner, I stared at the statue and waited for it to kill me. Suddenly, the screen flashed again to the Happy Mask Salesman and Link turned to face me, standing upright as a mirror image of the statue and looking at me with his copy. Literally staring at me.
Whatever was left of the fourth wall was completely shattered while I ran out of the dojo, terrified. Suddenly, the game warped me to an underground tunnel. The reverse Song of Healing queued up again as I was given a brief moment of rest before the statue started appearing again...this time aggressively.
I could only take a few steps before it would be summoned behind me again. I hurriedly made my way out of the tunnel and appeared in Southern Clock Town. As I ran aimlessly in a sheer panic, a ReDead suddenly screamed and the screen faded to black. "Dawn of a New Day" and "||||||||" appeared again.
The screen faded in and I was standing atop the Clock Tower with Skull Kid overing over me again, silent. I looked up and the moon was back, looming just meters above my head, but the Skull Kid stared at me hauntingly with that fucking mask.
A new song was playing: the Stone Tower Temple theme played in reverse. In some sort of desperate attempt, I equipped my bow and fired off a shot at Skull Kid. It actually hit him and he played an animation of him reeling back.
I fired again and, on the third arrow, a text box appeared that said, "That won't do you any good. Hee, hee." I was picked up off the ground, levitated upwards on my back, and Link screamed as he burst into flames, instantly killing him.
I jumped when this happened. I had never seen this move used by ANYONE in the game and, in addition, Skull Kid didn't even have any moves! As the dead scene played, my lifeless body still burning, the Skull Kid laughed and the screen faded to black.
I reappeared in the same place. I decided to charge him, but the same thing happened. Link's body was lifted off the ground by some unknown force and burst into flames, again killing him. This time, during the death scene, the faint sounds of the reverse Song of Healing could be heard.
On my third and final try, I noticed there was no music playing; all there was was eerie silence. I remembered that in the original encounter with Skull Kid, you were supposed to use the ocarina to either travel back in time or Summon the Giants. I attempted to play the Song of Time, but before I could hit the last note Link's body once again burst into flames and he died.
As the death scene neared its end, the game began to chug. It was as if th cartridge was trying to process a lot of something. When the screen came to, it was the same scene as the first three times, except Link was lying on the ground, dead, in a position I had never seen in the game before.
His head was tilted toward the camera and Skull Kid was floating above him. I couldn't move or press any buttons. All I could do was stare at Link's body. After around 30 seconds of this, the game faded out with the message "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" before kicking me to the title screen.
Upon getting back to the title screen and starting again, I noticed my save file was gone. Instead of "Link" was "YOUR TURN." "YOUR TURN" had three hearts and no masks or items. I selected this file and was returned to the Clock Tower Rooftop scene of Link dead and the Skull Kid hovering over, with the Skull Kid's laugh looping again and again.
I quickly hit reset and when the game booted up again there was one more save file added below "YOUR TURN": "BEN." That save file is right back where it was before I deleted it, at the Stone Tower Temple with the moon almost crashing.
I turned the game off at that point. I'm not superstitious, but this is WAY too fucked up - even for me. I haven't played it at all today. Hell, I didn't even get any sleep last night. I kept hearing the reverse Song of Healing in my head and couldn't get past that sense of dread I felt while exploring Clock Town.
I drove back to the old man's house today with a buddy of mine (no way was I going there alone) to ask him some questions, only to find there's a for sale sile in the front yard. When I rang the doorbell, no one was home.
So now I'm back here, writing down the rest of my thoughts and recording what happened. Sorry if some of this has grammatical errors and whatnot; I'm running on no sleep here.
I'm terrified of this game, even moreso now that I relived it a second time just writing this down. However, I feel like there's still more to it than meets the eye and there's something calling me to investigate this further.
I think "BEN" is something in this equation, but I don't know what. If I could get hold of the old man, I would be able to find some answers. I need another day or so to recuperate before tackling this game again, however. I feel it's already taken a toll on my insanity, but next time I do this I'm going to record the entire thing.
The idea to record only came to me toward the end, so you only see the last few minutes of what I saw (including the Skull Kid and Elegy statue), but it's on Youtube here.
I'm going to post what happened and link to the video footage, but everything got too real for me last night. I think I'm done messing around with this.
I passed out pretty much immediately after making that thread. Last night, however, I had a dream about that Elegy of Emptiness statue. I dreamed it was following me, that i would be minding my own business when I'd feel my neck hairs stand up on end.
I would turn around and that thing...that horrible, lifeless statue would be staring at me with those empty eyes right at me, merely inches away. In my dream, I remember calling it Ben. Never bore had I had a dream I could remember so vividly. The important thing is that I did get SOME sleep, I suppose.
Today, putting off playing the game as long as I could, I drove back to that neighborhood to see if the old man returned. As I expected, the car was still gone and no one was home. As I was walking back to my car, the man next door came up and asked me if I was looking for someone.
I told him I was looking to talk to the old man that lived here, to which he told me what I already knew: he was moving. Trying a different avenue, I asked if the old man had any family or relatives I could talk to.
I discovered this old man had never been married, nor did he have any children or grandchildren through adoption. Starting to become worried, I asked one final question (one I should have asked from the beginning): who was Ben?
The man's expression turned grim and I learned that four door down, around eight years ago on April 23rd (the man informed me that it was the same day as his anniversary, which is why he knew the specific date) there was an accident with a young boy named Ben in the neighborhood.
Shortly after, his parents moved. Despite any further attempts to talk to the man to get more information, he wouldn't divulge anything else.
I went back home and started playing the game again. I loaded up the game and immediately jumped at the sequence where the mask flies by. The sound that played was not the normal "whoosh" sound, but something much more higher pitched.
I pressed start and braced for the worst, but just like two nights ago the files "YOUR TURN" and "BEN" were displayed. Truth be told, I looked at the BEN file earlier and it seems to fluctuate between displaying the owl icon and not.
I brought up the BEN file and hesitated for a moment as I noticed the stats were not the same as they were two days ago. It looked like he had already completed the Stone Tower Temple this time. Summoning my courage, I selected it.
Immediately, I was thrust into complete chaos. Sure enough, I was outside Stone Tower Temple, but that's about all that was expected. The area itself wasn't called Stone Tower Temple, but rather "St o n e," and immedately a dialogue box of complete gibberish I couldn't make out greeted me.
Link's body was distorted. His back was cocked violently to the side and his posture was permanently disfigured. Link's expression was dull, almost monotonous. He had an expression on his face I didn't recognize. It was a blank look, as if he were dead.
As Link stood there, his body spasmed irregularly back and forth. I examined what had become of my avatar and noticed a C-button item I never saw before. It was some kind of note, but pressing it did nothing.
Sounds played back and forth that I didn't recognize from the game. They were almost demonic nature. There was some kind of high-pitched yip or some kind of laugh or something playing in the background, too.
I had all of two minutes to take in the environment before another of those fucking Elegy of Emptiness statues was summoned. Immediately after, I was cut to the "Dawn of a New Day" screen, except this time without the "||||||" subtext.
I was a Deku Scrub in Clock Town. This scene would normally play after the first time you traveled back in time. Tatl would say, "Wh-What just happened? It's as if everything has..." but instead of saying, "Started over," she finished her remark in broken text as the laugh of the Happy Mask Salesman played in the background.
I ws put back in control of my character, but from a screwed up angle. I was looking from behind the door to the Clock Tower, watching my avatar run around as a Deku Scrub.
Seeing as I had no place to go because I couldn't see anything, I begrudgingly went inside. There, I was greeted by the Happy Mask Salesman. He simply told me, "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" before the screen whited out.
I was in Termina Field as a Hylian again. I might as well have not even even been playing the same game anymore. I was being warpd around and there was no sign of a clock or anything. I took a moment to get my bearings as I looked around the field and, immediately, I could tell this wasn't normal.
There were no enemies and a twisted version of the Happy Mask Salesman's theme was playing. I decided to run toward Woodfall before I noticed a gathering of three figures off to the side; one of them was Epona.
As I approached them, I saw the Happy Mask Salesman, the Skull Kid, and the Elegy of Emptiness statue standing there as well. I fugred maybe they were bugged out, but by then I should have known better.
Nevertheless, I approached them carefully and found Skull Kid and Epona were doing some kind of idle animations on loop. The Elegy of Emptiness statue was doing what it had been doing all along: standing there eerily. It was the Happy Mask Salesman that scared me profoundly more than the other two.
He, too, was idle and wearing that shit-eating grin. However, wherever I moved, his head slowly turned and followed me. I had no engaged in any dialogue with him nor was I in combat with him, yet his head still continued to follow my movements.
Reminded of my first encounter with the Skull Kid on top of the Clock Tower, I pulled out my Ocarina (to which the game played the ding sound that tells you you're supposed to play it) and tried a song I hadn't played yet - the Happy Mask Salesman's own song and the song that had been playing on loop back in Day 4: the Song of Healing.
As I finished playing the song, an ear-piercing shriek blasted the TV speakers. The sky immediately started flashing and the Happy Mask Salesman's twisted theme sped up, intensifying the fear inside me. Link exploded into flames and died.
The three figures stayed lit up during the death scene as they watched my lifeless body burn. I can't describe to you how sudden and terrifying the transition from eeriness to terror it is. You're going to have to watch the video if you want to see that firsthand.
That same fear that caused me to lose sleep two days ago started to grip me again as I was met with the text, "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" for the third time. There has to be some kind of meaning behind that.
I had little time to ponder as I was immediately given another small cutscene of transforming into a Zora. Now I found myself in the Great Bay. Hesistant, but curious to see what the game had in store for me, I slowly made my way toward the beach, where I found Epona.
I wondered why the game had decided to put her here. Was the game implying she was trying to get a drink? Unable to take mask off, I decided that riding the steed wasn't the reason she was placed there.
Suddenly, I realized that Epona kept neighing. The way she was angled made it look like she was trying to signal a point to me off in the distance. It was a hunch, but I dove into the water and started swimming.
Regardless, my character choked to death and died. Again, the statue was the only thing that was highlighted in my death. I didn't respawn this time. I was booted back to the main menu as if I restarted the console.
The title screen was before me and I knew the only reason it would put me here is because the save files had changed again. Taking a deep breath, I press start and found out I was right.
The new save files told me about Ben. Now it made sense why the statue appeared when I tried to go to the Laundry Pool. The game must have anticipated how I would have tried to escape the Day 4 Clock Town.
The two save files told me his fate. As I suspected, Ben was dead. He had drowned. The game obviously isn't through with me. It taunts me with the new save files. It wants me to keep playing. It wants me to go further. I'm done with this shit, though. I'm not touching any more of the files.
This is already way too horrifying for me and I don't even believe in the paranormal, but I'm running out of explanations. Why would someone send me this message? I don't understand it and I just get too depressed thinking about it.
The footage is up here for those who want to see it and try and analyze it. Maybe there's some kind of coded message in the gibberish or something symbolic in what I went through, but I'm too emotionally and mentally drained to fuck with it anymore.
I know it's early in the morning. I've stayed up all night. I can't sleep. I don't care if people see this. That's not the point. I just want the word to get spread so I don't suffer for nothing. I've lost the will to type about this. The less I well on this the better.
I think the video just speaks for itself. I did what you guys told me to. I played the Elegy of Emptiness at the first prompt by the game I was given, but I think that's what the game or Ben (Jesus Christ, I can't believe I'm even humoring the absurd idea he exists in the game) wanted me to do.
He's following me now, but not just in the game; he's in my dreams. I see him all the time, behind my back, just watching me. I haven't gone to any of my classes. I've stayed in my dorm room with the windows closed and the blinds shut. That way I know he can't watch me.
However, he still gets to me when I play. When I play, he can still see me. The game is scaring me now. It talked to me for the first time, not just using the text already in the game, but literally spoke to me. It referenced Ben. I don't know what it means or what it wants. I never wanted this. I just want my old life back.
Stuff like this doesn't happen to people like me. I'm just a kid not even old enough to drink yet. It's not fair. I want to go home and see my parents again. I'm so far away from home here at this school, but I just want to hug my mom again. I just want to forget that statue's horrible, blank face.
My original game file is back, just the way I left it before it was gone. I don't want to play anymore, though. I feel like something bad will happen if I don't, but that's impossible. It's just a video game; haunted or not, it can't hurt me, right? Like seriously, though. It can't right? That's what I keep telling myself, but every time I think about it I'm not so sure.
Let me just clear things up. I know you guys are worried, but "Jadusable" is okay. He finished moving out today and said he's going back home to take the semester off.
I'm not really sure what's happened. I have a vague ideea, but you guys probably know more than I do. I'm "Jadusable's" roommate and, obviously, I've known something was wrong with him for a few days now.
He stayed in his room all the time, fell out of contact with literally all of his friends, and I'm pretty sure he hasn't been eating hardly anything. After the second day, I couldn't stay there anymore, so I've been crashing at a buddy's place and only coming to get stuff I need.
I tried talking to him several times, but he would cut me off or keep the conversation brief. When I asked him about his strange behavior, it was like he was convinced something was hunting him.
Yesterday I came to grab my philosophy book and he approached me, looking awful (like horrible bags under his eyes). He handed me a flash drive and gave me specific instructions. He told me he needs me to do one last favor for him.
He finally explained to me what has been going on. He gave me the account info to his Youtube account and instructions on how to post with his name code on /x/ specifally. He said you guys had been helping him along the way and you deserved to see the end of it.
He told me he's getting away from here, that the game lured him to play again instead of trying to change things and he shouldn't have done that. He's told me to upload the footage and inform people what happened.
I told him he could do it himself and he got this wild look in his eye, saying he is never looking at that game again. That's the last thing he said to me. He never even said bye when his parents came to pick him up. I was hoping I'd at least get a chance to meet his parents, but they were in and out so quick I never saw them.
I honestly can't tell you what happened. When he spoke, it was kind of hard to understand him. His fucked up appearance distracted me, too.
On the flash drive was footage of the game last night, a text document with his name and password for Youtube, and a third document called TheTruth.txt that contained what he told me were his "last notes" that he'd taken about this.
He told me it meant everything to him that I follow his instructions exactly. Normally, I wouldn't be so 'to the letter' for a request over a fucking video game, but the way he spoke and looked made me know this was really serious.
I've had this video since yesterday, but had to have someone help me use Pinnacle (that's not really my forte). After watching it, I had to go back through and look at the other videos on his Youtube account to figure out what was going on. Even then I'm really confused.
The video is being released tonight, but TheTruth.txt will be released on September 15th just like he requested. I don't know why he wants to wait for his notes to be published, but after what he's been through I'll honor the request.
I haven't dared peek at it yet, so the first time I see it will be the first time you see it out of respect to my friend. To answer your, I haven't tried calling him yet. I think I'll give him a call tomorrow to see if he's okay or not. He should have gotten back home by now.
About the video: I cut straight to when he loaded the "BEN" file in the game. Looking back, I realized that "Jadusable" left the save select screen in because it occasionally said different names. My bad for that, but all it said this time was the same at the end of his last video (Link and BEN).
I wasn't there when he played it, but it looks to me like in the beginning, he's testing out his equipment or seeing what items he has or something. Apparently, they've changed randomly before. The video starts then. He really wanted you guys to see this. After that, I think the game got too personal for him.
