MURICA15980 Posts
EDIT: This thread is best read at night by yourself. 
I know many of you don't believe them, but they can be fun to nontheless. I decided to start one here after reading this forum topic on it (40 pages) and I'm sure some of you guys should have some intresting stories.
I'll share some of my own as well as people who I know (who were dead serious) ghost stories. The thing about it is it is around 2am here and I am freaking myself out by thinking of these things.
Anyway, when my family and I moved into our first house (it was one we built and it was very spacy 3000 square feet plus), we were all happy because we just came from an apartment all of our lives. But things were seriously not right there. It was a tri level house, basement-main-upstairs. I mean even when all windows closed, no doors open to the outside, the doors upstairs would open slowly, SLAM shut, then a few seconds, open again... Soemtimes the doors would take a motion that a person who walked into the room would make... Also, when you would walk downstairs, you would have this feeling... I mean this dreadful awful feeling. At first I thought it was just me, but my brother and my sister felt the same way when I asked them. Quoting my sister "Anytime I would go downstairs (main floor kitchen) for a midnight snack, I wouldn't eat at the table because it was too freaky. I would put my back to a cornor and look around as I ate... The downstairs kept chilly and really scary, like anytime I had to "pick up" something down there, I would run to get it and get up as fast as possible... the feeling is really really hard to describe (I have yet to feel it again regularly at a certain location). One time my brother was sleeping on the couch in our living room, when he felt something stroking his face, something cold. He opened his eyes and nothing. He thought nothing of it and went back to bed, but it came back again and that's when he hauled ass into his room. That house... I loved it... but it was haunted, I swear to god it was.
And stories besides the house... is about my friend. He is a few years older than me, but I think his family has some sort of... curse (or gift, call it what you want) that lets him communicate with the spirits easier. I'll go more into depth right later, but his mom, grandpa, etc all from his mom's side has it. Anyway, here's some of his stories, and I can say for 100% he wasn't kidding or joking.
Ok, ever since he was little, he would have a hard time going to bed because of "ghosts". They would constantly harrass him and haunt him. Like the instant he lied down, he couldn't get up and it would hurt him in his chest (crushing feeling) and choke etc, but never kill him. When he was young, he'd sometimes go 3 days without sleep because he knew the instant he went down, it'd happen again. He would lie back slowly, like you would when you do sit ups, but very slowly, and the closer his back got to the bed, he'd hear this low growl getting louder and louder. Sometimes he'd be so tired he'd say "screw it, hurt me" and just flop down, only to wrestle with it before he was knocked out. He tries screaming and nothing. He can sometimes see it standing over him... When he told his mom about this (as a child) she told him "You're a man, you have to beat it for it to go away" so he assumes his mom also dealt with it, and now that he's older and more observant, he think she hasn't "beat it" yet. He also hears stories from his mom's dad (gramps) about this sort of thing, like same sort of stories. I think it is a ghost haunting his family or something, some curse. :o Sometimes he'll have that ghost feeling for a month straight, and sometimes it won't be there for 2 months.
One time, this same friend went to a church in some really really small backwater town with his Native American friend. I don't remember the circumstances, but they said it was looked like a wierd church... anyway, during service, the minister decides to speak in tongues. So he gives this long serman in some wierd tongue, when all of a sudden the Native American friend is like "Dude, Dude! We have to get out of here." My friend, being a guy who never walks out of church service says "No.. we are staying, what's your problem?" But the other guy is like getting hysterical and is like "NOW! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" like in mad, loud, wisper (You know what i mean?). When they get out of the building, my friend asks his friend why he wanted to get out so bad. The friend replys "Well you know the guy who's speaking in tongues? Well he's speaking in my Native Language (I forget what type of Indian he was) and he was saying 'Arise Demons! Arise! Come into here! Arise Demons!' etc." Pretty crazy...
Another story... one of my church members goes on a mission trip. They are helping out small churches doing praise nights and stuff. One day, they come onto this really small church and get all ready. Only about 8 people show up from the church, but it's ok anyways. They go through their skits, presentations, songs, etc for the night. But throughout the night, my friend said he wasn't "feeling" anything, he felt as if something was wrong. Also, when these guys pray (it is a special group), they usually pray outloud, because that just feels right. But that night, when they were doing their praying, it was DEAD DEAD quiet, y friend said he didn't to be able to connect, it felt... wrong. Well after the whole thing, they are having some snacks and fellowship in the hall before bed (they were going to spend a night there, cheaper than hotel). My friend mentioned his feelings, and surprisingly, EVERYONE felt the same wierd feelings. So they discussed this further and when they were talking about who was doing which job and who they got to know, like he would be like "Jason prayed with so and so, and they sat here and there" etc, until they got a good picture of where everyone was during the whole time in the sancutary. Then all of a sudden one of the guys, who was in charge of the overhead projector in the very back (raelly dark), comes out and says "nono... that can't be right. If all of you guys were there and accounted for... then who was the man who was sitting next to me?" ... None of them got any sleep.
