As on my way back to home after the roam, i set up in my pve ship, and right as i jump into gonheim i got into a gatecamp that wasn't there 5minutes ago, tried to gatecrash since there was no close align point, but it was AB fit, the gang quickly got points and webs on me, soon after i got bumped 2km off right as i was hitting 3km mark, but i was already at structure. :/ Sad loss after a roam so good and fun.
@edit Really, REAAAALLY
I just reshipped and when i was about to run the mission, i went to Gon again, and realised my mission was in my previous location... I feel dumb now :/ completely avoidable loss.
United States41991 Posts
Found a necro fleet in lowsec. Was just a cloaked scout, two canes, ishkur and cerb so I thought why not and tried to get a fleet up. No luck and I was having comp issues so I docked up, alone.
When I tried to undock all 4 of them were at 0 on the undock ready to show me the downside of my new pirate (-5 security, legal target at all times) status. They opened up on me and gateguns did not come to my aid, I was forced to redock. I tried again to test exactly who had what tackle, the ishkur was fitting web disruptor, the canes scrams. Redocked and undocked again, slowboating out of the station for the full 30 seconds, getting 8700m away from the ishkur. I preoverheated my mwd and went for it, bursting out with a surge of speed I'm not sure they expected. The web was shrugged off immediately and as I accelerated away I burned my bridges by hitting the ishkur with everything I had. It pursued but the delay in chasing meant it gave up and tried to burn back after just one web cycle.
That left me in open space with a cerb taking potshots at me and two armour canes trying to run down my nanodrake. Finally! Invulns go off as I desperately try and conserve cap and my disruptor is catching fire with my constant overheat. One warps out then warps back to the ishkur as it comes in for another suicide run while the other hits structure. Somewhere a gtfo order is given as the first cane pops but the second cane just landed 20k off me and is stranded 100k off station. It turns tail and burns back towards the station as I cruise along behind it, cleaning it up.
Never below 70% shield and total losses of one drone.
On February 27 2011 02:37 KwarK wrote: Found a necro fleet in lowsec. Was just a cloaked scout, two canes, ishkur and cerb so I thought why not and tried to get a fleet up. No luck and I was having comp issues so I docked up, alone.
When I tried to undock all 4 of them were at 0 on the undock ready to show me the downside of my new pirate (-5 security, legal target at all times) status. They opened up on me and gateguns did not come to my aid, I was forced to redock. I tried again to test exactly who had what tackle, the ishkur was fitting web disruptor, the canes scrams. Redocked and undocked again, slowboating out of the station for the full 30 seconds, getting 8700m away from the ishkur. I preoverheated my mwd and went for it, bursting out with a surge of speed I'm not sure they expected. The web was shrugged off immediately and as I accelerated away I burned my bridges by hitting the ishkur with everything I had. It pursued but the delay in chasing meant it gave up and tried to burn back after just one web cycle.
That left me in open space with a cerb taking potshots at me and two armour canes trying to run down my nanodrake. Finally! Invulns go off as I desperately try and converse cap and my disruptor is catching fire with my constant overheat. One warps out then warps back to the ishkur as it comes in for another suicide run while the other hits structure. Somewhere a gtfo order is given as the first cane pops but the second cane just landed 20k off me and is stranded 100k off station. It turns tail and burns back towards the station as I cruise along behind it, cleaning it up.
Never below 70% shield and total losses of one drone.
Lalalaland34484 Posts
A free kill, basically.
Or a Killboard efficiency booster. Your pick.
Lalalaland34484 Posts
Lalalaland34484 Posts
Lalalaland34484 Posts
Holyyyyyyyyyy shit best fight I've been in in eve just now
7 kills for 2 rifters
will post battlereport in a bit
edit: did math, killed 970m of ships and lost 1m worth of rifters in that fight.
will do the math for the entire roam in a while
Tried to fraps, pc sucks, had to cancel, gonna get better hardware in a month or so then i can start frapsing the shit.
Hyrule18980 Posts
Fuck it. I'm gonna stream roams from now on with fleet chat covered. That was too fucking amazing.
970:1 K:D in isk is.....well I have no words.
Hyrule18980 Posts
http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009764 http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009781 http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009778 http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009779 http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009784 http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009785 http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009782
Total Mods Destroyed: 139,341,184.00 Total Mods Dropped: 238,767,320.00 Total Ships Destroyed: 586,844,966.00 Total: 964,953,470.00
Losses! http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009804 http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009798
Total Mods Destroyed: 577,980.00 Total Mods Dropped: 1,026,237.00 Total Ships Destroyed: 470,000.00 Total: 2,074,217.00
just post the battlereports you silly ~~
Hyrule18980 Posts
They weren't up when I had that.
Very impressive.. damn i wish i was on for that.
Time for my probably newishness to shine through now;
Why do people use T2 Jammers? Unless theres something i'm clearly missing, Meta 4's are exactly the same stats, less cap usage for less price?
Lalalaland34484 Posts
So yeah.
Roam started with 3/4 bc's and 2/3 rifters trying to find shit to do in low. We find almost nothing for a while before I narrow down 2 drakes and a scimi in space doing a mission. Vov starts making his way from ~15j out in his cheetah. When he finally gets there and probes them down, we all warp to the mission and make our way through 3 gates, finally landing on the last pocket JUST as the 3 targets warp out.