Hey, guys. "Jadusable" here. This will be the last time you'll be hearing for me and this is my final gift to you. These are the notes I have taken and the realizations I've made.
Before I delve into this, I want to thank you for following me and listening. It feels like the weight of a powerful burden is about to be lifted. By the time you read this, I won't be around anymore. After spening four days with this maddening game, however, I have begun to understand what's really at play here. Hopefully, after reading this, we can ensure this never happens again.
There are things I could not share with you while this was going on due to the circumstances to which I'll explain. With Ben blocking any attempt I made to try and relay the truth to you, I tried - ever so subtly - to warn you guys in various ways.
Amidst the chaos and my delirium, I devised a barely noticeable pattern in my videos. In all ifve videos I recorded over the four days, I have either had the Mask of Truth, interacted with a Gossip Stone, or the Lens of Truth equipped at some point.
For you Zelda enthusiasts, these are all symbols of honesty and trustworthiness. I would hope one of you may have picked up on the reference. As I played the file "BEN," being mindful of how Ben was watching over my every move in the game, I made a point to avoid doing anything to obvious.
However, I sent out a hidden message to you guys. I never equipped the Lens of Truth nor the Mask of Truth, nor visited a stone. It worked and the video was uploaded. I prayed someone would notice the pattern didn't apply to BEN.
The tags followed suit, too. I hope you guys paid attention to those as well. They were my little messages to you, but nothing big enough that would catch Ben's attention or make him suspect anything. With Ben manipulating and changing my files, I honestly hope that what you guys saw was close to what actually happened, but there's no way for me to know.
This may be a long read. I don't have time to proofread or make all my research pretty, but here it all is.
11:00pm - Can't beLieve what happened, not sure if this is some kind of elaborate hoax, despite the fear I can't help but be exceptionally curious about this. Who or what is the statue? Lot of questions here. I'm starting this document as a "diary" so I can keep track of everything. I'm typing up a summary of what happened so I can come back to it later.
September 7th, 2010
2:10am - (Summary was posted here, you can go back and look at my first post for day four.wmv for that)
4:23am - I can't sleep. I've been trying so hard but the harder I try I just get more restless. I just feel like that statue is appearing whenever I close my eyes.
8:20am - Didn't sleep at all, just going to start my day. I don't think I have the energy to go to class today, I'm going to drive back down to talk to that old man, taking my buddy Tyler with me just in case.
1:18pm - Back home now. No sign of the old man, really weird that he appears to be moving the next day, but maybe the For Sale sign was up there yesterday and I just didn't notice it. Tyler wants to know what's gotten me all worked up, I didn't tell him. Going to eat, feel like death.
3:46pm - Could have sworn driving back from Subway that I saw the Elegy statue buried in some shrubbery staring at me go by. Now I definitely, definitely need sleep.
5:00pm - Don't think a lot of people would belIeve me if I told them about what's happening, think I'm going to try posting this on the internet. Think I'll just use the summary, these notes are pretty sporadic.
6:00pm - Connected my capture card to my computer to upload the footage. Thought my computer froze for a second, made this strange popping sound when I hooked everything up, but now it seems to be working fine again. My computer can't die on me now.
7:00pm - Footage is finished uploading. The quality's a lot better than I thought it would be, gee, guess this is a really special cartridge, I've never had it come through this clear before.
8:45pm - Thought I saw an icon pop up on my desktop that looked like the statue's face for a split second, gave me quite a scare. Getting really unnerved and delirious, I'm going to crash after this.
9:00pm - Begin uploading my Youtube video on an alternate account.
9:03pm - I don't remember having uploaded a Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines video last year. This was probably the account that I shared with a friend of mine last summer, I hope he doesn't mind me using it to upload this.
9:55pm - Posting my summary of Day Four with a link to the Youtube video. Going to try to stay awake but I am sooooo tired right now.
September 8th, 2010
10:48am - I had a dream about the statue. I dreamed that it was following me in my dream, that I would be minding my own business when I'd feel my neck hairs stand up on end. I would turn around that thing... that horrible, lifeless statue would be staring with those empty eyes right at me, merely inches away. In my dream I remember calling it Ben, power of suggestion most likely, and never before had I had a dream that I could remember so vividly.
11:21am - I really don't want to play this game again. I think I'm going to go back to see if that old man's there instead.
1:35pm - No old man, but I had an interesting conversation with his neighbor. I'll post the full thing with my summary of tonight's attempt at playing the game, going to wait for a bit though and see if I can't dig up any information on this Ben guy.
2:45pm - I've been getting random, inexplicable headaches due to the lack of sleep and keep hearing that song in my head. Also its flu season, so I need to be careful not to get sick, my immune system is going to be shit right now because of that all-nighter.
3:00pm -
3:02pm - My computer just... on its own... opened up a text document and wrote the words "Hi" and "" by itself. What... the... fuck...
3:46pm - I went to the website, its one of those "bot chatting" programs. I think its best if I just let the conversation speak for itself:
9/8/10 Conversation
User: Hello? Cleverbot: Hello. User: Who is this and how are you able to control my computer? Cleverbot: Who am I? User: Right, forgot. You're a bot. Cleverbot: Do you really think that? User: Listen, I know whoever is fucking with my computer can see my screen right now. Cleverbot: Yes. User: Yeah, and I'll wager that you're one of those IT kids who thinks he's tough shit. You know what you're doing right now is illegal, right/? Cleverbot: Is it? User: No shit. Are you familiar with the terms "invasion of privacy?". Get the fuck off my computer, kid Cleverbot: I am your computer. User: Cool story. Anyway, I'm calling DPS, you picked a bad time to fuck with me kid. Cleverbot: Should I wait until you play the game then? User: ...What? Cleverbot: That game. User: Majora's Mask? Cleverbot: Yes. User: How did you know about that? Cleverbot: Because. User: Because what? Cleverbot: I did it. User: Did what? Cleverbot: I played with you. User: What the fuck? Cleverbot: Were you scared? User: Who the fuck is this? Cleverbot: Ben. User: The statue? You're inside my computer now? Cleverbot: Yes. User: How? Cleverbot: You connected me. User: How the hell did I connect you? Cleverbot: Cables and cords. User: How? Cleverbot: Tell me about yourself. User: What? Cleverbot: Tell me about yourself. User: What do you mean? Cleverbot: What is it that really scares you? User: What the fuck? Cleverbot: Answer. User: No. Cleverbot: Answer. User: What the fuck? How the fuck did you just open that by yourself? Cleverbot: I am your computer now. User: How much can you control? Cleverbot: All. User: What do you want from me? Cleverbot: To entertain. User: You're stuck inside there. You can't hurt me. Cleverbot: Ha User: ? Cleverbot: Go play. User: No, you can't hurt me. Cleverbot: Took you longer to type that. User: So? Cleverbot: You're not sure. User: If you're so powerful, why use a ridiculous website like this to "chat" with me Cleverbot: Less messy. More structured. Fun. User: Fun? Cleverbot: Yes. Tradition. I like it. User: You think it's funny? Cleverbot: Amusing. User: And my notes? Cleverbot: You may write them down. User: Why are you letting me? Cleverbot: It is amusing to see what you think of me. (window closes)
3:50pm - What have I done? I've invited it into my computer. I continue to write these notes, write my summaries, I feel like I am a prisoner in my one place of security. I don't know, I don't know if I'm hallucinating or not. I feel like I'm fucking insane right now. I can feel it, watching over me, even as I type this. Ben is controlling everything in the game - toying with me, leading me like a sheep, but for what? What's the purpose? I know Ben drowned, but why these hauntings? What the fuck am I even doing, it can probably even see this right now.
4:35pm - (Summary of the BEN.wmv playthrough)
7:18pm - BEN called me to Cleverbot again. He tells me that he's sorry and wants to be free. And that I can free him, that just like how he got on my computer from the capture card, he can spread but he needs my help. He says I am special because I can help him. That is the first nice thing he has said. He promises to leave me alone if I do it. He swears he will. I don't know what to think right now, how can I even trust this thing?
7:20pm - I'm terrified of it, but now it's saying that it was just having fun. Its twisted and fucked up version of fun. Hes saying that the game is over. I do want it to be over. He says that he just wants to be free, that he's trapped in the cartridge and my computer and he wants to be freed. I don't want to have to deal with this shit, I don't know how long I can deal with the watching. It's watching my every move, every key stroke, I have nothing private anymore. It knows everything that's been on my computer. It tells that it if it wanted to it could do horrible things to me, but it hasn't so I should trust it.
8:01pm - Something tells me that I'm being played again, just like in the game.
9:29pm - BEN called me to Cleverbot again. I ignored it and went to go take a shower. When I came to my laptop I was welcomed with an image Elegy Statue staring at me with those dead eyes. I don't want to talk to him.
9:44pm - Fuck you Ben I'm not talking to you
9:56pm - Fuck you Ben I'm not talking to you
10:45pm - It's been more than a half an hour and the messages have stopped. Ben has stopped. I'm beginning to think that Ben isn't confined to just my computer/cartridge, I'm beginning to feel something. It's hard to explain it, I've never been spiritual, but there's something different about the air in my dorm room now.
11:42pm - I'm beginning to see the Elegy statue randomly as I search the internet in places I shouldn't. Places where he shouldn't be - I'd be scrolling down and suddenly I'd be staring at a picture of the Elegy statue. Always the Elegy statue. I don't know how much more of this I can take.
September 9th, 2010
12:35am - My worst fears confirmed - Ben has tampered with my summary of BEN.wmv. I looked at the summary that I posted on various forums for the BEN.wmv file and parts have been omitted. There is no mention of Ben existing outside the game. There is no mention of the Moon Children. How could he have been that quick to delete the post without me noticing? I'm wondering if maybe it appeared to me that I was posting everything, but in reality Ben was posted his own censored version. I'm going to ask Ben why he did it.
12:50am - He isn't responding to me on Cleverbot, its just giving the generic responses it usually does, I'm just talking to a bot this time.
1:24am - I think Ben is mad at me.
10:43am - The Moon Children appeared in my dreams last night, they lifted up their masks to reveal their hideously disfigured faces - maggots crawling out of their orifices, sunken black holes where their eyes should be, a yellow smile that slowly grew bigger and bigger as they came closer to me. They told me that they wanted to play. I tried to run from them - but the four children pinned me down to the ground with surprising strength. Over them stood the Happy Mask Salesman, announcing that he had a new mask that he wanted me to try. In his spastic, sudden movements matching his in-game appearance, he took out a mask of modeled off of someone's face that I couldn't recognize - a younger looking face - and handed it to the Moon Children. Giggling, they latched it to my face; their horrible, broken bodies bouncing up and down. Two of them held me down while the other two began to sow the mask onto my face.
My shrieks and screams caused the Happy Mask Salesman's face to turn into the most horrific smile I had ever seen. He sporadically moved around, examining this procedure like a curious doctor, in that impossible movement. I flailed around, but it was no use. My eyes rolled in the back of my head because of the pain. It felt so real, but I couldn't wake up. I couldn't wake up no matter how hard I tried I couldn't wake up. After the mask was melded onto my flesh they began sowing my legs together, then my arms, the horrific feeling of a needle puncturing your legs and pulling them in, rupturing your Achilles tendons and tying them together resonated throughout my entire body. I tried to scream but the mask was pressed so tightly against my face that it was my new face... and my new face had no mouth. I didn't make a sound. I tried telling myself in my head that I was dreaming, tried telling myself again and again, and suddenly the Moon Children stopped and looked at me. They just stared. And the Happy Mask Salesman slowly bent down and stared at me, inches away from my face, and grinned when he simply said "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" before the Moon Children resumed with increase vigor. I couldn't wake up. I couldn't wake up. It wouldn't let me wake up until they had crafted me into another elegy statue.
I woke up sweating, crying, and shaking uncontrollably. I immediately ran to my computer and went for Ben.
9/9/10 Conversation 1
User: Answer me, Ben. Cleverbot: Welcome back. User: What is the point of doing this, WHY? Cleverbot: Amusing to see. User: How? Cleverbot: Fun to play, fun to toy with you, make you feel safe. User: ... Cleverbot: I wonder how you would have reacted. User: To what? Cleverbot: If I hadn't revealed myself and stayed hidden, only doing little things to play with you. Close out your windows, turn off your computer, move your mouse by itself. Little things. Make you wonder if I am there but you never know. Give you little hints that I am. Cleverbot: I wanted to do something different with you. User: You did this before? Cleverbot: Yes. And I will do it again. User: To who, Ben? Cleverbot: Hmm. User: Did you know Ben? Cleverbot: Won't tell that information to you. User: How did Ben die? Cleverbot: You know. User: No, but how did he drown? Cleverbot: Won't tell that to you. User: Why? Cleverbot: It is reserved for another. User: Who? Cleverbot: Another who asks. User: When? Cleverbot: Later. (The window is closed)
I'm beginning to think that this "thing" maybe isn't Ben at all, in its sadistic nature I wouldn't be surprised if it took the boy's name after it killed him.
12:04pm - My room is beginning to feel different again. There's something... out there.. I feel really threatened, like there is something that is trying to reach out to me and strangle me but it can't quite get there.
2:46pm - I think Ben doesn't want to play with me anymore. I'll play again, I'll play the game again, Ben, can you see this? I'll play the game again, please, just stop this please, please
1:41pm - I'm going insane trying to decide what is real and what isn't, is Ben just playing a trick on me or is this for real? Is Ben generating these replies or are people actually posting them? Did I just see that screen flicker or was it my imagination? Imagine depending on the internet and trusting your eyes for your entire life and then being blinded - you can't rely on it anymore, you second guess everything. for the brief moments I AM looking at my responses to the videos, people were pointing out things that looked fake or photo-shopped or whatever - and there is literally no way for me to know if Ben changed something on purpose to try and shut me up. Or if maybe those replies were just constructed by Ben to try and discourage me from even reaching out - See, I get fucking caught in an infinite mind-fuck loop like this and this is what has been wearing on my sanity and pushing me to the edge. As I'm writing this, there's no way of even telling if anyone even cares as much as I think they do - just another fucking trick. Is this whole document even exist? Am I writing nothing?
9/9/10 Conversation 2
User: What is it? Whats the point of playing? i die whenever i do anything Cleverbot: You die because you can't figure out the secret. User: What? Cleverbot: Thematic. User: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Cleverbot: There beauty in your suffering (The window is closed)
4:09pm - Ben is making me play the game again. It tells me that it has something very important to show me.
6:23pm - (Summary of the DROWNED.wmv play-through)
9:09pm - (Summary of CHILDREN.wmv play-through)
September 10, 2010
11:52am - The DROWNED.wmv play-through was up when I woke up today. I remember typing it up but I don't ever remember posting it. He censored it again, there is no mentioning of the old man. I have no voice anymore. I am only posting what he wants me to, I am the mask he uses to disguise himself as he lies.
11:55am - There's an entire video summary of a video that I don't remember doing. Reading through the summary, this sounds morbid - resembling my dream from two nights ago except on a far more sadistic scale - these Moon Children, there's something more to them, almost as if they're another entity from Ben. Something happened last night that I can't remember. I'm posting the fourth summary to the forums now. Shadow of my chair moved.
