On February 12 2010 04:51 AcrossFiveJulys wrote: I don't agree with this at all. You shouldn't be reading TL at work anyway, and this is a step in a direction that I don't want to see TL going. TL is not a professional website, it is a forum where people in their teens and early-mid 20's (for the most part) come to take a break and banter with each other about both sc and non-sc related stuff, that just so happens to host a ton of amazing events and material as well.
I feel that NSFW tags should be present as a matter of courtesy, but disallowing it entirely is a form of censorship. What's next, no cuss words? It's not like I visit TL to see nude women and profanity, but disallowing this sort of thing kills the spirit of this forum.
This is the standard at nearly every website. Plenty of things are already disallowed. All we ask is you warn people about what they're about to see - just like spoilers about progaming. Would you argue the requirement of the spoiler tag killed the spirit of the forum?
I missed part of what you wrote, see my above edit. My bad.
TL's policies are a work in progress. I'm sorry if you feel oppressed, but I'm certain it's no big deal. I'm sure if it was properly labelled and linked it would have remained open.
On February 12 2010 04:37 251 wrote: Good idea. I'd hate to accidentally stumble upon one of DoctorHelvetica's asian girl blogs while at the office.
Nobody wants to be this guy.
Thats an incredibly misleading video title. They were simply pics of Miranda Kerr from a magazine. The vid shows the one where she was in her underwear. They arent very racy and certainly not porn.
DoctorHelvetica - I **think** it may have been me that closed your thread. It was a blog, right? Do you remember the title of it or anything? I'd be happy to discuss why I closed it with you over PM (if it's even the one I'm thinking of) if you'd like. I will gladly justify any moderation step I take to anyone.
IF it's the one I'm thinking of, and IF I'm remembering correctly, it was just gratuitous nudity in Blogs while we were trying to clean the Blog section out a bit? My stance on it had always been that nudity is humorous/topical it's fine, but creating a thread JUST for the sole purpose always sounded like TL wasn't the best place to do that at.
And if other mods disagree, we can very easily discuss a best practice policy.
It would be a good policy to mention this rule somewhere in the TL Ten Commandments thread so that newbies won't have any excuse when this thread falls off the bottom of the front page of the list.
Perhaps you closed it, I believe it was Plexa who warned me. It's not a big deal and if nudity for the sake of nudity is considered a transgression then I will gladly follow the rules.
I'm interested in ever arguing the legitimacy of the rules, however when it isn't clear what the rules are problems can arise. A lot of newer posters especially have complained about the Ten Commandments and rules being a bit too open to interpretation and it isn't always clear what TL's policy is on a given subject.
My first account from TL was banned and I actually still have no idea why.
On February 12 2010 05:18 EvilTeletubby wrote: DoctorHelvetica - I **think** it may have been me that closed your thread. It was a blog, right? Do you remember the title of it or anything? I'd be happy to discuss why I closed it with you over PM (if it's even the one I'm thinking of) if you'd like. I will gladly justify any moderation step I take to anyone.
IF it's the one I'm thinking of, and IF I'm remembering correctly, it was just gratuitous nudity in Blogs while we were trying to clean the Blog section out a bit? My stance on it had always been that nudity is humorous/topical it's fine, but creating a thread JUST for the sole purpose always sounded like TL wasn't the best place to do that at.
And if other mods disagree, we can very easily discuss a best practice policy.
I could be entirely wrong, but I remember the blog in question. He had been posting an "asian girl" blog a day, with many requests for nudes. Finally around Christmas (I think), he posted a pack. It was almost immediately closed, with the contents edited out. I want to say it was Plexa that closed it, but if you think you did it, then it may have been you.
I did a NSFW search and it didn't come up, so I don't think it had NSFW tags on the topic title, but the insides were presumably spoilered (I got to it after all the editing had been done.) Closing the thread would have been understandable, as there weren't any set rules at the time, and it was really more discretion than anything.
On February 12 2010 05:24 DoctorHelvetica wrote: Perhaps you closed it, I believe it was Plexa who warned me. It's not a big deal and if nudity for the sake of nudity is considered a transgression then I will gladly follow the rules.
