![[image loading]](http://cdn0.knowyourmeme.com/i/33260/original/SlenderMan.jpg)
Can you see the slender man?
The Marble Hornets
Marble Hornets is a series of youtube videos concerning Alex, a young film student shooting a film titled Marble Hornets. During the production of the film, he becomes incredibly paranoid and irritable, breaking down into insanity while being stalked by the "slender man"
Apparently Alex began filming himself all day every day and was so upset by the events that occurred while filming the movie that he planned on burning the tapes.
The start of the story is that his friend Jay manages to convince Alex to give him the tapes, under the condition Jay will never ever speak of the contents, the film, or anything related to the events to him ever again. Shortly afterward, Alex disappears.
Here is the intro video:
Marble Hornets is a bit like an alternate reality game. There are multiple entries, Jay uploading whatever interesting bits of footage he finds. Another very interesting aspect is the cryptic video replies of "Totheark"
I'm just making my way through the videos, I'm up to entry #4 but I'm getting creeped out so I'm gonna watch more in the morning. I think things like this are really cool and wanted to let TL in on it. It's sort of like an ARG in the sense that you really need to suspend your disbelief and immerse yourself in it. So even though this is fictional, try to pretend it isn't as much as you can for the best effect, even more so than when watching a normal horror film.
There are also a lot of clues/riddles in the totheark videos. I read a thread about this on SomethingAwful and I guess a lot of the clues were deciphered by playing things backwards/using audio software.
Jay also has a marble hornets twitter with some very unsettling messages:
The slender man is hard for me to describe, you sorta have to watch the videos. You'll know what I mean by "slender man" when you see him. This character is obviously the antagonist of the series. Some interesting things I noticed about him:
1. He isn't afraid of being in broad daylight or public, unlike a usual creepy horror antagonist
2. His presence seems to disrupt electronic equipment, but the camera never breaks.
3. The slender man might be totheark?
I always like a good scare, but this is very unsettling and atmospheric which imo is better. That sort of scare really stays under your skin for a long time rather than the sort of BOO I SCARE U sort of fright.
I'm actually a big scaredy-cat waiting until the morning lol, but this is really cool so I thought I'd blog it.
It goes all the way up to Entry #23 so far, so I've been avoiding spoilers about the events and the Totheark clues, although I've unfortunately stumbled upon a few. So hopefully I won't be the only one in TL who finds this interesting.
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On January 17 2010 15:34 KurtistheTurtle wrote:
warning: this is a long post with a lot of stuff to read. horror-related.
I was reading through that weird broadcast thread, and through a couple degrees ended up @ this story. It's about the Slender man.
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The Slender man somehow "rapes your mind." I read something about it and I'll try to find it. Here's just a kind of oddly fitting story from something unrelated
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The stick man?
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The Slender Man was created by imagination. He's completely fictional. I've been putting stuff in this thread with the intent of revealing he's made up at the end (and where), but I keep finding stories and references to things that aren't related or made before the post there. kinda creepy lol
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we have the powah!
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wait..a news article? is this real? wtf lol
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hell, more food for thought.
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"pictures" of the slender man
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![[image loading]](http://img.waffleimages.com/4d7791a36c5d8618428539002107b09a6ff9e53f/paranormal%201.jpg)
"we didn't want to go, we didn't want to kill them, but its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time..."
1983, photographer unknown, presumed dead.
![[image loading]](http://img.waffleimages.com/3965a6ead6c59023e9b105d6c1382d555944e2f7/paranormal%202.jpg)
One of two recovered photographs from the Stirling City Library blaze. Notable for being taken the day which fourteen children vanished and for what is referred to as "The Slender Man". Deformities cited as film defects by officials. Fire at library occurred one week later. Actual photograph confiscated as evidence.
1986, photographer: Mary Thomas, missing since June 13th, 1986.
Series of youtube videos about the slender man & accompanying twitter & something else, but I don't know how its related
Youtube Series about the Slender Man
Twitter Accompanying the developement of the youtube series (canonical)
Related somehow
sources for all the content above here. my excerpts are spread through lots of different pages of forum posts, but they post as the youtube series is being created to it might be kinda fun to read.
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warning: this is a long post with a lot of stuff to read. horror-related.
I was reading through that weird broadcast thread, and through a couple degrees ended up @ this story. It's about the Slender man.
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April 12, 1923.
I suppose this is will be one of the last voluntary entries in my journal, even though Dr. Keating told me to write down everything that happened. But I'm going to tell the entire story, which is what I should have done in the first place; drat my pride.
It was a biting and windy fall day, I still remember the date. October 5, 1918. Lizzie and I were playing hide-and-go-peek amongst the trees on the land behind my uncle's farm. She was only twelve to my fifteen, so she got her way most all of the time. It was my turn to find her, as I had given in to her incessant begging. She loved to hide.
I hid my eyes in my hands and leaned into the sweet-smelling bark of a thick oak. I called out the numbers until I got to ...98...99...100...! and set off to find her.
Looking back, I should have noticed the signs immediately. The wind which had blown out of the east all day had ceased entirely and there were no sounds in the forest save for my own uncertain footsteps breaking the virgin, untouched carpet of dried and fallen leaves. I kept walking farther into the woods, occasionally calling out for Lizzie. I was not answered except for the greedy silence and the still trees all around. As I kept walking, the large and stout oaks gave way to thinner, taller trees.
