![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Kau/PX/PXBanner2.png)
Christmas Edition
Letter from the Editor
Dear Readers,
Be prepared to spend a little bit of time in IRC comments and Stove this week. Also, somehow (I don't know how) no one sent me any trolls. Has the Christmas spirit caused everyone to be nice on the forums?
- Kau
Kau – Editor
ShoCkeyy – Editor
Bloodyc0bbler – The Stove
Nyovne – IRC Comments
NeverGG – Progamer Pics
Pholon – VOD of the Week
Grobyc – Ban of the Week
Vayesh – Academy of ESPORTS
LordWeird – Interview
meeple – Troll Booth/Shit Bus
Roffles – Troll Booth/Shit Bus
fanatacist – Troll Booth/Shit Bus
DoctorHelvetica – Troll Booth/Shit Bus
Thunk – Chalk talk
Table of Contents
Serious Business and Funsies ................ p1
The Stove .............................................. p2
Chalk Talk ............................................. p3
Semi-Funny IRC Comment of the Week ... p4
Progamer Photos ................................... p5
Random Image of the Week .................... p6
A Walk Down Memory Lane .................... p7
Troll Booth Willie .................................... p8
The Shit Bus .......................................... p8
Best of Blogs ......................................... p9
Ban of the Week .................................... p10
Vod of the Week .................................... p11
Academy of ESPORTS .......................... p12
Replays Time Forgot .............................. p13
Interview ................................................ p14
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Kau/PX/SeriousBusiness.png)
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Kau/PX/Funsies.png)
- Scar comparison thread
- New Years Resolutions
- A lot more pictures posted than I woulda thought
- What'd you get for Christmas?
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Kau/PX/TheStove.png)
Welcome to the PX holiday stove edition. This may be a few days after the event, but never the less here is the the order of the day.
Deboned Turkey with gravy and stuffin
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Stuffing (for purposes of this entry assume premade store bought for you lazy people)
Fresh herbs (I used coriander, thyme, parsley, rosemary)
First, Unless your good with a knife, DO NO TRY THIS.
Debone turkey step one.
Flip the bird onto its breasts, then cut along one side of its spine. Once you have made a clear cut down the back (only the back) part the bird open, and cut the spine off. Seen here
![[image loading]](http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs184.snc3/19167_517392691866_312501036_891326_4673283_n.jpg)
next, slowly feel around the breast bone, and carefully and slowly use your knife to cut just under the bone, following it slowly around till you have removed it from the meat. This will be a long process for people who a) have never done it, or b) don’t do it frequently. Consult better diagrams online or textbooks before continuing.
![[image loading]](http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs184.snc3/19167_517392696856_312501036_891327_2992515_n.jpg)
Next, take the drumstick of the meat down by the end, cut around the bone, then slowly cut down and along the bone, pushing the meat back as you go. Remove the bone.
![[image loading]](http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs164.snc3/19167_517392701846_312501036_891328_1681655_n.jpg)
At this point, take your stuffing, layer it along the meat, then roll it up, tie it off if need be. Put it in a pan add some water, the garlic, salt, pepper, herbs, and cover with aluminum foil. Toss in the oven at 350 for 2 ½ to 3 hours. Cooking time may vary based on oven.
![[image loading]](http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs184.snc3/19167_517392731786_312501036_891333_2705400_n.jpg)
When the bird is done, remove from pan, then strain the juices from the pan. From those juices, add cranberries, fresh or dried, and bring it to a boil. Add a slurry to thicken. Then your done.
![[image loading]](http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs164.snc3/19167_517392746756_312501036_891336_7712591_n.jpg)
Mash Potato
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peeled potato’s
butter milk
cut potato’s into small pieces, then put in pot of water, boil till soft.
Drain water, add garlic, butter, salt, pepper, and butter milk to taste, and mash.
![[image loading]](http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs184.snc3/19167_517392721806_312501036_891331_8092114_n.jpg)
Oven Roasted Vegetables
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Cut the vegetables similar to pictures below, then coat in oil salt and pepper, cook at 350 for 10-15 minutes.
![[image loading]](http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs164.snc3/19167_517392711826_312501036_891329_5691450_n.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs184.snc3/19167_517392726796_312501036_891332_3319192_n.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs164.snc3/19167_517392741766_312501036_891335_8094213_n.jpg)
Curried Cauliflower soup
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Curry powder
Cream 35%
Cut the onions, cauliflower and shallots into small pieces, toss in pot of water (enough to just fully cover the vegetables) bring to a boil, reduce to simmer.
Add the garlic, salt and pepper.
Toss in a half a litre of cream pull off heat, puree.
Bring back to simmer, add in curry powder to taste.
![[image loading]](http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs184.snc3/19167_517392716816_312501036_891330_3826840_n.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs164.snc3/19167_517392736776_312501036_891334_1564632_n.jpg)
Final product!
![[image loading]](http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs164.snc3/19167_517392751746_312501036_891337_1905720_n.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Kau/PX/ChalkTalk.png)
- randomKo_Orean offered to try other people's ideas in this thread. Other than the people who always think their idea is the shit but "don't have the mechanics to make it work out", randomKo_Orean is willing to show that your idea really does, indeed, suck. Actually some of those ideas aren't that bad and you should try these out in your own game.
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Kau/PX/IRCComment.png)
Ceiling_cat = Quickstriker
Clueless just got a whole new meaning
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03[12:05] * Now talking in #teamliquid
03[12:05] * Topic is 'http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=107837'
03[12:05] * Set by Carnac_ on Mon Dec 14 11:52:35
05[12:05] -Q- [#teamliquid] Welcome to the official IRC channel of http://www.teamliquid.net
[12:05] <Ceiling_Cat> by the cops
[12:05] <mahnini> because you could just ignore it
[12:05] <Xiberia> and HONOR
03[12:05] * Retrieving #teamliquid modes...
[12:05] <mahnini> and instead you look like a prick
[12:05] <mahnini> lol!
[12:05] <Ceiling_Cat> I do have pride and honor
[12:05] <littlechava> if you gotta do time so be it
[12:05] <Ceiling_Cat> by accepting the challenge and violence
[12:05] <Pholon> dude
[12:05] <Pholon> you just
[12:05] <Pholon> gotta
[12:05] <Ceiling_Cat> I am lowing myself to be lower than trash
[12:05] <Xiberia> no Pholon
[12:05] <Xiberia> NO
[12:05] <@vGl-RaGe> dude it's so obvious you're full of shit
[12:05] <Ceiling_Cat> so I should fight?
[12:05] <Ceiling_Cat> is that what everyone is saying
[12:05] <mahnini> 0/10
[12:05] <littlechava> yes
[12:05] <mahnini> ban from #tl imo
[12:06] <Ceiling_Cat> ...
[12:06] <Xiberia> i knew he was a bad person
[12:06] <mahnini> he's insulting our channel!
[12:06] <Nikoner> Ceiling_Cat
[12:06] <@vGl-RaGe> dude
[12:06] <Xiberia> once he said my religion was wrong
[12:06] <@vGl-RaGe> hes what
[12:06] <Pholon> mahnini dont be so heatless
[12:06] <Nikoner> you gotta skate
[12:06] <@vGl-RaGe> 15
[12:06] <@vGl-RaGe> ?
03[12:06] * Joins: SentienRuustin (1540sven@16-dom-21.acn.waw.pl)
[12:06] <@vGl-RaGe> r u srs
[12:06] <Pholon> NIKONER SAID IT
[12:06] <Ceiling_Cat> well
[12:06] <@vGl-RaGe> u cant be srs
[12:06] <mahnini> heatBREAKAAAAAAAAA
14[12:06] <heyoka> hsi heat broke pholon
[12:06] <Ceiling_Cat> look
03[12:06] * Joins: FragKrag (FragKrag@pool-173-58-88-73.lsanca.fios.verizon.net)
[12:06] <Ceiling_Cat> at how he insulted me
03[12:06] * Joins: Celial (none@N342f.n.pppool.de)
[12:06] <littlechava> don't stand for it Ceiling_Cat
[12:06] <littlechava> pokebunny is fucked up
[12:06] <Ceiling_Cat> so what should I do
[12:06] <littlechava> drive his face into the ground
[12:06] <Ceiling_Cat> with pokebunny then
[12:06] <mahnini> fight for your right
[12:06] <harem> yeah, you're 21
[12:06] <littlechava> thats what you should do
[12:06] <Pholon> hey
[12:06] <mahnini> to party
[12:06] <harem> you got this
[12:06] <harem> ez
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> I don't want to fight this little kid
[12:07] <Pholon> pokebunny is mah boy
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> it's not worth it
[12:07] <Quint> you said you did
[12:07] <Xiberia> i predict someones feelings are gonna get hurt
[12:07] <littlechava> teach him a lesson
[12:07] <Pholon> you go near him I break your face mkay
14[12:07] <heyoka> bare knuckle boxing
14[12:07] <heyoka> is the only way
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> I told you guys
[12:07] <Xiberia> and people will say hurtful things
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> that I'm not fighting a 14 years old
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> which is why i dodged
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> that lan
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> yesterday
[12:07] <mahnini> verbally abuse him
[12:07] <@vGl-RaGe> how can you take yourself seriously
14[12:07] <heyoka> well you're not getting anywhere talking to him through the internet
[12:07] <littlechava> fists are worth a thousand words
[12:07] <@vGl-RaGe> the presence of a 14 year old
14[12:07] <heyoka> so why not pop him in the face
[12:07] <@vGl-RaGe> is scaring you away
14[12:07] <heyoka> see where it goes
[12:07] <mahnini> rofl
[12:07] <@vGl-RaGe> from going somewhere
[12:07] <mahnini> wait is this serious
[12:07] <mahnini> hahahahaha
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> no
[12:07] <Xiberia> mahnini
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm just not willing to stoop myself
[12:07] <Xiberia> he doesnt wanna confront pokebunny
[12:07] <littlechava> mahnini yes its serious
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> to get arrested
03[12:07] * Joins: Infen`lappy` (~infenwe@0x573a9b81.kjnqu2.dynamic.dsl.tele.dk)
[12:07] <@vGl-RaGe> dude
[12:08] <Ceiling_Cat> or get in trouble
[12:08] <littlechava> did u see what pokebunny said to him?
[12:08] <@vGl-RaGe> in the end
[12:08] <@vGl-RaGe> you're not attending an event
[12:08] <Quint> you don't need to get in trouble
[12:08] <mahnini> dude 14 year olds
[12:08] <littlechava> dont take shit from little kids Ceiling_Cat
[12:08] <mahnini> are like like 5 ft
[12:08] <@vGl-RaGe> because an annoying 14 year old is there
14[12:08] <heyoka> when you are on your death bed
14[12:08] <heyoka> do you want to say to yourself
14[12:08] <heyoka> "I got abused by a 14 year old"
14[12:08] <heyoka> or do you want to say
[12:08] <@vGl-RaGe> just post in that thread
[12:08] <Ceiling_Cat> nah
[12:08] <@vGl-RaGe> that you're coming
[12:08] <Ceiling_Cat> I am coming
[12:08] <@vGl-RaGe> and laugh at him when his mommy
14[12:08] <heyoka> "i beat the fuck out of some stupid punk and showed him the business"
[12:08] <Quint> "I abused a 14 year old"? 8[
[12:08] <Ceiling_Cat> on the day he's not coming
[12:08] <@vGl-RaGe> attends the meeting
[12:08] <@vGl-RaGe> out of safety
[12:08] <littlechava> just because he hasn't hit puberty yet doesn't mean he should get away with murder
[12:08] <@vGl-RaGe> dude
[12:08] <Ceiling_Cat> which is the next meeting
[12:08] <mahnini> wait
[12:08] <mahnini> what
[12:08] <mahnini> link me
[12:08] <Ceiling_Cat> simple solution
[12:08] <mahnini> to fight challenge
[12:08] <FragKrag> agreed
03[12:09] * Joins: rkos (nuhuh@87-94-157-145.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi)
[12:09] <mahnini> link
[12:09] <mahnini> link
[12:09] <FragKrag> LINK
[12:09] <Ceiling_Cat> the NYC lan
[12:09] <Ceiling_Cat> one
[12:09] <FragKrag> page
[12:09] <Ceiling_Cat> and CPL
[12:09] <mahnini> oh
[12:09] <mahnini> OH
[12:09] <Pholon> CPL IS FOR NOOBS
[12:09] <mahnini> this is cause i asked why theres cpl drama
[12:09] <mahnini> hahahahah
[12:09] <Ceiling_Cat> finding pages
[12:09] <Ceiling_Cat> give me a sec
[12:09] <mahnini> HAHAHAHAHHAHA
[12:09] <mahnini> CPL SRS BUZNS
03[12:09] * Joins: Tass[M] (~alindgren@213-21-84-62.bon.t3.se)
[12:09] <Ceiling_Cat> http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=105455¤tpage=6
[12:09] <Ceiling_Cat> page 6
[12:10] <Ceiling_Cat> start with my comment
[12:10] <Ceiling_Cat> which is the fifth post
[12:10] <Ceiling_Cat> then continue on till next page i think
[12:10] <littlechava> Ceiling_Cat
[12:10] <Pholon> lol
[12:10] <littlechava> where are his insult posts
[12:10] <Pholon> someones got sand in her vagina
[12:10] <Ceiling_Cat> thread CPL
[12:10] <Ceiling_Cat> and other threads I don't remember in the past
[12:10] <mahnini> you
03[12:10] * Parts: SentienRuustin (1540sven@16-dom-21.acn.waw.pl)
[12:10] <Ceiling_Cat> this hasn't been a recent one week think
[12:10] <mahnini> i asked for the fight link
[12:10] <mahnini> GEEZ
[12:10] <Ceiling_Cat> thing*
03[12:10] * Joins: wadis (~wadis@c-89-160-40-89.cust.bredband2.com)
[12:10] <Ceiling_Cat> well I never fought him
[12:10] <Ceiling_Cat> obviously
03[12:10] * port`off is now known as port|
[12:11] <Ceiling_Cat> I don't fight ppl
[12:11] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm a pacificst
[12:11] <@vGl-RaGe> he's just a fucking kid dude
[12:11] <@vGl-RaGe> you dont need to fight him
[12:11] <mahnini> that's
[12:11] <Ceiling_Cat> in fact, I never even got into a street fight with anyone
[12:11] <mahnini> wow
[12:11] <mahnini> WOW
[12:11] <FragKrag> FITE
[12:11] <mahnini> HE"S 14
[12:11] <FragKrag> FITE
[12:11] <FragKrag> FITE
[12:11] <FragKrag> LOL
[12:11] <Ceiling_Cat> so I don't know how to fight
[12:11] <Ceiling_Cat> to be honest
[12:11] <mahnini> YOUR 21
[12:11] <Ceiling_Cat> I can fight but I just never really did
[12:11] <mahnini> HES 14
[12:11] <mahnini> WTFMAN
[12:11] <harem> if you don't fight this kid now then who knows what this kid could grow up into
[12:11] <Pholon> 15*
[12:11] <FragKrag> wait Ceiling_Cat is quickstriker?
