Bored at work, doing some theorycrafting .. it seems to me the biggest problem with flying a blackbird are drones -- you're going to have warrior 2s on you no matter what since you're unlikely to permajam everything on the field, and even if you did they might auto-engage you.
Would it be feasible to load 4 small smartbomb IIs instead of the 3 HMLs I usually fit? Light scout drones seem to only have 600-750 max EHP (if I'm adding resists + drone durability right), which means 3 volleys should take them out (4*70*3 = 840). Also, light scout drone max optimal including drone sharpshooting is 1250m + 2000m falloff, which I think means they'll fall in the small smartbomb range of 3000m.
+ Show Spoiler +In fact, the grid requirements on the small smartbomb is so low, I think I could fit in a medium smartbomb II and 3 small smartbomb IIs ... don't have EFT at work though, will see about this later. But this could imply only having to use 2 volleys, as each volley would deal 350.
The benefit is that I'd no longer get forced off the field by drones (which happens pretty much every fight) -- in fact, killing drones would be a net positive in reducing a material amount of dps off the field. In addition, I might switchout my LSE into a sebo for more range on my jams, or even a cap booster so as to become cap stable and forever run my MWD, jams and not worry about cap mgmt with my smartbombs (which would suck up 120-165/volley .. not an unmanageable amount for a Blackbird, but it would drain ~1/3 of my cap dry for 2-3 volleys).
The trade-off would be sacrificing around 45dps since my missile skills are so piss poor. I think this is more than acceptable, if I manage to kill off 5-15 t2 drones?
Am I just being dumb, and is this all theorycraft? Of course this fit dies to snipers, but what ECM boat wouldn't?
Sadly, being unique in Eve doesn't cut it. I don't believe you've thought it through enough.
1) Last time I checked you're in high sec and smart bombing in high sec gets you concorded if you do it wrong 2) Smartbombs cost huge amounts of cap (Caldari aren't known for having huge cap) 3) Small/Medium smartbombs have such a horrible range. The orbit range is wider than what you listed I believe from experience.
Edit: If you hit your MWD, I believe you'll cause the drones to hit their own mwds to keep up and swing them out wider than what you'll expect.
Russian Federation3631 Posts
Alternatively, fitting some shield buffer (LSE) means you don't get auto-fucked by Warriors. Of course, the best blackbird fit involves 2 LSEs, 2 invulns, 1 AB, scram or photon scattering field (I recall from my subbed days that a BB has 6 mids, right?), with lows either fitting mods or PDUs. Add a couple of CDFEs and you're set for hilarity.
It might not also be a bad idea to fit assault launchers (the ones that shoot light missiles) over HMLs, sacrificing a little bit of DPS for a little bit more frig-kill power. Though either is fine.
Anyways, in my travels across the internet I managed to convince a Nigerian advance fee fraud scammer to do a little Amarr RPing: + Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://i1141.photobucket.com/albums/n593/Glorious_Vengeance/The%20Lachesis%20Trophy%20Case/Trophy-AmarrVictor.jpg) "Scorch OP Amarr Victor" [amarr logo] I hope you all find it as amusing as I did!
On December 29 2010 04:31 419 wrote:Alternatively, fitting some shield buffer (LSE) means you don't get auto-fucked by Warriors. Of course, the best blackbird fit involves 2 LSEs, 2 invulns, 1 AB, scram or photon scattering field (I recall from my subbed days that a BB has 6 mids, right?), with lows either fitting mods or PDUs. Add a couple of CDFEs and you're set for hilarity. It might not also be a bad idea to fit assault launchers (the ones that shoot light missiles) over HMLs, sacrificing a little bit of DPS for a little bit more frig-kill power. Though either is fine. Anyways, in my travels across the internet I managed to convince a Nigerian advance fee fraud scammer to do a little Amarr RPing: + Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://i1141.photobucket.com/albums/n593/Glorious_Vengeance/The%20Lachesis%20Trophy%20Case/Trophy-AmarrVictor.jpg) "Scorch OP Amarr Victor" [amarr logo] I hope you all find it as amusing as I did!