It was then that I should have turned around, it was then that I should have run back to Uncle Ed's cabin. But I kept walking.
I stayed on my way, still calling out for my sister, a bit more panicked now, as I almost always found her within a few minutes of starting the search. The taller treessoon engulfed me and a slight mist began to drift through. Then, a sequence of events commenced that will be forever burned into my memory.
I suddenly heard a cry of my name, “Dorothy~!” in a high-pitched, breathy sort of call. It was unmistakably Lizzie. I began to run now, my breath coming in harsh gasps as the cold air stung my throat. The mist came in quicker now, and it was difficult to see. Then, I got the unexplainable urge to hide behind a thicker tree, which I quickly obeyed, looking into the fog in front of me for evidence of Lizzie.
I can't tell you how long I sat there, shivering behind the tree. Then, a very very tall figure appeared faintly in the fog. It appeared to be a man wearing a suit like Daddy's friends from the bank, but it also looked like he was wearing stilts too, like the clowns at the Fourth of July parade we saw. He seemed to be so tall that his head grazed the leaves. What really didn't make sense was his arms. Oh, his arms. They looked like several hoses left unattended and cranked up to full blast, but moving very slow. That's the best way I can describe it. This...man, I'll say, this man stood there in the fog for a good few minutes, his (arms?) waving very slow. I got this weird feeling from the tall man, like I was intruding upon something I was forbidden to see, namely his presence.
I got a strange feeling as I gazed upon him, as if I wasn't looking at him, he was looking at me. No, looking through me. Then I realized that his head didn't quite make sense, in a way. It looked like it was moving, like, like.....there was a swarm of bees where his face should have been. Kind of like he was in between places and his head had not caught up with his body yet. I was very scared at that point and all thoughts of Lizzie had vanished from my head.
Then, as quickly as he had appeared, the tall man was gone. He just faded away into the fog. It was then that I heard a whimpering sound close to where he was standing. I walked forward, propelled not by my feet but something else. I can't remember much of this time, I can remember walking up to Lizzie, who was lying amongst the leaves, and then my hands closed on something hard and heavy and holding it above my head. Then there was blackness.
The next thing I remember is sitting in Uncle Ed's kitchen, surrounded by Daddy, Ma, Uncle Ed, and a policeman, they were asking me questions and looking at me like we look at the tigers at the zoo; like I was something dangerous. Apparently I had....killed Lizzie with a rock to her head. I don't remember any of the actual...act. I still have trouble thinking of it now, but that's why I'm at Sunnyhaven, I suppose. However, the tall man still visits me in my dreams. I hope that Dr. Keating can help me banish him forever.
I suppose this is will be one of the last voluntary entries in my journal, even though Dr. Keating told me to write down everything that happened. But I'm going to tell the entire story, which is what I should have done in the first place; drat my pride.
It was a biting and windy fall day, I still remember the date. October 5, 1918. Lizzie and I were playing hide-and-go-peek amongst the trees on the land behind my uncle's farm. She was only twelve to my fifteen, so she got her way most all of the time. It was my turn to find her, as I had given in to her incessant begging. She loved to hide.
I hid my eyes in my hands and leaned into the sweet-smelling bark of a thick oak. I called out the numbers until I got to ...98...99...100...! and set off to find her.
Looking back, I should have noticed the signs immediately. The wind which had blown out of the east all day had ceased entirely and there were no sounds in the forest save for my own uncertain footsteps breaking the virgin, untouched carpet of dried and fallen leaves. I kept walking farther into the woods, occasionally calling out for Lizzie. I was not answered except for the greedy silence and the still trees all around. As I kept walking, the large and stout oaks gave way to thinner, taller trees.
It was then that I should have turned around, it was then that I should have run back to Uncle Ed's cabin. But I kept walking.
I stayed on my way, still calling out for my sister, a bit more panicked now, as I almost always found her within a few minutes of starting the search. The taller treessoon engulfed me and a slight mist began to drift through. Then, a sequence of events commenced that will be forever burned into my memory.
I suddenly heard a cry of my name, “Dorothy~!” in a high-pitched, breathy sort of call. It was unmistakably Lizzie. I began to run now, my breath coming in harsh gasps as the cold air stung my throat. The mist came in quicker now, and it was difficult to see. Then, I got the unexplainable urge to hide behind a thicker tree, which I quickly obeyed, looking into the fog in front of me for evidence of Lizzie.
I can't tell you how long I sat there, shivering behind the tree. Then, a very very tall figure appeared faintly in the fog. It appeared to be a man wearing a suit like Daddy's friends from the bank, but it also looked like he was wearing stilts too, like the clowns at the Fourth of July parade we saw. He seemed to be so tall that his head grazed the leaves. What really didn't make sense was his arms. Oh, his arms. They looked like several hoses left unattended and cranked up to full blast, but moving very slow. That's the best way I can describe it. This...man, I'll say, this man stood there in the fog for a good few minutes, his (arms?) waving very slow. I got this weird feeling from the tall man, like I was intruding upon something I was forbidden to see, namely his presence.