14[12:11] <heyoka> okay lets back up i have a new plan
[12:11] <Ceiling_Cat> yes
14[12:11] <heyoka> go to the lan and pretend to be his friend
[12:11] <harem> if you don't knock sense into him
14[12:11] <heyoka> be all yo man lets make up
[12:11] <FragKrag> oooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh
14[12:11] <heyoka> and then give him some chocolate
[12:11] <FragKrag> JUST PUNCH HIM
[12:12] <FragKrag> IN THE STOMACH
[12:12] <FragKrag> EZ
[12:12] <Ceiling_Cat> lol?
14[12:12] <heyoka> but give him LAXITIVE chocolate
[12:12] <Xiberia> guys
[12:12] <Xiberia> GUYS
[12:12] <Ceiling_Cat> but I don't want to get a criminal record
[12:12] <FragKrag> watch him SQUIRM
14[12:12] <heyoka> and then laugh at him when his ass explodes during a game
[12:12] <Xiberia> if you keep this up
[12:12] <FragKrag> ROFL
[12:12] <Xiberia> hes gonna go to gg.net
[12:12] <Xiberia> or sc2gg
[12:12] <@vGl-RaGe> lmao
[12:12] <Ceiling_Cat> in a world where fighting is legal
[12:12] <Ceiling_Cat> I would beat the hell of him
[12:12] <Ceiling_Cat> but
[12:12] <@vGl-RaGe> there's only one way out of this drama
[12:12] <@vGl-RaGe> take it further
[12:12] <Quint> paciFIST
[12:12] <FragKrag> srsly Ceiling_Cat punch him in the stomach
[12:12] <@vGl-RaGe> tell him you're bringing a gun
[12:12] <@vGl-RaGe> LOL
[12:12] <Ceiling_Cat> NYC has strict policies
[12:12] <FragKrag> or apologize liek a BITCH
[12:12] <@vGl-RaGe> god
[12:12] <mahnini> ROFL
[12:12] <FragKrag> LOL
[12:12] <FragKrag> ROFL
[12:12] <Ceiling_Cat> well like i said
[12:12] <Pholon> OMYGOD THE POLICIES
[12:12] <Ceiling_Cat> LOL
[12:13] <Ceiling_Cat> sorry but
[12:13] <Pholon> DAMMIT
[12:13] <Ceiling_Cat> im a pacifist
[12:13] <Pholon> it's like
[12:13] <FragKrag> Ceiling_Cat surrender ur penis
02[12:13] * Quits: rkos- (nuhuh@87-94-157-145.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi) (Ping timeout)
[12:13] <Quint> you can't write pacifist without FIST
[12:13] <Pholon> A HUGE CHAIR IS BLOCKING YOUR PATH all over again
[12:13] <Ceiling_Cat> only to a hot girl
[12:13] <FragKrag> FIST
[12:13] <FragKrag> YES
[12:13] <@vGl-RaGe> HES LIKE
[12:13] <@vGl-RaGe> A PUPPY
[12:13] <@vGl-RaGe> god
[12:13] <Ceiling_Cat> I know
[12:13] <Xiberia> hahaha
[12:13] <Pholon> i.e. he might bite
[12:13] <Ceiling_Cat> well I do take some things seriously
[12:13] <harem> some puppies can be vicious
[12:13] <Pholon> give you rabies
[12:13] <Ceiling_Cat> online
[12:13] <mahnini> only explaination is he's scared of a 14 yo
[12:13] <Pholon> better be careful
[12:14] <mahnini> U SCARED??????
[12:14] <harem> and future human biters
[12:14] <Ceiling_Cat> no
[12:14] <Pholon> thats right harem
[12:14] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm just scared of myself
[12:14] <FragKrag> Ceiling_Cat is afraid of pokebunny
[12:14] <FragKrag> LOL
[12:14] <Ceiling_Cat> of how far I can go
[12:14] <Xiberia> you need to fight pokebunny now
[12:14] <mahnini> ROFL
[12:14] <Ceiling_Cat> in beating this kid up
[12:14] <@vGl-RaGe> dude
[12:14] <Xiberia> to restore your honor
[12:14] <@vGl-RaGe> you've
[12:14] <@vGl-RaGe> never
[12:14] <Ceiling_Cat> and get in trouble
[12:14] <FragKrag> POKEMON BUNNY
[12:14] <@vGl-RaGe> EVER been in a fight
[12:14] <Pholon> You're afraid you might actually punch him?
[12:14] <@vGl-RaGe> and now
[12:14] <Pholon> lolol
[12:14] <FragKrag> LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
[12:14] <@vGl-RaGe> you'd be in a fight with a 14 year old
[12:14] <AimHere> Ceiling_Cat is the exact diametric opposite of the Internet Tough Guy
[12:14] <mahnini> THE GUYS NAME IS POKEBUNNY
[12:14] <@vGl-RaGe> over a video game
[12:14] <Ceiling_Cat> look, I'm a total pacifist, if I break out of that zone
[12:14] <Pholon> Frag
[12:14] <Pholon> can you just write lol with one o?
[12:14] <@vGl-RaGe> god
[12:14] <FragKrag> use ur charizard
[12:15] <@vGl-RaGe> cant
[12:15] <Pholon> I might getted banned for flooding when I post this in irc quotes
[12:15] <@vGl-RaGe> hes got moltres
[12:15] <mahnini> hahaha
[12:15] <FragKrag> moltres
[12:15] <FragKrag> is easily the worst
[12:15] <Ceiling_Cat> lol
[12:15] <FragKrag> legendary bird
[12:15] <@vGl-RaGe> he needs to stall for the eggs
[12:15] <FragKrag> of all time
[12:15] <Ceiling_Cat> agreed
[12:15] <Quint> is that moltkes evil brother?
[12:15] <FragKrag> charizard rapes moltres
[12:15] <Ceiling_Cat> the ice one
[12:15] <FragKrag> with slash
[12:15] <Ceiling_Cat> is better
[12:15] <mahnini> FIGHT OVER CPL
[12:15] <mahnini> ROOOOOOOFL
[12:15] <Ceiling_Cat> well
[12:15] <Ceiling_Cat> I got kicked out of CPL
[12:15] <FragKrag> l o l
[12:15] <Xiberia> zapdos is the best one
[12:15] <Xiberia> mkay
[12:15] <mahnini> peasants with opinions
[12:15] <Ceiling_Cat> b/c the coaches didn't want me
[12:15] <Pholon> COME AND SEE COME AND SEE
[12:15] <mahnini> terrible
[12:15] <@vGl-RaGe> guys
[12:15] <FragKrag> agreed with Xiberia
[12:15] <@vGl-RaGe> can you imagine
[12:15] <Ceiling_Cat> b/c I couldn't come on every single Saturday..
[12:15] <@vGl-RaGe> being pokebunny
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> you're
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> asian
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> 14 years old
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> and you just managed
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> to scare a 21 year old
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> out of going to an event
[12:16] <Ceiling_Cat> I'M NOT SCARED
[12:16] <mahnini> rofl
[12:16] <FragKrag> lol
[12:16] <FragKrag> what an ego boost
[12:16] <littlechava> well vGl-RaGe the sad thing is pokebunny is never going to learn his lesson because Ceiling_Cat won't man up
[12:16] <harem> pokebunny is white
[12:16] <Xiberia> i think you are Ceiling_Cat
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> k, then he verbally abused you so hard
[12:16] <harem> not asian, rage
[12:16] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm not scared of HIM
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> you dont want to go
[12:16] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm SCARED OF MYSELF
[12:16] <Ceiling_Cat> those are 2 different things
[12:16] <Xiberia> then leave your apartment
[12:16] <Xiberia> before you hurt yourself
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> dude
[12:16] <Ceiling_Cat> no, there's a foot of snow
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> you're not gonna fight him
[12:16] <FragKrag> Ceiling_Cat a likely excuse
[12:16] <Ceiling_Cat> outside
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> i know that now
[12:16] <FragKrag> You're afraid
[12:16] <Ceiling_Cat> you know how much snow there is?
[12:16] <mahnini> ROFL
[12:16] <Ceiling_Cat> outside?
[12:16] <AraqirG-laptop> a lot
[12:16] <Pholon> OMG SNOW
[12:16] <Ceiling_Cat> and me shove those snow?
[12:16] <littlechava> Ceiling_Cat sometimes losing control is good
[12:16] <FragKrag> oh no not snow
[12:16] <Pholon> MY BANE AND CURSE
[12:16] <mahnini> he's afraid of the snow too
[12:16] <AimHere> Scared of the unleashed nerd rage
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[12:16] <mahnini> RROFL
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> if you've never fought someone in your entire life, you're not gonna fight a 14 year old over an internet discussion
[12:17] <FragKrag> lololoooooooooooooool
[12:17] <Ceiling_Cat> I could
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> but you wouldn't
[12:17] <Ceiling_Cat> there are moments I could have
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> dont lie
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> to yourself
[12:17] <Ceiling_Cat> but didn't have
[12:17] <littlechava> sometimes you have to lose control to solve problems
[12:17] <FragKrag> rip off his balls
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> dude
[12:17] <Ceiling_Cat> look rage
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> don't lie to yourself
[12:17] <Lyset> what's going on in here
[12:17] <Ceiling_Cat> you know what High School I went to?
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> you wouldn't fight him
[12:17] <Quint> give in to RaGe
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> i dont care
[12:17] <Pholon> was it
[12:17] <Ceiling_Cat> ppl get knifed there
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> you wouldn't fight him
[12:17] <Ceiling_Cat> ppl get shot
[12:17] <Lyset> someone type me up a tl;dr version
[12:17] <Pholon> Fistfight high?
[12:17] <Ceiling_Cat> and I avoided all fights in high school
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> doesnt matter
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> you wouldn't fight him
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> he's a kid
[12:17] <harem> the incredible hulk is a great hero, ceiling cat. Embrace the anger
[12:17] <AimHere> So go meet pokebunny and avoid a fight
[12:18] <Ceiling_Cat> NO
[12:18] <Ceiling_Cat> incredible hulk is bad
[12:18] <littlechava> he called you a bitch dude
[12:18] <FragKrag> go meet pokebunny
[12:18] <Ceiling_Cat> I don't want to embrace the anger
[12:18] <FragKrag> and just bm him
[12:18] <AimHere> He's 14 years old, he's got a voice like Tweety Cat on helium
[12:18] <littlechava> stop taking that shit from teenagers
[12:18] <mahnini> i dont know man i've never fought before but the internet says i can kill 50 five year olds
[12:18] <FragKrag> BM pokebunny
[12:18] <FragKrag> make him take a swing at you
[12:18] <littlechava> teach that fuckface some manners
[12:18] <FragKrag> and then punch him in the stomach
[12:18] <Xiberia> mahnini
[12:18] <AimHere> He's hardly going to provoke you to murder
[12:18] <Xiberia> how many 14 year olds
[12:18] <Xiberia> is that
[12:18] <Ceiling_Cat> hmmm...