First of all, Merry Christmas to all of you. Been away for 4 days so im just catching back up on what happened, anyways.
A blackbird has 6 mids indeed, Ive never flown ECM nor Caldari, but, if you use 2 LSEs, 2 INVULNs, 1 AB, 1 Point, Im really preoccupied by where you will fit up the jammers, since youre flying a ecm boat.
(Smartbomb in highsec = no)
On December 29 2010 03:30 pahndah wrote: Sadly, being unique in Eve doesn't cut it. I don't believe you've thought it through enough.
1) Last time I checked you're in high sec and smart bombing in high sec gets you concorded if you do it wrong 2) Smartbombs cost huge amounts of cap (Caldari aren't known for having huge cap) 3) Small/Medium smartbombs have such a horrible range. The orbit range is wider than what you listed I believe from experience.
Edit: If you hit your MWD, I believe you'll cause the drones to hit their own mwds to keep up and swing them out wider than what you'll expect.
Yeah, I'm not expecting this to actually work, otherwise everyone would be fitting their BBs that way. Still, I think I'm gonna give it a test tonight, if anyone's willing to help me out with some fleet ops practice.
But yeah, smartbombs wouldn't work in high-sec wars -- but I don't think cap will be a problem if I'm using small smartbombs. The thing I'm worried about is the range, which I'm hoping will work out if my math is right on the drone optimal/fall-off... well, my expectations are pretty low, but it can't hurt to test it out, yeah?
Yeah, fitting an LSE, MWD + 4 racials is my default setup. And I don't think 4 AMLs will do much to drones, given their sig radius is 25m and orbit speed is 900m/s (probably more like 450m/s realistically...even then evegeek.com/missile.php is telling me I'll get 2.5dps per launcher)
And that pic is so lol
Edited for readability
You shouldn't be getting so much trouble from warrior II flights if you have buffer.
What are your shield skills like?
AMLs aren't to kill drones they are to drive off bad interceptor pilots. The only real danger to a blackbird is either a tackler or long range damage. The AMLs sort of deal with the former, good alert piloting deals with the latter.
A blackbird has 6 mids indeed, Ive never flown ECM nor Caldari, but, if you use 2 LSEs, 2 INVULNs, 1 AB, 1 Point, Im really preoccupied by where you will fit up the jammers, since youre flying a ecm boat. The blackbird is also a "primary me" boat.
Its like flying a dual 1600mm plate trimark + light AC scram/ab/web thorax with a 3x heavy neutron honor-tank vexor or the 425mm LSE 2TE/2gyro Rupture. You could on the opponent gang to be idiots and primary the ship commonly known to have the greater dps/tank ratio.
With proper piloting an ABing cruiser can soak up an impressive amount of damage.
On December 29 2010 05:50 bbq ftw wrote:You shouldn't be getting so much trouble from warrior II flights if you have buffer. What are your shield skills like? AMLs aren't to kill drones they are to drive off bad interceptor pilots. Show nested quote +A blackbird has 6 mids indeed, Ive never flown ECM nor Caldari, but, if you use 2 LSEs, 2 INVULNs, 1 AB, 1 Point, Im really preoccupied by where you will fit up the jammers, since youre flying a ecm boat. The blackbird is also a "primary me" boat. Its like flying a dual 1600mm plate trimark + light AC scram/ab/web thorax with a 3x heavy neutron honor-tank vexor or the 425mm LSE 2TE/2gyro Rupture. You could on the opponent gang to be idiots and primary the ship commonly known to have the greater dps/tank ratio. With proper piloting an ABing cruiser can soak up an impressive amount of damage.
My point was only that he doesnt fit a single jammer on his blackbird, if you dont want jams, take something else then a blackbird...
My point was only that he doesnt fit a single jammer on his blackbird, if you dont want jams, take something else then a blackbird... In a situation where your gang is more powerful/outnumbers the other, you're entirely right.