I got a strange feeling as I gazed upon him, as if I wasn't looking at him, he was looking at me. No, looking through me. Then I realized that his head didn't quite make sense, in a way. It looked like it was moving, like, like.....there was a swarm of bees where his face should have been. Kind of like he was in between places and his head had not caught up with his body yet. I was very scared at that point and all thoughts of Lizzie had vanished from my head.
Then, as quickly as he had appeared, the tall man was gone. He just faded away into the fog. It was then that I heard a whimpering sound close to where he was standing. I walked forward, propelled not by my feet but something else. I can't remember much of this time, I can remember walking up to Lizzie, who was lying amongst the leaves, and then my hands closed on something hard and heavy and holding it above my head. Then there was blackness.
The next thing I remember is sitting in Uncle Ed's kitchen, surrounded by Daddy, Ma, Uncle Ed, and a policeman, they were asking me questions and looking at me like we look at the tigers at the zoo; like I was something dangerous. Apparently I had....killed Lizzie with a rock to her head. I don't remember any of the actual...act. I still have trouble thinking of it now, but that's why I'm at Sunnyhaven, I suppose. However, the tall man still visits me in my dreams. I hope that Dr. Keating can help me banish him forever.
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(Another one but this is actually from a book)
So once the Slender Man began popping up in this thread, I could have sworn something about it seemed familiar. I'm an amateur folklorist, so I had a few source books lying around. It took me a while, but I finally found something in W.K. McNeil's Ghost Stories of the American South. Most of the tales collected are transcripts of recordings other folklorists made, but McNeil compiles them and offers notes. A really handy book. So anyway, this particular story appears in the book's seventh section, "Other Supernatural Creatures."
Well, I’ll you, when I was younger, a cousin of mine came to live with us. He was older than me and my sisters -- maybe sixteen or seventeen -- and we was the only folks he had left in the world, really. And he was the awfulest liar you’d ever know, anything he’d tell you was a lie, almost. I liked him all right. We slept in a loft during the summer because it was cooler up there, me and him, and in the winters we slept on the floor closer to the stove. My sisters had their own room.
So one night my cousin wakes me up by punching me in the shoulder, and it’s summer so we’re up in the loft, and my first thought when he wakes me up is to just push him out, because I’m not happy at being waked up, you know? But before I can say anything he puts his hand over my mouth and even though it’s dark I can hear that he’s scared. “Listen,” he says, and so I listen real careful. It’s this scratching, like something on the roof, and the roof is right over our heads, mind you, ‘cause we’re in the loft. I was a trifle rattled, but I wasn’t having none of it. “So?” I says to him. “It’s just some raccoon or a cat.”
“No,” says John, “I heared it before I waked you up, it’s like footsteps, like someone’s walking up there.” I wasn’t taking no truck with that, I told you he was the awfulest liar. So I went back to sleep, but the next day my cousin tried to tell Pap about it, and Pap wasn’t having no truck with it, either. But one night later on, while we was all having supper, Pap sent out my youngest sister to fetch water from the pump we had in the back. After a while we heared Lily scream, and it was Ma who got up first, and then Pap. The rest of us stayed at the table because we was like to get in trouble if Lily was hurt and we was there to gloat. Soon enough, though, we heared Pap and Ma shouting too, so me and John went out to see if they needed our help. All they had was the water pail Lily carried out, and there wasn’t no other sign of her.
At first I didn’t understand what was going on, with both Ma and Pap shouting, and by that time my other sisters come out and they started crying, and my cousin was just standing there in the yard looking off toward something. “It’s the man walking yonder!” he yells, and he’s pointing out across the field. No one’s listening to him but me, and he keeps saying it: “It’s the man walking yonder! It’s the man walking yonder!”
You already know it was suppertime, so you know the sun was setting and it was hard to see. But when I looked out over that field at the back of the house, the whole thing was lit up orange, and there was a row of big black trees that was the edge of the woods, you know? And I swear to you that I saw one of them trees moving, like a man walking away. But it couldn’t have been a man, ‘cause there ain’t no man that tall and skinny.
Pap seen it, too, I think. He took us inside and locked all the doors, and he made us keep still while he got out his rifle. We waited like that all night, Ma crying the whole time. When the sun come up we took a wagon into town and told folks what happened, though as I recall nothing much came of it. John ran off a few weeks later, and we got a new house closer to the mill where Pap worked. I still can’t manage to look at trees during sunset though, especially not on windy days when they all move back and forth, like a man walking away.
So once the Slender Man began popping up in this thread, I could have sworn something about it seemed familiar. I'm an amateur folklorist, so I had a few source books lying around. It took me a while, but I finally found something in W.K. McNeil's Ghost Stories of the American South. Most of the tales collected are transcripts of recordings other folklorists made, but McNeil compiles them and offers notes. A really handy book. So anyway, this particular story appears in the book's seventh section, "Other Supernatural Creatures."
Well, I’ll you, when I was younger, a cousin of mine came to live with us. He was older than me and my sisters -- maybe sixteen or seventeen -- and we was the only folks he had left in the world, really. And he was the awfulest liar you’d ever know, anything he’d tell you was a lie, almost. I liked him all right. We slept in a loft during the summer because it was cooler up there, me and him, and in the winters we slept on the floor closer to the stove. My sisters had their own room.