[12:18] <mahnini> maybe 3?
[12:18] <mahnini> wait
[12:18] <@vGl-RaGe> maybe
[12:18] <mahnini> my math is bad
[12:18] <Ceiling_Cat> well if Pokebunny made me enough to think I want to totally beat the shit out of him online
14[12:18] <heyoka> HULKAMANIA
[12:19] <@vGl-RaGe> we should just
14[12:19] <heyoka> HULKSTER RULES
[12:19] <@vGl-RaGe> settle this with
[12:19] <Ceiling_Cat> then imagine what he might do
[12:19] <@vGl-RaGe> a bo9
[12:19] <Ceiling_Cat> OUTSIDE
[12:19] <Ceiling_Cat> no
[12:19] <Quint> a fist fight
[12:19] <Ceiling_Cat> he's C
[12:19] <littlechava> i don't think anyone can deny pokebunny needs a savage beatdown
[12:19] <Ceiling_Cat> and I'm D
[12:19] <mahnini> BO9 WITH FISTS
[12:19] <Pholon> Ceiling_Cat - how many 5 years olds could you take?
[12:19] <littlechava> you're the one to do it Ceiling_Cat
[12:19] <Xiberia> so basically
[12:19] <Xiberia> hes more man
[12:19] <Xiberia> in every aspect
[12:19] <Xiberia> of life
[12:19] <AimHere> Ceiling_Cat, people are LESS liable to offend others when they're not on the internet
[12:19] <littlechava> 5-0 that kid
[12:19] <mahnini> RORL
[12:19] <littlechava> knock him out
[12:19] <littlechava> knock his dad out too
[12:19] <littlechava> his dad's probably a total faggot
[12:19] <mahnini> afraid of him irl afraid of him on internet
[12:19] <FragKrag> internet news: 14 year old has more balls than 21 year old
[12:19] <mahnini> AFRAID OF SNOW
[12:19] <AimHere> The internet gives you anonymity, adn the ability to BM others without getting punched in the face.
[12:19] <Xiberia> AFRAID OF HIMSELF
[12:19] <@vGl-RaGe> control your temper though you might set off some stray nuke
[12:19] <Ceiling_Cat> how I am on the internet is different on how I am in real life
[12:19] <Xiberia> your life must be hell
[12:19] <Ceiling_Cat> however I am similar in a sense
[12:19] <@vGl-RaGe> who knows what happens when your inner hell gets unleashed
[12:19] <Pholon> embrace your anger
[12:20] <Pholon> come to the dark side
[12:20] <Ceiling_Cat> why is everyone
[12:20] <FragKrag> is Ceiling_Cat actually a woman
[12:20] <Ceiling_Cat> telling me
[12:20] <mahnini> GO SUPER SAYAIN
[12:20] <Ceiling_Cat> to get angry
[12:20] <FragKrag> yes
[12:20] <Ceiling_Cat> you don't want me angrty
[12:20] <Ceiling_Cat> I don't want to be angry
[12:20] <littlechava> Ceiling_Cat all this proves is that you don't have the balls to follow the correct course of action
[12:20] <Ceiling_Cat> why should I be angry?
[12:20] <@vGl-RaGe> we're not telling you to get angry
[12:20] <AimHere> "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry"
[12:20] <Pholon> lool
[12:20] <Xiberia> maybe you'll grow a pair
[12:20] <Xiberia> who knows!
[12:20] <Pholon> aimhere yes
[12:20] <Pholon> YES
[12:20] <@vGl-RaGe> we're telling you to get your ass to the LAN and prove everyone
[12:20] <@vGl-RaGe> that we were right
[12:20] <Ceiling_Cat> I will
[12:20] <@vGl-RaGe> and you wouldnt fight him
02[12:20] * Quits: polysporin (~polyspori@76-10-186-218.dsl.teksavvy.com) (Ping timeout)
[12:20] <Ceiling_Cat> next Saturday
[12:20] <@vGl-RaGe> cause he looks like a puppy
[12:20] <littlechava> what rage means is give that kid a knuckle sandwich
[12:20] <mahnini> cuase he's scared
[12:20] <Ceiling_Cat> in which Pokebunny won't be coming
[12:20] <mahnini> SCARED
[12:20] <mahnini> he's lying
[12:20] <FragKrag> a knuckle sandwich
[12:20] <FragKrag> straight to the stomach
[12:20] <mahnini> he's gonna show up with his crew
[12:20] <Ceiling_Cat> so I already avoided the possible conflict by not attending yesterday's Lan
[12:21] <mahnini> of 14 year olds
[12:21] <Julmust> what have I missed and how can I make it worse?
[12:21] <mahnini> then youll be in real trouble
[12:21] <littlechava> curbstomp that bitch
14[12:21] <heyoka> have you considered having a real life pokebattle?
[12:21] <Xiberia> Julmust
[12:21] <Ceiling_Cat> look
[12:21] <littlechava> do it Ceiling_Cat
[12:21] <littlechava> DO IT
[12:21] <Xiberia> basically
[12:21] <littlechava> DO IT
[12:21] <Xiberia> Ceiling_Cat
[12:21] <Xiberia> is scared of a 14 year old
[12:21] <Ceiling_Cat> I can beat up at least 5 of these 14 years old
[12:21] <Xiberia> both in real life
[12:21] <Julmust> lol
[12:21] <Ceiling_Cat> if I really want to
[12:21] <Xiberia> and on the internet
[12:21] <littlechava> prove you're a man
[12:21] <@vGl-RaGe> should just release your anger in more controlled ways
[12:21] <littlechava> PROVE IT
[12:21] <@vGl-RaGe> take a dump on his keyboard
[12:21] <FragKrag> LO
[12:21] <Ceiling_Cat> just I don't want to
[12:21] <FragKrag> pee on hsi chair
03[12:21] * FRITZZZ is now known as fritzzz
[12:21] <Ceiling_Cat> you guys obviously doubt my fighting skills
[12:21] <mahnini> im gonna post in that thread on your behalf
02[12:21] * Quits: IPS|WiZarD (~ka@ (Signed off)
[12:21] <@vGl-RaGe> no
[12:21] <littlechava> take a dump on his keyboard that smash his face with it
[12:21] <mahnini> that you challenge him to fight
[12:21] <Ceiling_Cat> but I sure know how to fight
[12:21] <@vGl-RaGe> i'm sure you could beat him up
[12:21] <Pholon> doubt?
[12:21] <@vGl-RaGe> but you wouldn't
[12:21] <Pholon> dbout?
[12:21] <@vGl-RaGe> beat him up
[12:22] <Pholon> were just
[12:22] <@vGl-RaGe> hes 14
[12:22] <@vGl-RaGe> ffs
[12:22] <littlechava> prove you know how to fight
[12:22] <Julmust> hey you dont mess around with 14y.o. they might tell on you!
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[12:22] <Pholon> challenging them
[12:22] <@vGl-RaGe> thats the funny part
[12:22] <@vGl-RaGe> you can tell him anything you want
[12:22] <Ceiling_Cat> sure tae kwon do is all crap and nothing
[12:22] <Pholon> Julmust
[12:22] <@vGl-RaGe> he wont fight you
[12:22] <@vGl-RaGe> because
[12:22] <@vGl-RaGe> hes a baby
[12:22] <@vGl-RaGe> but yet
[12:22] <Pholon> they're telling Ceiling_Cat
[12:22] <@vGl-RaGe> you choose to back the fuck out
[12:22] <Pholon> to fistfight pokebunny
[12:22] <Pholon> but
[12:22] <@vGl-RaGe> eventhough he'd be shitting his pants
[12:22] <Ceiling_Cat> but I learned that when I was 6 and got my black belt when i was 8
[12:22] <harem> Ceiling_Cat:: do you like tater tots because you remind me of someone who does?
[12:22] <Pholon> if he does
[12:22] <Pholon> ima break his face
[12:22] <Pholon> nbut he's got a blackbelt
[12:22] <Pholon> whereas I onl have clogs
[12:22] <Xiberia> your black belt aint shit
[12:22] <Xiberia> hes 14
[12:22] <mahnini> clogs are dangerous
[12:22] <Xiberia> and C
[12:22] <Xiberia> on iccup
[12:22] <FragKrag> clogs
[12:22] <FragKrag> lol
[12:22] <Ceiling_Cat> tater tots.....
[12:23] <mahnini> 14 is almost puberty
[12:23] <Pholon> clogs break faces
[12:23] <Pholon> imo
[12:23] <mahnini> pretty dangerous imo
[12:23] <Ceiling_Cat> I got work out gloves
[12:23] <littlechava> ENOUGH TALK
[12:23] <littlechava> GO KILL HIM
[12:23] <FragKrag> challenge him to a
[12:23] <@vGl-RaGe> BRING OUT THE GLOVES
[12:23] <harem> Xiberia: c+ and hit b- with extended season
[12:23] <FragKrag> D D D D DUEEEEL
[12:23] <mahnini> NO TAKE THE GLOVES OFF
[12:23] <harem> clearly needs to be brought down
[12:23] <Xiberia> :O
[12:23] <Xiberia> yeah
[12:23] <Ceiling_Cat> no gloves?
[12:23] <Xiberia> smash that kids face!
[12:23] <Xiberia> do it Ceiling_Cat
[12:23] <Xiberia> show him whos boss
[12:23] <FragKrag> u dont want blood on your gloves
[12:23] <Ceiling_Cat> hmm...
[12:23] <Ceiling_Cat> I get always get a new pai
[12:24] <Ceiling_Cat> pair*
03[12:24] * vGl-RaGe changes topic to '( Ceiling_Cat ) but I learned that when I was 6 and got my black belt when i was 8 4 Be afraid... very afraid'
[12:24] <AimHere> Ceiling Cat was a 10 year old ninja
[12:24] <Xiberia> Ceiling_Cat is the alpha male
[12:24] <mahnini> ninja assassin
[12:24] <harem> also Ceiling_Cat: would you ever vote for someone named pedro?
[12:24] <Ceiling_Cat> "I learned tae kwon do when I was 6"
[12:24] <littlechava> prove you're a champion Ceiling_Cat
[12:24] <Ceiling_Cat> fix that plz ^_^
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[12:24] <littlechava> don't let him hide behind adolescence
[12:24] <mahnini> he's using it as a shield
[12:24] <Ceiling_Cat> no, I don't think I ever voted for someone who's pedro...
[12:24] <mahnini> SMASH HIS SHIELD
[12:25] <Ceiling_Cat> well
[12:25] <Ceiling_Cat> first I gotta get my body into top shape
[12:25] <Ceiling_Cat> for battle
[12:25] <Ceiling_Cat> I suppose
[12:25] <@vGl-RaGe> should add a handicap
[12:25] <mahnini> it's ok we'll do a montage
[12:25] <@vGl-RaGe> to make it fair
[12:25] <Ceiling_Cat> but wait
[12:25] <@vGl-RaGe> shave your pubes
[12:25] <AimHere> Cue workout theme from Rocky 1
[12:25] <@vGl-RaGe> amputate your legs
[12:25] <Ceiling_Cat> I honestly hope you guys aren't...
[12:25] <Ceiling_Cat> WAIT WHAT?
[12:26] <Ceiling_Cat> no
[12:26] <Ceiling_Cat> I refuse to
[12:26] <Ceiling_Cat> especially the legs?
[12:26] <Ceiling_Cat> my legs are all hairy
[12:26] <AimHere> Yeah, someone have two snooker balls in a sock ready just in case CC needs the backup
[12:26] <littlechava> don't listen to rage he's just trolling
[12:26] <mahnini> it's to insure you dont hurt him
[12:26] <mahnini> you dont want to hurt him do you
[12:26] <littlechava> any rational person here knows the only answer is to beat the shit out of pokefaggot
[12:26] <mahnini> OFF WITH THE LEGS
[12:26] <@vGl-RaGe> hahaha
14[12:26] <heyoka> snooker balls thsi is ameria do we even have snooker here >
[12:26] <Ceiling_Cat> well
[12:26] <Ceiling_Cat> if I am fighting
[12:26] <AimHere> Pool balls then!