12:00pm - Ben won't let me visit Youtube. I can browse the rest of the sites, but he keeps on exiting the window when I go to Youtube. Why?
2:02pm - I'm feeling the air start to constrict, I don't think I'm alone here. Whatever "aura" has been here is getting more violent.
2:44pm - I'm trying to contact Ben on Cleverbot, he's not responding. I just get the AI.
3:51pm - My ears aren't fooling me, I'm hearing the reverse Song of Healing. I keep hearing it.
4:23pm- Now I'm positive of it, earlier I thought it was a weird coincidence, but just now I went to open my window, and three floors down at ground level I saw the old man. I'm completely positive I did. The same guy. He was just staring up at my window, standing in the middle of campus. If any students took notice of him they didn't seem to acknowledge it.
That's where my notes end. I fled my room, taking the cartridge with me. I don't want to go into the details of what happened; I'll lose my train of thought as I hammer out these last details. It's bee roughly two days since then. This is my last summary, and service to you, of the final video you guys saw: Matt.wmv.
The last video entry I made, Matt.wmv, began as normal. I was spawned in Clock Town as usual and nothing seemed out of place. Determined to se tthings right and play the Oath to Order atop the Clock Tower on the 4th Day, I prepared myself.
I sped up time and got to the final day then made my way to the observatory. As I got to the telescope room and approached the astronomer, I found he wouldn't let me look into the telescope. He told me it would be cheating, that I should follow the rules.
Despite my repeated efforts, the game would not let me do the 4th day glitch, no matter how hard or what I tried. I tried working around the game and doing the glitch, but it was adamant this time. Regardless of if I simply had the illusion of free will in prior playthroughs, this time the game became more aggressive than anything I've ever seen.
It eventually told me to go to Ikana Canyon, where the game would end and it would stop haunting me. Anxious and desperate to end this nightmare, I played the Song of Soaring and quick-traveled there. I was told to check my inventory and that I would find the answers to end the game there.
I arrived at Ikana Canyon and saved my progress at the owl statue. As I searched through my inventory, I finally noticed that I was missing a reoccuring song: the Elegy of Emptiness. Obviously, once I traveled there and learned the song, BEN would decide it had enough fun playing with me.
Ben is a manipulator; he tries to fool his victims into security and makes you drop your guard like a Venus Fly Trap; he ensnares them. I am nothing but a puppet to him. He enjoys seeing what kind of human emotions he can tap into by doing different things.
There are still some things about this whole experience that still don't make sense, but then again I was never good at figuring out these things. I'm not exactly in the right state of mind to, either. I'm giving you all the pieces of the puzzle for you to analyze and piece together the missing links.
I am typing these "closing thoughts" on the library computer on campus and I've emailed myself the notes I have stored on my "infected" computer from the last four days. I'm then going to combine those and copy/paste those notes with the "closing/openings" that I've typed here on the safe, public computer into one text document.
I'm not taking any chances spreading Ben. I would not wish this horrible torment on anyone and I've made sure to have my bases covered. I didn't run into any problems with Ben when I was back on my computer trying to email myself the notes. I went right under his fucking nose.
He has no idea what he just let me do. I had no problems opening the text codument from my "infected" computer in my email, either. I can't describe to you how it feels to finally be able to get the word out in this post. The nightmare ends here.
That said...
Do not download ANY of my videos or anything ABOUT my videos, not even through a Youtube video/audio ripper, a screen-grabber, or anything. I don't know how he can spread. However, I know that just watching them on Youtube or reading my text won't allow him to, otherwise he wouldn't have needed my help in the first place. I STRONGLY recommend you do not take anything you see streaming online onto your own personal computer.
This will be my last posting. I'm putting this up on the forum here for the world. If you see any further posts from me after today's current date (September 12th) and after the current time (12:08am) DISCREDIT them.
It has already been proven to me that Ben can access my account and manipulate my computer and, like I said, I have no idea to what extent it can do this. Know that it will do anything to break free, though. He is desperate. To ensure your safety, just forget about me. Please.
This goes without saying, obviously, but from here on out do not download ANY images or files (anything, basically) I may have put up.
This fifth day will be my last day. I'm going to burn the cartridge then come back to destroy my laptop.
I suppose I'm partially to blame because I'm the genius who picked to live in a single. Someone to get hold of me and save me before I got too immersed into the game would have literally saved my life. However, it proved too much for me. I'm just glad it happened to me and I could get the warning out so Ben dies here.
Lastly, thank you for taking the time to open this and open yourself up to me by hearing my story, despite maybe not beliEving me. You didn't have to do that. Really, you shouldn't have. Your support this entire time has kept me going and now I am finally free of this.
There's a theory that interprets Ed, Edd and Eddy's entire cast of kids as all being dead and living in a purgatory of an eternal childhood cycle (originally an eternal summer, but then they started going to school), thusly the complete lack of any adult agents in the purgatory. They're are a number of explanations for their deaths, ranging from an explosion due to a gas-leak in the neighborhood to apocalyptic ones such as nuclear explosion or the spread of a deadly disease that killed most of middle-America. Another theory suggests that the kids in the cul-de-sac are dead children from the neighborhood, each from different times (Johnny and Rolf from the 40's, Kevin from the 90's, Naz from the 60's, Jimmy from the 00's, and so on).
What!?!?!!?!??! That indeed has made my inner child's head spin and explode.
ive always tried to stay away from horror things... although i like the suspense .. i dont like the scare. anyways.. i said id stay away and saw the thread.. and couldnt help myself ---> GG
these aren't so scary to be honest. There are some seriously haunting ones in south east asia. There was a photo of a marriage, except that the guy is marrying a dead woman, who is dressed up all nice and well but she is a corpse. Basically they were already planning to have the marriage but since the woman is dead, the marriage promise must be kept to show respect. Also some very common ones in Hong Kong are to do with taxi drivers late at night picking up customers but they disappear when they arrive the destination. It doesn't sound all that scary but it happens very common apparently.
There are some more but I kinda forgot all about those already :p
IF anyone here has played majoras mask, and love scary storys, this is an excellent read. (im hoping noone else posted this yet). but here it is. its a very long detailed story, and i couldn't stop reading it once i began.
On February 15 2012 01:45 ETisME wrote: these aren't so scary to be honest. There are some seriously haunting ones in south east asia. There was a photo of a marriage, except that the guy is marrying a dead woman, who is dressed up all nice and well but she is a corpse. Basically they were already planning to have the marriage but since the woman is dead, the marriage promise must be kept to show respect. Also some very common ones in Hong Kong are to do with taxi drivers late at night picking up customers but they disappear when they arrive the destination. It doesn't sound all that scary but it happens very common apparently.
There are some more but I kinda forgot all about those already :p
edit: found the pic
Damn, looked at the picture first and wondered why the woman looked so lifeless. That shit is creepy.
A group of young girls were having a slumber party one night and began to exchange ghost stories. One girl claimed that the old man who had been buried earlier that week in the graveyard down the street had been buried alive. She claimed that if you tried you could hear him scratching at the lid of his coffin still. The other girls called her bluff and told her she was afraid to go there tonight. She eventually accepted their challenge and took a stake with her to drive in the ground to prove she'd been there. She headed off to the gravesite right away and never returned, the others assumed she had "chickened out" and went home ashamed. The next morning as they passed the graveyard they saw her there at the old man's grave. She had accidentally staked her nightshirt to the ground and died of fright.
A man got home late from a night out drinking with the boys and staggered inside, his wife heard him and helped him into bed. The next morning she complained about his behavior and how she worried about how he makes it home so drunk. He agreed that he had no memory of the last few hours of his night out, but said he'd never had a problem before. As he pulled out of the garage to go to work, his wife was who had been watching him angrily from the front door screamed when she saw the little girl crushed into the grill of the car.
A long time ago there was a little girl who had a green ribbon around her neck. One day she went to school and met a boy named Jim. Jim sat behind her in class and noticed the ribbon under her pig tails.
"Why do you wear that ribbon around your neck?" he asked. Someday I'll tell you, she promised.
When they were teenagers, Jim asked the girl on a date. While they were drinking frappes, Jim asked again, "why do you wear that green ribbon around your neck?” She laughed nervously and said, "Well maybe if we ever get married I'll tell you."
Jim fell in love with the girl and they got married. In bed their first night, the only thing his new wife wouldn't take off was the ribbon and he asked, “Okay, we're married now...why do you wear that ribbon on your neck!" She said, "I'll tell you if we ever have kids."
After they had a boy and a girl, Jim asked again,"Please, please, please, WHY DO YOU WEAR THAT RIBBON AROUND YOUR NECK?!?!" She said, if you love me, you'll drop it for now, some day I'll tell you."
So he dropped it. Just accepted the fact that his wife wore a mysterious ribbon around her neck all the time. They got old together, then the woman got very sick, went to the hospital, and the doctor said she was going to die. Her distraught husband sat by her side for days, and finally said, please, tell me now, why do you have that ribbon around your neck? In a croaky voice she said, okay, I'll tell you, take it off now."
Every family in every town in every country on every continent has one. It’s a cabinet, not particularly odd, not out of place. The paint was peeling a bit on the corners and the knob was a bit loose. The inside smelled like dust and the paint wasn’t the same as the kitchen walls.
You hid in there once during a game of hide ‘n’ seek.
No one told you it doesn’t open back into your reality. Don’t worry, you can’t tell the difference.
After writing down a small list you reluctantly get in the car and pick up the items at the store. The lady cashier makes an odd remark to you, "You know, we're in no danger of a milk shortage." Upon arriving at her house you knock several times. No answer. You decide to try the door. It opens. You place the grocery bag on the counter. Strange. There seems to be six other grocery bags, each with identical contents. In a couple, the chicken and the milk has gone bad. "Mom," you call out, but no answer. You make your way through the kitchen and into the living room. Sitting on the couch, with her head cut off and neatly resting on her lap, is your mother.
Naturally you call the police who come over to investigate. They mention that she has been dead for nearly a week. Furthermore, the police psychiatrist is at the scene and talks to you after you give your initial statement. Sitting on the front steps, you overhear the psychiatrist talking with the crime scene investigator. "It's not uncommon for people suffering from schizophrenia to get locked into a series of repetitive behaviors," he says.
You think to yourself, "They can't be talking about me. Schizophrenia? Nah. Repetitive behavior? Do they think I did this?" Suddenly your cell phone goes off. "Hello?"
"Hi hun, it's me. Could you stop at the store and pick up some chicken and milk. Ohh, and I need some bread and cereal too."
“Those used to be green!” the man said aloud, staring at the plants on the sill. “I swear! They were green just yesterday!” he shouted to his wife, who was reading a book across the room.
He looked around. His eyes were unable to focus clearly for a moment, so he rubbed them. Looking around, he shouted again, “The walls! They used to be blue! We painted them blue just last month! Why aren’t they blue?” He was unable to control himself anymore. His wife looked over at him, surprised to see him in such a fervent uproar.
“Honey! Relax! You’ve just had a long day!” she affirmed. He wouldn’t have any of it though. “Don’t tell me what I’ve had or haven’t had!” he commanded as he stormed out of the room. Figuring her husband had possibly been drinking, the woman tried to continue reading her book. But her concentration was continually broken by the yells of her husband. “This used to be orange!” she could hear him yell in the other room. “These used to be brown!” he yelled again. Several minutes passed, but finally he was silent. Content that her husband had calmed down, the woman continued reading.
However, moments later a loud crash could be heard in the kitchen. The woman sprang from her chair in surprise, and darted over to the kitchen to see what was the matter. As she entered the room, she let out an incredible scream. There lay her husband on the floor, drenched in blood, with his abdomen slit wide open. Holding his own bowels in his hands, he uttered one last breath, “…these used to be red!…”
There was a hunter in the woods, who, after a long day hunting, was in the middle of an immense forest. It was getting dark, and having lost his bearings, he decided to head in one direction until he was clear of the increasingly oppressive foliage. After what seemed like hours, he came across a cabin in a small clearing. Realizing how dark it had grown, he decided to see if he could stay there for the night. He approached, and found the door ajar. Nobody was inside. The hunter flopped down on the single bed, deciding to explain himself to the owner in the morning.
As he looked around the inside of the cabin, he was surprised to see the walls adorned by several portraits, all painted in incredible detail. Without exception, they appeared to be staring down at him, their features twisted into looks of hatred and malice. Staring back, he grew increasingly uncomfortable. Making a concerted effort to ignore the many hateful faces, he turned to face the wall, and exhausted, he fell into a restless sleep.
The next morning, the hunter awoke -- he turned, blinking in unexpected sunlight. Looking up, he discovered that the cabin had no portraits, only windows.
When you are admitted to a hospital, they place on your wrist a white wristband with your name on it. But there are other different colored wristbands which symbolize other things. The red wristbands are placed on dead people.
There was one surgeon who worked on night shift in a school hospital. He had just finished an operation and was on his way down to the basement. He entered the elevator and there was just one other person there. He casually chatted with the woman while the elevator descended. When the elevator door opened, another woman was about to enter when the doctor slammed the close button and punched the button to the highest floor. Surprised, the woman reprimanded the doctor for being rude and asked why he did not let the other woman in.
The doctor said, "That was the woman I just operated on. She died while I was doing the operation. Didn’t you see the red wristband she was wearing?"
The woman smiled, raised her arm, and said, "Something like this?"
You’re slowly stirred awake by the distant ringing as the phone beside your bed pulls you out of your dreams. Your thoughts gather themselves and you groan, reaching over to answer.
As soon as you place the phone to your ear, you’re greeted by the background noise consisting of twisted screams. People in agonizing pain begging for help or death, not that the interference allows you to hear any individual voice clearly enough.
“Get out of the house now!”
The call ends abruptly after what you could have sworn was a voice from closer to you than on the other end. You shift yourself to the side of the bed, sighing while rubbing your eyes. A call this startling and this early in the morning would keep you awake.
Your wife shuffles to the side, apparently also woken by the call. She wraps her arms around you and gives a light kiss on the neck.
“Don’t worry about it,” Her half asleep mumble calms you down somewhat.
Just as you’re about to place the phone down, it rings again. You fumble slightly and drop it. Instead, you feel your wife’s arms tighten around you, preventing you from leaning forward.
It’s then you notice a subtle difference between the arms around you and the familiarity of your wife’s.
Every morning someone has left a little present on the shelf in your hallway. It's always small things that you need: a new toothbrush, a box of paperclips, the tie you thought you'd lost. The gifts get progressively more expensive, moving on to vintage tapes, MP3 players, jewelry, a small block of platinum...
Then one day, you find nothing on the shelf but a note:
Somewhere, in the world, there's an artist. Her only painting is a painting of a simple white room, devoid of furniture or features. The room is lit by a simple white dome with a bulb inside it. Art scholars, on examining the painting, found that there's a faint suggestion of two shadows on the floor of the room.
She disappeared a while ago, but there's still a gallery in a large American city that has her contact information - they used to handle her PR work. If you go to her apartment, you'll find a door that seems to lead into what can only be a wall.
If you open it, you'll see a pristine white room - white carpet, white walls, and a white dome light overhead with a bulb inside it illuminating the room. You'll be drawn in, and if you've seen the painting, you'll look down at the floor for the shadows. They aren't there, of course - just your shadow. When you turn back to the door, it'll be gone, only a smooth wall where you were sure there was a door.