So one night my cousin wakes me up by punching me in the shoulder, and it’s summer so we’re up in the loft, and my first thought when he wakes me up is to just push him out, because I’m not happy at being waked up, you know? But before I can say anything he puts his hand over my mouth and even though it’s dark I can hear that he’s scared. “Listen,” he says, and so I listen real careful. It’s this scratching, like something on the roof, and the roof is right over our heads, mind you, ‘cause we’re in the loft. I was a trifle rattled, but I wasn’t having none of it. “So?” I says to him. “It’s just some raccoon or a cat.”
“No,” says John, “I heared it before I waked you up, it’s like footsteps, like someone’s walking up there.” I wasn’t taking no truck with that, I told you he was the awfulest liar. So I went back to sleep, but the next day my cousin tried to tell Pap about it, and Pap wasn’t having no truck with it, either. But one night later on, while we was all having supper, Pap sent out my youngest sister to fetch water from the pump we had in the back. After a while we heared Lily scream, and it was Ma who got up first, and then Pap. The rest of us stayed at the table because we was like to get in trouble if Lily was hurt and we was there to gloat. Soon enough, though, we heared Pap and Ma shouting too, so me and John went out to see if they needed our help. All they had was the water pail Lily carried out, and there wasn’t no other sign of her.
At first I didn’t understand what was going on, with both Ma and Pap shouting, and by that time my other sisters come out and they started crying, and my cousin was just standing there in the yard looking off toward something. “It’s the man walking yonder!” he yells, and he’s pointing out across the field. No one’s listening to him but me, and he keeps saying it: “It’s the man walking yonder! It’s the man walking yonder!”
You already know it was suppertime, so you know the sun was setting and it was hard to see. But when I looked out over that field at the back of the house, the whole thing was lit up orange, and there was a row of big black trees that was the edge of the woods, you know? And I swear to you that I saw one of them trees moving, like a man walking away. But it couldn’t have been a man, ‘cause there ain’t no man that tall and skinny.
Pap seen it, too, I think. He took us inside and locked all the doors, and he made us keep still while he got out his rifle. We waited like that all night, Ma crying the whole time. When the sun come up we took a wagon into town and told folks what happened, though as I recall nothing much came of it. John ran off a few weeks later, and we got a new house closer to the mill where Pap worked. I still can’t manage to look at trees during sunset though, especially not on windy days when they all move back and forth, like a man walking away.
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There are woodcuts dated back to the 16th century in Germany featuring a tall, disfigured man with only white spheres where his eyes should be. They called him "Der Großmann"[Sic], the tall man. He was a fairy who lived in the Black Forest. Bad children who crept into the woods at night would be chased by the slender man, and he wouldn't leave them alone until he caught them, or the child told the parents what he or she had done. Even then, there is this chilling account from an old journal, dating around 1702:
(Translated from German, some words may be innaccurate)
"My child, my Lars...He is gone. Taken, from his bed. The only thing that we found was a scrap of black clothing. It feels like cotton, but it is softer...thicker. Lars came into my bedroom yesterday, screaming at the top of his lungs that "The angel is outside!", I asked him what he was talking about, and he told me some nonsense fairy story about Der Großmann. He said he went into the groves by our village and found one of my cows dead, hanging from a tree. I thought nothing of it at first...But now, he is gone. We must find Lars, and my family must leave before we are killed. I am sorry my son...I should have listened. May God forgive me."
(Translated from German, some words may be innaccurate)
"My child, my Lars...He is gone. Taken, from his bed. The only thing that we found was a scrap of black clothing. It feels like cotton, but it is softer...thicker. Lars came into my bedroom yesterday, screaming at the top of his lungs that "The angel is outside!", I asked him what he was talking about, and he told me some nonsense fairy story about Der Großmann. He said he went into the groves by our village and found one of my cows dead, hanging from a tree. I thought nothing of it at first...But now, he is gone. We must find Lars, and my family must leave before we are killed. I am sorry my son...I should have listened. May God forgive me."
The Slender man somehow "rapes your mind." I read something about it and I'll try to find it. Here's just a kind of oddly fitting story from something unrelated
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"I was talking to my mother yesterday about my experiences with SP. Strange, but, she and my brother both experience it. I've read somewhere it's genetic, I believe it is.
My most creepy experience with it was during the day, I was napping. I felt the familiar trapped feeling of SP and couldn't move or open my eyes. I wasn't too scared until I felt something lay atop me ( I'd also done this before, and it's scary, but, common) I wasn't at my height in terror until I felt it choking me and growling in my ear. ( Maybe the growls were me, I don't know, but they sounded quite animal) The sensations would change from a heavy feeling of someone just laying there flat on top of me and choking me, to something moving all over me rapidly, like a large, large animal walking all over me very quickly. I kept trying to scream, but couldn't. I was able to twitch until I woke up and my face was soaked with tears. I haven't had it happen that intense for a while, and hope it doesn't happen this way again.