[12:27] <Ceiling_Cat> I might as well go down with a bang
03[12:27] * SL|DaGGer`off is now known as SL|DaGGrrr
[12:27] <Ceiling_Cat> HURTING HIM to the point he'll never ever speak of me again
[12:27] <Ceiling_Cat> but
[12:27] <Ceiling_Cat> I don't want to fight
[12:27] <Grazze> rape
[12:27] <harem> don't forget his fingers
[12:27] <@vGl-RaGe> JESUS CHRIST
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[12:27] <Ceiling_Cat> b/c something always get out wrong in fighting
[12:27] <harem> don't let him be able to type about you either
[12:27] <Ceiling_Cat> exactly RaGe
[12:27] <FragKrag> break his eyes
[12:27] <Ceiling_Cat> that's why it's not worth it
[12:27] <Xiberia> harem they have these devices now
[12:27] <Ceiling_Cat> it's only the internet
[12:27] <Xiberia> that allow you to type
[12:27] <mahnini> he probably has glasses
[12:28] <mahnini> break his glasses
[12:28] <Xiberia> with minimal motor function
[12:28] <Ceiling_Cat> no one I know outside in real life goes to TL
[12:28] <Ceiling_Cat> so I have no real shame
[12:28] <mahnini> the perfect crime
[12:28] <FragKrag> yeah hes asian
[12:28] <Ceiling_Cat> who is
[12:28] <FragKrag> break his glasses = he cant see anything
[12:28] <Ceiling_Cat> Pokebunny is asian?
[12:28] <FragKrag> i think so
[12:28] <harem> no he is whit
[12:28] <FragKrag> or you are
[12:28] <harem> e
[12:28] <Ceiling_Cat> hmm....
[12:28] <FragKrag> not sure
[12:28] <Ceiling_Cat> well I am asian
[12:28] <mahnini> WHAT A RACIST
[12:28] <Ceiling_Cat> lol
[12:28] <FragKrag> o
03[12:28] * Parts: Gom8tSoskaR (~Hammu@S01060003253501b0.cg.shawcable.net)
[12:29] <FragKrag> sorry
[12:29] <Ceiling_Cat> I can talk smack to him in Korean if I wanted to
[12:29] <FragKrag> you both lack balls
[12:29] <FragKrag> so i couldnt tell the difference
[12:29] <Ceiling_Cat> actually
[12:29] <@vGl-RaGe> woahhh
[12:29] <Ceiling_Cat> I have big balls
[12:29] <Ceiling_Cat> imo
[12:29] <Pholon> pics
[12:29] <@vGl-RaGe> dude
[12:29] <Ceiling_Cat> but that's just my own personal opinion
[12:29] <FragKrag> you're asian
[12:29] <Ceiling_Cat> no
[12:29] <littlechava> why don't you grow a sack and teach him a lesson
[12:29] <FragKrag> LOL
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[12:29] <@vGl-RaGe> your sack couldn't have been made more transparant over
[12:29] <@vGl-RaGe> the past few days
[12:29] <@vGl-RaGe> you have very small balls
[12:29] <Ceiling_Cat> hmm....
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[12:30] <littlechava> yeah maybe that's the problem
[12:30] <Ceiling_Cat> I gotta find a peaceful solution to this
14[12:30] <heyoka> you can take hormones for that problem
[12:30] <littlechava> maybe he's one of those trannies thats born with too much estrogen
[12:30] <Ceiling_Cat> I can't take the whole fighting thing to reality
[12:30] <littlechava> so he acts like a bitch all the time
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[12:30] <mahnini> what if this isnt reality
[12:30] <Ceiling_Cat> wait what?
[12:30] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm dreaming?
[12:30] <mahnini> YOU HEARD ME
[12:30] <FragKrag> red pill
[12:30] <FragKrag> RED PILL
[12:30] <Ceiling_Cat> are we going to go into Decrates again?
[12:30] <mahnini> FIGHT HIM TO WAKE UP
[12:30] <@vGl-RaGe> HAHA
[12:30] <Ceiling_Cat> hmm...
[12:31] <Xiberia> the lan will be held in a distant corner of the internet
[12:31] <Ceiling_Cat> if this is a dream
[12:31] <mahnini> HE REPRESENTS YOUR COMA
[12:31] <Xiberia> on the very brink of reality
02[12:31] * Quits: deotrip (~tk@p4FF25585.dip.t-dialin.net) (Ping timeout)
[12:31] <mahnini> YOU MUST OVERCOME HIM
[12:31] <Xiberia> it seems like real life
[12:31] <Xiberia> but its not
[12:31] <Xiberia> BEAT HIM UP
[12:31] <Ceiling_Cat> hmmm....
02[12:31] * Quits: AimHere (~bod@host86-169-10-130.range86-169.btcentralplus.com) (Signed off)
[12:31] <Ceiling_Cat> you mean...
[12:31] <Ceiling_Cat> THE MATRIX?!?!
[12:31] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm inside of it?
[12:31] <mahnini> no that's stupid
[12:31] <Ceiling_Cat> lol
02[12:31] * Quits: renchak (~renchak@tn-84-218-54-129.dsl.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Ping timeout)
[12:31] <Ceiling_Cat> hmmm....
[12:32] <Ceiling_Cat> well, for now, let's just say
02[12:32] * Quits: @IntoTheWow (~fake123@IntoTheWow.users.quakenet.org) (Signed off)
[12:32] <Ceiling_Cat> Pokebunny didn't make me angry enough
[12:32] <Ceiling_Cat> for me to get serious
[12:32] <Ceiling_Cat> and begone wih that topic
[12:32] <harem> what would make you angry enough
[12:32] <Ceiling_Cat> umm...
03[12:32] * Nikone|2 is now known as Nikoner
[12:33] <Ceiling_Cat> that's... classified..
14[12:33] <heyoka> when you get angry enough do you do that thing steven seagal does in hsi show
14[12:33] <heyoka> where everything turns red
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14[12:33] <heyoka> and you can see special things happening
[12:33] <FragKrag> what if
14[12:33] <heyoka> because you know MARTIAL ART
[12:33] <Nikoner> Steven Seagal has a show?
02[12:33] * Quits: gS-afk|fdlty` (~fidel1ty@fideL1ty.users.quakenet.org) (Read error: EOF from client)
14[12:33] <heyoka> ya he stops crime with KARATE
[12:33] <FragKrag> somebody masturbated to a video of him having sex with his girlfriend
[12:33] <Ceiling_Cat> Steven Seagal has a show???
[12:33] <FragKrag> himself
[12:33] <Ceiling_Cat> I did not know that
[12:34] <Ceiling_Cat> so frag?
[12:34] <Ceiling_Cat> what's wrong with that
[12:34] <mahnini> hey i heard illusion was pokebunny's smurf
[12:34] <mahnini> he's insulting your thread
[12:34] <Ceiling_Cat> there are plenty of little kids out there who's worse
[12:34] <mahnini> beat him up imo
[12:34] <Ceiling_Cat> i know, illusion
[12:34] <harem> ceiling cat doesn';t have a gf, frag obv
[12:34] <Ceiling_Cat> i already did beat him
[12:34] <Ceiling_Cat> actually
[12:34] <Ceiling_Cat> on iccup
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[12:34] <Ceiling_Cat> I did pvt on him
[12:34] <mahnini> wow
[12:34] <Ceiling_Cat> and I gas stole him
[12:34] <Ceiling_Cat> and in the end
[12:34] <mahnini> what a bully
[12:34] <Ceiling_Cat> he bmed me
[12:34] <Ceiling_Cat> stating: "congrats, you know how to gas steal"
[12:34] <littlechava> you pvted on him?
[12:35] <Ceiling_Cat> i spirit toss him
[12:35] <Ceiling_Cat> and won
[12:35] <Ceiling_Cat> u know, mass zealots and 1a2a3a
[12:35] <littlechava> u sound like a faggot
[12:35] <Ceiling_Cat> well
14[12:35] <heyoka> oh so thats what spirit toss is
[12:35] <Ceiling_Cat> I don't play toss
[12:35] <Julmust> he sounds like a chicken to me
[12:35] <harem> picking protoss is the sign of one who would beat up a 14 year old
[12:35] <Ceiling_Cat> i play zerg
[12:35] <Ceiling_Cat> so I was off-racing
[12:35] <FragKrag> yea heyoka lol
[12:35] <mahnini> that's even worse
[12:36] <Xiberia> pvt is everyones best matchup
[12:36] <Ceiling_Cat> and my skill level was sort of like a D- I think
[12:36] <mahnini> yeah
[12:36] <Xiberia> hardly offracing
[12:36] <FragKrag> haha!
[12:36] <Ceiling_Cat> and if he was losing by my D- skills
[12:36] <Ceiling_Cat> then... he was a CPU rank that time
[12:36] <Ceiling_Cat> and ever since then
[12:36] <Ceiling_Cat> he's been bugging me
[12:36] <Ceiling_Cat> nonstop
02[12:36] * Quits: neobick (~Sab@81-229-150-45-o1124.telia.com) (Signed off)
[12:36] <Ceiling_Cat> BMing on every thread I have
14[12:36] <heyoka> for you to teach him karate?
[12:36] <Ceiling_Cat> Bming on every post I make
[12:36] <Ceiling_Cat> I can teach ppl tae kwon do
14[12:37] <heyoka> JUDO CHOP
02[12:37] * Quits: BiG|Vince (~Vince@p54BADD36.dip.t-dialin.net) (Signed off)
[12:37] <Ceiling_Cat> but that would be useless
[12:37] <FragKrag> racist
[12:37] <Pholon> dont do it man
[12:37] <Ceiling_Cat> besides, teaching Korean is easier
[12:37] <AimHere> Challenge him to another Starcraft duel. And steal his gas again.
[12:37] <Pholon> they'd use it to bully minors
14[12:37] <heyoka> zvt him and steal his gas
[12:37] <FragKrag> why do you put a period
[12:37] <Ceiling_Cat> lol
[12:37] <Ceiling_Cat> like great
[12:37] <Ceiling_Cat> yesterday?
[12:37] <FragKrag> and then use And
14[12:37] <heyoka> no spoilers pls
[12:37] <FragKrag> that doesn't make sese
[12:37] <AimHere> Why not?
[12:37] <FragKrag> sense
[12:37] <Ceiling_Cat> well i didn't say anything more
14[12:38] <heyoka> pls no spoilers
[12:38] <Ceiling_Cat> hmmm...
[12:38] <Ceiling_Cat> okok
[12:38] <AimHere> You don't capitalise or punctuate at all, so why criticise me for doing it wrong in a different way?
[12:38] <Ceiling_Cat> sorry
[12:38] <Pholon> AimHere, you can never start a sentence with "and" "but" or "or" in English
[12:38] <AimHere> "Or" is French for "gold".
[12:38] <Pholon> it is
[12:38] <mahnini> french is english for gay
[12:38] <Pholon> yup
[12:38] <Ceiling_Cat> loll
02[12:39] * Quits: IntoTheRequie1 (~IntoTheRe@ (Signed off)
[12:39] <Ceiling_Cat> so when you go to games online and these french say "jajajajja" on you
02[12:39] * Quits: Mazer (~Mazer@CPE00226b5e5f98-CM00159a01d22e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Signed off)
[12:39] <Ceiling_Cat> what does that mean?
[12:39] <Ceiling_Cat> are they bming you and making fun of you?
[12:39] <Pholon> jajaja
[12:39] <AimHere> Are those French? I thought it was Germans and Scandinavians.
[12:39] <Ceiling_Cat> im pretty sure it's french
[12:39] <Ceiling_Cat> b/c those quebec canadian frenchies said that
[12:39] <AimHere> 'Ja' is German for 'Yes'
03[12:39] * SL|DaGGrrr is now known as SL|DaGGer`off
[12:40] <Ceiling_Cat> not to be racist or anything, just pointing the fact out
[12:40] <Pholon> racist? maybe not, but I'm pretty sure you just called CAnadians French
[12:40] <Pholon> which is really insulting
[12:40] <Ceiling_Cat> no
[12:40] <Ceiling_Cat> i said quebec
[12:40] <Ceiling_Cat> and "frenchies"
[12:41] <Doso> Quebec will most likely be independet anyways
[12:41] <Pholon> maybe they'll heard about it, call their 5y/o karate excpert to beat you up ad some lan
[12:41] <harem> calling anyone french is insulting and calling anyone canadian is insulting tbh
[12:41] <Ceiling_Cat> meaning the french ppl and not the english ppl on canada
[12:41] <littlechava> Ceiling_Cat defending himself with words again
[12:41] <littlechava> ur full of shit Ceiling_Cat
[12:41] <littlechava> use ur fists
[12:41] <Ceiling_Cat> lol?