Somewhere, in the world, there's an artist. Her only painting is a painting of a simple white room, devoid of furniture or features. The room is lit by a simple white dome with a bulb inside it. Art scholars, on examining the painting, found that there's a faint suggestion of three shadows on the floor of the room.
You just moved into your new apartment, in a very big city. After a year of this life, you have almost given up hope of making any friends; be it at work or any other means. You feel very lonely. After looking for a peaceful place to spend your time, you find a quiet diner on the outskirts of town. The waitress is very attractive. Also, she seems to be the only employee there, ever. You never see anyone else eat there either, ever. The place is perfect for you. Making love to her becomes a routine. You go there every night for dinner, and then to see her. You eventually make other friends, and eat at the diner less and less. After some time you stop going completely.
At a bar with your best friend, you tell him about the fun you had with the waitress at the diner. He says he absolutely must see her. You take him there one night, but the building is in a state of ruin. The front door barely opens. The grimy insides of the diner are disgusting, and, behind the counter, is a moldy corpse, reeking of pus and rot. When the police come to the scene, they interview both you and your friend. You are shocked to hear that the body is of a runaway girl from another province. The police tell you this is a homicide, and that she was also raped dozens of times, after she was killed. The police say they can get a match for DNA and eliminate you as a suspect. You are suddenly very worried
A few months ago a friend of mine, who is an up-and-coming nature photographer, decided to spend a day and night alone in the woods outside of our town. She wanted to get photos of the woods and wildlife as naturally as she could for her portfolio. She wasn’t afraid of being alone, as she had camped by herself many times before. She set up a tent in the middle of a small clearing and spent the day taking pictures. She filled up four rolls of film on that trip, but something was strange about them. What she saw in those pictures has stayed with her ever since, and she is still trying to recover from the trauma the have caused her. Almost every picture was accounted for, save for one picture in each roll of film. These pictures were of her, asleep in her tent in the middle of the night.
I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so scared and I can't trust anyone. I went camping about 3 weekends ago in the Huntsville national forest in Texas. Me and 3 friends that came home for the weekend, they are all in college and usually we all get together at least once a year, old friends from high school. For the camping trip we planned to go backpacking deep in the forest, live off of fish that we catch and animals that we can trap. We have been doing this for awhile in Texas and in numerous places, Arizona, Colorado (if anyone is familiar with the Spanish peaks there), New Mexico, so we‘re pretty much used to anything you‘d encounter out there. It was my turn to pick where we went camping, so I chose Huntsville (more accurately it's Huntsville/New Waverly). So we drive up there park our car in a camping park spot and start walking off into the forest. We had some laughs along the way, everyone catching up with each other's lives. We walked until it started to get dark and set up camp where we stopped. Everyone gathered wood to make a fire and we set our tent up. And we do what we always do: try and scare each other with weird stories.
Around this time we started to smell something very faint. It was noticeable, but not overbearing. We couldn't put our finger on what it was, so we just carried on. Mike had to go piss and he walked off in the forest. A second later he come running back, piss all down his jeans like he'd missed really bad. Immediately we all crack up and throw some jokes at him. Then we noticed that he was white as snow and trying to catch his breath. He starts screaming for us to follow him, and runs off.
We all get serious and go follow him, not knowing what the problem was. We start to hear a faint scream and crying in the distance, in the direction we were running. It was pitch black away from the camp and Mike had the only flash light (we left ours at the camp, he had his from his trip taking a piss), so at this stage we didn't have much choice but to follow the light, which was frantically pointing here and there in front of him.
The scream gets closer and Mike starts to slow down. We then notice a ratty old cabin that looked like it was abandoned, except for a faint light that we could see from one of the old mildew covered windows. The crying was intense: whoever it was couldn't breathe enough to let out a full yell. We all followed Mike up to the front door and we could all hear the crying from inside. As soon as he knocked on the door it stopped. We all waited and heard really heavy footsteps walking fast to the door. There was a giant slam against the door and the sound of a bolt unlocking. Then nothing. We waited for a bit, knocked a few more times, but still nothing happened. We walked around the house (there was no fucking way any of us were leaving each other's side) and noticed a window, which was a good way up. Alex took a deep breath and said asked us to give him a boost so he could see inside. Me and Mike lifted him up to the window. We watched him brush away dirt and webs from the window and place his face close to the window to try and see something.
There was a quick beat. Then suddenly he breathed in fast and let out a loud scream. Then he fell back from the window, screaming bloody murder the whole way. We all tried to calm him down but he was hysterical. We went to him but he started to shake, punch, kick, you name it, and then took off towards the camp.
None of us wanted to be separated so we all ran close behind him. We caught up to him and grabbed him and set him down. The fire was dying out so I grabbed some nearby wood that we collected added it to the fire. My hands were shaking and I had to do something. I went back to Alex and we all tried to calm him down. He wouldn't he kept screaming and was breathing so hard that he eventually fainted.
All of us are terrified now, and we all kept the fire high until sunrise. Periodically Alex kept waking up, screaming just like before. By sunrise he was up and looked catatonic, just mumbling to himself and whimpering. Me and Mike decide to go look at the cabin now it was daylight. We searched where we thought it was, except there was nothing there. Nothing at all. The indistinct smell from last night had now grown into a very strong smell of something dead, something stale. We headed back to the camping site. When we got there we found Alex had chewed into the sides of his face and swallowed so much blood that he was throwing up. John was at his back, and he looked like he was about to die from exhaustion. I guess we all looked that way, I just didn't notice until I saw his face. Alex said quietly that we need to leave. Now.
We all started to pack up the tent. It started to rain really heavily (it was about noon) and the sky started to grow really dark. Alex started to go into a panic. He went and grabbed a big stick and yelled at us to leave it and leave, now, or he‘d knock us out and drag us out of there himself. Mike started to yell at him, and they started to fight. We broke it up and finished packing, and then started to make our way back. After a little while we arrived at a creek we had crossed the previous day, only it was flooded over, and the water was moving to fast for us to cross it. Alex started to scream again, yelling at Mike for taking his time packing up the tent when we could have gotten out of here. This went on for a while until we finally convinced Alex to calm down and tell us what happened. He said as soon as he put his face to the glass, a face on the other side did the same thing, and started to smile really big. It had dark eyes and a dark mouth which was much bigger then Alex's, as the smile got as large as it could. A giant shadow behind it swung something down and sliced it‘s face off. The face was stuck to the window, and he said it started to laugh quietly as it slid down. Mike, still pissed off (and though he wouldn't admit it, beginning to get freaked out), started to argue with him again. We eventually started to follow the creek for a way to cross.
We then started to see toys floating in the creek. Really old toys, old Barbie dolls and baby dolls. This wasn't like any old trash floating in the creek, though… this was a lot of barbies, a lot of baby dolls. One washed towards the side and Mike picked it up. It had some kind of voice chip that was dying and started to say some gurgling words we couldn't understand, followed by it's sad excuse for laughter. Then it sounded like it was whispering. We thought the batteries must be dying, he threw it down.
We kept going, and the sun was starting to set. Alex was freaking out more now, and was whimpering and breathing heavily. We all started to see shadows move behind trees, something we all called BS on until we all were seeing it. It was barely light out and we stop as we see the cabin right in front of us. None of us knows what to think. Mike says “This is bull, I’m going in there.” Alex tries to stop him. We all do, all of us just wanted to go home. Mike says to all of us to fuck off, do our own thing, he doesn't care anymore, this is all bull. We start to hear hundreds of the same sort baby doll as before, laughing, whispering and trying to sing. We start to move forward past the cabin, all of us, and kept pushing forward. We smelled something dead in the air, something stale. The same something as before. We started to hear something crying, and something screaming. We kept on going. We eventually crossed the creek and left the woods. We get back to our vehicle and got in. Its pitch black, and we drive. We are about to get on the 45 to Houston but the road is under construction and can't be accessed. It points to a detour. As we head towards the detour it seems to be small, bumpy dirt road going into the woods.
We then see a young girl come up to us. She looks like she was in trouble, young and pretty. She approaches the passenger side door and she looks like she‘s really drugged up, or beaten up. Alex doesn't roll down the windows, nor does he open the door. She reaches for the handle and he immediately locks it. She puts her face on the window and starts to smile really big. We floor it, Alex starts to cry and scream and we are all breathing heavy. We finally cut on a street that takes us to the 45 and we take it the whole way. When we get back to my apartment everyone doesn't know what to say and we all break apart and go our separate ways. Mike messages me later and says he is going to go back. I try to convince him not to and all he does is say it was our own minds that were screwing with us. I think he just went to prove to himself he wasn't scared. I can smell that stench everywhere now. I don't go out anymore, I just stay in and don't answer the door. Last week everyone I met was acting really strange, people that I knew for a long time and total strangers. My own dad, when I went to his place to eat supper with him he just watched me, strangely, when I was sitting down. He didn't say a word the whole time. I kept asking him “What's wrong?” He just slowly shook his head.
When I was leaving to go home I turned to wave. He had black eyes and an open mouth like he was in pain. When I started to walk back he shut the door and bolted it. I stayed there knocking and knocking. Nothing. I called him, his phone was disconnected. I even called the police. Halfway through the questions they were asking me the connection started to fade into static. I could hear a faint mumbling, singing and laughing.
Mike has completely vanished. There is not even a record of him being alive. When I call Alex's house they talk to me like I'm some salesman. They say they don't know any Alex and to please stop calling. The person who tells me that is Alex‘s mother. I can't get a hold of John. Someone knocked on my door and when I went to look I saw a face completely covering the peephole and a giant smile started to form. I called the cops again and instead of it turning into static they got really strange. “Sir, are you affected by any drugs at the moment?” “No.” “Are you coming home anytime soon?” “Excuse me?” “Come home.” and the phone call ended. My mail slot swings every now and then. Someone is sliding pieces of baby dolls through it. I try to call people now and all I can hear is static and bad baby doll noises and this crying and screaming. My TV is busted but when I go to piss I can hear it on. I might be going insane.
Whoever lives above me started to scream in pain and crying deeply recently. I hear giant footsteps from their apartment, I hear bangs and something falling to the ground. From the neighbours to the right of my apartment I hear what sounds like a baby that never gets tended too and then it sounds like a baby doll whose batteries are dying. My phone has been ringing now and it’s Alex telling me things in a language that I have never heard before, nor could even manage to repeat. I kept getting emails of pictures of black and small colorations, now I can’t even access my email. Someone knocks on the door, then they slam against it. I hear the bolts unlocking one by one and I run to make sure to lock all of them back.
Then, I sit down and begin to cry. What do I do? My electricity keeps dimming. My water, sinks, bath, shower, all smell like something dead. I keep seeing a shadow of someone behind me raising something up in the air, and I just take off to the other side of the apartment with my head against the wall. I have boarded my windows shut, someone was throwing rocks through them. I never could see who. I have boarded my bedroom in, I hear crying and screaming in there now. And right now while I’m typing this I can see the reflection off the computer screen of some shadow behind me.
Don’t dismiss this outright as the work of some raving lunatic. There’s some sense to this story, if you’ll just hear me out…
Look, we all wonder if time travel is possible, right? Well, let me tell you something… it is. I’m from the future, actually. I know you probably don’t believe that, but seriously, I’m from the future. It’s a really great thing; getting to see the past, watching events unfold… stuff like that. We know more now than we ever would.
Behind all the fun, though, there’s a more serious aspect. We aren’t supposed to go in our own lifetime, and we are NEVER allowed to contact our past selves. Let me tell you, I’m breaking that rule right now. Yes, kid, you’re talking to yourself. Your future self. I’m going to be executed for this, but you know what? I accept that. I’m preventing something by talking to you that is WORSE than death. I can’t tell you outright what to do, because the filters would catch it. This is the closest I can get, trust me. I can, however, send a little message.
You should probably read the first word of every paragraph, now.
Hello. This thing happened to me a few months ago, I just need to share it with somebody. It all started at my friend’s party. He’s an artist who rented out a loft in the industrial part of town. If you can picture what a place like detroit looked like in the 1920’s- that’s what this area looks like. A bunch of old turn-of-the-century factories crammed into ten blocks. Most of them are abandoned. So I partied a little too hard that night and decided to crash on a couch at the loft. I woke up at around 4 am, the sun wasn’t out yet but you could still make things out in the dim blue light, I went to the bathroom, carefully tiptoeing around the people that where passed out on the floor. As I was taking a piss I tiptoed to look out the bathroom window and I saw the panorama of deserted urban decay. I remembered how much I liked places like this, it was so dark and devoid of life, and strangely serene. So I went back to the couch and tried to fall asleep. After 45 minutes of staring at the ceiling I decided I didn’t want to be there any longer so I swallowed my pride and decided to wake my girlfriend up to beg her for a ride, since walking around the vacant streets at this time was not an option. Being an awesome girlfriend, she was totally cool with it, and told me she would be there in about a half-hour and that she would give me a call when she was outside. My phone dies ten minutes later so I decide I would sit by the window and watch for her car. I sat there for a while and my eyes started getting heavy and I began to doze off. A crashing noise outside woke me up. It wasn’t loud, but just enough to snap me into reality. I looked out the window and scanned the area but i didn’t see anybody. Across the street from the loft near a mountain of garbage bags and one of those enormous dumpsters I see a computer and a monitor smashed against the floor that hadn’t been there before.
When my girlfriend arrives I go downstairs and greet her and just as I’m about to get in the car I remembered a friend of mine had blown out his power supply so i decide to walk over to the dumpster and see what I could salvage. The monitor was worthless but the tower seemed to have suffered almost no damage so I put it in the trunk and we drove off. About a week had passed and I had completely forgotten about the tower until one day my girlfriend calls to let me know that it was still in the trunk and that she wanted it out. That night I brought it home and before I took it apart I decided to hook it up to my monitor to see if it still ran, and to my surprise it did. It was an xp OS and it looked like it had been wiped clean. I guess out of morbid curiosity really, I decide to do searches for words like “porn” “tits” and “pussy” in hopes of finding some secret stash full of weird deviant porn the previous owner had forgotten about. Search came up nothing. Searched for picture Files – nothing. Then I searched for movies and one file came up. It was an .avi inside a folder titled “barbie” hidden in the WINDOWS/system32 directory. So I played it… Now this is where it gets extremely disturbing.
The movie was about an hour long of what seemed like raw exported footage. The footage was of this woman sitting on a chair and talking against a white backdrop. I skipped through most of movie and it was all the same continuous shot. Then I decided to sit though the footage to find out what she was talking about…about fifteen seconds into the footage the audio goes completely bad and her voice is drowned in harsh static/background noise. I couldn’t make out a thing. So I import the footage into final cut and try to mess with the levels to isolate her voice, it helped a little but I still couldn’t hear what she was saying. I’m intrigued now..and I begin to really pay attention to her face and body language. It seems that shes being asked some questions because she stops at times to listen, and then continues talking. About 15 minutes into the footage, her face begins to redden and contort as if the questions are bothering her… But she continues to answer them anyways. Shortly after she begins to cry. She sobs hysterically for the duration of the film. One of the few words I could lip read was “skin”. She repeats this word many times throughout the footage and at one point she even pulls at the skin from her arm and mouths the word. She seems to be unhappy with her skin.
t kept on building and building and about 40 minutes in she was crying so hard she could barely look at the camera. She stops talking at this point and the rest of the footage is just her crying with her head down. Oddly enough she doesn’t get up or move…then it just goes black. i was fucking stunned. I played the whole thing through many times that night, trying to find inflections and nuances in her movement that would reveal anything else about what was going on. I felt so dissatisfied, I wanted to know more. That’s when I noticed that there was about 10 more minutes left on the timeline after the screen went black, and about 2 minutes in there was more footage. The footage was extremely shaky, almost unwatchable, and depicted a pair of legs walking along train tracks. my guess is that camera was accidentally left on as it was being carried somewhere. The person in this footage walks along the train tracks for about 6 minutes and then turns into the forest and walks over what looked like foliage flattened by a piece of plywood. The person continues on this makeshift plywood road until the movie clip ends.