Another story. This one is really freaky. One of my friend's best friend had this hella scary dream one night. She was on a bus with her mom. But something felt wrong, nobody was speaking on the bus, and the bus was always going in a slight downhill. Then suddenly it hits her: The bus was going to hell. She jumps out of her seat and goes to the bus driver to warn him that they are going to hell and to turn around, but when she gets there, she finds the grim reaper driving the bus. She runs back to her mom and screams at her mom to follow her off the bus. But her mom just stares blankly forward. Making a move, she opens one of those emergancy exit windows on the bus and starts to help her mom off the bus, but she was going first and was holding her mom's left hand to force her to follow. Just when she's about to jump off the bus, she turns around to see the grim reaper holding onto her mom's right arm, with the arm twisted around the mom's back. In the dream, she screams and is forced to jump off the bus herself, and then watches the bus carry her mom off to hell. This is when she suddenly wakes up, competely soaked in sweat. She was hella scared and goes to tell her mom about it (it was morning). When she goes into her mom's room, she finds her mom dead, with her right arm twisted around her back.
This is a short one and less scary than the last one, but I'll share it too. My cousin was in the Korean Army barracks getting some sleep when they hear a few guys screaming just outside. All of a sudden, 3 guys bust into the room and wake everybody up. They were running like hell from something and were still swearing and screaming. But when someone turned on the lights, there was only 2 guys standing there. Everybody in the barracks agreed they saw 3 guys come in, but nobody could keep track of the guys who came in after the chaos and in the dark. The barracks was located near a battle field were it is rumored thousands lost their lives in the Korean War.
So... anybody have any cool stories?
the truth is out there...
Wow man that one about the bus is freaky...
is the tongues one real?
I didn't read all of it cuz its dark and its late and I want to sleep tonight.
I keep thinking of the bus one..... I hope I can sleep tonight
MURICA15980 Posts
I'm positive it is. I mean when my friend told me about his experiences, it wasn't like during a "scary story" time or anything, it was at a Denny's while eating some dinner and we just got onto the topic. He didn't try to freak us out or anything, but he just told us his experiences, and he had so many and some of them were freakin' crazy, but he said them as if he barely cared. I guess he's seen too much of it so he's more used to it... I mean this is seriously his philosophy about it: They can't kill me, so I don't care too much. He admits sometimes it'll scare the crap out of him and hurt and harrass him, but it can't kill him so he's learned to cope with it.
One funnier story is that when he moved into his new house, he saw this girl in a red dress like 3 times. Finally, this one night when he's going to get some water, he sees the little girl coming up the stairs and she stops and stairs at him. He's all scared as hell but he starts to speak to it. What he said was "Ok, since we are both living here, let's strike a deal. You scare me and I feel uncomfertable when I see you, so when I'm in this room, you go to that room. And when I go to that room, you come to this room. This way, we can both live here and I don't have to be scared." And he never saw her again :o
Anyway, read up on that superhonda thread about ghosts, it is actually a good way to kill time at night. Some are really scary... no joke. :O
MURICA15980 Posts
Haha, my whole room is totally black and dark except for my comptuer monitor and my little desk lamp. My main room light isn't even on... I'm just freaking myself out -_-; I need to take a piss, but I'm a pussy. I think I'll hold it and go to sleep. :p
MURICA15980 Posts
Share your own stories guys! Come on, I can't be the only one who has them.
Mu uncle(was a kid at the time) was sleeping in an old hospital that his dad(my grampa) owned, there were just the 2 of them in the hospital this night, this night my uncle was trying to sleep when he saw a women in the hallway in white, it freaked him out but he just hid under the covers untill he heard a rumbling sound that started in the hallway and was moving closer and closer to him, so he got up and bolted as fast as he could to the light switch and turned it on. That day on he refused to sleep in that room, this was one of those old English hospitals.
When my family was living at this one house we had a piano and one day everyone was out of the house, the piano was upstairs when we left, when we returned it was all the way down stairs(the piano needs 2-4 people to carry it atleast) and this house was a semi castle, I guess an old fashion mansion, so it was a quite a distance between up and down stairs. We never figured out how the piano was moved, it seems reasonable to assume it was super natural as we have no natural way to explain how it happened.
One time when my cousin was baby sitting me(I was a baby)and it was not too long after my gramma had died, I pointed in the corner and said gramma, gramma it really freaked my cousin out, though I still don't remember what I saw and if indeed it was my gramma.
Just before I woke up today I dreamed that I had a shotgun and shot a man several times in the head, but he kept coming after me then I realized that it was a vampire. He looked like Steve McQueen.
MURICA15980 Posts
That gramma story sounds just like someone else's story that I read. :O Anyways, I'm going to go to sleep... I hope. -_-
MURICA15980 Posts
On June 23 2004 03:07 Freezer_au wrote: i see dead people! That's what made that movie scary after I got home but not in the theater... because I was still in that big house I was talking about earlier :o
Once at my old house in South Carolina that I lived in for around 10 years a strange thing happened to me. The house had always had a few weird things happening every month or so, such as the bathtub water coming on for no reason, weird things being caught in my periphial vision and dissappearing as I turned to focus. But this one I'll never figure out.