[12:41] <Xiberia> words dont solve anything
[12:41] <littlechava> fists solve problems
[12:41] <Xiberia> dont be a retard
[12:41] <Ceiling_Cat> how can I use fists in this situation
[12:41] <Xiberia> fucking trace our IPs
[12:42] <Xiberia> drive to our homes
[12:42] <littlechava> maybe if u weren't a bitch u would know how
[12:42] <Ceiling_Cat> all we have online is convs/discussions/talks and SC
[12:42] <Ceiling_Cat> but I play UMS most of the times so that's off
[12:42] <AimHere> Don't encourage him, Xiberia. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.
[12:42] <Ceiling_Cat> it's ok, I'm not angry at all
[12:42] <AimHere> This time next week, the people on #teamliquid will start disappearing one by one.
[12:42] <littlechava> cuz ur a bitch
[12:42] <Ceiling_Cat> my anger haven't even reached level 1
14[12:43] <heyoka> the karate killer
14[12:43] <heyoka> hunting down those who irc with him
[12:43] <Ceiling_Cat> lol?
[12:43] <Pholon> tell us
[12:43] <Ceiling_Cat> next week is New Years?
[12:43] <Pholon> when your anger level
[12:43] <Pholon> is over
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[12:43] <Ceiling_Cat> I set my anger level bars to 5 different levels
[12:43] <Ceiling_Cat> the highest I've been is level 4
[12:43] <Pholon> I see
[12:43] <Pholon> if you reach 5
[12:43] <Ceiling_Cat> which is why even I don't know what happens if I go level 5
[12:44] <Pholon> does the world explode?
[12:44] <littlechava> i bet uve never even reached level 2
[12:44] <mahnini> looks like you need a better anger provider
[12:44] <Xiberia> blonde hair
[12:44] <littlechava> geekasaurus rex
[12:44] <mahnini> with more coverage
[12:44] <Doso> Jaedong has a five level anger bar too.. he is usually at 6 in games
[12:44] <Ceiling_Cat> I just said the highest I ever been is level 4
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[12:44] <littlechava> just a timid little asian
[12:44] <littlechava> never wants to cause problems because he can't back them up
[12:44] <Ceiling_Cat> lol mahnini
03[12:44] * Joins: Goomo (~goomo@Goomo.users.quakenet.org)
[12:44] <Ceiling_Cat> I never wants to cause problems b/c I'm a pacifist
[12:44] <mahnini> dont lol me
[12:44] <Xiberia> i think that anger provider could be pokebunny
[12:44] <mahnini> ill beat you up
[12:45] <Ceiling_Cat> I don't like conflicts
[12:45] <AimHere> What is level 4 nerd rage anyways? Is that when you quit your game of starcraft without gging, or when you tell everyone in the channel that you know someone who will hack them, and they'll be sorry?
[12:45] <Quint> why do you provoke then
[12:45] <Ceiling_Cat> nah, pokebunny isn't worth it
[12:45] <littlechava> pacifist is codeword for pussy
[12:45] <Quint> them
[12:45] <littlechava> pokebunny is worth it
[12:45] <Ceiling_Cat> nah AIM, that's level 1
[12:45] <littlechava> pokebunny IS WORTH IT
03[12:45] * SL|DaGGer`off is now known as SL|DaGGrrr
[12:45] <Pholon> if I start hitting you with a 15 inch black cock does that count as a conflict?
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[12:45] <Ceiling_Cat> perhaps
[12:46] <Ceiling_Cat> but only a level 1 or at best 2 conflict
[12:46] <Doso> undless you are into it
06[12:46] * Pholon hits Ceiling_Cat with a 15 inch black cock
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[12:46] <mahnini> what is a level 5 conflict
[12:46] <Ceiling_Cat> that's level 0
[12:46] <Ceiling_Cat> I don't even honestly know what exactly might be level 5
06[12:46] * Pholon beats Ceiling_Cat to death with a 15 inch black cock
[12:46] <Ceiling_Cat> I just call "level 5" for anything that's beyond level 4
[12:46] <mahnini> ok so there is no level 5
[12:46] <littlechava> unleash level 5 on pokebunny
[12:46] <@vGl-CoW> i warned that illusion dude
[12:46] <mahnini> what is a level 4 conflict
06[12:46] * harem slaps Pholon around a bit with a large fishbot
[12:46] <Ceiling_Cat> ty CoW
[12:46] <Pholon> HAREM
[12:46] <mahnini> you should warn him again
[12:47] <Pholon> RAAAAAGH
[12:47] <Pholon> IMA BEAT YOU UP @ SOME LAN
[12:47] <@vGl-RaGe> dude
[12:47] <@vGl-RaGe> it's like
[12:47] <@vGl-RaGe> level 5
[12:47] <mahnini> that he might be part of level 4 conflict
[12:47] <littlechava> warn him about Ceiling_Cat
[12:47] <@vGl-RaGe> on gta2
[12:47] <@vGl-RaGe> you really need
[12:47] <littlechava> this kid doesn't fuck around
[12:47] <@vGl-RaGe> the tank
[12:47] <@vGl-RaGe> and blow shit up
[12:47] <@vGl-RaGe> to get the military
[12:47] <@vGl-RaGe> up your ass
[12:47] <Ceiling_Cat> lol
[12:47] <AimHere> Hey, do Ceiling_Cat and Pokebunny even know what each other looks like?
[12:47] <mahnini> pokebunny probably has a six pack
[12:47] <mahnini> and supermodel gf
[12:47] <littlechava> pokebunny told me Ceiling_Cat looks like a zitted nerd
03[12:47] * Parts: Hifnordbu (B4Y1472tox@spongebob.meets.jumpingcrab.com)
[12:47] <Ceiling_Cat> I only know his voice
[12:47] <Ceiling_Cat> LOL?
[12:47] <littlechava> yeah dude
[12:47] <Ceiling_Cat> I bet Pokebunny is all fat
[12:47] <littlechava> he was talking shit about you
[12:47] <Ceiling_Cat> and size 40 or something
[12:48] <Ceiling_Cat> that's my counter response
[12:48] <mahnini> size 40 DICK
[12:48] <littlechava> he said he could kick ur ass any day of the week
[12:48] <Grazze> i bet you are in a wheelchair Ceiling_Cat
[12:48] <AimHere> You could turn up and deny being Ceiling_Cat.
[12:48] <littlechava> cuz ur just some skinny asian nerd
[12:48] <Ceiling_Cat> hmm...
[12:48] <Ceiling_Cat> I see where this is going
[12:48] <@vGl-RaGe> nowhere
[12:48] <AimHere> Then post about it afterwards in the forum.
[12:48] <@vGl-RaGe> nothings gonna come of it ever
[12:48] <mahnini> just like your life
[12:48] <@vGl-RaGe> i hope pokebunny turns up saturday
[12:48] <@vGl-RaGe> you see him
[12:48] <mahnini> you coward
[12:48] <@vGl-RaGe> nothing will happen
[12:48] <AimHere> Then you get arrested for secretly internet stalking a 14 year old
[12:48] <Ceiling_Cat> hmm...
[12:48] <Pholon> dude Ceiling_Cat
[12:48] <@vGl-RaGe> you'll get called out on it
[12:49] <Pholon> you should write a blog
[12:49] <Pholon> to clear all of this up
[12:49] <littlechava> of course nothing will happen
[12:49] <Ceiling_Cat> I've wrote few blogs in past
[12:49] <Ceiling_Cat> every single OP i create
[12:49] <littlechava> Ceiling_Cat will take one look at pokebunny
[12:49] <littlechava> and run for the hills
[12:49] <Ceiling_Cat> ppl always crictize me
14[12:49] <heyoka> we need to start an initiative to get pokebunny to show up saturday
[12:49] <Grazze> lol
[12:49] <Ceiling_Cat> ppl always bm me
[12:49] <mahnini> because you are weak
[12:49] <Pholon> Ceiling_Cat
[12:49] <mahnini> WEAK
[12:49] <Pholon> in case you havent noticed yet
[12:49] <harem> http://www.teamliquid.net/userfiles/37712.jpg?1254103901 just look at this face, this 14 year old is asking for it Ceiling_Cat
[12:49] <Ceiling_Cat> whether it was PL LRs, OSLs, blogs, etc
[12:49] <Pholon> everyone bms everyone
[12:49] <@vGl-RaGe> dude
[12:49] <Ceiling_Cat> LOL, that's pokebunny?
[12:49] <@vGl-RaGe> it's super normal
[12:49] <@vGl-RaGe> for people
[12:49] <@vGl-RaGe> to criticise you
[12:49] <harem> yes
[12:49] <Pholon> indeed
[12:50] <Pholon> omg he's white
[12:50] <@vGl-RaGe> wow
[12:50] <Ceiling_Cat> I just don't like destructive criticism
[12:50] <@vGl-RaGe> he looks badass
[12:50] <Pholon> Ceiling_Cat gonna pwn him ez
[12:50] <littlechava> especially when ur a weakass zitted nerd asian
[12:50] <@vGl-RaGe> bet he could kick your ass
[12:50] <Pholon> looks like he likes baseball
[12:50] <Pholon> rpobably got a nasty right hook
[12:50] <harem> look at the chip he has on his shoulder
[12:50] <Ceiling_Cat> hmmm....
[12:50] <harem> need to knock him down a few pegs
[12:50] <littlechava> i'm the one who took that picture
[12:50] <Ceiling_Cat> do I need to gather my friends...
[12:51] <littlechava> right afterwards pokebunny told me he's "going to knock that gookazoid Ceiling_Cat down a peg" at the lan
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[12:51] <Ceiling_Cat> nah, if we ever do meet, I can handle this myself
[12:51] <AimHere> That's the spirit.
[12:51] <Grazze> do you have friends?
[12:51] <Ceiling_Cat> I never lived in an Asian neighborhood
[12:51] <Xiberia> so that a no?
[12:51] <Ceiling_Cat> 99% of my friends are from all different backgrounds
[12:51] <Xiberia> no friends?
[12:51] <Ceiling_Cat> I do
[12:52] <AimHere> 99% means 100 friends
[12:52] <Ceiling_Cat> well I do have about 200 on friends
[12:52] <AimHere> Who's the one friend who isn't from a different background
[12:52] <Ceiling_Cat> that I try to keep in touch
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[12:52] <littlechava> 200 what on friends
[12:52] <@vGl-RaGe> lol you're such a joke
[12:52] <@vGl-RaGe> can't believe you haven't noticed
[12:52] <Ceiling_Cat> unlike those mindless friends ppl just add
[12:52] <@vGl-RaGe> how poorly you're handling the entire situation
[12:52] <Ceiling_Cat> for no reason
[12:52] <@vGl-RaGe> do you really think
[12:52] <littlechava> we'll need facebook pics for verification Ceiling_Cat
14[12:52] <heyoka> if you're friends withs someone on myspace and facebook do they count twice?
[12:52] <@vGl-RaGe> this would get so much attention
[12:53] <Ceiling_Cat> i only make friends on facebook if I know them
[12:53] <Ceiling_Cat> in real life
[12:53] <littlechava> i'm pretty some some nerd who won't even fighting a 14 year old doesn't have friends
[12:53] <Ceiling_Cat> and hung out with them
[12:53] <mahnini> stop rage you are provoking his RAGE LEVEL
[12:53] <@vGl-RaGe> if you weren't handling it like an awkward retard
[12:53] <Ceiling_Cat> look
[12:53] <Ceiling_Cat> why should I
[12:53] <littlechava> pretty sure*
[12:53] <Ceiling_Cat> why should I stoop myself so low
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[12:53] <Ceiling_Cat> to deal with this inconsistent 14 years old brat
[12:53] <StormichThe2nd> lololol
[12:53] <StormichThe2nd> random comment
[12:53] <StormichThe2nd> hahahah
[12:53] <Ceiling_Cat> who thinks he's so much superior than me?
[12:53] <Ceiling_Cat> does he really think he's all that full of shit?
[12:53] <Pholon> I do
[12:53] <StormichThe2nd> i do
[12:53] <Xiberia> he sure seems to be superior to you
[12:53] <pangshai> are you talking about kolll
[12:53] <@vGl-RaGe> i do
[12:54] <StormichThe2nd> hahaha
[12:54] <littlechava> the moral of the story is Ceiling_Cat doesn't have a ballsack
[12:54] <AimHere> Well you could ignore him, by which I mean do whatever you were going to do regardless.