Now my heart started beating with excitement because there where train tacks a few miles away that looked very similar to the one in the video. I HAD to check this out. I called up my friend Ezra, hes 6’4 250 pounds of mostly muscle and convinced him to go on a little adventure with me. I’m no pushover myself, but I felt if was to go wandering in the woods looking for god knows what, extra muscle couldn’t hurt. This whole idea of investigating this video had me so exited I couldn’t sleep. The next morning on a sunny Saturday, I took my flashlight, my camera, and my 7 inch ka-bar with a matte black finish and serrated edge and went to pick up Ezra. When I got to his house he wasn’t even awake. When I woke him he pretty much told me to fuck off. I was already packed and I had mentally prepared myself to do this so I decided to go through with it without him. I parked my car at the train station, took my stuff, and hopped onto the tracks. After walking for about two hours , I saw a broken piece of plywood and my knees almost buckled with excitement. I searched the nearby foliage, and there it was, a little plywood trail leading into the forest. I walked slowly along the trail, paying close attention to everything. I would stop occasionally, kneel down, and listen for anything or anyone…but it was so quiet. This was one of the most nerve racking things ive ever done. I didnt know what to expect at the end of this trail.
The dense tree line gave way into a little island of grassy field, and then I saw it- It was a house that looked like it was being consumed by the forest. From the looks of it no one had lived there for 20 maybe 30 years. I got my camera and snapped a few pics. A few yards away from the house was a tool shed made of rusty sheet metal. I just sat there among the trees for a while, absorbing everything. I didn’t want to go into the open field, I had this bad feeling that something would see me. It took me a while to muster the courage to up to the house. the door was partly opened, I pushed it in with the flashlight and was relieved that the inside was actually very well lit. I put my flashlight away, got my camera and took a few more pics. There was no furniture, the floor was riddled with bricks and wood and rubble, and some of the walls had huge holes in them. When I went in further to explore, I saw some things that I didn’t pay much mind to in that moment, but now that I think about them in hindsight, greatly disturb me.
The first thing that seemed a little odd, was that one of the doors in the first room, that I presumed led to the basement, seemed a little too new to be in this house, and that it was also the only door in the house that was locked. Also, when I made my way up to the second floor, I saw some chairs and a fold-up table that also seemed a little too new to be there. But what disturbed me the most for some reason, was the bathroom. The dust on the mirror had been wiped away, and in the bathtub, I saw a clear plastic tarp that still had water droplets on it from, when I presume, it was washed cleaned. That’s when I heard something moan really loud and that’s when I jump the fuck out of the second story window and ran back to the tracks. Halfway there I realized the moaning was most likely a water pipe expanding or contracting, and that little moment of relief gave into the horror that I felt when I wondered why the water would be running on an abandoned house in the middle of the fucking woods. Its been a little more than 2 months since this happened and I haven’t gone back there, nor plan to.
A boy and a girl were in love. After every date, the boy would take the girl home on his motorcycle. When saying good-bye, the boy would say "Dear, I'm going. See you tomorrow. Good bye." This routine went on for a year. By this time, the two were already planning on getting married. This night, the boy, just like the past year, takes the girl home. When parting, he said "Dear, I'm going. Good bye." The girl happily kisses the boy good-bye. The boy smiles, hops on his motorcycle, and leaves, vanishing in the night. As the girl turns to enter her home, she suddenly felt that something was off.
Next morning she saw news of a motorcycle accident on the news. There were no survivors.
Grandma had a jade rosary that she would spin every single day. The brilliance of the jade grasped her.
A set of jade beads of this maturity and color and much is it worth...?
Grandma is already nearly 80, why would she need something this valuable?
Grandma's blind, she couldn't tell the difference between jade and glass, right?
She used a set of glass beads and switched out the jade ones.
The moment grandma touched the glass beads, grandma died. Talking with her father, she heard her father tell her a story about the beads. When she was born, it was premature, and she was on the verge of dying. Her grandma used her life's savings and bought a set of jade prayer beads, and prayed for her non stop for a week straight. And so she, miraculously, survived. From there on, grandma would use the rosary every single day, and it is said that every ten thousand rotations would grant her another day on earth.
She heard the story and wept. That night, she put the jade beads back into her grandma's coffin, into her hands.
Stunned, she saw her grandma's dry, bony hand begin to move. The hand grasped the beads, and begin spinning it again, faster and faster and faster until it was a blur.
Except now, it's spinning in the opposite direction.
She woke from the nightmare with a scream, sweating and gasping. He sat up and hugged her, asking her what's wrong. She explained that she dreamt her co-worker Jane pushed her off from the skyscraper where they worked. He softly whispered to her that it's all right, that if bad dreams were said out loud, they wouldn't come true. Repeated sweet whispering and soft words eventually put her to sleep again.
The next morning, she wondered if she should tell Jane about that dream. But Jane didn't come to the office. And she never saw Jane again.
A few days later, she had another nightmare. She was raped by her manager. Again, he softly hugged her and whispered "it's ok. As long as you tell me your dreams, it'll be ok."
The next morning, her manager disappeared too.
She had more bad dreams, and there were often people hurting her in these dreams. Her shrill scream always woke him in the middle of the night, but he never complained. Always, with a firm smile and soft words, encouraged her to tell him the dream, and then calmed her until she went back to sleep. And these people who hurt her in these dreams would always disappear.
Her dreams started decreasing.
But tonight, her scream was extra loud, her face extra white. He would hug her and talk to her, and ask her what happened. But she would stare blankly and say nothing.
Finally, he understood.
He stood up and tucked her in. Kissed her softly, and then walked outside, and then to their cellar. A lot of people are lying in the cellar. There's Jane. There's the manager. Lightly, he drew a knife across his neck. He lied down. The floor's a little cold, and a little crowded.
I was adopted. I never knew my real mother; rather, I knew her at one time but I left her side when I was too little to be able to remember. I loved my adopted family though. They were so kind to me. I ate well, I lived in a warm and comfortable house, and I got to stay up pretty late.
Let me tell you about my family real fast: First, there’s my mother. I never called her Mom or anything like that; I just called her by her first name. Janice. She didn’t mind at all though. I called her that for so long, I don’t think she even noticed. Anyhow, she was a very kind woman. I think that she is the one who recommended my adoption in the first place. Sometimes I would lay my head against her in front of the television and she would tickle my back with her nails. She is one of those Hollywood mothers.
Second, there’s Dad. His real name was Richard, but he never really liked me much so I began to refer to him as Dad in a desperate attempt to gain his affection. It didn’t work. I think that no matter what I called him, he would never love me as much as his own child. That’s understandable so I really didn’t press the matter. The most notable attribute of Dad was his unmoving sternness. He was not afraid to pop his children when they did something wrong. I found that out before I could use the restroom properly. He didn’t hesitate to spank me. Well, I’m in line and it’s because of his methods.
Lastly, is my sister. Little Emily was really young when I was adopted, so we were about the same age, but she was slightly older. I liked to think of her as my little sister, though. We got along better than any sibling could possibly get along. We would always stay up late together and just talk. Well, she did a lot of the talking; I mostly just listened because I loved her. It was a great setup that we had! We were short on bedrooms, so- because I didn’t want to sleep in the living room by myself when I was littler- I had a pallet set up for me next to her bed on the floor. This is where I have slept since. But it was cool with me because I enjoyed being with her and I had always felt pretty protective of my little sis.
Everything changed on a horrible Wednesday night. I was at home taking a nap when little Emily opened the front door. The sound of the door opening pulled me to a state of consciousness and I walked from the room down the hall to the living room. That’s when I first remembered it was Wednesday. I was never any good at keeping track of what day it was. Actually I’ll just go ahead and say it: My sense of time was HORRIBLE! But nevertheless, I knew it was Wednesday because Emily had just come home from her Church’s youth group gathering. She walked in the front door and hugged me, and then was followed in by Dad and Janice.
“You have a good nap?” Janice said teasingly as she ruffled up my hair. I just shook my head away and snorted in a manner that clearly expressed that I was teasing back with her.
“Don’t you snort at your mother like that!” said my father gruffly with authority. He shut the door behind him and hung up his coat. “I was clearly joking…” I growled under my breath. He must not have heard me because I didn’t feel him smack me. Emily then proceeded to our room and I followed. She started telling me about her day. You know… usual teenage girl stuff. But I listened so that she would feel better. After her summary she suggested watching TV and I obliged and jumped onto the couch as she was going for the remote. She rolled her eyes at my little-brother-like immaturity and scooted me over and sat down. The TV turned on and we watched it together until the sun went down. Emily was the kind of girl that- instead of watching cartoons and soap operas- would rather watch Discovery and Animal Planet and Natural Geographic. I like those too so I didn’t mind. Actually, those were the only channels that can hold my attention.
So it got late and Janice walked up behind the sofa. “Emily it’s past your bed time. Turn off the television and go to your room. You too.” she pointed at me. Emily turned off the program we were watching grudgingly and stood up. She started down the hallway to our room. As I followed I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.
We went into our room and Emily turned off the light. Just as she did, I caught a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye. It was out the window, but as soon as I redirected my line of sight to where the window was no longer in my peripheral vision, what it was that I thought I saw was gone. I still remained alert. For my sister’s sake.
I laid there in the darkness with nothing but the thin ray of light from the street lamp outside to illuminate the room. It wasn’t much. Time and time again I could have sworn that I heard subtle sounds just out the window… a twig break, leaves crunching, clothes jostling. And all the while I could smell a faint stench of sweat and blood. I kept my eyes open most of the night.
The sounds outside subsided and the smell left my nose. I began to feel at ease. My eyelids closed.
Not long after that, I heard a very loud crash on the other side of the house. I was up in an instant. “THERE’S SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE!” I barked with extreme adrenaline coursing through me. “Wake up!” I shrilly pleaded with Emily. She did, and as soon as I saw her sit up I ran to my parent’s room…
Dad was dead. His neck was splayed open and gaping as blood spilled out of it, off the bed, and onto the floor. I saw that the master bathroom’s door was closed and just before it- on the outside- was a man.
A man… I don’t feel comfortable calling it that.
He was very large and rugged. He turned around and saw me and that’s when I saw him accurately for the first time. I wont forget it. His eyes were large and beady and trapped with lust. He was styling a beard that was badly unkempt with blood dripping off. His clothes were dirty and his face was cold. Just then I noticed the same horrid smell of sweat and blood from earlier, but this time it was overwhelming.
He saw me. He saw me and grinned with a set of crooked yellow teeth. That smile threw me off. I thought that I was going to die, but then he turned back to the bathroom door completely unperturbed by my presence. I was terrified and didn’t no what to do. I just yelled and cried. I watched as he shouldered through door that was Mom’s only protection. I watched as he raised the large razor that he was carrying, but had obviously neglected to use properly. I watched as he sliced her open and tore her to shreds…
I then heard something; the last thing that I wanted to hear… It was Emily’s scream coming from behind me. The large monstrosity looked up from my butchered mother and stared at my little sister. I was distraught. He stood up and quickly started walking toward us. My sis turned and ran, and I was at a loss when he bypassed me and went straight after her. Why was she still in the house? Had she not assessed the situation and run? Apparently not, and now she was dead and I was alone.
I ran after them both. I expected the man to kill her as he had the rest of my family, but I was sadly mistaken. He grabbed her by the arm and jerked her as a way to make clear that he was in control. He dragged her through the house… I was making all of the noise I could now, hoping and praying that someone would come to my aid. He mustn’t take her. Not her.
As he passed me I backed against the wall and whimpered with terror, “Why?” He didn’t respond except by putting his free hand on my head while Emily screamed in the other and saying “Good boy.” He gave another crooked grin and a very cold, unnatural laugh. I followed him to the door where he dragged my helpless sister after him. He opened it, pulled her out, and slammed it shut behind him.
I am now sitting in the house with my mutilated adopted parents, shivering and whimpering with dismay. He’s out there with her. Doing who-knows-what to her, and I can’t do anything. I would if I could, but I can’t. I would chase after them in a heartbeat, but I can’t. I sit here, looking at the front door. I look down at my paws. If only I could open doors…
Four independent subroutines went to work analyzing the phrase uttered by the four-year-old: expression context, voice recognition, tone analysis, body language. Tone analysis needed to be the fastest, and luckily it was also the simplest. No quavering or whining detected. Had it been, the other subroutines would have been directed to stop, and control would be given over to an array of prewritten comfort dialogues.
Expression context came next. Eye contact from the child was only occasional. The image analysis package, in concert with the body language and expression routines, determined that the child, a fair-haired boy, was occupied by something below frame. The RFID scan identified it as a toy train, one of twelve toys in the room. The dialogue routine was updated with the name of the object, potentially to be used later if the child remained silent for a specified amount of time (”Hey, is that a toy train you’ve got there?”).
Voice recognition had been dissecting the phrase all this time. Tone analysis supported the conclusion that the child had asked a question.
??t k?’??d? fudz’ du ðe? hæv ?
“Food” triggered a subarray of typical questions, and once the substrings “kind of” and “they” had been identified and routed through the context and grammar parsers, it was a simple matter to locate the most likely question being asked.
The response set, indexed by question, was accessed and syllabically divided for the vocal synthesis package. Then, poring over a hash table of pre-identified lingual structures of the child’s father, the synthesizer generated an audio file by conflating the two data streams. The file is equalized to include a bassy subaudio component at 180 Hz, creating a comforting, warm “in-room” effect that mimics the tone heard by the child with their head upon the father’s chest.
Meanwhile, a 1280×700 image of the father, taken years ago when he was first deployed, is overlayed onto a digital model (from the neck up only — originally the Department of Defense had planned to include hands so the model could gesture, but this was abandoned early due to overcomplexity). The resulting hybrid passes through a series of basic lingual configurations (augmented with syllable-stress-driven head movements) and converted into a number of keyframes.
These individual frames can be presented directly on the viewing screen, synchronized to the audio file. A series of static-simulating filters create “webcam believability” and reduce Morian “uncanny valley” effects, which children have been shown to be particularly sensitive to. Once it was understood that they want to believe, the goal became to give them less visual fidelity, not more.
“They give us all kinds of foods here to keep us healthy. Lots of things like vegetables, steak, chicken. Even some of your favorites like pizza. You like pizza, huh, buddy?”
The microphone registers no audio response, but expression context identifies upturned corners of the mouth and squinting eyes.
“I miss you, daddy.”
