On February 15 2011 04:38 Body_Shield wrote: Well I'm training electronics and minm frig up, my options are probably still wide open.
Train stealth bombers then.
Enjoy having nothing to do.
There's a post in the OP that explains all about early skills and good general training until you figure out what you like. Read it.
PS: oh god I'm becoming bitter.
On February 15 2011 04:38 Body_Shield wrote: Well I'm training electronics and minm frig up, my options are probably still wide open.
yup, there is a guide in the op that will help you with this. ( I wrote it! teeheheheheh)
or ask me in game if you need helps
Yeah well like all t2 ships, stealth bombers are highly specialized, and bombers even more so because they fill out a very specific niche. Your best bet would probably be to go for t1 frigs -> cruisers -> bc (-> bs for lvl4s if your not into drakes). A normal cruiser with full t2 mods actually takes some time for all the skills. (Over a week for t2 drones, which overall is not much, but for me it feels like that will take ages.)
I have no clue what I will fly after I can do that stuff well... both from sp and my own skills, because when it comes to pvp you dont want to fly me expensive stuff (yet).
On February 14 2011 02:34 Ten Tron wrote:Show nested quote +=/ that sucks a lot I hope someone gets banned for that blatant exploit of game mechanics.
This has been going on since 06'. I've never seen a ban before or even a warning. There's a grey area called a session change that CCP is okay with. We petitioned it years and years ago and got this answer from CCP. Show nested quote +"We cannot control when a player joins or leaves a corp, it's the players choice. If no session change occurs then it may be considered an exploit. In this case, it will be looked at. However, if a session change occurs then the mechanic is working as intended and no disciplinary action will be taken." What does CCP consider a session change? I'll let you do the research on that but there's seven different game mechancics/actions that cause a session change. Pimped out PvE golems are never safe, anywhere. The retarded thing is you can't counter this retarded tactic. Its along the same lines as PL's ninja local shit they used to do. Don't pretend it's anything other than shady when you use it. Pimped out ships are perfectly safe if you can rely on tools given....except for those tactics that totally circumvent them through bullshit
That said, new guys please stop saying you want to fly stealth bombers. You don't.
Right then. Back to the old, boring way of playing how everyone else wants you to!
I'll reroll anyway, not like it's a massive loss, and I can just use that char to salvage.
You don't need to make a new character, you haven't spent enough time accrewing useless sp.
On February 15 2011 05:27 Lascero wrote:Show nested quote +That said, new guys please stop saying you want to fly stealth bombers. You don't. Right then. Back to the old, boring way of playing how everyone else wants you to!
You dont have to play how everyone else wants you to, the thing is bombers are extremely specialized.
If you want to rush out for interceptors for example, theyre not the corps ''prefered'' type of ships, but feel free to do so, they are very useful, open up other options, and are not extremely specialised (t2 small guns is required for med guns, frigate 5 opens up different things and evasive manoeuvring is always a good skill to(i) have, you cant really say the same thing about rushing for torps though). Stealth bombers also have the disadvantage of only being useful in specific type of gangs (all of which we dont tend to use..).
The only issue you will be stucked with though is how you will make money.
Theres a reason why everyone goes for battlecruisers first, and it is because they are (quite probably) the best pvp ship in game when it comes to isk/strenght of the ship and they either allow you to directly do missions (drakes), or easily open up battleships (for moar missions).
You dont have to run missions again, there are a lot of different ways of making money in game, missions are just the easiest/brainless/safest/fastest way of making a good amount of isk.
United States41979 Posts
On February 15 2011 05:27 Lascero wrote:Show nested quote +That said, new guys please stop saying you want to fly stealth bombers. You don't. Right then. Back to the old, boring way of playing how everyone else wants you to! There is a chance we might know more about this than you.
On an unrelated note, I've lost four drakes in the last twenty four hours and I don't think I was less than ten to one outnumbered in any of them. We did 5 v 100 with eve uni then 2 vs 50 with them again a few hours later. Then I attacked another 60 man fleet and had a 1v1 betrayed on me a few minutes ago for massive blobbage. Lowsec is pretty gay but the bit I can't believe is that I've had to actively seek out these fights. They still won't attack unless you GCC yourself under gate guns.
On February 15 2011 06:33 KwarK wrote:Show nested quote +On February 15 2011 05:27 Lascero wrote:That said, new guys please stop saying you want to fly stealth bombers. You don't. Right then. Back to the old, boring way of playing how everyone else wants you to! There is a chance we might know more about this than you. On an unrelated note, I've lost four drakes in the last twenty four hours and I don't think I was less than ten to one outnumbered in any of them. We did 5 v 100 with eve uni then 2 vs 50 with them again a few hours later. Then I attacked another 60 man fleet and had a 1v1 betrayed on me a few minutes ago for massive blobbage. Lowsec is pretty gay but the bit I can't believe is that I've had to actively seek out these fights. They still won't attack unless you GCC yourself under gate guns.
And even then...
(see euni's 50 man gang jumping through gate when you GCC yourself on them)
Hyrule18974 Posts
Lowsec is full of cowards. When are we going to rent some space in null? Massive profits and good fights await!
Rent null? Thats an interesting notion
United States41979 Posts
On February 15 2011 06:38 tofucake wrote: Lowsec is full of cowards. When are we going to rent some space in null? Massive profits and good fights await! My only issue with it is the word rent. We've got the money and the people but diplomacy is a dirty word to me.
No need to rent when retards live there and you can just stomp on their faceeeeeeeeeee
Hyrule18974 Posts
Well then let's go roflstomp and take over Hemin.
On February 15 2011 06:54 TurpinOS wrote: H-E-M-I-Nnnnnnnnnnnnn
No need to rent when retards live there and you can just stomp on their faceeeeeeeeeee
Why would you want to sit in a npc nullsec system?
United States41979 Posts
Cael, we may actually be doing that. A joke kind of got out of hand and I think we're moving.
On February 15 2011 06:59 SayTT wrote:Show nested quote +On February 15 2011 06:54 TurpinOS wrote: H-E-M-I-Nnnnnnnnnnnnn
No need to rent when retards live there and you can just stomp on their faceeeeeeeeeee Why would you want to sit in a npc nullsec system?
Cause we have absolutely no interest in sov politics ?
edit : nice if true kwark, but im not sure its the kind of things you can just ''do'' like that with the current constitution of our corp
Were made of 99% mission runners, isk will qquickly become an issue if we move,.
how does one get isk there? ratting? doing missions for angels/serpentis? ransoming?
Though I have no clue how 'viable' it would be to move there, I must say, that I find it an interesting prospect. =)
edit: It also helps, that I am basically running on rifters, which one could even pay by doing lvl1 missions for the pirate corps.
On February 15 2011 07:13 disformation wrote: how does one get isk there? ratting? doing missions for angels/serpentis? ransoming?
Though I have no clue how 'viable' it would be to move there, I must say, that I find it an interesting prospect. =)
yea you can do missions for pirate npc, they also have way better LP market. but it will be a GRIND for most ppl in your corp probobly. I bet you will end up making less ISK in a npc nullsec system. Sure the sites will be better but with no sov, you cant have sov upgrades and therein lies the real isk