[12:54] <StormichThe2nd> ballsacks come with blackbelts
[12:54] <AimHere> Instead you're actively avoiding him
[12:54] <StormichThe2nd> or so i heard
[12:54] <Ceiling_Cat> I have black belt
[12:54] <Ceiling_Cat> when I was 8
[12:54] <StormichThe2nd> oh good
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[12:54] <@vGl-RaGe> no one
[12:54] <@vGl-RaGe> cares
[12:54] <littlechava> hahaha
[12:54] <Pholon> I have one too
[12:54] <harem> loool
[12:54] <Ceiling_Cat> it's on the topic title
[12:54] <@vGl-RaGe> about what belt you got when you were 8
[12:54] <Pholon> keeps my pants up
[12:54] <Pholon> v. handy
[12:54] <@vGl-RaGe> the younger you got it
14[12:54] <heyoka> the belt i wear with my suit is black imo
[12:54] <@vGl-RaGe> the less it means
[12:54] <Ceiling_Cat> well Rage
[12:54] <Ceiling_Cat> not exactly
[12:54] <Ceiling_Cat> you gotta think of it this way
[12:54] <StormichThe2nd> carate cid
[12:55] <Ceiling_Cat> since I got my black belt when I was 8, from that time to now
[12:55] <Ceiling_Cat> what do you think I've been doing?
[12:55] <Grazze> http://pici.se/pictures/tfWAvltYt.jpg <-- ceiling
[12:55] <StormichThe2nd> getting a darker belt?
[12:55] <Quint> killing people
[12:55] <@vGl-RaGe> dude
[12:55] <@vGl-RaGe> ...
[12:55] <mahnini> rainbow belt
[12:55] <mahnini> the ultimate champion
[12:55] <StormichThe2nd> hahahah
[12:55] <@vGl-RaGe> no one cares about how good you can fight
[12:55] <Ceiling_Cat> grazze, that is semi-accurate
[12:55] <@vGl-RaGe> no one is disputing that you're some big badass that would beat anyone up
[12:55] <Xiberia> fighting prowess doesnt matter
[12:55] <Xiberia> when beating up a 14 year old
[12:55] <@vGl-RaGe> everyone is laughing at how poorly
[12:55] <Ceiling_Cat> i got my black belt when i was 98
[12:55] <Ceiling_Cat> so...
[12:55] <littlechava> yeah, we all know you can't fight for shit anyway
[12:55] <@vGl-RaGe> you're handling this situation
[12:56] <Grazze> 98 years old?
[12:56] <Ceiling_Cat> well
[12:56] <Grazze> shit is crazy
[12:56] <StormichThe2nd> you got your black belt when PB was 4
[12:56] <Ceiling_Cat> how should I handle
[12:56] <Ceiling_Cat> this situation then
[12:56] <Ceiling_Cat> rage
[12:56] <AimHere> Should have beat him up then, when you had the chance.
[12:56] <littlechava> i bet this Ceiling_Cat faggot has never even taken tae kwan do classes
[12:56] <mahnini> you shouldve kicked his ass
[12:56] <Ceiling_Cat> enlighten me
[12:56] <littlechava> right guys?
[12:56] <mahnini> bac then
[12:56] <Pholon> just go to the friggin lan
[12:56] <Xiberia> yeah littlechava!!!
[12:56] <Pholon> and apologize
[12:56] <Pholon> like a man
[12:56] <@vGl-RaGe> the last thing you should do is let some 14 year old decide whether or not you're going to a lan
[12:56] <Ceiling_Cat> apologize??? ROFL
[12:56] <Ceiling_Cat> you want me to apologize????
[12:56] <littlechava> apologize with your fists
[12:56] <Pholon> yeah for being a dickwad
[12:56] <littlechava> like a man
[12:56] <StormichThe2nd> no kick his ass
[12:56] <Ceiling_Cat> are you serious dude?
[12:56] <mahnini> he wouldnt even show his face
[12:57] <Ceiling_Cat> I prefer kicking
[12:57] <littlechava> you sound like a bitch
[12:57] <Grazze> hahah kick him in the sack
[12:57] <StormichThe2nd> would be funny in paper "black belt shot by 14yo"
[12:57] <AimHere> Turn up to the LAN. If he gives you lip, kick his face in. Then kick his dad's face in.
[12:57] <@vGl-RaGe> uhm
[12:57] <@vGl-RaGe> god this is all hilarious and all
[12:57] <@vGl-RaGe> but 100% serious
[12:57] <@vGl-RaGe> do you have some social disorder or something
[12:57] <mahnini> dude
[12:57] <mahnini> the anger level
[12:57] <Ceiling_Cat> only on the internet, maybe
[12:57] <@vGl-RaGe> this can't be real
[12:57] <mahnini> RAGE LEVEL
[12:57] <StormichThe2nd> over 9000?
[12:57] <littlechava> vGl-RaGe
[12:57] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm about half way to anger level #1
[12:57] <Grazze> LOL
[12:57] <Grazze> ha
[12:58] <littlechava> he's clearly afraid of confrontations
03[12:58] * Joins: Mazer (~Mazer@CPE00226b5e5f98-CM00159a01d22e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
[12:58] <@vGl-RaGe> ruh roh
[12:58] <@vGl-RaGe> RUH ROH
[12:58] <Grazze> gogo level #4
[12:58] <StormichThe2nd> defcon 1 is where its at
[12:58] <littlechava> because he's a meek nerd
[12:58] <Grazze> what does it make you do? level #4
[12:58] <mahnini> he has to broadcast his anger level
[12:58] <StormichThe2nd> grow hands
[12:58] <Pholon> what does the scouter say about his anger leveeeeel
[12:58] <littlechava> Grazze: at level four he punches a hole in his plaster wall
[12:58] <Ceiling_Cat> well I'm only answering
[12:58] <@vGl-RaGe> hey quickstriker
[12:58] <StormichThe2nd> what ult do you get at lvl 6?
[12:58] <@vGl-RaGe> if you were still in high school
[12:58] <Ceiling_Cat> no, that's level 2 or 3
[12:58] <littlechava> it happens after things like losing a tvp on iccup
[12:58] <@vGl-RaGe> and some 14 year old called you a fag
[12:58] <Ceiling_Cat> littlechava
[12:58] <Grazze> ah
[12:58] <@vGl-RaGe> would you stay at home
[12:58] <@vGl-RaGe> the next day
[12:58] <Ceiling_Cat> nah
[12:58] <Ceiling_Cat> I went to a HS
[12:59] <@vGl-RaGe> no no
[12:59] <Ceiling_Cat> where ppl knife each other
[12:59] <@vGl-RaGe> dont tell us about
[12:59] <@vGl-RaGe> your
[12:59] <@vGl-RaGe> bad ass high school
[12:59] <@vGl-RaGe> i dont care
[12:59] <mahnini> homeschool'd imo
[12:59] <Ceiling_Cat> and ppl got shot
[12:59] <Grazze> HAHAHAHAH
14[12:59] <heyoka> rage d id you know he has a black belt?
[12:59] <littlechava> knife pokebunny
[12:59] <Grazze> oh dear
[12:59] <littlechava> Ceiling_Cat
[12:59] <littlechava> knife him
[12:59] <@vGl-RaGe> god
[12:59] <littlechava> you're too scared to fight him
[12:59] <littlechava> we see that
[12:59] <@vGl-RaGe> you're
[12:59] <StormichThe2nd> you needed a black belt at 8 to survive that HS
[12:59] <littlechava> but knifes are also an option
[12:59] <@vGl-RaGe> the weirdest wigger ever
[12:59] <@vGl-RaGe> oh wai
[12:59] <@vGl-RaGe> t
14[12:59] <heyoka> un would a wigger have a BLACK belt??
[12:59] <@vGl-RaGe> you're asian
[12:59] <Ceiling_Cat> but yes, I had my moments
02[12:59] * Quits: Luch (~horndog@ (Ping timeout)
[12:59] <@vGl-RaGe> whats an asian nigger
[12:59] <Xiberia> yigger
14[12:59] <heyoka> LOL
[12:59] <Ceiling_Cat> ...
[13:00] <StormichThe2nd> asigger?
[13:00] <littlechava> japanigger
[13:00] <Ceiling_Cat> rage, I'll tell you this
[13:00] <Grazze> asnigger
[13:00] <StormichThe2nd> hahah
[13:00] <Ceiling_Cat> most of my friends are black ppl
[13:00] <mahnini> ROFL
[13:00] <Xiberia> most def yigger
14[13:00] <heyoka> an asian guy hanging outw ith a darkie?
[13:00] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm telling you straight out
[13:00] <harem> Ceiling_Cat:: this video should be your motivation on how to live life daily
[13:00] <Pholon> thats cool, just make sure they never ever read this
[13:00] <StormichThe2nd> i would have black friends if i have a black belt too
03[13:00] * Joins: Ish_ (~chatzilla@adsl-69-110-75-103.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net)
[13:00] <@vGl-RaGe> you're like
[13:00] <Ceiling_Cat> don't worry
[13:00] <@vGl-RaGe> in this situation
[13:00] <littlechava> uve probably never even seen a black person Ceiling_Cat
[13:00] <Ceiling_Cat> no one won't read this
[13:00] <mahnini> youur friends match your wardrobe
[13:00] <littlechava> or ud run for the hills
[13:00] <Ish_> Anyone know any good VOD's of 4 Gate 2 Archon?
[13:00] <@vGl-RaGe> you decided to take the most pussy option ever, while defending yourself as the most bad ass person alive
[13:00] <@vGl-RaGe> it
14[13:00] <heyoka> what happens if a black friend wears your black belt does it just become parto f him
[13:00] <Ceiling_Cat> .... littlechava
[13:00] <@vGl-RaGe> just doesnt work out for you, yigger
[13:01] <Ceiling_Cat> I LIVE IN NYC
[13:01] <Ceiling_Cat> I'VE BEEN AROUND HOODS AND ALL
[13:01] <Grazze> heyoka hahahaha
[13:01] <StormichThe2nd> LOL
[13:01] <mahnini> NYC FOR SISSIES
[13:01] <mahnini> WESSIDE
[13:01] <harem> but Ceiling_Cat., how do you see a black person when outside is covered in snow???
[13:01] <littlechava> nyc is full of fairies like Ceiling_Cat
[13:01] <StormichThe2nd> ya fuck NY, they dont even have rocket launchers in cars
[13:01] <Ceiling_Cat> .....
02[13:01] * Quits: LiminalMadness (~everm0re@dslb-188-098-074-166.pools.arcor-ip.net) (Signed off)
[13:01] <StormichThe2nd> wat
[13:01] <Ceiling_Cat> we have secret undergrounds
[13:01] <StormichThe2nd> im bad
[13:01] <StormichThe2nd> sorry
03[13:01] * Joins: LeguedelGki (snikkej@c-67-189-130-44.hsd1.ny.comcast.net)
[13:02] <StormichThe2nd> societies?
[13:02] <StormichThe2nd> like the skulls?
02[13:02] * Quits: Ish_ (~chatzilla@adsl-69-110-75-103.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) (Signed off)
[13:02] <Ceiling_Cat> and black person in a snow is just a black person on the snow?
[13:02] <mahnini> he's a mole person
[13:02] <@vGl-RaGe> god i cant take this kid anymore
[13:02] <Ceiling_Cat> and yes, we have all sort of races and kinds in NYC
[13:02] <StormichThe2nd> snowblack
[13:02] <StormichThe2nd> hahaha
[13:02] <Ceiling_Cat> including fairies
[13:02] <mahnini> lives in the sewers
[13:02] <Ceiling_Cat> ninja turtles
[13:02] <Grazze> Ceiling_Cat are u protoss
[13:02] <Ceiling_Cat> why do you think they're from
[13:02] <Ceiling_Cat> no, I'm zerg now
[13:02] <Ceiling_Cat> where*
[13:02] <StormichThe2nd> by curious?
[13:02] <harem> oh so ninja turtles taught you karate and gave you your black belt?
[13:02] <harem> i see
[13:03] <Ceiling_Cat> no no...
[13:03] <littlechava> Ceiling_Cat whats ur name
[13:03] <mahnini> it all makes sense
[13:03] <StormichThe2nd> fuck i wish ninja turtles taught me
[13:03] <mahnini> i bet his name is albert
[13:03] <mahnini> ROFL
[13:03] <littlechava> Punk A. Bitch
[13:03] <Ceiling_Cat> nah
[13:03] <Ceiling_Cat> my names isn't albert
[13:03] <Ceiling_Cat> in fact, my name isn't even American
[13:04] <StormichThe2nd> maurice?
[13:04] <StormichThe2nd> that you?
[13:04] <Ceiling_Cat> and I refuse to give out my name
[13:04] <harem> is your name wang?
[13:04] <Ceiling_Cat> to the people of the internet
[13:04] <Ceiling_Cat> no
[13:04] <Ceiling_Cat> and no
[13:04] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm not chinese (not to be offensive)
[13:04] <littlechava> shut up faggot
[13:04] <littlechava> my mother is chinese
[13:04] <littlechava> you talking shit?
[13:04] <StormichThe2nd> lol
[13:04] <Grazze> are you in staten island
[13:04] <Ceiling_Cat> yea
[13:04] <Ceiling_Cat> what about it?
