Love & Justice would be a lot easier if it was either slower, or had less awkward chordstreams. But instead it's fast AND has some awkward chordstreams lol. That play was honestly a fair bit better than I was expecting. Even just passing it was always kinda hit or miss for me.
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Canada1373 Posts
Love & Justice would be a lot easier if it was either slower, or had less awkward chordstreams. But instead it's fast AND has some awkward chordstreams lol. That play was honestly a fair bit better than I was expecting. Even just passing it was always kinda hit or miss for me. | ||
United States1517 Posts
![]() map is hella overrated, regardless its still a new 271 pp top play for me. | ||
United Kingdom20275 Posts
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Canada1373 Posts
First pass on this bastard usually the "3 inverse columns" pattern (that's how I think of it anyway) ruins me. | ||
United Kingdom20275 Posts
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Netherlands4272 Posts
My weekend's bad. I feel superslow, so only did some mashing buttons on davteezy maps and some low star ranked maps. Got two top 50 scores, lol. But the maps were so easy that it's not even worth mentioning. Nice thing is that I found out that Aqo has apparently made 30ish maps in mania. Can't wait to try them, hoping they're as good as his standard maps. Edit: things turned around today. No notable scores, but very noticable speed increase. + Show Spoiler + Case in point: 5.3 stars S at first try 215 bpm (which i think is pretty fast in mania, at least for me way harder than standard.) ![]() Aqo's maps helped as well, all the maps have pretty awkward patterns, and they're all od10. After a few songs it felt like i had no right hand ringfinger anymore. Edit2: I don't mean to say the finger was numb (which is obviously very bad), just its muscles were so tired I could hardly move it. Also good score varanice! I can already feel the heat. (when are you going to play 7k?) | ||
United States1517 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + ![]() ![]() ![]() On May 17 2020 21:35 Yorbon wrote: Also good score varanice! I can already feel the heat. (when are you going to play 7k?) dunno, don't have much interest in learning it tbh. | ||
Netherlands4272 Posts
On May 19 2020 19:13 Varanice wrote: dunno, don't have much interest in learning it tbh. Bummer. | ||
Canada1373 Posts
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Netherlands4272 Posts
Weekly report: Intensity tolerance has gone up noticably. I'm pretty comfortable now at davteezy and underjoy until around 5 stars. More than five and it's quite likely I can't get an A. Been trying to do 2 things today while logged on: - Get an S on every ranked map I hadn't already. (<4.6 stars) - Try to pass as many ranked maps I hadn't already. Improvement was felt mainly in the former. I was dead tired, but still managed to get some good scores. And for the latter I did pass some new stuff, but not really impressive. I tried the Kizuna map again, but was killed again at the end,at the 'sudden' chords. So stupid, the map is incredibly overvalued, if not for that one point. Some ss in spoiler: + Show Spoiler + ![]() That slow part used to always kill me. Bizarre it still nearly kills me even now. The rest of the map is not particularly hard. ![]() If you want some easy pp, this map felt really easy for its star value. Only 88% i know, but it was a pass, which is really rare for me at 6+ stars. ![]() Pretty decent, hadn't got this in a while, but it's not really satisfactory, apart from the bpm, seeing how I have trouble with most >200 bpm maps. Edit: forgot to mention: Passed 4,500 pp. Only 800 from Bobbias ![]() Only 75th of the Netherlands, super bad, haha. | ||
Canada1373 Posts
Shang a Lang is a bit overrated, but it's still a pretty tough map to do well on. For some reason I cannot for the life of me remember Heisei Cataclysm even though I know I've played it a few times in the past. My god these patterns are hell for me. Not sure if this turned out well or not but I could have easily died on it. These patterns are fun as hell, and those map is such good practice for them too. And I swear this map refuses to be S'd. Ayy. I miss the unnerf'd version, but oh well. | ||
Netherlands4272 Posts
Is the Harajuku map the same as in the LN Dan? Short update from this week: Again more speed/intensity practice, improving on both. Also wanted to do some ranked maps, with again 150+ pp gain. Some pretty good scores here, if I say so myself. ![]() Some are new. I took the liberty of going through Bobbias' top scores, to see if there were interesting ranked maps I didn't have yet. Interesting maps were found, but most of them too hard for now. | ||