I was outside playing basketball in my backyard around 12am, and I glanced at the storeroom doorway.(The storeroom lead into the kitchen and was the only way in the backyard) I saw a figure in the dark room pointing towards me. I immediately thought it was my mother waiting to bitch at me for being up so late. I walked towards the door and came up to the steps. The storeroom was basically pitchblack, but the light from outside let me see most of the figure standing before me through the glass door. I saw a blouse type shirt and medium-long hair.(similar to my mother's) I yelled "what do you want?, Does the dog need to go out again?" still assuming this was my mother. No response, no movement. I then thought she was trying to scare me, so I moved around the side to the window leading into the storeroom to see if I could make sure it was her. I saw the door leading into the kitchen open about 6inches(far to small for any human) and close. I went inside and ran in my mom's room. She was sound asleep, so I thought she may have ran back into bed and faked it. I woke her up and she was in her pajama's(completely different from the figure standing inches from me in the doorway) and her face was puffed up proving that she had been asleep.(she didnt have any time to change her clothes anyway)
I stayed up all that night with my dog watching TV, trying to figure out wtf it was that i was talking to. My friends family bought the house a few years ago and they called us within the first month saying that we sold them a haunted house and that all kinds of weird things have been happening and that their youngest daughter refused to sleep there anymore.
Was my one and only "unexplainable" experience. 
(Note: we bought the house from a family who's son killed a police deputy and they were going bankrupt from attorney fees..but the son was still alive in prison, so couldn't of been him..hmmm)
A friend was just hanging around his house and he went from his bedroom into the living room, when he felt this strange chill in the room. Im sure everyone has heard about photographs showing spirits and such, so goes and gets his polaroid camera and just snaps a picture of the room in the general area of where he felt it. In the picture, there is a face of older man. He showed it to a lot of people and they all said it looked like a person.
On June 23 2004 03:08 emerton wrote: Just before I woke up today I dreamed that I had a shotgun and shot a man several times in the head, but he kept coming after me then I realized that it was a vampire. He looked like Steve McQueen. blasphemy!! cooler 20 days gogo!
Mine's not really a ghost story but anyways
I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep when suddenly this really cold and wet hand touches my leg and pulls on it. Since it's like pitch black in my room and I can't see shit I freak out and is absolutley sure that it's a zombie trying to kill me (too much RE before bed is never good :p). So i think "fucking heellll" and throw my blankets and rush out of the room heart pounding heavier then ever. As i pass the lightswitch I turn the light on but I don't look back, instead i keep running until get ahold of a measuring stick that I intend to kill the zombie or whatever with and turn around to face it. I'm cold sweating now and I later heard that I made such a big ruckus my parents woke up and wondered what made the noise. All I can think about though is the thing in my room and how i'm gonna go down fighting atleast.
All this takes approx 2 seconds and when I kinda come to my senses I realize that a zombie trying to kill me in my bed seems unlikely for some reason. I'm scared to death anyway though and kinda edge closer to my room and check it from outside before i dare enter and then check below my bed, before I go to bed again, for the first time in like 10 years. After awhile though the rational part of the brain kicks in and i kinda puzzle out what happened. I apparently tossed when i slept and kicked the foot out of the blankets and therefore my fucking brain made up some shit about a zombie gripping it in my dream and when I woke up I still remembered it, really hope that NEVER happens again.
My dad laughed at me the morning after too sucks.
Oooh... This is nice. I have read threads like this before. They are really lovely. I don't have any special experience from anything like this what I can remember, but I do belive things like this are true.
ReBanned, would you be able to get a copy of that image and scan it into the computer? Would like to see that pic.
A friend of mine lives in a 350 years old farm. I was staying over there with some friends and we watched movies till deep in the night. So after the movies everyone goes to sleep. We were with 3 guys in the room next to the attic. The house has 2 lvl's, downstairs and the firstfloor. The attic is a huge space on the 1st floor next to the sleeping rooms. Anyways we were in the room with the door to the attic. We slept there till eleven then every1 went downstairs to get some breakfest. I stayed behind to throw some darts at the dartboard that was hanging on the door which led to the attic. I was throwing for several minutes when suddenly the door went open. I was thinking that it was draft. When i was walking towards the door i noticed that it was impossible for the door to open from draft. The door gets closed with a wooden pin which goes in a hole in the wall. This old construction isn't really easy to use. It costs quite some strength to close and open a door that way and the pin is lifted upwards. Kinda impossible for draft to open. I didn't think about that at the time. I was just walking over to close the door but when i tried to close the door there was something pulling it open again. Still thinking it was draft. When i finnaly slammed the door shut i tried to close the pin. When the pin was being lifted upwards again i understood this was no druft. The thing was literaly being pulled upwards with force. That was when i realized this wasn't draft. I was scared shitless, ran downstairs where i sat down to catch my breath again. When i asked my friend about this he was like "ohhh that, that happens a lot, my sister even saw them". Seemed that he was used to it and didn't make a fuzz about it. I sometimes ask about the ghosts but he always ignores it. It certainly got me fascinated i dunno if it are ghosts but it must be something.