[13:04] <littlechava> more like racist_cat
[13:04] <harem> littlechava's great grandmother was raped in the rape of nanking
[13:04] <harem> god damn ceiling cat, show some respect
02[13:05] * Quits: SimonTD (~Asd@dslb-188-099-040-206.pools.arcor-ip.net) (Signed off)
[13:05] <Ceiling_Cat> I've been in brooklyn longer though
[13:05] <StormichThe2nd> reminds me off the guy from 40yo virgin
[13:05] <Grazze> 1880 Campus Commons Dr
[13:05] <StormichThe2nd> the indian guy
[13:05] <Ceiling_Cat> ....
[13:06] <suxN> im gonna be a 40yo virgin
[13:06] <suxN> then im gonna write a comedic book
03[13:06] * Parts: LeguedelGki (snikkej@c-67-189-130-44.hsd1.ny.comcast.net)
[13:06] <suxN> about failures
[13:07] <Ceiling_Cat> ah
[13:07] <Ceiling_Cat> gl with that suxN
[13:09] <Ceiling_Cat> well, I suppose this is where we all seperate ways
[13:09] <Ceiling_Cat> I am now off and down for the count to get some grub and work on this paper
[13:09] <Ceiling_Cat> until next time, pc
[13:09] <Grazze> cya, macintosh
[13:09] <Julmust> pc? really? REALLY?
[13:10] <suxN> sup player characters
02[13:10] * Quits: Ceiling_Cat (~chatzilla@pool-98-113-12-222.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) (Signed off)
[13:10] <@vGl-CoW> sup
[13:10] <Xiberia> sup suxN
[13:10] <suxN> nothing much, wondering why there is so much dead skin around my testicles :/
[13:11] <Grazze> haha what
[13:11] <suxN> i guess its time for shower
[13:11] <Xiberia> suxN prolly fungus
[13:11] <@vGl-CoW> you're supposed to bury the whore after you're done
[13:11] <Xiberia> we're all bad people in this community
03[13:11] * Joins: pachi (~pachi@124-168-57-113.dyn.iinet.net.au)
[13:11] <@vGl-CoW> it's cause of the internet.. i used to be a priest
[13:12] <suxN> i wonder if a male is considered virgin if he only buttfucks or fingers a woman ?
[13:12] <StormichThe2nd> i used to work as a maid
[13:12] <@vGl-CoW> buttfucking counts, fingering doesnt IMHO
[13:12] <StormichThe2nd> i agree
[13:12] <Xiberia> fingering def doesnt
[13:12] <Xiberia> buttfucking counts and a half
[13:12] <Xiberia> high five!
[13:12] <StormichThe2nd> yah
[13:12] <StormichThe2nd> buttfucking is extra
[13:12] <@vGl-RaGe> otherwise gays would still be virgins
[13:13] <Xiberia> buttfucking a dude gives no extra points
[13:13] <StormichThe2nd> oh but female ass is more
[13:13] <suxN> vgl, they certainly wouldnt be virgins if they get assfucked !
[13:13] <StormichThe2nd> counts as more
[13:13] <@vGl-CoW> not 100% sure about that
[13:13] <suxN> Xiberia does buttfucking dudes give any points at all ?
[13:14] <StormichThe2nd> fuck i hate living with my grandparents -.-
[13:14] <Xiberia> yeah it gives the same amount of man points as regular sex with a girl
[13:14] <Xiberia> only its gay points
[13:14] <Xiberia> not main points
[13:14] <Xiberia> man*
[13:14] <@vGl-CoW> must be annoying to hear them having sex right stormich
[13:14] <suxN> i hate living alone, come back my roomie or get me a girlfriend
02[13:14] * Quits: Shadrik (~X@LordGayWolf.users.quakenet.org) (Signed off)
[13:14] <StormichThe2nd> i wish i had a roomate
[13:14] <StormichThe2nd> a drunk
[13:14] <StormichThe2nd> so we could drink together
[13:15] <StormichThe2nd> and play tekken
[13:15] <StormichThe2nd>
[13:15] <suxN> woah, thats exactly what i like to do
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[13:15] <StormichThe2nd> well i like to play more stuff, but drunk is the most important part
02[13:15] * Quits: Pholon (~vincent_u@ip104-190-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) (Read error: Operation timed out)
[13:15] <suxN> tho i cant do it with roomie he is kinda sober, and only plays games i dislike
[13:15] <StormichThe2nd> since i drink 2+ times a week
[13:15] <StormichThe2nd> umm
[13:15] <StormichThe2nd> atm i play
[13:15] <StormichThe2nd> altitude and hon
[13:16] <StormichThe2nd> hon is fun when youre drunk
[13:16] <suxN> my roomie plays dota+hon all the time
[13:16] <Afasia> hon bah
[13:16] <suxN> strange, i enjoy hon only when sober
[13:16] <Afasia> i think im getting bit tired of hon
[13:16] <Afasia> then again. I will get it for xmas
[13:16] <StormichThe2nd> well i started playing like 3 weeks ago
[13:16] <StormichThe2nd> and i dont play much
[13:16] <StormichThe2nd> just with friends
[13:16] <Afasia> like any role/hero yet?
[13:16] <suxN> i wonder if League of legends is any good.. kinda like dota/hon but not exact clone, has its own ideas
[13:16] <StormichThe2nd> umm
[13:17] <StormichThe2nd> support i like
[13:17] <StormichThe2nd> i mean i dont like to carry since i still suck
[13:17] <suxN> i also like support/push characters
[13:17] <StormichThe2nd> DSHAM is pretty fun
[13:17] <Afasia> ds is awesum
[13:17] <Afasia> spam storm kekeke ^__^
[13:17] <StormichThe2nd> ^^
[13:17] <suxN> who is dsham in dota ?
[13:17] <Afasia> has healing wave
[13:17] <suxN> or hon long name, i have no clue what hero you are talking about
[13:18] <Afasia> + - armor ulti
[13:18] <suxN> ah, dazzle
[13:18] <Afasia> root+cape
03[13:18] * Joins: Asmodeus (~Asmodeus@a88-115-255-64.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
[13:19] <suxN> i think the best character in hon/dota is pollywog priest/shaman
Session Close: Sun Dec 20 13:19:56 2009
Session Start: Sun Dec 20 15:20:52 2009
Session Ident: #teamliquid
03[15:20] * Now talking in #teamliquid
03[15:20] * Topic is '( Ceiling_Cat ) but I learned that when I was 6 and got my black belt when i was 8 4 Be afraid... very afraid'
03[15:20] * Set by vGl-RaGe on Sun Dec 20 12:24:06
05[15:20] -Q- [#teamliquid] Welcome to the official IRC channel of http://www.teamliquid.net
[15:21] <@vGl-CoW> who is it
[15:21] <Xiberia> oh look its vGl-CoW
[15:21] <Xiberia> our knight in shining armor
02[15:21] * Quits: Adebis (adebis@adsl-82-141-83-168.kotinet.com) (Signed off)
[15:21] <Julmust> is it a bird? is it a plane? NO ITS vGl-CoW!
[15:22] <Ceiling_Cat> hi CoW
[15:22] <Ceiling_Cat> it's Illusion again
[15:22] <Xiberia> vGl-CoW
[15:22] <@vGl-CoW> wtf
[15:22] <Xiberia> check so that Ceiling_Cat isnt illusion
[15:22] <Ceiling_Cat> http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=108257¤tpage=6
[15:22] <Xiberia> might be an elaborate plan to get attention
[15:22] <Ceiling_Cat> no
[15:22] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm QuickStriker
[15:22] <Ceiling_Cat> apparently this boy loves to stalk me and flame/troll me
[15:22] <Ceiling_Cat> everytime I make a post
[15:23] <Niton> isn't quickstriker that faggot who posted some whiny "I DONT THINK MY STREAMING SERVICES ARE NEEDED" post
[15:23] <Julmust> quickstriker and illusion sitting in a tree f-u-c-k-i-n-g
[15:23] <Nevz> (22:22:43) <Ceiling_Cat> I'm QuickStriker
[15:23] <Nevz> (22:23:24) <Niton> isn't quickstriker that faggot who posted some whiny "I DONT THINK MY STREAMING SERVICES ARE NEEDED" post
[15:23] <Nevz> that's just funny
[15:23] <@vGl-CoW> that last post he made is acceptable-ish
[15:24] <Ceiling_Cat> well yea because no one appericated my streaming capability and I was out of line that time
[15:24] <Ceiling_Cat> well, he might comment on what I wrote
[15:24] <Ceiling_Cat> but he purposely is attacking me
[15:24] <@vGl-CoW> as soon as he goes out of line he's getting a week ban
[15:24] <Ceiling_Cat> thank you
[15:24] <Ceiling_Cat> because he really gets on my nerves
[15:24] <@vGl-CoW> just try to ignore him
[15:24] <Ceiling_Cat> speaking of which, CoW
02[15:24] * Quits: caedmon (~mclarke07@c58-107-248-59.mckinn2.vic.optusnet.com.au) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:25] <Ceiling_Cat> what do you think of this idea
[15:25] <Ceiling_Cat> the whole "DSL" tourneys
[15:25] <@vGl-CoW> hm i havent read your OP yet, one sec
[15:25] <Ceiling_Cat> basically based on the liquid-tourneys we had from clazz in the past
[15:25] <Ceiling_Cat> and the CPL
[15:25] <AimHere> I want to see the ESL tourney
[15:25] <Ceiling_Cat> i sort of put two and two into one?
[15:25] <Ceiling_Cat> or was it one and one into two...
[15:26] <AimHere> The first guy who builds more than 6 probes or 1 base wins
[15:26] <Niton> is the secret mod board keeping record of how many tdot bans we're up to now
02[15:26] * Quits: skulk_ (~jt@netblock-208-127-83-173.dslextreme.com) (Read error: EOF from client)
[15:26] <@vGl-CoW> sounds good Ceiling_Cat, as long as you have enough people willing to play it's automatically a good idea
[15:27] <@vGl-CoW> might be hard to determine who's D though
[15:27] <@vGl-CoW> sorta need an honour system
[15:27] <Ceiling_Cat> well I think there will be quite a bit of ppl
[15:27] <Ceiling_Cat> yea
[15:27] <Ceiling_Cat> that's the one of the main problems
[15:27] <@vGl-CoW> and yes niton all the bans are recorded in the mod ban thread
[15:27] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm trying to think how I should do this exactly
[15:27] <@vGl-CoW> im deleting most of the ones in the public thread because he doesnt deserve the attention
[15:27] <Niton> heh
[15:27] <Niton> it's sort of funny
[15:27] <Ceiling_Cat> ?
[15:28] <Ceiling_Cat> deleting what?
[15:28] <@vGl-CoW> notices of tdot's bans
[15:28] <Ceiling_Cat> posts in the DSL thread?
[15:28] <Ceiling_Cat> oh
[15:28] <@vGl-CoW> i banned him like 12 times today
[15:28] <Ceiling_Cat> yea, I've seen that
[15:28] <Ceiling_Cat> I noticed, I was like "wtf"
[15:28] <Ceiling_Cat> have u seen his latest action
[15:28] <Ceiling_Cat> regarding the "parents" thing
[15:28] <@vGl-CoW> yeah
[15:28] <Ceiling_Cat> and how he faked a story about being a school bus driver
[15:28] <@vGl-CoW> what a fail that was
[15:28] <Ceiling_Cat> yea
[15:28] <Ceiling_Cat> I lol'd
[15:28] <Julmust> man the west wing is a fucking awesome show
[15:29] <Ceiling_Cat> really?
[15:29] <Ceiling_Cat> is it better than.... "V"?
[15:30] <Julmust> i have a habit of ignoring people who nicks like stupid 4chan memes
[15:31] <sreegs> xXx_EpicLulzOldFag69_420_xXx
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[15:31] <Quint> hey Julmust
[15:31] <Quint> how many times a week do you go swimming?
[15:32] <Julmust> 5-6
03[15:32] * SL|DaGGrrr is now known as SL|DaGGer`off
[15:32] <Quint> wow
[15:32] <Niton> also Ceiling_Cat sorry btw
[15:32] <Quint> how do you deal with muscle aches and fatigue?
03[15:32] * Joins: TheSibulChem (LURKEN@dsl-tkubrasgw1-fe3cdc00-241.dhcp.inet.fi)
[15:32] <Ceiling_Cat> ??
[15:33] <Ceiling_Cat> for what Niton?
[15:33] <Julmust> havent had any of those, actually I have more energy after swimming. eating better
[15:33] <Ceiling_Cat> and also Ceiling Cat isn't a 4chan meme
[15:33] <Niton> the thing
[15:33] <Ceiling_Cat> it's from "icanhazcheezburger"
[15:33] <radiomouse[CH]> caturday!