After I came out of the closet with this story, my mother told me hers. She was in the SP state and felt something lay down beside her and say, " You can't move, I'm coming for you both, you know" After my step dad had left for work.She felt as if something were on her chest.
My little brother complains that he has similiar things happen, but his are accompanied by seeing a dark figure in the top corner of the wall, seemingly floating there, he calls it " The tall man"
If this is an actual condition, I sure as hell with they'd find a cure. I seem to be the one most often experiencing it, and I hate it.
Uh....sleep is such a strange thing,."
My most creepy experience with it was during the day, I was napping. I felt the familiar trapped feeling of SP and couldn't move or open my eyes. I wasn't too scared until I felt something lay atop me ( I'd also done this before, and it's scary, but, common) I wasn't at my height in terror until I felt it choking me and growling in my ear. ( Maybe the growls were me, I don't know, but they sounded quite animal) The sensations would change from a heavy feeling of someone just laying there flat on top of me and choking me, to something moving all over me rapidly, like a large, large animal walking all over me very quickly. I kept trying to scream, but couldn't. I was able to twitch until I woke up and my face was soaked with tears. I haven't had it happen that intense for a while, and hope it doesn't happen this way again.
After I came out of the closet with this story, my mother told me hers. She was in the SP state and felt something lay down beside her and say, " You can't move, I'm coming for you both, you know" After my step dad had left for work.She felt as if something were on her chest.
My little brother complains that he has similiar things happen, but his are accompanied by seeing a dark figure in the top corner of the wall, seemingly floating there, he calls it " The tall man"
If this is an actual condition, I sure as hell with they'd find a cure. I seem to be the one most often experiencing it, and I hate it.
Uh....sleep is such a strange thing,."
The stick man?
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The Slender Man was created by imagination. He's completely fictional. I've been putting stuff in this thread with the intent of revealing he's made up at the end (and where), but I keep finding stories and references to things that aren't related or made before the post there. kinda creepy lol
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just did some research, there are a few voodoo loa who sound slender manish. One is Baron Samedi, loa of the dead, physical description is similar to slender man's, especially the fact that he wears a tuxedo. Kalfu, basically the voodoo satan, and keeper of the gate between worlds. Finally there is Dinclinsin who is only described as a loa of european origin, feared for his severity. I think there could be a definite voodoo tie in with the marble hornets/ slender man arg
we have the powah!
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wait..a news article? is this real? wtf lol
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If you are walking along a lonely road late at night, you might encounter the Grinning Man.
The Grinning Man is a name given to one or more mysterious creatures that have been reported over the past 40 or so years. Some say the Grinning Man is an alien from outer space while others believe he might be some kind of unknown creature similar to Bigfoot. What is certain is that those who have seen the Grinning Man have never quite gotten over the experience.
One night in October 1966, two boys, James Yanchitis and Marvin Munoz, were walking home along Fourth Street in their hometown of Elizabeth, N.J. They soon reached a corner that runs parallel to the New Jersey Turnpike. A large wire fence ran along the edge of the other street below where the boys were walking. It was young Yanchitis who first saw what has become known as the Grinning Man. And even though it was dark, he could clearly see the weird figure, according to a Web site.
"He was standing behind that fence," Yanchitis later told investigators. "I don't know how he got there. He was the biggest man I ever saw."
Yanchitis then nudged his friend and pointed out the weird entity. Munoz later stated, "I looked around and there he was behind that fence. Just standing there. He pivoted around and looked right at us. Then he grinned a big old grin."
The two boys had heard about a resident of the neighborhood being chased by a "tall green man" down that same street. The frightened boys got out of there quickly.
Three days later, John A. Keel, a well-known author and paranormal investigator, visited the two boys in Elizabeth, N.J. Keel would also write a popular book about the Mothman legend of West Virginia.
UFO lecturer James Moseley and actor Chuck McCann also came along for the interview. Keel talked to the two boys separately and both gave the exact same story.
They both described the humanoid creature as standing more than 6 feet tall and dressed in a sparkling green coverall costume. The street lights were reflected off the shimmering outfit. A wide black belt was fastened around his waist.
"He had a very dark complexion, and little round eyes, real beady, set far apart," said one of the boys.
But the strangest thing about the Grinning Man was he did not have any hair, ears or a nose, the two boys maintained.
Other people in various parts of the country would report seeing a similar creature. One of them even got to communicate with the Grinning Man.
In November 1966, Woodrow Derenberger of Parkersburg, W.Va. was driving home in his truck after a hard day of work. As he drove up a hill, he heard a loud crash. Then all of a sudden, a vehicle zoomed up behind him, quickly passed his truck and then slowed down. But this was not a car, truck or motorcycle.
He reported it looking like "an old-fashioned kerosene lamp chimney, flaring at both ends, narrowing down to a small neck and then enlarging in a great bulge in the center." This weird vehicle stopped in front of Derenberger and blocked the road. All of a sudden, a door slid open on one side. Then, a tall man stepped out. He stood more than 6 feet and his skin was heavily tanned. The weird man wore an outfit made out of some sort of "glistening green material," similar to the one worn by the other Grinning Man encountered in Elizabeth, N.J. by the two boys. And like that one, he had a big grin on his face.