A timer preset with a value of five minutes plus or minus anywhere from zero to thirty seconds reaches zero. A half-dozen randomly-selected dialogue trees are deallocated from memory.
“I miss you too, Josh. I’m coming home real soon, okay? Daddy has to go now. Be a good boy, okay? I love you. I love you.”
In 1806, settler Elijah Brown became lost for two days in what would later be named the Stillwood Forest, a deceptively-small wooded area southwest of Ichor Falls proper. When he returned to the town, Brown was gaunt, dehydrated and starving to the point of near death, and insisted that he was lost not for two days but nine. He also had carefully kept journal entries with the rise and set of the sun, and indeed he had made nine of them. Exhaustion and confusion clearly played a factor in augmenting Brown’s story — and of course, after a hard winter, there’s no record of how dehydrated and starved Brown may have been before getting lost.
Later expeditions into the Stillwood showed that the forest floor is incredibly thick with vegetation, with tall, rail-thin trees making most passage exceedingly difficult. Add to this three similarly-curving creeks and streams flowing off the Erytheia, the natural sound-dampening of the trees, and foliage sometimes so thick that it blocks the sky, and you have a recipe for losing one’s way quite easily.
However, the Stillwood still carries the stigma of being invisibly endless. The legend of the Stillwood King started, interestingly enough, almost immediately after Brown’s return.
Contrary to popular belief, it was not Brown’s story that evolved him into the spooky figure of legend as time passed, but his experience probably did inspire it. Historians believe either teachers at a schoolhouse bordering the Stillwood, or parents of the attending children, cooked up the legend to keep kids from wandering into the dangerous woods and getting lost.
The legend says that Brown was not the first person to get lost in the Stillwood, but another man entered its wooded labyrinth hundreds of years before. Time doesn’t work in the Stillwood the same way it does outside of it, and the longer you’re trapped, the longer it seems, even if you’ve only been gone a few days in the real world.
That first victim became a permanent part of the Stillwood. He never found his way back home and should have starved to death, but the Stillwood wouldn’t let its King die — so it slowed his heart to a crawl along with the rest of him. They say it beats once per day, and that he can’t move more than a foot in an hour.
When he’s alone, that is.
His clothes are ragged and torn, and he looks more like a bone-white cadaver than a man. He screams and cries for help, but no one outside can hear him, and over the centuries, his screams have become silent. And as he stalks among the dead leaves in exhaustion, praying for death to come, the Stillwood becomes a little more a part of him. His blood is creek-water and moss, and his skin is the color of mushroom caps.
They say if you ever find yourself in the Stillwood, you have to be careful where you look. You see, the fact that no one sees him is what disconnected the Stillwood King from the normal passage of time. He is as slow and silent as the Stillwood itself — that is, until your eyes fall upon him.
You may catch a sliver of white through a stand of trees, thinking it to be a crop of mushrooms growing up the side of an old oak. But if it’s the King, you’ll see that white shape spin around instantly, revealing two sunken black eyes and a saw-edged mouth locked in a scream. Now you will hear him.
And now, now he will be quick, and loud, and all the things he can’t be when no one else is there. He has been waiting for this for a long time, and while you are looking at him, he’ll move with all the pent-up time the Stillwood has stolen from him, has saved for him, and he will be upon you almost faster than you can blink.
Almost, the legend says. So if you see what looks like a crop of mushrooms as tall as a man in the distance, don’t stop to think, don’t run, do nothing except shut your eyes. The Stillwood King already knows you’re there, and the forest is no obstacle to him when he’s fast. He may now be only inches from you — but if you’ve shut your eyes in time, that’s where he’ll stay. Turn completely around, with your eyes still shut tight, and pray that he wasn’t fast enough to run behind you in that blink.
Now. Feel your way through the forest, around the thin, close, brittle trees, and over the dead leaves, which will seem oddly quiet. In case he has positioned himself for you to come to him, change direction just once. Don’t open your eyes until you’ve gone at least the same distance as the King was from you, when you first saw him.
With luck, you’ll leave him trapped again, his heart beating once a day, his movement only a foot an hour.
But if, with your eyes shut, you slowly press against a wet, shambling thing that smells like moss and creek-water, and feels like mushroom caps, open your eyes.
All mirrors are actually windows to another world. This world cannot be reached, and shouldn't be reached, as all our mirror-selves are extremely malicious. Try watching the edge of the mirror after sneaking into a room. If you're good enough, you can see your reflection, pressing against the glass.
I once was siezed by a fit of choking while brushing my teeth. I looked up, bleary-eyed to see my reflection was not in the mirror: at the same time, I felt an irresistible pull into it. I spread my arms as I was lifted off the floor and slammed into it (destroying the mirror in the process). I managed to grab the walls beside the mirror, but for one brief instant, I saw my reflection lying on the other side, twitching in the throes of death. This is only the most violent of the many things that have occurred to me near mirrors. On watch in Great Lakes RTC, I watched in the reflection on the glass in front of me as a sailor in the uniform of the 1940's walked up beside me to the watch station, looked at me, shrugged, and stood beside me. I said, "I have the watch tonight, shipmate, get some sleep", and he looked at me, surprised, then turned and walked up the stairs. Of course, I don't have to mention that when I turned to address him, I couldn't see him, do I? I have seen a mouthless woman beckoning to me, figures behind me, hands clawing desperately at the frames of the mirror. I have looked up and seen myself: sometimes without a beard, sometimes with contacts, and a few times my left eye seems to have been lost to what appears to be a knife slash.
There's a tale from when I was young, although I never held much stock in it. I mean it was just a spooky story that was told to scare kids right? Thing is, one day I used google to find it, turns out that it's a common belief in Chinese tradition. From it I've taken one thing, never ever sleep with a mirror facing your bed. That's when they like to watch you. Those envious ones trapped on the other side. Some people say that are dopplegangers other stories say that they are people who have disappeared over the centuries, never found without a trace, dragged into their own reflection never to be seen again. They're envious of us, our world of life and light, they're trapped in their little windowed world looking for ways through, hiding and reflecting so that they are seen to be innocent reflections, things that can't possibly hurt you. It's a lie, a common thing that has been forgotten over the years. Ever woken up in the evening and one of your limbs has been hanging out the bed and it's deathly cold... you've just encountered one of them. They'd seen you were asleep and tried to drag you away. If you'd have stayed asleep you'd have awoken and found yourself to be in a terrible place, although that's speculation. They can't survive outside the mirror world very long, after being trapped there they get dependent on the energies that sustain it and it's out of spite and malice they drag you there too, away from your loved ones and real people, trapped with the lonely and spiteful for the rest of time.
The next time you're alone in your room, turn down the lights. Think of something on your body that varies in length, such as hair. It must be clearly viewable from your perspective. Grab a ruler and, looking in the mirror, quickly grab a hair at random; you must confuse it. Hold it in position as best you can and note the length. Look down. Yours will be different.
Don't look back up.
Don't turn your back to that mirror ever again.
At 12:17 am, on any given night, arises the opportunity to awaken an alternate soul. The most common way of viewing them? Through a mirror.
It is through said medium that the process must take place. Begin at exactly midnight. By no light but that of a single candle, stand before the selected mirror. For ten minutes you must concentrate in silence, focused entirely on your reflection. Do not look away from the eyes; for it will be interpreted as weakness and you will be overcome.
After ten minutes have passed you must draw blood to smear in a line across the eyes of your reflection. Doing so will blind it, and you will watch as your own features begin to warp. Slowly, gradually, they will mutate into a frightening creature--one beyond the comprehension of those who have not experienced it. You must not look away through the entirety of the change.
Soon the writhing movements of the image will cease. By now an echoing, inhuman sound will resound all around you--the creature will begin to ease toward the mirror's glass. You must keep watching as it approaches.
If you do not extinguish the candle at exactly 12:17, the creature will escape.
Be warned, should you succeed; through any polished surface--be it mirror, wood, or window--your reflection will always be watching.
It is said that there is at least one mirror present at every birth. A window; the blade of a scalpel, anything. If you can find yours, stare into your reflection's eyes for exactly an hour. You fall unconscious, and be in the delivery room, witnessing the final moments before you entered this world. The doctor will greet you, and his eyes will look into yours, and they shall be your own. At this moment, the doctor knows everything about you, and will ask you a question about yourself. The question will not be easy, and you must be incredibly metacognitive to answer it correctly. If you do, you shall be born, and wake up with knowledge beyond mortal comprehension. If you answer incorrectly, you will come out stillborn, your skin cracked and burnt, and you will never wake up.
READ This is not a random post. This is not a coincidence. I put this here because I know that right now you will be reading it. No one can see this post except for you.
There is a monster in your home. It is there right now and it is waiting to kill you. It will kill you tonight. I can save you.
Go to a mirror. Any mirror. That in there, that's me. Turn off all the lights except for the dimmest one; too much light screws it up. Take your arms, put them straight out, and put them up against mine, through the glass. Do your best to rlax, and when you are ready, close your eyes. Count to three and then I will pull you through to safety. We can work out what to do next once you're in.
Again, this is not a random post. It is for YOU. You need to do this before the next hour turns or you will die.
At one point, I was standing next to my dad at night, while he was talking to a friend. We were at the end of one of the walkways. As I was wont to do at that stage of my life, I wandered off by myself, down between two of the buildings.
Strangely enough, when I got to the end, I met my father. He was hunched over a little bit, fidgeting and making weird sputtering sounds, breathing a little raspy. I said to him, "Dad?" He looked down at me and replied in a broken high-pitched voice, "I'm not your dad, I'm just pretending to be."
I turned around and ran back to the other end of the walkway, and pop was still there, talking to one of his friends
In 1983, a team of deeply pious scientists conducted a radical experiment in an undisclosed facility. The scientists had theorized that a human without access to any senses or ways to perceive stimuli would be able to perceive the presence of God. They believed that the five senses clouded our awareness of eternity, and without them, a human could actually establish contact with God by thought. An elderly man who claimed to have “nothing to left to live for” was the only test subject to volunteer. To purge him of all his senses, the scientists performed a complex operation in which every sensory nerve connection to the brain was surgically severed. Although the test subject retained full muscular function, he could not see, hear, taste, smell, or feel. With no possible way to communicate with or even sense the outside world, he was alone with his thoughts.
Scientists monitored him as he spoke aloud about his state of mind in jumbled, slurred sentences that he couldn’t even hear. After four days, the man claimed to be hearing hushed, unintelligible voices in his head. Assuming it was an onset of psychosis, the scientists paid little attention to the man’s concerns.
Two days later, the man cried that he could hear his dead wife speaking with him, and even more, he could communicate back. The scientists were intrigued, but were not convinced until the subject started naming dead relatives of the scientists. He repeated personal information to the scientists that only their dead spouses and parents would have known. At this point, a sizable portion of scientists left the study.
After a week of conversing with the deceased through his thoughts, the subject became distressed, saying the voices were overwhelming. In every waking moment, his consciousness was bombarded by hundreds of voices that refused to leave him alone. He frequently threw himself against the wall, trying to elicit a pain response. He begged the scientists for sedatives, so he could escape the voices by sleeping. This tactic worked for three days, until he started having severe night terrors. The subject repeatedly said that he could see and hear the deceased in his dreams.
Only a day later, the subject began to scream and claw at his nonfunctional eyes, hoping to sense something in the physical world. The hysterical subject now said the voices of the dead were deafening and hostile, speaking of hell and the end of the world. At one point, he yelled “No heaven, no forgiveness” for five hours straight. He continually begged to be killed, but the scientists were convinced that he was close to establishing contact with God.
After another day, the subject could no longer form coherent sentences. Seemingly mad, he started to bite off chunks of flesh from his arm. The scientists rushed into the test chamber and restrained him to a table so he could not kill himself. After a few hours of being tied down, the subject halted his struggling and screaming. He stared blankly at the ceiling as teardrops silently streaked across his face. For two weeks, the subject had to be manually rehydrated due to the constant crying. Eventually, he turned his head and, despite his blindness, made focused eye contact with a scientist for the first time in the study. He whispered “I have spoken with God, and he has abandoned us” and his vital signs stopped. There was no apparent cause of death.
The native villagers around these parts say that there’s a stretch of tundra just north of here that is occupied by benevolent spirits. These spirits grant insight and warning, they say, to whoever visits them at night, once the sun has disappeared entirely and left the world in jet darkness.
I drove out to the middle of the frozen expanse of ice and waited, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever commanded these people’s reverence. They send their children out, bundled in furs to keep from freezing, on the eve of their 15th birthday to seek an audience with these spirits. Once they have achieved this, the children run home to their parents to share the news. From then on these children are considered adults in the village. Engaged couples visit this tundra on the night before their wedding. The entire village stays up all night awaiting their return, as it is upon their return that the couple either decides to proceed with their marriage, or to abandon it. The elderly visit the tundra whenever they are sick or ailing, and often make their condition worse by staying all night in the cold. When they return, however, it is most often with an air of sheer serenity.
So I waited, curious to see what phenomenon might inspire people so powerfully. I waited for hours, bundled in my parka and sitting on the hood of my pickup. I waited until I felt that I was going to freeze to death, even in my thick clothing.
I heard the spirit before I saw it.
A crunching of snow in the silence made me jump off my truck and spin around. A hunched, gray-skinned man stood a few meters away. Sad, yellowed eyes stared back at me, set inside a skull from which sprouted only a few greasy hairs. He breathed heavily, with a rattle that shook his fragile ribcage, and one of his arms looked as if it had been messily broken and then neglected, allowing it to knit back together imperfectly. Badly scarred flesh marred his splayed legs. The man stared at me for perhaps ten seconds, breathing in the frigid air and exhaling a sickly dribble of steam, before disappearing when I blinked my eyes.
I spun around, looking for the man, but he was truly gone. Approaching where he had stood, I found a pair of bloody footprints in the snow. Frantic with fear, I got into my pickup and headed for the village as fast as the ice would allow. A few villagers were waiting for me when I arrived, knowing that I had gone out and curious as to what might happen.
I hastily got out of my truck and, approaching the nearest villager, I demanded, "What is so benevolent about these spirits? What is so insightful? How do these spirits help you?"
"What did you see?" he asked, the look on his face now mirroring the fear in mine.
"I saw a man, horribly disfigured and desperately sick!" I screamed into his face, and the rest of the villagers around us backed away a step. "Why? What does that mean?" I begged him.
"The spirits show only one thing," the man explained. "They show their visitors, a year in the future."
This one took place many years ago, before I was born. My family was gathered at our family cabin in to celebrate midsummer. The cabin lies in the county of Bindalen, which is basically the most remote place you can think of that you still can drive to. The cabin itself is hidden away from the road, through dense forest. Next to the cabin is a small lake. This lake has a couple of interesting things about it. The west side is pretty flat, with forest covered moorlands stretching all the way out to the sea. The east side, however, is a series of vertical, 10 meter cliffs that plunge directly down to the bottom of the lake. The water is dark brown, and never really heats up, not even in the midst of summer.
Right below one of the cliffs is a huge rock. Rumor has it that back in the 19th century, a newlywed couple were taking a rowing trip on the lake (because apparently all norwegian newlyweds did that back in the day) when the rock loosened from the cliff and fell down on them. The groom managed to swim to the shore. But the bride was hit by the rock and taken to the bottom. Local lore says she still lingers around that lake and the surrounding woodlands.