Canada1373 Posts
As you could see when you checked my scores, I haven't been able to improve too many of them recently. There's a couple, but not many. A lot of my old scores were flukes or stuff I actually practiced for a bit before I got it. Too bad I hate playing a lot of the harder ranked maps. Not sure how much it might have been changed for the LN dan. A lot of maps in the dans have been edited by jinjin to be more in line with the difficulty of the dan. So it's very similar and MIGHT not have been changed, but I'm too lazy to check if it was changed up or not. | ||
Netherlands4272 Posts
Even your older scores are still insane though, like the double helix and many more I can't remember. Practicing a specific map is such a double edged sword I feel. Potentially demotivating even in the long run. I''m still on my 'play a map only once per week' schedule. I agree about the harder ranked maps not being thát fun. It's more the joy of improvement than the joy of the map itself. I don't want to get too deep into that, but I think the ranked process (and the opinions of mods and people involved) are partially to blame for that. And obviously there are exceptions. Oh and btw, the above made me think about the mapper Rumia (or however his name was spelled). I used to hate his maps, but I've grown to like them, now that I have some more skill. He won't be my favourite, but I used to suffer from overestimation of my ability to understand/assess mania maps.. (maybe still do lol...) | ||
Canada1373 Posts
I definitely agree that the ranking criteria, modding process, biases towards certain kinds of patterns and certain HP/OD settings and such all work together to make ranked maps... generally less fun than their unranked counterparts. And yeah, I've come kinda close to my Double Helix and Doppelganger scores (for example), but haven't beaten them thanks to them all being legitimately good scores for my skill level. Honestly I've always been fond of Rumia-'s maps. I know there were some players who quite vocally disliked his stuff, but I always liked it. Like you said, not a favorite, but I still like them. I think when it comes to ability to understand/assess maps, that's something that can vary wildly depending on the kind of map too. Like, I feel like I have a relatively good sense of good and bad maps in 7k (and I always make an effort to separate whether I enjoy a map from whether it's good or not), but when it comes to 4k, that pretty much goes out the window. I can certainly identify absolute garbage 4k maps, but beyond that it's like "yep, that's 4k, and it's playable". Sure, if the patterns are really fucking nonsensical, I can point that out, but once it comes down to assessing specific pattern choices, I got nothing. Oh, also this is a thing that happened: Came out of Chocolate Disco with a 94. Had over 95 after Oath Nova Apocalypse... But I couldn't keep it over 95 on the other 2. I was pretty sure I wasn't gonna be able to keep the S through Savior of Song, but I was really hoping I could recover on the last one. Just a little bit more and I got it. | ||
Netherlands4272 Posts
My reaction to that screenshot was literally 'HOLY F***' (even saying that out loud lol) It's been a while since I've played it, but I couldn't even get an A back then. The savior of song is pretty annoying. Until Dan 4, the 3rd songs are super easy, but this one's just a little too fast. I won't even mention the other three. Damn, what a score. Btw, what score do you get on Dan 6? I haven't even finished it, due to stamina issues, lmao. Sorry I won't react to the rest of your post. Topic of good/bad maps is something I could write way too much on, and after an hour of thinking just delete the whole post. Don't really feel like it right now. | ||
Canada1373 Posts
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Netherlands4272 Posts
I did find a Dutch Mania Discord, which is pretty nice. Some guys are absolutely insane skillwise, with ranks in 3 digits. Bought supporter as well again for for months (only 12$ wth) to see country rank, and their scores are nothing to sneeze at. | ||
Canada1373 Posts
Bad day today for me too. Except I got like +6 pp on Paran Nunmul Sonnet. Still no S on it though :< 94.26% | ||
United States1517 Posts
Varanice#0001 ![]() got this score today. previous pb was like 1k combo and 97.0 acc. choked the last LN section. ![]() | ||
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