Derenberger would report that the Grinning Man communicated with him telepathically and asked him a series of strange questions. However, the Web site account does not go into details about their conversation. The weird entity revealed that his name was Cold. He then said he would visit Derenberger again. He got back into his craft and left.
The legend of the Grinning Man has been associated with various UFO sightings. Often, he would be seen around the same time that other folks reported seeing weird objects in the sky.
Contact Mike Conley at 652-3313, ext. 3422 or e-mail nconley@mcdowellnews.com.
The Grinning Man is a name given to one or more mysterious creatures that have been reported over the past 40 or so years. Some say the Grinning Man is an alien from outer space while others believe he might be some kind of unknown creature similar to Bigfoot. What is certain is that those who have seen the Grinning Man have never quite gotten over the experience.
One night in October 1966, two boys, James Yanchitis and Marvin Munoz, were walking home along Fourth Street in their hometown of Elizabeth, N.J. They soon reached a corner that runs parallel to the New Jersey Turnpike. A large wire fence ran along the edge of the other street below where the boys were walking. It was young Yanchitis who first saw what has become known as the Grinning Man. And even though it was dark, he could clearly see the weird figure, according to a Web site.
"He was standing behind that fence," Yanchitis later told investigators. "I don't know how he got there. He was the biggest man I ever saw."
Yanchitis then nudged his friend and pointed out the weird entity. Munoz later stated, "I looked around and there he was behind that fence. Just standing there. He pivoted around and looked right at us. Then he grinned a big old grin."
The two boys had heard about a resident of the neighborhood being chased by a "tall green man" down that same street. The frightened boys got out of there quickly.
Three days later, John A. Keel, a well-known author and paranormal investigator, visited the two boys in Elizabeth, N.J. Keel would also write a popular book about the Mothman legend of West Virginia.
UFO lecturer James Moseley and actor Chuck McCann also came along for the interview. Keel talked to the two boys separately and both gave the exact same story.
They both described the humanoid creature as standing more than 6 feet tall and dressed in a sparkling green coverall costume. The street lights were reflected off the shimmering outfit. A wide black belt was fastened around his waist.
"He had a very dark complexion, and little round eyes, real beady, set far apart," said one of the boys.
But the strangest thing about the Grinning Man was he did not have any hair, ears or a nose, the two boys maintained.
Other people in various parts of the country would report seeing a similar creature. One of them even got to communicate with the Grinning Man.
In November 1966, Woodrow Derenberger of Parkersburg, W.Va. was driving home in his truck after a hard day of work. As he drove up a hill, he heard a loud crash. Then all of a sudden, a vehicle zoomed up behind him, quickly passed his truck and then slowed down. But this was not a car, truck or motorcycle.
He reported it looking like "an old-fashioned kerosene lamp chimney, flaring at both ends, narrowing down to a small neck and then enlarging in a great bulge in the center." This weird vehicle stopped in front of Derenberger and blocked the road. All of a sudden, a door slid open on one side. Then, a tall man stepped out. He stood more than 6 feet and his skin was heavily tanned. The weird man wore an outfit made out of some sort of "glistening green material," similar to the one worn by the other Grinning Man encountered in Elizabeth, N.J. by the two boys. And like that one, he had a big grin on his face.
Derenberger would report that the Grinning Man communicated with him telepathically and asked him a series of strange questions. However, the Web site account does not go into details about their conversation. The weird entity revealed that his name was Cold. He then said he would visit Derenberger again. He got back into his craft and left.
The legend of the Grinning Man has been associated with various UFO sightings. Often, he would be seen around the same time that other folks reported seeing weird objects in the sky.
Contact Mike Conley at 652-3313, ext. 3422 or e-mail nconley@mcdowellnews.com.
hell, more food for thought.
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During the summer of 2003, events in the northeastern United States involving a strange, humanlike creature sparked brief local media interest before an apparent blackout was enacted. Little or no information was left intact, as most online and written accounts of the creature were mysteriously destroyed.
Primarily focused in rural New York state, self proclaimed witnesses told stories of thier enounters with a creature of unkown origin. Emotions ranged from extremely traumatic levels of fright and discomfort, to an almost childlike sense of playfulness and curiosity. While their published versions are no longer on record, the memories remained powerful. Several of the involved parties began looking for answers that year.
In early 2006, the collaboration had accumulated nearly two dozen documents dating between the 12th century and present day, spanning 4 continents. In almost all cases, the stories were identical. I've been in contact with a member of this group and was able to get some exceprts from their upcoming book.
The Rake
A Suicide Note: 1964
As I prepare to take my life, I feel it necessary to assuage any guilt or pain I have introduced through this act. It is not the fault of anyone other than him. For once I awoke and felt his presence. And once I awoke and saw his form. Once again I awoke and heard his voice, and looked into his eyes. I cannot sleep without fear of what I might next awake to experience. I cannot ever wake. Goodbye.
Found in the same wooden box were two empty envelopes addressed to William and Rose, and one loose personal letter with no envelope.
Dearest Linnie,
I have prayed for you. He spoke your name.