[15:33] <Ceiling_Cat> where they have funny cat pictures and have "Caturdays" on like every saturday
[15:33] <Ceiling_Cat> yep yep :D
[15:33] <Julmust> but I've been out for two weeks, all I've done is walking and hitting the gym since I'm watching my moms house and dogs over xmas
[15:34] <Ceiling_Cat> oh that's ok Niton, I knew it was a joke or something
[15:34] <Ceiling_Cat> but thanks
[15:34] <Ceiling_Cat> too much snow here...
[15:34] <radiomouse[CH]> oh can't wait till the 25th
[15:34] <radiomouse[CH]> finally i'll be freed of manual labor for a month!
[15:34] <radiomouse[CH]> TT
[15:35] <AimHere> You one of Santa's elves?
[15:35] <radiomouse[CH]> ehe, if only ;<
[15:35] <AimHere> I hope you remembered my train set
[15:35] <radiomouse[CH]> then i would get to play with toys
[15:35] <radiomouse[CH]> instead of making concrete floors
[15:36] <radiomouse[CH]> vv
[15:36] <Ceiling_Cat> lol
[15:36] <Ceiling_Cat> concrete floors...
[15:36] <Ceiling_Cat> well but it's only one day of the year
[15:37] <Ceiling_Cat> day after christmas, you're back to work!
[15:37] <radiomouse[CH]> no no
03[15:37] * Parts: TheSibulChem (LURKEN@dsl-tkubrasgw1-fe3cdc00-241.dhcp.inet.fi)
[15:37] <Ceiling_Cat> and the whole 364 days of working process starts all over again for the elves
[15:37] <radiomouse[CH]> i'll have hollidays till the 9th of february!
[15:37] <radiomouse[CH]> :D
[15:37] <Ceiling_Cat> ah
[15:38] <Ceiling_Cat> didn't know Santa's little elves get holidays off for at least a good month or two
[15:38] <Ceiling_Cat> congrtas
[15:38] <radiomouse[CH]>
[15:38] <Ceiling_Cat> congrats*
[15:38] <radiomouse[CH]> i'm to tall to be an elf
[15:38] <Ceiling_Cat> aww
[15:38] <Ceiling_Cat> so you're like a black sheep
[15:38] <Ceiling_Cat> of the elves?
[15:39] <radiomouse[CH]> yes, nowadays we have ADSL on the north pole ;p
[15:39] <Ceiling_Cat> or is it the black duck
[15:39] <Ceiling_Cat> o.O
[15:39] <Ceiling_Cat> wait... what's ADSL?
[15:39] <radiomouse[CH]> the slow kind of fast internet
[15:39] <radiomouse[CH]> that goes on the phone line!
[15:39] <Ceiling_Cat> better than fios?
02[15:39] * Quits: GrumpyCloth (~GrumpyClo@dsl-jklbrasgw1-fe17fb00-132.dhcp.inet.fi) (Signed off)
[15:41] <radiomouse[CH]> fios?
[15:41] <radiomouse[CH]> o,o
[15:42] <radiomouse[CH]> oh man, i can't wait till the OZ pre order opens!
03[15:42] * Joins: andeh` (~tyreall@cpe-65-25-20-54.neo.res.rr.com)
[15:42] <Ceiling_Cat> OZ....
[15:42] <Ceiling_Cat> oh
[15:42] <Ceiling_Cat> that OZ
[15:42] <Ceiling_Cat> I was thinking Gundam Wing OZ
[15:42] <Ceiling_Cat> but yea, too poor to afford atm
Black belt at age 8, that's right people. He's 21 and breating fire now while soaring through the skies sweating lava and farting lightning.
Editor's Note:
+ Show Spoiler [TLDR] +
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> I told you guys
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> that I'm not fighting a 14 years old
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> which is why i dodged
[12:07] <Ceiling_Cat> that lan
[12:07] <@vGl-RaGe> how can you take yourself seriously
[12:07] <@vGl-RaGe> the presence of a 14 year old
[12:07] <@vGl-RaGe> is scaring you away
[12:16] <Ceiling_Cat> I'M NOT SCARED
[12:16] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm not scared of HIM
[12:16] <Ceiling_Cat> I'm SCARED OF MYSELF
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> dude
[12:16] <@vGl-RaGe> you're not gonna fight him
[12:17] <Ceiling_Cat> you know what High School I went to?
[12:17] <Ceiling_Cat> ppl get knifed there
[12:17] <Ceiling_Cat> ppl get shot
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> doesnt matter
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> you wouldn't fight him
[12:17] <@vGl-RaGe> he's a kid
[12:22] <Ceiling_Cat> sure tae kwon do is all crap and nothing
[12:22] <Ceiling_Cat> but I learned that when I was 6 and got my black belt when i was 8
[12:29] <Ceiling_Cat> I have big balls
[12:29] <@vGl-RaGe> your sack couldn't have been made more transparant over
[12:29] <@vGl-RaGe> the past few days
[12:29] <@vGl-RaGe> you have very small balls
[12:54] <@vGl-RaGe> no one
[12:54] <@vGl-RaGe> cares
[12:54] <@vGl-RaGe> about what belt you got when you were 8
[12:56] <@vGl-RaGe> the last thing you should do is let some 14 year old decide whether or not you're going to a lan
[13:00] <Ceiling_Cat> rage, I'll tell you this
[13:00] <Ceiling_Cat> most of my friends are black ppl
[13:01] <Ceiling_Cat> I LIVE IN NYC
[13:01] <Ceiling_Cat> I'VE BEEN AROUND HOODS AND ALL
[15:42] <Nyovne> you calling me out for a bo9 grudgematch ruskie
[15:43] <Etherone> yes he is
[15:43] <Nyovne> if so
[15:43] <Nyovne> stakes?
[15:43] <ruskie> stakes are
[15:43] <ruskie> if you win i put my moves on my cousin
[15:43] <Etherone> LOL
[15:43] <Nyovne> LOL
He lost.
[13:25] <littlechava> most players who watch progaming regularly know basically what to do but they're just too slow/inexperienced to apply it in game
[13:25] <littlechava> or they have zero game sense
[13:26] <vGl-CoW> it's like porn!
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The Shit Bus
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- FuDDx in Tucson (Images!)
- If you want +1 post, try this thread
- Good luck Misrah
- Canadians are the kindest
- Awesome Battle Report!
- Congrats WheelOfTime
- Friendzoned!
- Results of Lasik Surgery
- See Random Image
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selboN was just temp banned for 2 days by zatic.
That account was created on 2008-01-03 11:43:42 and had 1305 posts.
That account was created on 2008-01-03 11:43:42 and had 1305 posts.
shafiru was just temp banned for 2 days by zatic.
That account was created on 2009-01-13 12:02:47 and had 88 posts.
That account was created on 2009-01-13 12:02:47 and had 88 posts.
Ftrunkz was just temp banned for 2 days by zatic.
That account was created on 2007-04-13 03:14:51 and had 568 posts.
That account was created on 2007-04-13 03:14:51 and had 568 posts.
Sad[Panda] was just temp banned for 2 days by zatic.
That account was created on 2009-01-17 07:06:15 and had 92 posts.
That account was created on 2009-01-17 07:06:15 and had 92 posts.
OmniKnight was just temp banned for 2 days by zatic.
That account was created on 2008-08-04 09:04:43 and had 58 posts.
That account was created on 2008-08-04 09:04:43 and had 58 posts.
El Resplandor was just temp banned for 1 week by zatic.
That account was created on 2009-06-23 09:53:39 and had 108 posts.
Especially offensive
That account was created on 2009-06-23 09:53:39 and had 108 posts.
Especially offensive
QuoC was just temp banned for 1 week by zatic.
That account was created on 2008-08-05 00:30:20 and had 490 posts.
That account was created on 2008-08-05 00:30:20 and had 490 posts.
+ Show Spoiler [Reference] +
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This is why Live StarCraft is exciting! Watch with sound on.
Academy of ESPORTS
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![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Kau/Interview.png)
Hello again! This interview was scheduled to be on the last issue of PX but due to me losing the logs of the IRC chat, as well as Empyrean and my own social obligations and sheer laziness, we had to delay it. Anyway, enjoy this interview with Empyrean and happy new year!
+ Show Spoiler [Interview] +
LW: Hello Empyrean! Thanks for doing this interview. Tell us a bit about yourself! All of the basic shit plz.
Empyrean: I'm Yue Jiang, 19, currently one fifth of the sophomore statistics majors at Duke. I go to school in sunny North Carolina, where it's in the seventies in December, but when I go home it's back to bleak, desolate Indiana.
I suppose I can take some comfort in the fact that I live in pretty much the only part of the state that doesn't suck (hello six figure median incomes!), but still, it's Indiana. The only things that sets my town apart from the rest of the soul-draining black hole that is the Midwest are roundabouts. Also the temperature has been in the single digits for a while now...that's around -15 or so Celsius for you metric folk.
LW: Nice. So tell us about your TL career.
Empyrean: I've been lurking TL since 2003ish, but only registered an account in late 2004. I found about it from a random link on the GameFAQs SC message board.
LW: Haha, you came from there too?
Empyrean: Yeah. I used to frequent it quite a bit.
LW: And what about your *Starcraft* career?
Empyrean: I play all three races, some better than others. I really enjoy playing ZvP, TvP, and PvZ. I've been playing since about 2002, though I've never really played seriously. I'm currently a D+ high Protoss and D high Zerg and Terran, if you're looking for some games just ask :D
LW: So what do you enjoy doing in your non-SC time?
Empyrean: I suppose my greatest hobby is just hanging out. Sorry for the err, pedestrian answer. Besides Starcraft, I'm also really into music. Also eating. I eat like a motherfucker, which is ok because I'm Asian and hence don't gain weight no matter how much I stuff myself. I also like playing frisbee. I'm kind of boring, I suppose. Sorry
LW: You shall never be forgiven. Gogo favorite Posters go.
Empyrean: Besides the people I know in real life, I really like Fuddx and decafchicken. I also like every single kiwi on this forum because I think their accents are endearing. As for posters I dislike, they exist, but it'd be rude of me to name them. Let's stay diplomatic here :D
LW:Did you ever post in the embarrassing moment thread?
Empyrean: I've had one embarrassing moment on TL...not going to say what it is. Never been banned, though. I took a breather from SC for a few years during which I played D2, Maple Story (rofl), and DotA, but I'm getting back into it now.
LW: This answer kind of makes me sad. Empyrean is no fun. Any last words, party pooper?
Empyrean: Oh yes, I enjoy meteor showers and long walks on the beach. Also I'm single.
LW: You heard it here first, folks!
Empyrean: I'm Yue Jiang, 19, currently one fifth of the sophomore statistics majors at Duke. I go to school in sunny North Carolina, where it's in the seventies in December, but when I go home it's back to bleak, desolate Indiana.
I suppose I can take some comfort in the fact that I live in pretty much the only part of the state that doesn't suck (hello six figure median incomes!), but still, it's Indiana. The only things that sets my town apart from the rest of the soul-draining black hole that is the Midwest are roundabouts. Also the temperature has been in the single digits for a while now...that's around -15 or so Celsius for you metric folk.
LW: Nice. So tell us about your TL career.
Empyrean: I've been lurking TL since 2003ish, but only registered an account in late 2004. I found about it from a random link on the GameFAQs SC message board.
LW: Haha, you came from there too?
Empyrean: Yeah. I used to frequent it quite a bit.
LW: And what about your *Starcraft* career?
Empyrean: I play all three races, some better than others. I really enjoy playing ZvP, TvP, and PvZ. I've been playing since about 2002, though I've never really played seriously. I'm currently a D+ high Protoss and D high Zerg and Terran, if you're looking for some games just ask :D
LW: So what do you enjoy doing in your non-SC time?
Empyrean: I suppose my greatest hobby is just hanging out. Sorry for the err, pedestrian answer. Besides Starcraft, I'm also really into music. Also eating. I eat like a motherfucker, which is ok because I'm Asian and hence don't gain weight no matter how much I stuff myself. I also like playing frisbee. I'm kind of boring, I suppose. Sorry
LW: You shall never be forgiven. Gogo favorite Posters go.
Empyrean: Besides the people I know in real life, I really like Fuddx and decafchicken. I also like every single kiwi on this forum because I think their accents are endearing. As for posters I dislike, they exist, but it'd be rude of me to name them. Let's stay diplomatic here :D
LW:Did you ever post in the embarrassing moment thread?
Empyrean: I've had one embarrassing moment on TL...not going to say what it is. Never been banned, though. I took a breather from SC for a few years during which I played D2, Maple Story (rofl), and DotA, but I'm getting back into it now.
LW: This answer kind of makes me sad. Empyrean is no fun. Any last words, party pooper?
Empyrean: Oh yes, I enjoy meteor showers and long walks on the beach. Also I'm single.
LW: You heard it here first, folks!
Question of the Week
Any plans for New Year's Eve?