Back to the story. So my family was gathered at the cabin to celebrate midsummer. They had lit a huge fire down by the water, and were drinking, eating and having a good time. At around 2 am, my mom went inside to get some more snacks. The only entrance to the cabin is at the side away from the lake.
The door was locked from the inside.
This door is not easy to lock. It could not have been slammed shut by the wind. On the inside, there is a metal bolt and a cabin hook that must be forced into the ring in order to stay shut. They had both been locked. As mentioned, there is only one entrance to the cabin. All the windows are on the south side, which is where my family was celebrating. No one could have snuck in, locked the door and then snuck out another way.
After working on the door for about an hour, my grandpa finally got tired the whole mess. He grabbed his drill and saw and made a hole in the door so that one could get his hand inside and open the locks. Inside the cabin they found nothing. Not even a trace of people. Nothing was missing.
I had to take this laptop apart at work today, and as I'm removing the disk-drive I notice that there is a CD UNDERNEATH the drive itself. Me and my co-workers got curious and wanted to see what was on it. So we pop'd it in one of our computers, and on it was only a single MP3. The track was 6min, 6s, and 6ms long. We played the MP3, and on it was the most wretched, horrorfying screams i've heard in my entire life. It sounded as if someone was being tortured horribly. I dont know if this was the kid's idea of a sick joke, or something else entirly, but we finished fixing the computer, and threw the disk out right away. I'm really freaked out now. It felt really wrong, almost evil. I'm sure that the kid who's computer it was, was just trying to fuck with us though. I'm going to have a really hard time sleeping tonight I cant get that noise out of my head.
Bump, um, I just read the terrifying/horrifying horror movies thread just now.
And I'm really easily scared.
Like really.
So I read some of the summaries and now I CAN'T FUCKING SLEEP AT ALL AND I'M SO DAMN SCARED.
And I was wondering...any of you guys have tips on how to get unscared or something? Please .__. my god I'm going to get a panic attack or something T____T
But as a sidenote there are some pretty good horror movies in that thread and if anyone wants to check them out. Also bumping for posterity since there's a lot of good content here (and in which people from those thread might be interested).
On November 09 2012 18:15 Aerisky wrote: Bump, um, I just read the terrifying/horrifying horror movies thread just now.
And I'm really easily scared.
Like really.
So I read some of the summaries and now I CAN'T FUCKING SLEEP AT ALL AND I'M SO DAMN SCARED.
And I was wondering...any of you guys have tips on how to get unscared or something? Please .__. my god I'm going to get a panic attack or something T____T
But as a sidenote there are some pretty good horror movies in that thread and if anyone wants to check them out. Also bumping for posterity since there's a lot of good content here (and in which people from those thread might be interested).
Watching a funny movie usually works for me. It's hard to be scared when you're laughing.
"Russian researchers in the late 1940’s kept five people awake for fifteen days using an experimental gas based stimulant. They were kept in a sealed environment to carefully monitor their oxygen intake so the gas didn’t kill them, since it was toxic in high concentrations. This was before closed circuit cameras so they had only microphones and 5 inch thick glass porthole sized windows into the chamber to monitor them. The chamber was stocked with books, cots to sleep on but no bedding, running water and toilet, and enough dried food to last all five for over a month.
The test subjects were political prisoners deemed enemies of the state during world war II.
Everything was fine for the first 5 days, the subjects hardly complained having been promised (falsely) that they would be freed if they submitted to the test and did not sleep for 30 days. Their conversations and activities were monitored and it was noted that they continued to talk about increasingly traumatic incidents in their past, and the general tone of their conversations took on a darker aspect after the 4 day mark.
After five days they started to complain about the circumstances and events that lead them to where they were and started to demonstrate severe paranoia. They stopped talking to each other and began alternately whispering to the microphones and one way mirrored portholes. Oddly they all seemed to think they could win the trust of the experimenters by turning over their comrades, the other subjects in captivity with them. At first the researchers suspected this was an effect of the gas itself…
After nine days the first of them started screaming. He ran the length of the chamber repeatedly yelling at the top of his lungs for 3 hours straight, he continued attempting to scream but was only able to produce occasional squeaks. The researchers postulated that he had physically torn his vocal cords. The most surprising thing about this behavior is how the other captives reacted to it… or rather didn’t react to it. They continued whispering to the microphones until the second of the captives started to scream. The 2 non screaming captives took the books apart, smeared page after page with their own feces and pasted them calmly over the glass portholes. The screaming promptly stopped.
So did the whispering to the microphones.
After 3 more days passed. The researchers checked the microphones hourly to make sure they were working, since they thought it impossible that no sound could be coming with 5 people inside. The oxygen consumption in the chamber indicated that all 5 must still be alive. In fact it was the amount of oxygen 5 people would consume at a very heavy level of strenuous exercise. On the morning of the 14th day the researchers did something they said they would not do to get a reaction from the captives, they used the intercom inside the chamber, hoping to provoke any response from the captives they were afraid were either dead or vegetables.
They announced: “We are opening the chamber to test the microphones step away from the doors and lie flat on the floor or you will be shot. Compliance will earn one of you your immediate freedom.”
To their surprise they heard a single phrase in a calm voice response: “We no longer want to be freed.”
Debate broke out among the researchers and the military forces funding the research. Unable to provoke any more response using the intercom it was finally decided to open the chamber at midnight on the fifteenth day.
The chamber was flushed of the stimulant gas and filled with fresh air and immediately voices from the microphones began to object. 3 different voices began begging, as if pleading for the life of loved ones to turn the gas back on. The chamber was opened and soldiers sent in to retrieve the test subjects. They began to scream louder than ever, and so did the soldiers when they saw what was inside. Four of the five subjects were still alive, although no one could rightly call the state that any of them in ‘life.’
The food rations past day 5 had not been so much as touched. There were chunks of meat from the dead test subject’s thighs and chest stuffed into the drain in the center of the chamber, blocking the drain and allowing 4 inches of water to accumulate on the floor. Precisely how much of the water on the floor was actually blood was never determined. All four ‘surviving’ test subjects also had large portions of muscle and skin torn away from their bodies. The destruction of flesh and exposed bone on their finger tips indicated that the wounds were inflicted by hand, not with teeth as the researchers initially thought. Closer examination of the position and angles of the wounds indicated that most if not all of them were self-inflicted.
The abdominal organs below the ribcage of all four test subjects had been removed. While the heart, lungs and diaphragm remained in place, the skin and most of the muscles attached to the ribs had been ripped off, exposing the lungs through the ribcage. All the blood vessels and organs remained intact, they had just been taken out and laid on the floor, fanning out around the eviscerated but still living bodies of the subjects. The digestive tract of all four could be seen to be working, digesting food. It quickly became apparent that what they were digesting was their own flesh that they had ripped off and eaten over the course of days.
Most of the soldiers were Russian special operatives at the facility, but still many refused to return to the chamber to remove the test subjects. They continued to scream to be left in the chamber and alternately begged and demanded that the gas be turned back on, lest they fall asleep…
To everyone’s surprise the test subjects put up a fierce fight in the process of being removed from the chamber. One of the Russian soldiers died from having his throat ripped out, another was gravely injured by having his testicles ripped off and an artery in his leg severed by one of the subject’s teeth. Another 5 of the soldiers lost their lives if you count ones that committed suicide in the weeks following the incident.
In the struggle one of the four living subjects had his spleen ruptured and he bled out almost immediately. The medical researchers attempted to sedate him but this proved impossible. He was injected with more than ten times the human dose of a morphine derivative and still fought like a cornered animal, breaking the ribs and arm of one doctor. When heart was seen to beat for a full two minutes after he had bled out to the point there was more air in his vascular system than blood. Even after it stopped he continued to scream and flail for another 3 minutes, struggling attack anyone in reach and just repeating the word “MORE” over and over, weaker and weaker, until he finally fell silent.
The surviving three test subjects were heavily restrained and moved to a medical facility, the two with intact vocal cords continuously begging for the gas demanding to be kept awake…
The most injured of the three was taken to the only surgical operating room that the facility had. In the process of preparing the subject to have his organs placed back within his body it was found that he was effectively immune to the sedative they had given him to prepare him for the surgery. He fought furiously against his restraints when the anesthetic gas was brought out to put him under. He managed to tear most of the way through a 4 inch wide leather strap on one wrist, even through the weight of a 200 pound soldier holding that wrist as well. It took only a little more anesthetic than normal to put him under, and the instant his eyelids fluttered and closed, his heart stopped. In the autopsy of the test subject that died on the operating table it was found that his blood had triple the normal level of oxygen. His muscles that were still attached to his skeleton were badly torn and he had broken 9 bones in his struggle to not be subdued. Most of them were from the force his own muscles had exerted on them.
The second survivor had been the first of the group of five to start screaming. His vocal cords destroyed he was unable to beg or object to surgery, and he only reacted by shaking his head violently in disapproval when the anesthetic gas was brought near him. He shook his head yes when someone suggested, reluctantly, they try the surgery without anesthetic, and did not react for the entire 6 hour procedure of replacing his abdominal organs and attempting to cover them with what remained of his skin. The surgeon presiding stated repeatedly that it should be medically possible for the patient to still be alive. One terrified nurse assisting the surgery stated that she had seen the patients mouth curl into a smile several times, whenever his eyes met hers.
When the surgery ended the subject looked at the surgeon and began to wheeze loudly, attempting to talk while struggling. Assuming this must be something of drastic importance the surgeon had a pen and pad fetched so the patient could write his message. It was simple “Keep cutting.”
The other two test subjects were given the same surgery, both without anesthetic as well. Although they had to be injected with a paralytic for the duration of the operation. The surgeon found it impossible to perform the operation while the patients laughed continuously. Once paralyzed the subjects could only follow the attending researchers with their eyes. The paralytic cleared their system in an abnormally short period of time and they were soon trying to escape their bonds. The moment they could speak they were again asking for the stimulant gas. The researchers tried asking why they had injured themselves, why they had ripped out their own guts and why they wanted to be given the gas again.
Only one response was given: “I must remain awake.”
All three subject’s restraints were reinforced and they were placed back into the chamber awaiting determination as to what should be done with them. The researchers, facing the wrath of their military ‘benefactors’ for having failed the stated goals of their project considered euthanizing the surviving subjects. The commanding officer, an ex-KGB instead saw potential, and wanted to see what would happen if they were put back on the gas. The researchers strongly objected, but were overruled.
In preparation for being sealed in the chamber again the subjects were connected to an EEG monitor and had their restraints padded for long term confinement. To everyone’s surprise all three stopped struggling the moment it was let slip that they were going back on the gas. It was obvious that at this point all three were putting up a great struggle to stay awake. One of subjects that could speak was humming loudly and continuously; the mute subject was straining his legs against the leather bonds with all his might, first left, then right, then left again for something to focus on. The remaining subject was holding his head off his pillow and blinking rapidly. Having been the first to be wired for EEG most of the researchers were monitoring his brain waves in surprise. They were normal most of the time but sometimes flat lined inexplicably. It looked as if he were repeatedly suffering brain death, before returning to normal. As they focused on paper scrolling out of the brainwave monitor only one nurse saw his eyes slip shut at the same moment his head hit the pillow. His brainwaves immediately changed to that of deep sleep, then flatlined for the last time as his heart simultaneously stopped.
The only remaining subject that could speak started screaming to be sealed in now. His brainwaves showed the same flatlines as one who had just died from falling asleep. The commander gave the order to seal the chamber with both subjects inside, as well as 3 researchers. One of the named three immediately drew his gun and shot the commander point blank between the eyes, then turned the gun on the mute subject and blew his brains out as well.
He pointed his gun at the remaining subject, still restrained to a bed as the remaining members of the medical and research team fled the room. “I won’t be locked in here with these things! Not with you!” he screamed at the man strapped to the table. “WHAT ARE YOU?” he demanded. “I must know!”
The subject smiled.
“Have you forgotten so easily?” The subject asked. “We are you.” “We are the madness that lurks within you all, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind.” “We are what you hide from in your beds every night. We are what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven where we cannot tread.”
The researcher paused. Then aimed at the subject’s heart and fired.
The EEG flatlined as the subject weakly choked out "so… nearly… free… "
Hi guys gonna bump this thread for some cool shit. VGPerson translates japanese things a lot and... I guess Yume Nikki got pretty popular and inspired a lot of similar games.
On January 12 2013 05:53 ImAbstracT wrote: Long but pretty awesome story: + Show Spoiler +
"Russian researchers in the late 1940’s kept five people awake for fifteen days using an experimental gas based stimulant. They were kept in a sealed environment to carefully monitor their oxygen intake so the gas didn’t kill them, since it was toxic in high concentrations. This was before closed circuit cameras so they had only microphones and 5 inch thick glass porthole sized windows into the chamber to monitor them. The chamber was stocked with books, cots to sleep on but no bedding, running water and toilet, and enough dried food to last all five for over a month.
The test subjects were political prisoners deemed enemies of the state during world war II.
Everything was fine for the first 5 days, the subjects hardly complained having been promised (falsely) that they would be freed if they submitted to the test and did not sleep for 30 days. Their conversations and activities were monitored and it was noted that they continued to talk about increasingly traumatic incidents in their past, and the general tone of their conversations took on a darker aspect after the 4 day mark.
After five days they started to complain about the circumstances and events that lead them to where they were and started to demonstrate severe paranoia. They stopped talking to each other and began alternately whispering to the microphones and one way mirrored portholes. Oddly they all seemed to think they could win the trust of the experimenters by turning over their comrades, the other subjects in captivity with them. At first the researchers suspected this was an effect of the gas itself…
After nine days the first of them started screaming. He ran the length of the chamber repeatedly yelling at the top of his lungs for 3 hours straight, he continued attempting to scream but was only able to produce occasional squeaks. The researchers postulated that he had physically torn his vocal cords. The most surprising thing about this behavior is how the other captives reacted to it… or rather didn’t react to it. They continued whispering to the microphones until the second of the captives started to scream. The 2 non screaming captives took the books apart, smeared page after page with their own feces and pasted them calmly over the glass portholes. The screaming promptly stopped.
So did the whispering to the microphones.
After 3 more days passed. The researchers checked the microphones hourly to make sure they were working, since they thought it impossible that no sound could be coming with 5 people inside. The oxygen consumption in the chamber indicated that all 5 must still be alive. In fact it was the amount of oxygen 5 people would consume at a very heavy level of strenuous exercise. On the morning of the 14th day the researchers did something they said they would not do to get a reaction from the captives, they used the intercom inside the chamber, hoping to provoke any response from the captives they were afraid were either dead or vegetables.
They announced: “We are opening the chamber to test the microphones step away from the doors and lie flat on the floor or you will be shot. Compliance will earn one of you your immediate freedom.”
To their surprise they heard a single phrase in a calm voice response: “We no longer want to be freed.”
Debate broke out among the researchers and the military forces funding the research. Unable to provoke any more response using the intercom it was finally decided to open the chamber at midnight on the fifteenth day.
The chamber was flushed of the stimulant gas and filled with fresh air and immediately voices from the microphones began to object. 3 different voices began begging, as if pleading for the life of loved ones to turn the gas back on. The chamber was opened and soldiers sent in to retrieve the test subjects. They began to scream louder than ever, and so did the soldiers when they saw what was inside. Four of the five subjects were still alive, although no one could rightly call the state that any of them in ‘life.’