A Journal Entry (translated from Spanish): 1880
I have experience the greatest terror. I have experienced the greatest terror. I have experienced the greatest terror. I see his eyes when I close mine. They are hollow. Black. They saw me and pierced me. His wet hand. I will not sleep. His voice (unintelligible text).
A Mariner's Log: 1691
He came to me in my sleep. From the foot of my bed I felt a sensation. He took everything. We must return to England. We shall not return here again at the request of the Rake.
From a Witness: 2006
Three years ago, I had just returned from a trip from Niagara Falls with my family for the 4th of July. We were all very exhausted after a long day of driving, so my husband and I put the kids right to bed and called it a night.
At about 4am, I woke up thinking my husband had gotten up to use the restroom. I used the moment to steal back the sheets, only to wake him in the process. I appologized and told him I though he got out of bed. When he turned to face me, he gasped and pulled his feet up from the end of the bed so quickly his knee almost knocked me out of the bed. He then grabbed me and said nothing.
After adjusting to the dark for a half second, I was able to see what caused the strange reaction. At the foot of the bed, sitting and facing away from us, there was what appeared to be a naked man, or a large hairless dog of some sort. It's body position was disturbing and unnatural, as if it had been hit by a car or something. For some reason, I was not instantly frightened by it, but more concerned as to its condition. At this point I was somewhat under the assumption that we were supposed to help him.
My husband was peering over his arm and knee, tucked into the fetal position, occasionally glancing at me before returning to the creature.
In a flurry of motion, the creature scrambled around the side of the bed, and then crawled quickly in a flailing sort of motion right along the bed until it was less than a foot from my husband's face. The creature was completely silent for about 30 seconds (or probably closer to 5, it just seemed like a while) just looking at my husband. The creature then placed its hand on his knee and ran into the hallway, leading to the kids' rooms.
I screamed and ran for the lightswitch, planning to stop him before he hurt my children. When I got to the hallway, the light from the bedroom was enough to see it crouching and hunched over about 20 feet away. He turned around and looked directly at me, covered in blood. I flipped the switch on the wall and saw my daughter Clara.
The creature ran down the stairs while my husband and I rushed to help our daughter. She was very badly injured and spoke only once more in her short life. She said "he is the Rake".
My husband drove his car into a lake that night, while rushing our daughter to the hospital. He did not survive.
Being a small town, news got around pretty quickly. The police were helpful at first, and the local newspaper took a lot of interest as well. However, the story was never published and the local television news never followed up either.
For several months, my son Justin and I stayed in a hotel near my parent's house. After we decided to return home, I began looking for answers myself. I eventually located a man in the next town over who had a similar story. We got in contact and began talking about our experiences. He knew of two other people in New York who had seen the creature we now referred to as the Rake.
It took the four of us about two solid years of hunting on the internet and writing letters to come up with a small collection of what we believe to be accounts of the Rake. None of them gave any details, history or follow up. One journal had an entry involving the creature in its first 3 pages, and never mentioned it again. A ship's log explained nothing of the encounter, saying only that they were told to leave by the Rake. That was the last entry in the log.
There were, however, many instances where the creature's visit was one of a series of visits with the same person. Multiple people also mentioned being spoken to, my daughter included. This led us to wonder if the Rake had visited any of us before our last encounter.
I set up a digital recorder near my bed and left it running all night, every night, for two weeks. I would tediously scan through the sounds of me rolling around in my bed each day when I woke up. By the end of the second week, I was quite used to the occasional sound of sleep while blurring through the recording at 8 times the normal speed. (This still took almost an hour every day)
On the first day of the third week, I thought I heard something different. What I found was a shrill voice. It was the Rake. I can't listen to it long enough to even begin to transcribe it. I haven't let anyone listen to it yet. All I know is that I've heard it before, and I now believe that it spoke when it was sitting in front of my husband. I don't remember hearing anything at the time, but for some reason, the voice on the recorder immediately brings me back to that moment.
The thoughts that must have gone through my daughter's head make me very upset.
I have not seen the Rake since he ruined my life, but I know that he has been in my room while I slept. I know and fear that one night I'll wake up to see him staring at me.
Primarily focused in rural New York state, self proclaimed witnesses told stories of thier enounters with a creature of unkown origin. Emotions ranged from extremely traumatic levels of fright and discomfort, to an almost childlike sense of playfulness and curiosity. While their published versions are no longer on record, the memories remained powerful. Several of the involved parties began looking for answers that year.
In early 2006, the collaboration had accumulated nearly two dozen documents dating between the 12th century and present day, spanning 4 continents. In almost all cases, the stories were identical. I've been in contact with a member of this group and was able to get some exceprts from their upcoming book.
The Rake
A Suicide Note: 1964
As I prepare to take my life, I feel it necessary to assuage any guilt or pain I have introduced through this act. It is not the fault of anyone other than him. For once I awoke and felt his presence. And once I awoke and saw his form. Once again I awoke and heard his voice, and looked into his eyes. I cannot sleep without fear of what I might next awake to experience. I cannot ever wake. Goodbye.
Found in the same wooden box were two empty envelopes addressed to William and Rose, and one loose personal letter with no envelope.
Dearest Linnie,
I have prayed for you. He spoke your name.