In a situation where your gang is inferior and you're just trying to kill the expensive shinies, mind-game tactics are pretty much necessary. For example, Genos t1 cruiser gangs often employ the bait-rax / gank-(vexor/moa/ruppy) combo to pretty good effect. The concept would be impossible without gaming the opposing gang into primarying the bait-rax.
go fly something else if you don't want to do ewar.
On December 29 2010 03:23 happyft wrote: it seems to me the biggest problem with flying a blackbird are drones -- you're going to have warrior 2s on you no matter what since you're unlikely to permajam everything on the field, and even if you did they might auto-engage you.
You are fighting on your home turf, which means you should have the advantage. A good e-war pilot should have tactical bookmarks pre-made on all gates and all stations. You need 4 or 5 bookmarks on each gate that are roughly spread out all over the gate. (EXAMPLE: ammold 200k up, ammold 200k down, ammold 200k side1.....etc...)
When your blackbird is taking damage you should be aligned to another tactical on the same gate. You can then warp to other tacticals at range and still be on grid and able to fight. If you constantly have to warp off grid to a random planet thats 25AU away, your fleet will suffer heavily. EWAR needs to be on grid, not wasting 45 secs warping off to planets.
The first T2 ship I unlocked was a Rook. I flew it exclusively for about a year and a half. The life of a e-war pilot is a strenuous one.
Russian Federation3631 Posts
When your blackbird is taking damage you should be aligned to another tactical on the same gate. This is absolutely correct, and all the bookmark stuff too. However I would say that you should ALWAYS be aligned to warp out in a BB (with MWD off, ready to burn if you get tackled by something fat). Drifting 200m/s is not so bad if you have decent Cal. Cruiser/EWAR projection skills.
Another common fit that gives you an extra jammer is an 800mm plated blackbird (the little cousin of the 1600mm falcon). In some ways it synergizes better with EWAR rigs which penalize shield HP. Of course, its also less convenient since the damage doesn't automatically get repaired.
I'm curious, how many hours per week would I have to contribute to be considered 'active'?
Lalalaland34486 Posts
Ask one of our many rifter pilots to babysit you ~50km out from battle and kill drones that approach?
Shield rep psuedo-scimi osprey. Problem is solved, you can thank me later for my ingenuity.
We noticed our WT was moving around with his rep ship in tow so we planned a little ambush for him. However everyone is slightly spread out so by the time he jumps through the gate we intended to ambush him at the only people there were myself in a cane and ebolia in a rifter. Hyey was nearly there however bringing his typhoon.
I engaged the WT vexor and began to burn off in order to kite his drones a bit. This allowed our rifter to get in for a close tackle and give hyey a perfect warp in on top of him. The rifter pops just seconds before our phoon lands but were still able to get the kill. What was his remote repair ship doing when the phoon landed? Nothing, because I was sitting on top of it waiting for him to go flashy with it.
Gf goes up in local and our WT runs his pod to Emol where he comes out in a Dominix. I warp to rfap where he is and burn off station in order to bait him a bit and kill a drone while im at it. He takes the bait and we get a blackbird, another cane and a few rifters on him as he drops his senrty drones and launchs a flight of heavies at me. We start picking off drones and I get a bit too close to him trying to finish off the sentrys when our bb pilot announces he has the domi permajammed. I do manage to be in web range when the bb misses a jam cycle and I barely manage to get out having gone into structure by the time he gets jammed again.
We manage to get a scimitar on the field as I warp back but we were unable to chew through the domis tank bbefore it can get back and redock. We did however manage to take down atleast 10mil worth of drones. Good fight to all involved, hopefully we can have an actual fc on next time because I hate having to do it.
I wanna join that corp!
I was bad tonight.
Now granted I mined more than that mackinaw was worth over the course of the night but see what complacency gets you!
You may now commence bitching about your ratios, I know it'll come anyway.
P.S. I better not see fail fits because I didn't get any mail on Hyey. P.P.S I don't care about ratios. P.P.P.S. I'll make it up to you one day.