The food rations past day 5 had not been so much as touched. There were chunks of meat from the dead test subject’s thighs and chest stuffed into the drain in the center of the chamber, blocking the drain and allowing 4 inches of water to accumulate on the floor. Precisely how much of the water on the floor was actually blood was never determined. All four ‘surviving’ test subjects also had large portions of muscle and skin torn away from their bodies. The destruction of flesh and exposed bone on their finger tips indicated that the wounds were inflicted by hand, not with teeth as the researchers initially thought. Closer examination of the position and angles of the wounds indicated that most if not all of them were self-inflicted.
The abdominal organs below the ribcage of all four test subjects had been removed. While the heart, lungs and diaphragm remained in place, the skin and most of the muscles attached to the ribs had been ripped off, exposing the lungs through the ribcage. All the blood vessels and organs remained intact, they had just been taken out and laid on the floor, fanning out around the eviscerated but still living bodies of the subjects. The digestive tract of all four could be seen to be working, digesting food. It quickly became apparent that what they were digesting was their own flesh that they had ripped off and eaten over the course of days.
Most of the soldiers were Russian special operatives at the facility, but still many refused to return to the chamber to remove the test subjects. They continued to scream to be left in the chamber and alternately begged and demanded that the gas be turned back on, lest they fall asleep…
To everyone’s surprise the test subjects put up a fierce fight in the process of being removed from the chamber. One of the Russian soldiers died from having his throat ripped out, another was gravely injured by having his testicles ripped off and an artery in his leg severed by one of the subject’s teeth. Another 5 of the soldiers lost their lives if you count ones that committed suicide in the weeks following the incident.
In the struggle one of the four living subjects had his spleen ruptured and he bled out almost immediately. The medical researchers attempted to sedate him but this proved impossible. He was injected with more than ten times the human dose of a morphine derivative and still fought like a cornered animal, breaking the ribs and arm of one doctor. When heart was seen to beat for a full two minutes after he had bled out to the point there was more air in his vascular system than blood. Even after it stopped he continued to scream and flail for another 3 minutes, struggling attack anyone in reach and just repeating the word “MORE” over and over, weaker and weaker, until he finally fell silent.
The surviving three test subjects were heavily restrained and moved to a medical facility, the two with intact vocal cords continuously begging for the gas demanding to be kept awake…
The most injured of the three was taken to the only surgical operating room that the facility had. In the process of preparing the subject to have his organs placed back within his body it was found that he was effectively immune to the sedative they had given him to prepare him for the surgery. He fought furiously against his restraints when the anesthetic gas was brought out to put him under. He managed to tear most of the way through a 4 inch wide leather strap on one wrist, even through the weight of a 200 pound soldier holding that wrist as well. It took only a little more anesthetic than normal to put him under, and the instant his eyelids fluttered and closed, his heart stopped. In the autopsy of the test subject that died on the operating table it was found that his blood had triple the normal level of oxygen. His muscles that were still attached to his skeleton were badly torn and he had broken 9 bones in his struggle to not be subdued. Most of them were from the force his own muscles had exerted on them.
The second survivor had been the first of the group of five to start screaming. His vocal cords destroyed he was unable to beg or object to surgery, and he only reacted by shaking his head violently in disapproval when the anesthetic gas was brought near him. He shook his head yes when someone suggested, reluctantly, they try the surgery without anesthetic, and did not react for the entire 6 hour procedure of replacing his abdominal organs and attempting to cover them with what remained of his skin. The surgeon presiding stated repeatedly that it should be medically possible for the patient to still be alive. One terrified nurse assisting the surgery stated that she had seen the patients mouth curl into a smile several times, whenever his eyes met hers.
When the surgery ended the subject looked at the surgeon and began to wheeze loudly, attempting to talk while struggling. Assuming this must be something of drastic importance the surgeon had a pen and pad fetched so the patient could write his message. It was simple “Keep cutting.”
The other two test subjects were given the same surgery, both without anesthetic as well. Although they had to be injected with a paralytic for the duration of the operation. The surgeon found it impossible to perform the operation while the patients laughed continuously. Once paralyzed the subjects could only follow the attending researchers with their eyes. The paralytic cleared their system in an abnormally short period of time and they were soon trying to escape their bonds. The moment they could speak they were again asking for the stimulant gas. The researchers tried asking why they had injured themselves, why they had ripped out their own guts and why they wanted to be given the gas again.
Only one response was given: “I must remain awake.”
All three subject’s restraints were reinforced and they were placed back into the chamber awaiting determination as to what should be done with them. The researchers, facing the wrath of their military ‘benefactors’ for having failed the stated goals of their project considered euthanizing the surviving subjects. The commanding officer, an ex-KGB instead saw potential, and wanted to see what would happen if they were put back on the gas. The researchers strongly objected, but were overruled.
In preparation for being sealed in the chamber again the subjects were connected to an EEG monitor and had their restraints padded for long term confinement. To everyone’s surprise all three stopped struggling the moment it was let slip that they were going back on the gas. It was obvious that at this point all three were putting up a great struggle to stay awake. One of subjects that could speak was humming loudly and continuously; the mute subject was straining his legs against the leather bonds with all his might, first left, then right, then left again for something to focus on. The remaining subject was holding his head off his pillow and blinking rapidly. Having been the first to be wired for EEG most of the researchers were monitoring his brain waves in surprise. They were normal most of the time but sometimes flat lined inexplicably. It looked as if he were repeatedly suffering brain death, before returning to normal. As they focused on paper scrolling out of the brainwave monitor only one nurse saw his eyes slip shut at the same moment his head hit the pillow. His brainwaves immediately changed to that of deep sleep, then flatlined for the last time as his heart simultaneously stopped.
The only remaining subject that could speak started screaming to be sealed in now. His brainwaves showed the same flatlines as one who had just died from falling asleep. The commander gave the order to seal the chamber with both subjects inside, as well as 3 researchers. One of the named three immediately drew his gun and shot the commander point blank between the eyes, then turned the gun on the mute subject and blew his brains out as well.
He pointed his gun at the remaining subject, still restrained to a bed as the remaining members of the medical and research team fled the room. “I won’t be locked in here with these things! Not with you!” he screamed at the man strapped to the table. “WHAT ARE YOU?” he demanded. “I must know!”
The subject smiled.
“Have you forgotten so easily?” The subject asked. “We are you.” “We are the madness that lurks within you all, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind.” “We are what you hide from in your beds every night. We are what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven where we cannot tread.”
The researcher paused. Then aimed at the subject’s heart and fired.
The EEG flatlined as the subject weakly choked out "so… nearly… free… "
that's in the OP.
I'm not sure how well the image upload works, but here's one that I wrote myself. If you can't read it I'll post the raw text from word.
edit: looks like you need to click the image, which takes you to imgur, then click it again opening the full size image, then zoom in, for it to be readable.
Guess I will add a bit more to it. Personally I feel western ghost/exorcist stuff no where as scary as the asian creepy shit. This time I bring to you: BABY GHOST Pictures: + Show Spoiler +
Immensely popular within the Asia region. Many people believe that the baby ghost will protect the owner and give them good luck, the corpse are often obtained via illegal abortion and then are performed black magic to keep the spirit in. The theory is that you are performing good deeds by taking care of those babies and if the babies do good deeds, they would reborn and has a better life.
There are quite a lot of stories that they do work well, especially when it concerns wealth and protection. Even in Hong Kong, it is quite popular.
There is a dark art version that can make their enemies get illness or even death, which is why Hong Kong gangster often is said to keep a few. Another version is to use the burnt ashes of the baby and the soil nearby to make a clay figure
What's the down side? The baby ghost is really a ghost, it needs feeding (darker art uses animal blood and flesh but I have heard the common lesser dark magic one can just ask for an extra bowl and plate when eating), make it happy by giving sweets etc and you need to talk to it and take care of it. It gets worse if you have your own child, they will get jealous if you don't them right and your child could get ill.
The dark art also is harder to control. Most ghostbaby don't like blood. There was a case in Hong Kong where the guy bought a baby ghost hoping to change to a better job but he failed. And eventually he asked the baby ghost directly where he should look for a job, he tossed a coin and it landed in somewhere China . He went to work there but after a few days, he got into an accident during his work and could never walk again. He never really understood that feeding baby ghost with blood is making it turn bad and lost control of it.
When Broodwar started transitioning to SCII i stopped following anything related to SC. And yet i kept visiting TL for the sole purpose of checking out this thread. Love it so much.
BTW There is a similar tradition in Cuba but its with the doll of little gobling/gnome which you feed and talk to and its supposed to give you wealth and health....not as creepy as the Baby Ghost stuff but worht posting...
On January 25 2013 14:22 ETisME wrote: wow long time no see this thread.
Guess I will add a bit more to it. Personally I feel western ghost/exorcist stuff no where as scary as the asian creepy shit. This time I bring to you: BABY GHOST Pictures: + Show Spoiler +
Immensely popular within the Asia region. Many people believe that the baby ghost will protect the owner and give them good luck, the corpse are often obtained via illegal abortion and then are performed black magic to keep the spirit in. The theory is that you are performing good deeds by taking care of those babies and if the babies do good deeds, they would reborn and has a better life.
There are quite a lot of stories that they do work well, especially when it concerns wealth and protection. Even in Hong Kong, it is quite popular.
There is a dark art version that can make their enemies get illness or even death, which is why Hong Kong gangster often is said to keep a few. Another version is to use the burnt ashes of the baby and the soil nearby to make a clay figure
What's the down side? The baby ghost is really a ghost, it needs feeding (darker art uses animal blood and flesh but I have heard the common lesser dark magic one can just ask for an extra bowl and plate when eating), make it happy by giving sweets etc and you need to talk to it and take care of it. It gets worse if you have your own child, they will get jealous if you don't them right and your child could get ill.
The dark art also is harder to control. Most ghostbaby don't like blood. There was a case in Hong Kong where the guy bought a baby ghost hoping to change to a better job but he failed. And eventually he asked the baby ghost directly where he should look for a job, he tossed a coin and it landed in somewhere China . He went to work there but after a few days, he got into an accident during his work and could never walk again. He never really understood that feeding baby ghost with blood is making it turn bad and lost control of it.
On January 25 2013 14:22 ETisME wrote: wow long time no see this thread.
Guess I will add a bit more to it. Personally I feel western ghost/exorcist stuff no where as scary as the asian creepy shit. This time I bring to you: BABY GHOST Pictures: + Show Spoiler +
Immensely popular within the Asia region. Many people believe that the baby ghost will protect the owner and give them good luck, the corpse are often obtained via illegal abortion and then are performed black magic to keep the spirit in. The theory is that you are performing good deeds by taking care of those babies and if the babies do good deeds, they would reborn and has a better life.
There are quite a lot of stories that they do work well, especially when it concerns wealth and protection. Even in Hong Kong, it is quite popular.
There is a dark art version that can make their enemies get illness or even death, which is why Hong Kong gangster often is said to keep a few. Another version is to use the burnt ashes of the baby and the soil nearby to make a clay figure
What's the down side? The baby ghost is really a ghost, it needs feeding (darker art uses animal blood and flesh but I have heard the common lesser dark magic one can just ask for an extra bowl and plate when eating), make it happy by giving sweets etc and you need to talk to it and take care of it. It gets worse if you have your own child, they will get jealous if you don't them right and your child could get ill.
The dark art also is harder to control. Most ghostbaby don't like blood. There was a case in Hong Kong where the guy bought a baby ghost hoping to change to a better job but he failed. And eventually he asked the baby ghost directly where he should look for a job, he tossed a coin and it landed in somewhere China . He went to work there but after a few days, he got into an accident during his work and could never walk again. He never really understood that feeding baby ghost with blood is making it turn bad and lost control of it.
I can't get scared by reading, even though I enjoy it. I get scated by creepy music in horror movies or thrillers. A kind of athmosphere that the filmmaker can create.
It would take me a while, but I'm thinking I might go on a hunt for new material and update the OP. It's been years. I'm surprised to see this thread on the front page at all.
Would people here consider 'the ring' (japanese version, never saw the remake) horror? When I was it for the first time I had trouble just watching until the end. It was the first scary movie I ever saw though. Later there were some people telling me it wasn't actually horror, more thriller-like. Would you agree or would it be considered part of a grey area?
I'd put Ringu down as a Psychological horror (the best kind of horror movie if you ask me!)
If somebody said it was a psychological thriller I probably wouldn't take much issue with it though I tend to think of more supernatural focused movies as horror while movies a bit more grounded in reality as thrillers.
Happy Halloween everyone! I hope nobody was too scared tonight. I'm a dozen used parts from eight different 'cannibal corpses' for my Halloween costume. Prett-ty gruesome if I do say so myself. Sort of like, people see me and immediately throw up. That bad.
On November 01 2014 18:06 SigmaoctanusIV wrote: Go out rent, Buy, Steal whatever you have to do and get The Babadook fucking amazing Horror film ranks with the original Halloween in my eyes
On October 31 2014 09:27 Yorbon wrote: Would people here consider 'the ring' (japanese version, never saw the remake) horror? When I was it for the first time I had trouble just watching until the end. It was the first scary movie I ever saw though. Later there were some people telling me it wasn't actually horror, more thriller-like. Would you agree or would it be considered part of a grey area?
i heard the japanese version was off course way better than the foreign remakes, but honestly doesnt seem that scary to me the idea of a girl coming out of a tv is just dumb
oh man, been on for so long, big BroodWar fan and player,left for a couple of years, and totally remembering this thread from right before i went inactive. Great times, this really needs a good update....
Obey the Walrus ( I FEEL FANTASTIC ( Agamemnon Counterpart ( Username 666 ( Cursed Kleenex Commercial ( There is nothing ( Performance Olivier de Sagazan 2008 ( The Wyoming Incident ( My Dead Great Grandma’s Coffin in My Own backyard! ( K-Fee Car Commercial ( Pretty Woman ( Fatal Diving Accident ( [Warning] Girl Goes Psycho During Makeup Tutorial ( [yay fake gore] Paris Catacombs Lost Footage ( [Very creepy, its supposed to be true history] Shaye Saint John – Hand Thing ( [whole channel and website are very disturbing] Infinite Fractals ( [This is so cool] Daddy Long Legs ( [I hope you like spiders] I-BE AREA ( United States Messaging ( [with the right mindset, this could be terrifying] IF ( The Numbers Station ( [the conet project if you`re interested] Mama ( Creepy Anime Video ( Japanese Hospital Ghost ( [gullible ghost story?] The Egg Dream ( Clip095.mp4 ( Don’t Move ( [horror film festival 2014 nominee] Robert the Doll ( Body of a Pig ([creepy AF] The Croatian Stalking Tape ( David Liebe Hart – Salame ( Still Life ( Suur Toll ( Autism Simulator ( Baby Laughs A Lot ( Bitterroot Footage ( Clowns ( Post Sugar Rice Krinkles ( PHR - 2/771 EDUCATIONAL VIDEO ( The Cat with Hands ( Alan Tutorial and Unedited Footage of a Bear ( / Crooked Rot ( The Cryptic Video ( Mark Twains’ The Mysterious Stranger (