A Journal Entry (translated from Spanish): 1880
I have experience the greatest terror. I have experienced the greatest terror. I have experienced the greatest terror. I see his eyes when I close mine. They are hollow. Black. They saw me and pierced me. His wet hand. I will not sleep. His voice (unintelligible text).
A Mariner's Log: 1691
He came to me in my sleep. From the foot of my bed I felt a sensation. He took everything. We must return to England. We shall not return here again at the request of the Rake.
From a Witness: 2006
Three years ago, I had just returned from a trip from Niagara Falls with my family for the 4th of July. We were all very exhausted after a long day of driving, so my husband and I put the kids right to bed and called it a night.
At about 4am, I woke up thinking my husband had gotten up to use the restroom. I used the moment to steal back the sheets, only to wake him in the process. I appologized and told him I though he got out of bed. When he turned to face me, he gasped and pulled his feet up from the end of the bed so quickly his knee almost knocked me out of the bed. He then grabbed me and said nothing.
After adjusting to the dark for a half second, I was able to see what caused the strange reaction. At the foot of the bed, sitting and facing away from us, there was what appeared to be a naked man, or a large hairless dog of some sort. It's body position was disturbing and unnatural, as if it had been hit by a car or something. For some reason, I was not instantly frightened by it, but more concerned as to its condition. At this point I was somewhat under the assumption that we were supposed to help him.
My husband was peering over his arm and knee, tucked into the fetal position, occasionally glancing at me before returning to the creature.
In a flurry of motion, the creature scrambled around the side of the bed, and then crawled quickly in a flailing sort of motion right along the bed until it was less than a foot from my husband's face. The creature was completely silent for about 30 seconds (or probably closer to 5, it just seemed like a while) just looking at my husband. The creature then placed its hand on his knee and ran into the hallway, leading to the kids' rooms.
I screamed and ran for the lightswitch, planning to stop him before he hurt my children. When I got to the hallway, the light from the bedroom was enough to see it crouching and hunched over about 20 feet away. He turned around and looked directly at me, covered in blood. I flipped the switch on the wall and saw my daughter Clara.
The creature ran down the stairs while my husband and I rushed to help our daughter. She was very badly injured and spoke only once more in her short life. She said "he is the Rake".
My husband drove his car into a lake that night, while rushing our daughter to the hospital. He did not survive.
Being a small town, news got around pretty quickly. The police were helpful at first, and the local newspaper took a lot of interest as well. However, the story was never published and the local television news never followed up either.
For several months, my son Justin and I stayed in a hotel near my parent's house. After we decided to return home, I began looking for answers myself. I eventually located a man in the next town over who had a similar story. We got in contact and began talking about our experiences. He knew of two other people in New York who had seen the creature we now referred to as the Rake.
It took the four of us about two solid years of hunting on the internet and writing letters to come up with a small collection of what we believe to be accounts of the Rake. None of them gave any details, history or follow up. One journal had an entry involving the creature in its first 3 pages, and never mentioned it again. A ship's log explained nothing of the encounter, saying only that they were told to leave by the Rake. That was the last entry in the log.
There were, however, many instances where the creature's visit was one of a series of visits with the same person. Multiple people also mentioned being spoken to, my daughter included. This led us to wonder if the Rake had visited any of us before our last encounter.
I set up a digital recorder near my bed and left it running all night, every night, for two weeks. I would tediously scan through the sounds of me rolling around in my bed each day when I woke up. By the end of the second week, I was quite used to the occasional sound of sleep while blurring through the recording at 8 times the normal speed. (This still took almost an hour every day)
On the first day of the third week, I thought I heard something different. What I found was a shrill voice. It was the Rake. I can't listen to it long enough to even begin to transcribe it. I haven't let anyone listen to it yet. All I know is that I've heard it before, and I now believe that it spoke when it was sitting in front of my husband. I don't remember hearing anything at the time, but for some reason, the voice on the recorder immediately brings me back to that moment.
The thoughts that must have gone through my daughter's head make me very upset.
I have not seen the Rake since he ruined my life, but I know that he has been in my room while I slept. I know and fear that one night I'll wake up to see him staring at me.
"pictures" of the slender man
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![[image loading]](http://img.waffleimages.com/4d7791a36c5d8618428539002107b09a6ff9e53f/paranormal%201.jpg)
"we didn't want to go, we didn't want to kill them, but its persistent silence and outstretched arms horrified and comforted us at the same time..."
1983, photographer unknown, presumed dead.
![[image loading]](http://img.waffleimages.com/3965a6ead6c59023e9b105d6c1382d555944e2f7/paranormal%202.jpg)
One of two recovered photographs from the Stirling City Library blaze. Notable for being taken the day which fourteen children vanished and for what is referred to as "The Slender Man". Deformities cited as film defects by officials. Fire at library occurred one week later. Actual photograph confiscated as evidence.
1986, photographer: Mary Thomas, missing since June 13th, 1986.
Series of youtube videos about the slender man & accompanying twitter & something else, but I don't know how its related
Youtube Series about the Slender Man
Twitter Accompanying the developement of the youtube series (canonical)
Related somehow
sources for all the content above here. my excerpts are spread through lots of different pages of forum posts, but they post as the youtube series is being created to it might be kinda fun to read.
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