I'm interested in ever arguing the legitimacy of the rules, however when it isn't clear what the rules are problems can arise. A lot of newer posters especially have complained about the Ten Commandments and rules being a bit too open to interpretation and it isn't always clear what TL's policy is on a given subject.
My first account from TL was banned and I actually still have no idea why.
Just found the thread - Yeah, looks like it was Plexa, not me. Although TBH, I probably would have closed it too. Not for lack of your presentation, which was very mannered (you even wrote "If mods feel this crosses the line, please by all means close the thread."), but just for the sake of preventing TL from taking one step closer to being 4chan-esque.
We generally follow an 'at our discretion' principle rather than hard rules in many cases, because the site was founded on the open spirit of open moderation, but as we've grown immensely, we've had to make changes (such as this thread for example) to lay ground rules for the great influx of new people that join every day. It was a lot easier to manage a couple hundred people than a several thousand every day.
On February 12 2010 05:24 DoctorHelvetica wrote: Perhaps you closed it, I believe it was Plexa who warned me. It's not a big deal and if nudity for the sake of nudity is considered a transgression then I will gladly follow the rules.
I'm interested in ever arguing the legitimacy of the rules, however when it isn't clear what the rules are problems can arise. A lot of newer posters especially have complained about the Ten Commandments and rules being a bit too open to interpretation and it isn't always clear what TL's policy is on a given subject.
My first account from TL was banned and I actually still have no idea why.
I'm really happy about the NSFW stuff in spoilers being forbidden. People don't label their spoilers so you never know what you are going to end up with. A huge dong wouldn't be enjoyable.
Edit: I think I found the thread that instigated this.
I know this is irrelevant, however it's an issue that I think should be discussed, especially when there are mods looking at this topic. I opened a topic about google chrome and it's issue with loading flash objects, particularly flash embeds on this website. This causes a major surfing problem, as you need to open a different browser and paste the URL every time you want to view a VOD.
hot_bid told me to "please use google" and closed the topic without further discussion.
I did, before posting the topic, and I found little discussions here and there about a similar issues, but I found no in depth or definite solution. I saw "re download the flash player" several times. I did that, and I'm still having the same issue with flash embeds (including streams).
I bring this to the attention of the TL community because if I'm having problems with chrome, a now very common browser, then other users are bound to have similar problems. I chose to post the topic to find a solution for not only myself, but for the whole community. Also, there are others who are more knowledgeable about technical troubleshooting than I am, and the collective findings will be valuable.
So I ask again, Is anyone having similar issues? When you open a TL front page article which includes embedded VODs, do they show completely blank? Does this piss you off? Tired of switching browsers and just want to use the simple and safe Google Chrome browser? Would you like to fix it? Lets talk about it.
On February 12 2010 05:24 igotmyown wrote: Spoiler tags use javascript. If you change javascript settings from being automatically enabled, it won't load the spoilers.
This is not true, spoilers will still be loaded.
lerjars: Many many people use Chrome and you seem to be the only one who has this problem. In any case, you are the first one who is complaining. What's there to discuss? Fix the problem on your end. Apart from that why would you post that in here, a thread about a new NSFW rule?
Beacuse it is mod heavy topic, and the thread I posted about it was closed in minutes so there was no discussion. If noone wants to discuss it, forget it.
I don't agree with this at all. You shouldn't be reading TL at work anyway, and this is a step in a direction that I don't want to see TL going. TL is not a professional website, it is a forum where people in their teens and early-mid 20's (for the most part) come to take a break and banter with each other about both sc and non-sc related stuff, that just so happens to host a ton of amazing events and material as well.
I feel that NSFW tags should be present as a matter of courtesy, but disallowing it entirely is a form of censorship. What's next, no cuss words? It's not like I visit TL to see nude women and profanity, but disallowing this sort of thing kills the spirit of this forum.
Edit: Opps, totally missed the sentence saying the only restriction is putting NSFW in the title. I Completely support this then.
I imagine that reading tl.net at work on a break wouldn't be breaking any company guidelines, unless of course there are nsfw images, which of course could get you in trouble.