Vov was (unwillingly) made FC and he set a random destination. Apparently sometime after this we killed a cane, but I don't remember that so it must've been a pretty boring kill. http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009096
Continue on, and Kwark scans down a Cyclone incoming on a gate. He jumps as we are warping to the other side. We arrive about 15 seconds later, don't see him on grid and don't see him on dscan either, so we figure he's simply holding cloak for a very long time. Sure enough he finally decloaks and we kill him. Right after the kill he types 'owies' in, giving karah time to point his pod. He doesn't pay our ransom so he gets podded as well. http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009226
More people start joining our roam. We continue to our destination when Johnny reports having seen a gang of 2-3 bs's and some other random stuff behind us, heading in the other direction. We start chasing them as quickly as possible, with me slightly ahead of the rest. I jump through a gate and find a proteus on it. I point it, he jumps to the other side where the rest of our gang is landing. He burns away from gate, and was promptly neuted to hell by Johnny's curse. Halfway through killing the proteus, a random Arazu warps in and decloaks, and also gets neuted to hell by Johnny. Karah alphas it. http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009377 http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009374
About 10 minutes later we run into a familiar face arriving on Kwark in a rupture. His rupture takes forever to die, and we find out why quickly: http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9009579
We make our way back to Aral and find a pirate Vagabond and neutral Taranis warping around. We start trying to chase them, and finally narrow them down to the Wiskeber gate. We all hold on the gate as Kwark jumps after them, and reports a gatecamp on the other side: Vagabond, Cynabal, Rapier, Rook, Falcon, 2/3 drakes and 2/3 canes.
Kwark gatecrashes and burns back and we get 150km off gate. We decide to wait the 12 minutes on our GCC's before engaging as the Taranis burns around us. We notice him getting particularly close as the gate starts to activate. Whoop di doo.
Vagabond warps in to us and we start primarying it. Out of the blue their Rapier warps in as well and arrives 10km from all of us (lololol). It pops within 3 seconds.
The next few minutes are filled with glorious explosions as all our drakes alpha shit off the field. The vagabond is the next to pop thanks to the 2-day-old Rifters getting scrams on it. Two of our rifters die in (probably to random drones) sometime in the next few minutes, but we don't care. They disengage and we start trying to pick them off. At some point during this Kwark gets a point on the falcon, and he dies too. They try to escape into Wiskeber, and we follow. On the other side we kill a Rook, and almost kill the hurricane.
Oh, during this fight we notice our wartarget Otocinclus suddenly appear out of nowhere in a cane. He notices us raping shit and quickly gtfo's.
One helluva roam, definitely the best I've been on in Eve so far.
On February 27 2011 02:37 KwarK wrote: Found a necro fleet in lowsec. Was just a cloaked scout, two canes, ishkur and cerb so I thought why not and tried to get a fleet up. No luck and I was having comp issues so I docked up, alone.
When I tried to undock all 4 of them were at 0 on the undock ready to show me the downside of my new pirate (-5 security, legal target at all times) status. They opened up on me and gateguns did not come to my aid, I was forced to redock. I tried again to test exactly who had what tackle, the ishkur was fitting web disruptor, the canes scrams. Redocked and undocked again, slowboating out of the station for the full 30 seconds, getting 8700m away from the ishkur. I preoverheated my mwd and went for it, bursting out with a surge of speed I'm not sure they expected. The web was shrugged off immediately and as I accelerated away I burned my bridges by hitting the ishkur with everything I had. It pursued but the delay in chasing meant it gave up and tried to burn back after just one web cycle.
That left me in open space with a cerb taking potshots at me and two armour canes trying to run down my nanodrake. Finally! Invulns go off as I desperately try and converse cap and my disruptor is catching fire with my constant overheat. One warps out then warps back to the ishkur as it comes in for another suicide run while the other hits structure. Somewhere a gtfo order is given as the first cane pops but the second cane just landed 20k off me and is stranded 100k off station. It turns tail and burns back towards the station as I cruise along behind it, cleaning it up.
Never below 70% shield and total losses of one drone.
"From Bear to Boss" The KwarK uK story By: Lord Dexxus
I got point on the malestrom....err Zor?
Rats on overview fail me hardcore.
Russian Federation3631 Posts
On February 27 2011 02:37 KwarK wrote: Found a necro fleet in lowsec. Was just a cloaked scout, two canes, ishkur and cerb so I thought why not and tried to get a fleet up. No luck and I was having comp issues so I docked up, alone.
When I tried to undock all 4 of them were at 0 on the undock ready to show me the downside of my new pirate (-5 security, legal target at all times) status. They opened up on me and gateguns did not come to my aid, I was forced to redock. I tried again to test exactly who had what tackle, the ishkur was fitting web disruptor, the canes scrams. Redocked and undocked again, slowboating out of the station for the full 30 seconds, getting 8700m away from the ishkur. I preoverheated my mwd and went for it, bursting out with a surge of speed I'm not sure they expected. The web was shrugged off immediately and as I accelerated away I burned my bridges by hitting the ishkur with everything I had. It pursued but the delay in chasing meant it gave up and tried to burn back after just one web cycle.
That left me in open space with a cerb taking potshots at me and two armour canes trying to run down my nanodrake. Finally! Invulns go off as I desperately try and converse cap and my disruptor is catching fire with my constant overheat. One warps out then warps back to the ishkur as it comes in for another suicide run while the other hits structure. Somewhere a gtfo order is given as the first cane pops but the second cane just landed 20k off me and is stranded 100k off station. It turns tail and burns back towards the station as I cruise along behind it, cleaning it up.
Never below 70% shield and total losses of one drone. Very nice stuff!
Enjoyed reading that, do more please ~
PS Thinking about resubbing, how much is a PLEX worth nowadays (work overtime IRL > grinding for ISK)?
Oh and how are T2 module prices, did they increase or decrease from ~8 months ago?